Basic Image Processing

Here we describe the basic image processing steps performed by PypeIt, specifically their order, salient details, and how to toggle specific steps using the PypeIt Reduction File. This description is meant to be general to all spectrographs. For instrument-specific advice, see Instrument-specific Details. Also note that some spectrographs enable processing of detector mosaics instead of the individual detectors; see Detector Mosaics.

Unless otherwise stated, the relevant parameters governing basic image processing are kept by ProcessImagesPar; see User-level Parameters. Importantly, however, changing the default parameters for some frame types will lead to faults; see Processing Algorithm and Workflow Flexibility.


We provide a very general approach to image processing with hooks to toggle each step, as appropriate for different frame types and/or different instruments. Generally, we treat pixel values, \(p\), in an astronomical image (in units of ADU) as containing the following components:

\[p = O + B + (C + N_{\rm bin}\ D\ t_{\rm exp}) / g\]


  • \(O\) is a frame-dependent bias estimate (in ADU) using image overscan regions,

  • \(B\) is a longer-term pixel-by-pixel bias estimate (in ADU after overscan subtraction) using bias images,

  • the quantity \(C=N_{\rm frames}\ c/s\prime=c/s\) is the number of electron counts excited by photons hitting the detector,

  • \(1/s=N_{\rm frames}/s\prime\) is a factor that accounts for the number of frames contributing to the electron counts (N_{rm frames}), and (sprime) the relative throughput factors (see below) that can be measured from flat-field frames plus a scaling factor applied if the counts of each frame are scaled to the mean counts of all frames,

  • \(D\) is the dark-current, i.e., the rate at which the detector generates thermal electrons, in e-/pixel/s,

  • \(N_{\rm bin}\) is the number of pixels in a binned pixel,

  • \(t_{\rm exp}\) is the exposure time in seconds, and

  • \(g\) is the amplifier gain in e- per ADU.

By “relative throughput,” we mean the aggregate of relative (to, say, the center of the field) telescope+instrument+detector efficiency factors that can be measured from flat-field images (see Flat Fielding), like pixel-to-pixel differences in quantum efficiency (known as the “pixelflat”), spatial variations in slit illumination as a result of vignetting or instrument optics (known as the “illumflat”), and variations in slit illumination in the spectral direction (known as “specillumflat”). The goal of the basic image processing is to solve for \(c\) in a set of science and calibration frames using a set of frames that isolate the detector bias, dark current, and relative throughput, to find:

\[c = s\prime / N_{\rm frames}\ \left[ g\ (p - O - B) - N_{\rm bin}\ D\ t_{\rm exp} \right]\]

During this process, we also generate a noise model for the result of the image processing, calculated using variance_model(). The full variance model, \(V\), is:

\[V = s\prime^2 / N_{\rm frames}^2\ \left[ {\rm max}(0, C) + N_{\rm bin}\ D\ t_{\rm exp} + V_{\rm rn} + V_{\rm proc} \right] + \epsilon^2 {\rm max}(0, c)^2\]


  • \(V_{\rm rn}\) is the detector readnoise variance (i.e., read-noise in e- squared),

  • \(V_{\rm proc}\) is added variance from image processing (i.e., this term in includes uncertainty from the bias subtraction, etc.), and

  • \(\epsilon\) is an added error term that imposes a maximum signal-to-noise on the scaled counts.

We emphasize that this is a model for the per-pixel image variance, particularly because we are using the as-observed pixel value to estimate the Poisson error in the observed counts. This estimate systematically overestimates the variance toward low counts (\(\lesssim 2 \sigma_{\rm rn}\)), with a bias of approximately \(1.4/\sigma_{\rm rn}\) for \(C=0\) (i.e., about 20% for a readnoise of 2 e-) and less than 10% (for any readnoise) when \(C\geq1\). The reason for this bias is that one is trying to estimate the variance of a Poisson process from a noisy realization of the true underlying count rate. To mitigate this bias, the variance model is typically updated during the sky-subtraction and object-extraction procedures.

Processing Algorithm

The basic image processing steps are performed by RawImage. Regardless of the image Frame Types, the order of operations is always the same:

Conversion to Counts

First, the image units are converted to electron counts using the gain (in e-/ADU) for each amplifier. Even though \(O\) and \(B\) are in ADU in the equation for \(p\) above, they can be measured in e- by applying the gain. More importantly, how they are measured must be consistent across all images. The apply_gain parameter defaults to true, and you should rarely (if ever) want to change this. However, if you do, make sure you change it for all images you process; i.e., you don’t want to be bias subtracting an image in ADU (apply_gain = False) from an image in e- (apply_gain = True). The units of the processed images are saved to the image header as UNITS, which can be either 'e-' or 'ADU'.

Pattern-Noise Subtraction

Some instruments, specifically Keck KCWI, are known to have a sinusoidal pattern in its bias. subtract_pattern() models and subtracts this pattern from the data based on the overscan regions. Unless you know such a pattern exists in your data, you should set the use_pattern option to false (the default) for all frames.

Currently no error associated with this pattern subtraction is included in the image-processing error budget; however, if the readnoise is determined empirically, the error in the pattern noise subtraction will effectively be included in the read-noise estimate. It’s worth considering using the empirical readnoise calculation if you’re applying the pattern subtraction.

Read and Digitization Noise

Readnoise variance, \(V_{\rm rn}\), is calculated by rn2_frame(). The calculation requires the detector readnoise (RN in electrons, e-) and, possibly, gain (\(g\) in e-/ADU) for each amplifier, which are provided for each amplifier by the DetectorContainer object defined for each detector in each Spectrograph subclass. If a readnoise value is set to \(\leq 0\), the readnoise is estimated by the variance in the overscan regions of the image being processed; see estimate_readnoise(). Use of the readnoise estimate regardless of the value provided by the DetectorContainer object can also be explicitly requested by setting the empirical_rn parameter to true.

By default, the readnoise variance image does not include digitization noise. Digitization noise is driven by the conversion from counts to ADU via the gain and the quantization to an integer. One can derive the digitization noise by taking the second moment of a uniform distribution from -1/2 to 1/2 to find \(\sqrt{1/12}\) ADU [1] [2], which is typically negligible (i.e., when the gain is on the same order as the readnoise). And, in most cases, digitization noise will have been included in the estimate of the readnoise. For this reason, digitization noise is not explicitly included in the PypeIt variance model, and its inclusion cannot be turned on using a PypeIt parameter. If you need to add digitization noise for your instrument, please Submit an issue.

Overscan Subtraction

If available, the raw image reader for each spectrograph returns the overscan region of the detector; see get_rawimage(). Overscan subtraction uses this region of the image to subtract a per-frame bias level; see subtract_overscan(). Set the use_overscan parameter to false if you do not want to use the overscan in this way or, more importantly, your instrument detector does not include an overscan region; supported instruments with no overscan regions should have use_overscan=False as the default. Uncertainty in the overscan subtraction is propagated to the image-processing error budget.

Trimming & Re-orientation

The raw image reader for each spectrograph returns the primary data region of the detector; see get_rawimage(). Trimming crops the image to only include the primary data region; see trim_frame(). Trimming will be performed if the trim parameter is true.

One of the PypeIt Conventions is to orient images for spectra to run along the first axis of an image — from blue wavelengths at small pixel coordinates to red wavelengths at large pixel coordinates — and the spatial or cross-dispersion direction to be along the second axis — with echelle orders running from the highest order at small pixel coordinates to the lowest order at large pixel coordinates. That is, the shape of the images is always (roughly) the number of spectral pixels by the number of spatial pixels, often referred to in our documentation as (nspec,nspat). The operations required to flip/transpose the image arrays to match the PypeIt convention are dictated by instrument-specific DetectorContainer parameters and performed by orient_image(). Image orientation will be performed if the orient parameter is true.


