Source code for pypeit.inputfiles
""" Class for I/O of PypeIt input files
.. include:: ../include/links.rst
from pathlib import Path
import os
import glob
import numpy as np
import yaml
from datetime import datetime
import io
import warnings
from import Sequence
import configobj
# TODO: datetime.UTC is not defined in python 3.10. Remove this when we decide
# to no longer support it.
__UTC__ = datetime.UTC
except AttributeError as e:
from datetime import timezone
__UTC__ = timezone.utc
from astropy.table import Table, column
from import ascii
from pypeit import utils
from import files_from_extension
from pypeit import msgs, __version__
from pypeit.spectrographs.util import load_spectrograph
from pypeit.par.pypeitpar import PypeItPar
from IPython import embed
class InputFile:
Generic class to load, process, and write PypeIt input files
In practice, we use one of the children of this class,
e.g. PypeItFile
This class has limited support for preserving comments in the input files.
We currently support comments in the configuration section, and commented
out data lines in the data sections. Other comments are not preserved.
config (:obj:`dict` or :obj:`list`):
Configuration dict or list of config lines
Converted to a ConfigObj
file_paths (list):
List of file paths for the data files
data_table (`astropy.table.Table`_):
Data block
setup (:obj:`dict`):
dict defining the Setup
The first key contains the name
vet (bool,Optional):
Whether or not to vet the file after iniitialization. Defaults to True.
The vet() method can be called after initialization if needed.
preserve_comments (bool, Optional):
Whether or not to preserve comments in the input file
flavor = 'Generic' # Type of InputFile
# Data block items
required_columns = []
data_block = None # Defines naming of data block
datablock_required = False # Denotes whether the data block is required
setup_required = False # Denotes whether the setup block is required
def __init__(self,
# Load up = data_table
self.file_paths = file_paths
self.setup = setup
self.config = None if config is None else configobj.ConfigObj(config)
# Vet
if vet:
def remove_comments_and_blanks(lines : np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
# Remove comment and blank lines
lines = lines[np.array([ len(l.strip()) > 0 and l.strip()[0] != '#' for l in lines ])]
# Remove appended comments and return
return np.array([ l.split('#')[0].strip() for l in lines ])
def readlines(ifile:str):
General parser for a PypeIt input file.
Used for many of our input files, including the main PypeIt file.
- Checks that the file exists.
- Reads all the lines in the file
- Replaces special characters.
Applies to settings, setup, and user-level reduction files.
ifile (str): Name of the file to parse.
`numpy.ndarray`_: Returns a list of the valid lines in the files.
# Check the files
if not os.path.isfile(ifile):
msgs.error('The filename does not exist -' + msgs.newline() + ifile)
# Read the input lines and replace special characters
with open(ifile, 'r') as f:
return np.array([l.replace('\t', ' ').rstrip() for l in f.readlines()])
def from_file(cls, input_file:str, vet:bool=True, preserve_comments:bool=False):
Parse the user-provided input file.
input_file (:obj:`str`):
Name of input file
vet (bool,Optional):
Whether or not to vet the file after iniitialization. Defaults to True.
The vet() method can be called after initialization if needed.
preserve_comments (bool,Optional):
Whether or not to preserve comments and blank lines
in the congiguration section and the data table. Defaults to False.
:class:`InputFile`: An instance of the InputFile class
# Read in the pypeit reduction file'Loading the reduction file')
lines = cls.readlines(input_file)
if not preserve_comments:
lines = InputFile.remove_comments_and_blanks(lines)
# Used to select the configuration lines: Anything that isn't part
# of the data or setup blocks is assumed to be part of the
# configuration
is_config = np.ones(len(lines), dtype=bool)
# Parse data block
data_start, data_end = cls.find_block(lines, cls.data_block)
if data_start >= 0 and data_end < 0:
f"Missing '{cls.data_block} end' in {input_file}")
if data_start < 0 and data_end>0:
msgs.error("You have not specified the start of the data block!")
