Source code for pypeit.scripts.chk_noise_2dspec

This script explores the noise in a slit or spectrum
for one of the outputs of PypeIt

.. include common links, assuming primary doc root is up one directory
.. include:: ../include/links.rst


import numpy as np

import os
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from astropy.stats import sigma_clip, mad_std
from astropy.modeling.models import Gaussian1D
from astropy.table import Table

from pypeit import spec2dobj
from pypeit import msgs
from pypeit import io
from pypeit import utils
from pypeit.scripts import scriptbase
from pypeit.images.detector_container import DetectorContainer
from pypeit.utils import list_of_spectral_lines

from IPython import embed

[docs] def plot(image:np.ndarray, chi_select:np.ndarray, flux_select:np.ndarray, err_select:np.ndarray, basename:str, line_wav, line_names, lbda_1d, lbda_min=None, lbda_max=None, aspect_ratio=1): """ Generate the plot Args: image (`numpy.ndarray`_): Image of the slit to plot. chi_select (`numpy.ndarray`_): 2D array of the chi value for a selected part of the slit. line_wav (`numpy.ndarray`_): Array of wavelength of spectral features to be plotted. line_names (`numpy.ndarray`_): Array of names of spectral features to be plotted. lbda_1d (`numpy.ndarray`_): 1D array of the wavelength lbda_min (float): Minimum wavelength of the select pat of the slit lbda_max (float): Maximum wavelength of the select pat of the slit aspect_ratio ([type]): Aspect ratio for plotting the spec2d image. flux_select (`numpy.ndarray`_): Flux of the 2D spectrum err_select (`numpy.ndarray`_): Sig of the 2D spectrum basename (:obj:`str`): Basename """ fig = plt.figure(figsize=(23,4.)) ax = plt.subplot2grid((1, 4), (0, 0), rowspan=1, colspan=3) ax.minorticks_on() zmax = sigma_clip(image[image!=0], sigma=2, return_bounds=True)[2]*1.3 zmin = sigma_clip(image[image!=0], sigma=2, return_bounds=True)[1]*1.3 ax.imshow(image.T, origin ='lower', interpolation='nearest', aspect=aspect_ratio, vmin=zmin, vmax=zmax, cmap=plt.get_cmap('gist_gray')) ax.text(0.005, -0.15, '{}'.format(basename), color='k', fontsize=13, horizontalalignment='left', transform=ax.transAxes, bbox=dict(edgecolor='black', facecolor='white', linewidth=1)) if line_wav.size>0: line_num=0 for i in range(line_wav.size): line_num += 1 yannot = 1.03 if (i % 2) == 0 else 1.13 ax.axvline(line_wav[i], color='black', ls='dotted', zorder=2) ax.annotate('{}'.format(line_names[i]), xy=(line_wav[i],1), xytext=(line_wav[i], yannot), xycoords=('data', 'axes fraction'),arrowprops=dict(facecolor='None', edgecolor='None', headwidth=0., headlength=0, width=0, shrink=0.), annotation_clip=True, horizontalalignment='center', color='k', fontsize=10) if lbda_min is not None or lbda_max is not None: if lbda_min is None: lbda_min = lbda_1d.min() if lbda_max is None: lbda_max = lbda_1d.max() ax.axvspan(lbda_1d.searchsorted(lbda_min), lbda_1d.searchsorted(lbda_max), color='tab:green', alpha=0.2, zorder=2) ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([]) # Guassian stats ax2=plt.subplot2grid((1, 4), (0, 3), rowspan=1, colspan=1) ax2.minorticks_on() bins=np.arange(chi_select[chi_select!=0].min(), chi_select[chi_select!=0].max(), 0.1) hist_n, hist_bins, _ = ax2.hist(chi_select[chi_select!=0], bins=bins, histtype='stepfilled') mod_mods=Gaussian1D(amplitude=hist_n.max(), mean=np.median(chi_select[chi_select!=0]), stddev=1.) ax2.plot(bins, mod_mods(bins), label=r"$\sigma=1$") ax2.axvline(0, ls='dotted', color='Gray') ax2.set_xlim(-6.5,6.5) ax2.set_ylim(-0.02, hist_n.max()*1.5) ax2.set_xlabel(r'(sciimg - skymodel - objmodel) * sqrt(ivarmodel) * (bpmmask == 0)') ax2.set_ylabel(r'#') err_over_flux = (np.median(err_select[flux_select!=0])/mad_std(flux_select[flux_select!=0])) ax2.text(0.97, 0.93, r'Median Noise= {:.1f} - Flux RMS= {:.1f} --> {:.2f}x'.format( np.median(err_select[flux_select!=0]), mad_std(flux_select[flux_select!=0]), err_over_flux), color='k', fontsize=9, horizontalalignment='right', transform=ax2.transAxes) ax2.text(0.97, 0.87, r'Chi: Median = {:.2f}, Std = {:.2f}'.format( np.median(chi_select[chi_select!=0]), mad_std(chi_select[chi_select!=0])), color='k', fontsize=12, horizontalalignment='right', transform=ax2.transAxes, weight='bold') ax2.legend(loc=2) plt.tight_layout()
[docs] def get_flux_slit(spec2DObj, slitidx, pad=0): """ Returns the flux and error of a specific slit. The flux would be sky subtracted and object removed. Args: spec2DObj (:class:`~pypeit.spec2dobj.Spec2DObj`): 2D spectra object slitidx (int): Given slit/order pad (int, optional): Ignore pixels within pad of edges. Returns: :obj:`tuple`: tuple of `numpy.ndarray`_ with flux and error of the 2D spectrum """ slit_select = spec2DObj.slits.slit_img(pad=pad, slitidx=slitidx) flux = spec2DObj.sciimg - spec2DObj.skymodel if spec2DObj.objmodel is not None: flux -= spec2DObj.objmodel flux_slit = flux * (slit_select == spec2DObj.slits.spat_id[slitidx]) # Error err_slit = np.sqrt(utils.inverse(spec2DObj.ivarmodel)) * (slit_select == spec2DObj.slits.spat_id[slitidx]) return flux_slit, err_slit
[docs] class ChkNoise2D(scriptbase.ScriptBase):
[docs] @classmethod def get_parser(cls, width=None): parser = super().get_parser(description='Examine the noise in a PypeIt slit/order', width=width) parser.add_argument('files', type = str, nargs='*', help = 'PypeIt spec2d file(s)') parser.add_argument('--det', default='1', type=str, help='Detector name or number. If a number, the name is constructed ' 'assuming the reduction is for a single detector. If a string, ' 'it must match the name of the detector object (e.g., DET01 for ' 'a detector, MSC01 for a mosaic).') parser.add_argument('--z', default=None, type=float, nargs='*', help='Object redshift') parser.add_argument('--maskdef_id', default=None, type=int, help='MASKDEF_ID of the slit that ' 'you want to plot. If maskdef_id is ' 'not provided, nor a pypeit_id, all the ' '2D spectra in the file(s) will be plotted.') parser.add_argument('--pypeit_id', default=None, type=int, help='PypeIt ID of the slit that ' 'you want to plot. If pypeit_id is not ' 'provided, nor a maskdef_id, all the ' '2D spectra in the file(s) will be plotted.') parser.add_argument('--pad', default=-5, type=int, help='Padding for the selected slit. ' 'Negative value will trim.') parser.add_argument('--aspect_ratio', default=3, type=int, help='Aspect ratio when plotting the spec2d') parser.add_argument('--wavemin', default=None, type=float, help='Wavelength min. This is for selecting a ' 'region of the spectrum to analyze.') parser.add_argument('--wavemax', default=None, type=float, help='Wavelength max. This is for selecting a ' 'region of the spectrum to analyze.') parser.add_argument('--mode', default='plot', type=str, help='Options are: [plot, save, print]. ' '"plot" will open a plot in a mpl window. ' '"save" will create a folder called ' 'spec2d*_noisecheck where all the relevant plots ' 'will be placed. "print" will cause the check ' 'noise values to be printed in the terminal.') parser.add_argument('--list', default=False, help='List the extensions only?', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--try_old', default=False, action='store_true', help='Attempt to load old datamodel versions. A crash may ensue..') return parser
[docs] @staticmethod def main(args): chk_version = not args.try_old # Parse the detector name try: det = int(args.det) except: detname = args.det else: detname = DetectorContainer.get_name(det) # Load em line_names, line_wav = list_of_spectral_lines() files=np.array(args.files) if args.z is not None: zs = np.array(args.z) # Loop on the files for i in range(files.size): # reinitialize lines wave line_wav_z = line_wav.copy() # Load 2D object file = files[i] # List only? if args.list: io.fits_open(file).info() continue spec2DObj = spec2dobj.Spec2DObj.from_file(file, detname, chk_version=chk_version) # Deal with redshifts if args.z is not None: z = zs[i] if zs.size == files.size else zs[0] line_wav_z *= (1+z) #redshift linelist else: z = None # Save? folder = None if args.mode == 'save': folder = '{}_noisecheck'.format(file.split('.fits')[0]) if not os.path.exists(folder): os.makedirs(folder) elif args.mode == 'print': # Generate a Table for pretty printing tbl = Table() tbl['Slit'] = spec2DObj.slits.slitord_id tbl['med_chis'] = spec2DObj.med_chis tbl['std_chis'] = spec2DObj.std_chis print('') print(tbl) print('-----------------------------------------------------') return # Find the slit of interest all_maskdef_ids = spec2DObj.slits.maskdef_id all_pypeit_ids = spec2DObj.slits.slitord_id if args.maskdef_id is not None and all_maskdef_ids is None: msgs.error('This spec2d does not have maskdef_id. Choose a pypeit_id insteed.') # Build the mask input_mask = spec2DObj.bpmmask.mask == 0 if args.wavemin is not None: input_mask *= spec2DObj.waveimg > args.wavemin if args.wavemax is not None: input_mask *= spec2DObj.waveimg < args.wavemax # Decide on slits to show show_slits = range(all_pypeit_ids.size) if args.pypeit_id is not None or args.maskdef_id is not None: if args.maskdef_id is not None and args.maskdef_id in all_maskdef_ids: slitidx = np.where(all_maskdef_ids == args.maskdef_id)[0][0] elif args.pypeit_id is not None and args.pypeit_id in all_pypeit_ids: slitidx = np.where(all_pypeit_ids == args.pypeit_id)[0][0] show_slits = range(slitidx, slitidx+1) # loop on em for i in show_slits: pypeit_id = all_pypeit_ids[i] if all_maskdef_ids is not None: basename = '{}_{}_maskdefID{}_pypeitID{}'.format(spec2DObj.head0['DECKER'], detname, all_maskdef_ids[i], pypeit_id) else: basename = '{}_{}_pypeitID{}'.format(spec2DObj.head0['DECKER'], detname, pypeit_id) # Chi chi_slit, _, _ = spec2DObj.calc_chi_slit(i, pad=args.pad) if chi_slit is None: continue # Cut down chi_select = chi_slit * input_mask if np.all(chi_select == 0): msgs.warn(f"All of the chi values are masked in slit {pypeit_id} of {basename}!") continue # Flux to show # get flux and err from in this slit flux_slit, err_slit = get_flux_slit(spec2DObj, i, pad=args.pad) # flux in the wavelength range flux_select = flux_slit * input_mask # Error in the wavelength range err_select = err_slit * input_mask # get edges of the slit to plot left, right, _ = spec2DObj.slits.select_edges() spat_start = int(left[:, i].min()) spat_end = int(right[:, i].max()) mid_spat = int((spat_end + spat_start)/2.) # Wavelengths if spec2DObj.waveimg[input_mask].size == 0: msgs.warn(f"None of the wavelength values work in slit {pypeit_id} of {basename}!") continue lbda_1darray = spec2DObj.waveimg[:, mid_spat] line_wav_plt = np.array([]) line_names_plt = np.array([]) if z is not None: for i in range(line_wav_z.shape[0]): if lbda_1darray[lbda_1darray != 0].min() < line_wav_z[i] < lbda_1darray[lbda_1darray != 0].max(): line_wav_plt = np.append(line_wav_plt, lbda_1darray.searchsorted(line_wav_z[i])) line_names_plt = np.append(line_names_plt, line_names[i]) plot(chi_slit[:, spat_start:spat_end], chi_select, flux_select, err_select, basename, line_wav_plt, line_names_plt, lbda_1darray, lbda_min=args.wavemin, lbda_max=args.wavemax, aspect_ratio=args.aspect_ratio) if args.mode == 'plot': if args.mode == 'save': plt.savefig('{}/noisecheck_{}.png'.format(folder, basename), bbox_inches='tight', dpi=400) plt.close()