Never turn off image trimming or image orientation. All processed images are expected to have been trimmed and re-oriented according to the PypeIt convention. It will break the code if you turn these options off.

Bias Subtraction

Overscan regions are generated by additional reads of the detector beyond its size along the readout direction, and overscan subtraction provides a single correction for the full 2D image (if overscan_method is median) or a correction for each pixel along the readout direction (if overscan_method is not median). Combining many overscan-subtracted bias images provides a 2D, pixel-to-pixel bias-level correction in the science region of the detector. To perform bias subtraction, include bias frames in your PypeIt Reduction File and set use_biasimage to true. The bias correction (see subtract_bias()) is applied after trimming, orientation, and overscan subtraction. Uncertainty in the bias subtraction is propagated to the image-processing error budget.

Dark Subtraction

In addition to readnoise and gain, our instrument-specific DetectorContainer objects also provide the expected dark current; see Detector Specifications. The tabulated dark current must be in electrons per pixel per hour. Note that:

  • “per pixel” means per unbinned pixel; dark current in a binned pixel is \(N_{\rm bin}\) higher than in an unbinned pixel

  • the tabulated dark current is in e-/pixel/hr, whereas the equation above gives \(D\) in units of e-/pixel/s. Within PypeIt all exposure times are assumed to be in seconds such that the hr-to-second unit conversion is done during the dark subtraction.

As of version 1.6.0, this tabulated dark current (scaled by the frame exposure time and the binning) is always subtracted from the observed images (i.e., there is currently no parameter that will turn this off). This is primarily due to how we account for dark current in our image variance model (see above); i.e., the \(D\) term is assumed to be the same for all images taken with a given instrument.

Importantly, PypeIt also subtracts this tabulated dark-current value from any provided dark frames. This means that dark frames, combined into the Dark, are used to correct for the 2D, pixel-to-pixel deviation in the measured dark current with respect to the tabulated value. These deviations are expected to be small compared to the tabulated dark current value, and a warning is thrown if the median difference between the measured and tabulated dark current is larger than 50%.

If you have collected dark images and wish to subtract them from your science frames, include them in your PypeIt Reduction File and set use_darkimage to true; see subtract_dark(). Note that if you bias-subtract the science frames and you plan to also subtract a combined dark frame, make sure that you bias-subtract your dark frames!


Nominally, the exposure time for dark images should be identical to the frames they are applied to. If they are not, PypeIt provides a parameter that will allow you to scale the dark frame counts by the ratio of the exposure times to appropriately subtract the counts/s measured by the processed dark frame from the science frame (see the dark_expscale parameter). Take care when using this option! Also, beware how the dark images are processed. Specifically, scaling by the ratio of the exposure times assumes the processed dark frame only includes dark counts; i.e., the dark image cannot include a bias offset. When the exposure times are different, also note that it is important from a noise perspective that the dark exposures always be at least as long as your longest exposure time in the same calibration group.

Build Detector Mosaic

If requested and applicable for the instrument data being reduced, PypeIt then uses hard-coded detector geometries to construct a mosaic of the image data from multiple detectors. See more information regarding the Detector Mosaics.

Spatial Flexure Shift

A spatial shift in the slit positions due to instrument flexure is calculated using spat_flexure_shift() if the spat_flexure_correct parameter is true. See Flexure Correction for additional discussion.


The processed images can be flat-field corrected for pixel-to-pixel throughput variations (use_pixelflat), the slit illumination profile (use_illumflat), and the relative spectral response (use_specillum). These multiplicative corrections are all propagated to the image-processing error budget. See Flat Fielding for additional discussion.


Currently, to apply the slit-illumination and spectral response corrections, you must also apply the pixel-to-pixel correction. I.e., in order to perform any flat-field correction, use_pixelflat must be true.

Continuum removal

If multiple different arc frames are being combined, a smooth representation of the image can be subtracted off by setting the use_continuum variable to true. This variable should only be set to true if you intend to combine multiple arcs with different lamps.


If you set this parameter to True, you should also set the following parameters:

            clip = False
            combine = mean
            clip = False
            combine = mean

Counting Statistics and Noise Floor

Components of the error budget (see the Overview) are calculated throughout the processing steps. The two final components are:

  1. Shot noise in the electron counts are added if the shot_noise parameter is true. With the exception of bias frames, all images should include the shot-noise calculation (including the dark frames).

  2. For the on-sky observations (sky, standard, and science frames), PypeIt imposes a per-pixel noise floor by adding a fractional count to the error-budget. Specifically, the quantity \((\epsilon\ c)^2\) (see the Overview) is added to the variance image, where \(\epsilon\) is set by noise_floor and \(c\) is the rescaled (i.e., flat-field-corrected) counts. In the limit where \(c\) is large, this yeilds a maximum signal-to-noise per pixel (\(c/\sqrt{V}\)) of 1/noise_floor. To remove this, set noise_floor to 0.

Cosmic Ray Identification and Masking

PypeIt will identify and mask cosmic rays, if the mask_cr parameter is true. PypeIt uses a combination of the L.A. Cosmic Ray rejection algorithm [3] and some follow-up filtering to identify and remove false positives. The most relevant parameters in the algorithm are editable via the PypeIt Reduction File; see build_crmask() and lacosmic().

Image Combination

Once all of the above processing steps have been performed on each frame, frames of the same type within the same calibration group are combined according to the method set by the combine keyword; see CombineImage.


PypeIt uses bitmasks to flag pixels for various reasons. See Output Bitmasks for a description of these masks and how to use/parse them.

Workflow Flexibility

The main parameters dictating the image processing workflow are provided in the table below. The first column gives the parameter, ordered by their effect on the algorithm above, and the second column gives its default value, independent of the frame type. The subsequent columns give generic changes to those defaults made for each frame type; empty cells in these columns mean the parameter has the default value. The frame type order is the order in which they’re processed within the PypeIt workflow (modulo subtle differences between when the arc+tilt images are processed compared to the slit trace images when reducing IFU data vs. multi-slit/echelle data). When making changes to the workflow via the parameters, make sure to consider that the order of operations, as illustrated by this table, go from top to bottom and left to right. Also beware that some changes will lead to faults or silent bugs. In particular, PypeIt always expects processed images to have been trimmed and re-oriented to match the PypeIt Conventions.


These are the instrument-independent parameter defaults. Each Spectrograph subclass can alter these defaults as needed for the typical approach that should be taken for data from that instrument, and users can make further alterations as needed for their specific data via the PypeIt Reduction File. See User-level Parameters.






































































The basic image processing workflow is largely independent for each frame type. In particular, there’s no intelligent automated checking in place for how calibration frames are processed and whether it is correct to apply those calibrations to other frames. For example, if you overscan subtract your bias frames, you should also overscan subtract all other frames before performing bias subtraction, and vice versa. When altering the processing workflow, it is up to the user to make sure that the processing of images is appropriate across all frame types.

Example Changes

All changes to the basic image processing workflow are made via the Parameter Block in each PypeIt Reduction File. To make changes to the processing of all frame types, see here.

Here are a few typical examples of workflow changes:

  1. Turn off bias subtraction for all images:

        use_biasimage = False
  2. Turn on bias subtraction for all frames except the bias frames:

        use_biasimage = True
                use_biasimage = False
  3. Turn off overscan subtraction (the default for Spectrographs with near-IR detectors):

        use_overscan = False
  4. Turn on dark subtraction for the flat and trace frames:

                use_darkimage = True
                use_darkimage = True
                use_darkimage = True