Script to install files from the github repo into the user's cache.
.. include common links, assuming primary doc root is up one directory
.. include:: ../include/links.rst
from pypeit import dataPaths
from pypeit.scripts import scriptbase
from pypeit.spectrographs import available_spectrographs
class CacheGithubData(scriptbase.ScriptBase):
def get_parser(cls, width=None):
valid_paths = list(dataPaths.github_paths().keys())
parser = super().get_parser(description='Script to download/cache PypeIt github data',
parser.add_argument('spectrograph', type=str, nargs='+',
help='A valid spectrograph identifier: '
f'{", ".join(available_spectrographs)}')
group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
group.add_argument('--exclude', type=str, default=['tests'], nargs='+',
help='A subset of the directories to *exclude* from the list of '
'files to download. Options are: '
f'{", ".join(valid_paths)}. This option is '
'mutually exclusive with --include.')
group.add_argument('--include', type=str, default=None, nargs='+',
help='The directories to *include* in the list of '
'files to download. Use "--include all" to include all '
'directories. Options are: '
f'{", ".join(["all"] + valid_paths)}. This '
'option is mutually exclusive with --exclude.')
parser.add_argument('--spec_dependent_only', default=False, action='store_true',
help='Only include files that are specific to the provided list of '
'spectrographs. By default, the script also includes any files '
'in the selected directories that are *not* specific to a given '
'spectrograph (e.g., atmospheric extinction curves).')
parser.add_argument('--force_update', action='store_true',
help='Force re-download of existing files')
return parser
def main(args):
import os
import pathlib
from IPython import embed
import numpy as np
import github
from pypeit import msgs
from pypeit import cache
from pypeit.pypeitdata import PypeItDataPath
# First check the input spectrograph list
if any([inst not in available_spectrographs for inst in args.spectrograph]):
raise ValueError('Provided invalid spectrograph name. Options are: '
f'{", ".join(available_spectrographs)}')
github_paths = dataPaths.github_paths()
valid_paths = list(github_paths.keys())
if any([path not in valid_paths for path in args.exclude]):
raise ValueError('Provided path to exclude not valid. Options are: '
f'{", ".join(valid_paths)}')
include_paths = ['all'] + valid_paths
if args.include is not None and any([path not in include_paths for path in args.include]):
raise ValueError('Provided path to include not valid. Options are: '
f'{", ".join(include_paths)}')
selected_paths = np.setdiff1d(valid_paths, args.exclude).tolist() \
if args.include is None else args.include
if 'all' in selected_paths:
selected_paths = valid_paths
# Get the relevant github branch
branch = cache.git_branch()
# Access the repo; use a token if one is available
if os.getenv('GITHUB_TOKEN') is None:
msgs.warn('GITHUB_TOKEN environmental variable is not defined, meaning script will '
'not authenticate a GitHub user via an OAuth token. Beware of rate limits!')
auth = None
auth = github.Auth.Token(os.getenv('GITHUB_TOKEN'))
repo = github.Github(auth=auth).get_repo("pypeit/PypeIt")
# Cycle through all the data paths that use github as their host and
# collect the contents of the directory
msgs.info('Searching github repository ... ')
contents = {}
for datadir, meta in github_paths.items():
if datadir not in selected_paths:
# Recursively get the directory contents
contents[meta['path']] \
= cache.github_contents(repo, branch, f'pypeit/data/{meta["path"]}')
msgs.info('Searching github repository ... done.')
# Determine which files should be in the cache (or in the repo)
# TODO: This is currently broken because not all spectrograph-dependent
# files are named after their *exact* pypeit spectrograph names. E.g.,
# the reid_arxiv file for gemini_flamingos2 is
# ``Flamingos2_HK_HK.fits``, not ``gemini_flamingos2_HK_HK.fits``. It's
# a major effort to rename all those files. The other (better?) option
# would be to put all these reid_arxiv files into subdirectories named
# after each spectrograph.
msgs.info('Parsing which files to include in cache.')
to_download = {}
for path, files in contents.items():
nfiles = len(files)
to_download[path] = np.zeros(nfiles, dtype=bool)
for i, f in enumerate(files):
# NOTE: These check the spectrograph name against the *full
# path* (e.g.,
# pypeit/data/arc_lines/reid_arxiv/Flamingos2_HK_HK.fits), not
# just the file name (e.g., Flamingos2_HK_HK.fits)
spec_dependent = any([spec in f.path for spec in available_spectrographs])
to_download[path][i] \
= (spec_dependent and any([spec in f.path for spec in args.spectrograph])) \
or (not spec_dependent and not args.spec_dependent_only)
# Use the `get_file_path`` function to find each file locally or pull it
# into the cache
msgs.info(f'Number of files to check against package installation/cache:')
for path in contents.keys():
msgs.info(f' {path}: {np.sum(to_download[path])}')
files = np.array(contents[path])[to_download[path]]
if len(files) == 0:
data_path = PypeItDataPath(path)
# NOTE: I'm using POSIX path here because I'm unsure what will
# happen on Windows if the file is in a subdirectory.
root = pathlib.PurePosixPath(f'pypeit/data/{path}')
for f in files:
# We need the POSIX path relative to the source path.
rel_path = str(pathlib.PurePosixPath(f.path).relative_to(root))
data_path.get_file_path(rel_path, force_update=args.force_update, quiet=True)