Automated sorting of DEIMOS frames by instrument configuration

Version History






Kyle Westfall

13 Oct 2020



Debora Pelliccia

12 Jul 2021


Sorting frames by the configuration of the instrument, ensuring that this configuration is the same for all coupled sets of calibration and science frames, is performed by the pypeit_setup script; see Setup. pypeit_setup uses automated procedures to sort the frames and write a PypeIt Reduction File for each unique configuration (or for some down-selected set).

DEIMOS configuration identification

The DEIMOS instrument configuration is determined by a unique combination of the following keywords:

fitstbl key

Header Key




G3TLTWAV or G4TLTWAV, depending on the value of GRATEPOS









as determined by pypeit.metadata.PypeItMetaData.unique_configurations(). The AMPMODE value is included, even though PypeIt (currently) restricts itself to only attempting to reduce frames read by the B and A amplifiers; see valid_configuration_values(). Additionally, PypeIt requires all frames to have MOSMODE == 'Spectral'. Frames that do not match these header keyword restrictions will not be included in the automatically generated PypeIt Reduction File created by pypeit_setup.

For DEIMOS, the unique configurations are determined by collating the relevant metadata from the headers of all frames found by a run of pypeit_setup, except those that are designated as bias or dark frames. The reason is that bias and darks can have header data (e.g., dispangle) that do not match the instrument configuration that an observer intended for their use; e.g., the frames were taken before the instrument was fully configured for the night’s observations. To match these frames to a specific configuration, PypeIt uses the DATE-OBS header keyword to match the frames to the configurations with frames taken on the same date.

DEIMOS calibration groups

PypeIt uses the concept of a “calibration group” to define a complete set of calibration frames (e.g., arcs, flats, biases) and the science frame to which these calibration frames should be applied. By default, pypeit_setup uses the configuration identifier (e.g., A) to assign frames to a single calibration group. No automated procedure exists to do anything except this. However, a user can edit the PypeIt Reduction File to, within a given configuration, assign specific calibration frames to specific science frames using the data in the calib column. For example, if the observer takes both evening and morning calibration frames, the PypeIt user can use the PypeIt Reduction File to associate calibrations taken at the end of the night with the morning calibrations and vice versa. For DEIMOS specifically, columns with the DATE-OBS and UTC header data for each frame are provided to assist with this.


Requirement PD-3 states: “As a user, I want the pipeline to automatically and correctly associate calibrations with science data.”

PypeIt meets this requirement in the majority of use cases. One exception to this is given in the warning above with respect to how bias and dark frames are assigned to “calibration groups”.

The test used to demonstrate PD-1 is satisfied (Automated typing of DEIMOS frames) is also relevant here in that each directory in the PypeIt dev suite with DEIMOS data correctly identifies the frame types and associates them with a single configuration, all written to a single pypeit file.

To test that PypeIt can successfully identify multiple configurations among a set of files, we have added the test_setup_keck_deimos_multiconfig and test_setup_keck_deimos_multiconfig_clean tests to ${PYPEIT_DEV}/unit_tests/

To run these tests:

cd ${PYPEIT_DEV}/unit_tests
pytest -W ignore
pytest -W ignore

The tests require that you have downloaded the PypeIt PypeIt Development Suite and defined the PYPEIT_DEV environmental variable that points to the relevant directory.

Both tests collect the names of all files in the following two directories:



The algorithm for this test is as follows:

  1. Use PypeItSetup to automatically identify the configurations for these files.

  2. Check that the code found two configurations and wrote the pypeit files for each.

  3. For each configuration:

    1. Read the pypeit file

    2. Check that the name for the setup is correct (‘A’ or ‘B’)

    3. Check that the calibration group is the same for all frames (‘0’ or ‘1’)


The algorithm for this test is as follows:

  1. Similar to the previous test, use PypeItSetup to automatically identify the configurations for these files.

  2. Check that the code found two configurations.

  3. Check that the only bias frame in the list was correctly identified.

  4. Check that the full table containing both configurations contains the correct number of files (25).

  5. Check that “cleaning” the configurations of frames that cannot be reduced by PypeIt (those with MOSMODE != 'Spectral' or AMPMODE != SINGLE:B or AMPMODE != SINGLE:A), using clean_configurations() does not remove any file because all of the dev-suite files are valid.

  6. After artificially changing the metadata for two files so that they do not satisfy the necessary metadata restrictions, check that clean_configurations() removes both of these files.

Because these tests are now included in the PypeIt Unit Tests (GitHub CI), these configuration checks are performed by the developers for every new version of the code.