pypeit.core.framematch module

Routines for matching frames to certain types or each other.

class pypeit.core.framematch.FrameTypeBitMask[source]

Bases: BitMask

Define a bitmask to set the frame types.

Frame types can be arc, bias, dark, pinhole, pixelflat, science, standard, or trace.

type_names(type_bits, join=True)[source]

Use the type bits to get the type names for each frame.


  • type_bits (int, list, numpy.ndarray) – The bit mask for each frame.

  • bitmask (pypeit.bitmask.BitMask, optional) – The bit mask used to pull out the bit names. Uses FrameTypeBitMask by default.

  • join (bool, optional) – Instead of providing a list of type names for items with multiple bits tripped, joint the list into a single, comma-separated string.


List of the frame types for each frame. Each frame can have multiple types, meaning the 2nd axis is not necessarily the same length for all frames.

Return type:


pypeit.core.framematch.check_frame_exptime(exptime, exprng)[source]

Check that the exposure time is within the provided range.

  • exptime (numpy.ndarray) – Exposure times to check; allowed to be None.

  • exprng (array-like) – An array with the minimum and maximum exposure. The limits are exclusive and a limit of None means there is no limit.


A boolean array that is True for all times within the provided range. The value is False for any exposure time that is None or outside the provided range.

Return type:



ValueError – Raised if the length of exprng is not 2.

pypeit.core.framematch.valid_frametype(frametype, quiet=False, raise_error=False)[source]

Confirm the provided frame type is known to PypeIt.

  • frametype (str) – The frame type name.

  • quiet (bool, optional) – Suppress output

  • raise_error (bool, optional) – Instead of issuing a warning, raise an exception.


Flag that the frametype name is valid.

Return type:
