Source code for pypeit.scripts.print_bpm

This script prints a user-friendly description of the bad pixel mask
based on a spec2d file.

.. include common links, assuming primary doc root is up one directory
.. include:: ../include/links.rst
from IPython import embed

from import fits

from pypeit import __version__
from pypeit import msgs, spec2dobj
from pypeit.images.detector_container import DetectorContainer
from pypeit.images.imagebitmask import ImageBitMask
from pypeit.pypmsgs import PypeItDataModelError
from pypeit.scripts import scriptbase

[docs] class PrintBPM(scriptbase.ScriptBase):
[docs] @classmethod def get_parser(cls, width=None): parser = super().get_parser(description='Print out an informative description of a ' 'bad pixel masked value. Usually, you should ' 'run pypeit_show_2dspec --showmask first to ' 'see the bad pixel mask values. Then, call this ' 'script with the BPM value that you want to find' 'more information about.', width=width) parser.add_argument('bit', type=int, default=None, help='Bad pixel mask value to describe in plain text') parser.add_argument('--file', type=str, default=None, help='PypeIt spec2d file to use for the description' '(optional). If provided, the bitmask contained ' 'in the spec2d file will be used to describe the ' 'bad pixel mask value. If not provided, the default ' 'pypeit bad pixel mask will be used.') parser.add_argument('--det', default='1', type=str, help='Detector name or number. If a number, the name is constructed ' 'assuming the reduction is for a single detector. If a string, ' 'it must match the name of the detector object (e.g., DET01 for ' 'a detector, MSC01 for a mosaic). This is not required, and the ' 'value is acceptable. Default is 1.') return parser
[docs] @staticmethod def main(args): # Convert the integer bitmask value to a list of binary numbers binvals = [int(x) for x in bin(args.bit)[2:]][::-1] if args.file is None:"Using the default PypeIt bad pixel mask.") # Generate an Image BitMask object bpm = ImageBitMask() descr = bpm.descr else: # Read the spec2d file"Using the bad pixel mask from the following spec2d file:" + msgs.newline() + f"{args.file}.") spec2d_file = args.file # Parse the detector name try: det = int(args.det) except: detname = args.det else: detname = DetectorContainer.get_name(det) # Try to read the Spec2DObj using the current datamodel, but allowing # for the datamodel version to be different try: spec2DObj = spec2dobj.Spec2DObj.from_file(args.file, detname, chk_version=False) except PypeItDataModelError: try: # Try to get the pypeit version used to write this file file_pypeit_version = fits.getval(args.file, 'VERSPYP', 0) except KeyError: file_pypeit_version = '*unknown*' msgs.warn(f'Your installed version of PypeIt ({__version__}) cannot be used to parse ' f'{args.file}, which was reduced using version {file_pypeit_version}. You ' 'are strongly encouraged to re-reduce your data using this (or, better yet, ' 'the most recent) version of PypeIt. Script will try to parse only the ' 'relevant bits from the spec2d file and continue (possibly with more ' 'limited functionality).') # Generate an Image BitMask object"Using the default PypeIt bad pixel mask.") bpm = ImageBitMask() descr = bpm.descr else: bpm = spec2DObj.bpmmask descr = bpm.bitmask.descr # Print the description of the bad pixel mask value outstr = f"The bad pixel mask value ({args.bit}) corresponds to the following:" \ + msgs.newline() + msgs.newline() bitkeys = list(bpm.bits.keys()) # Pad the bit keys with spaces so that they all have the same length bitlen = len(max(bitkeys, key=len)) for i in range(len(binvals)): if binvals[i] == 1: outstr += f"* {bitkeys[i].ljust(bitlen)} : {descr[i]}" + msgs.newline() # Print the message to the user # Finally, print out a message to point users to the online documentation"Please see the following website for more information:" + msgs.newline() + "")