Source code for pypeit.metadata

Provides a class that handles the fits metadata required by PypeIt.

.. include common links, assuming primary doc root is up one directory
.. include:: ../include/links.rst
import os
from pathlib import Path
import io
import string
from copy import deepcopy
import datetime

from IPython import embed

import numpy as np

from astropy import table, time

from pypeit import msgs
from pypeit import inputfiles
from pypeit.core import framematch
from pypeit.core import flux_calib
from pypeit.core import parse
from pypeit.core import meta
from import dict_to_lines
from pypeit.par import PypeItPar
from pypeit.bitmask import BitMask

# TODO: Turn this into a DataContainer
# Initially tried to subclass this from astropy.table.Table, but that
# proved too difficult.
[docs]class PypeItMetaData: """ Provides a table and interface to the relevant fits file metadata used during the reduction. The content of the fits table is dictated by the header keywords specified for the provided spectrograph. It is expected that this table can be used to set the frame type of each file. The metadata is validated using checks specified by the provided spectrograph class. For the data table, one should typically provide either the file list from which to grab the data from the fits headers or the data directly. If neither are provided the table is instantiated without any data. Args: spectrograph (:class:`pypeit.spectrographs.spectrograph.Spectrograph`): The spectrograph used to collect the data save to each file. The class is used to provide the header keyword data to include in the table and specify any validation checks. par (:obj:`pypeit.par.pypeitpar.PypeItPar`): PypeIt parameters used to set the code behavior. files (:obj:`str`, :obj:`list`, optional): The list of files to include in the table. data (table-like, optional): The data to include in the table. The type can be anything allowed by the instantiation of `astropy.table.Table`_. usrdata (`astropy.table.Table`_, optional): A user provided set of data used to supplement or overwrite metadata read from the file headers. The table must have a `filename` column that is used to match to the metadata table generated within PypeIt. **Note**: This is ignored if `data` is also provided. This functionality is only used when building the metadata from the fits files. strict (:obj:`bool`, optional): Function will fault if there is a problem with the reading the header for any of the provided files; see :func:`~pypeit.spectrographs.spectrograph.Spectrograph.get_headarr`. Set to False to instead report a warning and continue. Attributes: spectrograph (:class:`~pypeit.spectrographs.spectrograph.Spectrograph`): The spectrograph used to collect the data save to each file. The class is used to provide the header keyword data to include in the table and specify any validation checks. par (:class:`~pypeit.par.pypeitpar.PypeItPar`): PypeIt parameters used to set the code behavior. If not provided, the default parameters specific to the provided spectrograph are used. configs (:obj:`dict`): A dictionary of the unique configurations identified. type_bitmask (:class:`~pypeit.core.framematch.FrameTypeBitMask`): The bitmask used to set the frame type of each fits file. calib_bitmask (:class:`~pypeit.bitmask.BitMask`): The bitmask used to keep track of the calibration group bits. table (`astropy.table.Table`_): The table with the relevant metadata for each fits file to use in the data reduction. """ def __init__(self, spectrograph, par, files=None, data=None, usrdata=None, strict=True): if data is None and files is None: # Warn that table will be empty msgs.warn('Both data and files are None in the instantiation of PypeItMetaData.' ' The table will be empty!') # Initialize internals self.spectrograph = spectrograph if files is not None: # check if the spectrograph selected is correct for the data. NOTE: this is defined # for each spectrograph independently, so it's currently not defined for all spectrographs self.spectrograph.check_spectrograph(files if isinstance(files, str) else files[0]) self.par = par if not isinstance(self.par, PypeItPar): raise TypeError('Input parameter set must be of type PypeItPar.') self.type_bitmask = framematch.FrameTypeBitMask() # Build table self.table = table.Table(data if files is None else self._build(files, strict=strict, usrdata=usrdata)) # Merge with user data, if present if usrdata is not None: self.merge(usrdata) # Impose types on specific columns self._impose_types(['comb_id', 'bkg_id', 'manual'], [int, int, str]) # Initialize internal attributes self.configs = None self.calib_bitmask = None # Initialize columns that the user might add self.set_user_added_columns() # Validate instrument name self._vet_instrument(self.table)
[docs] def _impose_types(self, columns, types): """ Impose a set of types on certain columns. .. note:: :attr:`table` is edited in place. Args: columns (:obj:`list`): List of column names types (:obj:`list`): List of types """ for c,t in zip(columns, types): if c in self.keys(): self.table[c] = self.table[c].astype(t)
[docs] def _vet_instrument(self, meta_tbl): """ Confirm the metadata gathered for a set of measurements are all from this spectrograph. This function *only* issues warnings; no exceptions are raised. Args: meta_tbl (`astropy.table.Table`_): Table with the meta data; see :class:`~pypeit.metadata.PypeItMetaData`. """ if 'instrument' in meta_tbl.keys(): if self.spectrograph.header_name is None: msgs.error('CODING ERROR: header_name is not defined for ' f'{self.spectrograph.__class__.__name__}!') # Check that there is only one instrument # This could fail if one mixes is much older calibs indx = meta_tbl['instrument'].data != None instr_names = np.unique(meta_tbl['instrument'].data[indx]) # An empty table is allowed if len(instr_names) > 0: if len(instr_names) != 1: msgs.warn(f'More than one instrument in your dataset! {instr_names} \n' 'Proceed with great caution...') # Check the name if instr_names[0] != self.spectrograph.header_name: msgs.warn('The instrument name in the headers of the raw files does not match the ' f'expected one! Found {instr_names[0]}, expected {self.spectrograph.header_name}. ' 'You may have chosen the wrong PypeIt spectrograph name!')
