This file summarizes several instrument specific settings that are related to the Keck/LRIS (RED and BLUE) spectrograph.
Common Items to LRISb and LRISr
FITS format
Before May 2009, both LRISb and LRISr observations were stored in standard simple
FITS format consisting of a
single primary HDU without any extensions. Subsequently, the data were stored in
multi-extension FITS files, including four extensions, one for each amplifier.
To handle both formats, PypeIt defined 2 sets of spectrographs for each LRIS
camera, one for the pre-May 2009 data (keck_lris_blue_orig
and keck_lris_red_orig
and one for the post-May 2009 data (keck_lris_blue
and keck_lris_red
Note that this change in FITS format coincided with the installation of the LBNL
detectors (2kx4k) in LRISr (see LRIS RED).
PypeIt can now incorporate slitmask information in the reduction
routine for keck_lris_red
, keck_lris_red_mark4
, and keck_lris_blue
similar to its DEIMOS capabilities (see Slit-mask design matching).
That is, if the trace calibration files with mask information are used, PypeIt is
capable of using said information to match the traced slit edges to those predicted
by the slitmask design, assign to each extracted spectrum the corresponding RA, Dec and
object name information, force the extraction of undetected objects at the location
expected from the slitmask design, identify serendipitous sources and, subsequently,
collate by RA/Dec. See Additional Reading for more information.
Unfortunately, LRIS raw frames do not come ready with slitmask data and thus this information needs to be inserted by the user before processing with PypeIt if they are desirous of incorporating the above mentioned features into their reduction. To do so, the user must first obtain the mask design files and then process them with the software TILSOTUA. Here are the steps to follow:
Obtain the mask design files, which include:
is mandatory while the other two files can be optionally excluded to debug TILSOTUA.Process the design files with TILSOTUA : The design files contain the milling blueprint (the
table). When using the".file3"
design file, TILSOTUA creates a FITS file with theBluSlits
table following the UCO/Lick template. If the".file1"
file and the object list are provided, the FITS mask design file will also includes theDesiSlits
binary tables, otherwise they will be empty. These tables include information on the slitmask design, the object catalog and the mapping between the two, similar to the binary tables in DEIMOS raw frames. TILSOTUA populates these tables using itsxytowcs
function (in This function can be run by providing two parameters:the
, which is either the FITS or".file3"
mask design file (be sure the name includes the extension);the
, which is the name of the output file that TILSOTUA will generate. Do not include any extension such as.fits
If only the
file is provided, the calling sequence is:from tilsotua import xytowcs xytowcs(data_input_name="yourmaskname.file3",output_file="yourmaskname_output")
Although the other parameters are optional for xytowcs as a standalone code, users interested in applying the slitmask information to their PypeIt reduction must provide the `obj_file` and `file1` files to ensure that object names are assigned to the extracted spectra.
If the
file and the object list are provided, the calling sequence is:from tilsotua import xytowcs xytowcs(data_input_name="yourmaskname.file3",output_file="yourmaskname_output", obj_file="yourtargets.obj", file1="yourmaskname.file1")
It is assumed that the entries in
have uniqueName
values, i.e., make sure you have a unique identifier for each object. Without this, it is not possible to correctly reconcile the two tables.Add the TILSOTUA-generated slitmask design information to your raw trace FITS files: The user must first verify that TILSOTUA has indeed processed the files correctly. This implies:
TILSOTUA has correctly identified the alignment stars (see the QA plot it generates).
TILSOTUA has estimated the values of the
columns in theSlitObjMap
table correctly.
Once satisfied with the processed FITS file from TILSOTUA, the user can append the binary tables populated by TILSOTUA to the LRIS trace FITS files as additional HDUs, e.g.:
from import fits tracehdus ="trace_rawframe.fits") autoslithdus ="yourmaskname_output.fits") for hdu in autoslithdus[1:]: tracehdus.append(hdu) tracehdus.writeto("trace_with_maskinfo.fits")
If processed correctly, PypeIt should now fully utilize its arsenal of slitmask processing tools to reduce and coadd spectra with the WCS information incorporated.