# Read it, if it exists
if data_start>0 and data_end>0:
paths, usrtbl = cls._read_data_file_table(lines[data_start:data_end], preserve_comments)
is_config[data_start-1:data_end+1] = False
data_block_found = True
if cls.datablock_required:
msgs.error("You have not specified the data block!")
paths, usrtbl = [], None
data_block_found = False
# Parse the setup block
setup_found = False
setup_start, setup_end = cls.find_block(lines, 'setup')
if setup_start >= 0 and setup_end < 0 and cls.setup_required:
msgs.error(f"Missing 'setup end' in {input_file}")
elif setup_start < 0 and cls.setup_required:
msgs.error(f"Missing 'setup read' in {input_file}")
elif setup_start >= 0 and setup_end > 0:
setup_found = True
# Proceed
if setup_found:
setup_lines = lines[setup_start:setup_end]
# We don't currently support preserving comments in the
# setup block as doing so causess parsing problems and
# backwards compatibility problems with some of the
# files in the dev-suite. So we remove those
# from the setup_lines if they weren't removed before
if preserve_comments:
setup_lines = InputFile.remove_comments_and_blanks(setup_lines)
setups, sdict = cls._parse_setup_lines(setup_lines)
is_config[setup_start-1:setup_end+1] = False
sdict = None
# Lines between setup and data blocks are currently considered
# part of the configuration. As are lines after the data block.
# If we're preserving comments, ConfigObj may pick up those comments,
# and then write them to a different place when resaving the file.
# So we ignore those lines.
if preserve_comments:
if data_block_found and setup_found:
# Ignore lines between datablock and setup block.
if data_end+1 < setup_start-1:
# Data block is before setup block.
# This never seems to happen but it's technically supported
is_config[data_end+1:setup_start-1] = False
elif setup_end+1 < data_start+1:
# Setup block is before data block
# Clear the lines between them and after the datablock
is_config[setup_end+1:data_start-1] = False
is_config[data_end+1:] = False
# Else the two blocks are adjacent and there's no lines to preserve
elif data_block_found:
is_config[data_end+1:] = False
# vet'{cls.flavor} input file loaded successfully.')
# Instantiate
return cls(config=list(lines[is_config]),
def vet(self):
""" Check for required bits and pieces of the Input file
besides the input objects themselves
# Data table
if is None:
if self.datablock_required:
msgs.error("You have not specified the data block!")
for key in self.required_columns:
if key not in
msgs.error(f'Add {key} to the Data block of your {self.flavor} file before running.')
if self.setup_required and self.setup is None:
msgs.error("Add setup info to your PypeIt file in the setup block!")
def setup_name(self):
"""Return the setup name
str: Setup name. Usually a single, capitalized Letter
keys = list(self.setup.keys())
return keys[0].split(' ')[-1]
def cfg_lines(self):
"""Return a list containing the configuration lines
If no configuration is available (:attr:`config` is
`None`), `None` is returned.
:obj:`list`: List of the configuration lines prepared for
writing to a file (and other usages).
return None if self.config is None else self.config.write()
def filenames(self):
""" List of path + filename's
Wrapper to :func:`~pypeit.inputfiles.InputFile.path_and_files`.
See that function for a full description.
list or None: List of the full paths to each data file
or None if `filename` is not part of the data table
or there is no data table!
# Return
return self.path_and_files('filename',include_commented_out=self.preserve_comments)
def _parse_setup_lines(lines):
Return a list of the setup names and corresponding Setup dict
lines (`numpy.ndarray`_): Setup lines as an array
tuple: list, dict. List of setup name, setup dict
setups = []
# Kludge for backwards compatability
line_list = lines.tolist()
for ss, line in enumerate(line_list):
if 'Setup' in line and ':' not in line:
line_list[ss] = line+':'
# Slurp
ystr = '\n'.join(line_list)
sdict = yaml.safe_load(ystr)
for key in sdict:
if 'Setup' in key:
tsetup = key.split()[1].strip()
# Check
if len(setups) > 1:
msgs.error("Setup block contains more than one Setup!")
return setups, sdict
def _read_data_file_table(lines, preserve_comments):
Read the file table format.
