Source code for pypeit.manual_extract

Implements an object to handle manual object extraction.

.. include:: ../include/links.rst
import inspect

from IPython import embed

import numpy as np

from pypeit import datamodel, msgs

[docs]class ManualExtractionObj(datamodel.DataContainer): """ A data container holding the arguments for how to perform the manual extraction of a spectrum. A list of these objects is generated in to perform a set of user-defined extractions. For an example of how to define a series of manual extractions in the pypeit input file, see :ref:`pypeit_file`. The datamodel attributes are: .. include:: ../include/class_datamodel_manualextractionobj.rst Args: frame (:obj:`str`): The name of the fits file for a manual extraction spat (`numpy.ndarray`_): Array of spatial positions to hand extract spec (`numpy.ndarray`_): Array of spectral positions to hand extract det (`numpy.ndarray`_): Array of detectors for hand extraction. This must be a aligned with spec and spat . The values can be negative (for negative images) fwhm (`numpy.ndarray`_): Array of FWHM for hand extraction. This must be aligned with spec and spat. boxcar_rad (`numpy.ndarray`_, optional): Array of boxcar_radii for hand extraction. This must be aligned with spec and spat. It is to be in *pixels*, not arcsec. This is only intended for multi-slit reductions (not Echelle) """ version = '1.1.0' datamodel = { 'frame': dict(otype=str, descr='The name of the fits file for a manual extraction'), 'detname': dict(otype=np.ndarray, atype=str, descr='detectors name for hand extraction.'), 'spec': dict(otype=np.ndarray, atype=np.floating, descr='spectral positions to hand extract'), 'spat': dict(otype=np.ndarray, atype=np.floating, descr='spatial positions to hand extract'), 'fwhm': dict(otype=np.ndarray, atype=np.floating, descr='FWHMs for hand extractions'), 'neg': dict(otype=np.ndarray, atype=np.bool_, descr='Flags indicating which hand extract is a negative trace'), 'boxcar_rad': dict(otype=np.ndarray, atype=np.floating, descr='Boxcar radius for hand extractions (optional)'), }
[docs] @classmethod def by_fitstbl_input(cls, frame: str, inp: str, spectrograph): """Generate the object from an entry in the fitstbl Args: frame (str): filename inp (str): String specifying the manual aperture: ``det:spat:spec:fwhm``; e.g., ``1:1181.8:3820.6:3.`` spectrograph (:class:`pypeit.spectrographs.spectrograph.Spectrograph`): The `Spectrograph` instance that sets the instrument used to take the observations. Used to set check that the input value of the mosaic detectors are allowed for this spectrograph Returns: ManualExtractionObj: """ # Generate a dict idict = dict(spat=[], spec=[], detname=[], fwhm=[], neg=[], boxcar_rad=[]) m_es = inp.split(';') for m_e in m_es: parse = m_e.split(':') # det_strip will be a list of a single number (no mosaic) or 2 numbers (mosaic) det_strip = [int(d) for d in parse[0].strip('()').split(',')] # check if it's negative object (i.e., if the det number is negative) if np.all([item < 0 for item in det_strip]): idict['neg'] += [True] det_strip = [item * -1 for item in det_strip] else: idict['neg'] += [False] if len(det_strip) == 2 and tuple(det_strip) in spectrograph.allowed_mosaics: # we use detname, which is a string (e.g., 'DET01', 'MSC01') idict['detname'] += [spectrograph.get_det_name(tuple(det_strip))] elif len(det_strip) == 1: idict['detname'] += [spectrograph.get_det_name(det_strip[0])] else: msgs.error(f'Wrong input for detectors in the manual extraction parameters: {parse[0]}') idict['spat'] += [float(parse[1])] idict['spec'] += [float(parse[2])] idict['fwhm'] += [float(parse[3])] # Boxcar? if len(parse) >= 5: idict['boxcar_rad'] += [float(parse[4])] else: idict['boxcar_rad'] += [-1.] # Build me return cls(frame=frame, spat=np.array(idict['spat']), spec=np.array(idict['spec']), fwhm=np.array(idict['fwhm']), detname=np.array(idict['detname']), neg=np.array(idict['neg']), boxcar_rad=np.array(idict['boxcar_rad']))
def __init__(self, frame=None, spat=None, spec=None, detname=None, fwhm=None, neg=None, boxcar_rad=None): # Parse args, _, _, values = inspect.getargvalues(inspect.currentframe()) d = dict([(k,values[k]) for k in args[1:]]) # Setup the DataContainer datamodel.DataContainer.__init__(self, d=d)
[docs] def _validate(self): """Validate A couple of quick checks.. Raises: ValueError: Raised if one of the arrays is not set or if they don't have the same length """ if len(self.spec) != len(self.spat): raise ValueError("spec and spat not of the same length") if len(self.fwhm) != len(self.detname): raise ValueError("FWHM and not det not of the same length")
[docs] def dict_for_objfind(self, detname, neg=False): """ Repackage into a dict for the extraction code Args: det (str): Detector name under consideration neg (bool, optional): If True, return the negative image requests Returns: dict or None: To be passed into reduce.find_objects() """ # Find the ones we want if neg: gd_det = (self.neg == True) & (self.detname == detname) else: gd_det = (self.neg == False) & (self.detname == detname) # None? if not np.any(gd_det): return None # Fill manual_extract_dict = {} for key in ['spec', 'spat', 'detname', 'fwhm', 'boxcar_rad']: manual_extract_dict[key] = self[key][gd_det] # Return return manual_extract_dict