There is substantial flexure in the LRIS instrument and the default settings attempts to characterize both the spectral and spatial effects.
See the Flexure Correction notes if you wish to turn either of these off.
This section provides information on both keck_lris_blue_orig
and keck_lris_blue
When not specified, the information applies to both.
Default Settings
See KECK LRISb (keck_lris_blue) and KECK LRISb (keck_lris_blue_orig) for
a listing of modifications to the default settings.
You do not have to add these changes to your PypeIt reduction file! This is just a listing of
how the parameters used for LRISb differ from the defaults listed in the preceding tables on that page.
Moreover, additional modifications may have been made for specific setups, e.g, for different grisms,
or different slitmasks, etc. You can see a list of all the used parameters in the keck_lris_blue_XXX.par
file generated by PypeIt at the beginning of the reduction.
Wavelength calibration
We recommend that you turn on most of the standard arc lamps, including those slated for the red side.
These are:
The archived solutions expect most of these lamps. FeAr lamp can also be used, since a FeAr line list is available for reduction process, although it appears to be less useful to obtain good wavelength solutions.
Wavelength Solution
As default, the wavelength calibration is performed using the Full Template
algorithm. The templates are created in the same way as done for Keck/DEIMOS
(see DEIMOS Wavelength Calibration) and kept in the data/arc_lines/reid_arxiv
There are four templates, one per each LRISb grism:
template |
300/5000 |
keck_lris_blue_B300_5000_d680_ArCdHgKrNeXeZnFeAr.fits |
400/3400 |
keck_lris_blue_B400_3400_d560_ArCdHgNeZnFeAr.fits |
600/4000 |
keck_lris_blue_B600_4000_d560_ArCdHgKrNeXeZn.fits |
1200/3400 |
keck_lris_blue_B1200_3400_d560_ArCdHgNeZn.fits |
PypeIt will automatically choose the right template according to the specific dataset.
These templates work for both keck_lris_blue_orig
and keck_lris_blue
Flat Fielding
Pixel Flat
It is recommend to correct for pixel-to-pixel variations using a slitless flat. If you did not take such calibration frames or cannot process them, you may wish to use an archival. This link has the existing ones staged by the PypeIt team.
And then set the following in your PypeIt Reduction File:
frame = path_to_the_file/PYPEIT_LRISb_pixflat_B600_2x2_17sep2009.fits.gz
Internal flats may be too bright and need to be tested.
Trace Flat
We strongly recommend on-the-sky trace flats through full instrument setup. Aim for 1000 counts per pixel above bias. These are best achieved by taking twilight flats within 15 minutes of sunset/sunrise.
Internal/dome flats are likely to be too faint in the very blue.
400/3400 grism
If you are using this grism, you are likely aware there are
strong ghosts. We have found these complicate edge tracing
for dome flats (sky flats appear ok). Therefore, you may
need to increase the edge_thresh
parameter to
40 for successful performance, i.e.:
edge_thresh = 40
This section provides information on keck_lris_red_orig
, keck_lris_red
and keck_lris_red_mark4
. When not specified, the information applies to all.
There have been 3 (or is it 4?!) generations of detectors in the LRISr camera.
The first detector change (from Tektronik 2kx2k to LBNL 2kx4k) happened in May 2009,
concurrently with the change in the FITS file format (see FITS format).
To reduce the data taken before May 2009, the user should use the
spectrograph. For data taken with the LBNL detectors,
after May 2009, the user should use the keck_lris_red
The newest detector was installed around May 2022 and is referred to as
the Mark4 detector. To reduce the data taken with this detector,
the user should use the keck_lris_red_mark4
Default Settings
See KECK LRISr (keck_lris_red), KECK LRISr (keck_lris_red_orig),
and KECK LRISr (keck_lris_red_mark4) for a listing of modifications to the default settings.
You do not have to add these changes to your PypeIt reduction file! This is just a listing of how
the parameters used for LRISr differ from the defaults listed in the preceding tables on that page.
Moreover, additional modifications may have been made for specific setups, e.g, for different gratings,
or different slitmasks, etc. You can see a list of all the used parameters in the keck_lris_red_XXX.par
file generated by PypeIt at the beginning of the reduction.
Wavelength calibration
We recommend that you turn on most of the standard arc lamps:
The archived solutions expect most (or all) of these lamps.
Wavelength Solution
As default, the wavelength calibration is performed using the Full Template
algorithm. The templates are created in the same way as done for Keck/DEIMOS
(see DEIMOS Wavelength Calibration) and kept in the data/arc_lines/reid_arxiv
When the first detector change happened (from Tektronik 2kx2k to LBNL 2kx4k) in May 2009
(see Detectors), the pixel size changed from 24 to 15 microns. Because of this,
different templates are used for keck_lris_red_orig
and keck_lris_red
. Luckily,
the pixel size did not change when the Mark4 detector was installed, so the same templates
are used for keck_lris_red
and keck_lris_red_mark4
These are the templates available, one per each LRISr grating:
template for |
template for |
150/7500 |
keck_lris_red_orig_R150_7500_ArHgNe.fits |
keck_lris_red_R150_7500_ArCdHgNeZn.fits |
300/5000 |
keck_lris_red_orig_R300_5000_ArCdHgNeZn.fits |
keck_lris_red_R300_5000_ArCdHgKrNeXeZn.fits |
400/8500 |
keck_lris_red_orig_R400_8500_ArCdHgNeZn.fits |
keck_lris_red_R400_8500_ArCdHgKrNeXeZn.fits |
600/5000 |
keck_lris_red_orig_R600_5000_ArCdHgNeZn.fits |
keck_lris_red_R600_5000_ArCdHgKrNeXeZn.fits |
600/7500 |
keck_lris_red_orig_R600_7500_ArCdHgNeZn.fits |
keck_lris_red_R600_7500_ArCdHgKrNeXeZn.fits |
600/10000 |
keck_lris_red_orig_R600_10000_ArCdHgNeZn.fits |
keck_lris_red_R600_10000_ArCdHgKrNeXeZn.fits |
831/8200 |
keck_lris_red_orig_R831_8200_ArCdHgNeZn.fits |
keck_lris_red_R831_8200_ArCdHgKrNeXeZn.fits |
900/5500 |
keck_lris_red_orig_R900_5500_ArCdHgNeZn.fits |
keck_lris_red_R900_5500_ArCdHgNeZn.fits |
1200/7500 |
keck_lris_red_orig_R1200_7500_ArCdHgNeZn.fits |
keck_lris_red_R1200_7500_ArCdHgKrNeXeZn.fits |
1200/9000 |
keck_lris_red_R1200_9000.fits |
PypeIt will automatically choose the right template according to the specific dataset.
Note that the 1200/9000 grating was first released in 2013, so it was not available for
Known issues
LRISb Slit Edges
When observing in long-slit mode, PypeIt might set the slit incorrectly for detector 2. This may occur if the counts from the flat field are too low (e.g., using internal flats rather than twilight flats with a higher signal in the blue). Therefore, if you use internal flats, be careful to inspect the slits defined by PypeIt as described in Edges.
If the defined slit(s) does not cover the portion of the illuminated detector where your source falls, you can manually define the slit position as described in Missing a Slit.
Here is an example for the PypeIt file:
add_slits = 2:788:10:650
sync_predict = nearest
This will force a slit onto the detector for reduction.
The code may identify a ‘ghost’ slit in empty detector real estate if your mask does not fill most of the field. Be prepared to ignore it.
Additional Reading
Here are additional docs related to Keck/LRIS. Note many of them are related to the development of PypeIt for use with LRIS data: