Source code for pypeit.setup_gui.text_viewer

"""Classes for displaying text content to a Qt window.

.. include common links, assuming primary doc root is up one directory
.. include:: ../include/links.rst

from pathlib import Path
import io
from typing import Optional,Union

from qtpy.QtWidgets import  QHBoxLayout, QVBoxLayout, QFileDialog, QWidget, QPlainTextEdit, QPushButton

from qtpy.QtGui import QIcon, QFont,QTextCursor
from qtpy.QtCore import Qt, Signal, QSettings, QEvent

from pypeit import msgs
from pypeit.setup_gui.dialog_helpers import display_error, FileDialog, FileType, PersistentStringListModel, DialogResponses
from pypeit.setup_gui.model import LogBuffer

[docs] class TextViewerWindow(QWidget): """Window to display text. The text can also be saved to a file. Args: title: Title for the window width: Initial width of the window, in characters. height: Initial height of the window, in characters. filename: Name of the file being viewed. text_stream: The file object for the text to display. start_at_top: Whether to start with the window scrolled to the top of the text. filters: File extension filters for saving the file, in the format used by QFileDialog. Defaults to ["Text Files ('*'.txt)"] """ closed = Signal() """Signal sent when the window is closed.""" def __init__(self, title : str, width : int, height : int, text_stream : io.TextIOBase, start_at_top : bool, filename: Optional[Union[str,Path]] = None, file_type : FileType = FileType("Text Files", ".txt")): super().__init__() self._text_stream = text_stream self._file_type = file_type # TODO , to be a more general purpose text viewer this could open the file if no text_stream is given, # but I don't need that ability right now, this is just used for saving self._filename = filename self.setWindowIcon(QIcon(str(Path(__file__).parent / "images/window_icon.png"))) self.setWindowTitle(title) logLayout = QVBoxLayout(self) # Get a fixed width font fixed_font = QFont() fixed_font.setFamilies(["Monospace", "Courier"]) fixed_font.setFixedPitch(True) fixed_font.setPointSize(12) # Create the log viewer widget self.textViewer=QPlainTextEdit(parent=self) self.textViewer.setFont(fixed_font) self.textViewer.setReadOnly(True) # Set the window size for widthxheight characters viewer_margins = self.textViewer.contentsMargins() layout_margins = logLayout.contentsMargins() parent_margins = self.contentsMargins() font_metrics = self.textViewer.fontMetrics() char_width = font_metrics.averageCharWidth()*width char_height = font_metrics.height()*height self.resize(parent_margins.left() + parent_margins.right() + layout_margins.left() + layout_margins.right() + viewer_margins.left() + viewer_margins.right() + char_width, + parent_margins.bottom() + + layout_margins.bottom() + + viewer_margins.bottom() + char_height) logLayout.addWidget(self.textViewer) # Fill the viewer with the contents from the text stream for line in self._text_stream: self.addText(line) # Scroll to the top after adding all of the text if start_at_top: self.textViewer.moveCursor(QTextCursor.MoveOperation.Start) # Buttons buttonLayout = QHBoxLayout() logLayout.addLayout(buttonLayout) # Button to save the log self.saveButton = QPushButton("Save...")) self.saveButton.clicked.connect( buttonLayout.addWidget(self.saveButton) buttonLayout.addStretch() # Close button self.closeButton = QPushButton("Close")) self.closeButton.clicked.connect(self.close) buttonLayout.addWidget(self.closeButton)
[docs] def save(self): """Save the log to a file.""" # Get history history = PersistentStringListModel("TextDirectory", "History") # Create the dialog. save_dialog = FileDialog(self,"Enter file name"), QFileDialog.AnyFile, default_file=self._filename, history=history, file_type=self._file_type, save=True) # Show the dialog. response = if response != DialogResponses.CANCEL: # Save the file try: with open(save_dialog.selected_path, "w") as f: if self._text_stream.seekable(): for message in self._text_stream: f.write(message)"File saved to {save_dialog.selected_path}.") self._filename = save_dialog.selected_path except Exception as e: display_error(self, str(e))
[docs] def closeEvent(self, event): """Event handle for closing the log window. Overridden from QWidget. Args: event (QEvent): The close event. Not used by this implementation. """ # Notify the main window. self.closed.emit() return super().closeEvent(event)
[docs] def addText(self, text: str): """Add text to the text viewer Args: text: The text to add """ # Add the message to our internal text document self.textViewer.appendPlainText(text.strip())
[docs] class LogWindow(TextViewerWindow): """ Text window for viewing the PypeIt log messages as they occurr. logBuffer: LogBuffer receiving PypeIt log messages. """ newMessage = Signal(str) """Signal sent when a new log message is logged.""" def __init__(self, logBuffer : LogBuffer): super().__init__(text_stream=logBuffer, width=100, height=50, start_at_top=False, title = "PypeIt Setup GUI Log", file_type = FileType("Log Files", ".log")) self._logBuffer = logBuffer # Preallocate the maximum length of the log buffer self.textViewer.document().setMaximumBlockCount(self._logBuffer.maxlen) # Listen for new log messages and append them to the viewer # This is done with a callbackto self._messageLogged, which then # emits an event from self.newMessage to notify self._addMessage. # This is done so that log messages from a different thread are # properly queued to the GUIs event thread. self.newMessage.connect(self.addText,Qt.QueuedConnection)"log window", None, self._messageLogged)
[docs] def closeEvent(self, event: QEvent): """Event handle for closing the log window. Overridden from QWidget. Args: event: The close event. Not used by this implementation. """ # Stop watching the log, and notify the main window. self.newMessage.disconnect(self.addText) self._logBuffer.unwatch("log window") return super().closeEvent(event)
[docs] def _messageLogged(self, message : str): """Callback that is notified by the log buffer for each message logged. Args: message: The log message """ # Emit the message so it can be picked up in the GUI's event thread. self.newMessage.emit(message)