Module for the Spec2DObj class
.. include common links, assuming primary doc root is up one directory
.. include:: ../include/links.rst
from pathlib import Path
import os
import inspect
import datetime
from copy import deepcopy
import numpy as np
from astropy.io import fits
from astropy.stats import mad_std
from astropy import table
from pypeit import msgs
from pypeit import io
from pypeit import datamodel
from pypeit import slittrace
from pypeit.core import parse
from pypeit.images import imagebitmask
from pypeit.images.detector_container import DetectorContainer
from pypeit.images.mosaic import Mosaic
from IPython import embed
class Spec2DObj(datamodel.DataContainer):
"""Class to handle 2D spectral image outputs of PypeIt
One generates one of these Objects for each detector in the exposure.
The datamodel attributes are:
.. include:: ../include/class_datamodel_spec2dobj.rst
.. See datamodel below and at :ref:`spec2dobj_datamodel`
head0 (`astropy.io.fits.Header`_):
Primary header if instantiated from a FITS file
version = '1.1.1'
# TODO 2d data model should be expanded to include:
# waveimage -- flexure and heliocentric corrections should be applied to the final waveimage and since this is unique to
# every exposure (i.e. it depneds on obstime, RA, DEC and the flexure incurred) it should be written out for
# each science frame.
# Because we are including nested DataContainers, be careful not to
# duplicate variable names!!
datamodel = {'sciimg': dict(otype=np.ndarray, atype=np.floating,
descr='2D processed science image (float32)'),
'ivarraw': dict(otype=np.ndarray, atype=np.floating,
descr='2D processed inverse variance image (float32)'),
'skymodel': dict(otype=np.ndarray, atype=np.floating,
descr='2D sky model image (float32)'),
'bkg_redux_skymodel': dict(otype=np.ndarray, atype=np.floating,
descr='2D sky model image without the background subtraction (float32)'),
'objmodel': dict(otype=np.ndarray, atype=np.floating,
descr='2D object model image (float32)'),
'ivarmodel': dict(otype=np.ndarray, atype=np.floating,
descr='2D ivar model image (float32)'),
'tilts': dict(otype=np.ndarray, atype=np.floating,
descr='2D tilts image (float64)'),
'scaleimg': dict(otype=np.ndarray, atype=np.floating,
descr='2D multiplicative scale image [or a single scalar as an array] that has been applied to '
'the science image (float32)'),
'waveimg': dict(otype=np.ndarray, atype=np.floating,
descr='2D wavelength image in vacuum (float64)'),
'bpmmask': dict(otype=imagebitmask.ImageBitMaskArray,
descr='2D bad-pixel mask for the image'),
# 'imgbitm': dict(otype=str, descr='List of BITMASK keys from ImageBitMask'),
'slits': dict(otype=slittrace.SlitTraceSet,
descr='SlitTraceSet defining the slits'),
'wavesol': dict(otype=table.Table,
descr='Table with WaveCalib diagnostic info'),
'maskdef_designtab': dict(otype=table.Table,
descr='Table with slitmask design and object info'),
'sci_spat_flexure': dict(otype=float,
descr='Shift, in spatial pixels, between this image '
'and SlitTrace'),
'sci_spec_flexure': dict(otype=table.Table,
descr='Global shift of the spectrum to correct for spectral'
'flexure (pixels). This is based on the sky spectrum at'
'the center of each slit'),
'vel_type': dict(otype=str, descr='Type of reference frame correction (if any). '
'Options are listed in the routine: '
'WavelengthSolutionPar.valid_reference_frames() '
'Current list: observed, heliocentric, barycentric'),
'vel_corr': dict(otype=float,
descr='Relativistic velocity correction for wavelengths'),
'med_chis': dict(otype=np.ndarray, atype=np.floating,
descr='Median of the chi image for each slit/order'),
'std_chis': dict(otype=np.ndarray, atype=np.floating,
descr='std of the chi image for each slit/order'),
'det': dict(otype=int, descr='Detector index'),
'detector': dict(otype=(DetectorContainer, Mosaic),
descr='Detector or Mosaic metadata') }
internals = ['calibs', # Dictionary containing the processed calibration frames
'process_steps', # List of image processing steps
'head0' # Raw header
def from_file(cls, ifile, detname, chk_version=True):
Instantiate the object from an extension in the specified fits file.
Over-load :func:`~pypeit.datamodel.DataContainer.from_file`
to specify detector to read.
ifile (:obj:`str`, `Path`_):
Fits file with the data to read
detname (:obj:`str`):
The string identifier for the detector or mosaic used to select
the data that is read.
chk_version (:obj:`bool`, optional):
Passed to :func:`from_hdu`.
with io.fits_open(ifile) as hdu:
# Check detname is valid
detnames = np.unique([h.name.split('-')[0] for h in hdu[1:]])
if detname not in detnames:
msgs.error(f'Your --det={detname} is not available. \n Choose from: {detnames}')
return cls.from_hdu(hdu, detname, chk_version=chk_version)
def from_hdu(cls, hdu, detname, chk_version=True):
Override base-class :func:`~pypeit.datamodel.DataContainer.from_hdu` to
specify detector to read.
hdu (`astropy.io.fits.HDUList`_, `astropy.io.fits.ImageHDU`_, `astropy.io.fits.BinTableHDU`_):
The HDU(s) with the data to use for instantiation.
detname (:obj:`str`):
The string identifier for the detector or mosaic used to select
the data that is read.
chk_version (:obj:`bool`, optional):
If False, allow a mismatch in datamodel to proceed
:class:`~pypeit.spec2dobj.Spec2DObj`: 2D spectra object.
# Get list of extensions associated with this detector
ext = [h.name for h in hdu if detname in h.name]
if len(ext) == 0:
# No relevant extensions!
msgs.error(f'{detname} not available in any extension of the input HDUList.')
mask_ext = f'{detname}-BPMMASK'
has_mask = mask_ext in ext
if has_mask:
self = super().from_hdu(hdu, ext=ext, hdu_prefix=f'{detname}-', chk_version=chk_version)
if has_mask:
self.bpmmask = imagebitmask.ImageBitMaskArray.from_hdu(hdu[mask_ext], ext_pseudo='MASK',
# Try to fill the internals based on the header of the first parsed
# extension
hdr = hdu[ext[0]].header
if 'CLBS_DIR' in hdr:
self.calibs = {}
self.calibs['DIR'] = hdr['CLBS_DIR']
for key in hdr.keys():
if key.startswith('CLBS_') \
and (Path(self.calibs['DIR']).absolute() / hdr[key]).exists():
self.calibs['_'.join(key.split('_')[1:])] = hdr[key]
if 'PROCSTEP' in hdr:
self.process_steps = hdr['PROCSTEP'].split(',')
self.head0 = hdu[0].header
return self
def __init__(self, sciimg, ivarraw, skymodel, bkg_redux_skymodel, objmodel, ivarmodel,
scaleimg, waveimg, bpmmask, detector, sci_spat_flexure, sci_spec_flexure,
vel_type, vel_corr, slits, wavesol, tilts, maskdef_designtab):
# Slurp
args, _, _, values = inspect.getargvalues(inspect.currentframe())
_d = dict([(k,values[k]) for k in args[1:]])
# Setup the DataContainer
datamodel.DataContainer.__init__(self, d=_d)
def _validate(self):
Assert that the detector has been set and that the bitmask is correct.
# Check the detector/mosaic identifier has been provided (note this is a
# property method)
if self.detname is None:
msgs.error('Detector/Mosaic string identifier must be set at instantiation.')
def _bundle(self):
Over-write default _bundle() method to separate the DetectorContainer
into its own HDU
:obj:`list`: A list of dictionaries, each list element is
written to its own fits extension. See the description
d = []
# Rest of the datamodel
for key in self.keys():
# Skip Nones
if self[key] is None:
# Array?
if self.datamodel[key]['otype'] == np.ndarray:
tmp = {}
if self.datamodel[key]['atype'] == np.floating and key not in ['waveimg', 'tilts']:
tmp[key] = self[key].astype(np.float32)
tmp[key] = self[key]
# Mask
elif key == 'bpmmask':
# Detector
elif key == 'detector':
# SlitTraceSet
elif key == 'slits':
# Wavecalib
elif key == 'wavesol':
# maskdef_designtab
elif key == 'maskdef_designtab':
# Spectral flexure
elif key == 'sci_spec_flexure':
else: # Add to header of the primary image
d[0][key] = self[key]
# Return
return d
def detname(self):
if self.detector is None:
return None
return self.detector.name
def hdu_prefix(self):
Provides for a dynamic hdu_prefix based on our naming model.
:obj:`str`: Detector/mosaic identifier
return f'{self.detname}-'
def update_slits(self, spec2DObj):
Update the object at all good slits in the input object
spec2DObj (`Spec2DObj`):
# Quick checks
if spec2DObj.detname != self.detname:
msgs.error("Objects are not even the same detector!!")
if not np.array_equal(spec2DObj.slits.spat_id, spec2DObj.slits.spat_id):
msgs.error("SPAT_IDs are not in sync!")
# Find the good ones on the input object
# bpm = spec2DObj.slits.mask.astype(bool)
# exc_reduce = np.invert(spec2DObj.slits.bitmask.flagged(
# spec2DObj.slits.mask, flag=spec2DObj.slits.bitmask.exclude_for_reducing))
# gpm = np.invert(bpm & exc_reduce)
bpm = spec2DObj.slits.bitmask.flagged(
gpm = np.logical_not(bpm)
# Update slits.mask
self.slits.mask[gpm] = spec2DObj.slits.mask[gpm]
# Slitmask
slitmask = spec2DObj.slits.slit_img(flexure=spec2DObj.sci_spat_flexure,
# Fill in the image
for slit_idx, spat_id in enumerate(spec2DObj.slits.spat_id[gpm]):
inmask = slitmask == spat_id
# Get em all
for imgname in ['sciimg','ivarraw','skymodel', 'bkg_redux_skymodel', 'objmodel','ivarmodel','waveimg','bpmmask']:
if self[imgname] is not None and spec2DObj[imgname] is not None:
self[imgname][inmask] = spec2DObj[imgname][inmask]
def calc_chi_slit(self, slitidx:int, pad:int=None, remove_object:bool=True):
""" Calculate a chi map and run some stats on it
for a given slit/order
slitidx (int): Given slit/order
pad (int, optional): Ignore pixels within pad of edges.
Defaults to None.
remove_object (bool, optional): Remove object model (if
it exists)
tuple: np.ndarray (chi image), median (float), std (float)
slit_select = self.slits.slit_img(pad=pad, slitidx=slitidx)
skysub_img = self.sciimg - self.skymodel
if remove_object and self.objmodel is not None:
skysub_img -= self.objmodel
# Chi
chi = skysub_img * np.sqrt(self.ivarmodel) * (self.bpmmask.mask == 0)
chi_slit = chi * (slit_select == self.slits.spat_id[slitidx]) * (self.bpmmask.mask == 0)
# All bad?
if np.all(chi_slit == 0):
return None, 0., 0.
# Stats
median = np.median(chi_slit[chi_slit!=0])
std = mad_std(chi_slit[chi_slit!=0])
return chi_slit, median, std
def gen_qa(self):
""" Generate QA for the slits/orders
Saved to the DataContainer
# Loop on slits to generate stats on chi^2
med_chis = []
std_chis = []
for slitidx in range(self.slits.nslits):
_, med, std = self.calc_chi_slit(slitidx)
# Save
self.med_chis = np.array(med_chis)
self.std_chis = np.array(std_chis)
def select_flag(self, flag=None, invert=False):
Return a boolean array that selects pixels masked with the specified
bits in :attr:`bpmmask`.
For example, to create a bad-pixel mask based on which pixels have
cosmic-ray detections, run:
.. code-block:: python
cr_bpm = self.select_flag(flag='CR')
Or, to create a good-pixel mask for all pixels that are not flagged for
any reason, run:
.. code-block:: python
gpm = self.select_flag(invert=True)
flag (:obj:`str`, array-like, optional):
One or more flags to select when returning the boolean mask. If
None, pixels flagged for *any* reason are returned as True.
invert (:obj:`bool`, optional):
If False, the return mask is True for masked pixels, False for
good pixels (i.e., a bad-pixel mask). If True, invert the sense
of the mask (i.e., create a good-pixel mask, True for good
pixels, False for bad pixels).
`numpy.ndarray`_: Boolean array where pixels with the selected bits
flagged are returned as True (if ``invert`` is False); i.e., this is
a boolean bad-pixel mask (or a good-pixel mask when ``invert`` is
True). If ``flag`` is not provided, pixels flagged for any reason
are returned as True.
return self.bpmmask.flagged(flag=flag, invert=invert)
class AllSpec2DObj:
Simple object to hold Spec2DObj objects
and perform I/O
Anything that goes into self['meta'] must be parseable into a FITS Header
Restrict keys to be type int or 'meta'
and items to be :class:`Spec2DObj`
hdr_prefix = 'ALLSPEC2D_'
def from_fits(cls, filename, chk_version=True):
filename (:obj:`str`, `Path`_):
Name of the file to read.
chk_version (:obj:`bool`, optional):
If True, demand the on-disk datamodel equals the current one.
Passed to from_hdu() of DataContainer.
:class:`~pypeit.spec2dobj.AllSpec2DObj`: The constructed object.
# Instantiate
self = cls()
# Open
with io.fits_open(filename) as hdu:
# Meta
for key in hdu[0].header.keys():
if key == self.hdr_prefix+'DETS':
if self.hdr_prefix in key:
meta_key = key.split(self.hdr_prefix)[-1].lower()
self['meta'][meta_key] = hdu[0].header[key]
# Detectors included
detectors = hdu[0].header[self.hdr_prefix+'DETS']
for detname in detectors.split(','):
self[detname] = Spec2DObj.from_hdu(hdu, detname, chk_version=chk_version)
return self
def __init__(self):
# Init meta
self['meta'] = {}
# TODO -- Turn off attribute setting
def detectors(self):
Return the list of detector/mosaic names, assuming they are the list of
all keys except for meta.
dets = self.keys
return dets
def keys(self):
Return the list of attributes
return list(self.__dict__.keys())
# def __setitem__(self, item, value):
# """
# Over-load this to insist the item is either:
# `meta`
# 1,2,3,...
# Args:
# item (:obj:`str` or :obj:`int`):
# value (object or :class:`Spec2DObj`):
# Should be FITS header write-able if going into `meta`
## """
# # Check item
# if not isinstance(item, int) and item != 'meta':
# raise KeyError('Key must be an integer, i.e. detector number or "meta"')
# # Check value
# if isinstance(item, int):
# assert isinstance(value, Spec2DObj), 'Item must be a Spec2DObj'
# self.__dict__[item] = value
def __setitem__(self, item, value):
# Check item
if not isinstance(item, str):
raise TypeError('Item key must be a string.')
if item != 'meta':
if not isinstance(value, Spec2DObj):
raise KeyError('Any item not assigned to the meta dictionary must be a Spec2DObj.')
if value.detname is not None and value.detname != item:
msgs.warn(f'Mismatch between keyword used to define the Spec2DObj item ({item}) '
f'and the name of the detector/mosaic ({value.detname}).')
self.__dict__[item] = value
def __getitem__(self, item):
"""Get an item directly from the internal dict."""
return self.__dict__[item]
def build_primary_hdr(self, raw_header, spectrograph, calib_dir=None,
redux_path=None, subheader=None, history=None):
Build the primary header for a spec2d file
raw_header (`astropy.io.fits.Header`_):
Header from the raw FITS file (i.e. original header)
spectrograph (:class:`~pypeit.spectrographs.spectrograph.Spectrograph`):
Spectrograph used to obtain the data.
calib_dir (:obj:`str`):
Path to the folder with processed calibration frames
redux_path (:obj:`str`, optional):
Full path to the reduction output files.
subheader (:obj:`dict`, optional):
Generated by
`astropy.io.fits.Header`_: The primary header for the output fits file.
# Instantiate the header
hdr = io.initialize_header()
# Copy most of the information from the raw header
# TODO: Does astropy provide a way to intelligently merge headers?
hdukeys = ['BUNIT', 'COMMENT', '', 'BITPIX', 'NAXIS', 'NAXIS1', 'NAXIS2',
for key in raw_header.keys():
# Use new ones
if key in hdukeys:
# Update unused ones
hdr[key] = raw_header[key]
# Add the History
if history is not None:
# Add the spectrograph-specific sub-header
if subheader is not None:
for key in subheader.keys():
hdr[key.upper()] = subheader[key]
# TODO Should the spectrograph be written to the header?
hdr['PIPELINE'] = str('PYPEIT')
hdr['PYPELINE'] = spectrograph.pypeline
hdr['PYP_SPEC'] = spectrograph.name
hdr['DATE-RDX'] = str(datetime.date.today().strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))
# Some paths
if calib_dir is not None:
hdr['CALIBDIR'] = str(calib_dir)
if redux_path is not None:
hdr['PYPRDXP'] = redux_path
# Sky sub mode
if 'bkg_redux' in self['meta'] and self['meta']['bkg_redux']:
hdr['SKYSUB'] = 'DIFF'
hdr['SKYSUB'] = 'MODEL'
# obj find mode
if 'find_negative' in self['meta'] and self['meta']['find_negative']:
hdr['FINDOBJ'] = 'POS_NEG'
hdr['FINDOBJ'] = 'POS'
return hdr
def write_to_fits(self, outfile, pri_hdr=None, update_det=None,
slitspatnum=None, overwrite=True):
Write the spec2d FITS file
outfile (:obj:`str`, `Path`_):
Output filename
pri_hdr (`astropy.io.fits.Header`_, optional):
Header to be used in lieu of default Usually generated by
slitspatnum (:obj:`str` or :obj:`list`, optional):
Restricted set of slits for reduction
If provided, do not clobber the existing file but only update
the indicated slits. Useful for re-running on a subset of slits
Baseline primary header. If None, initial primary header is
empty. Usually generated by
update_det (:obj:`list`, optional):
If the output file already exists, this sets the list of
detectors/mosaics to update with the data in this object. If
None, a new file is constructed from scratch, if overwrite is
True. Otherwise, the existing file is read and any detectors in
that file but *not* in this one are added to this object. I.e.,
if ``update_det`` is not None, **this method can alter the
overwrite (:obj:`bool`, optional):
If true and the output file already exists, overwrite it. The
combination of this and ``update_det`` may also alter this
object based on the existing file.
_outfile = Path(outfile).absolute()
if _outfile.exists():
# Clobber?
if not overwrite:
msgs.warn(f'File {_outfile} exits. Use -o to overwrite.')
# Load up the original
_allspecobj = AllSpec2DObj.from_fits(_outfile)
# Replace the newly reduced detector?
if update_det is not None:
for det in _allspecobj.detectors:
if det in np.atleast_1d(update_det):
self[det] = _allspecobj[det]
elif slitspatnum is not None: # Update specific slits!
# Grab modified detectors and slits
dets, spat_ids = parse.parse_slitspatnum(slitspatnum)
# Loop on detectors to be fussed with
for det in _allspecobj.detectors:
if det in dets:
# Check version
if self[det].version != _allspecobj[det].version:
msgs.error("Original spec2D object has a different version. Too risky to continue. Rerun both")
# Generate the slit "mask"
slitmask = _allspecobj[det].slits.slit_img(
# Save the new one in a copy
new_Spec2DObj = deepcopy(self[det])
# Replace with the old
self[det] = _allspecobj[int(det)]
# Spat ids
spats = spat_ids[dets==det]
for spat_id in spats:
# Find pixels to replace
replace_pix = slitmask == spat_id
# Fill em in
for key in new_Spec2DObj.datamodel.keys():
if new_Spec2DObj.datamodel[key]['otype'] == np.ndarray and (
new_Spec2DObj[key].shape == slitmask.shape):
self[det][key][replace_pix] = new_Spec2DObj[key][replace_pix]
self[det] = _allspecobj[det]
# Primary HDU for output
prihdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(header=pri_hdr)
# Add class name
prihdu.header['PYP_CLS'] = self.__class__.__name__
# Add meta to Primary Header
for key in self['meta']:
prihdu.header[self.hdr_prefix+key.upper()] = self['meta'][key]
msgs.warn(f'Cannot add meta entry {key} to primary header!')
if key.lower() != key:
msgs.warn('Keywords in the meta dictionary are always read back in as lower case. '
f'Subsequent reads of {_outfile} will have converted {key} to '
# Loop on em (in order of detector)
extnum = 1
hdus = [prihdu]
for det in self.detectors:
hdul = self[det].to_hdu()
# TODO -- Make adding EXT000X a default of DataContainer?
# TODO: Why is this needed?
for hdu in hdul:
keywd = 'EXT{:04d}'.format(extnum)
prihdu.header[keywd] = hdu.name
extnum += 1
# Add em in
hdus += hdul
# Detectors included
prihdu.header[self.hdr_prefix+'DETS'] = ','.join(self.detectors)
# Finish
hdulist = fits.HDUList(hdus)
hdulist.writeto(_outfile, overwrite=overwrite)
msgs.info(f'Wrote: {_outfile}')
def __repr__(self):
# Generate sets string
txt = '<{:s}: '.format(self.__class__.__name__)
txt += 'dets=('
for det in self.detectors:
txt += str(det)+','
txt += ') >'
return txt