pypeit.core.flexure module
Module for flexure routines
- class pypeit.core.flexure.MultiSlitFlexure(s1dfile=None, PYP_SPEC=None, nslits=None, det=None, SN=None, slitid=None, mn_wv=None, fit_slope=None, fit_b=None, fit_los=None, objra=None, objdec=None, maskdef_id=None, rms_arc=None, resid_sky=None, indiv_fit_slope=None, indiv_fit_b=None, indiv_fit_los=None)[source]
Class to perform multi-detector flexure analysis.
Based on code written by Marla Geha for DEIMOS.
The datamodel attributes are:
Version: 1.1.0
Array Type
PypeIt spectrograph name
S/N (ndet, nslits)
int, numpy.integer
Integer identifiers for the detector or mosaic (ndet, nslits)
Fitted b value(nslits)
Fitted line width(nslits)
Fitted slope (nslits)
Same as above but for b (nslits)
Same as above but for line width (nslits)
Fits to each slit individually (nslits)
int, numpy.integer
Flag that the “det” is the mosaic ID (ndet, nslits)
Mask ID (nslits)
Mininum wavelength of the slit [Ang] (nslits)
Number of detectors per spectrum
Number of slits
Object DEC (nslits)
Object RA (nslits)
Residuals of flexure model on sky lines (nslits)
RMS of fit (ndet, nslits)
spec1d filename
Slit ID (nslits)
- datamodel = {'PYP_SPEC': {'descr': 'PypeIt spectrograph name', 'otype': <class 'str'>}, 'SN': {'atype': <class 'numpy.floating'>, 'descr': 'S/N (ndet, nslits)', 'otype': <class 'numpy.ndarray'>}, 'det': {'atype': (<class 'int'>, <class 'numpy.integer'>), 'descr': 'Integer identifiers for the detector or mosaic (ndet, nslits)', 'otype': <class 'numpy.ndarray'>}, 'fit_b': {'atype': <class 'numpy.floating'>, 'descr': 'Fitted b value(nslits)', 'otype': <class 'numpy.ndarray'>}, 'fit_los': {'atype': <class 'numpy.floating'>, 'descr': 'Fitted line width(nslits)', 'otype': <class 'numpy.ndarray'>}, 'fit_slope': {'atype': <class 'numpy.floating'>, 'descr': 'Fitted slope (nslits)', 'otype': <class 'numpy.ndarray'>}, 'indiv_fit_b': {'atype': <class 'numpy.floating'>, 'descr': 'Same as above but for b (nslits)', 'otype': <class 'numpy.ndarray'>}, 'indiv_fit_los': {'atype': <class 'numpy.floating'>, 'descr': 'Same as above but for line width (nslits)', 'otype': <class 'numpy.ndarray'>}, 'indiv_fit_slope': {'atype': <class 'numpy.floating'>, 'descr': 'Fits to each slit individually (nslits)', 'otype': <class 'numpy.ndarray'>}, 'is_msc': {'atype': (<class 'int'>, <class 'numpy.integer'>), 'descr': 'Flag that the "det" is the mosaic ID (ndet, nslits)', 'otype': <class 'numpy.ndarray'>}, 'maskdef_id': {'atype': <class 'numpy.integer'>, 'descr': 'Mask ID (nslits)', 'otype': <class 'numpy.ndarray'>}, 'mn_wv': {'atype': <class 'numpy.floating'>, 'descr': 'Mininum wavelength of the slit [Ang] (nslits)', 'otype': <class 'numpy.ndarray'>}, 'ndet': {'descr': 'Number of detectors per spectrum', 'otype': <class 'int'>}, 'nslits': {'descr': 'Number of slits', 'otype': <class 'int'>}, 'objdec': {'atype': <class 'numpy.floating'>, 'descr': 'Object DEC (nslits)', 'otype': <class 'numpy.ndarray'>}, 'objra': {'atype': <class 'numpy.floating'>, 'descr': 'Object RA (nslits)', 'otype': <class 'numpy.ndarray'>}, 'resid_sky': {'atype': <class 'numpy.floating'>, 'descr': 'Residuals of flexure model on sky lines (nslits)', 'otype': <class 'numpy.ndarray'>}, 'rms_arc': {'atype': <class 'numpy.floating'>, 'descr': 'RMS of fit (ndet, nslits)', 'otype': <class 'numpy.ndarray'>}, 's1dfile': {'descr': 'spec1d filename', 'otype': <class 'str'>}, 'slitid': {'atype': <class 'numpy.floating'>, 'descr': 'Slit ID (nslits)', 'otype': <class 'numpy.ndarray'>}}
Provides the class data model. This is undefined in the abstract class and should be overwritten in the derived classes.
The format of the
needed for each implementation of aDataContainer
derived class is as follows.The datamodel itself is a class attribute (i.e., it is a member of the class, not just of an instance of the class). The datamodel is a dictionary of dictionaries: Each key of the datamodel dictionary provides the name of a given datamodel element, and the associated item (dictionary) for the datamodel element provides the type and description information for that datamodel element. For each datamodel element, the dictionary item must provide:
: This is the type of the object for this datamodel item. E.g., for a float or a numpy.ndarray, you would setotype=float
, respectively.descr
: This provides a text description of the datamodel element. This is used to construct the datamodel tables in the pypeit documentation.
If the object type is a numpy.ndarray, you should also provide the
keyword that sets the type of the data contained within the array. E.g., for a floating point array containing an image, your datamodel could be simply:datamodel = {'image' : dict(otype=np.ndarray, atype=float, descr='My image')}
More advanced examples are given in the top-level module documentation.
components are restricted to haveotype
that aretuple
, numpy.ndarray, or astropy.table.Table objects. E.g.,datamodel
values forotype
cannot bedict
- fit_mask_surfaces()[source]
Fit 2D model to linear flexure models from each slit as a function of RA, DEC.
- init(spectrograph, par)[source]
Initialize this and that about the slits, par, spectrograph e.g. RA, DEC, S/N
- Parameters:
spectrograph (
) – The spectrograph instance that sets the instrument used to take the observations. Used to setspectrograph
.par (
) – The parameters used for the flexure processing
- internals = ['flex_par', 'spectrograph', 'specobjs', 'sobj_idx', 'sky_table', 'pmodel_m', 'pmodel_b', 'pmodel_l']
A list of strings identifying a set of internal attributes that are not part of the datamodel.
- version = '1.1.0'
Provides the string representation of the class version.
This is currently put to minimal use so far, but will used for I/O verification in the future.
Each derived class should provide a version to guard against data model changes during development.
- pypeit.core.flexure.calculate_image_offset(im_ref, image, nfit=3)[source]
Calculate the x,y offset between two images
- Parameters:
im_ref (numpy.ndarray) – Reference image
image (numpy.ndarray) – Image that we want to measure the shift of (relative to im_ref)
nfit (int, optional) – Number of pixels (left and right of the maximum) to include in fitting the peak of the cross correlation.
- Returns:
- Returns two floats, the x and y offset of the image.
ra_diff – Relative shift (in pixels) of image relative to im_ref (x direction). In order to align image with im_ref, ra_diff should be added to the x-coordinates of image
dec_diff – Relative shift (in pixels) of image relative to im_ref (y direction). In order to align image with im_ref, dec_diff should be added to the y-coordinates of image
- Return type:
- pypeit.core.flexure.calculate_image_phase(imref, imshift, gpm_ref=None, gpm_shift=None, maskval=None)[source]
Perform a masked cross-correlation and optical flow calculation to robustly estimate the subpixel shifts of two images.
If gpm_ref, gpm_shift, and maskval are all None, no pixels will be masked
This routine (optionally) requires skimage to calculate the image phase. If skimage is not installed, a standard (unmasked) cross-correlation is used.
- Parameters:
im_ref (numpy.ndarray) – Reference image
imshift (numpy.ndarray) – Image that we want to measure the shift of (relative to im_ref)
gpm_ref (numpy.ndarray) – Mask of good pixels (True = good) in the reference image
gpm_shift (numpy.ndarray) – Mask of good pixels (True = good) in the shifted image
maskval (float, optional) – If gpm_ref and gpm_shift are both None, a single value can be specified and this value will be masked in both images.
- Returns:
ra_diff (float) – Relative shift (in pixels) of image relative to im_ref (x direction). In order to align image with im_ref, ra_diff should be added to the x-coordinates of image
dec_diff (float) – Relative shift (in pixels) of image relative to im_ref (y direction). In order to align image with im_ref, dec_diff should be added to the y-coordinates of image
- pypeit.core.flexure.flexure_diagnostic(file, file_type='spec2d', flexure_type='spec', chk_version=False)[source]
Print the spectral or spatial flexure of a spec2d or spec1d file
- Parameters:
file (
, Path) – Filename of the spec2d or spec1d file to checkfile_type (
, optional) – Type of the file to check. Options are ‘spec2d’ or ‘spec1d’. Default is ‘spec2d’.flexure_type (
, optional) – Type of flexure to check. Options are ‘spec’ or ‘spat’. Default is ‘spec’.chk_version (
, optional) – If True, raise an error if the datamodel version or type check failed. If False, throw a warning only. Default is False.
- Returns:
If file_type is ‘spec2d’ and flexure_type is ‘spec’, return a table with the spectral flexure. If file_type is ‘spec2d’ and flexure_type is ‘spat’, return the spatial flexure. If file_type is ‘spec1d’, return a table with the spectral flexure.
- Return type:
- pypeit.core.flexure.flexure_interp(shift, wave)[source]
Perform interpolation on wave given a shift in pixels
- Parameters:
shift (float) – Shift in pixels
wave (numpy.ndarray) – extracted wave of size nspec
wavein (numpy.ndarray, optional) – Apply the shift to this array of wavelengths
- Returns:
Wavelength scale corrected for spectral flexure
- Return type:
- pypeit.core.flexure.get_archive_spectrum(sky_file, obj_skyspec=None, spec_fwhm_pix=None)[source]
Load an archival sky spectrum
- Parameters:
sky_file (
) – Name of the archival sky file. If equal to ‘model’, instead, a model sky spectrum will be generated usingnearIR_modelsky()
and the spectral resolution of obj_skyspec. If obj_skyspec is None, then sky_file cannot be ‘model’.obj_skyspec (linetools.spectra.xspectrum1d.XSpectrum1d, optional) – Sky spectrum associated with the science target. This must be provided if sky_file is ‘model’.
spec_fwhm_pix (
, optional) – Spectral FWHM (in pixels) of the sky spectrum related to our object.
- Returns:
The sky spectrum (linetools.spectra.xspectrum1d.XSpectrum1D) and the FWHM (float) of the sky lines in pixels.
- Return type:
- pypeit.core.flexure.get_fwhm_gauss_smooth(arx_skyspec, obj_skyspec, arx_fwhm_pix, spec_fwhm_pix=None)[source]
- Parameters:
arx_skyspec (linetools.spectra.xspectrum1d.XSpectrum1d) – Archived sky spectrum.
obj_skyspec (linetools.spectra.xspectrum1d.XSpectrum1d) – Sky spectrum associated with the science target.
arx_fwhm_pix (
) – Spectral FWHM (in pixels) of the archived sky spectrum.spec_fwhm_pix (
, optional) – Spectral FWHM (in pixels) of the sky spectrum related to our object.
- Returns:
FWHM of the smoothing Gaussian in pixels.
- Return type:
- pypeit.core.flexure.get_percentile_clipping(arr, percent=90.0)[source]
Get the values for clipping based on a percentile
- Parameters:
arr (numpy.ndarray) – Array to clip.
percent (
) – Percentile to clip at. Default is 90.0
- Returns:
Lower value for clipping
: Upper value for clipping- Return type:
- pypeit.core.flexure.get_sky_spectrum(sciimg, ivar, waveimg, thismask, global_sky, box_radius, slits, trace_spat, pypeline, det)[source]
Obtain a boxcar extraction of the sky spectrum
- Parameters:
sciimg (numpy.ndarray) – Science image - shape (nspec, nspat)
ivar (numpy.ndarray) – Inverse variance of the science image - shape (nspec, nspat)
waveimg (numpy.ndarray) – Wavelength image - shape (nspec, nspat)
thismask (numpy.ndarray) – Good pixel mask (True=good) that indicates the pixels that should be included in the boxcar extraction
global_sky (numpy.ndarray) – 2D array of the global_sky fit - shape (nspec, nspat)
box_radius (float) – Radius of the boxcar extraction (in pixels)
slits (
) – Slit trace settrace_spat (numpy.ndarray) – Spatial pixel values (usually the center of each slit) where the sky spectrum will be extracted. The shape of this array should be (nspec, nslits)
pypeline (
) – Name of thePypeIt
pipeline method. Allowed options are MultiSlit, Echelle, or IFU.det (
) – The name of the detector or mosaic from which the spectrum will be extracted. For example, DET01.
- Returns:
Sky spectrum
- Return type:
- pypeit.core.flexure.sky_em_residuals(wave: ndarray, flux: ndarray, ivar: ndarray, sky_waves: ndarray, plot=False, noff=5.0, nfit_min=20)[source]
Calculate residuals and other metrics for a set of input sky emission lines
- Parameters:
wave (numpy.ndarray) – Wavelengths (in air!)
flux (numpy.ndarray) – Fluxes
ivar (numpy.ndarray) – Inverse variance
sky_waves (numpy.ndarray) – Skyline wavelengths (in air!)
plot (bool, optional) – If true, plot the residuals
noff (int, optional) – Range in Ang to analyze labout emission line. Defaults to 5.
nfit_min (int, optional) – Minimum number of pixels required to do a fit. Defaults to 20.
- Returns:
- tuple of numpy.ndarray – sky line wavelength of good lines, wavelength offset,
error in wavelength offset, sky line width, error in sky line width
- pypeit.core.flexure.spat_flexure_shift(sciimg, slits, debug=False, maxlag=20)[source]
Calculate a rigid flexure shift in the spatial dimension between the slitmask and the science image.
It is important to use original=True when defining the slitmask as everything should be relative to the initial slits
Otherwise, the WaveTilts could get out of sync with science images
- Parameters:
sciimg (numpy.ndarray)
slits (
)maxlag (
, optional) – Maximum flexure searched for
- Returns:
The spatial flexure shift relative to the initial slits
- Return type:
- pypeit.core.flexure.spec_flex_shift(obj_skyspec, sky_file=None, arx_skyspec=None, arx_fwhm_pix=None, spec_fwhm_pix=None, mxshft=20, excess_shft='crash', method='boxcar', minwave=None, maxwave=None)[source]
Calculate shift between object sky spectrum and archive sky spectrum
- Parameters:
obj_skyspec (linetools.spectra.xspectrum1d.XSpectrum1d) – Spectrum of the sky related to our object
sky_file (
, optional) – Name of the archival sky file. If equal to ‘model’, instead, a model sky spectrum will be generated usingnearIR_modelsky()
and the spectral resolution of obj_skyspec. If None, arx_skyspec and arx_fwhm_pix must be provided.arx_skyspec (linetools.spectra.xspectrum1d.XSpectrum1d, optional) – Archived sky spectrum. If None, it will be loaded from the sky_file (sky_file must be provided).
arx_fwhm_pix (
, optional) – Spectral FWHM (in pixels) of the archived sky spectrum. If None, it will be calculated using sky_file (sky_file must be provided).spec_fwhm_pix (
, optional) – Spectral FWHM (in pixels) of the sky spectrum related to our object/slit.mxshft (
, optional) – Maximum allowed shift from flexure; note there are cases that have been known to exceed even 30 pixels.excess_shft (
, optional) – Behavior of the code when a measured flexure exceedsmxshft
. Options are “crash”, “set_to_zero”, and “continue”, where “set_to_zero” sets the shift to zero and moves on, and “continue” simply uses the large flexure shift value.method (
, optional) – Which method is used for the spectral flexure correction. Two methods are available: ‘boxcar’ and ‘slitcen’ (see spec_flexure_slit()). In this routine, ‘method’ is only passed to final dict.minwave (
, optional) – Minimum wavelength to use for the correlation. IfNone
or less than the minumum wavelength of eitherobj_skyspec
, this has no effect. Default is None.maxwave (
, optional) – Maximum wavelength to use for the correlation. IfNone
or greater than the maximum wavelength of eitherobj_skyspec
, this has no effect. Default is None.