[docs] def _build(self, files, strict=True, usrdata=None): """ Generate the fitstbl that will be at the heart of PypeItMetaData. Args: files (:obj:`str`, :obj:`list`): One or more files to use to build the table. strict (:obj:`bool`, optional): Function will fault if ``_ fails to read any of the headers. Set to False to report a warning and continue. usrdata (`astropy.table.Table`_, optional): Parsed for frametype for a few instruments (e.g. VLT) where meta data may not be required Returns: dict: Dictionary with the data to assign to :attr:`table`. """ # Allow for single files _files = files if hasattr(files, '__len__') else [files]"Building metadata for {len(_files)} files.") # Build lists to fill data = {k:[] for k in self.spectrograph.meta.keys()} data['directory'] = ['None']*len(_files) data['filename'] = ['None']*len(_files) # Build the table for idx, ifile in enumerate(_files): _ifile = Path(ifile).resolve() # User data (for frame type) if usrdata is None: usr_row = None else: # TODO: This check should be done elsewhere # Check if != usrdata['filename'][idx].lstrip("# "): msgs.error('File name list does not match user-provided metadata table. See ' 'usrdata argument of instantiation of PypeItMetaData.') usr_row = usrdata[idx] # Add the directory and file name to the table data['directory'][idx] = str(_ifile.parent) data['filename'][idx] = if not data['directory'][idx]: data['directory'][idx] = '.' # Read the fits headers. NOTE: If the file cannot be opened, # headarr will be None, and the subsequent loop over the meta keys # will fill the data dictionary with None values.'Adding metadata for {data["filename"][idx]}') headarr = self.spectrograph.get_headarr(_ifile, strict=strict) # Grab Meta for meta_key in self.spectrograph.meta.keys(): value = self.spectrograph.get_meta_value(headarr, meta_key, required=strict, usr_row=usr_row, ignore_bad_header = ( self.par['rdx']['ignore_bad_headers'] or strict)) if isinstance(value, str) and '#' in value: value = value.replace('#', '') msgs.warn('Removing troublesome # character from {0}. Returning {1}.'.format( meta_key, value)) data[meta_key].append(value) # JFH Changed the below to not crash if some files have None in # their MJD. This is the desired behavior since if there are # empty or corrupt files we still want this to run. # Validate, print out a warning if there is problem try: time.Time(data['mjd'], format='mjd') except ValueError: mjd = np.asarray(data['mjd']) filenames = np.asarray(data['filename']) bad_files = filenames[mjd == None] # Print status message msg = f'Time invalid for {len(bad_files)} files.\nContinuing, but the following ' \ 'frames either could not be opened, are empty, or have corrupt headers:\n' for file in bad_files: msg += f' {file}\n' msgs.warn(msg) # Return return data
# TODO: In this implementation, slicing the PypeItMetaData object # will return an astropy.table.Table, not a PypeItMetaData object. def __getitem__(self, item): return self.table.__getitem__(item) def __setitem__(self, item, value): return self.table.__setitem__(item, value) def __len__(self): return self.table.__len__() def __repr__(self): return self.table._base_repr_(html=False, descr_vals=['PypeItMetaData:\n', ' spectrograph={0}\n'.format(, ' length={0}\n'.format(len(self))])
[docs] def _repr_html_(self): return self.table._base_repr_(html=True, max_width=-1, descr_vals=['PypeItMetaData: spectrograph={0}, length={1}\n'.format(, len(self))])
[docs] @staticmethod def default_keys(): return [ 'directory', 'filename', 'instrume' ]
[docs] def keys(self): return self.table.keys()
[docs] def sort(self, col): return self.table.sort(col)
[docs] def merge(self, usrdata, match_type=True): """ Use the provided table to supplement or overwrite the metadata. If the internal table already contains the column in `usrdata`, the function will try to match the data type of the `usrdata` column to the existing data type. If it can't it will just add the column anyway, with the type in `usrdata`. You can avoid this step by setting `match_type=False`. Args: usrdata (`astropy.table.Table`_): A user provided set of data used to supplement or overwrite metadata read from the file headers. The table must have a `filename` column that is used to match to the metadata table generated within PypeIt. match_type (:obj:`bool`, optional): Attempt to match the data type in `usrdata` to the type in the internal table. See above. Raises: TypeError: Raised if `usrdata` is not an `astropy.table.Table`_ KeyError: Raised if `filename` is not a key in the provided table. """ meta_data_model = meta.get_meta_data_model() # Check the input if not isinstance(usrdata, table.Table): raise TypeError('Must provide an astropy.table.Table instance.') if 'filename' not in usrdata.keys(): raise KeyError('The user-provided table must have \'filename\' column!') # Make sure the data are correctly ordered srt = [np.where(f == self.table['filename'])[0][0] for f in usrdata['filename']] # Convert types if possible existing_keys = list(set(self.table.keys()) & set(usrdata.keys())) radec_done = False if len(existing_keys) > 0 and match_type: for key in existing_keys: if len(self.table[key].shape) > 1: # NOT ALLOWED!! # TODO: This should be converted to an assert statement... raise ValueError('CODING ERROR: Found high-dimensional column.') #embed(header='372 of metadata') elif key in meta_data_model.keys(): # Is this meta data?? dtype = meta_data_model[key]['dtype'] else: dtype = self.table[key].dtype # Deal with None's properly nones = usrdata[key] == 'None' usrdata[key][nones] = None # Rest # Allow for str RA, DEC (backwards compatability) if key in ['ra', 'dec'] and not radec_done: ras, decs = meta.convert_radec(usrdata['ra'][~nones].data, usrdata['dec'][~nones].data) usrdata['ra'][~nones] = ras.astype(dtype) usrdata['dec'][~nones] = decs.astype(dtype) radec_done = True else: usrdata[key][~nones] = usrdata[key][~nones].astype(dtype) # Include the user data in the table for key in usrdata.keys(): self.table[key] = usrdata[key][srt]
[docs] def remove_rows(self, rows, regroup=False): """ Remove the provided rows from the data table. This edits the object directly, nothing is returned. Args: rows (:obj:`int`, array-like): One or more rows that should be *removed* from the datatable. This is passed directly to `astropy.table.Table.remove_rows`_; see astropy documentation to confirm allowed types. regroup (:obj:`bool`, optional): If True, reset the setup/configuration, calibration, and combination groups. """ self.table.remove_rows(np.atleast_1d(rows)) if regroup: for col in ['setup', 'calib', 'calibbit', 'comb_id', 'bkg_id']: if col in self.keys(): del self.table[col] self.set_configurations() self.set_calibration_groups() self.set_combination_groups()
[docs] def finalize_usr_build(self, frametype, setup): """ Finalize the build of the table based on user-provided data, typically pulled from the PypeIt file. This function: - sets the frame types based on the provided object - sets all the configurations to the provided `setup` - assigns all frames to a single calibration group, if the 'calib' column does not exist - if the 'comb_id' column does not exist, this sets the combination groups to be either undefined or to be unique for each science or standard frame, see :func:`set_combination_groups`. .. note:: This should only be run if all files are from a single instrument configuration. :attr:`table` is modified in-place. See also: :func:``. .. todo:: - Why isn't frametype just in the user-provided data? It may be (see get_frame_types) and I'm just not using it... Args: frametype (:obj:`dict`): A dictionary with the types designated by the user. The file name and type are expected to be the key and value of the dictionary, respectively. The number of keys therefore *must* match the number of files in :attr:`table`. For frames that have multiple types, the types should be provided as a string with comma-separated types. setup (:obj:`str`): If the 'setup' columns does not exist, fill the configuration setup columns with this single identifier. """ self.get_frame_types(user=frametype) # TODO: Add in a call to clean_configurations? I didn't add it # here, because this method is only called for a preconstructed # pypeit file, which should nominally follow an execution of # pypeit_setup. If the user edits back in a frame that has an # invalid key, at least for now the DEIMOS image reader will # fault. self.set_configurations(fill=setup) self.set_calibration_groups(default=True) self.set_combination_groups()
[docs] def get_configuration(self, indx, cfg_keys=None, modified=False): """ Return the configuration dictionary for a given frame. Args: indx (:obj:`int`): The index of the table row to use to construct the configuration. cfg_keys (:obj:`list`, optional): The list of metadata keys to use to construct the configuration. If None, the `configuration_keys` of :attr:`spectrograph` is used. modified (:obj:`bool`, optional): Return the configuration as modified by the spectrograph-specific :func:`~pypeit.spectrographs.spectrograph.Spectrograph.modify_config`. Returns: dict: A dictionary with the metadata values from the selected row. """ _cfg_keys = self.spectrograph.configuration_keys() if cfg_keys is None else cfg_keys cfg = {k:self.table[k][indx] for k in _cfg_keys} return self.spectrograph.modify_config(self.table[indx], cfg) if modified else cfg
[docs] def construct_obstime(self, row): """ Construct the MJD of when the frame was observed. Args: row (:obj:`int`): The 0-indexed row of the frame. Returns: `astropy.time.Time`_: The MJD of the observation. """ return time.Time(self['mjd'][row], format='mjd')
