Source code for pypeit.tracepca

Implements a general purpose object used to decompose and predict
traces using principle-component analysis.

.. include common links, assuming primary doc root is up one directory
.. include:: ../include/links.rst

import warnings
from IPython import embed

import numpy as np

from import fits

from pypeit import msgs
from pypeit import utils
from import hdu_iter_by_ext
from pypeit.core import trace
from pypeit.core import pca
from pypeit.core.fitting import PypeItFit
from pypeit.datamodel import DataContainer

# TODO: This is even more general than a "trace" PCA. Rename to
# "VectorPCA"?

[docs] class TracePCA(DataContainer): r""" Class to build and interact with PCA model of traces. This is primarily a container class for the results of :func:`~pypeit.core.pca.pca_decomposition`, :func:`~pypeit.core.pca.fit_pca_coefficients`, and :func:`~pypeit.core.pca.pca_predict`. The datamodel attributes are: .. include:: ../include/class_datamodel_tracepca.rst Args: trace_cen (`numpy.ndarray`_, optional): A floating-point array with the spatial location of each each trace. Shape is :math:`(N_{\rm spec}, N_{\rm trace})`. If None, the object is "empty" and all of the other keyword arguments are ignored. npca (:obj:`bool`, optional): The number of PCA components to keep. See :func:`~pypeit.core.pca.pca_decomposition`. pca_explained_var (:obj:`float`, optional): The percentage (i.e., not the fraction) of the variance in the data accounted for by the PCA used to truncate the number of PCA coefficients to keep (see `npca`). Ignored if `npca` is provided directly. See :func:`~pypeit.core.pca.pca_decomposition`. reference_row (:obj:`int`, optional): The row (spectral position) in `trace_cen` to use as the reference coordinate system for the PCA. If None, set to the :math:`N_{\rm spec}/2`. coo (`numpy.ndarray`_, optional): Floating-point array with the reference coordinates for each trace. If provided, the shape must be :math:`(N_{\rm trace},)`. If None, the reference coordinate system is defined by the value of `trace_cen` at the spectral position defined by `reference_row`. See the `mean` argument of :func:`~pypeit.core.pca.pca_decomposition`. """ version = '1.1.0' """Datamodel version.""" datamodel = {'reference_row': dict(otype=(int, np.integer), descr='The row (spectral position) used as the reference ' \ 'coordinate system for the PCA.'), 'trace_coo': dict(otype=np.ndarray, atype=(float,np.floating), descr='Trace coordinates. Shape must be ' r':math:`(N_{\rm spec},N_{\rm trace})`.'), 'nspec': dict(otype=int, descr='Number of pixels in the image spectral direction.'), 'ntrace': dict(otype=int, descr='Number of traces used to construct the PCA.'), 'input_npca': dict(otype=int, descr='Requested number of PCA components if provided.'), 'npca': dict(otype=int, descr='Number of PCA components used.'), 'input_pcav': dict(otype=(float,np.floating), descr='Requested variance accounted for by PCA decomposition.'), 'pca_coeffs': dict(otype=np.ndarray, atype=(float,np.floating), descr=r'PCA component coefficients. If the PCA decomposition ' r'used :math:`N_{\rm comp}` components for ' r':math:`N_{\rm vec}` vectors, the shape of this array ' r'must be :math:`(N_{\rm vec}, N_{\rm comp})`. The ' r'array can be 1D with shape :math:`(N_{\rm vec},)` if ' r'there was only one PCA component.'), 'pca_components': dict(otype=np.ndarray, atype=(float,np.floating), descr=r'Vectors with the PCA components. Shape must be ' r':math:`(N_{\rm comp}, N_{\rm spec})`.'), 'pca_mean': dict(otype=np.ndarray, atype=(float,np.floating), descr=r'The mean offset of the PCA decomposotion for each ' r' spectral pixel. Shape is :math:`(N_{\rm spec},)`.'), 'pca_coeffs_model': dict(otype=np.ndarray, atype=PypeItFit, descr='An array of PypeItFit objects, one per PCA ' 'component, that models the trend of the PCA ' 'component coefficients with the reference ' 'coordinate of each vector. These models are ' r'used by :func:`predict` to model the expected ' 'coefficients at a new reference coordinate.')} """Object datamodel.""" internals = ['is_empty'] # TODO: Add a show method that plots the pca coefficients and the # current fit, if there is one def __init__(self, trace_cen=None, npca=None, pca_explained_var=99.0, reference_row=None, coo=None): # Instantiate as an empty DataContainer super().__init__() self.is_empty = True # Only do the decomposition if the trace coordinates are provided. if trace_cen is not None: self.decompose(trace_cen, npca=npca, pca_explained_var=pca_explained_var, reference_row=reference_row, coo=coo)
[docs] def decompose(self, trace_cen, npca=None, pca_explained_var=99.0, reference_row=None, coo=None): r""" Construct the PCA from scratch. Args: trace_cen (`numpy.ndarray`_): A floating-point array with the spatial location of each each trace. Shape is :math:`(N_{\rm spec}, N_{\rm trace})`. Cannot be None. npca (:obj:`bool`, optional): The number of PCA components to keep. See :func:`~pypeit.core.pca.pca_decomposition`. pca_explained_var (:obj:`float`, optional): The percentage (i.e., not the fraction) of the variance in the data accounted for by the PCA used to truncate the number of PCA coefficients to keep (see `npca`). Ignored if `npca` is provided directly. See :func:`~pypeit.core.pca.pca_decomposition`. reference_row (:obj:`int`, optional): The row (spectral position) in `trace_cen` to use as the reference coordinate system for the PCA. If None, set to the :math:`N_{\rm spec}/2`. coo (`numpy.ndarray`_, optional): Floating-point array with the reference coordinates for each trace. If provided, the shape must be :math:`(N_{\rm trace},)`. If None, the reference coordinate system is defined by the value of `trace_cen` at the spectral position defined by `reference_row`. See the `mean` argument of :func:`~pypeit.core.pca.pca_decomposition`. """ if trace_cen is None: raise ValueError('Must provide traces to construct the PCA.') self._reinit() self.is_empty = False # Set the reference row to use for the coordinates of the trace self.reference_row = trace_cen.shape[0]//2 if reference_row is None else reference_row self.ntrace = trace_cen.shape[1] self.trace_coo = trace_cen[self.reference_row,:] if coo is None else np.atleast_1d(coo) if self.trace_coo.size != self.ntrace: raise ValueError('Provided reference coordinates have incorrect shape.') # Save the input self.input_npca = npca self.input_pcav = pca_explained_var # Perform the PCA decomposition of the traces self.pca_coeffs, self.pca_components, self.pca_mean, _ \ = pca.pca_decomposition(trace_cen.T, npca=npca, pca_explained_var=pca_explained_var, mean=self.trace_coo) self.npca = self.pca_coeffs.shape[1] self.nspec = self.pca_components.shape[1]
[docs] def _reinit(self): """ Erase and/or define all the attributes of the class. """ # The following are *all* objects assigned to self. self.is_empty = True self.reference_row = None self.ntrace = None self.trace_coo = None self.input_npca = None self.input_pcav = None self.pca_coeffs = None self.pca_components = None self.pca_mean = None self.npca = None self.nspec = None self.pca_coeffs_model = None
[docs] def build_interpolator(self, order, ivar=None, weights=None, function='polynomial', lower=3.0, upper=3.0, maxrej=1, maxiter=25, minx=None, maxx=None, debug=False): """ Wrapper for :func:`~pypeit.core.pca.fit_pca_coefficients` that uses class attributes and saves the input parameters. """ if self.is_empty: raise ValueError('TracePCA object is empty; re-instantiate or run decompose().') self.pca_coeffs_model \ = pca.fit_pca_coefficients(self.pca_coeffs, order, ivar=ivar, weights=weights, function=function, lower=lower, upper=upper, minx=minx, maxx=maxx, maxrej=maxrej, maxiter=maxiter, coo=self.trace_coo, debug=debug)
[docs] def predict(self, x): r""" Predict one or more traces given the functional forms for the PCA coefficients. .. warning:: The PCA coefficients must have first been modeled by a function before using this method. An error will be raised if :attr:`fit_coeff` is not defined. Args: x (:obj:`float`, `numpy.ndarray`_): One or more spatial coordinates (at the PCA reference row) at which to sample the PCA coefficients and produce the PCA model for the trace spatial position as a function of spectral pixel. Returns: `numpy.ndarray`_: The array with the predicted spatial locations of the trace. If the provided coordinate is a single value, the returned shape is :math:`(N_{\rm pix},)`; otherwise it is :math:`(N_{\rm pix}, N_{\rm x})`. """ if self.is_empty: raise ValueError('TracePCA object is empty; re-instantiate or run decompose().') if self.pca_coeffs_model is None: msgs.error('PCA coefficients have not been modeled; run build_interpolator first.') return pca.pca_predict(x, self.pca_coeffs_model, self.pca_components, self.pca_mean, x).T
[docs] def _bundle(self, ext='PCA'): """Bundle the data for writing.""" d = super()._bundle(ext=ext) if self.pca_coeffs_model is None: return d # Fix the default bundling to handle the fact that # pca_coeffs_model is an array of PypeItFit instances. _d = d[0] if ext is None else d[0][ext] del _d['pca_coeffs_model'] d += [{'{0}_MODEL_{1}'.format(ext,i+1): self.pca_coeffs_model[i]} for i in range(self.npca)] return d
# TODO: Although I don't like doing it, kwargs is here to catch the # extraneous keywords that can be passed to _parse from the base class but # won't be used.
[docs] @classmethod def _parse(cls, hdu, hdu_prefix=None, **kwargs): """ Parse the data from the provided HDU. See :func:`~pypeit.datamodel.DataContainer._parse` for the argument descriptions. """ # Run the default parser to get most of the data d, version_passed, type_passed, parsed_hdus = super()._parse(hdu, hdu_prefix=hdu_prefix) # This should only ever read one hdu! if len(parsed_hdus) > 1: msgs.error('CODING ERROR: Parsing saved TracePCA instances should only parse 1 HDU, ' 'independently of the PCA PypeItFit models.') # Check if any models exist if hasattr(hdu, '__len__') \ and np.any(['{0}_MODEL'.format(parsed_hdus[0]) in for h in hdu]): # Parse the models model_ext = ['{0}_MODEL_{1}'.format(parsed_hdus[0],i+1) for i in range(d['npca'])] d['pca_coeffs_model'] = np.array([PypeItFit.from_hdu(hdu[e]) for e in model_ext]) parsed_hdus += model_ext return d, version_passed, type_passed, parsed_hdus
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, d=None): """ Instantiate from a dictionary. This is a basic wrapper for :class:`~pypeit.datamodel.DataContainer.from_dict` that appropriately toggles :attr:`is_empty`. """ self = super().from_dict(d=d) self.is_empty = False return self
# TODO: Like with the use of TracePCA in EdgeTraceSet, we should # integrate the elements of the function below into classes that trace # objects and tilts so that the PCA can be called and used later
[docs] def pca_trace_object(trace_cen, order=None, trace_bpm=None, min_length=0.6, npca=None, pca_explained_var=99.0, reference_row=None, coo=None, minx=None, maxx=None, trace_wgt=None, function='polynomial', lower=3.0, upper=3.0, maxrej=1, maxiter=25, debug=False): r""" Decompose and reconstruct the provided traces using principle-component analysis. Args: trace_cen (`numpy.ndarray`_): A floating-point array with the spatial location of each each trace. Shape is :math:`(N_{\rm spec}, N_{\rm trace})`. order (:obj:`int`, :obj:`list`, optional): The order of the polynomial to use fit each PCA coefficient as a function of trace position. If None, `order` is set to :math:`3.3 N_{\rm use}/N_{\rm trace}`, where :math:`N_{\rm use}` is the number of traces used to construct the PCA and :math:`N_{\rm trace}` is the number of total traces provided. If an integer (determined automatically if the argument is `None`), the order per PCA component (see `npca`) is set to cascade from high-to-low order as follows:: _order = np.clip(order - np.arange(npca), 1, None).astype(int) trace_bpm (`numpy.ndarray`_, optional): Bad-pixel mask for the trace data (True is bad; False is good). Must match the shape of `trace_cen`. min_length (:obj:`float`, optional): The good position of the trace must cover at least this fraction of the spectral dimension for use in the PCA decomposition. npca (:obj:`bool`, optional): The number of PCA components to keep. See :func:`~pypeit.core.pca.pca_decomposition`. pca_explained_var (:obj:`float`, optional): The percentage (i.e., not the fraction) of the variance in the data accounted for by the PCA used to truncate the number of PCA coefficients to keep (see `npca`). Ignored if `npca` is provided directly. See :func:`~pypeit.core.pca.pca_decomposition`. reference_row (:obj:`int`, optional): The row (spectral position) in `trace_cen` to use as the reference coordinate system for the PCA. If None, set to the :math:`N_{\rm spec}/2` or based on the spectral position that crosses the most number of valid trace positions. coo (`numpy.ndarray`_, optional): Floating-point array with the reference coordinates to use for each trace. If None, coordinates are defined at the reference row of `trace_cen`. Shape