- Returns:
Contains flexure info. Keys are:
polyfit= fit to the cross-correlation
shift= best shift in pixels
subpix= subpixelation of input spectrum
corr= correlation function
sky_spec= object sky spectrum used (rebinned, etc.)
arx_spec= archived sky spectrum used
corr_cen= center of the correlation function
smooth= Degree of smoothing of input spectrum to match archive
- Return type:
- pypeit.core.flexure.spec_flex_shift_global(slit_specs, islit, sky_file, empty_flex_dict, return_later_slits, flex_list, keys_to_update, spec_fwhm_pix=None, mxshft=20, excess_shft='crash', method='slitcen', minwave=None, maxwave=None)[source]
Calculate flexure shifts using the sky spectrum extracted at the center of the slit
- Parameters:
slit_specs (
) – A list of linetools.xspectrum1d, one for each slit. The spectra stored in this list are sky spectra, extracted from the center of each slit.islit (
) – Index of the slit where the sky spectrum related to our object is.sky_file (str) – Name of the archival sky file. If equal to ‘model’, instead, a model sky spectrum will be generated using
and the spectral resolution of each spectrum from slit_specs.empty_flex_dict (
) – Empty dictionary to be filled with flexure results.return_later_slits (
) – List of slit indexes that failed the shift calcultion and we want to come back to to assign a value from a different slit.flex_list (
) – A list ofdict
objects containing flexure results of each slit.keys_to_update (
) – List of flexure dictionary keys that we need to update.spec_fwhm_pix (
, optional) – Spectral FWHM (in pixels) of the sky spectrum related to our object.mxshft (
, optional) – Maximum allowed shift from flexure. Passed to spec_flex_shift().excess_shft (
, optional) – Behavior of the code when a measured flexure exceedsmxshft
. Passed to spec_flex_shift()method (
, optional) – Which method is used for the spectral flexure correction. Two methods are available: ‘boxcar’ and ‘slitcen’ (see spec_flexure_slit()). Passed to spec_flex_shift().minwave (
, optional) – Minimum wavelength to use for the correlation. IfNone
or less than the minumum wavelength of either this sky orsky_spectrum
, this has no effect. Default is None.maxwave (
, optional) – Maximum wavelength to use for the correlation. IfNone
or greater than the maximum wavelength of either this sky orsky_spectrum
, this has no effect. Default is None.
- Returns:
A list of
objects containing flexure results of each slit. This is filled with a basically empty dict if the shift calculation failed for the relevant slit.- Return type:
- pypeit.core.flexure.spec_flex_shift_local(slits, slitord, specobjs, islit, sky_file, empty_flex_dict, return_later_slits, flex_list, keys_to_update, spec_fwhm_pix=None, mxshft=20, excess_shft='crash', method='boxcar', minwave=None, maxwave=None)[source]
Calculate flexure shifts using the sky spectrum boxcar-extracted at the location of the detected objects
- Parameters:
slits (
) – Slit trace set.slitord (numpy.ndarray) – Array of slit/order numbers.
specobjs (
, optional) – Spectral extractions.islit (
) – Index of the slit where the sky spectrum related to our object is.sky_file (str) – Name of the archival sky file. If equal to ‘model’, instead, a model sky spectrum will be generated using
and the spectral resolution of each spectrum in specobjs.empty_flex_dict (
) – Empty dictionary to be filled with flexure results.return_later_slits (
) – List of slit indexes that failed the shift calcultion and we want to come back to to assign a value from a different slit.flex_list (
) – A list ofdict
objects containing flexure results of each slit.keys_to_update (
) – List of flexure dictionary keys that we need to update.spec_fwhm_pix (
, optional) – Spectral FWHM (in pixels) of the sky spectrum related to our object.mxshft (
, optional) – Maximum allowed shift from flexure. Passed to spec_flex_shift().excess_shft (
, optional) – Behavior of the code when a measured flexure exceedsmxshft
. Passed to spec_flex_shift()method (
, optional) – Which method is used for the spectral flexure correction. Two methods are available: ‘boxcar’ and ‘slitcen’ (see spec_flexure_slit()). Passed to spec_flex_shift().minwave (
, optional) – Minimum wavelength to use for the correlation. IfNone
or less than the minumum wavelength of either this sky orsky_spectrum
, this has no effect. Default is None.maxwave (
, optional) – Maximum wavelength to use for the correlation. IfNone
or greater than the maximum wavelength of either this sky orsky_spectrum
, this has no effect. Default is None.
