Spec1D Output
A primary data product for PypeIt are 1D, calibrated spectra for extracted sources. The most fundamental spectrum may be described by two arrays: flux, wavelength (in vacuum). These together with an error array are the minimal output for even Quick-Look Reductions. There are, however, several methods of extraction, calibration, etc. that yield various data products. Additionally, a .txt file with Extraction Information for each extracted 1D spectrum is also produced.
The 1D spectra files have names like:
See here for a description of the naming convention.
Each object is named by its:
spatial position (pixel number) on the reduced image [SPAT]
the slit position (pixel number) on the reduced image [SLIT]
the detector number [DET]
For example:
Because there are several modes of extraction in PypeIt, there may be multiple outputs of the spectral arrays. These are then prefixed by the extraction mode.
Extraction Mode |
Description |
Top-hat extraction around the trace. The precise window used is defined by the BOXCAR_APERTURE, in pixels. |
Standard Horne algorithm for extraction using the fitted spatial profile. An estimate of this profile is given by OBJ_FWHM |
Therefore, the integrated counts for a boxcar extraction are given by the
array with inverse variance BOX_COUNTS_IVAR
The spectra may be viewed with the pypeit_show_1dspec script, which loads the data and launches a GUI from the linetools package.
The script usage can be displayed by calling the script with the
$ pypeit_show_1dspec -h
usage: pypeit_show_1dspec [-h] [--list] [--exten EXTEN] [--obj OBJ]
[--extract EXTRACT] [--flux] [-m]
Show a 1D spectrum
positional arguments:
file Spectral file
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--list List the extensions only? (default: False)
--exten EXTEN FITS extension (default: 1)
--obj OBJ Object name in lieu of extension, e.g.
SPAT0424-SLIT0000-DET01 (default: None)
--extract EXTRACT Extraction method. Default is OPT. ['BOX', 'OPT'] (default:
--flux Show fluxed spectrum? (default: False)
-m, --unmasked Only show unmasked data. (default: True)
Here is a typical call:
pypeit_show_1dspec Science/spec1d_b27-J1217p3905_KASTb_2015May20T045733.560.fits --exten 1
This should launch an XSpecGUI.
If you get an obscure error when executing the above command, it may be that
you’re trying to view a file created by a previous version of PypeIt. As
the code develops, we sometimes change the datamodel of different output
files, which are often not backward compatible. If you run into this error,
try reverting to the relevant PypeIt version (the version used to create the
file is typically written to the VERSPYP
header keyword) or re-reduce
the data with the new PypeIt version.
Here are the typical options you will use:
This prints a list to the screen of all the objects extracted. An example:
EXT0000001 = SPAT0351-SLIT0000-DET01
EXT0000002 = SPAT0392-SLIT0001-DET01
EXT0000003 = SPAT0463-SLIT0003-DET01
EXT0000004 = SPAT0556-SLIT0004-DET01
EXT0000005 = SPAT0621-SLIT0005-DET01
EXT0000006 = SPAT0731-SLIT0006-DET01
EXT0000007 = SPAT0824-SLIT0007-DET01
EXT0000008 = SPAT0865-SLIT0007-DET01
EXT0000009 = SPAT0910-SLIT0008-DET01
EXT0000010 = SPAT0962-SLIT0009-DET01
EXT0000011 = SPAT0073-SLIT0000-DET02
EXT0000012 = SPAT0093-SLIT0000-DET02
EXT0000013 = SPAT0130-SLIT0001-DET02
This indicates the extension of the object with this Naming.
This is a short-cut of sorts to pull the object you want without typing in its name.
Plot this object.
Choice of Extraction method.
Show the fluxed spectrum (only if it has been fluxed!)
Extraction Information
A .txt file with the same name as the 1D spectra File is also produced by PypeIt. This file lists the main extraction information for each 1D spectrum. It looks like:
| slit | name | spat_pixpos | spat_fracpos | box_width | opt_fwhm | s2n | wv_rms |
| 69 | SPAT0071-SLIT0069-DET02 | 70.9 | 0.504 | 3.00 | 1.911 | 7.06 | 0.025 |
| 178 | SPAT0186-SLIT0178-DET02 | 186.1 | 0.570 | 3.00 | 1.264 | 2.60 | 0.020 |
| 275 | SPAT0271-SLIT0275-DET02 | 270.5 | 0.434 | 3.00 | 1.317 | 1.89 | 0.021 |
| 371 | SPAT0383-SLIT0371-DET02 | 383.3 | 0.578 | 3.00 | 0.425 | 2.98 | 0.022 |
| 469 | SPAT0461-SLIT0469-DET02 | 461.0 | 0.392 | 3.00 | 0.873 | 0.55 | 0.026 |
is the slit position in pixels on the reduced image;name
is the object name (see Objects);spat_pixpos
is the object spatial position in pixels on the reduced image;spat_fracpos
is the fractional location of the object on the slit;box_width
is the width in arcsec of the boxcar;opt_fwhm
is the spatial FWHM in arcsec of the optimally extracted object;s2n
is the Signal-to-Noise ratio (SNR) of the optimally extracted object. If optimal extraction is not performed, the reported SNR is for the boxcar extracted object;wv_rms
is the RMS in pixels of the wavelength solution.
In addition, if reducing Keck DEIMOS or
Keck MOSFIRE data and slit-mask design matching is performed,
, objname
, objra
, objdec
, and maskdef_extract
also provided for each spectrum (see RA, Dec and object name assignment to 1D extracted spectra).
specutils Interface
We provide an interface to the specutils package to facilitate use of PypeIt output spectra with code that uses, e.g., specutils.Spectrum1D. Use of this interface requires you to install the specutils package. This can be done using PypeIt’s Optional Dependencies, or simply by directly installing specutils within the same python environment as you’ve installed PypeIt.
To read a PypeIt spec1d file using specutils:
from pypeit.specutils import SpectrumList spec = SpectrumList.read(spec1d_file)
is the relative or absolute path to a PypeIt spec1d file. You must always use aSpectrumList
to read a spec1d file, even if the file only contains one spectrum. The spec1d loader provides PypeIt-specific options that enable you to specify the type of extraction used and whether or not to use the flux-calibrated spectrum; seepypeit.specutils.pypeit_loaders.pypeit_spec1d_loader()
. By default, optimal extraction takes precedence over boxcar extraction, and flux-calibrated data take precedence over uncalibrated counts.To read a PypeIt
file:from pypeit.specutils import Spectrum1D spec = Spectrum1D.read(onespec_file)
is the relative or absolute path to a PypeItpypeit.onespec.OneSpec
file. For these files, you can use eitherSpectrum1D
to read the file, but (by definition) the result of usingSpectrumList
will just be a list of oneSpectrum1D
object. Thepypeit.onespec.OneSpec
loader provides a PypeIt-specific option that enables you to select the uniform grid wavelength vector, instead of the contribution-weighted wavelengths; seepypeit.specutils.pypeit_loaders.pypeit_onespec_loader()
Importing Spectrum1D
and SpectrumList
are shown as coming from the
module, but the objects themselves are identical to the
specutils objects. The reason they are imported from within PypeIt is
that, under the hood, the import also “registers” the PypeIt-specific
loaders with the relevant specutils module. This circumvents the need to
place any pypeit specific code in a ~/.specutils
directory (as
recommended here) and
keeps the import statement to one line. That is,
from pypeit.specutils import Spectrum1D
is really just shorthand for
from specutils import Spectrum1D
from pypeit.specutils import pypeit_loaders
In addition to the pypeit_show_1dspec GUI, these specutils loaders allow you to interact with your spectra using jdaviz. To do so, use the following lines in a jupyter notebook (you currently must do this from within a notebook):
from pypeit.specutils import SpectrumList
from jdaviz import Specviz
file = 'my_spec1d_file.fits'
spec = SpectrumList.read(file)
specviz = Specviz()
Current Data Model
Internally, the spectrum for a single object is held by the
class. Here is its datamodel, which
is written as an astropy.io.fits.BinTableHDU in the spec1d* fits
file with this Naming. In addition, one
written to a fits extension — named, e.g., DET01-DETECTOR
for each detector with at least one spectrum extracted.
All wavelengths are in vacuum.