[docs] def construct_basename(self, row, obstime=None): """ Construct the root name primarily for PypeIt file output. Args: row (:obj:`int`): The 0-indexed row of the frame. obstime (`astropy.time.Time`_, optional): The MJD of the observation. If None, constructed using :func:`construct_obstime`. Returns: str: The root name for file output. """ _obstime = self.construct_obstime(row) if obstime is None else obstime tiso = time.Time(_obstime, format='isot') dtime = datetime.datetime.strptime(tiso.value, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f') return '{0}-{1}_{2}_{3}{4}'.format(self['filename'][row].split('.fits')[0], self['target'][row].replace(" ", ""),, datetime.datetime.strftime(dtime, '%Y%m%dT'), tiso.value.split("T")[1].replace(':',''))
# def get_setup(self, row, det=None, config_only=False): # """ # Construct the setup dictionary. # # .. todo:: # - This is for backwards compatibility, but we should # consider reformatting it. And it may be something to put # in the relevant spectrograph class. # # Args: # row (:obj:`int`): # The 0-indexed row used to construct the setup. # det (:obj:`int`, optional): # The 1-indexed detector to include. If None, all # detectors are included. # config_only (:obj:`bool`, optional): # Just return the dictionary with the configuration, don't # include the top-level designation of the configuration # itself. # # Returns: # dict: The pypeit setup dictionary with the default format. # # Raises: # PypeItError: # Raised if the 'setup' isn't been defined. # """ # if 'setup' not in self.keys(): # msgs.error('Cannot provide instrument setup without \'setup\' column; ' # 'run set_configurations.') # dispname = 'none' if 'dispname' not in self.keys() else self['dispname'][row] # dispangle = 'none' if 'dispangle' not in self.keys() else self['dispangle'][row] # dichroic = 'none' if 'dichroic' not in self.keys() else self['dichroic'][row] # decker = 'none' if 'decker' not in self.keys() else self['decker'][row] # slitwid = 'none' if 'slitwid' not in self.keys() else self['slitwid'][row] # slitlen = 'none' if 'slitlen' not in self.keys() else self['slitlen'][row] # binning = '1,1' if 'binning' not in self.keys() else self['binning'][row] # # skey = 'Setup {}'.format(self['setup'][row]) # # Key names *must* match configuration_keys() for spectrographs # setup = {skey: # {'--': # {'disperser': {'dispname': dispname, 'dispangle':dispangle}, # 'dichroic': dichroic, # 'slit': {'decker': decker, 'slitwid':slitwid, 'slitlen':slitlen}, # 'binning': binning, # PypeIt orientation binning of a science image # } # } # } # #_det = np.arange(self.spectrograph.ndet)+1 if det is None else [det] # #for d in _det: # # setup[skey][str(d).zfill(2)] \ # # = {'binning': binning, 'det': d, # # 'namp': self.spectrograph.detector[d-1]['numamplifiers']} # return setup[skey] if config_only else setup
[docs] def get_configuration_names(self, ignore=None, return_index=False, configs=None): """ Get the list of the unique configuration names. This provides just the list of setup identifiers ('A', 'B', etc.) and the row index where it first occurs. This is different from :func:`unique_configurations` because the latter determines and provides the configurations themselves. This is mostly a convenience function for the writing routines. Args: ignore (:obj:`list`, optional): Ignore configurations in the provided list. return_index (:obj:`bool`, optional): Return row indices with the first occurence of these configurations. configs (:obj:`str`, :obj:`list`, optional): One or more strings used to select the configurations to include in the returned objects. If ``'all'``, pass back all configurations. Otherwise, only return the configurations matched to this provided string or list of strings (e.g., ['A','C']). Returns: :obj:`tuple`, `numpy.ndarray`_: The list of unique setup names. A tuple is returned with a second `numpy.ndarray`_ object providing the indices of the first occurrence of these setups, if requested (using ``return_index``). Raises: PypeItError: Raised if the 'setup' isn't been defined. """ if 'setup' not in self.keys(): msgs.error('Cannot get setup names; run set_configurations.') # Unique configurations # NOTE: This annoyingly returns Column types, not np.arrays! So need to # specify that the data from the column be used. setups, indx = np.unique(self['setup'].data, return_index=True) if ignore is not None: # Remove the selected configurations to ignore rm = np.logical_not(np.isin(setups, ignore)) setups = setups[rm] indx = indx[rm] # Restrict _configs = None if configs is None else np.atleast_1d(configs) # TODO: Why do we need to specify 'all' here? Can't `configs is # None` mean that you want all the configurations? Or can we # make the default 'all'? if configs is not None and 'all' not in _configs: use = np.isin(setups, _configs) setups = setups[use] indx = indx[use] return (setups, indx) if return_index else setups
[docs] def _get_cfgs(self, copy=False, rm_none=False): """ Convenience method to return :attr:`configs` with possible alterations. This method *should not* be called by any method outside of this class; use :func:`unique_configurations` instead. Args: copy (:obj:`bool`, optional): Return a deep copy of :attr:`configs` instead of the object itself. rm_none (:obj:`bool`, optional): Remove any configurations set to 'None'. If copy is True, this is done *after* :attr:`configs` is copied to a new dictionary. Returns: :obj:`dict`: A nested dictionary, one dictionary per configuration with the associated metadata for each. """ _cfg = deepcopy(self.configs) if copy else self.configs if rm_none and 'None' in _cfg.keys(): del _cfg['None'] return _cfg
[docs] @staticmethod def maximum_number_of_configurations(): nascii = len(string.ascii_uppercase) return nascii + nascii**2
[docs] @staticmethod def configuration_generator(start=0): nascii = len(string.ascii_uppercase) return (string.ascii_uppercase[i] if i < nascii \ else string.ascii_uppercase[int((i-nascii)//nascii)] \ + string.ascii_uppercase[int((i-nascii) % nascii)] for i in range(start, nascii + nascii**2))
@property def n_configs(self): if self.configs is None: msgs.error('Configurations not defined by PypeItMetaData object. Execute ' 'unique_configurations first.') return len(list(self.configs.keys()))
[docs] def unique_configurations(self, force=False, copy=False, rm_none=False): """ Return the unique instrument configurations. If run before the ``'setup'`` column is initialized, this function determines the unique instrument configurations by finding unique combinations of the items in the metadata table listed by the spectrograph ``configuration_keys`` method. If run after the ``'setup'`` column has been set, this simply constructs the configuration dictionary using the unique configurations in that column. This is used to set the internal :attr:`configs`. If this attribute is not None, this function simply returns :attr:`config` (cf. ``force``). .. warning:: Any frame types returned by the :func:`~pypeit.spectrographs.spectrograph.Spectrograph.config_independent_frames` method for :attr:`spectrograph` will be ignored in the construction of the unique configurations. If :func:`~pypeit.spectrographs.spectrograph.Spectrograph.config_independent_frames` does not return None and the frame types have not yet been defined (see :func:`get_frame_types`), this method will fault! Args: force (:obj:`bool`, optional): Force the configurations to be redetermined. Otherwise the configurations are only determined if :attr:`configs` has not yet been defined. copy (:obj:`bool`, optional): Return a deep copy of :attr:`configs` instead of the object itself. rm_none (:obj:`bool`, optional): Remove any configurations set to 'None'. If copy is True, this is done *after* :attr:`configs` is copied to a new dictionary. Returns: :obj:`dict`: A nested dictionary, one dictionary per configuration with the associated metadata for each. Raises: PypeItError: Raised if there are list of frame types to ignore but the frame types have not been defined yet. """ if self.configs is not None and not force: return self._get_cfgs(copy=copy, rm_none=rm_none) if 'setup' in self.keys():'Setup column already set. Finding unique configurations.') uniq, indx = np.unique(self['setup'], return_index=True) ignore = uniq == 'None' if np.sum(ignore) > 0: msgs.warn(f'Ignoring {np.sum(ignore)} frames with configuration set to None.') self.configs = {} for i in range(len(uniq)): if ignore[i]: continue self.configs[uniq[i]] = self.get_configuration(indx[i])'Found {0} unique configurations.'.format(len(self.configs))) return self._get_cfgs(copy=copy, rm_none=rm_none)'Using metadata to determine unique configurations.') # sort self.table mjd = self.table['mjd'].copy() # Deal with possibly None mjds if there were corrupt header cards mjd[mjd == None] = -99999.0 isort = np.argsort(mjd) self.table = self.table[isort] # If the frame types have been set, ignore anything listed in # the ignore_frames ignore_frames, ignore_indx = self.ignore_frames() # Find the indices of the frames not to ignore indx = np.arange(len(self.table)) indx = indx[np.logical_not(np.in1d(indx, ignore_indx))] if len(indx) == 0: msgs.error('No frames to use to define configurations!') # Instantiate the configuration generator cfg_gen = PypeItMetaData.configuration_generator() # TODO: Placeholder: Allow an empty set of configuration keys # meaning that the instrument setup has only one configuration. if len(self.spectrograph.configuration_keys()) == 0: self.configs = {} self.configs[next(cfg_gen)] = {}'All files assumed to be from a single configuration.') return self._get_cfgs(copy=copy, rm_none=rm_none) # Use the first file to set the first unique configuration self.configs = {} self.configs[next(cfg_gen)] = self.get_configuration(indx[0]) # Check if any of the other files show a different configuration. for i in indx[1:]: cfg = self.get_configuration(i) matched = False for c in self.configs.values(): if self.spectrograph.same_configuration([c,cfg]): matched = True break if matched: # Matches an existing configuration, so move on to the next # frame continue try: # Get the next setup identifier setup = next(cfg_gen) except StopIteration: msgs.error('Cannot assign more configurations! Either something went wrong' 'or you are trying to reduce data from more than ' f'{PypeItMetaData.maximum_number_of_configurations()} setups!') # Add the configuration self.configs[setup] = cfg'Found {len(self.configs)} unique configuration(s).') return self._get_cfgs(copy=copy, rm_none=rm_none)
[docs] def set_configurations(self, configs=None, force=False, fill=None): """ Assign each frame to a configuration (setup) and include it in the metadata table. The internal table is edited *in place*. If the 'setup' column already exists, the configurations are **not** reset unless you call the function with ``force=True``. Args: configs (:obj:`dict`, optional): A nested dictionary, one dictionary per configuration with the associated values of the metadata associated with each configuration. The metadata keywords in the dictionary should be the same as in the table, and the keywords used to set the configuration should be the same as returned by the spectrograph `configuration_keys` method. The latter is not checked. If None, this is set by :func:`unique_configurations`. force (:obj:`bool`, optional): Force the configurations to be reset. fill (:obj:`str`, optional): If the 'setup' column does not exist, fill the configuration setup columns with this single identifier. Ignores other inputs. Raises: PypeItError: Raised if none of the keywords in the provided configuration match with the metadata keywords. Also raised when some frames cannot be assigned to a configuration, the spectrograph defined frames that have been ignored in the determination of the unique configurations, but the frame types have not been set yet. """ # Configurations have already been set if 'setup' in self.keys() and not force: return if 'setup' not in self.keys() and fill is not None: self['setup'] = fill return _configs = self.unique_configurations() if configs is None else configs for k, cfg in _configs.items(): if len(set(cfg.keys()) - set(self.keys())) > 0: msgs.error('Configuration {0} defined using unavailable keywords!'.format(k)) # Some frame types need to be ignored ignore_frames, ignore_indx = self.ignore_frames() # define the column 'setup' in self.table nrows = len(self) col = table.Column(data=['None'] * nrows, name='setup', dtype='U25') self.table.add_column(col) is_science = self.find_frames('science') # Science frames can only have one configuration for i in range(nrows): if i in ignore_indx: continue for d, cfg in _configs.items(): # modify the configuration items only for specific frames. This is instrument dependent. mod_cfg = self.spectrograph.modify_config(self.table[i], cfg) this_cfg = self.get_configuration(i, modified=True) if self.spectrograph.same_configuration([this_cfg, mod_cfg], check_keys=False): if d in self.table['setup'][i]: continue elif self.table['setup'][i] == 'None': self.table['setup'][i] = d elif not is_science[i]: self.table['setup'][i] += f',{d}' # Check if any of the configurations are not set not_setup = self.table['setup'] == 'None' if not np.any(not_setup): # All are set, so we're done return # If there's no frames to ignore, we can safely return if ignore_frames is None: return # At this point, we need the frame type to continue if 'frametype' not in self.keys(): msgs.error('To account for ignored frames, types must have been defined; run ' 'get_frame_types.') # For each configuration, determine if any of the frames with # the ignored frame types should be assigned to it: for cfg_key in _configs.keys(): in_cfg = np.array([cfg_key in _setup for _setup in self.table['setup']]) for ftype, metakey in ignore_frames.items(): # TODO: For now, use this assert to check that the # metakey is either not set, or is a string/list assert metakey is None or isinstance(metakey, str) or isinstance(metakey, list), \ 'CODING ERROR: metadata keywords set by config_indpendent_frames are not ' \ 'correctly defined for {0}; values must be None or a string.'.format( self.spectrograph.__class__.__name__) # If a list is input, check all elements of the list are strings if isinstance(metakey, list): for ll in metakey: assert isinstance(ll, str), \ 'CODING ERROR: metadata keywords set by config_indpendent_frames are not ' \ 'correctly defined for {0}; values must be None or a string.'.format( self.spectrograph.__class__.__name__) elif isinstance(metakey, str): # If metakey is a string, convert it to a one-element list metakey = [metakey] # Get the list of frames of this type without a # configuration indx = not_setup & self.find_frames(ftype) if not np.any(indx): continue if metakey is None: # No matching meta data defined, so just set all the frames to all of the configurations new_cfg_key = np.full(len(self.table['setup'][indx]), 'None', dtype=object) for c in range(len(self.table['setup'][indx])): if cfg_key in self.table['setup'][indx][c]: new_cfg_key[c] = self.table['setup'][indx][c] elif self.table['setup'][indx][c] == 'None': new_cfg_key[c] = cfg_key else: new_cfg_key[c] = self.table['setup'][indx][c] + ',{}'.format(cfg_key) self.table['setup'][indx] = new_cfg_key continue # Loop through the meta keys for mkey in metakey: # Find the unique values of meta for this configuration uniq_meta = np.unique(self.table[mkey][in_cfg].data) # Warn the user that the matching meta values are not # unique for this configuration. if uniq_meta.size != 1: msgs.warn('When setting the instrument configuration for {0} '.format(ftype) + 'frames, configuration {0} does not have unique '.format(cfg_key) + '{0} values.' .format(mkey)) # Find the frames of this type that match any of the # meta data values indx &= np.isin(self.table[mkey], uniq_meta) # assign new_cfg_key = np.full(len(self.table['setup'][indx]), 'None', dtype=object) for c in range(len(self.table['setup'][indx])): if cfg_key in self.table['setup'][indx][c]: new_cfg_key[c] = self.table['setup'][indx][c] elif self.table['setup'][indx][c] == 'None': new_cfg_key[c] = cfg_key else: new_cfg_key[c] = self.table['setup'][indx][c] + ',{}'.format(cfg_key) self.table['setup'][indx] = new_cfg_key # Check if still any of the configurations are not set. If yes, we want # these frames to still be present in the .sorted file not_setup = self.table['setup'] == 'None' if np.any(not_setup): cfg_gen = self.configuration_generator(start=len(np.unique(self.table['setup'][np.logical_not(not_setup)]))) nw_setup = next(cfg_gen) self.configs[nw_setup] = {} msgs.warn('All files that did not match any setup are grouped into a single configuration.') self.table['setup'][not_setup] = nw_setup
[docs] def clean_configurations(self): """ Ensure that configuration-defining keywords all have values that will yield good PypeIt reductions. Any frames that do not are removed from :attr:`table`, meaning this method may modify that attribute directly. The valid values for configuration keys is set by :func:`~pypeit.spectrographs.spectrograph.Spectrograph.valid_configuration_values`. """ cfg_limits = self.spectrograph.valid_configuration_values() if cfg_limits is None: # No values specified, so we're done return good = np.ones(len(self), dtype=bool) for key in cfg_limits.keys(): # NOTE: For now, check that the configuration values were # correctly assigned in the spectrograph class definition. # This should probably go somewhere else or just removed. assert isinstance(cfg_limits[key], list), \ 'CODING ERROR: valid_configuration_values is not correctly defined ' \ 'for {0}; values must be a list.'.format(self.spectrograph.__class__.__name__) # Check that the metadata are valid for this column. indx = np.isin(self[key], cfg_limits[key]) if not np.all(indx): msgs.warn('Found frames with invalid {0}.'.format(key)) good &= indx if np.all(good): # All values good, so we're done return # Alert the user that some of the frames are going to be # removed msg = 'The following frames have configurations that cannot be reduced by PypeIt' \ ' and will be removed from the metadata table (pypeit file):\n' indx = np.where(np.logical_not(good))[0] for i in indx: msg += ' {0}\n'.format(self['filename'][i]) msgs.warn(msg) # And remove 'em self.table = self.table[good]
[docs] def find_configuration(self, setup, index=False): """ Find all frames associated with the provided setup/configuration. Args: setup (:obj:`str`): The setup/configuration to search on. index (:obj:`bool`, optional): Return an array of 0-indexed indices instead of a boolean array. Returns: `numpy.ndarray`_: A boolean array, or an integer array if ``index=True``, with the table rows associated with the requested setup/configuration. """ if 'setup' not in self.keys(): msgs.error('Configurations not set; first execute self.unique_configurations.') # NOTE: frames can be associated with multiple setups (namely biases), # meaning that we have to split the string by any separating commas. # This has the added benefit that ``'A' in 'AA'`` is True (a bug in our # setup naming system in the albeit crazy case when someone is trying to # parse more than 26 setups), but ``'A' in 'AA'.split(',')`` is False. in_cfg = np.array([setup in _set.split(',') for _set in self.table['setup']]) return np.where(in_cfg)[0] if index else in_cfg
# TODO: Make some tests for this!
[docs] def _set_calib_group_bits(self): """ Set the calibration group bit based on the string values of the 'calib' column. """ # NOTE: This is a hack to ensure the type of the *elements* of the calib # column are all strings, but that the type of the column remains as # "object". I'm calling this a hack because doing this is easier than # trying to track down everywhere calib is changed to values that may or # may not be integers instead of strings. self['calib'] = np.array([str(c) for c in self['calib']], dtype=object) # Collect and expand any lists # group_names = np.unique(np.concatenate( # [s.split(',') for s in self['calib'] if s not in ['all', 'None']])) # DP changed to below because np.concatenate does not accept an empty list, # which is the case when calib is None for all frames. This should avoid the code to crash group_names = np.unique(sum([s.split(',') for s in self['calib'] if s not in ['all', 'None']], [])) # Expand any ranges keep_group = np.ones(group_names.size, dtype=bool) added_groups = [] for i, name in enumerate(group_names): if ':' in name: # Parse the range keep_group[i] = False added_groups += [str(n) for n in parse.str2list(name)] # Combine and find the unique *integer* identifiers group_names = np.unique(np.asarray(added_groups + (group_names[keep_group]).tolist()).astype(int)) # Define the bitmask and initialize the bits self.calib_bitmask = BitMask(group_names) self['calibbit'] = 0 # Set the bits based on the selected groups for i in range(len(self)): if self['calib'][i] == 'None': continue if self['calib'][i] == 'all': self['calibbit'][i] = self.calib_bitmask.turn_on(self['calibbit'][i], group_names) continue self['calibbit'][i] = self.calib_bitmask.turn_on(self['calibbit'][i], parse.str2list(self['calib'][i]))
[docs] def _check_calib_groups(self): """ Check that the calibration groups are valid. This currently only checks that the science frames are associated with one calibration group. TODO: Is this appropriate for NIR data? """ is_science = self.find_frames('science') for i in range(len(self)): if not is_science[i]: continue if len(self.calib_bitmask.flagged_bits(self['calibbit'][i])) > 1: msgs.error('Science frames can only be assigned to a single calibration group.')
@property def n_calib_groups(self): """Return the number of calibration groups.""" return None if self.calib_bitmask is None else self.calib_bitmask.nbits @property def calib_groups(self): """Return the calibration group identifiers.""" return None if self.calib_bitmask is None else self.calib_bitmask.keys()
[docs] def set_calibration_groups(self, global_frames=None, default=False, force=False): """ Group calibration frames into sets. Requires the 'setup' column to have been defined. For now this is a simple grouping of frames with the same configuration. .. todo:: - Maintain a detailed description of the logic. The 'calib' column has a string type to make sure that it matches with what can be read from the pypeit file. The 'calibbit' column is actually what is used to determine the calibration group of each frame; see :attr:`calib_bitmask`. Args: global_frames (:obj:`list`, optional): A list of strings with the frame types to use in all calibration groups (e.g., ['bias', 'dark']). default (:obj:`bool`, optional): If the 'calib' column is not present, set a single calibration group *for all rows*. force (:obj:`bool`, optional): Force the calibration groups to be reconstructed if the 'calib' column already exists. Raises: PypeItError: Raised if 'setup' column is not defined, or if `global_frames` is provided but the frame types have not been defined yet. """ # Set the default if requested and 'calib' doesn't exist yet if 'calib' not in self.keys() and default: self['calib'] = '0' # Make sure the calibbit column does not exist if 'calibbit' in self.keys(): del self['calibbit'] # Groups have already been set if 'calib' in self.keys() and 'calibbit' in self.keys() and not force: return # Groups have been set but the bits have not (likely because the # data was read from a pypeit file) if 'calib' in self.keys() and 'calibbit' not in self.keys() and not force: self._set_calib_group_bits() self._check_calib_groups() return # TODO: The rest of this just nominally sets the calibration # group based on the configuration. This will change! # The configuration must be present to determine the calibration # group if 'setup' not in self.keys(): msgs.error('CODING ERROR: Must have defined \'setup\' column first; try running ' 'set_configurations.') configs = np.unique(np.concatenate([_setup.split(',') for _setup in self['setup'].data])).tolist() if 'None' in configs: configs.remove('None') # Ignore frames with undefined configurations n_cfg = len(configs) # TODO: Science frames can only have one calibration group # Assign everything from the same configuration to the same # calibration group; this needs to have dtype=object, otherwise # any changes to the strings will be truncated at 4 characters. self.table['calib'] = np.full(len(self), 'None', dtype=object) for i in range(n_cfg): in_cfg = np.array([configs[i] in _set for _set in self.table['setup']]) # & (self['framebit'] > 0) if not any(in_cfg): continue icalibs = np.full(len(self['calib'][in_cfg]), 'None', dtype=object) for c in range(len(self['calib'][in_cfg])): if self['calib'][in_cfg][c] == 'None': icalibs[c] = str(i) else: icalibs[c] = self['calib'][in_cfg][c] + ',{}'.format(i) self['calib'][in_cfg] = icalibs # Allow some frame types to be used in all calibration groups # (like biases and darks) if global_frames is not None: if 'frametype' not in self.keys(): msgs.error('To set global frames, types must have been defined; ' 'run get_frame_types.') calibs = '0' if n_cfg == 1 else ','.join(np.arange(n_cfg).astype(str)) for ftype in global_frames: indx = np.where(self.find_frames(ftype))[0] for i in indx: self['calib'][i] = calibs # Set the bits based on the string representation of the groups self._set_calib_group_bits() # Check that the groups are valid self._check_calib_groups()
[docs] def ignore_frames(self): """ Construct a list of frame types to ignore, and the corresponding indices of these frametypes in the table. Returns: :obj:`tuple`: Two objects are returned, (1) A dictionary where the keys are the frame types that are configuration-independent and the values are the metadata keywords that can be used to assign the frames to a configuration group, and (2) an integer `numpy.ndarray` with the table rows that should be ignored when defining the configuration. """ ignore_indx = np.arange(len(self.table)) ignore_frames = self.spectrograph.config_independent_frames() ignmsk = np.zeros(len(self.table), dtype=bool) if ignore_frames is not None: if 'frametype' not in self.keys(): msgs.error('To ignore frames, types must have been defined; run get_frame_types.') list_ignore_frames = list(ignore_frames.keys())'Unique configurations ignore frames with type: {0}'.format(list_ignore_frames)) for ftype in list_ignore_frames: ignmsk |= self.find_frames(ftype) # Isolate the frames to be ignored ignore_indx = ignore_indx[ignmsk] return ignore_frames, ignore_indx
[docs] def find_frames(self, ftype, calib_ID=None, index=False): """ Find the rows with the associated frame type. If the index is provided, the frames must also be matched to the relevant science frame. Args: ftype (str): The frame type identifier. See the keys for :class:`~pypeit.core.framematch.FrameTypeBitMask`. If set to the string 'None', this returns all frames without a known type. calib_ID (:obj:`int`, optional): Index of the calibration group that it must match. If None, any row of the specified frame type is included. index (:obj:`bool`, optional): Return an array of 0-indexed indices instead of a boolean array. Returns: `numpy.ndarray`_: A boolean array, or an integer array if index=True, with the rows that contain the frames of the requested type. Raises: PypeItError: Raised if the `framebit` column is not set in the table. """ if 'framebit' not in self.keys(): msgs.error('Frame types are not set. First run get_frame_types.') if ftype == 'None': return self['framebit'] == 0 # Select frames indx = self.type_bitmask.flagged(self['framebit'], flag=ftype) if calib_ID is not None: # Select frames in the same calibration group indx &= self.find_calib_group(calib_ID) # Return return np.where(indx)[0] if index else indx
[docs] def find_frame_files(self, ftype, calib_ID=None): """ Return the list of files with a given frame type. The frames must also match the science frame index, if it is provided. Args: ftype (str): The frame type identifier. See the keys for :class:`~pypeit.core.framematch.FrameTypeBitMask`. calib_ID (:obj:`int`, optional): Index of the calibration group that it must match. If None, any row of the specified frame type is included. Returns: list: List of file paths that match the frame type and science frame ID, if the latter is provided. """ return self.frame_paths(self.find_frames(ftype, calib_ID=calib_ID))
[docs] def frame_paths(self, indx): """ Return the full paths to one or more frames. Args: indx (:obj:`int`, array-like): One or more 0-indexed rows in the table with the frames to return. Can be an array of indices or a boolean array of the correct length. Returns: list: List of the full paths of one or more frames. """ if isinstance(indx, (int,np.integer)): return os.path.join(self['directory'][indx], self['filename'][indx]) return [os.path.join(d,f) for d,f in zip(self['directory'][indx], self['filename'][indx])]
[docs] def set_frame_types(self, type_bits, merge=True): """ Set and return a Table with the frame types and bits. Args: type_bits (`numpy.ndarray`_): Integer bitmask with the frame types. The length must match the existing number of table rows. merge (:obj:`bool`, optional): Merge the types and bits into the existing table. This will *overwrite* any existing columns. Returns: `astropy.table.Table`_: Table with two columns, the frame type name and bits. """ # Making Columns to pad string array ftype_colmA = table.Column(self.type_bitmask.type_names(type_bits), name='frametype') # KLUDGE ME # # TODO: It would be good to get around this. Is it related to # this change? # # # See also: # # # # Or we can force type_names() in bitmask to always return the # correct type... if int(str(ftype_colmA.dtype)[2:]) < 9: ftype_colm = table.Column(self.type_bitmask.type_names(type_bits), dtype='U9', name='frametype') else: ftype_colm = ftype_colmA fbits_colm = table.Column(type_bits, name='framebit') t = table.Table([ftype_colm, fbits_colm]) if merge: self['frametype'] = t['frametype'] self['framebit'] = t['framebit'] return t
[docs] def edit_frame_type(self, indx, frame_type, append=False): """ Edit the frame type by hand. Args: indx (:obj:`int`): The 0-indexed row in the table to edit frame_type (:obj:`str`, :obj:`list`): One or more frame types to append/overwrite. append (:obj:`bool`, optional): Append the frame type. If False, all existing frame types are overwitten by the provided type. """ if not append: self['framebit'][indx] = 0 self['framebit'][indx] = self.type_bitmask.turn_on(self['framebit'][indx], flag=frame_type) self['frametype'][indx] = self.type_bitmask.type_names(self['framebit'][indx])
[docs] def get_frame_types(self, flag_unknown=False, user=None, merge=True): """ Generate a table of frame types from the input metadata object. .. todo:: - Here's where we could add a SPIT option. Args: flag_unknown (:obj:`bool`, optional): Instead of crashing out if there are unidentified files, leave without a type and continue. user (:obj:`dict`, optional): A dictionary with the types designated by the user. The file name and type are expected to be the key and value of the dictionary, respectively. The number of keys therefore *must* match the number of files in :attr:`table`. For frames that have multiple types, the types should be provided as a string with comma-separated types. merge (:obj:`bool`, optional): Merge the frame typing into the exiting table. Returns: `astropy.table.Table`_: A Table with two columns, the type names and the type bits. See :class:`~pypeit.core.framematch.FrameTypeBitMask` for the allowed frame types. """ # Checks if 'frametype' in self.keys() or 'framebit' in self.keys(): msgs.warn('Removing existing frametype and framebit columns.') if 'frametype' in self.keys(): del self.table['frametype'] if 'framebit' in self.keys(): del self.table['framebit'] # Start"Typing files") type_bits = np.zeros(len(self), dtype=self.type_bitmask.minimum_dtype()) # Use the user-defined frame types from the input dictionary if user is not None: if len(user.keys()) != len(self): if len(np.unique(self['filename'].data)) != len(self): msgs.error('Your pypeit file has duplicate filenames which is not allowed.') else: msgs.error('The user-provided dictionary does not match table length.')'Using user-provided frame types.') for ifile,ftypes in user.items(): indx = self['filename'] == ifile try: type_bits[indx] = self.type_bitmask.turn_on(type_bits[indx], flag=ftypes.split(',')) except ValueError as err: msgs.error(f'Improper frame type supplied!{msgs.newline()}' f'{err}{msgs.newline()}' 'Check your PypeIt Reduction File') return self.set_frame_types(type_bits, merge=merge) # Loop over the frame types for i, ftype in enumerate(self.type_bitmask.keys()): # Include a combination of instrument-specific checks using # combinations of the full set of metadata exprng = self.par['scienceframe']['exprng'] if ftype == 'science' \ else self.par['calibrations']['{0}frame'.format(ftype)]['exprng'] # TODO: Use & or | ? Using idname above gets overwritten by # this if the frames to meet the other checks in this call. # indx &= self.spectrograph.check_frame_type(ftype, self.table, exprng=exprng) indx = self.spectrograph.check_frame_type(ftype, self.table, exprng=exprng) # Turn on the relevant bits type_bits[indx] = self.type_bitmask.turn_on(type_bits[indx], flag=ftype) # Find the nearest standard star to each science frame # TODO: Should this be 'standard' or 'science' or both? if 'ra' not in self.keys() or 'dec' not in self.keys(): msgs.warn('Cannot associate standard with science frames without sky coordinates.') else: # TODO: Do we want to do this here? indx = self.type_bitmask.flagged(type_bits, flag='standard') for b, f, ra, dec in zip(type_bits[indx], self['filename'][indx], self['ra'][indx], self['dec'][indx]): if ra == 'None' or dec == 'None': msgs.warn('RA and DEC must not be None for file:' + msgs.newline() + f) msgs.warn('The above file could be a twilight flat frame that was' + msgs.newline() + 'missed by the automatic identification.') b = self.type_bitmask.turn_off(b, flag='standard') continue # If an object exists within 20 arcmins of a listed standard, # then it is probably a standard star foundstd = flux_calib.find_standard_file(ra, dec, check=True) b = self.type_bitmask.turn_off(b, flag='science' if foundstd else 'standard') # Find the files without any types indx = np.logical_not(self.type_bitmask.flagged(type_bits)) if np.any(indx):"Couldn't identify the following files:") for f in self['filename'][indx]: if not flag_unknown: msgs.error("Check these files before continuing") msgs.warn("These files are commented out and will be ignored during the reduction.") # Comment out the frames that could not be identified # first change the dtype of the filename column to be able to add a # self['filename'] = self['filename'].value.astype(f"<U{np.char.str_len(self['filename']).max() + 3}") self['filename'][indx] = ['# ' + fname for fname in self['filename'][indx]] # Finish up (note that this is called above if user is not None!)"Typing completed!") return self.set_frame_types(type_bits, merge=merge)
[docs] def set_pypeit_cols(self, write_bkg_pairs=False, write_manual=False): """ Generate the list of columns to be included in the fitstbl (nearly the complete list). Args: write_bkg_pairs (:obj:`bool`, optional): Add additional ``PypeIt`` columns for calib, comb_id and bkg_id write_manual (:obj:`bool`, optional): Add additional ``PypeIt`` columns for manual extraction Returns: `numpy.ndarray`_: Array of columns to be used in the fits table> """ # Columns for output columns = self.spectrograph.pypeit_file_keys() extras = ['calib'] # comb, bkg columns if write_bkg_pairs: extras += ['comb_id', 'bkg_id'] # manual if write_manual: extras += ['manual'] for key in extras: if key not in columns: columns += [key] # Take only those present output_cols = np.array(columns) return output_cols[np.isin(output_cols, self.keys())].tolist()
[docs] def set_combination_groups(self, assign_objects=True): """ Set combination groups. .. note:: :attr:`table` is edited in place. This function can be used to initialize the combination group and background group columns, and/or to initialize the combination groups to the set of objects (science or standard frames) to a unique integer. If the 'comb_id' or 'bkg_id' columns do not exist, they're set to -1. Args: assign_objects (:obj:`bool`, optional): If all of 'comb_id' values are less than 0 (meaning they're unassigned), the combination groups are set to be unique for each standard and science frame. For some instruments (e.g., Keck/NIRES), this will also parse known dither patterns and use them to set default difference-imaging groups. """ if 'comb_id' not in self.keys(): self['comb_id'] = -1 if 'bkg_id' not in self.keys(): self['bkg_id'] = -1 # NOTE: Importantly, this if statement means that, if the user has # defined any non-negative combination IDs in their pypeit file, none of # this automated assignment logic is executed. if assign_objects and np.all(self['comb_id'] < 0): # find_frames will throw an exception if framebit is not # set... sci_std_idx = np.where(np.any([self.find_frames('science'), self.find_frames('standard')], axis=0))[0] self['comb_id'][sci_std_idx] = np.arange(len(sci_std_idx), dtype=int) + 1 # update comb_id and bkg_id with dither pattern specific to the used instrument # if get_comb_group() is not defined in the relevant spectrograph self.table is unchanged self.table = self.spectrograph.get_comb_group(self.table) if 'calib' in self.keys(): # Re-set the calibbit in case calib was changed by get_comb_group(). # If calib was not changed, calibbit values will be unchanged self._set_calib_group_bits() # Check that the groups are valid self._check_calib_groups()
[docs] def set_user_added_columns(self): """ Set columns that the user *might* add .. note:: :attr:`table` is edited in place. This function can be used to initialize columns that the user might add """ if 'manual' not in self.keys(): self['manual'] = ''
[docs] def write_sorted(self, ofile, overwrite=True, ignore=None, write_bkg_pairs=False, write_manual=False): """ Write the sorted file. The sorted file lists all the unique instrument configurations (setups) and the frames associated with each configuration. The output data table is identical to the pypeit file output. .. todo:: - This is for backwards compatibility, but we should consider reformatting/removing it. Args: ofile (:obj:`str`, `Path`_): Name for the output sorted file. overwrite (:obj:`bool`, optional): Overwrite any existing file with the same name. ignore (:obj:`list`, optional): Ignore configurations in the provided list. write_bkg_pairs (:obj:`bool`, optional): Add additional ``PypeIt`` columns for calib, comb_id and bkg_id write_manual (:obj:`bool`, optional): Add additional ``PypeIt`` columns for manual extraction Raises: PypeItError: Raised if the 'setup' isn't been defined. """ if 'setup' not in self.keys(): msgs.error('Cannot write sorted instrument configuration table without \'setup\' ' 'column; run set_configurations.') _ofile = Path(ofile).resolve() if _ofile.exists() and not overwrite: msgs.error(f'{_ofile} already exists. Use ovewrite=True to overwrite.') # Grab output columns output_cols = self.set_pypeit_cols(write_bkg_pairs=write_bkg_pairs, write_manual=write_manual) cfgs = self.unique_configurations(copy=ignore is not None) if ignore is not None: for key in cfgs.keys(): if key in ignore: del cfgs[key] # Construct file ff = open(_ofile, 'w') for setup in cfgs.keys(): # Get the subtable of frames taken in this configuration indx = np.array([setup in _set for _set in self['setup']]) if not np.any(indx): continue subtbl = self.table[output_cols][indx] if 'calib' in output_cols: # calib can be a str with a list of values because in some cases (e.g. MOSFIRE) the same # calibration files are used for different setups. Here we update calib to have only the # value relevant for this setup. # find the calib value in this setup that is not a list (which is probably a science/standard) no_list = np.array([',' not in str(cc) for cc in subtbl['calib']]) if np.any(no_list): # assign the calib value in this setup that is not a list to frames that have calib as a list subtbl['calib'][np.logical_not(no_list)] = subtbl['calib'][no_list][0] # Write the file ff.write('##########################################################\n') ff.write('Setup {:s}\n'.format(setup)) ff.write('\n'.join(dict_to_lines(cfgs[setup], level=1)) + '\n') ff.write('#---------------------------------------------------------\n') mjd = subtbl['mjd'].copy() # Deal with possibly None mjds if there were corrupt header cards mjd[mjd == None] = -99999.0 isort = np.argsort(mjd) subtbl = subtbl[isort] # This needs to match the format for writing file blocks in pypeit.inputfiles.InputFile subtbl.write(ff, format='ascii.fixed_width', bookend=False) ff.write('##end\n') ff.close()
[docs] def write_pypeit(self, output_path=None, cfg_lines=None, write_bkg_pairs=False, write_manual=False, configs=None, config_subdir=True, version_override=None, date_override=None): """ Write a pypeit file in data-table format. The pypeit file is the main configuration file for PypeIt, configuring the control-flow and algorithmic parameters and listing the data files to read. This function writes the columns selected by the :func:`pypeit.spectrographs.spectrograph.Spectrograph.pypeit_file_keys`, which can be specific to each instrument. Args: output_path (:obj:`str`, optional): Root path for the output pypeit files. If None, set to current directory. If the output directory does not exist, it is created. cfg_lines (:obj:`list`, optional): The list of configuration lines to include in the file. If None are provided, the vanilla configuration is included. write_bkg_pairs (:obj:`bool`, optional): When constructing the :class:`pypeit.metadata.PypeItMetaData` object, include two columns called `comb_id` and `bkg_id` that identify object and background frame pairs. write_manual (:obj:`bool`, optional): Add additional ``PypeIt`` columns for manual extraction configs (:obj:`str`, :obj:`list`, optional): One or more strings used to select the configurations to include in the returned objects. If ``'all'``, pass back all configurations. Otherwise, only return the configurations matched to this provided string or list of strings (e.g., ['A','C']). See :attr:`configs`. config_subdir (:obj:`bool`, optional): Flag to place the pypeit file in a subdirectory named for each configuration. If True, the pypeit file is written to ``{spec}_{config}/{spec}_{config}.pypeit`` (e.g., ``shane_kast_blue_A/shane_kast_blue_A.pypeit``). If False, the pypeit file is placed directly in the ``output_path``. version_override (:obj:`str`, optional): Override the current version and use this one instead. **For documentation purposes only!** date_override (:obj:`str`, optional): Override the current date and use this one instead. **For documentation purposes only!** Raises: PypeItError: Raised if the 'setup' isn't defined and split is True. Returns: :obj:`list`: List of ``PypeIt`` files generated. """ # Set output path if output_path is None: output_path = os.getcwd() # Find unique configurations, always ignoring any 'None' # configurations... cfg = self.unique_configurations(copy=True, rm_none=True) # Get the setups to write if configs is None or configs == 'all' or configs == ['all']: cfg_keys = list(cfg.keys()) else: _configs = configs if isinstance(configs, list) else [configs] cfg_keys = [key for key in cfg.keys() if key in _configs] if len(cfg_keys) == 0: msgs.error('No setups to write!') # Grab output columns output_cols = self.set_pypeit_cols(write_bkg_pairs=write_bkg_pairs, write_manual=write_manual) # Write the pypeit files ofiles = [None]*len(cfg_keys) for j,setup in enumerate(cfg_keys): # Create the output directory root = '{0}_{1}'.format(, setup) if config_subdir: odir = os.path.join(output_path, root) if not os.path.isdir(odir): os.makedirs(odir) else: odir = output_path # Create the output file name ofiles[j] = os.path.join(odir, '{0}.pypeit'.format(root)) # Setup dict setup_dict = {} setup_dict[f'Setup {setup}'] = {} for key in cfg[setup]: setup_dict[f'Setup {setup}'][key] = cfg[setup][key] # Get the paths in_cfg = np.array([setup in _set for _set in self.table['setup']]) if not np.any(in_cfg): continue paths = np.unique(self['directory'][in_cfg]).tolist() # Get the data lines subtbl = self.table[output_cols][in_cfg] if 'calib' in output_cols: # calib can be a str with a list of values because in some cases (e.g. MOSFIRE) the same # calibration files are used for different setups. Here we update calib to have only the # value relevant for this setup. # find the calib value in this setup that is not a list (which is probably a science/standard) no_list = np.array([',' not in str(cc) for cc in subtbl['calib']]) if np.any(no_list): # assign the calib value in this setup that is not a list to frames that have calib as a list subtbl['calib'][np.logical_not(no_list)] = subtbl['calib'][no_list][0] subtbl.sort(['frametype','filename']) #with io.StringIO() as ff: # subtbl.write(ff, format='ascii.fixed_width') # data_lines = ff.getvalue().split('\n')[:-1] # Config lines if cfg_lines is None: cfg_lines = ['[rdx]'] cfg_lines += [' spectrograph = {0}'.format(] # Instantiate a PypeItFile pypeItFile = inputfiles.PypeItFile(cfg_lines, paths, subtbl, setup_dict) # Write pypeItFile.write(ofiles[j], version_override=version_override, date_override=date_override) # Return return ofiles
[docs] def write(self, output=None, rows=None, columns=None, sort_col=None, overwrite=False, header=None): """ Write the metadata either to a file or to the screen. The method allows you to set the columns to print and which column to use for sorting. Args: output (:obj:`str`, optional): Output signature or file name. If None, the table contents are printed to the screen. If ``'table'``, the table that would have been printed/written to disk is returned. Otherwise, the string is interpreted as the name of an ascii file to which to write the table contents. rows (`numpy.ndarray`_, optional): A boolean vector selecting the rows of the table to write. If None, all rows are written. Shape must match the number of the rows in the table. columns (:obj:`str`, :obj:`list`, optional): A list of columns to include in the output file. Can be provided as a list directly or as a comma-separated string. If None or ``'all'``, all columns in are written; if ``'pypeit'``, the columns are the same as those included in the pypeit file. Each selected column must be a valid pypeit metadata keyword, specific to :attr:`spectrograph`. Additional valid keywords, depending on the processing level of the metadata table, are directory, filename, frametype, framebit, setup, calib, and calibbit. sort_col (:obj:`str`, optional): Name of the column to use for sorting the output. If None, the table is printed in its current state. overwrite (:obj:`bool`, optional): Overwrite any existing file; otherwise raise an exception. header (:obj:`str`, :obj:`list`, optional): One or more strings to write to the top of the file, on string per file line; ``# `` is added to the beginning of each string. Ignored if ``output`` does not specify an output file. Returns: `astropy.table.Table`_: The table object that would have been written/printed if ``output == 'table'``. Otherwise, the method always returns None. Raises: ValueError: Raised if the columns to include are not valid, or if the column to use for sorting is not valid. FileExistsError: Raised if overwrite is False and the file exists. """ # Check the file can be written (this is here because the spectrograph # needs to be defined first) ofile = None if output in [None, 'table'] else output if ofile is not None and os.path.isfile(ofile) and not overwrite: raise FileExistsError(f'{ofile} already exists; set flag to overwrite.') # Check the rows input if rows is not None and len(rows) != len(self.table): raise ValueError('Boolean vector selecting output rows has incorrect length.') # Get the columns to return if columns in [None, 'all']: tbl_cols = list(self.keys()) elif columns == 'pypeit': tbl_cols = self.set_pypeit_cols(write_bkg_pairs=True) else: all_cols = list(self.keys()) tbl_cols = columns if isinstance(columns, list) else columns.split(',') badcol = [col not in all_cols for col in tbl_cols] if np.any(badcol): raise ValueError('The following columns are not valid: {0}'.format( ', '.join(tbl_cols[badcol]))) # Make sure the basic parameters are the first few columns; do them in # reverse order so I can always insert at the beginning of the list for col in ['framebit', 'frametype', 'filename', 'directory']: if col not in tbl_cols: continue indx = np.where([t == col for t in tbl_cols])[0][0] if indx != 0: tbl_cols.insert(0, tbl_cols.pop(indx)) # Make sure the dithers and combination and background IDs are the last # few columns ncol = len(tbl_cols) for col in ['dithpat', 'dithpos', 'dithoff', 'calib', 'comb_id', 'bkg_id']: if col not in tbl_cols: continue indx = np.where([t == col for t in tbl_cols])[0][0] if indx != ncol-1: tbl_cols.insert(ncol-1, tbl_cols.pop(indx)) # Copy the internal table so that it is unaltered output_tbl = self.table.copy() # Select the output rows if a vector was provided if rows is not None: output_tbl = output_tbl[rows] # Select and sort the data by a given column if sort_col is not None: if sort_col not in self.keys(): raise ValueError(f'Cannot sort by {sort_col}. Not a valid column.') # Ignore any NoneTypes indx = output_tbl[sort_col] != None is_None = np.logical_not(indx) srt = np.append(np.where(is_None)[0], np.where(indx)[0][np.argsort(output_tbl[sort_col][indx].data)]) output_tbl = output_tbl[tbl_cols][srt] else: output_tbl = output_tbl[tbl_cols] if output == 'table': # Instead of writing, just return the modified table return output_tbl # Always write the table in ascii format with io.StringIO() as ff: output_tbl.write(ff, format='ascii.fixed_width', bookend=False) data_lines = ff.getvalue().split('\n')[:-1] if ofile is None: # Output file not defined so just print it print('\n'.join(data_lines)) return None # Write the output to an ascii file with open(ofile, 'w') as f: if header is not None: _header = header if isinstance(header, list) else [header] for h in _header: f.write(f'# {h}\n') f.write('\n') f.write('\n'.join(data_lines)) f.write('\n') # Just to be explicit that the method returns None when writing to a # file... return None
[docs] def find_calib_group(self, grp): """ Find all the frames associated with the provided calibration group. Args: grp (:obj:`int`): The calibration group integer. Returns: `numpy.ndarray`_: Boolean array selecting those frames in the table included in the selected calibration group. Raises: PypeItError: Raised if the 'calibbit' column is not defined. """ if 'calibbit' not in self.keys(): msgs.error('Calibration groups are not set. First run set_calibration_groups.') return self.calib_bitmask.flagged(self['calibbit'].data, flag=grp)
[docs] def find_frame_calib_groups(self, row): """ Find the calibration groups associated with a specific frame. """ return self.calib_bitmask.flagged_bits(self['calibbit'][row])