Keck/NIRSPEC High Resolution HOWTO


This tutorial is written to serve as both a guide and documentation for reducing Keck/NIRSPEC high resolution spectra using PypeIt. We will begin with a reduction of the sample J Band dataset and include recommendations for reducing other sample datasets (Y, H, and K bands).

See here to find the example dataset, please join our PypeIt Users Slack (using this invitation link) to ask for help, and/or Submit an issue to Github if you find a bug!

Directory Organization

Before starting the reduction, we recommend creating a directory in which to store all of the PypeIt output files. PypeIt will create its own directory structure within that, but it is good to have a dedicated place to work. PypeIt will also reuse directory names so creating a dedicated directory for a given reduction run is recommended.


PypeIt uses a special input file, the PypeIt Reduction File, to organize any user supplied keywords, the locations of the input data files, and the metadata corresponding to each file. This file is created and automatically populated by running pypeit_setup and pointing it to the directory where the data are stored, <data_dir>:

pypeit_setup -r <data_dir> -s keck_nirspec_high -b -c all

where the -r argument should be replaced by your local directory and the -b indicates that the data uses background images and should include the calib, comb_id, bkg_id in the pypeit file. In the event that you are reducing data with multiple configurations, using -c all will create an output directory for each configuration. In this case, since the dataset only has one configuration, using -c A would be equivalent.

This will make a directory called keck_nirspec_high_A that holds a pypeit file called keck_nirspec_high_A.pypeit that looks like this:

# Auto-generated PypeIt input file using PypeIt version: 1.14.1.dev221+g2b374e6d8.d20231003
# UTC 2023-10-04T20:35:56.010

# User-defined execution parameters
    spectrograph = keck_nirspec_high

# Setup
setup read
Setup A:
  echangle: 63.0
  filter1: Thin
  filter2: NIRSPEC-3
  xdangle: 34.08
setup end

# Data block
data read
path /path/to/the/raw/data
            filename |                 frametype |                 ra |                  dec |       target |     dispname |   decker | binning |          mjd | airmass | exptime | filter1 |   filter2 | echangle | xdangle | comb_id | bkg_id | calib
nspec220511_0010.fits |                  arc,tilt |                0.0 |                  0.0 |   DOME FLATS | Spectroscopy | 0.144x12 |     1,1 | 59710.032976 |   10.06 | 1.47528 |    Thin | NIRSPEC-3 |     63.0 |   34.08 |      -1 |     -1 |     0
nspec220511_0007.fits | pixelflat,illumflat,trace |                0.0 |                  0.0 |   DOME FLATS | Spectroscopy | 0.144x12 |     1,1 | 59710.032209 |    9.69 | 1.47528 |    Thin | NIRSPEC-3 |     63.0 |   34.08 |      -1 |     -1 |     0
nspec220511_0050.fits |                   science | 157.23129166666666 |   0.8403611111111111 |        GL393 | Spectroscopy | 0.144x12 |     1,1 | 59710.233423 |    1.06 | 59.0112 |    Thin | NIRSPEC-3 |     63.0 |   34.08 |       1 |     -1 |     0
nspec220511_0051.fits |                   science | 157.23129166666666 |   0.8420277777777778 |        GL393 | Spectroscopy | 0.144x12 |     1,1 | 59710.234308 |    1.06 | 59.0112 |    Thin | NIRSPEC-3 |     63.0 |   34.08 |       2 |     -1 |     0
nspec220511_0122.fits |                   science | 168.43912499999996 | -0.07005555555555555 | HIP54849 A0V | Spectroscopy | 0.144x12 |     1,1 | 59710.294068 |    1.08 | 29.5056 |    Thin | NIRSPEC-3 |     63.0 |   34.08 |       3 |     -1 |     0
nspec220511_0123.fits |                   science |          168.43975 |              -0.0685 | HIP54849 A0V | Spectroscopy | 0.144x12 |     1,1 | 59710.294623 |    1.08 | 29.5056 |    Thin | NIRSPEC-3 |     63.0 |   34.08 |       4 |     -1 |     0
nspec220511_0124.fits |                   science |          168.43975 |              -0.0685 | HIP54849 A0V | Spectroscopy | 0.144x12 |     1,1 | 59710.295119 |    1.08 | 29.5056 |    Thin | NIRSPEC-3 |     63.0 |   34.08 |       5 |     -1 |     0
nspec220511_0125.fits |                   science | 168.43908333333331 | -0.07005555555555555 | HIP54849 A0V | Spectroscopy | 0.144x12 |     1,1 | 59710.295662 |    1.08 | 29.5056 |    Thin | NIRSPEC-3 |     63.0 |   34.08 |       6 |     -1 |     0
data end

At the moment, NIRSPEC does not keep track of the nod pattern that was used in observing and where in the nod pattern the exposure was taken. This means that setting AB pairs in the data for background subtraction must be done manually.

The corrections we’ll need to make are:

  • Set the frametypes for nspec***.fits to only science (i.e. remove both the arcs and tilts. Since we already have arclamp spectra for this dataset, we want to use those, rather than the sky lines. If you would like to use the sky lines, leave the arc and tilts in and remove the lamp spectrum from the file list. We will discuss other changes you’ll need to make to the parameter file below, in the Wavelength Calibration section.

  • Assign the appropriate A/B nod combinations by setting the bkg_id of each A exposure to the comb_id of its B counterpart and vice versa. See A-B image differencing for other options for differencing and background subtraction.

The corrected version looks like this (pulled directly from the PypeIt Development Suite):

# Auto-generated PypeIt input file using PypeIt version: 1.14.1.dev221+g2b374e6d8.d20231003
# UTC 2023-10-04T20:35:56.010

# User-defined execution parameters
    spectrograph = keck_nirspec_high

# Setup
setup read
Setup A:
  echangle: 63.0
  filter1: Thin
  filter2: NIRSPEC-3
  xdangle: 34.08
setup end

# Data block
data read
path /path/to/the/raw/data
            filename |                 frametype |                 ra |                  dec |       target |     dispname |   decker | binning |          mjd | airmass | exptime | filter1 |   filter2 | echangle | xdangle | comb_id | bkg_id | calib
nspec220511_0010.fits |                  arc,tilt |                0.0 |                  0.0 |   DOME FLATS | Spectroscopy | 0.144x12 |     1,1 | 59710.032976 |   10.06 | 1.47528 |    Thin | NIRSPEC-3 |     63.0 |   34.08 |      -1 |     -1 |     0
nspec220511_0007.fits | pixelflat,illumflat,trace |                0.0 |                  0.0 |   DOME FLATS | Spectroscopy | 0.144x12 |     1,1 | 59710.032209 |    9.69 | 1.47528 |    Thin | NIRSPEC-3 |     63.0 |   34.08 |      -1 |     -1 |     0
nspec220511_0050.fits |                   science | 157.23129166666666 |   0.8403611111111111 |        GL393 | Spectroscopy | 0.144x12 |     1,1 | 59710.233423 |    1.06 | 59.0112 |    Thin | NIRSPEC-3 |     63.0 |   34.08 |       1 |     2  |     0
nspec220511_0051.fits |                   science | 157.23129166666666 |   0.8420277777777778 |        GL393 | Spectroscopy | 0.144x12 |     1,1 | 59710.234308 |    1.06 | 59.0112 |    Thin | NIRSPEC-3 |     63.0 |   34.08 |       2 |     1  |     0
nspec220511_0122.fits |                   science | 168.43912499999996 | -0.07005555555555555 | HIP54849 A0V | Spectroscopy | 0.144x12 |     1,1 | 59710.294068 |    1.08 | 29.5056 |    Thin | NIRSPEC-3 |     63.0 |   34.08 |       3 |     4  |     0
nspec220511_0123.fits |                   science |          168.43975 |              -0.0685 | HIP54849 A0V | Spectroscopy | 0.144x12 |     1,1 | 59710.294623 |    1.08 | 29.5056 |    Thin | NIRSPEC-3 |     63.0 |   34.08 |       4 |     3  |     0
nspec220511_0124.fits |                   science |          168.43975 |              -0.0685 | HIP54849 A0V | Spectroscopy | 0.144x12 |     1,1 | 59710.295119 |    1.08 | 29.5056 |    Thin | NIRSPEC-3 |     63.0 |   34.08 |       5 |     6  |     0
nspec220511_0125.fits |                   science | 168.43908333333331 | -0.07005555555555555 | HIP54849 A0V | Spectroscopy | 0.144x12 |     1,1 | 59710.295662 |    1.08 | 29.5056 |    Thin | NIRSPEC-3 |     63.0 |   34.08 |       6 |     5  |     0
data end

The importance of standard frames

We recommend the observer always take standard frames during the night, ideally frequently enough to sample the airmass throughout the night, which will make the standards more useful for telluric removal later on. Note that the main data-reduction script (run_pypeit) does not perform the telluric correction. For that, users will use the pypeit_tellfit script or perform the removal using their standards, following the procedure discussed below.

However, even if you don’t intend to telluric-correct or flux-calibrate your data, it’s useful to include the standard star observations along with the reductions of your main science target, particularly if the science target is faint. If your object is faint, tracing the object spectrum for extraction can be difficult using only the signal from the source itself. PypeIt will resort to a “tracing crutch” if the source signal becomes too weak. Without the bright standard star trace, the tracing crutch used is the slit/order edge, which will not include the effects of differential atmospheric refraction on the object centroid and therefore yield a poorer spectral extraction.

Dither sequence

In this example dataset, the science object and the standard star are both only observed at two offset positions. Since NIRSPEC does not identify which exposure is taken in which position, we have to fill that information in manually, as discussed above.

By setting comb_id=3 and bkg_id=4 for frame s190519_0067.fits, we are indicating that this frame should be treated as frame A and that frame B should be used as its background. We reverse the values of comb_id and bkg_id for frame s190519_0068.fits, which indicates that this frame should be treated as frame B and that frame A should be used as its background. I.e., the comb_id column effectively sets the numeric identity of each frame, and the bkg_id column selects the numeric identity of the frame that should be used as the background image.

When PypeIt reduces the frames in this example, it constructs two images, A-B and B-A, such that the positive residuals in each image are the observed source flux for that observation, which can be combined using 2D coadding.

The use of the comb_id and bkg_id integers is very flexible, allowing for many, more complicated dithering scenarios; see A-B image differencing.

Core Processing

The reduction of NIRSPEC begins with the creation of a handful of critical calibration files:

  1. Edges*.fits.gz : an archive of files containing the information about the edge-detection for your traces (Edges)

  2. Slits*.fits.gz : an archive of files containing the information about the spatial location of each trace (Slits

  3. Arc*.fits : a file containing the extracted arc spectra (sky lines or lamp lines) (Arc)

  4. Flat*.fits : a file containing the master flat and fitted blaze function (Flat)

  5. WaveCAlib*.fits : a file containing the wavelength calibration to be applied to this dataset (WaveCalib)

There are a couple of steps in the core processing of NIRSPEC data that the user should be considerate of before running the main pypeit script, run_pypeit. Those steps are:

  1. Order/trace identification

  2. Wavelength calibration

Due to the flexible range of configurations available to NIRSPEC, consistent trace identification can be difficult to automate, particularly in H, K, and L bands. Throughout the tutorial, we will point the user to several User-level Parameters that the user can modify in their PypeIt Reduction File.

Trace Identification

To be sure of precisely which traces PypeIt will extract, the user should run the pypeit_trace_edges script, which can perform the first calibration step, trace identification. The script will create an Edges*.fits.gz and a Slits*.fits.gz file, which will be reused by the run_pypeit script. The user may also skip directly to running run_pypeit if they are certain there will be no trouble with trace identification.

To use pypeit_trace_edges, the script should be called using:

pypeit_trace_edges -f keck_nirspec_high_A.pypeit

To really see what the function is going and to diagnose where the trace identification may go wrong, the user can include the --debug and --show flags.

The results of the trace can be checked using

pypeit_chk_edges Calibrations/Edges_A_0_DET01.fits.gz

if there is any trouble with ginga, include a --mpl flag to see the output in a matplotlib Figure instead.

In the case of the example dataset given here, there should be no trouble with this step. However, there are several cases in our other example datasets provided here (especially in the redder K and L band orders) where the trace identification fails. We discuss those and the necessary steps to correct the identification below.

Running PypeIt and Extraction

Once the trace identification is complete, either as part of a call to run_pypeit or using pypeit_trace_edges, the next major step in the data reduction is wavelength calibration. The example dataset provided here should be easily automatically wavelength calibrated by the usual run_pypeit script, so at this stage, as long as the traces have been properly identified, there is no need to worry about that step.

Running in calibration mode

Once the PypeIt Reduction File is ready, the core processing can begin. We recommend the user first run PypeIt in calibration mode, so that the calibrations can be inspected (and corrected, if necessary) before attempting to reduce an entire dataset. The call for this would be:

run_pypeit keck_nirspec_high_A.pypeit -c

For the example dataset, this should run without issue, producing the Edges, Arcs, Flats, Tilts, and WaveCalib files described above. Several QA plots will be generated and saved in the directory QA/PNGs/. The user should inspect these outputs before proceding to be sure that the calibrations are satisfactory. For a 2023 Macbook Pro with an Apple M2 Max chip, this took around 4 min 30 s.

Details about checking the wavelength calibration and how to perform manual calibration where necessary are given below in Wavelength Calibration.

Once ready, the core processing can be performed on the entire dataset using the call

run_pypeit keck_nirspec_high_A.pypeit

PypeIt will perform the calibrations reusing the already-generated calibration files and proceed to object extraction.

Object Extraction

PypeIt will perform both a box extraction and optimal extraction by default. It will attempt to identify objects in the slit according to where the spectrally collapsed spatial profile (which can be inspected in the QA/PNGs/pos_***.png plots) exceeds a certain SNR treshold.

If the SNR threshold is too low, PypeIt may identify spurious features as potential objects and attempt to extract them. Users should inspect the profiles in the QA plots and determine if they should re-run the extraction with a higher extraction SNR threshold, which can be set by adding the following to the parameter block:

        snr_thresh = 100

The above will set the snr threshold to 100. In our experience, for a standard star exposure that yields an SNR/pix of 150 in each order, the spatially collapsed SNR can be as high as 2500, so it is best to check the profiles to know what threshold will be best.

For extended sources, the width of the box extraction can be set and the optimal extraction can be disabled if necessary.


If there are multiple marginally-resolved objects in the slit (e.g. a marginally resolved binary), the optimal extraction may fail. Users should look at the .txt files associated with each exposure to be sure that the opt_fwhm column has all non-zero values. If there are any zeros, they may represent traces where the optimal extraction for one of the objects failed. In that case, it may be necessary to manually extract the objects, as detailed in Manual Extraction.

Fluxing the spectra

Usually in high resolution spectroscopy, the absolute flux value is not necessary or even often reliable. This is also the case for NIRSPEC. However, the Fluxing procedure in PypeIt is necessary for deblazing the data, continuum normalization, and coadding.

Here we summarize these steps as part of our tutorial, but in each section we will also point to the documentation pages that contain more details about the scripts being used and other possible options.

Generating a Sensitivity function

The first step toward the flux calibration and coadding will be generating a sensitivity function for the current instrument setting. This is done by the pypeit_sensfunc script. The necessary call will be:

pypeit_sensfunc Science/spec1d_nspec220511_0122-HIP54849A0V_NIRSPEC_20220511T070327.475.fits  -s sensfunc_Jband.inp -o ./Science/sensfunc_Jband.fits

The -o flag allows the user to give the desired output file name. If not given, the file name will be the same as the file name of the standard being used, only with sens in place of spec1d.

The -s flag allows the user to prove a sensfunc_Jband.inp file, which is a simple ascii file containing the parameters for the sensitivity function calculation. The details for populating this file for different types of standards used can be found in Fluxing. For our tutorial, we are using HIP 54849 as the telluric standard and flux standard, and it is an A0V star. For an A0V standard, there is a high resolution PHOENIX model stellar spectrum available, so we need only specify “PHOENIX” as the stellar type. The content of the sensfunc_Jband.inp file for this tutorial is simply:

    algorithm = IR
    star_mag = 5.333
    star_type = PHOENIX
    flatfile = Calibrations/Flat_A_0_DET01.fits
        telgridfile = 'TellPCA_9300_55100_R60000.fits'

We specify that the algorithm should be IR, so that the telluric spectrum is jointly fitted to the data. This will not perform a telluric correction, it is just a first order approximation of the telluric contribution to enable reliable continuum fitting. The flatfile keyword is used to specify the Flat file from the calibration, so that the sensitivity function calculation knows the blaze function of the observation.

Flux Calibration

Now that there is a valid sensitivity function, we are ready to proceed with flux calibration and coadding. For this, we will need specific input files, which can be helpfully generated by the pypeit_flux_setup script using:

pypeit_flux_setup Science/

This will create three files: keck_nirspec_high.flux, keck_nirspec_high.coadd1d, and keck_nirspec_high.tellfit.

The keck_nirspec_high.flux file will not need much editing. We need only open it and add the filename of our sensitivity function to the sensfile column. It is enough to do this only for the first object in the list, as that will be applied to every subsequent object. If the user wants to compute multiple sensitivity functions and apply them to different sets of objects, these will need to be listed for each object.

The flux calibration can then be run with

pypeit_flux_calib keck_nirspec_high.flux

This will add a OPT_FLAM and BOX_FLAM column to each of the spec1d files in the Science directory.

Coadding the Exposures

Now the coadding can begin. The .coadd1d file that was automatically generated is populated with all of the files in the Science directory. This is of course not what we want because we want to coadd only exposures of the same object. So we should copy this file to make 2 coadd1d files, one for GL 393 and one for HIP 54849. Then we should change the coaddfile from YOUR_OUTPUT_FILE_NAME to the desired file, say GL393_Jband.fits. We also should replace SENSFUNC FILE with the sensitivity function filename and choose a setup_id. This can be left as A or anything else if all the data to be combined are from the same setup.

Once the .coadd1d file is ready, run the pypeit_coadd_1dspec script script with:

pypeit_coadd_1dspec keck_nirspec_high.coadd1d

The script will scale all of the exposures to the same median, and apply a polynomial scaling to account for any small differences between their continuum shapes, then will coadd all of the exposures. The default output is a FITS file wherein the orders are all stitched together and the flux and wavelength arrays are flattened into just 1d vectors. This may not be desirable due to the difficulty in properly handling the very low SNR overlap regions of certain bands, particularly J band. The flux scaled and coadded order arrays are saved by default, in addition to the flattened 1d vectors. This way, the user can determine how they might want to handle any overlapping regions of the spectrum.


  1. This issue with handling the overlap regions can be largely mitigated by computing an independent sensitivity function for each exposure. However, this can take a long time (at least 15 min/exposure).

  2. When coadding, the depending on the nature of the objects being observed (i.e., if they are challenging to extract via optimal extraction), there may be an error during the steps when the code is reading in the OPT_FLAM columns of the fluxed exposures. If the code encounters a file that is missing an OPT_FLAM column for one of the traces, the script will choke. The way to ensure this does not happen is to include the ex_value = BOX option in the parameter block (see User-level Parameters for more details) to select the boxcar extraction, or re-run the calibration and object extraction without the problematic order.

Wavelength Calibration

There are two main file types that are relevant to the the wavelength calibration procedure in PypeIt. One is the WaveCalib file, which contains all of the information necessary for PypeIt to wavelength calibrate extracted spectra in the dataset. The other is the arxiv file, which is a reference template that can be created for PypeIt to read in and use with method = full_template set in the Wavelength Calibration options. This is described in more detail below. These naming conventions are followed through the rest of this tutorial.

Checking the Wavelength Calibration

The code by coadds the lamp files provided to make a master arc file, which can be checked by using:

ginga Calibrations/Arc_A_0_DET01.fits

The wavelength calibration can be checked by looking at the automatically generaged QA plots; see Wavelength Fit QA. Below is the wavelenght calibration QA plot for the automated wavelength calibration featured in this tutorial. The RMS of the wavelength solution will depend on the number of lines availble in a given order and may vary significantly from order to order.

More importantly, you should check the result of the wavelength calibration using the automatically generated QA file; see Wavelength Fit QA. Below is the wavelength-calibration QA plot for the reddest order (order=3). The RMS of the wavelength solution should be of order 0.1-0.2 pixels. Such a plot is produced for each order of each the combined arc image used for each calibration group.


The wavelength-calibration QA plot for a Keck/NIRSPEC J band order (order=60), called Arc_1dfit_A_0_DET01_S0060.png. The left panel shows the arc spectrum extracted down the center of the order, with green text and lines marking lines used by the wavelength calibration. Gray lines mark detected features that were not included in the wavelength solution. The top-right panel shows the fit (red) to the observed trend in wavelength as a function of spectral pixel (blue crosses); gray circles are features that were rejected by the wavelength solution. The bottom-right panel shows the fit residuals (i.e., data - model).

For echelle spectrographs, the automated wavelength calibration procedure will also perform a 2d fit to attempt to improve on the 1d fits. The result of this 2d fit can also be viewed in the appropriate QA plots, like the two shown below for the J band example.


The wavelength-calibration QA plot for the Keck/NIRSPEC Jband 2d fit. The expected wavelength function for all of the orders is shown.


The wavelength-calibration QA plot for the Keck/NIRSPEC Jband 2d fit showing the new solutions and resulting residuals for all of the orders.

By default for J, H, K, and L band data, PypeIt will attempt to automatically identify the lines in the arc spectra it has extracted, both for OH lines and the ArXeKrNe lamp lines. For NIRSPEC, it will also assume that the arcs provided are lamps. Users using the OH lines from their science exposure should see below for the necessary parameter changes.

For Y and J band data, the automatic line identification and wavelength calibration is relatively robust and will give good wavelength solutions in most cases. For H, K, and L bands, there are not enough arc lines in the lamps or in OH lines for the automated wavelength calibration to function reliably so users will need to use the procedure below to manually wavelength calibrate these bands.

The automated wavelength calibration will create a WaveCalib_A_0_DET01.fits file in the Calibrations/ directory and the calibration metadata can be check with:

pypeit_chk_wavecalib Calibrations/WaveCalib_A_0_DET01.fits

Users should always check the automated wavelength calibration, even for J band (where it is most reliable) to ensure an accurate wavelength solution. This should be done both by looking at the output of pypeit_chk_wavecalib and by looking at the QA plots for individual orders.

Even the wavelength calibration performed on this example dataset has one order (order 61, slit # 5 at SpatID 1026) in which only 2 lines were identified. There are in fact 5 lines that should be identified and used for wavelength calibration in that order.

The steps to check and edit the solution with pypeit_identify are given below, in the section Manual Wavelength Calibration.

We strongly recommend users follow the procedure below to construct their own wavelength calibration, which can then be used for any other NIRSPEC dataset taken in the same setup (i.e. same filters and echelle/XD angles).

Manual Wavelength Calibration


The manual wavelength calibration should be done inside the keck_nirspec_high_A directory but outside the Calibrations directory.

Manual wavelength calibration may be necessary when the automatic wavelength calibration in PypeIt fails. This happens most often when there are too few lines for the automatic identification to reliably produce a reliable wavelength solution. The orders most succeptible to this are orders: H band order 45, K band orders 39, 37, and 33, and most of the L band.

There are two main ways to begin the manual wavelength identification.

  1. first, use the run_pypeit script in calibration only mode, as shown below. Assuming it is able to produce a WaveCalib file successfully (even if it crashes when computing the Tilts), the user need only edit the existing WaveCalib file following the Editing A WaveCalib File procedure below.

  2. To compute a manual wavelength solution without relying on the run_pypeit script’s automatated first pass, follow the Making a New Wavelength Arxiv procedure below.

Wavelength calibration is a crucial step in reducing high resolution spectra and users should take care to produce high quality solutions for their data. Once a user is satisfied with their solution, we recommend they save it as a template by running

pypeit_identify Calibrations/Arc_A_0_DET01.fits Calibrations/Slits_A_0_DET01.fits.gz -m -s --slits all

and checking the solution in each order. Then, following the dialog outlined below, they can save their solution and use it for any other dataset taken in the same settings.

The NIRSPEC instrument page has a helpful arcline tool, linked here, that contains reference plots for the arc lamp and OH line spectra, as well as line lists for both sets of spectra. The contents of the page have been carefully vetted by instrument specialist Greg Doppmann and serve as an excellent reference for this procedure.

Editing A WaveCalib File

The pypeit_identify script can be used to edit an existing WaveCalib file (assuming it is in the Calibrations directory).

If the user is satisfied with the success of the automated calibration on most of the traces and would like to simply correct a couple of them and procede with the data reduction, the orders to be corrected can be specified using the --slits flag as shown below:

pypeit_identify Calibrations/Arc_A_0_DET01.fits Calibrations/Slits_A_0_DET01.fits.gz -m -s --slits [5]

In the call above, we are using the -m flag to identify that there are multiple orders in this wavelength solution, the -s flag to indicate that there is an existing solution we want to edit, and the --slits flag, along with the list of orders (zero-indexed, with no spaces in between, e.g., [3,4,5]) to indicate which we want to edit. The IDs should match those from the pypeit_chk_wavecalib script output. To check all of the orders and produce a reference set of line IDs that can be used as an arxiv, use --slits all.

The user will then be shown a pypeit_identify GUI, with which they can identify any missed lines, corrected misidentified lines, or clear all lines and start the identification in the order from the beginning. A detailed walkthrough of how to use pypeit_identify is given in Using pypeit_identify on multi-trace data. The procedure for a single order is also documented in pypeit_identify and a helpful reference of useful commands can be called at any time from the gui by pressing the ? key and inspecting the terminal from which the pypeit_identify script was launched. Pressing the q key will complete the identification in the order and continue to the next one.

Once the selected orders are corrected, the user will be guided through a dialog for saving the wavelength solution. The dialog is further detailed below.

Making a New Wavelength Solution

If the run_pypeit script fails to produce a WaveCalib file, or the user prefers to produce their own wavelength solution without using any of the automated method, they can also do this with pypeit_identify.

The user should begin by running run_pypeit in calibration mode with the reference = 'pixel' parameter, to produce the necessary inputs to pypeit_identify. The necessary addition to the PypeIt Reduction File would be:

        reference = 'pixel'

The user can then launch the pypeit_identify gui using the following call

pypeit_identify Calibrations/Arc_A_0_DET01.fits Calibrations/Slits_A_0_DET01.fits.gz -m -n

where the -m flag again indicates that there are multiple orders to be calibrated and the -n flag indicates that we are creating a new WaveCalib file and arxiv file from scratch.

This will launch the pypeit_identify gui and the user will follow the procedure outlined in Using pypeit_identify on multi-trace data to construct the wavelength solution for every order in the arc lamp spectrum. Plots showing the spectra of arc lamps and OH lines can be accessed at the NIRSPEC instrument page,

Once the selected orders are corrected, the user will be guided through a dialog for saving the wavelength solution. The dialog will also give an instruction for how to use the newly created (or edited) wvarxiv, which will require adding the following to the parameter block of the PypeIt Reduction File:

        method = 'full_template'
        reid_arxiv = <arxiv_name>.fits


A template made in this way for NIRSPEC can be reused for different datasets that were taken with the same echelle and cross-disperser angle settings (the instrument shifts will be accounted for in applying the solution) but we do not recommend attempting to use the solution for data taken in different settings. It is best to compute a new template for each different setting used.

To cache a template that has been created in a different terminal session, use the script pypeit_install_wvarxiv. The usage is documented and can be printed in the terminal by using the -h flag.


When you create an wavelength template, with the intention of using the full_template method, and want to use the exact wavelength solution you computed, you may not want to allow the 2d fit, since it could change the solutions you have created. This can be avoided by adding the ech_2dfit = False keyword in the wavelength calibration parameter block.

Common Challenges Reducing Other Bands

Y Band

Edge detection

Y Band commonly suffers from 2 issues: the significant scattered light in orders blueward of order 76 (which makes them mostly unusable) and the proximity of the orders, which can confuse the edge-finding algorithm.

For this reason, we recommend using pypeit_trace_edges with the --debug and --show flags enabled to be able to see which traces exactly the edge-finding algorithm is identifying. This will be most clear in the final two plots the script shows.

If the algorithm is identifying any of the orders in the scattered light region as valid traces, they can be removed by adding the following to the parameter block:

        rm_slits = 1:1000:1800

Where we select the trace to remove by giving a reference pixel that falls in the trace. Here, 1 gives the detector number (NIRSPEC only has 1), 1000 gives the y value (spectral direction) of the reference pixel in the trace to remove, and 1800 gives the x value (spatial direction) of the reference pixel. Multiple traces can be specified by adding other reference pixel locations, separated by commas, with no spaces. For example: 1:1000:1500,1:1000:1650,1:1000:1800 would remove three traces, if there are three traces that contain those pixels.

It may also be possible to avoid those traces by raising the edge_thresh parameter, which gives the SNR value for identifying a possible trace edge. This would be done with a similar set of code:

        edge_thresh = 450

Where it is set to SNR = 450 here. The choice of edge_thresh value should be guided by the SNR of the edges, which is given in one of the plots shown by pypeit_trace_edges if the --debug flag is used.


The plot from pypeit_trace_edges showing the SNR of each of the detected left edges in the Flat exposure.

In this case, we have set the threshold to 450 because that is just between the edge at x = 805 that we want to keep and the high signal edge at x = 445, which we do not want. This may not be the case for all lamp exposures, so checking this plot is necessary to making sure the user understands how to remove specific traces.

If the user wants to extract the traces with the scattered light, this can be done by carefully manipulating the edge_thresh to allow the low SNR edges with scattered light, while potentially using rm_slits to remove possible spurious detections. The user may then have to manually calibrate those traces because they are not included in the references used by the automated wavelength calibration.

If the observation was done in the default setup, which has an echelle angle of 63.0 and a XD angle of 34.95,

Wavelength Calibration

The default wavelength calibration method for Y band is set to full_template and uses a default wvarxiv file, which only has solutions redward of order 76. For users attempting to extract the bluer orders (77-81), this may be done manually using the procedure described above with pypeit_identify.

H Band

The H band reduction commonly suffers from three potential problems: the edge finder identifies too many traces, there may be overlap in the traces when using the 24” slit, and the paucity of lines in order 45 may lead the wavelenght calibration to fail.

Edge detection

The procedure outlined for Y band above can be followed to ensure that only the desired orders are identified. If in the default setup for H band, with echelle = 63.0 and XD angle = 36.72, the trace for order 43 is removed by default using the rm_slits keyword.

K Band

The K band reduction often has trouble with the automated wavelength calibration (we encourage the user to make their own manual solution for most K band settings).

Another source of trouble can be the edge detection if the user is in a setup where relatively few of the orders are easily visible (e.g. with an XD angle > 36.5 degrees). In that case, the edge detection may fail and the user is recommended to include the following in their parameter block of the .pypeit file:

        sync_predict = 'nearest'

L Band

L band similarly suffers from having relatively few orders available, so the user may need to change the sync_predict parameter as described above. The automatic wavelength solutions are often problematic for L band and rarely even manage to produce a WaveCalib file. L band data reduction will require that the user produce manual solutions, as described in Manual Wavelength Calibration.

Also, we note that for echelle angles > 64 degrees, there are no available arc lines for wavelength calibration in Order 24. When computing the manual wavelength solution for this order, the user should press q when shown the order in pypeit_identify to skip the order. They will be prompted by pypeit_identify to provide the estimated start and end wavelengths for the order, and PypeIt will compute a linear solution for this order. The solution may not be precise but will allow PypeIt to continue with the data reduction, coadding, etc.

Using pypeit_identify on multi-trace data

The following walkthrough assumes that the user has completed the tutorial with the sample J band data or have run an initial reduction on their own dataset so that there are valid Arcs and Slits files available in the Calibrations/ directory.

pypeit_identify should be run from inside the directory where the reduction is being done (in the case of the tutorial, that is keck_nirspec_high_A but outside the Calibrations directory.

The walkthrough will give instructions for the basic procedure of identifying lines, correcting mis-identified lines, and selecting the polynomial order of the fit. For more advanced usage, see the help page for pypeit_identify.

Opening the User Interface

We launch the pypeit_identify GUI with the following command

pypeit_identify Calibrations/Arc_A_0_DET01.fits Calibrations/Slits_A_0_DET01.fits.gz -m -s --slits all

As discussed above, it is possible to select and correct specific traces, but our recommendation is that the user visually check every solution from the automated calibration to be sure the lines are properly identified. The user should confirm the line IDs by referencing the plots in the arc line tool on the NIRSPEC instrument page.

Once the pypeit_identify GUI appears, as in the image shown below, the user will see 5 main elements of the user interface. Those are:

  1. The Spectrum - the primary plot showing:

    • The extracted arc line spectrum

    • Grey vertical lines marking the potential lines that have been identified but have not yet been given wavelength IDs.

    • Yellow vertical lines marking lines that have been automatically ID’d by PypeIt (in the automatic wavelength calibration that was performed to create this WaveCalib file).

    • Blue numbers showing the wavelengths assigned to the identified lines.

  2. The Fit - A plot in the upper right showing the current fit to the ID’d lines (shown in red), in wavelength vs. pixel space. automatically ID’d lines appear here as yellow x’s.

  3. The Residuals - A plot in the lower right showing the residuals of the fit, in pixels

  4. The Info Box - An information box at the top, where relevant information will be printed as you interact with the GUI

  5. The Slider - A slider under the information box, with which the user can select a wavelength to assign to an identified line.


The pypeit_identify GUI, shown for Order 61 of the J band arc lamp spectrum from the example dataset. The automated fit only found 2 of the 5 potentially identifiable lines in this order, so to improve the quality of our fit, we will correct this.

Selecting and IDing a line

To select a line that has already been found by PypeIt the user need only click on the grey (or yellow) vertical line plotted over it. The grey vertical line will then become red to indicate it is the currently selected line.

The user can then use the Slider to select the wavelength they wish to assign to that line. If there is an existing (at least 1st order) fit, the Slider will select the closest line ID in the loaded line list to the predicted line ID of the selected line based on the fit. The predicted wavelength for the pixel position of the selected line is printed in the Info Box.

In the order 61 example, there are several lines for which there are no usable IDs, so accurately matching the selected line to an ID in the line list requires carefully comparing the predicted wavelength printed in the Info Box and the possible line IDs. In NIRSPEC, the deviation from linear wavelength solutions is relatively small, so even a first order solution will be sufficient for these predictions in the Info Box to serve as a reliable guide.

When ready to assign the selected line ID, click the Assign Line button. This will assign the currently selected wavelength to the currently selected line and add this ID’d line to the Fit plot.

To un-assign a mis-identified line, the select that line and press the z key. This will remove that line ID. To recalculate the fit (if this was not done automatically already) the user can press the f key. This will update the Fit plot and the Residuals.

Once there are at least two lines identified so that a linear fit can be made, the user can toggle the horizontal axis to change from a pixel scale to the current wavelength scale by pressing the w key. The vertical axis can also be changed from linear scale to logarithmic scale by pressing the y key.

Changing the polynomial order of the fit

N.B.: the polynomial order of the fit is given in the convention that the number of terms = order + 1. So a linear fit is an order 1 fit.

To increase the order of the fit, click on the Fit plot and press the + key (including holding the SHIFT key if the + is above the = on your keyboard).

To decrease the order of the fit, click on the Fit plot and press the - key.

The current polynomial order of the fit is printed in the Info Box.

Saving the fit

Once satisfied with the fit, the GUI can be dismissed by pressing the q key. If there are more traces to correct or inspect, a new GUI containing the information for the next trace will appear. If the user is satisfied with the fit shown and does not want to make any changes, the GUI can be immediately dismissed by pressing the q key.

If the user presses the q button when wavelengths have been identified (in L band order 24, this may be the case because there are very few identifiable lines), the user will be prompted to give a minimum and maximum wavelength for the trace if they want to create an approximate linear solution. This is not recommended and should only be done when there are fewer than 2 identifiable lines in the spectrum!

Once the final order has been inspected and the GUI dismissed, the user will receive several prompts in the command line. The prompts are reproduced below and briefly explained.

Would you like to write this wavelength solution to disk? (y/n):

If n, the script will exit and not save anything. If y, the dialog continues.

Which orders were we fitting? e.g. (32:39):

The user should give the orders that were being fit, if this is an echelle spectrograph. The order numbers should be from smallest to largest, as shown in the example, and should be given in parentheses as shown. In the case of the J band example here, the user would enter (55:66).

If the user has used the --slits all option, they will be prompted to save the wavelength solution in a wvarxiv file, which will contain the template necessary to use this exact solution to calibrate their data.

Save this as a multi-trace arxiv? ([y]/n):

If the user opts to save this file, they will be given instructions for how to use the file for wavelength calibration.


This is the file that is necessary to use this wavelength calibration in the data. Please read the instructions printed in the terminal for how to use exactly the wavelength solution that was just manually created.

If the user is only correcting a few traces and did not use the --slits all option, then the procedure will skip the arxiv saving option and procede directly to questions about overwriting the WaveCalib file.

Proceed with overwrite? (y/[n]):

This will allow the user to overwrite the WaveCalib file they were editting and replace it with the new solutions they have created. This should be done to save the changes to the WaveCalib file.

The user will then be prompted about “cleaning up” the Calibrations directory, which will delete all files that might have data that was flagged by the automatic wavelength calibration in any orders for which the calibration failed.