Source code for pypeit.par.parset

Define a utility base class used to hold parameters.

.. include common links, assuming primary doc root is up one directory
.. include:: ../include/links.rst
import os
import textwrap

from IPython import embed

import numpy

from import fits

from pypeit import msgs
from pypeit.par import util

# TODO: Include a "mutable" attribute that decides if a parameter can be
# changed?

[docs] class ParSet: """ Generic base class to handle and manipulate a list of operational parameters. A glorified dictionary that constrains and types its components. .. todo:: - Write a test for equality? Args: pars (list): A list of keywords for a list of parameter values. values (:obj:`list`, optional): Initialize the parameters to these values. If not provided, all parameters are initialized to `None` or the provided default. defaults (:obj:`list`, optional): For any parameters not provided in the *values* list, use these default values. If not provided, no defaults are assumed. options (:obj:`list`, optional): Force the parameters to be one of a list of options. Each element in the list can be a list itself. If not provided, all parameters are allowed to take on any value within the allowed data type. dtypes (:obj:`list`, optional): Force the parameter to be one of a list of data types. Each element in the list can be a list itself. If not provided, all parameters are allowed to have any data type. can_call (:obj:`list`, optional): Flag that the parameters are callable operations. Default is False. descr (:obj:`list`, optional): A list of parameter descriptions. Empty strings by default. cfg_section (:obj:`str`, optional): The top-level designation for a configuration section written based on the contents of this parameter set. cfg_comment (:obj:`str`, optional): Comment to be placed at the top-level of the configuration section written based on the contents of this parameter set. Raises: TypeError: Raised if the input parameters are not lists or if the input keys are not strings. ValueError: Raised if any of the optional arguments do not have the same length as the input list of parameter keys. Attributes: npar (int): Number of parameters data (dict): Dictionary with the parameter values default (dict): Dictionary with the default values options (dict): Dictionary with the allowed options for the parameter values dtype (dict): Dictionary with the allowed data types for the parameters can_call (dict): Dictionary with the callable flags descr (dict): Dictionary with the description of each parameter. cfg_section (str): The top-level designation for a configuration section written based on the contents of this parameter set. cfg_comment (str): Comment to be placed at the top-level of the configuration section written based on the contents of this parameter set. """ # Set prefix for writing parameters to a fits header to a class # attribute. prefix = 'PAR' """ Class Prefix for header keywords when writing the parset to an ``_ object. """ def __init__(self, pars, values=None, defaults=None, options=None, dtypes=None, can_call=None, descr=None, cfg_section=None, cfg_comment=None): # Check that the list of input parameters is a list of strings if not isinstance(pars, list): raise TypeError('Input parameter keys must be provided as a list.') for key in pars: if not isinstance(key, str): raise TypeError('Input parameter keys must be strings.') # Get the length of the parameter list and make sure the list # has unique values self.npar = len(pars) if len(numpy.unique(numpy.array(pars))) != self.npar: raise ValueError('All input parameter keys must be unique.') # Check that the other lists, if provided, have the correct type # and length if values is not None and (not isinstance(values, list) or len(values) != self.npar): raise ValueError('Values must be a list with the same length as the keys list.') if defaults is not None and (not isinstance(defaults, list) or len(defaults) != self.npar): raise ValueError('Defaults must be a list with the same length as the keys list.') if options is not None and (not isinstance(options, list) or len(options) != self.npar): raise ValueError('Options must be a list with the same length as the keys list.') if dtypes is not None and (not isinstance(dtypes, list) or len(dtypes) != self.npar): raise ValueError('Data types list must have the same length as the keys list.') if can_call is not None and (not isinstance(can_call, list) or len(can_call) != self.npar): raise ValueError('List of callable flags must have the same length as keys list.') if descr is not None and (not isinstance(descr, list) or len(descr) != self.npar): raise ValueError('List of parameter descriptions must have the same length as ' 'keys list.') # Set up dummy lists for no input _values = [None]*self.npar if values is None else values _defaults = [None]*self.npar if defaults is None else defaults _options = [None]*self.npar if options is None else options _dtypes = [None]*self.npar if dtypes is None else dtypes _can_call = [False]*self.npar if can_call is None else can_call _descr = ['']*self.npar if descr is None else descr # Set the defaults self.default = dict([ (p, d) for p, d in zip(pars, _defaults) ]) # Set the valid options self.options = dict([ (p, [o]) if o is not None and not isinstance(o, list) else (p, o) \ for p, o in zip(pars, _options) ]) # Set the valid types self.dtype = dict([ (p, [t]) if t is not None and not isinstance(t, list) else (p, t) \ for p, t in zip(pars, _dtypes) ]) # Set the calling flags self.can_call = dict([ (p, t) for p, t in zip(pars, _can_call) ]) # Set the calling flags self.descr = dict([ (p, t) for p, t in zip(pars, _descr) ]) # Set the data dictionary using the overloaded # __setitem__function so that value checking is performed = {} for p, d, v, t in zip(pars, _defaults, _values, _dtypes): # Check if 'None' is an allowed option none_allowed = False if type(t) is list: if type(None) in t: none_allowed = True if v is None and not none_allowed: self.__setitem__(p, d) continue self.__setitem__(p, v) # Save the configuration file section details self.cfg_section = cfg_section self.cfg_comment = cfg_comment
[docs] def __getitem__(self, key): """ Return the value of the designated key. Args: key (str): Key for new parameter """ return[key]
[docs] def __setitem__(self, key, value): """ Set the value for a key. Args: key (str): Key for new parameter value (*dtype*) : Parameter value, must have a type in the list provided (*dtype*), if the list is provided Raises: ValueError: Raised if the parameter value is not among the allowed options (:attr:`options`). TypeError: Raised if the parameter value does not have an allowed data type (:attr:`dtype`) or if the provided value is not a callable object, but is expected to be by :attr:`can_call`. """ if value is None:[key] = value return if isinstance(value, list): is_parset_or_dict = [ isinstance(v, (ParSet, dict)) for v in value ] if numpy.any(is_parset_or_dict) and not numpy.all(is_parset_or_dict): msgs.warn( "List includes a mix of ParSet and dicts with other types. " "Displaying and writing the ParSet will not be correct!" ) if self.options[key] is not None: if isinstance(value, list): # `value` can be a list of items, all of which must be # one of the valid options. indx = numpy.isin(value, self.options[key], invert=True) if numpy.any(indx): raise ValueError('Input value for {0} invalid'.format(key) + '; {0}'.format(numpy.atleast_1d(value)[indx]) + ' are not valid options.\n' + 'Options are: {0}'.format(self.options[key])) elif value not in self.options[key]: raise ValueError('Input value for {0} invalid: {1}.\nOptions are: {2}'.format( key, value, self.options[key])) if self.dtype[key] is not None \ and not any([ isinstance(value, d) for d in self.dtype[key]]): raise TypeError('Input value for {0} has incorrect type: {1}.'.format(key, value) + '\nValid types are: {0}'.format(self.dtype[key])) if self.can_call[key] and not callable(value): raise TypeError('{0} is not a callable object.'.format(value))[key] = value
[docs] def __len__(self): """Return the number of parameters.""" return self.npar
[docs] def __iter__(self): """Return an iterable to the parameter values.""" return iter(
[docs] def __repr__(self): """Return a string representation of the parameters.""" return self._output_string(header=self.cfg_section)
[docs] def _output_string(self, header=None, value_only=False): """ Constructs the short-format table strings for the :func:`__repr__` method. Args: header (:obj:`str`, optional): String header to provide for the table. This is typically the name of the configuration section. value_only (:obj:`bool`, optional): By default, the table includes the parameter key, its current value, the default value, its data type, and if the value can be a callable function. If `value_only=True`, only the parameter key and current value are returned. Returns: str: Single long string with the parameter table for the :func:`__repr__` method. """ additional_par_strings = [] ncol = 2 if value_only else 5 data_table = numpy.empty((self.npar+1, ncol), dtype=object) data_table[0,:] = ['Parameter', 'Value'] if value_only \ else ['Parameter', 'Value', 'Default', 'Type', 'Callable'] for i, k in enumerate(self.keys()): data_table[i+1,0] = k if isinstance([k], ParSet): _header = k if header is None else '{0}:{1}'.format(header, k) additional_par_strings += [[k]._output_string(header=_header, value_only=value_only) ] data_table[i+1,1] = 'see below' if not value_only: data_table[i+1,2] = 'see below' else: data_table[i+1,1] = ParSet._data_string([k]) if not value_only: data_table[i+1,2] = ParSet._data_string(self.default[k]) if value_only: continue data_table[i+1,3] = 'Undefined' if self.dtype[k] is None \ else ', '.join([t.__name__ for t in self.dtype[k]]) # TODO: Now treating None's differently. None's shouldn't be in a list. # Keep this code around for now in case we find a failure mode. # else ', '.join(['Undefined' if t is None else t.__name__ # for t in self.dtype[k]]) data_table[i+1,4] = self.can_call[k].__repr__() output = [ParSet._data_table_string(data_table)] if header is not None: output = [header] + output if len(additional_par_strings) > 0: output += additional_par_strings return '\n'.join(output)
[docs] @staticmethod def _data_table_string(data_table, delimeter='print'): """ Provided the array of data, format it with equally spaced columns and add a header (first row) and contents delimeter. Args: data_table (`numpy.ndarray`_): Array of string representations of the data to print. Returns: str: Single long string with the data table. """ nrows, ncols = data_table.shape col_width = [ numpy.amax([ len(dij) for dij in dj]) for dj in data_table.T ] row_string = ['']*(nrows+1) if delimeter == 'print' else ['']*(nrows+3) start = 2 if delimeter == 'print' else 3 for i in range(start,nrows+start-1): row_string[i] = ' '.join([ data_table[1+i-start,j].ljust(col_width[j]) for j in range(ncols)]) if delimeter == 'print': # Heading row row_string[0] = ' '.join([ data_table[0,j].ljust(col_width[j]) for j in range(ncols)]) # Delimiter row_string[1] = '-'*len(row_string[0]) return '\n'.join(row_string)+'\n' # For an rst table row_string[0] = ' '.join([ '='*col_width[j] for j in range(ncols)]) row_string[1] = ' '.join([ data_table[0,j].ljust(col_width[j]) for j in range(ncols)]) row_string[2] = row_string[0] row_string[-1] = row_string[0] return '\n'.join(row_string)+'\n'
[docs] @staticmethod def _data_string(data, use_repr=True, verbatim=False): """ Convert a single datum into a string Simply return strings, recursively convert the elements of any objects with a :attr:`__len__` attribute, and use the object's own :attr:`__repr__` attribute for all other objects. Args: data (object): The object to stringify. use_repr (:obj:`bool`, optional): Use the objects :attr:`__repr__` method; otherwise, use a direct string conversion. verbatim (:obj:`bool`, optional): Use quotes around the provided string to indicate that the string should be representated in a verbatim (fixed width) font. Returns: str: A string representation of the provided ``data``. """ if isinstance(data, str): if verbatim: return '..' if len(data) == 0 else '``' + data + '``' return data if isinstance(data, list): # When the list is empty, return an empty string, which config_lines will append a "," to. # This allows ConfigObj to interpret it as an empty list, instead of string, when re-reading the # configuration lines into a ParSet return '' if len(data) == 0 \ else ', '.join([ ParSet._data_string(d, use_repr=use_repr, verbatim=verbatim) for d in data ]) return data.__repr__() if use_repr else str(data)
[docs] def _wrap_print(self, head, output, tcols): """ Wrap the contents of an output string for a fixed terminal width. Used for the long-format :func:`info` method. Args: head (str): The inline header for the output. Can be an empty string, but cannot be None. output (str): The main body of the text to write. tcols (int): The allowed width for the output. """ tail = ' '*len(head) if tcols is not None: lines = textwrap.wrap('{0}'.format(output), tcols-len(head)) if len(lines) == 0: print('{0}None'.format(head)) else: _head = [ head ] + [ tail ]*(len(lines)-1) print('\n'.join([ h+l for h,l in zip(_head, lines)])) else: print(head+'{0}'.format(output))
[docs] def _types_list(self, key): """Return the string names for the specified data types.""" return [t.__name__ for t in self.dtype[key]]
[docs] @staticmethod def config_lines(par, section_name=None, section_comment=None, section_level=0, exclude_defaults=False, include_descr=True): """ Recursively generate the lines of a configuration file based on the provided :class:`ParSet` or :obj:`dict` (see ``par``). Args: section_name (:obj:`str`, optional): Name to give to the top-level of the configuration output. section_comment (:obj:`str`, optional): Description to provide for the top-level configuration output. section_level (:obj:`int`, optional): The level for the configuration output. Sets the indentation level and the number of square brackets assigned to the section name. exclude_defaults (:obj:`bool`, optional): Do not include any parameters that are identical to the defaults. include_descr (:obj:`bool`, optional): Include the descriptions of each parameter as comments. Returns: list: The list of the lines to write to a configuration file. """ # Get the list of parameters that are ParSets parset_keys = [ k for k in par.keys() if isinstance(par[k], (ParSet, dict)) ] n_parsets = len(parset_keys) # Set the top-level comment and section name section_indent = ' '*4*section_level component_indent = section_indent + ' '*4 lines = [] if section_comment is None \ else ParSet._config_comment(section_comment, section_indent) lines += [ section_indent + '['*(section_level+1) + section_name + ']'*(section_level+1) ] min_lines = len(lines) # Add all the parameters that are not ParSets for k in par.keys(): # Skip it if this element is a ParSet if n_parsets > 0 and k in parset_keys: continue # If the value is a list, determine if all the elements of # the list are also dictionaries or ParSets if isinstance(par[k], list) and len(par[k]) > 0: is_parset_or_dict = [ isinstance(v, (ParSet, dict)) for v in par[k] ] if numpy.all(is_parset_or_dict): ndig = int(numpy.log10(len(par[k])))+1 for i, v in enumerate(par[k]): indx = str(i+1).zfill(ndig) # Try to add the section comment section_comment = None if include_descr: try: section_comment = par.descr[k] + ': ' + indx except: pass lines += ParSet.config_lines(v, section_name=k+indx, section_comment=section_comment, section_level=section_level+1, exclude_defaults=exclude_defaults, include_descr=include_descr) continue # Working with a single element # Try to add the description for this parameter try: if par.descr[k] is not None and include_descr: lines += ParSet._config_comment(par.descr[k], component_indent) except: pass if not exclude_defaults or par[k] != par.default[k]: argvalue = ParSet._data_string(par[k]) if isinstance(par[k], list): argvalue += ',' lines += [ component_indent + k + ' = ' + argvalue ] # Then add the items that are ParSets as subsections for k in parset_keys: section_comment = None if include_descr: try: section_comment = par.descr[k] except: pass lines += ParSet.config_lines(par[k], section_name=k, section_comment=section_comment, section_level=section_level+1, exclude_defaults=exclude_defaults, include_descr=include_descr) return lines if len(lines) > min_lines else []
[docs] @staticmethod def _config_comment(comment, indent, full_width=72): """ Create the list of lines for the description of a given parameter in the configuration file. Args: comment (str): The description of the configuration parameter. indent (str): The string used to indent the text. full_width (:obj:`int`, optional): The full width allowed for each output string in the returned list. Returns: list: List of the strings to write to the output configuration file. """ head = indent + '# ' lines = textwrap.wrap('{0}'.format(comment), full_width-len(head)) return [ head + l for l in lines ]
[docs] def info(self, basekey=None): """ A long-form version of __repr__ that includes the parameter descriptions. """ # Try to get the width of the available space to print try: tr, tcols = numpy.array(os.popen('stty size', 'r').read().split()).astype(int) tcols -= int(tcols*0.1) except: tr = None tcols = None for k in if isinstance([k], ParSet):[k].info(basekey=k) continue print('{0}'.format(k) if basekey is None else '{0}:{1}'.format(basekey,k)) self._wrap_print(' Value: ',[k], tcols) self._wrap_print(' Default: ', self.default[k], tcols) self._wrap_print(' Options: ', 'None' if self.options[k] is None else ', '.join(self.options[k]), tcols) self._wrap_print(' Valid Types: ', 'None' if self.dtype[k] is None else ', '.join(self._types_list(k)), tcols) self._wrap_print(' Callable: ', self.can_call[k], tcols) self._wrap_print(' Description: ', self.descr[k], tcols) print(' ')
[docs] def keys(self): """Return the list of parameter set keys.""" return list(
[docs] def add(self, key, value, default=None, options=None, dtype=None, can_call=None, descr=None): """ Add a new parameter. Args: key (:obj:`str`): Key for new parameter value (:obj:`dtype`): Parameter value, must have a type in the list provided by `dtype`, if the list is provided default (:obj:`dtype`, optional): Define a default value for the parameter, must have a type in the list provided by `dtype`, if the list is provided. No default if not provided. options (:obj:`list`, optional): List of discrete values that the parameter is allowed to have. Allowed to be anything if not provided. dtype (:obj:`list`, optional): List of allowed data types that the parameter can have. Allowed to be anything if not provided. can_call (:obj:`bool`, optional): Flag that the parameters are callable operations. Default is False. Raises: ValueError: Raised if the keyword alread exists. """ if key in raise ValueError('Keyword {0} already exists and cannot be added!') self.npar += 1 self.default[key] = None if default is None else default self.options[key] = [options] if options is not None and not isinstance(options, list) \ else options self.dtype[key] = [dtype] if dtype is not None and not isinstance(dtype, list) else dtype self.can_call[key] = False if can_call is None else can_call self.descr[key] = None if descr is None else descr try: self.__setitem__(key, value) except: # Delete the added components del self.default[key] del self.options[key] del self.dtype[key] del self.can_call[key] del self.descr[key] # Re-raise the exception raise
[docs] def to_config(self, cfg_file=None, section_name=None, section_comment=None, section_level=0, append=False, quiet=False, exclude_defaults=False, include_descr=True): """ Write/Append the parameter set to a configuration file. Args: cfg_file (:obj:`str`, optional): The name of the file to write/append to. If None (default), the function will just return the list of strings that would have been written to the file. These lines can be used to construct a `configobj`_ instance. section_name (:obj:`str`, optional): The top-level name for the config section. This must be provided if :attr:`cfg_section` is None or any of the parameters are not also :class:`ParSet` instances themselves. section_comment (:obj:`str`, optional): The top-level comment for the config section based on this :class:`ParSet`. section_level (:obj:`int`, optional): The top level of this :class:`ParSet`. Used for recursive output of nested :class:`ParSet` instances. append (:obj:`bool`, optional): Append this configuration output of this :class:`ParSet` to the file. False by default. If not appending and the file exists, the file is automatically overwritten. quiet (:obj:`bool`, optional): Suppress all standard output from the function. exclude_defaults (:obj:`bool`, optional): Do not include any parameters that are identical to the defaults. include_descr (:obj:`bool`, optional): Include the descriptions of each parameter as comments. Raises: ValueError: Raised if there are types other than :class:`ParSet` in the parameter list, :attr:`cfg_section` is None, and no section_name argument was provided. """ if cfg_file is not None and os.path.isfile(cfg_file) and not append and not quiet: msgs.warn("Selected configuration file already exists and will be overwritten!") config_output = [] if numpy.all([ isinstance(d, ParSet) or d is None for d in ]): # All the elements are ParSets themselves, so just iterate # through each one for k in self.keys(): if[k] is None: continue section_comment = self.descr[k] if include_descr else None config_output += ParSet.config_lines([k], section_name=k, section_comment=section_comment, section_level=section_level, exclude_defaults=exclude_defaults, include_descr=include_descr) # config_output += [''] else: # Cannot write the parameters as a configuration file # without a top-level configuration section if section_name is None and self.cfg_section is None: raise ValueError('No top-level section name available for configuration!') _section_name = self.cfg_section if section_name is None else section_name _section_comment = self.cfg_comment if section_comment is None else section_comment config_output += ParSet.config_lines(self, section_name=_section_name, section_comment=_section_comment, section_level=section_level, exclude_defaults=exclude_defaults, include_descr=include_descr) if cfg_file is None: # Only return the list of lines for the output file. Useful # if you want to use instantly create a new ConfigObj # instance without having to write a file return config_output # Write the file with open(cfg_file, 'a' if append else 'w') as f: f.write('\n'.join(config_output))
[docs] @staticmethod def _rst_class_name(p): return ':class:`~' + type(p).__module__ + '.' + type(p).__name__ + '`'
[docs] def to_rst_table(self, parsets_listed=[]): """ Construct a reStructuredText table describing the parameter set. Args: parsets_listed (:obj:`list`, optional): A list of Returns: list: Returns a list of lines that can be written to an ``*.rst`` file. """ new_parsets = [] data_table = numpy.empty((self.npar+1, 5), dtype=object) data_table[0,:] = ['Key', 'Type', 'Options', 'Default', 'Description'] sorted_keys = numpy.sort(self.keys()) for i,k in enumerate(sorted_keys): data_table[i+1,0] = ParSet._data_string(k, use_repr=False, verbatim=True) if isinstance([k], ParSet): if type([k]).__name__ not in parsets_listed: new_parsets += [k] parsets_listed += [ type([k]).__name__ ] data_table[i+1,1] = ParSet._rst_class_name([k]) data_table[i+1,3] = '`{0} Keywords`_'.format(type([k]).__name__) else: data_table[i+1,1] = ', '.join([t.__name__ for t in self.dtype[k]]) data_table[i+1,3] = '..' if self.default[k] is None \ else ParSet._data_string(self.default[k], use_repr=False, verbatim=True) data_table[i+1,2] = '..' if self.options[k] is None \ else ParSet._data_string(self.options[k], use_repr=False, verbatim=True) data_table[i+1,4] = '..' if self.descr[k] is None \ else ParSet._data_string(self.descr[k]) output = [ f'.. _{type(self).__name__.lower()}:'] output += [ '' ] output += [ f'{type(self).__name__} Keywords'] output += [ '-'*len(output[2]) ] output += [ '' ] output += ['Class Instantiation: ' + ParSet._rst_class_name(self)] output += [''] output += [ParSet._data_table_string(data_table, delimeter='rst')] output += [''] for k in new_parsets: output += ['----'] output += [''] output +=[k].to_rst_table(parsets_listed=parsets_listed) return output
[docs] def validate_keys(self, required=None, can_be_None=None): if required is None and can_be_None is None: # No validation rules, so implicitly valid return if required is not None: not_defined = numpy.array([ k not in self.keys() for k in required ]) if numpy.any(not_defined): raise ValueError('Required keys were not defined: {0}'.format( numpy.asarray(required)[not_defined].tolist())) if can_be_None is not None: should_not_be_None = numpy.array([[k] is None and k not in can_be_None for k in self.keys()]) if numpy.any(should_not_be_None): raise ValueError('These keys should not be None: {0}'.format( numpy.asarray(self.keys())[should_not_be_None].tolist()))
[docs] def to_header(self, hdr=None, prefix=None, quiet=False): """ Write the parameters to a fits header. Any element that has a value of None or is a :class:`ParSet` itself is *not* written to the header. Args: hdr (``, optional): Header object for the parameters. **If provided, the header is not copied and directly modified.** If None, the baseline header is empty. prefix (:obj:`str`, optional): Prefix to use for the header keywords, which overwrites the string defined for the class. If None, uses the default for the class. quiet (:obj:`bool`, optional): Suppress print statements. Returns: ``_: Header with the parameter data included. """ if hdr is None: hdr = fits.Header() if prefix is None: prefix = self.prefix ndig = int(numpy.log10(self.npar))+1 for i, (key, value) in enumerate( if value is None: # Don't write Nones continue if isinstance(value, ParSet): if not quiet: msgs.warn( "ParSets within ParSets are not written to headers! " f"Skipping {key}." ) continue if isinstance(value, list): _value = '[' + ', '.join([str(v) for v in value]) + ']' elif isinstance(value, tuple): _value = '(' + ', '.join([str(v) for v in value]) + ')' else : _value = value hdr['{0}K{1}'.format(prefix, str(i+1).zfill(ndig))] \ = (key, '{0}: Key'.format(self.__class__.__name__)) hdr['{0}{1}'.format(prefix, str(i+1).zfill(ndig))] \ = (_value, '{0}: Value'.format(self.__class__.__name__)) return hdr
[docs] @classmethod def from_header(cls, hdr, prefix=None): """ Instantiate the :class:`ParSet` using data parsed from a fits header. This is a simple wrapper for :func:`ParSet.parse_par_from_hdr` and :func:`ParSet.from_dict`. .. warning:: The to/from header methods in the :class:`ParSet` base class **only** saves the parameter keys and values, not its other attributes (e.g., options, dtypes, etc). In essentially all use cases, the :class:`ParSet` should be used as a base class where the :func:`from_dict` method is overwritten such that these higher-level attributes of the derived class are maintained in the header I/O. See, e.g., :mod:`pypeit.par.pypeitpar`. Args: hdr (``): Header object with the parameters. prefix (:obj:`str`, optional): Prefix of the relevant header keywords, which overwrites the string defined for the class. If None, uses the default for the class. """ if prefix is None: prefix = cls.prefix return cls.from_dict(util.recursive_dict_evaluate(cls.parse_par_from_hdr(hdr, prefix)))
[docs] @staticmethod def parse_par_from_hdr(hdr, prefix): """ Parse the dictionary of parameters written to a header Args: hdr (``): Header object to parse. prefix (:obj:`str`): The prefix used for the header keywords. Returns: dict: A dictionary with the parameter keywords and values. """ # TODO: I don't like having to find the number of parameters first... # Find the numbers of parameters npar = 0 for k, v in hdr.items(): if k[:len(prefix)] == prefix: if k[len(prefix)] == 'K': continue try: i = int(k[len(prefix):]) except ValueError: continue if npar < i: npar = i ndig = int(numpy.log10(npar))+1 par = {} for k, v in hdr.items(): # Check if this header keyword starts with the required # prefix if k[:len(prefix)] == prefix: if k[len(prefix)] == 'K': # Skip keys continue try: # Try to convert the keyword without the prefix into # an integer. i = int(k[len(prefix):]) except ValueError: # Assume the value is some other random keyword # that starts with the prefix but doesn't contain a # relevant parameter continue # Assume we've found a parameter. Use the associated # header card to set the keyword and add both to the # output dictionary. par[hdr['{0}K{1}'.format(prefix,str(i).zfill(ndig))]] = v return par
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, cfg): """ Instantiate a :class:`ParSet` from a dictionary. This simply constructs a :class:`ParSet` that behaves exactly like a dictionary. That is, no constraints are put on the types, options, etc., of the parameters. .. warning:: Use of this method of instantiating a :class:`ParSet` **only** sets the parameter keys and values, not its other attributes (e.g., options, dtypes, etc). In essentially all use cases, the :class:`ParSet` should be used as a base class where the :func:`from_dict` method is overwritten such that these higher-level attributes of the derived class are maintained in the header I/O. See, e.g., :mod:`pypeit.par.pypeitpar`. Args: cfg (dict-like): Dictionary-like object used to set the parameters and parameter values for the :class:`ParSet`. """ pars, values = map(lambda x : list(x), zip(*cfg.items())) return cls(pars, values=values)
[docs] class ParDatabase(object): """ NOTE: This isn't used in pypeit yet... Class used as a list of ParSets in a glorified structured numpy array. Very similar to yanny when converted to a numpy array. Can be initialized using a list of ParSet objects, or an SDSS parameter file. .. todo:: - Check that the data types are the same for all ParSet objects in the list - Better handle the NaN values when converting None to a float type - Add from_par_file classmethod? """ def __init__(self, inp): """ nsets - number of parameter sets npar - number of parameters in each parameter set data - parameter set data options - allowed options for values dtype - allowed datatypes can_call - parameter is a callable function """ _inp = [inp] if isinstance(inp, ParSet) else inp if not isinstance(_inp, list): raise TypeError('Input must be a list.') for i in _inp: if not isinstance(i, ParSet): raise TypeError('Input must be a list of ParSet objects.') self.npar = _inp[0].npar self.nsets = len(_inp) keys = _inp[0].keys() for i in range(1,self.nsets): if _inp[i].npar != self.npar: raise ValueError('Not all ParSet objects have the same number of parameters.') if _inp[i].keys() != keys: raise ValueError('Not all ParSet objects have the same keys.') # Other checks? record_dtypes = self._set_dtypes(_inp, 0) data = [] for i in range(self.nsets): data += [ tuple([_inp[i][k] for k in keys]) ] # WARNING: None values are converted to nan if data type is # float = numpy.array(data, dtype=record_dtypes ).view(numpy.recarray) self.options = inp[0].options.copy() self.dtype = inp[0].dtype.copy() self.can_call = inp[0].can_call.copy()
[docs] def __getitem__(self, key): """ Return the value of the designated key. Args: key (str) : Key for new parameter """ return[key]
[docs] @staticmethod def _set_dtypes(inp, i): keys = inp[i].keys() dtypes = [] for k in keys: if inp[i].dtype[k] is None: dtypes += [(k,object)] continue # inp.dtype is always a list if any([t in inp[i].dtype[k] for t in [int , float]]) \ and any([t in inp[i].dtype[k] for t in [list, numpy.ndarray]]): msgs.warn( "Parameter set has elements that can be either individual " f"ints/floats or lists/arrays. Database column {k} will have type " "'object'." ) dtypes += [(k,object)] elif len(list({int, float} - set(inp[i].dtype[k]))) == 0: dtypes += [(k,float)] elif len(list({list, numpy.ndarray} - set(inp[i].dtype[k]))) == 0 \ or inp[i].dtype[k] == numpy.ndarray: _inp = numpy.asarray(inp[i][k]) dtypes += [(k,_inp.dtype,_inp.shape)] elif isinstance(inp[i][k], str): if any([ _inp[k] is None for _inp in inp]): dtypes += [(k, object)] else: dtypes += [(k,'<U{0:d}'.format(max([ len(_inp[k]) for _inp in inp])))] else: dtypes += [(k,type(inp[i][k]))] return dtypes
[docs] def append(self, pdb): if not isinstance(pdb, ParDatabase): raise TypeError('Can only append ParDatabase object.') try: = numpy.append(, except TypeError as e: raise TypeError('Could not append data:: {0}'.format(e))