- Returns:
A list of
objects containing flexure results of each slit. This is filled with a basically empty dict if the shift calculation failed for the relevant slit.- Return type:
- pypeit.core.flexure.spec_flexure_qa(slitords, bpm, basename, flex_list, specobjs=None, out_dir=None)[source]
Generate QA for the spectral flexure calculation
- Parameters:
slitords (numpy.ndarray) – Array of slit/order numbers
bpm (numpy.ndarray) – Boolean mask; True = masked slit
basename (str) – Used to generate the output file name
flex_list (list) – list of
objects containing the flexure informationspecobjs (
, optional) – Spectrally extracted objectsout_dir (str, optional) – Path to the output directory for the QA plots. If None, the current is used.
- pypeit.core.flexure.spec_flexure_slit(slits, slitord, slit_bpm, sky_file, method='boxcar', specobjs=None, slit_specs=None, wv_calib=None, mxshft=None, excess_shft='crash', minwave=None, maxwave=None)[source]
Calculate the spectral flexure for every slit (global) or object (local)
- Parameters:
slits (
) – Slit trace setslitord (numpy.ndarray) – Array of slit/order numbers
slit_bpm (numpy.ndarray) – True = masked slit
sky_file (
) – Name of the archival sky file. If equal to ‘model’, instead, a model sky spectrum will be generated usingnearIR_modelsky()
and the spectral resolution of each spectrum that we want to correct for flexure.method (
, optional) –- Two methods are available:
’boxcar’: Recommended for object extractions. This method uses the boxcar extracted sky and wavelength spectra from the input specobjs
’slitcen’: Recommended when no objects are being extracted. This method uses a spectrum (stored in slitspecs) that is extracted from the center of each slit.
specobjs (
, optional) – Spectral extractionsslit_specs (
, optional) – A list of linetools.xspectrum1d, one for each slit. The spectra stored in this list are sky spectra, extracted from the center of each slit.wv_calib (
) – Wavelength calibration objectmxshft (
, optional) – Passed to spec_flex_shift()excess_shft (
, optional) – Passed to spec_flex_shift()minwave (
, optional) – Minimum wavelength to use for the correlation. IfNone
or less than the minumum wavelength of either this sky orsky_spectrum
, this has no effect. Default is None.maxwave (
, optional) – Maximum wavelength to use for the correlation. IfNone
or greater than the maximum wavelength of either this sky orsky_spectrum
, this has no effect. Default is None.
- Returns:
A list of
objects containing flexure results of each slit. This is filled with a basically empty dict if the slit is skipped.- Return type:
- pypeit.core.flexure.spec_flexure_slit_global(sciImg, waveimg, global_sky, par, slits, slitmask, trace_spat, gd_slits, wv_calib, pypeline, det)[source]
Calculate the spectral flexure for every slit
- Parameters:
sciImg (
) – Science image.waveimg (numpy.ndarray) – Wavelength image - shape (nspec, nspat)
global_sky (numpy.ndarray) – 2D array of the global_sky fit - shape (nspec, nspat)
par (
) – Parameters of the reduction.slits (
) – Slit trace setslitmask (numpy.ndarray) – An image with the slit index identified for each pixel (returned from slittrace.slit_img).
trace_spat (numpy.ndarray) – Spatial pixel values (usually the center of each slit) where the sky spectrum will be extracted. The shape of this array should be (nspec, nslits)
gd_slits (numpy.ndarray) – True = good slit
wv_calib (
) – Wavelength calibrationpypeline (
) – Name of thePypeIt
pipeline method. Allowed options are MultiSlit, Echelle, or IFU.det (
) – The name of the detector or mosaic from which the spectrum will be extracted. For example, DET01.
- Returns:
A list of
objects containing flexure results of each slit. This is filled with a basically empty dict if the slit is skipped.- Return type: