Source code for pypeit.history

Module for managing the history of PypeIt output files.

.. include common links, assuming primary doc root is up one directory
.. include:: ../include/links.rst

import os.path
import numpy as np
from IPython import embed

from astropy.time import Time
from import fits
from pypeit.core.framematch import FrameTypeBitMask

[docs] class History: """ Holds and creates history entries for FITS files. Args: header (``_, optional): Header from a fits file. The history keyword entries in this header will be used to populate this History object. Defaults to None. Attributes: history (:obj:`list` of `str`): List of history entries. """ def __init__(self, header=None): """ Initializes history. """ self.history = [] if header is not None and 'HISTORY' in header: for card in header['HISTORY']: self.history.append(str(card))
[docs] def add_reduce(self, calib_id, metadata, frames, bg_frames): """ Add history entries for reducing a frame. For example:: HISTORY 2021-03-05T23:56 PypeIt Reducing target HIP15339 HISTORY Combining frames: HISTORY "S20161108S0087.fits.gz" HISTORY "S20161108S0090.fits.gz" HISTORY Subtracted background from frames: HISTORY "S20161108S0088.fits.gz" HISTORY "S20161108S0089.fits.gz" HISTORY Calibration frames: HISTORY arc,science,tilt "S20161108S0069.fits.gz" HISTORY arc,science,tilt "S20161108S0070.fits.gz" HISTORY arc,science,tilt "S20161108S0071.fits.gz" HISTORY arc,science,tilt "S20161108S0072.fits.gz" HISTORY pixelflat,trace "S20161108S0078.fits.gz" Args: calib_id (int): The calibration id being reduced. metadata (:class:`pypeit.metadata.PypeItMetaData`): The metadata for all the fits files PypeIt knows of. frames (`numpy.ndarray`_): Array of indexes into metadata of the frames being combined in the reduction. bg_frames (`numpy.ndarray`_): Array of indexes into metadata of the frames being subtracted in the reduction. """ self.append(f'PypeIt Reducing target {metadata["target"][frames[0]]}') self.append('Combining frames:', add_date=False) for frame in frames: self.append(f'"{metadata["filename"][frame]}"', add_date=False) if len(bg_frames) > 0: self.append('Subtracted background from frames:', add_date=False) for frame in bg_frames: self.append(f'"{metadata["filename"][frame]}"', add_date=False) frametype_bitmask = FrameTypeBitMask() calibration_types = [x for x in frametype_bitmask.keys() if x not in ['science', 'standard']] calib_frames = metadata[metadata.find_frames(calibration_types, calib_id)] if len(calib_frames) > 0: self.append('Calibration frames:', add_date=False) for frame in calib_frames: self.append(f'{frame["frametype"]} "{frame["filename"]}"', add_date=False)
[docs] def add_coadd1d(self, spec1d_files, objids, gpm_exp=None): """ Add history entries for 1D coadding. The history shows what files and objects were used for coadding. For example:: HISTORY 2021-01-23T02:12 PypeIt Coadded 4 objects from 3 spec1d files HISTORY File 0 "spec1d_DE.20170425.53065-dra11_DEIMOS_2017Apr25T144418.240.fits" HISTORY File 1 "spec1d_DE.20170425.51771-dra11_DEIMOS_2017Apr25T142245.350.fits" HISTORY File 2 "spec1d_DE.20170425.50487-dra11_DEIMOS_2017Apr25T140121.014.fits" HISTORY Object ID SPAT0692-SLIT0704-DET08 from file 0 HISTORY Object ID SPAT0695-SLIT0706-DET04 from file 2 HISTORY Object ID SPAT0691-SLIT0704-DET08 from file 2 HISTORY Object ID SPAT0695-SLIT0706-DET04 from file 1 Args: spec1d_files (:obj:`list`): List of the spec1d files used for coadding. objids (:obj:`list`): List of the PypeIt object ids used in coadding. gpm_exp (:obj:`list`, optional): List of boolean indicating which exposures were coadded. """ if gpm_exp is not None: # Not coadded files and objids notcoadded_spec1d_files = [spec1d_file for (spec1d_file, gpm_exp) in zip(spec1d_files, gpm_exp) if not gpm_exp] notcoadded_objids = [objid for (objid, gpm_exp) in zip(objids, gpm_exp) if not gpm_exp] combined_notcoadd_files_objids = list(zip(notcoadded_spec1d_files, notcoadded_objids)) # Coadded files and objids coadded_spec1d_files = [spec1d_file for (spec1d_file, gpm_exp) in zip(spec1d_files, gpm_exp) if gpm_exp] coadded_objids = [objid for (objid, gpm_exp) in zip(objids, gpm_exp) if gpm_exp] combined_files_objids = list(zip(coadded_spec1d_files, coadded_objids)) else: combined_files_objids = list(zip(spec1d_files, objids)) combined_notcoadd_files_objids = None files_objids = [combined_files_objids, combined_notcoadd_files_objids] # add history for file_objid in files_objids: if file_objid is None: continue elif file_objid == combined_files_objids: self.append(f'PypeIt Coadded {len(file_objid)} objects ' f'from {np.unique([f[0] for f in file_objid]).size} spec1d files') elif file_objid == combined_notcoadd_files_objids and len(file_objid) > 0: self.append(f'PypeIt DID NOT COADD {len(file_objid)} objects ' f'from {np.unique([f[0] for f in file_objid]).size} spec1d files', add_date=False) current_spec1d = "" for (spec1d, objid) in file_objid: if spec1d != current_spec1d: current_spec1d = spec1d self.append(f'From "{os.path.basename(spec1d)}"', add_date=False) header = fits.getheader(spec1d) additional_info = None if 'SEMESTER' in header: additional_info = f"Semester: {header['SEMESTER']}" if 'PROGID' in header: additional_info += f" Program ID: {header['PROGID']}" if additional_info is not None: self.append(additional_info, add_date=False) obj_info = objid # get extension names hnames = [ for h in] # find the extension name that include objid ind_ext = np.where([objid in h for h in hnames])[0] if ind_ext.size > 0: # get the header for this extension this_ext_header = fits.getheader(spec1d, ext=ind_ext[0]) if 'MASKDEF_ID' in this_ext_header: obj_info += f" {this_ext_header['MASKDEF_ID']}" if 'MASKDEF_OBJNAME' in this_ext_header: obj_info += f" {this_ext_header['MASKDEF_OBJNAME']}" self.append(obj_info, add_date=False)
[docs] def append(self, history, add_date=True): """Append a new history entry. Args: history (str): The history text to add. add_date (bool): If true a isot formatted date willbe prepended to the history entry. Defaults to True. """ if add_date: self.history.append(f'{"isot", subfmt="date_hm")} {history}') else: self.history.append(history)
[docs] def write_to_header(self, header): """Write history entries to a FITS header. Args: header (``_): The header to write to. """ for line in self.history: header['history'] = line