Because we allow (even encourage!) the users to modify entries by hand,
we have a custom way to parse what is largely a standard fixed_width
ASCII table
lines (:obj:`list`):
List of lines *within the data* block read from the input file.
preserve_comments (bool):
Whether or not to preserve comments in the input file.
tuple: A :obj:`list` with the paths provided (can be empty) and an
`astropy.table.Table`_ with the data provided in the input file.
# Allow for multiple paths
paths = []
for i, l in enumerate(lines):
# Ignore comments, blank lines in the paths section
# of the data block
# strip allows for preceding spaces before path
l = l.strip().split("#")[0]
if len(l) == 0:
# Skip empty line
# Split at only the first space to allow paths that contain spaces
prs = [l[:l.find(' ')], l[l.find(' ')+1:]]
if prs[0] != 'path':
paths += [ prs[1] ]
# We currently preserve commented out lines of the table, but not other comments in the
# table. To prevent them from breaking when preserve_comments is true
# we remove lines without the correct number of delimiters
delimiter_num = lines[i].count("|")
table_lines = [l for l in lines[i:] if l.count("|") == delimiter_num]
# Read the table
tbl =,
comment=None if preserve_comments else "#",
# Backwards compatability (i.e. the leading |)
if list(tbl.keys())[0] == 'col0':
message = 'Your PypeIt file has leading | characters in the data table, which is the old '\
'format. Please update your file to remove leading and trailing | characters '\
'because their inclusion will be deprecated.'
warnings.warn(message, DeprecationWarning)
## Recast each as "object" in case the user has mucked with the Table
## e.g. a mix of floats and None
## Also handle Masked columns -- fill with ''
for key in tbl.keys():
# Object
tbl[key] = tbl[key].data.astype(object)
if isinstance(tbl[key], column.MaskedColumn):
# Fill with empty string
tbl[key].fill_value = ''
tbl[key] = tbl[key].filled()
# Build the table -- Old code
# Because we allow (even encourage!) the users to modify entries by hand,
# we have a custom way to parse what is largely a standard fixed_width table
#nfiles = len(lines) - npaths - 1
#header = [ l.strip() for l in lines[npaths].split('|') ][1:-1]
#tbl = np.empty((nfiles, len(header)), dtype=object)
# for i in range(nfiles):
# row = np.array([ l.strip() for l in lines[i+npaths+1].split('|') ])[1:-1]
# if len(row) != tbl.shape[1]:
# raise ValueError('Data and header lines have mismatched columns!')
# tbl[i,:] = row
# data = {}
# for i,key in enumerate(header):
# data[key] = tbl[:,i]
# tbl = Table(data)
# Return
return paths, tbl
def find_block(lines, block):
Find a specific block of lines
These must be wrapped within ``block read`` and ``block end``, e.g.::
setup read
Setup A:
setup end
lines (:obj:`list`):
List of file lines
block (:obj:`str`):
Name of block to parse
int, int: Starting,ending line of the block;
-1 if not present
start = -1
end = -1
for i, l in enumerate(lines):
# Ignore comments/empty lines/leading whitespace
line = l.split("#")[0].strip()
if len(line) == 0:
entries = line.split()
if start < 0 and entries[0] == block and entries[1] == 'read':
start = i+1
if entries[0] == block and entries[1] == 'end':
end = i
if start >= 0 and end >= 0:
return start, end
def path_and_files(self, key:str, skip_blank=False, include_commented_out=False, check_exists=True):
"""Generate a list of the filenames with
the full path from the column of the data `astropy.table.Table`_
specified by `key`. The files must exist and be
within one of the paths for this to succeed.
key (str): Column of with the filenames of interest
skip_blank (bool, optional): If True, ignore any
entry that is '', 'none' or 'None'. Defaults to False.
check_exists (bool, optional):If False, PypeIt will not
check if 'key' exists as a file. Defaults to True.
include_commented_out (bool,Optional): If False, commented out files will not be included. If True, they
are included, without the "#" character.
list: List of the full paths to each data file
or None if `filename` is not part of the data table
or there is no data table!
Raised if the path+file does not exist
if is None or key not in
return None
## Build full paths to file and set frame types
data_files = []
for row in
# Skip Empty entries?
if skip_blank and row[key].strip() in ['', 'none', 'None']:
# Skip commented out entries
if row[key].strip().startswith("#"):
if not include_commented_out:
# Strip the comment character and any whitespace following it
# from the filename
name = row[key].strip("# ")
name = row[key]
# Searching..
if len(self.file_paths) > 0:
for p in self.file_paths:
filename = os.path.join(p,name)
if os.path.isfile(filename):
filename = row[key]
# Check we got a good hit
if check_exists and not os.path.isfile(filename):
msgs.error(f"{name} does not exist in one of the provided paths. Modify your input {self.flavor} file")
# Return
return data_files
def write(self, input_file, version_override=None, date_override=None):
Write an Input file to disk
input_file (:obj:`str`):
Name of PypeIt file to be generated
version_override (:obj:`str`, optional):
Override the current version and use this one instead. **For
documentation purposes only!**
date_override (:obj:`str`, optional):
Override the current date and use this one instead. **For
documentation purposes only!**
_version = __version__ if version_override is None else version_override
_date ='milliseconds') \
if date_override is None else date_override
# Here we go
with open(input_file, 'wb') as bf:
# We use ConfigObj to write the original config lines with comments.
# But it wants a binary stream.
# So use a TextIOWrapper to make it easier to write to it.
with io.TextIOWrapper(bf, encoding='utf-8') as f:
# The ConfigObj will have the original comments so new ones
# aren't needed
if not self.preserve_comments:
f.write(f'# Auto-generated {self.flavor} input file using PypeIt version: {_version}\n')
f.write(f'# UTC {_date}\n')
# Parameter block
if self.config is not None:
if not self.preserve_comments:
f.write("# User-defined execution parameters\n")
# Flush the binary stream just to make sure future writes to the text
# stream will be after it in the output file.
# Setup block
if self.setup is not None:
setup_lines = yaml.dump(utils.yamlify(
elif self.setup_required: # Default
setup_lines = ['Setup A:']
setup_lines = None
if setup_lines is not None:
if not self.preserve_comments:
# This comment is part of the configuration lines,
# and so is preserved by ConfigObj
f.write("# Setup\n")
f.write("setup read\n")
f.write("setup end\n")
# Data block
if is not None or self.datablock_required:
f.write("# Data block \n")
f.write(f"{self.data_block} read\n")
# paths and Setupfiles
if self.file_paths is not None:
for path in self.file_paths:
f.write(' path '+path+'\n')
if is not None:
with io.StringIO() as ff:, format='ascii.fixed_width',
data_lines = ff.getvalue().split('\n')[:-1]
f.write(f"{self.data_block} end\n")
f.write("\n")'{self.flavor} input file written to: {input_file}')
def get_spectrograph(self):
Use the configuration lines to instantiate the relevant
:class:`~pypeit.spectrographs.spectrograph.Spectrograph` subclass.
Spectrograph subclass instance using the relevant configuration
Raised if the relevant configuration parameter is not available.
if 'rdx' not in self.config.keys() or 'spectrograph' not in self.config['rdx'].keys():
msgs.error('Cannot define spectrograph. Configuration file missing \n'
' [rdx]\n spectrograph=\n entry.')
return load_spectrograph(self.config['rdx']['spectrograph'])
def get_pypeitpar(self, config_specific_file=None):
Use the configuration lines and a configuration-specific example file to
build the full parameter set.
config_specific_file (:obj:`str`, `Path`_, optional):
The file to use to generate the default, configuration-specific
parameters. If None and instance contains filenames, use the
first file. If None and instance provides no filenames,
configuration-specific parameters are not set.
:obj:`tuple`: A tuple with the spectrograph instance, the
parameters, and the file name used to generate the
configuration-specific parameters. That latter will be None if the
no example file was available.
spec = self.get_spectrograph()
if config_specific_file is None:
_files = self.filenames
if _files is not None:
config_specific_file = _files[0]
spec_par = spec.default_pypeit_par() if config_specific_file is None \
else spec.config_specific_par(config_specific_file)
par = PypeItPar.from_cfg_lines(cfg_lines=spec_par.to_config(),
return spec, par, config_specific_file
class PypeItFile(InputFile):
"""Child class for the PypeIt file
flavor = 'PypeIt' # Defines naming of file
required_columns = ['filename', 'frametype']
data_block = 'data' # Defines naming of data block
datablock_required = True
setup_required = True
def vet(self):
""" Check for required bits and pieces of the PypeIt file
besides the input objects themselves
# Confirm spectrograph is present
if 'rdx' not in self.config.keys() or 'spectrograph' not in self.config['rdx'].keys():
msgs.error(f"Missing spectrograph in the Parameter block of your PypeIt file. Add it!")
# Setup
setup_keys = list(self.setup)
if 'Setup' not in setup_keys[0]:
msgs.error("Setup does not appear in your setup block! Add it")
# Done'PypeIt file successfully vetted.')
def frametypes(self):
"""Return a dict of the frametypes
with key, item the filename, frametype
return {row['filename']:row['frametype'] for row in}
def get_pypeitpar(self):
Override the base class function to use files with specific frametypes
for the config-specific parameters.
:obj:`tuple`: A tuple with the spectrograph instance, the
parameters, and the file name used to generate the
configuration-specific parameters. That latter will be None if the
no example file was available.
if 'frametype' not in
msgs.error('PypeIt file must provide the frametype column.')
# NOTE: self.filenames is a property function that generates the full
# set of file names each time they are requested. However, this should
# only be done once in the code below because as soon as a relevant file
# is found the loops are discontinued using `break`.
config_specific_file = None
for idx, row in enumerate(
if 'science' in row['frametype'] or 'standard' in row['frametype']:
config_specific_file = self.filenames[idx]
# If no science/standard frames available, search for an arc/trace
# instead.
if config_specific_file is None:
for idx, row in enumerate(
if 'arc' in row['frametype'] or 'trace' in row['frametype']:
config_specific_file = self.filenames[idx]
if config_specific_file is not None:
return super().get_pypeitpar(config_specific_file=config_specific_file)
class SensFile(InputFile):
"""Child class for the Sensitivity input file
data_block = 'sens' # Defines naming of data block
flavor = 'Sens' # Defines naming of file
datablock_required = False
setup_required = False
class FluxFile(InputFile):
"""Child class for the Fluxing input file
data_block = 'flux' # Defines naming of data block
flavor = 'Flux' # Defines naming of file
setup_required = False
datablock_required = True
required_columns = ['filename']
def vet(self):
""" Check for required parts of the Fluxing input
file and handle the various options for sensfile
# Add a dummy sensfile column?
# This is allowed if using an archived sensitivity function
# And the checking has to be done in the script as the specgtrograph must be known..
if 'sensfile' not in
msgs.warn("sensfile column not provided. Fluxing will crash if an archived sensitivity function does not exist")['sensfile'] = ''
def sensfiles(self):
"""Generate a list of the sensitivity files with
the full path. The files must exist and be
within one of the paths (or the current
folder with not other paths specified) for this to succeed.
list: List of full path to each data file
or None if `filename` is not part of the data table
or there is no data table!
# Grab em
sens_files = self.path_and_files('sensfile', skip_blank=True)
# Pad out
if len(sens_files) == 1 and len(self.filenames) > 1:
sens_files = sens_files*len(self.filenames)
# Return
return sens_files
class Coadd1DFile(InputFile):
"""Child class for coaddition in 1D
data_block = 'coadd1d' # Defines naming of data block
flavor = 'Coadd1D' # Defines naming of file
setup_required = False
datablock_required = True
required_columns = ['filename', 'obj_id']
def objids(self):
# Generate list, scrubbing empty entries
oids = [item for item in['obj_id'] if item.strip() not in ['', 'none', 'None']]
# Inflate as needed
if len(oids) == 1 and len(oids) < len(
oids = oids*len(
# Return
return oids
# TODO is the correct way to treat optional table entries?
def sensfiles(self):
"""Generate a list of the sensitivity files with
the full path. The files must exist and be
within one of the paths (or the current
folder with not other paths specified) for this to succeed.
list: List of full path to each data file
or None if `filename` is not part of the data table
or there is no data table!
if 'sensfile' not in
return None
# Grab em
sens_files = self.path_and_files('sensfile', skip_blank=True)
# Pad out
if len(sens_files) == 1 and len(self.filenames) > 1:
sens_files = sens_files * len(self.filenames)
# Return
return sens_files
def setup_id(self):
if 'setup_id' not in
return None
# Generate list, scrubbing empty entries
sid = [str(item) for item in['setup_id'] if str(item).strip() not in ['', 'none', 'None']]
# Inflate as needed
if len(sid) == 1 and len(sid) < len(
sid = sid * len(
# Return
return sid
class Coadd2DFile(InputFile):
"""Child class for coaddition in 2D
data_block = 'spec2d' # Defines naming of data block
flavor = 'Coadd2D' # Defines naming of file
setup_required = False
datablock_required = True
required_columns = ['filename']
def vet(self):
""" Check for required bits and pieces of the .coadd2d file
besides the input objects themselves
# Confirm spectrograph is present
if 'rdx' not in self.config.keys() or 'spectrograph' not in self.config['rdx'].keys():
msgs.error(f"Missing spectrograph in the Parameter block of your .coadd2d file. Add it!")
# Done'.coadd2d file successfully vetted.')
class Coadd3DFile(InputFile):
"""Child class for coadding spec2d files into datacubes
data_block = 'spec2d' # Defines naming of data block
flavor = 'Coadd3d' # Defines naming of file
setup_required = False
datablock_required = True
required_columns = ['filename']
def vet(self):
""" Check for required bits and pieces of the .coadd2d file
besides the input objects themselves
# Confirm spectrograph is present
if 'rdx' not in self.config.keys() or 'spectrograph' not in self.config['rdx'].keys():
msgs.error(f"Missing spectrograph in the Parameter block of your .coadd2d file. Add it!")
# Done'.coadd3d file successfully vetted.')
def options(self):
Parse the options associated with a cube block.
Here is a description of the available options:
- ``scale_corr``: The name of an alternative spec2d file that is used for
the relative spectral scale correction. This parameter can also be set
for all frames with the default command:
.. code-block:: ini
scale_corr = spec2d_alternative.fits
- ``skysub_frame``: The name of an alternative spec2d file that is used
for the sky subtraction. This parameter can also be set for all frames
with the default command:
.. code-block:: ini
skysub_frame = spec2d_alternative.fits
opts: dict
Dictionary containing cube options.
# Define the list of allowed parameters
opts = dict(scale_corr=None, skysub_frame=None, ra_offset=None, dec_offset=None)
# Get the scale correction files
scale_corr = self.path_and_files('scale_corr', skip_blank=False, check_exists=False)
if scale_corr is None:
opts['scale_corr'] = [None]*len(self.filenames)
elif len(scale_corr) == 1 and len(self.filenames) > 1:
opts['scale_corr'] = scale_corr.lower()*len(self.filenames)
elif len(scale_corr) != 0:
opts['scale_corr'] = scale_corr
# Get the skysub files
skysub_frame = self.path_and_files('skysub_frame', skip_blank=False, check_exists=False)
if skysub_frame is None:
opts['skysub_frame'] = ["default"]*len(self.filenames)
elif len(skysub_frame) == 1 and len(self.filenames) > 1:
opts['skysub_frame'] = skysub_frame*len(self.filenames)
elif len(skysub_frame) != 0:
opts['skysub_frame'] = skysub_frame
# Load coordinate offsets for each file. This is "Delta RA cos(dec)" and "Delta Dec"
# Get the RA offset of each file
off_ra, off_dec = None, None
if 'ra_offset' in
off_ra =['ra_offset'].tolist()
if len(off_ra) == 1 and len(self.filenames) > 1:
# Convert from arcsec to degrees
opts['ra_offset'] = [off_ra[0]/3600.0 for _ in range(len(self.filenames))]
elif len(off_ra) != 0:
# Convert from arcsec to degrees
opts['ra_offset'] = [ora/3600.0 for ora in off_ra]
# Get the DEC offset of each file
if 'dec_offset' in
off_dec =['dec_offset'].tolist()
if len(off_dec) == 1 and len(self.filenames) > 1:
# Convert from arcsec to degrees
opts['dec_offset'] = [off_dec[0]/3600.0 for _ in range(len(self.filenames))]
elif len(off_dec) != 0:
# Convert from arcsec to degrees
opts['dec_offset'] = [odec/3600.0 for odec in off_dec]
# Check that both have been set or both are not set
if (off_ra is not None and off_dec is None) or (off_ra is None and off_dec is not None):
msgs.error("You must specify both or neither of the following arguments: ra_offset, dec_offset")
# Return all options
return opts
class TelluricFile(InputFile):
"""Child class for telluric corrections
data_block = None # Defines naming of data block
flavor = 'Telluric' # Defines naming of file
setup_required = False
datablock_required = False
class FlexureFile(InputFile):
"""Child class for flexure corrections
data_block = 'flexure' # Defines naming of data block
flavor = 'Flexure' # Defines naming of file
setup_required = False
datablock_required = True
required_columns = ['filename']
def vet(self):
""" Check for required bits and pieces of the .flex file
besides the input objects themselves
# Confirm spectrograph is present
if 'rdx' not in self.config.keys() or 'spectrograph' not in self.config['rdx'].keys():
msgs.error(f"Missing spectrograph in the Parameter block of your .flex file. Add it!")
# Done'.flex file successfully vetted.')
class Collate1DFile(InputFile):
"""Child class for collate 1D script
data_block = 'spec1d' # Defines naming of data block
flavor = 'Collate1D' # Defines naming of file
setup_required = False
datablock_required = True
required_columns = ['filename']
def filenames(self):
""" List of path + filename's
Allows for wildcads
list or None: List of the full paths to each data file
or None if `filename` is not part of the data table
or there is no data table!
all_files = []
paths = [os.getcwd()] if len(self.file_paths) == 0 else self.file_paths
# Paths?
for p in paths:
for row in['filename']:
all_files += glob.glob(os.path.join(p, row))
# Return
return all_files
class RawFiles(InputFile):
"""Child class for a list of raw files
data_block = 'raw' # Defines naming of data block
flavor = 'Raw'
setup_required = False
datablock_required = True
required_columns = ['filename']
def vet(self):
""" Check for required bits and pieces of the .coadd2d file
besides the input objects themselves
# Done'.rawfiles file successfully vetted.')
# NOTE: I originally had this in pypeit/, but I think it was causing a
# circular import. Moving it here solved the issue.
def grab_rawfiles(file_of_files:str=None, list_of_files:list=None, raw_paths:list=None,
Parse a set of raw files from the input.
Although all arguments are optional, one of ``file_of_files``,
``list_of_files``, or ``raw_paths`` must be true. Precedence is given in
that order; i.e., if ``file_of_files`` is provided, all other arguments are
file_of_files (str, optional):
File with list of raw files. Format must follow the
:ref:`input-files-data-block` of a PypeIt file, and the only
required column is the filename.
list_of_files (list, optional):
List of raw files (str). Ignored if ``file_of_files`` is provided.
If ``raw_paths`` is None, the path is assumed to be the current
working directory.
raw_paths (list, optional):
One or more paths with the raw files. Ignored if ``file_of_files``
is provided. If ``list_of_files`` is None, all files with the
provided extension are assumed to be raw files.
extension (str, optional):
File extension to search on. Ignored if ``file_of_files`` or
``list_of_files`` is provided.
list: List of raw data filenames with full path
if file_of_files is not None:
# PypeIt formatted list of files
return RawFiles.from_file(file_of_files).filenames
_raw_paths = [Path().absolute()] if raw_paths is None \
else [Path(p).absolute() for p in raw_paths]
if list_of_files is not None:
# An actual list
return [str(p / f) for p in _raw_paths for f in list_of_files if (p / f).exists()]
# Find all files that have the correct extension
return np.concatenate([files_from_extension(str(p), extension=extension)
for p in _raw_paths]).tolist()