pypeit.core.gui.identify module
- class pypeit.core.gui.identify.Identify(canvas, axes, spec, specres, detns, line_lists, par, lflag_color, slit=0, spatid='0', wv_calib=None, pxtoler=None, specname='', y_log=True, rescale_resid=False)[source]
GUI to interactively identify arc lines. The GUI can be run within PypeIt during data reduction, or as a standalone script outside of PypeIt. To initialise the GUI, call the initialise() function in this file.
- add_new_detection()[source]
Perform a local Gaussian fit to the pixels near the mouse cursor. If the fit is accetable, a new line will be added to the detections provided that the line is not too close to another line already in the detections list.
- auto_id()[source]
Automatically assign lines based on a few lines identified by the user
Using the current line IDs and approximate wavelength solution, automatically assign a wavelength to all line detections.
- button_press_callback(event)[source]
What to do when the mouse button is pressed
- Parameters:
event (matplotlib.backend_bases.Event) – Matplotlib event instance containing information about the event
- button_release_callback(event)[source]
What to do when the mouse button is released
- Parameters:
event (matplotlib.backend_bases.Event) – Matplotlib event instance containing information about the event
- draw_callback(event)[source]
Draw the lines and annotate with their IDs
- Parameters:
event (matplotlib.backend_bases.Event) – A matplotlib event instance
- draw_fitregions(trans)[source]
Refresh the fit regions
- Parameters:
trans (AxisTransform) – A matplotlib axis transform from data to axes coordinates
- fitsol_deriv(xfit=None, idx=None)[source]
Calculate the dispersion as a function of wavelength
- Parameters:
xfit (numpy.ndarray, float) – Pixel values that the user wishes to evaluate the wavelength
idx (int) – Index of the arc line detections that the user wishes to evaluate the wavelength
- Returns:
The dispersion (Angstroms/pixel) as a function of wavelength
- Return type:
ndarray, float
- fitsol_value(xfit=None, idx=None)[source]
Calculate the wavelength at a pixel
- Parameters:
xfit (numpy.ndarray, float) – Pixel values that the user wishes to evaluate the wavelength
idx (numpy.ndarray, int) – Index of the arc line detections that the user wishes to evaluate the wavelength
- Returns:
disp – The wavelength (Angstroms) of the requested pixels
- Return type:
numpy.ndarray, float
- get_ann_ypos(scale=1.02)[source]
Calculate the y locations of the annotated IDs
- Parameters:
scale (float) – Scale the location relative to the maximum value of the spectrum
- Returns:
y locations of the annotations
- Return type:
- get_axisID(event)[source]
Get the ID of the axis where an event has occurred
- Parameters:
event (matplotlib.backend_bases.Event) – Matplotlib event instance containing information about the event
- Returns:
Axis where the event has occurred
- Return type:
- get_ind_under_point(event)[source]
Get the index of the line closest to the cursor
- Parameters:
event (matplotlib.backend_bases.Event) – Matplotlib event instance containing information about the event
- Returns:
Index of the spectrum where the event occurred
- Return type:
- get_results()[source]
Perform the final wavelength calibration
Using the line IDs perform the final fit according to the wavelength calibration parameters set by the user. This routine must be called after the user has manually identified all lines.
- Returns:
Dict of wavelength calibration solutions
- Return type:
- classmethod initialise(arccen, lamps, slits, slit=0, par=None, wv_calib_all=None, wavelim=None, nonlinear_counts=None, test=False, pxtoler=0.1, fwhm=4.0, specname='', y_log=True, sigdetect=None, rescale_resid=False)[source]
Initialise the ‘Identify’ window for real-time wavelength calibration
Implement multislit functionality
- Parameters:
arccen (numpy.ndarray) – Arc spectrum
lamps (
) – List of arc lamps to be used for wavelength calibration. E.g., [‘ArI’,’NeI’,’KrI’,’XeI’]slits (
) – Data container with slit trace informationslit (int, optional) – The slit to be used for wavelength calibration
par (
, optional) – The slit to be used for wavelength calibrationwv_calib_all (
, None, optional) – If a best-fitting solution exists, and you wish to load it, provide the wv_calib dictionary.wavelim (
, None, optional) – A two element list containing the desired minimum and maximum wavelength of the linelisttest (bool, optional) – If True, do not show the plots
nonlinear_counts (float, optional) – Counts where the arc is presumed to go non-linear Passed to arc_lines_from_spec() Defaults to 1e10 if None is input
fwhm (float, optional) – FWHM of arc lines in pixels for detection
sigdetect (float, optional) – sigma detection limit for arc lines; defaults to par[‘sigdetect’]
pxtoler (float, optional) – Tolerance in pixels for adding lines with the auto option
specname (str, optional) – The name of the spectrograph
y_log (bool, optional) – Scale the Y-axis logarithmically instead of linearly? (Default: True)
rescale_resid (bool, optional) – Rescale the residuals plot to include all points? (Default: False)
- Returns:
object – Returns an instance of the
class, which contains the results of the fit- Return type:
- key_press_callback(event)[source]
What to do when a key is pressed
- Parameters:
event (matplotlib.backend_bases.Event) – Matplotlib event instance containing information about the event
- linelist_select(event)[source]
Assign a wavelength to a detection
Note, only the LMB works.
- Parameters:
event (matplotlib.backend_bases.Event) – A matplotlib event instance
- linelist_update(val)[source]
For a given detection, set the linelist value to be the best guess based on the wavelength solution
When a user selects a detection, reset the current value of the linelist to reflect the best candidate wavelength for that detection (given the current wavelength solution)
- Parameters:
val (int) – The index corresponding to the closest match
- store_solution(final_fit, binspec, rmstol=0.15, force_save=False, wvcalib=None, multi=False, fits_dicts=None, specdata=None, slits=None, lines_pix_arr=None, lines_wav_arr=None, lines_fit_ord=None, custom_wav=None, custom_wav_ind=None)[source]
Check if the user wants to store this solution in the reid arxiv, when doing the wavelength solution for multiple traces
- Parameters:
final_fit (dict) – Dict of wavelength calibration solutions (see self.get_results())
binspec (int) – Spectral binning
rmstol (float, optional) – RMS tolerance allowed for the wavelength solution to be stored in the archive
force_save (bool, optional) – Force save
multi (bool, optional) – Flag if the template has multiple slits/traces.
fits_dict (list, optional) – List of dictionaries containing the _fitdict of previous calls, if multi-trace data
specdata (array, optional) – Numpy array containing the flux information from all the traces
wvcalib (
, optional) – Wavelength solutionlines_pix_arr (array, optional) – Numpy array containing the pixel locations of all ID’d lines
lines_wav_arr (array, optional) – Numpy array containing wavelengths of all the ID’d lines
- Returns:
wvarxiv_name – The name of the wvarxiv file if saved. “None” if not saved
- Return type: