Source code for pypeit.scripts.multislit_flexure

Script to measure and correct for flexure in multi-slit data.

.. include common links, assuming primary doc root is up one directory
.. include:: ../include/links.rst
import os

from IPython import embed

import numpy as np

from pypeit import msgs
from pypeit import inputfiles
from pypeit.spectrographs.util import load_spectrograph
from pypeit.par import pypeitpar
from pypeit.core import flexure
from pypeit.scripts import scriptbase

#def read_flexfile(ifile):
#    """
#    Read a ``PypeIt`` flexure file, akin to a standard ``PypeIt`` file.
#    The top is a config block that sets ParSet parameters.
#    Args:
#        ifile (:obj:`str`):
#            Name of the flexure file
#    Returns:
#        :obj:`tuple`:  Two objects are returned: a :obj:`list` with the
#        configuration entries used to modify the relevant
#        :class:`~pypeit.par.parset.ParSet` parameters and a :obj:`list` with the
#        names of spec1d files to be flexure corrected.
#    """
#    # Read in the pypeit reduction file
#'Loading the flexure file')
#    lines = inputfiles.read_pypeit_file_lines(ifile)
#    is_config = np.ones(len(lines), dtype=bool)
#    # Parse the fluxing block
#    spec1dfiles = []
#    objids_in = []
#    s, e = inputfiles.InputFile.find_block(lines, 'flexure')
#    if s >= 0 and e < 0:
#        msgs.error("Missing 'flexure end' in {0}".format(ifile))
#    elif (s < 0) or (s == e):
#        msgs.error(
#            "Missing flexure read block in {0}. Check the input format for the .flex file".format(ifile))
#    else:
#        for ctr, line in enumerate(lines[s:e]):
#            prs = line.split(' ')
#            spec1dfiles.append(prs[0])
#            if len(prs) > 1:
#                msgs.error('Invalid format for .flex file.' + msgs.newline() +
#                           'You must specify only spec1dfiles in the block ')
#        is_config[s-1:e+1] = False
#    # Chck the sizes of the inputs
#    nspec = len(spec1dfiles)
#    # Construct config to get spectrograph
#    cfg_lines = list(lines[is_config])
#    # Return
#    return cfg_lines, spec1dfiles

# TODO: Maybe not a good idea to name this script the same as the
# flexure.MultiSlitFlexure class, but it is technically okay...
[docs] class MultiSlitFlexure(scriptbase.ScriptBase):
[docs] @classmethod def get_parser(cls, width=None): parser = super().get_parser(description='Calculate and apply flexure corrections for 1D ' 'spectra produced by PypeIt.', width=width, formatter=scriptbase.SmartFormatter) parser.add_argument("flex_file", type=str, help="R|File to guide flexure corrections for this multi-slit mode." " This file must have the following format: \n\n" "F|flexure read\n" "F| filename\n" "F| spec1dfile1\n" "F| spec1dfile2\n" "F| ... \n" "F|flexure end\n" "\n\n") parser.add_argument("outroot", type=str, help='Output fileroot for the flexure fits saved as FITS.') parser.add_argument("--clobber", default=True, action="store_true", help="Clobber output files") parser.add_argument("--debug", default=False, action="store_true", help="show debug plots?") return parser
[docs] @staticmethod def main(args): from import fits # Load the file flexFile = inputfiles.FlexureFile.from_file(args.flex_file) # Read in spectrograph from spec1dfile header header = fits.getheader(flexFile.filenames[0]) spectrograph = load_spectrograph(header['PYP_SPEC']) # Parameters spectrograph_def_par = spectrograph.default_pypeit_par() par = pypeitpar.PypeItPar.from_cfg_lines( cfg_lines=spectrograph_def_par.to_config(), merge_with=(flexFile.cfg_lines,)) # Loop to my loop for filename in flexFile.filenames: # Instantiate mdFlex = flexure.MultiSlitFlexure(s1dfile=filename) # Initalize"Setup") mdFlex.init(spectrograph, par['flexure']) # INITIAL SKY LINE STUFF"Measuring sky lines") mdFlex.measure_sky_lines() # FIT SURFACES"Fitting the surface") mdFlex.fit_mask_surfaces() # Apply"Applying flexure correction") mdFlex.update_fit() # REFIT FOR QA PLOTS"Generate QA") mask = header['TARGET'].strip() fnames = header['FILENAME'].split('.') root = mask+'_'+fnames[2] mdFlex.qa_plots('./', root) # Write"Write to disk") mdFlex.to_file(args.outroot+root+'.fits', overwrite=args.clobber) # Apply?? print("All done!!")