Wrapper to matplotlib to show an arc spectrum
.. include common links, assuming primary doc root is up one directory
.. include:: ../include/links.rst
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from pypeit.scripts import scriptbase
from pypeit import wavecalib
from pypeit import slittrace
from IPython import embed
class ShowWvCalib(scriptbase.ScriptBase):
def get_parser(cls, width=None):
parser = super().get_parser(description='Show the result of wavelength calibration',
parser.add_argument("file", type=str, help="WaveCalib file")
parser.add_argument("slit_order", type=int, help="Slit or Order number")
parser.add_argument("--slit_file", type=str, help="Slit file")
parser.add_argument("--is_order", default=False, action="store_true",
help="Input slit/order is an order")
parser.add_argument('--try_old', default=False, action='store_true',
help='Attempt to load old datamodel versions. A crash may ensue..')
return parser
def main(args, unit_test=False):
""" Shows the spectrum
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
chk_version = not args.try_old
# Load
wvcalib = wavecalib.WaveCalib.from_file(args.file, chk_version=chk_version)
if args.slit_file is not None:
slits = slittrace.SlitTraceSet.from_file(args.slit_file, chk_version=chk_version)
# Parse
if args.is_order:
idx = np.where(slits.ech_order == args.slit_order)[0][0]
idx = np.where(wvcalib.spat_ids == args.slit_order)[0][0]
# Grab it
spec = wvcalib.arc_spectra[:,idx]
nspec = len(spec)
# Generate wavelengths
wave = wvcalib.wv_fits[idx].wave_soln
# Plot
ax = plt.gca()
ax.plot(wave, spec)