Multiple SpecObj
objects are held internally
by a SpecObjs
Version: 1.1.11
Obj Key |
Obj Type |
Array Type |
Description |
ndarray |
float |
Reduced chi2 of the model fit for this spectral pixel |
ndarray |
float |
Boxcar flux (counts) |
ndarray |
float |
Inverse variance of optimally extracted flux using modelivar image (counts^2) |
ndarray |
float |
Boxcar extracted noise variance, sky+read noise only (counts^2) |
ndarray |
float |
Boxcar extracted noise from IVAR (counts) |
ndarray |
float |
Boxcar extracted detector noise (counts) |
ndarray |
float |
Boxcar extracted sky (counts) |
ndarray |
float |
Boxcar flux (erg/s/cm^2/Ang) |
ndarray |
float |
Boxcar flux inverse variance (1e-17 erg/s/cm^2/Ang)^-2 |
ndarray |
float |
Boxcar flux uncertainty (1e-17 erg/s/cm^2/Ang) |
ndarray |
float |
Boxcar extracted flatfield spectrum, normalized to the peak value. |
ndarray |
float |
Fraction of pixels in the object profile subimage used for this extraction |
ndarray |
float |
Spectral FWHM (in Angstroms) at every pixel of the boxcar extracted flux. |
ndarray |
bool |
Mask for boxcar extracted flux. True=good |
ndarray |
float |
Number of pixels used for the boxcar extraction; can be fractional |
float |
Size of boxcar radius (pixels) |
ndarray |
float |
Boxcar Wavelengths in vacuum (Angstroms) |
float |
Declination (J2000) decimal degree |
str |
A string identifier for the reduced detector or mosaic. |
DetectorContainer, Mosaic |
Object with the detector or mosaic metadata |
float, floating |
Synced echelle fractional location of the object on the slit |
str |
Name of the object for echelle data. Same as NAME above but order numbers are omitted giving a unique name per object. |
int, integer |
Object ID for echelle data. Each object is given an index in the order it appears increasing from from left to right. These are one based. |
int, integer |
Physical echelle order |
int, integer |
Order indx, analogous to SLITID for echelle. Zero based. |
float |
Global shift of the spectrum to correct for spectralflexure (pixels). This is based on the sky spectrum atthe center of the slit |
float |
Local shift of the spectrum to correct for spectralflexure (pixels). This should be a small correction tothe global value, and is based on the sky spectrumextracted near the object |
float |
Total shift of the spectrum to correct for spectralflexure (pixels). This is the sum of the global andlocal FLEX_SHIFT |
float |
Spatial FWHM of the object (pixels) |
ndarray |
float |
Spatial FWHM across the detector (pixels) |
bool |
Boolean indicating if this is a forced extraction at the expected location from slitmask design. |
int, integer |
Slitmask definition ID |
float |
Magnitude of the object from the slitmask definition |
str |
Magnitude band of the object from the slitmask definition |
str |
Name of the object from the slitmask definition |
str |
Name of the object following the naming model |
int, integer |
Object ID for multislit data. Each object is given an index for the slit it appears increasing from from left to right. These are one based. |
str |
Object type (e.g., standard, science) |
ndarray |
float |
Reduced chi2 of the model fit for this spectral pixel |
ndarray |
float |
Optimal flux (counts) |
ndarray |
float |
Inverse variance of optimally extracted flux using modelivar image (counts^2) |
ndarray |
float |
Optimally extracted noise variance, sky+read noise only (counts^2) |
ndarray |
float |
Optimally extracted noise from IVAR (counts) |
ndarray |
float |
Optimally extracted detector noise (counts) |
ndarray |
float |
Optimally extracted sky (counts) |
ndarray |
float |
Optimal flux (1e-17 erg/s/cm^2/Ang) |
ndarray |
float |
Optimal flux inverse variance (1e-17 erg/s/cm^2/Ang)^-2 |
ndarray |
float |
Optimal flux uncertainty (1e-17 erg/s/cm^2/Ang) |
ndarray |
float |
Optimally extracted flatfield spectrum, normalised to the peak value. |
ndarray |
float |
Fraction of pixels in the object profile subimage used for this extraction |
ndarray |
float |
Spectral FWHM (in Angstroms) at every pixel of the optimally extracted flux. |
ndarray |
bool |
Mask for optimally extracted flux. True=good |
ndarray |
float |
Optimal Wavelengths in vacuum (Angstroms) |
str |
Name of the PypeIt pipeline mode |
float |
Right Ascension (J2000) decimal degree |
float |
Median signal to noise ratio of the extracted spectrum(OPT if available, otherwise BOX) |
int, integer |
PypeIt slit ID (aka SPAT_ID). |
float, floating |
Fractional location of the object on the slit |
float |
Spatial FWHM of the object (arcsec) |
float, floating |
Spatial location of the trace on detector (pixel) at half-way |
ndarray |
float |
Object trace along the spec (spatial pixel) |
float |
Relativistic velocity correction for wavelengths |
str |
Type of heliocentric correction (if any) |
float, floating |
RMS (pix) for the wavelength solution for this slit. |
bool |
Boolean indicating if this is a forced extraction at the location provided by the user. |
float, floating |
Size (in units of spatial fwhm) of the region used for local sky subtraction |
float |
Peak value of the spectral direction collapsed spatial profile |
float |
Peak S/N ratio of the spectral direction collapsed patial profile |
ndarray |
int,numpy.integer |
Array of pixels along the spectral direction |