Source code for pypeit.wavecalib

Module for guiding 1D Wavelength Calibration

.. include:: ../include/links.rst

import inspect
import json

import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

from linetools.utils import jsonify
from astropy.table import Table
from import fits

from pypeit import msgs
from pypeit.core import arc, qa
from pypeit.core import fitting
from pypeit.core import parse
from pypeit.core.wavecal import autoid, wv_fitting, wvutils
from pypeit.core.gui.identify import Identify
from pypeit import datamodel
from pypeit import calibframe
from pypeit.core.wavecal import echelle

from IPython import embed

[docs] class WaveCalib(calibframe.CalibFrame): """ Calibration frame containing the wavelength calibration. All of the items in the datamodel are required for instantiation, although they can be None (but shouldn't be) The datamodel attributes are: .. include:: ../include/class_datamodel_wavecalib.rst """ version = '1.1.2' # Calibration frame attributes calib_type = 'WaveCalib' calib_file_format = 'fits' # NOTE: # - Internals are identical to the base class # - Datamodel already contains CalibFrame base elements, so no need to # include it here. datamodel = {'PYP_SPEC': dict(otype=str, descr='PypeIt spectrograph name'), 'wv_fits': dict(otype=np.ndarray, atype=wv_fitting.WaveFit, descr='WaveFit to each 1D wavelength solution'), #'wv_fit2d': dict(otype=fitting.PypeItFit, # descr='2D wavelength solution (echelle)'), 'wv_fit2d': dict(otype=np.ndarray, atype=fitting.PypeItFit, descr='2D wavelength solution(s) (echelle). If there is more ' 'than one, they must be aligned to the separate detectors ' 'analyzed'), 'fwhm_map': dict(otype=np.ndarray, atype=fitting.PypeItFit, descr='A fit that determines the spectral FWHM at every location of every slit'), 'det_img': dict(otype=np.ndarray, atype=np.integer, descr='Detector image which indicates which pixel in the mosaic ' 'corresponds to which detector; used occasionally by ' 'echelle. Currently only saved if ech_separate_2d=True'), 'arc_spectra': dict(otype=np.ndarray, atype=np.floating, descr='2D array: 1D extracted spectra, slit by slit ' '(nspec, nslits)'), 'nslits': dict(otype=int, descr='Total number of slits. This can include masked slits'), 'spat_ids': dict(otype=np.ndarray, atype=np.integer, descr='Slit spat_ids. Named distinctly from that in WaveFit '), 'ech_orders': dict(otype=np.ndarray, atype=np.integer, descr='Echelle order ID numbers. Defined only for echelle.'), 'strpar': dict(otype=str, descr='Parameters as a string'), 'lamps': dict(otype=str, descr='List of arc lamps used for the wavelength calibration')} def __init__(self, wv_fits=None, fwhm_map=None, nslits=None, spat_ids=None, ech_orders=None, PYP_SPEC=None, strpar=None, wv_fit2d=None, arc_spectra=None, lamps=None, det_img=None): # Parse args, _, _, values = inspect.getargvalues(inspect.currentframe()) d = dict([(k,values[k]) for k in args[1:]]) # Setup the DataContainer datamodel.DataContainer.__init__(self, d=d)
[docs] def _bundle(self): """ Override base class function to write one HDU per image. Any extras are in the HDU header of the primary image. Returns: :obj:`list`: A list of dictionaries, each list element is written to its own fits extension. """ _d = [] # Spat_ID are always first if self.spat_ids is None: msgs.error('Cannot write WaveCalib without spat_ids!') _d.append(dict(spat_ids=self.spat_ids)) # Echelle orders if self.ech_orders is not None: _d.append(dict(ech_orders=self.ech_orders)) # Rest of the datamodel for key in self.keys(): if key in ['spat_ids', 'ech_orders']: continue # Skip None if self[key] is None: continue # Array? if self.datamodel[key]['otype'] == np.ndarray and \ key not in ['wv_fits', 'wv_fit2d', 'fwhm_map']: _d.append({key: self[key]}) # TODO: Can we put all the WAVEFIT and PYPEITFIT at the end of the # list of HDUs? This would mean ARC_SPECTRA is always in the same # extension number, regardless of the number of slits. elif key == 'wv_fits': for ss, wv_fit in enumerate(self[key]): # TODO: Are we writing empty extensions if any of the # elements of self[key] are None? If so, is this required # behavior? Why? # Naming # TODO: Shouldn't this name match the dkey below? # Oddly enough it is coded correctly below dkey = 'WAVEFIT-{}'.format(self.spat_ids[ss]) # Generate a dummy? if wv_fit is None: echorder = self.ech_orders[ss] if self.ech_orders is not None else None kwv_fit = wv_fitting.WaveFit(self.spat_ids[ss], ech_order=echorder) else: kwv_fit = wv_fit # This is required to deal with a single HDU WaveFit() bundle if kwv_fit.pypeitfit is None: dkey = 'SPAT_ID-{}_WAVEFIT'.format(self.spat_ids[ss]) # Save _d.append({dkey: kwv_fit}) elif key == 'wv_fit2d': for ss, wv_fit2d in enumerate(self[key]): dkey = f'WAVE2DFIT-{ss}' _d.append({dkey: wv_fit2d}) elif key == 'fwhm_map': for ss, fwhm_fit in enumerate(self[key]): dkey = 'SPAT_ID-{}_FWHMFIT'.format(self.spat_ids[ss]) # Generate a dummy? if fwhm_fit is None: _fwhm_fit = fitting.PypeItFit() else: _fwhm_fit = fwhm_fit # Save _d.append({dkey: _fwhm_fit}) else: # Add to header of the spat_id image _d[0][key] = self[key] # Return return _d
[docs] @classmethod def from_hdu(cls, hdu, chk_version=True, **kwargs): """ Instantiate the object from an HDU extension. This overrides the base-class method. Overriding this method is preferrable to overriding the ``_parse`` method because it makes it easier to deal with the :class:`~pypeit.datamodel.DataContainer` nesting of this object. Args: hdu (``_, ``_, ``_): The HDU(s) with the data to use for instantiation. chk_version (:obj:`bool`, optional): If True, raise an error if the datamodel version or type check failed. If False, throw a warning only. kwargs (:obj:`dict`, optional): Used for consistency with base class. Ignored. """ # Run the default parser to get most of the data. This won't parse the # extensions with the WAVEFIT, WAVE2DFIT, or FWHMFIT results. d, version_passed, type_passed, parsed_hdus = super()._parse(hdu) # Check cls._check_parsed(version_passed, type_passed, chk_version=chk_version) # Get the list of all extensions ext = [ for h in hdu] if isinstance(hdu, fits.HDUList) else [] # Get the SPAT_IDs if 'SPAT_IDS' in parsed_hdus: # Use the ones parsed above spat_ids = d['spat_ids'] else: # This line parses all the spat_ids from the extension names, # filters out any None values from the list, and gets the unique set # of integers spat_ids = np.unique(list(filter(None.__ne__, [wv_fitting.WaveFit.parse_spatid_from_hduext(e) for e in ext]))) # Parse all the WAVEFIT extensions wave_fits = [] for spat_id in spat_ids: _ext = wv_fitting.WaveFit.hduext_prefix_from_spatid(spat_id)+'WAVEFIT' if _ext not in ext: continue # TODO: I (KBW) don't think we should be writing empty HDUs if len(hdu[_ext].data) == 0: wave_fits += [wv_fitting.WaveFit(hdu[_ext].header['SPAT_ID'], ech_order=hdu[_ext].header.get('ECH_ORDER'))] else: wave_fits += [wv_fitting.WaveFit.from_hdu(hdu, spat_id=spat_id, chk_version=chk_version)] if len(wave_fits) > 0: d['wv_fits'] = np.asarray(wave_fits) # Parse all the WAVE2DFIT extensions # TODO: It would be good to have the WAVE2DFIT extensions follow the # same naming convention as the WAVEFIT extensions... wave2d_fits = [fitting.PypeItFit.from_hdu(hdu[e], chk_version=chk_version) for e in ext if 'WAVE2DFIT' in e] if len(wave2d_fits) > 0: d['wv_fit2d'] = np.asarray(wave2d_fits) # Parse all the FWHMFIT extensions fwhm_fits = [] for _ext in ext: if 'FWHMFIT' not in _ext: continue # TODO: I (KBW) don't think we should be writing empty HDUs fwhm_fits += [fitting.PypeItFit() if len(hdu[_ext].data) == 0 \ else fitting.PypeItFit.from_hdu(hdu[_ext], chk_version=chk_version)] if len(fwhm_fits) > 0: d['fwhm_map'] = np.asarray(fwhm_fits) # Instantiate the object self = cls.from_dict(d=d) # This is a CalibFrame, so parse the relevant keys for the naming system self.calib_keys_from_header(hdu[parsed_hdus[0]].header) # Return the constructed object return self
@property def par(self): return json.loads(self.strpar)
[docs] def chk_synced(self, slits): """ Confirm the slits in WaveCalib are aligned to that in SlitTraceSet Barfs if not Args: slits (:class:`pypeit.slittrace.SlitTraceSet`): """ if not np.array_equal(self.spat_ids, slits.spat_id): msgs.error('Your wavelength solutions are out of sync with your slits. Remove ' 'Calibrations and restart from scratch.')
[docs] def build_fwhmimg(self, tilts, slits, initial=False, spat_flexure=None): """ Generates an image of the instrument spectral FWHM (units=pixels) at every pixel on the detector. Args: tilts (`numpy.ndarray`_): Image holding tilts slits (:class:`pypeit.slittrace.SlitTraceSet`): Properties of the slits initial (bool, optional): If True, the initial slit locations will be used. Otherwise, the tweaked edges will be used. spat_flexure (float, optional): Spatial flexure correction in pixels. Returns: `numpy.ndarray`_: The spectral FWHM image. """ # Check spatial flexure type if (spat_flexure is not None) and (not isinstance(spat_flexure, float)): msgs.error("Spatial flexure must be None or float") # Generate the slit mask and slit edges - pad slitmask by 1 for edge effects slitmask = slits.slit_img(pad=1, initial=initial, flexure=spat_flexure) slits_left, slits_right, _ = slits.select_edges(initial=initial, flexure=spat_flexure) # Build a map of the spectral FWHM fwhmimg = np.zeros(tilts.shape) for sl, spat_id in enumerate(slits.spat_id): this_mask = slitmask == spat_id spec, spat = np.where(this_mask) spat_loc = (spat - slits_left[spec, sl]) / (slits_right[spec, sl] - slits_left[spec, sl]) fwhmimg[this_mask] = self.fwhm_map[sl].eval(spec, spat_loc) return fwhmimg
[docs] def build_waveimg(self, tilts, slits, spat_flexure=None, spec_flexure=None): """ Main algorithm to build the wavelength image Only applied to good slits, which means any non-flagged or flagged in the exclude_for_reducing list Args: tilts (`numpy.ndarray`_): Image holding tilts slits (:class:`pypeit.slittrace.SlitTraceSet`): Properties of the slits spat_flexure (float, optional): Spatial flexure correction in pixels. spec_flexure (float, `numpy.ndarray`_, optional): Spectral flexure correction in pixels. If a float, the same spectral flexure correction will be applied to all slits. If a numpy array, the length of the array should be the same as the number of slits. The value of each element is the spectral shift in pixels to be applied to each slit. Returns: `numpy.ndarray`_: The wavelength image. """ # Check spatial flexure type if (spat_flexure is not None) and (not isinstance(spat_flexure, float)): msgs.error("Spatial flexure must be None or float") # Check spectral flexure type if spec_flexure is None: spec_flex = np.zeros(slits.nslits) elif isinstance(spec_flexure, float): spec_flex = spec_flexure*np.ones(slits.nslits) elif isinstance(spec_flexure, np.ndarray): spec_flex = spec_flexure.copy() assert(spec_flexure.size == slits.nslits) spec_flex /= (slits.nspec - 1) # Setup #ok_slits = slits.mask == 0 # bpm = slits.mask.astype(bool) # bpm &= np.logical_not(slits.bitmask.flagged(slits.mask, flag=slits.bitmask.exclude_for_reducing)) bpm = slits.bitmask.flagged(slits.mask, and_not=slits.bitmask.exclude_for_reducing) ok_slits = np.logical_not(bpm) # image = np.zeros_like(tilts) slitmask = slits.slit_img(flexure=spat_flexure, exclude_flag=slits.bitmask.exclude_for_reducing) # Separate detectors for the 2D solutions? if self.par['ech_separate_2d']: # Error checking if self.det_img is None: msgs.error("This WaveCalib object was not generated with ech_separate_2d=True") # Grab slit_img slit_img = slits.slit_img() # Unpack some 2-d fit parameters if this is echelle for islit in np.where(ok_slits)[0]: slit_spat = slits.spat_id[islit] thismask = (slitmask == slit_spat) if not np.any(thismask): msgs.error("Something failed in wavelengths or masking..") if self.par['echelle'] and self.par['ech_2dfit']: # evaluate solution -- if self.par['ech_separate_2d']: ordr_det = slits.det_of_slit( slit_spat, self.det_img, slit_img=slit_img) # There are ways for this to go sour.. # if the seperate solutions are not aligned with the detectors # or if one reruns with a different number of detectors # without regeneating # But that would be bad practice idx_fit2d = ordr_det-1 else: idx_fit2d = 0 image[thismask] = self.wv_fit2d[idx_fit2d].eval( tilts[thismask] + spec_flex[islit], x2=np.full_like(tilts[thismask], slits.ech_order[islit])) image[thismask] /= slits.ech_order[islit] else: iwv_fits = self.wv_fits[islit] image[thismask] = iwv_fits.pypeitfit.eval( tilts[thismask] + spec_flex[islit]) # Return return image
[docs] def wave_diagnostics(self, print_diag=False): """ Create a table with wavecalib diagnostics Args: print_diag (:obj:`bool`, optional): If True, the diagnostic table is printed to screen Returns: `astropy.table.Table`_: wavecalib diagnostics table """ # wavelength range of calibrated arc spectra minWave = np.array([0 if wvfit.wave_soln is None else wvfit.wave_soln[0] for wvfit in self.wv_fits]) maxWave = np.array([0 if wvfit.wave_soln is None else wvfit.wave_soln[-1] for wvfit in self.wv_fits]) # wavelength range of fitted ID'd lines lines_wmin = np.array([0 if wvfit is None or wvfit.pypeitfit is None else wvfit.wave_fit[wvfit.pypeitfit.gpm == 1][0] for wvfit in self.wv_fits]) lines_wmax = np.array([0 if wvfit is None or wvfit.pypeitfit is None else wvfit.wave_fit[wvfit.pypeitfit.gpm == 1][-1] for wvfit in self.wv_fits]) # wavelength coverage of fitted ID'd lines lines_waverange = lines_wmax - lines_wmin spec_waverange = maxWave - minWave lines_cov = [0 if spec_waverange[i] == 0 else lines_waverange[i] / spec_waverange[i] * 100 for i in range(self.wv_fits.size)] # Generate a table diag = Table() # Slit number diag['N.'] = np.arange(self.wv_fits.size) diag['N.'].format = 'd' # spat_id or order number diag['SpatOrderID'] = [wvfit.spat_id for wvfit in self.wv_fits] if self.ech_orders is None \ else [wvfit.ech_order for wvfit in self.wv_fits] # Central wave, delta wave diag['minWave'] = minWave diag['minWave'].format = '0.1f' diag['Wave_cen'] = [0 if wvfit.cen_wave is None else wvfit.cen_wave for wvfit in self.wv_fits] diag['Wave_cen'].format = '0.1f' diag['maxWave'] = maxWave diag['maxWave'].format = '0.1f' diag['dWave'] = [0 if wvfit.cen_disp is None else wvfit.cen_disp for wvfit in self.wv_fits] diag['dWave'].format = '0.3f' # Number of good lines diag['Nlin'] = [0 if wvfit.pypeitfit is None else np.sum(wvfit.pypeitfit.gpm) for wvfit in self.wv_fits] diag['IDs_Wave_range'] = ['{:9.3f} - {:9.3f}'.format(lines_wmin[i], lines_wmax[i]) for i in range(self.wv_fits.size)] diag['IDs_Wave_cov(%)'] = lines_cov diag['IDs_Wave_cov(%)'].format = '0.1f' # FWHM diag['measured_fwhm'] = [0. if wvfit.fwhm is None else wvfit.fwhm for wvfit in self.wv_fits] diag['measured_fwhm'].format = '0.1f' # RMS diag['RMS'] = [0 if wvfit.rms is None else wvfit.rms for wvfit in self.wv_fits] diag['RMS'].format = '0.3f' if print_diag: # Print it print('') diag.pprint_all() return diag
[docs] class BuildWaveCalib: """ Class to guide wavelength calibration Args: msarc (:class:`~pypeit.images.pypeitimage.PypeItImage`): Arc image, created by the ArcImage class slits (:class:`~pypeit.slittrace.SlitTraceSet`): Slit edges spectrograph (:class:`~pypeit.spectrographs.spectrograph.Spectrograph`): The `Spectrograph` instance that sets the instrument used to take the observations. Used to set :attr:`spectrograph`. par (:class:`~pypeit.par.pypeitpar.WavelengthSolutionPar`): The parameters used for the wavelength solution. Uses ``['calibrations']['wavelengths']``. meta_dict (dict, optional): Dictionary containing meta information required for wavelength calibration. Specifically for non-fixed format echelles this dict must contain the following keys: - ``'echangle'``: the echelle angle - ``'xdangle'``: the cross-disperser angle - ``'dispmame'``: the disperser name det (int, optional): Detector number msbpm (`numpy.ndarray`_, optional): Bad pixel mask image qa_path (str, optional): For QA Attributes: steps (list): List of the processing steps performed wv_calib (dict): Primary output. Keys 0, 1, 2, 3 are solution for individual previously slit steps arccen (`numpy.ndarray`_): (nwave, nslit) Extracted arc(s) down the center of the slit(s) maskslits (`numpy.ndarray`_): Slits to ignore because they were not extracted. WARNING: Outside of this Class, it is best to regenerate the mask using make_maskslits() gpm (`numpy.ndarray`_): Good pixel mask Eventually, we might attach this to self.msarc although that would then require that we write it to disk with self.msarc.image nonlinear_counts (float): Specifies saturation level for the arc lines wvc_bpm (`numpy.ndarray`_): Mask for slits attempted to have a wv_calib solution """ # TODO: Is this used anywhere? frametype = 'wv_calib' def __init__(self, msarc, slits, spectrograph, par, lamps, meta_dict=None, det=1, qa_path=None, msbpm=None): # TODO: This should be a stop-gap to avoid instantiation of this with # any Nones. if None in [msarc, slits, spectrograph, par, lamps]: msgs.error('CODING ERROR: Cannot instantiate BuildWaveCalib with Nones.') # Required parameters self.msarc = msarc self.binspectral = parse.parse_binning(self.msarc.detector.binning)[0] self.slits = slits self.spectrograph = spectrograph self.par = par self.lamps = lamps self.meta_dict = meta_dict # Optional parameters self.bpm = self.msarc.select_flag(flag='BPM') if msbpm is None else msbpm.astype(bool) if self.bpm.shape != self.msarc.shape: msgs.error('Bad-pixel mask is not the same shape as the arc image.') self.qa_path = qa_path self.det = det # Attributes self.steps = [] # steps executed self.wv_calib = {} # main output self.arccen = None # central arc spectrum # Get the non-linear count level # TODO: This is currently hacked to deal with Mosaics try: self.nonlinear_counts = self.msarc.detector.nonlinear_counts() except: self.nonlinear_counts = 1e10 # -------------------------------------------------------------- # TODO: Build another base class that does these things for both # WaveTilts and WaveCalib? # Set the slitmask and slit boundary related attributes that the # code needs for execution. This also deals with arcimages that # have a different binning then the trace images used to defined # the slits if self.slits is not None and self.msarc is not None: # Redo? if self.par['redo_slits'] is not None: if self.par['echelle'] and self.slits.ech_order is not None: idx = np.in1d(self.slits.ech_order, self.par['redo_slits']) # Turn off mask self.slits.mask[idx] = self.slits.bitmask.turn_off( self.slits.mask[idx], 'BADWVCALIB') else: idx = np.in1d(self.slits.spat_id, self.par['redo_slits']) self.slits.mask[idx] = self.slits.bitmask.turn_off( self.slits.mask[idx], 'BADWVCALIB') # Load up slits # TODO -- Allow for flexure slits_left, slits_right, mask = self.slits.select_edges(initial=True, flexure=None) # Grabs all, init slits + flexure self.orders = self.slits.ech_order # Can be None # self.spat_coo = self.slits.spatial_coordinates() # All slits, even masked # Internal mask for failed wv_calib analysis # TODO -- Allow for an option to re-attempt those previously flagged as BADWVCALIB? self.wvc_bpm = np.invert(mask == 0) ## We want to keep the 'BOXSLIT', which mask value is 2. But we don't want to keep 'BOXSLIT' ## with other bad flag (for which the mask value would be > 2) #self.wvc_bpm = mask > 2 self.wvc_bpm_init = self.wvc_bpm.copy() # Slitmask -- Grabs only unmasked, initial slits #self.slitmask_science = self.slits.slit_img(initial=True, flexure=None, exclude_flag=['BOXSLIT']) self.slitmask_science = self.slits.slit_img(initial=True, flexure=None) # Resize self.shape_science = self.slitmask_science.shape self.shape_arc = self.msarc.image.shape # slitcen is padded to include slits that may be masked, for convenience in coding downstream self.slits_left = arc.resize_slits2arc(self.shape_arc, self.shape_science, slits_left) self.slits_right = arc.resize_slits2arc(self.shape_arc, self.shape_science, slits_right) self.slitcen = (self.slits_left+self.slits_right)/2 #self.slitcen = arc.resize_slits2arc(self.shape_arc, self.shape_science, (self.slits_left+self.slits_right)/2) self.slitmask = arc.resize_mask2arc(self.shape_arc, self.slitmask_science) # Mask # TODO: The bpm defined above is already a boolean and cannot be None. gpm = np.logical_not(self.bpm) self.gpm = arc.resize_mask2arc(self.shape_arc, gpm) # We want even the saturated lines in full_template for the cross-correlation # They will be excised in the detect_lines() method on the extracted arc if self.par['method'] != 'full_template': self.gpm &= self.msarc.image < self.nonlinear_counts else: self.orders = None self.wvc_bpm = None self.wvc_bpm_init = None self.slitmask_science = None self.shape_science = None self.shape_arc = None self.slitcen = None self.slits_left = None self.slits_right = None self.slitmask = None self.gpm = None
[docs] def build_wv_calib(self, arccen, method, skip_QA=False, prev_wvcalib=None): """ Main routine to generate the wavelength solutions in a loop over slits Wrapper to arc.simple_calib or arc.calib_with_arclines self.maskslits is updated for slits that fail Args: method : str 'simple' -- arc.simple_calib 'arclines' -- arc.calib_with_arclines 'holy-grail' -- wavecal.autoid.HolyGrail 'reidentify' -- wavecal.auotid.ArchiveReid 'identify' -- wavecal.identify.Identify 'full_template' -- wavecal.auotid.full_template skip_QA (bool, optional) prev_wvcalib (WaveCalib, optional): Previous wavelength calibration Returns: dict: self.wv_calib """ # Obtain a list of good slits ok_mask_idx = np.where(np.invert(self.wvc_bpm))[0] # print to screen the slit widths if maskdef_designtab is available if self.slits.maskdef_designtab is not None:"Slit widths (arcsec): {}".format(np.round(self.slits.maskdef_designtab['SLITWID'].data, 2))) # Generate a map of the instrumental spectral FWHM # TODO nsample should be a parameter fwhm_map = autoid.map_fwhm(self.msarc.image, self.gpm, self.slits_left, self.slits_right, self.slitmask, nsample=10, slit_bpm=self.wvc_bpm, specord=self.par['fwhm_spec_order'], spatord=self.par['fwhm_spat_order']) # Calculate the typical spectral FWHM down the centre of the slit measured_fwhms = np.zeros(arccen.shape[1], dtype=object) for islit in range(arccen.shape[1]): if islit not in ok_mask_idx: continue # Measure the spectral FWHM (in pixels) at the midpoint of the slit # (i.e. the midpoint in both the spectral and spatial directions) measured_fwhms[islit] = fwhm_map[islit].eval(self.msarc.image.shape[0]//2, 0.5) # Save for redo's self.measured_fwhms = measured_fwhms # Obtain calibration for all slits if method == 'holy-grail': # Sometimes works, sometimes fails arcfitter = autoid.HolyGrail(arccen, self.lamps, par=self.par, ok_mask=ok_mask_idx, measured_fwhms=self.measured_fwhms, nonlinear_counts=self.nonlinear_counts, patt_dict, final_fit = arcfitter.get_results() elif method == 'identify': raise NotImplementedError('method = identify not yet implemented') final_fit = {} # Manually identify lines"Initializing the wavelength calibration tool") #embed(header='line 222') for slit_idx in ok_mask_idx: arcfitter = Identify.initialise(arccen, self.lamps, self.slits, slit=slit_idx, par=self.par) final_fit[str(slit_idx)] = arcfitter.get_results() arcfitter.store_solution(final_fit[str(slit_idx)], "", self.binspectral,, gratname="UNKNOWN", dispangl="UNKNOWN") elif method == 'reidentify': # Now preferred # Slit positions arcfitter = autoid.ArchiveReid( arccen, self.lamps, self.par, ech_fixed_format=self.spectrograph.ech_fixed_format, ok_mask=ok_mask_idx, measured_fwhms=self.measured_fwhms, orders=self.orders, nonlinear_counts=self.nonlinear_counts) patt_dict, final_fit = arcfitter.get_results() # Grab arxiv for redo later? if self.par['echelle']: # Hold for later usage self.wave_soln_arxiv, self.arcspec_arxiv = arcfitter.get_arxiv(self.orders) self.arccen = arccen elif method == 'full_template': # Now preferred if self.binspectral is None: msgs.error("You must specify binspectral for the full_template method!") final_fit, order_vec = autoid.full_template(arccen, self.lamps, self.par, ok_mask_idx, self.det, self.binspectral, slit_ids=self.slits.slitord_id, measured_fwhms=self.measured_fwhms, nonlinear_counts=self.nonlinear_counts, nsnippet=self.par['nsnippet'], x_percentile=self.par['cc_percent_ceil']) # Grab arxiv for redo later? if self.par['echelle']: # Hold for later usage self.slits.ech_order = order_vec[:self.slits.nslits] self.arccen = arccen elif self.par['method'] == 'echelle': # Echelle calibration files angle_fits_file, composite_arc_file = self.spectrograph.get_echelle_angle_files() # Identify the echelle orders"Finding the echelle orders") order_vec, wave_soln_arxiv, arcspec_arxiv = echelle.identify_ech_orders( arccen, self.meta_dict['echangle'], self.meta_dict['xdangle'], self.meta_dict['dispname'], angle_fits_file, composite_arc_file, pad=self.par['echelle_pad'], cc_percent_ceil = self.par['cc_percent_ceil'], debug=False) # Put the order numbers in the slit object self.slits.ech_order = order_vec"The observation covers the following orders: {order_vec}") patt_dict, final_fit = autoid.echelle_wvcalib( arccen, order_vec, arcspec_arxiv, wave_soln_arxiv, self.lamps, self.par, ok_mask=ok_mask_idx, measured_fwhms=self.measured_fwhms, nonlinear_counts=self.nonlinear_counts, debug_all=False, redo_slits=np.atleast_1d(self.par['redo_slits']) if self.par['redo_slits'] is not None else None) # Save as internals in case we need to redo self.wave_soln_arxiv = wave_soln_arxiv self.arcspec_arxiv = arcspec_arxiv self.arccen = arccen else: msgs.error('Unrecognized wavelength calibration method: {:}'.format(method)) # Build the DataContainer if self.par['redo_slits'] is not None: # If we are only redoing slits, we start from the # previous wv_calib and update only the (good) redone slits self.wv_calib = prev_wvcalib # Update/reset items self.wv_calib.arc_spectra = arccen # Save the new fits (if they meet tolerance) for key in final_fit.keys(): idx = int(key) # get FWHM for this slit fwhm = autoid.set_fwhm(self.par, measured_fwhm=self.measured_fwhms[idx], verbose=True) # get rms threshold for this slit wave_rms_thresh = round(self.par['rms_thresh_frac_fwhm'] * fwhm, 3) if final_fit[key]['rms'] < wave_rms_thresh: self.wv_calib.wv_fits[idx] = final_fit[key] self.wv_calib.wv_fits[idx].spat_id = self.slits.spat_id[idx] self.wv_calib.wv_fits[idx].ech_order = self.slits.ech_order[idx] if self.slits.ech_order is not None else None self.wv_calib.wv_fits[idx].fwhm = self.measured_fwhms[idx] else: # Generate the DataContainer from scratch # Loop on WaveFit items tmp = [] for idx in range(self.slits.nslits): echorder = self.slits.ech_order[idx] if self.slits.ech_order is not None else None item = final_fit.pop(str(idx)) if item is None: # Add an empty WaveFit tmp.append(wv_fitting.WaveFit(self.slits.spat_id[idx], ech_order=echorder)) else: # This is for I/O naming item.spat_id = self.slits.spat_id[idx] item.ech_order = echorder # add measured fwhm item['fwhm'] = measured_fwhms[idx] tmp.append(item) self.wv_calib = WaveCalib(wv_fits=np.asarray(tmp), fwhm_map=fwhm_map, arc_spectra=arccen, nslits=self.slits.nslits, spat_ids=self.slits.spat_id, ech_orders=self.slits.ech_order,, lamps=','.join(self.lamps)) # Inherit the calibration frame naming from self.msarc # TODO: Should throw an error here if these calibration frame naming # elements are not defined by self.msarc... self.wv_calib.copy_calib_internals(self.msarc) # Update mask self.update_wvmask() # QA if not skip_QA: ok_mask_idx = np.where(np.invert(self.wvc_bpm))[0] for slit_idx in ok_mask_idx:"Preparing wavelength calibration QA for slit {slit_idx+1}/{self.slits.nslits}") # Obtain the output QA name for the wavelength solution outfile = qa.set_qa_filename( self.wv_calib.calib_key, 'arc_fit_qa', slit=self.slits.slitord_id[slit_idx], out_dir=self.qa_path) # Save the wavelength solution fits autoid.arc_fit_qa(self.wv_calib.wv_fits[slit_idx], title=f'Arc Fit QA for slit/order: {self.slits.slitord_id[slit_idx]}', outfile=outfile, log=self.par['qa_log']) # Obtain the output QA name for the spectral resolution map outfile_fwhm = qa.set_qa_filename(self.wv_calib.calib_key, 'arc_fwhm_qa', slit=self.slits.slitord_id[slit_idx], out_dir=self.qa_path) # Save the wavelength solution fits autoid.arc_fwhm_qa(self.wv_calib.fwhm_map[slit_idx], self.slits.slitord_id[slit_idx], self.slits.slitord_txt, outfile=outfile_fwhm) # Return self.steps.append(inspect.stack()[0][3]) return self.wv_calib
[docs] def redo_echelle_orders(self, bad_orders:np.ndarray, dets:np.ndarray, order_dets:np.ndarray, bad_orders_maxfrac:float=0.1, frac_rms_thresh:float=1.1): """ Attempt to redo the wavelength calibration for a set of bad echelle orders Args: bad_orders (np.ndarray): Array of bad order numbers dets (np.ndarray): detectors of the spectrograph Multiple numbers for mosaic (typically) order_dets (np.ndarray): Orders on each detector bad_orders_maxfrac (float): Maximum fraction of bad orders in a detector for attempting a refit frac_rms_thresh (float): Fractional change in the RMS threshold for accepting a refit Returns: bool: True if any of the echelle orders were successfully redone """ # Make this outside the for loop.. #bad_orders = self.slits.ech_order[np.where(bad_rms)[0]] fixed = False for idet in range(len(dets)): in_det = np.in1d(bad_orders, order_dets[idet]) if not np.any(in_det): continue"Attempting to refit bad orders in detector={dets[idet]}") # Are there few enough? max_bad = int(len(order_dets[idet])*bad_orders_maxfrac) if np.sum(in_det) > max_bad: msgs.warn(f"Too many bad orders in detector={dets[idet]} to attempt a refit.") continue # Loop for order in bad_orders[in_det]: iord = np.where(self.slits.ech_order == order)[0][0] # Predict the wavelengths nspec = self.arccen.shape[0] spec_vec_norm = np.linspace(0,1,nspec) wv_order_mod = self.wv_calib.wv_fit2d[idet].eval(spec_vec_norm, x2=np.ones_like(spec_vec_norm)*order)/order # get FWHM for this order fwhm = autoid.set_fwhm(self.par, measured_fwhm=self.measured_fwhms[iord], verbose=True) # get rms threshold for this order wave_rms_thresh = round(self.par['rms_thresh_frac_fwhm'] * fwhm, 3) # Link me tcent, spec_cont_sub, patt_dict_slit, tot_llist = autoid.match_to_arxiv( self.lamps, self.arccen[:,iord], wv_order_mod, self.arcspec_arxiv[:, iord], self.wave_soln_arxiv[:,iord], self.par['nreid_min'], match_toler=self.par['match_toler'], nonlinear_counts=self.nonlinear_counts, sigdetect=wvutils.parse_param(self.par, 'sigdetect', iord), fwhm=fwhm) if not patt_dict_slit['acceptable']: msgs.warn(f"Order {order} is still not acceptable after attempt to reidentify.") continue # Fit me -- RMS may be too high again n_final = wvutils.parse_param(self.par, 'n_final', iord) # TODO - Make this cheaper final_fit = wv_fitting.fit_slit( self.arccen[:,iord], patt_dict_slit, tcent, tot_llist, match_toler=self.par['match_toler'], func=self.par['func'], n_first=self.par['n_first'], sigrej_first=self.par['sigrej_first'], n_final=n_final, sigrej_final=self.par['sigrej_final'])"New RMS for redo of order={order}: {final_fit['rms']}") # Keep? if final_fit['rms'] < frac_rms_thresh*wave_rms_thresh:'Updating wavelength solution.') # TODO -- This is repeated from build_wv_calib() # Would be nice to consolidate # QA outfile = qa.set_qa_filename( self.wv_calib.calib_key, 'arc_fit_qa', slit=order, out_dir=self.qa_path) autoid.arc_fit_qa(final_fit, title=f'Arc Fit QA for slit/order: {order}', outfile=outfile, log=self.par['qa_log']) # This is for I/O naming final_fit.spat_id = self.slits.spat_id[iord] final_fit.ech_order = self.slits.ech_order[iord] if self.slits.ech_order is not None else None final_fit.fwhm = self.measured_fwhms[iord] # Save the wavelength solution fits self.wv_calib.wv_fits[iord] = final_fit self.wvc_bpm[iord] = False fixed = True else: msgs.warn(f'New RMS is too high (>{frac_rms_thresh}xRMS threshold). ' f'Not updating wavelength solution.') # return fixed
[docs] def echelle_2dfit(self, wv_calib, debug=False, skip_QA=False): """ Fit a two-dimensional wavelength solution for echelle data. Primarily a wrapper for :func:`pypeit.core.arc.fit2darc`, using data unpacked from the ``wv_calib`` dictionary. Parameters ---------- wv_calib : :class:`pypeit.wavecalib.WaveCalib` Wavelength calibration object debug : :obj:`bool`, optional Show debugging info skip_QA : :obj:`bool`, optional Flag to skip construction of the nominal QA plots. Returns ------- fit2ds : list of :class:`pypeit.fitting.PypeItFit` Contains information from 2-d fit. Frequently a list of 1 fit. The main exception is for a mosaic when one sets ``echelle_separate_2d=True``. dets : list List of integers for the detector numbers. save_order_dets: list List of integer lists providing list of the orders. """ if self.spectrograph.pypeline != 'Echelle': msgs.error('Cannot execute echelle_2dfit for a non-echelle spectrograph.')'Fitting 2-d wavelength solution for echelle....') # Obtain a list of good slits ok_mask_idx = np.where(np.logical_not(self.wvc_bpm))[0] ok_mask_order = self.slits.slitord_id[ok_mask_idx] nspec = self.msarc.image.shape[0] # Prep if self.par['ech_separate_2d']: slit_img = self.slits.slit_img() # Grab the detectors in the mosaice (1-based indexing) dets = np.unique(self.msarc.det_img) dets = dets[dets > 0] else: # The value here is irrelevant dets = [1] # Loop on detectors fit2ds = [] save_order_dets = [] for idet in dets: order_in_dets = []'Fitting detector {:d}'.format(idet)) # Init all_wave = np.array([], dtype=float) all_pixel = np.array([],dtype=float) all_order = np.array([],dtype=float) # Loop to grab the good orders for ii in range(wv_calib.nslits): iorder = self.slits.ech_order[ii] # Separate detector analysis? if self.par['ech_separate_2d']: spat_id = wv_calib.spat_ids[ii] # What is the most common detector for this order? ordr_det = self.slits.det_of_slit( spat_id, self.msarc.det_img, slit_img=slit_img) # Correct detector? if ordr_det != idet: continue # Need to record this whether or not it is ok order_in_dets.append(iorder) # Is it ok? if iorder not in ok_mask_order: continue # Slurp mask_now = wv_calib.wv_fits[ii].pypeitfit.bool_gpm all_wave = np.append(all_wave, wv_calib.wv_fits[ii]['wave_fit'][mask_now]) all_pixel = np.append(all_pixel, wv_calib.wv_fits[ii]['pixel_fit'][mask_now]) all_order = np.append(all_order, np.full_like(wv_calib.wv_fits[ii]['pixel_fit'][mask_now], float(iorder))) # Fit if len(all_order) < 2: msgs.warn(f"Fewer than 2 orders to fit for detector {idet}. Skipping") save_order_dets.append([]) # Add a dummy fit fit2ds.append(fitting.PypeItFit()) continue fit2d = arc.fit2darc(all_wave, all_pixel, all_order, nspec, nspec_coeff=self.par['ech_nspec_coeff'], norder_coeff=self.par['ech_norder_coeff'], sigrej=self.par['ech_sigrej'], debug=debug) # Save save_order_dets.append(order_in_dets) fit2ds.append(fit2d) self.steps.append(inspect.stack()[0][3]) # QA if not skip_QA: if wv_calib.calib_key is None: msgs.warn('WaveCalib object provided does not have a defined calibration ' 'key. The QA files will not include this key in the file name, ' 'meaning that existing QA files may be overwritten.') calib_key = '' else: calib_key = wv_calib.calib_key # Separate detectors? if self.par['ech_separate_2d']: det_str = f'_{idet}' else: det_str = '' # Global QA outfile_global = qa.set_qa_filename( calib_key+det_str, 'arc_fit2d_global_qa', out_dir=self.qa_path) arc.fit2darc_global_qa(fit2d, nspec, outfile=outfile_global) # Order QA outfile_orders = qa.set_qa_filename( calib_key+det_str, 'arc_fit2d_orders_qa', out_dir=self.qa_path) arc.fit2darc_orders_qa(fit2d, nspec, outfile=outfile_orders) return fit2ds, dets, save_order_dets
# TODO: JFH this method is identical to the code in wavetilts. # SHould we make it a separate function?
[docs] def extract_arcs(self, slitIDs=None): """ Extract the arcs down each slit/order Wrapper to arc.get_censpec() Parameters ---------- slitIDs : :obj:`list`, optional A list of the slit IDs to extract (if None, all slits will be extracted) Returns ------- arccen : `numpy.ndarray`_ arc spectrum for all slits, shape is (nspec, nslit): wvc_bpm : `numpy.ndarray`_ boolean array containing a mask indicating which slits are good. True = masked (bad). """ # Do it on the slits not masked in self.slitmask arccen, arccen_bpm, arc_maskslit = arc.get_censpec( self.slitcen, self.slitmask, self.msarc.image, gpm=self.gpm, slit_bpm=self.wvc_bpm, slitIDs=slitIDs) # Step self.steps.append(inspect.stack()[0][3]) # Update the mask self.wvc_bpm |= arc_maskslit return arccen, self.wvc_bpm
[docs] def update_wvmask(self): """ (re)Generate the mask for wv_calib based on its contents This is the safest way to go... Args: nslit (int): Number of slits/orders Returns: `numpy.ndarray`_: self.wvc_bpm, boolean array -- True = masked, i.e. do not use """ # Update mask based on wv_calib for kk, fit in enumerate(self.wv_calib.wv_fits): if fit is None or fit.pypeitfit is None: self.wvc_bpm[kk] = True
[docs] def run(self, skip_QA=False, debug=False, prev_wvcalib=None): """ Main method for wavelength calibration Code flow: 1. Extract 1D arc spectra down the center of each unmasked slit/order 2. Generate the 1D wavelength fits 3. If echelle, perform 2D fit(s). 4. Deal with masking 5. Return a WaveCalib object Args: skip_QA (bool, optional): Skip QA? prev_wvcalib (WaveCalib, optional): Previous wavelength calibration object (from disk, typically) Returns: WaveCalib: wavelength calibration object """ ############### # Extract an arc down each slit self.arccen, self.wvc_bpm = self.extract_arcs() # Fill up the calibrations and generate QA self.wv_calib = self.build_wv_calib( self.arccen, self.par['method'], skip_QA=skip_QA, prev_wvcalib=prev_wvcalib) # Fit 2D? if self.par['echelle'] and self.par['ech_2dfit']: # Assess the fits rms = np.array([999. if wvfit.rms is None else wvfit.rms for wvfit in self.wv_calib.wv_fits]) # get used FWHM fwhm = self.par['fwhm'] if self.measured_fwhms is None or self.par['fwhm_fromlines'] is False \ else self.measured_fwhms.astype(float) # get rms threshold for all orders wave_rms_thresh = np.round(self.par['rms_thresh_frac_fwhm'] * fwhm, 3) bad_rms = rms > wave_rms_thresh if np.any(bad_rms): self.wvc_bpm[bad_rms] = True msgs.warn("Masking one or more bad orders (RMS)") # Fit fit2ds, dets, order_dets = self.echelle_2dfit( self.wv_calib, skip_QA = skip_QA, debug=debug) # Save self.wv_calib.wv_fit2d = np.array(fit2ds) # Save det_img? if self.par['ech_separate_2d']: self.wv_calib.det_img = self.msarc.det_img.copy() # Try a second attempt with 1D, if needed if np.any(bad_rms): bad_orders = self.slits.ech_order[np.where(bad_rms)[0]] any_fixed = self.redo_echelle_orders(bad_orders, dets, order_dets, bad_orders_maxfrac=self.par['bad_orders_maxfrac'], frac_rms_thresh=self.par['frac_rms_thresh']) # Do another full 2D? if any_fixed: fit2ds, _, _ = self.echelle_2dfit(self.wv_calib, skip_QA = skip_QA, debug=debug) # Save self.wv_calib.wv_fit2d = np.array(fit2ds) # Check that we have at least one good 2D fit if not np.any([fit2d.success for fit2d in self.wv_calib.wv_fit2d]): msgs.error("No successful 2D Wavelength fits. Cannot proceed.") # Deal with mask self.update_wvmask() # Any masked during this analysis? wv_masked = np.where(np.invert(self.wvc_bpm_init) & self.wvc_bpm)[0] if len(wv_masked) > 0: self.slits.mask[wv_masked] = self.slits.bitmask.turn_on( self.slits.mask[wv_masked], 'BADWVCALIB') # Pack up sv_par = j_par = jsonify(sv_par) self.wv_calib['strpar'] = json.dumps(j_par)#, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')) return self.wv_calib
[docs] def show(self, item, slit=None): """ Show one of the class internals Args: item (str): 'spec' -- Show the fitted points and solution; requires slit 'fit' -- Show fit QA; requires slit slit (int, optional): Returns: """ if item == 'spec': # spec spec = self.wv_calib[str(slit)]['spec'] # tcent tcent = self.wv_calib[str(slit)]['tcent'] yt = np.zeros_like(tcent) for jj,t in enumerate(tcent): it = int(np.round(t)) yt[jj] = np.max(spec[it-1:it+1]) # Plot plt.clf() ax=plt.gca() ax.plot(spec, drawstyle='steps-mid') ax.scatter(tcent, yt, color='red', marker='*') ax.set_xlabel('Pixel') ax.set_ylabel('Counts') elif item == 'fit': autoid.arc_fit_qa(self.wv_calib[str(slit)])
def __repr__(self): # Generate sets string txt = '<{:s}: '.format(self.__class__.__name__) if len(self.steps) > 0: txt+= ' steps: [' for step in self.steps: txt += '{:s}, '.format(step) txt = txt[:-2]+']' # Trim the trailing comma txt += '>' return txt