must be :math:`(N_{\rm trace},)`. minx, maxx (:obj:`float`, optional): Minimum and maximum values used to rescale the independent axis data. If None, the minimum and maximum values of `coo` are used. See :func:`~pypeit.core.fitting.robust_fit`. trace_wgt (`numpy.ndarray`_, optional): Weights to apply to the PCA coefficient of each trace during the fit. Weights are independent of the PCA component. See `weights` parameter of :func:`~pypeit.core.pca.fit_pca_coefficients`. Shape must be :math:`(N_{\rm trace},)`. function (:obj:`str`, optional): Type of function used to fit the data. lower (:obj:`float`, optional): Number of standard deviations used for rejecting data **below** the mean residual. If None, no rejection is performed. See :func:`~pypeit.core.fitting.robust_fit`. upper (:obj:`float`, optional): Number of standard deviations used for rejecting data **above** the mean residual. If None, no rejection is performed. See :func:`~pypeit.core.fitting.robust_fit`. maxrej (:obj:`int`, optional): Maximum number of points to reject during fit iterations. See :func:`~pypeit.core.fitting.robust_fit`. maxiter (:obj:`int`, optional): Maximum number of rejection iterations allows. To force no rejection iterations, set to 0. debug (:obj:`bool`, optional): Show plots useful for debugging. """ # Check the input if trace_bpm is None: use_trace = np.ones(trace_cen.shape[1], dtype=bool) _reference_row = trace_cen.shape[0]//2 if reference_row is None else reference_row else: use_trace = np.sum(np.invert(trace_bpm), axis=0)/trace_cen.shape[0] > min_length _reference_row = trace.most_common_trace_row(trace_bpm[:,use_trace]) \ if reference_row is None else reference_row _coo = None if coo is None else coo[use_trace] # Instantiate the PCA cenpca = TracePCA(trace_cen[:,use_trace], npca=npca, pca_explained_var=pca_explained_var, reference_row=_reference_row, coo=_coo) # Set the order of the function fit to the PCA coefficients: # Order is set to cascade down to lower order for components # that account for a smaller percentage of the variance. if order is None: # TODO: Where does this come from? order = int(np.clip(np.floor(3.3*np.sum(use_trace)/trace_cen.shape[1]),1.0,3.0)) _order = np.atleast_1d(order) if _order.size == 1: _order = np.clip(order - np.arange(cenpca.npca), 1, None).astype(int) if _order.size != cenpca.npca: msgs.error('Number of polynomial orders does not match the number of PCA components.')'Order of function fit to each component: {0}'.format(_order)) # Apply a 10% relative error to each coefficient. This performs # better than use_mad, since larger coefficients will always be # considered inliers, if the coefficients vary rapidly with # order as they sometimes do. # TODO: This inverse variance usage has performance issues and # tends to lead to rejection of coefficients that are near 0. # Instead of setting the floor to an absolute value 0.1, why not a # relative value like the mean or median of the coefficients? I.e. # ivar = utils.inverse(numpy.square(np.fmax(0.1*np.absolute(cenpca.pca_coeffs), # 0.1*np.median(cenpca.pca_coeffs)))) ivar = utils.inverse(np.square(np.fmax(0.1*np.absolute(cenpca.pca_coeffs), 0.1))) # Set any additional weights for each trace weights = np.ones(np.sum(use_trace), dtype=float) \ if trace_wgt is None else trace_wgt[use_trace] # TODO: This combination of ivar and weights is as it has been # previously. However, we recently changed the slit-edge tracing # code to fit the PCA coefficients with unity weights (the default # when passing weights=None to build_interpolator) and ivar=None. # The means the PCA coefficients are fit with uniform weighting and # the rejection is based on the median absolute deviation of the # data with respect to the fitted model. # # This current call below to build_interpolator will instead weight # the fit according to the weights set above, and it will reject # points based on the inverse variance set above. We need to check # that this makes sense! # Build the interpolator that allows prediction of new traces cenpca.build_interpolator(_order, ivar=ivar, weights=weights, function=function, lower=lower, upper=upper, maxrej=maxrej, maxiter=maxiter, minx=minx, maxx=maxx, debug=debug) # Return the traces predicted for all input traces return cenpca.predict(trace_cen[_reference_row,:] if coo is None else coo)