Script for performing 2d coadds of PypeIt data.
.. include common links, assuming primary doc root is up one directory
.. include:: ../include/links.rst
from pypeit.scripts import scriptbase
from pypeit.core import parse
class CoAdd2DSpec(scriptbase.ScriptBase):
def get_parser(cls, width=None):
parser = super().get_parser(description='Coadd 2D spectra produced by PypeIt',
parser.add_argument('coadd2d_file', type=str, default=None,
help='File to guide 2d coadds')
parser.add_argument("--show", default=False, action="store_true",
help="Show the reduction steps. Equivalent to the -s option when "
"running pypeit.")
parser.add_argument("--debug_offsets", default=False, action="store_true",
help="Show QA plots useful for debugging automatic offset "
parser.add_argument("--peaks", default=False, action="store_true",
help="Show the peaks found by the object finding algorithm.")
parser.add_argument("--basename", type=str, default=None,
help="Basename of files to save the parameters, spec1d, and spec2d")
parser.add_argument("--debug", default=False, action="store_true", help="show debug plots?")
parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbosity', type=int, default=1,
help='Verbosity level between 0 [none] and 2 [all]. Default: 1. '
'Level 2 writes a log with filename coadd_2dspec_YYYYMMDD-HHMM.log')
# TODO: Make spec_samp_fact and spat_samp_fact parameters in CoAdd2DPar,
# and then move these to setup_coadd2d.py
parser.add_argument('--spec_samp_fact', default=1.0, type=float,
help="Make the wavelength grid finer (spec_samp_fact < 1.0) or "
"coarser (spec_samp_fact > 1.0) by this sampling factor, i.e. "
"units of spec_samp_fact are pixels.")
parser.add_argument('--spat_samp_fact', default=1.0, type=float,
help="Make the spatial grid finer (spat_samp_fact < 1.0) or coarser "
"(spat_samp_fact > 1.0) by this sampling factor, i.e. units of "
"spat_samp_fact are pixels.")
#parser.add_argument("--wave_method", type=str, default=None,
# help="Wavelength method for wavelength grid. If not set, code will "
# "use linear for Multislit and log10 for Echelle")
#parser.add_argument("--std", default=False, action="store_true",
# help="This is a standard star reduction.")
return parser
def main(args):
""" Executes 2d coadding
from pathlib import Path
import os
import glob
import copy
from collections import OrderedDict
from IPython import embed
import numpy as np
from astropy.io import fits
from pypeit import msgs
from pypeit import coadd2d
from pypeit import inputfiles
from pypeit import specobjs
from pypeit import spec2dobj
from pypeit.spectrographs.util import load_spectrograph
# Set the verbosity, and create a logfile if verbosity == 2
msgs.set_logfile_and_verbosity('coadd_2dspec', args.verbosity)
# Load the file
coadd2dFile = inputfiles.Coadd2DFile.from_file(args.coadd2d_file)
spectrograph, par, _ = coadd2dFile.get_pypeitpar()
# Check some of the parameters
# TODO Heliocentric for coadd2d needs to be thought through. Currently turning it off.
if par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['refframe'] != 'observed':
msgs.warn('Wavelength reference frame shift (e.g., heliocentric correction) not yet '
'fully developed. Ignoring input and setting "refframe = observed".')
par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['refframe'] = 'observed'
# TODO Flexure correction for coadd2d needs to be thought through. Currently turning it off.
if par['flexure']['spec_method'] != 'skip':
msgs.warn('Spectroscopic flexure correction not yet fully developed. Skipping.')
par['flexure']['spec_method'] = 'skip'
# TODO This is currently the default for 2d coadds, but we need a way to toggle it on/off
if not par['reduce']['findobj']['skip_skysub']:
msgs.warn('Must skip sky subtraction when finding objects (i.e., sky should have '
'been subtracted during primary reduction procedure). Skipping.')
par['reduce']['findobj']['skip_skysub'] = True
# Get the files
spec2d_files = coadd2dFile.filenames
# Get the paths
coadd_scidir, qa_path = map(lambda x : Path(x).absolute(),
coadd2d.CoAdd2D.output_paths(spec2d_files, par, coadd_dir=par['rdx']['redux_path']))
# Get the output basename
head2d = fits.getheader(spec2d_files[0])
basename = coadd2d.CoAdd2D.default_basename(spec2d_files) \
if args.basename is None else args.basename
# Write the par to disk
par_outfile = coadd_scidir.parent / f'{basename}_coadd2d.par'
print(f'Writing full parameter set to {par_outfile}.')
par.to_config(par_outfile, exclude_defaults=True, include_descr=False)
# Now run the coadds
bkg_redux = head2d['SKYSUB'] == 'DIFF'
find_negative = head2d['FINDOBJ'] == 'POS_NEG'
# Print status message
msgs_string = f'Reducing target {basename}' + msgs.newline()
msgs_string += f"Coadding frame sky-subtracted with {head2d['SKYSUB']}" + msgs.newline()
msgs_string += f"Searching for objects that are {head2d['FINDOBJ']}" + msgs.newline()
msgs_string += 'Combining frames in 2d coadd:' + msgs.newline()
for f, file in enumerate(spec2d_files):
msgs_string += f'Exp {f}: {Path(file).name}' + msgs.newline()
# Instantiate the sci_dict
# TODO Why do we need this sci_dict at all?? JFH
sci_dict = OrderedDict() # This needs to be ordered
sci_dict['meta'] = {}
sci_dict['meta']['vel_corr'] = 0.
sci_dict['meta']['bkg_redux'] = bkg_redux
sci_dict['meta']['find_negative'] = find_negative
# Find the detectors to reduce
detectors = spectrograph.select_detectors(subset=par['rdx']['detnum'] if par['coadd2d']['only_slits'] is None
else par['coadd2d']['only_slits'])
msgs.info(f'Detectors to work on: {detectors}')
# container for specobjs
all_specobjs = specobjs.SpecObjs()
# container for spec2dobj
all_spec2d = spec2dobj.AllSpec2DObj()
# set some meta
all_spec2d['meta']['bkg_redux'] = bkg_redux
all_spec2d['meta']['find_negative'] = find_negative
# get only_slits and exclude_slits if they are set
only_dets, only_spat_ids, exclude_dets, exclude_spat_ids = None, None, None, None
if par['coadd2d']['only_slits'] is not None:
only_dets, only_spat_ids = parse.parse_slitspatnum(par['coadd2d']['only_slits'])
if par['coadd2d']['exclude_slits'] is not None:
if par['coadd2d']['only_slits'] is not None:
msgs.warn('Both `only_slits` and `exclude_slits` are provided. They are mutually exclusive. '
'Using `only_slits` and ignoring `exclude_slits`')
exclude_dets, exclude_spat_ids = parse.parse_slitspatnum(par['coadd2d']['exclude_slits'])
# Loop on detectors
for det in detectors:
msgs.info("Working on detector {0}".format(det))
detname = spectrograph.get_det_name(det)
this_only_slits = only_spat_ids[only_dets == detname] if np.any(only_dets == detname) else None
this_exclude_slits = exclude_spat_ids[exclude_dets == detname] if np.any(exclude_dets == detname) else None
# Instantiate Coadd2d
coadd = coadd2d.CoAdd2D.get_instance(spec2d_files, spectrograph, par, det=det,
bkg_redux=bkg_redux, find_negative=find_negative,
# TODO Add this stuff to a run method in coadd2d
# Coadd the slits
coadd_dict_list = coadd.coadd()
# Create the pseudo images
pseudo_dict = coadd.create_pseudo_image(coadd_dict_list)
# Reduce
msgs.info('Running the extraction')
# TODO -- This should mirror what is in pypeit.extract_one
# TODO -- JFH :: This ought to return a Spec2DObj and SpecObjs which
# would be slurped into AllSpec2DObj and all_specobsj, as below.
# TODO -- JFH -- Check that the slits we are using are correct
sci_dict[coadd.detname] = {}
sci_dict[coadd.detname]['sciimg'], sci_dict[coadd.detname]['sciivar'], \
sci_dict[coadd.detname]['skymodel'], sci_dict[coadd.detname]['objmodel'], \
sci_dict[coadd.detname]['ivarmodel'], sci_dict[coadd.detname]['outmask'], \
sci_dict[coadd.detname]['specobjs'], sci_dict[coadd.detname]['detector'], \
sci_dict[coadd.detname]['slits'], sci_dict[coadd.detname]['tilts'], \
sci_dict[coadd.detname]['waveimg'] \
= coadd.reduce(pseudo_dict, show=args.show, show_peaks=args.peaks, basename=basename)
# Tack on detector (similarly to pypeit.extract_one)
for sobj in sci_dict[coadd.detname]['specobjs']:
sobj.DETECTOR = sci_dict[coadd.detname]['detector']
# fill the specobjs container
# fill the spec2dobj container but first ...
# pull out maskdef_designtab from sci_dict[det]['slits']
maskdef_designtab = sci_dict[coadd.detname]['slits'].maskdef_designtab
slits = copy.deepcopy(sci_dict[coadd.detname]['slits'])
slits.maskdef_designtab = None
# fill up
all_spec2d[coadd.detname] = spec2dobj.Spec2DObj(sciimg=sci_dict[coadd.detname]['sciimg'],
scaleimg=np.array([1.0], dtype=float),
all_spec2d['meta']['effective_exptime'] = coadd.exptime_coadd
# THE FOLLOWING MIMICS THE CODE IN pypeit.save_exposure()
subheader = spectrograph.subheader_for_spec(head2d, head2d)
# Write spec1D
if all_specobjs.nobj > 0:
outfile1d = coadd_scidir / f'spec1d_{basename}.fits'
all_specobjs.write_to_fits(subheader, outfile1d)
# Info
outfiletxt = coadd_scidir / f'spec1d_{basename}.txt'
sobjs = specobjs.SpecObjs.from_fitsfile(outfile1d, chk_version=False)
sobjs.write_info(outfiletxt, spectrograph.pypeline)
# Build header for spec2d
outfile2d = coadd_scidir / f'spec2d_{basename}.fits'
pri_hdr = all_spec2d.build_primary_hdr(head2d, spectrograph,
# TODO -- JFH :: Decide if we need any of these
# Write spec2d
all_spec2d.write_to_fits(outfile2d, pri_hdr=pri_hdr)