Source code for pypeit.extraction

Main driver class for skysubtraction and extraction

.. include common links, assuming primary doc root is up one directory
.. include:: ../include/links.rst


import inspect
import numpy as np
import os

from astropy import stats
from abc import ABCMeta

from pypeit import msgs, utils
from pypeit.display import display
from pypeit.core import skysub, extract, flexure

from IPython import embed

[docs] class Extract: """ This class will organize and run actions relatedt to sky subtraction, and extraction for a Science or Standard star exposure Attributes: ivarmodel (`numpy.ndarray`_): Model of inverse variance objimage (`numpy.ndarray`_): Model of object skyimage (`numpy.ndarray`_): Final model of sky global_sky (`numpy.ndarray`_): Fit to global sky outmask (:class:`~pypeit.images.imagebitmask.ImageBitMaskArray`): Final output mask extractmask (`numpy.ndarray`_): Extraction mask slits (:class:`~pypeit.slittrace.SlitTraceSet`): sobjs_obj (:class:`~pypeit.specobjs.SpecObjs`): Only object finding but no extraction sobjs (:class:`~pypeit.specobjs.SpecObjs`): Final extracted object list with trace corrections applied spat_flexure_shift (float): tilts (`numpy.ndarray`_): WaveTilts images generated on-the-spot waveimg (`numpy.ndarray`_): WaveImage image generated on-the-spot slitshift (`numpy.ndarray`_): Global spectral flexure correction for each slit (in pixels) vel_corr (float): Relativistic reference frame velocity correction (e.g. heliocentyric/barycentric/topocentric) extract_bpm (`numpy.ndarray`_): Bad pixel mask for extraction """ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta # Superclass factory method generates the subclass instance
[docs] @classmethod def get_instance(cls, sciImg, slits, sobjs_obj, spectrograph, par, objtype, global_sky=None, bkg_redux_global_sky=None, waveTilts=None, tilts=None, wv_calib=None, waveimg=None, bkg_redux=False, return_negative=False, std_redux=False, show=False, basename=None): """ Instantiate the Extract subclass appropriate for the provided spectrograph. The class must be subclassed from Extract. See :class:`Extract` for the description of the valid keyword arguments. Args: sciImg (:class:`~pypeit.images.pypeitimage.PypeItImage`): Image to reduce. slits (:class:`~pypeit.slittrace.SlitTraceSet`): Slit trace set object sobjs_obj (:class:`~pypeit.specobjs.SpecObjs`): Objects found but not yet extracted spectrograph (:class:`~pypeit.spectrographs.spectrograph.Spectrograph`): par (:class:`~pypeit.par.pypeitpar.PypeItPar`): Parameter set for Extract objtype (:obj:`str`): Specifies object being reduced 'science', 'standard', or 'science_coadd2d'. This is used only to determine the spat_flexure_shift and ech_order for coadd2d. global_sky (`numpy.ndarray`_, optional): Fit to global sky. If None, an array of zeroes is generated the same size as ``sciImg``. bkg_redux_global_sky (`numpy.ndarray`_, optional): Sky estimate without background subtraction. This is used for 1d sky spectrum extraction in the case bkg_redux=True. Default is None. waveTilts (:class:`~pypeit.wavetilts.WaveTilts`, optional): This is waveTilts object which is optional, but either waveTilts or tilts must be provided. tilts (`numpy.ndarray`_, optional): Tilts image. Either a tilts image or waveTilts object (above) must be provided. wv_calib (:class:`~pypeit.wavecalib.WaveCalib`, optional): This is the waveCalib object which is optional, but either wv_calib or waveimg must be provided. waveimg (`numpy.ndarray`_, optional): Wave image. Either a wave image or wv_calib object (above) must be provided bkg_redux (:obj:`bool`, optional): If True, the sciImg has been subtracted by a background image (e.g. standard treatment in the IR) return_negative (:obj:`bool`, optional): If True, negative objects from difference imaging will also be extracted and returned. Default=False. This option only applies to the case where bkg_redux=True, i.e. typically a near-IR reduction where difference imaging has been employed to perform a first-pass at sky-subtraction. The default behavior is to not extract these objects, although they are masked in global sky-subtraction (performed in the find_objects class), and modeled in local sky-subtraction (performed by this class). std_redux (:obj:`bool`, optional): If True the object being extracted is a standards star so that the reduction parameters can be adjusted accordingly. basename (str, optional): Output filename used for spectral flexure QA show (:obj:`bool`, optional): Show plots along the way? Returns: :class:`~pypeit.extraction.Extract`: Extraction object. """ return next(c for c in utils.all_subclasses(Extract) if c.__name__ == (spectrograph.pypeline + 'Extract'))( sciImg, slits, sobjs_obj, spectrograph, par, objtype, global_sky=global_sky, bkg_redux_global_sky=bkg_redux_global_sky, waveTilts=waveTilts, tilts=tilts, wv_calib=wv_calib, waveimg=waveimg, bkg_redux=bkg_redux, return_negative=return_negative, std_redux=std_redux, show=show, basename=basename)
def __init__(self, sciImg, slits, sobjs_obj, spectrograph, par, objtype, global_sky=None, bkg_redux_global_sky=None, waveTilts=None, tilts=None, wv_calib=None, waveimg=None, bkg_redux=False, return_negative=False, std_redux=False, show=False, basename=None): # Setup the parameters sets for this object. NOTE: This uses objtype, not frametype! # Instantiation attributes for this object self.sciImg = sciImg self.sobjs_obj = sobjs_obj.copy() # This guarantees that stuff below does not mute this input variable self.spectrograph = spectrograph self.objtype = objtype self.par = par self.global_sky = global_sky if global_sky is not None else np.zeros_like(sciImg.image) self.bkg_redux_global_sky = bkg_redux_global_sky self.basename = basename # Parse # Slit pieces # WARNING -- It is best to unpack here then pass around self.slits # Otherwise you have to keep in mind flexure, tweaking, etc. # TODO: The spatial flexure is not copied to the PypeItImage object if # the image (science or otherwise) is from a combination of multiple # frames. Is that okay for this usage? # Flexure self.spat_flexure_shift = None if (objtype == 'science' and self.par['scienceframe']['process']['spat_flexure_correct']) or \ (objtype == 'standard' and self.par['calibrations']['standardframe']['process']['spat_flexure_correct']): self.spat_flexure_shift = self.sciImg.spat_flexure elif objtype == 'science_coadd2d': self.spat_flexure_shift = None # Initialize the slits"Initializing slits") self.initialize_slits(slits) # Internal bpm mask self.extract_bpm = self.slits.bitmask.flagged( self.slits.mask, and_not=self.slits.bitmask.exclude_for_reducing) self.extract_bpm_init = self.extract_bpm.copy() # These may be None (i.e. COADD2D) #self.waveTilts = caliBrate.wavetilts #self.wv_calib = caliBrate.wv_calib # Load up other input items self.bkg_redux = bkg_redux self.return_negative=return_negative self.std_redux = std_redux self.det = sciImg.detector.det self.binning = sciImg.detector.binning self.pypeline = spectrograph.pypeline self.extract_show = show self.steps = [] # Key outputs images for extraction self.ivarmodel = None self.objmodel = None self.skymodel = None self.bkg_redux_skymodel = None self.outmask = None self.extractmask = None # SpecObjs object self.sobjs = None # Final extracted object list with trace corrections applied self.slitshift = np.zeros(self.slits.nslits) # Global spectral flexure slit shifts (in pixels) that are applied to all slits. self.vel_corr = None # Deal with dynamically generated calibrations, i.e. the tilts. If the tilts are not input generate # them from the fits in caliBrate, otherwise use the input tilts if waveTilts is None and tilts is None: msgs.error("Must provide either waveTilts or tilts to Extract") elif waveTilts is not None and tilts is not None: msgs.error("Cannot provide both waveTilts and tilts to Extract") elif waveTilts is not None and tilts is None: self.waveTilts = waveTilts self.waveTilts.is_synced(self.slits) # Deal with Flexure if self.par['calibrations']['tiltframe']['process']['spat_flexure_correct']: _spat_flexure = 0. if self.spat_flexure_shift is None else self.spat_flexure_shift # If they both shifted the same, there will be no reason to shift the tilts tilt_flexure_shift = _spat_flexure - self.waveTilts.spat_flexure else: tilt_flexure_shift = self.spat_flexure_shift"Generating tilts image from fit in waveTilts") self.tilts = self.waveTilts.fit2tiltimg(self.slitmask, flexure=tilt_flexure_shift) elif waveTilts is None and tilts is not None:"Using user input tilts image") self.tilts = tilts # Now generate the wavelength image"Generating wavelength image") if wv_calib is None and waveimg is None: msgs.error("Must provide either wv_calib or waveimg to Extract") if wv_calib is not None and waveimg is not None: msgs.error("Cannot provide both wv_calib and waveimg to Extract") if wv_calib is not None and waveimg is None: self.wv_calib = wv_calib self.waveimg = self.wv_calib.build_waveimg(self.tilts, self.slits, spat_flexure=self.spat_flexure_shift) elif wv_calib is None and waveimg is not None: self.waveimg = waveimg"Generating spectral FWHM image") self.fwhmimg = None if wv_calib is not None: self.fwhmimg = wv_calib.build_fwhmimg(self.tilts, self.slits, initial=True, spat_flexure=self.spat_flexure_shift) else: msgs.warn("Spectral FWHM image could not be generated") # Now apply a global flexure correction to each slit provided it's not a standard star if self.par['flexure']['spec_method'] != 'skip' and not self.std_redux: # Update slitshift values self.spec_flexure_correct(mode='global') # Apply? for iobj in range(self.sobjs_obj.nobj): # Ignore negative sources if self.sobjs_obj[iobj].sign < 0 and not self.return_negative: continue islit = self.slits.spatid_to_zero(self.sobjs_obj[iobj].SLITID) self.sobjs_obj[iobj].update_flex_shift(self.slitshift[islit], flex_type='global') # Remove objects rejected for one or another reasons (we don't want to extract those) remove_idx = [] for i, sobj in enumerate(self.sobjs_obj): if sobj.SLITID in list(self.slits.spat_id[self.extract_bpm]): remove_idx.append(i) # remove self.sobjs_obj.remove_sobj(remove_idx) @property def nsobj_to_extract(self): """ Number of sobj objects in sobjs_obj taking into account whether or not we are returning negative traces Returns: """ if len(self.sobjs_obj) > 0: return len(self.sobjs_obj) if self.return_negative else np.sum(self.sobjs_obj.sign > 0) else: return 0 # TODO Make this a method possibly in Almost identical code is in
[docs] def initialize_slits(self, slits, initial=False): """ Gather all the :class:`~pypeit.slittrace.SlitTraceSet` attributes that we'll use here in :class:`Extract` Args slits (:class:`~pypeit.slittrace.SlitTraceSet`): SlitTraceSet object containing the slit boundaries that will be initialized. initial (:obj:`bool`, optional): Use the initial definition of the slits. If False, tweaked slits are used. """ # Slits self.slits = slits # Select the edges to use # TODO JFH: his is an ugly hack for the present moment until we get the slits object sorted out self.slits_left, self.slits_right, _ \ = self.slits.select_edges(initial=initial, flexure=self.spat_flexure_shift) # This matches the logic below that is being applied to the slitmask. Better would be to clean up slits to # to return a new slits object with the desired selection criteria which would remove the ambiguity # about whether the slits and the slitmask are in sync. #bpm = self.slits.mask.astype(bool) #bpm &= np.logical_not(self.slits.bitmask.flagged(self.slits.mask, flag=self.slits.bitmask.exclude_for_reducing)) #gpm = np.logical_not(bpm) #self.slits_left = slits_left[:, gpm] #self.slits_right = slits_right[:, gpm] # Slitmask self.slitmask = self.slits.slit_img(initial=initial, flexure=self.spat_flexure_shift, exclude_flag=self.slits.bitmask.exclude_for_reducing) # Now add the slitmask to the mask (i.e. post CR rejection in proc) # NOTE: this uses the par defined by EdgeTraceSet; this will # use the tweaked traces if they exist self.sciImg.update_mask_slitmask(self.slitmask)
[docs] def extract(self, global_sky, bkg_redux_global_sky=None, model_noise=None, spat_pix=None): """ Main method to extract spectra from the ScienceImage Args: global_sky (`numpy.ndarray`_): Sky estimate sobjs_obj (:class:`~pypeit.specobjs.SpecObjs`): List of SpecObj that have been found and traced bkg_redux_global_sky (`numpy.ndarray`_): Sky estimate without background subtraction. This is used for 1d sky spectrum extraction in the case bkg_redux=True. Default is None. model_noise (bool): If True, construct and iteratively update a model inverse variance image using :func:`~pypeit.core.procimg.variance_model`. If False, a variance model will not be created and instead the input sciivar will always be taken to be the inverse variance. See :func:`~pypeit.core.skysub.local_skysub_extract` for more info. Default is None, which is to say pypeit will use the bkg_redux attribute to decide whether or not to model the noise. spat_pix (`numpy.ndarray`_): Image containing the spatial coordinates. This option is used for 2d coadds where the spat_pix image is generated as a coadd of images. For normal reductions spat_pix is not required as it is trivially created from the image itself. Default is None. """ # This holds the objects, pre-extraction # JFH Commenting this out. Not sure why we need this. It overwrites the previous stuff from the init #self.sobjs_obj = sobjs_obj if self.par['reduce']['extraction']['skip_optimal']: # Boxcar only with global sky subtraction"Skipping optimal extraction") # This will hold the extracted objects self.sobjs = self.sobjs_obj.copy() # Quick loop over the objects for sobj in self.sobjs: # True = Good, False = Bad for inmask thismask = self.slitmask == sobj.SLITID # pixels for this slit inmask = self.sciImg.select_flag(invert=True) & thismask extract_sky = global_sky if bkg_redux_global_sky is None else bkg_redux_global_sky # Do it extract.extract_boxcar(self.sciImg.image-global_sky, self.sciImg.ivar, inmask, self.waveimg, extract_sky, sobj, fwhmimg=self.fwhmimg, base_var=self.sciImg.base_var, count_scale=self.sciImg.img_scale, noise_floor=self.sciImg.noise_floor) # Fill up extra bits and pieces self.objmodel = np.zeros_like(self.sciImg.image) self.ivarmodel = np.copy(self.sciImg.ivar) # NOTE: fullmask is a bit mask, make sure it's treated as such, not # a boolean (e.g., bad pixel) mask. self.outmask = self.sciImg.fullmask.copy() self.skymodel = global_sky.copy() self.bkg_redux_skymodel = bkg_redux_global_sky.copy() if bkg_redux_global_sky is not None else None else: # Local sky subtraction and optimal extraction. model_noise_1 = not self.bkg_redux if model_noise is None else model_noise self.skymodel, self.bkg_redux_skymodel, self.objmodel, self.ivarmodel, self.outmask, self.sobjs = \ self.local_skysub_extract(global_sky, self.sobjs_obj, bkg_redux_global_sky=bkg_redux_global_sky, model_noise=model_noise_1, spat_pix = spat_pix, show_profile=self.extract_show, show=self.extract_show) # Remove sobjs that don't have either OPT_COUNTS or BOX_COUNTS remove_idx = [] for idx, sobj in enumerate(self.sobjs): # Find them if sobj.OPT_COUNTS is None and sobj.BOX_COUNTS is None: remove_idx.append(idx) msgs.warn(f'Removing object at pixel {sobj.SPAT_PIXPOS} because ' f'both optimal and boxcar extraction could not be performed') elif sobj.OPT_COUNTS is None: msgs.warn(f'Optimal extraction could not be performed for object at pixel {sobj.SPAT_PIXPOS}') # Remove them if len(remove_idx) > 0: self.sobjs.remove_sobj(remove_idx) # Add the DETECTOR container, S/N ratio, and FWHM in ARCSEC for each extracted object for sobj in self.sobjs: sobj.DETECTOR = self.sciImg.detector sobj.S2N = sobj.med_s2n() sobj.SPAT_FWHM = sobj.med_fwhm() # Return return self.skymodel, self.bkg_redux_skymodel, self.objmodel, self.ivarmodel, self.outmask, self.sobjs
[docs] def run(self, model_noise=None, spat_pix=None): """ Primary code flow for PypeIt reductions Args: model_noise (bool): If True, construct and iteratively update a model inverse variance image using :func:`~pypeit.core.procimg.variance_model`. If False, a variance model will not be created and instead the input sciivar will always be taken to be the inverse variance. See :func:`~pypeit.core.skysub.local_skysub_extract` for more info. Default is None, which is to say pypeit will use the bkg_redux attribute to decide whether or not to model the noise. spat_pix (`numpy.ndarray`_): Image containing the spatial coordinates. This option is used for 2d coadds where the spat_pix image is generated as a coadd of images. For normal reductions spat_pix is not required as it is trivially created from the image itself. Default is None. Returns: tuple: skymodel (ndarray), bkg_redux_skymodel (ndarray), objmodel (ndarray), ivarmodel (ndarray), outmask (ndarray), sobjs (SpecObjs), waveimg (`numpy.ndarray`_), tilts (`numpy.ndarray`_), slits (:class:`~pypeit.slittrace.SlitTraceSet`). See main doc string for description """ # Do we have any detected objects to extract? if self.nsobj_to_extract > 0: # Extract + Return self.skymodel, self.bkg_redux_skymodel, self.objmodel, self.ivarmodel, self.outmask, self.sobjs \ = self.extract(self.global_sky, bkg_redux_global_sky=self.bkg_redux_global_sky, model_noise=model_noise, spat_pix=spat_pix) if self.bkg_redux: # purge negative objects if not return_negative otherwise keep them self.sobjs.make_neg_pos() if self.return_negative else self.sobjs.purge_neg() # Correct for local spectral flexure if self.par['flexure']['spec_method'] not in ['skip', 'slitcen'] and not self.std_redux: # Apply a refined estimate of the flexure to objects self.spec_flexure_correct(mode='local', sobjs=self.sobjs) else: # No objects, pass back what we have # Could have negative objects but no positive objects so purge them if not return_negative if self.bkg_redux: self.sobjs_obj.make_neg_pos() if self.return_negative else self.sobjs_obj.purge_neg() self.skymodel = self.global_sky self.bkg_redux_skymodel = self.bkg_redux_global_sky self.objmodel = np.zeros_like(self.sciImg.image) # Set to sciivar. Could create a model but what is the point? self.ivarmodel = np.copy(self.sciImg.ivar) # Set to the initial mask in case no objects were found # NOTE: fullmask is a bit mask, make sure it's treated as such, not # a boolean (e.g., bad pixel) mask. self.outmask = self.sciImg.fullmask.copy() # empty specobjs object from object finding self.sobjs = self.sobjs_obj # Update the mask # TODO: change slits.mask > 2 to use named flags. reduce_masked = np.where(np.logical_not(self.extract_bpm_init) & self.extract_bpm & (self.slits.mask > 2))[0] if len(reduce_masked) > 0: self.slits.mask[reduce_masked] = self.slits.bitmask.turn_on( self.slits.mask[reduce_masked], 'BADEXTRACT') # Return return self.skymodel, self.bkg_redux_skymodel, self.objmodel, self.ivarmodel, \ self.outmask, self.sobjs, self.waveimg, self.tilts, self.slits
[docs] def local_skysub_extract(self, global_sky, sobjs, bkg_redux_global_sky=None, model_noise=True, spat_pix=None, show_profile=False, show_resids=False, show=False): """ Dummy method for local sky-subtraction and extraction. Overloaded by class specific skysub and extraction. """ return None, None, None, None, None, None
[docs] def spec_flexure_correct(self, mode="local", sobjs=None): """ Correct for spectral flexure Spectra are modified in place (wavelengths are shifted) Args: mode (str): "local" - Use sobjs to determine flexure correction "global" - Use waveimg and global_sky to determine flexure correction at the centre of the slit sobjs (:class:`~pypeit.specobjs.SpecObjs`, None): Spectrally extracted objects """ if self.par['flexure']['spec_method'] == 'skip':'Skipping flexure correction.') return # Perform some checks if mode == "local" and sobjs is None: msgs.error("No spectral extractions provided for flexure, using slit center instead") elif mode not in ["local", "global"]: msgs.error("Flexure mode must be 'global' or 'local'.") # initialize flex_list flex_list = None # Prepare a list of slit spectra, if required. if mode == "global":'Performing global spectral flexure correction') gd_slits = np.logical_not(self.extract_bpm) trace_spat = 0.5 * (self.slits_left + self.slits_right) _global_sky = self.global_sky if self.bkg_redux_global_sky is None else self.bkg_redux_global_sky flex_list = flexure.spec_flexure_slit_global(self.sciImg, self.waveimg, _global_sky, self.par, self.slits, self.slitmask, trace_spat, gd_slits, self.wv_calib, self.pypeline, self.det) # Store the slit shifts that were applied to each slit # These corrections are later needed so the specobjs metadata contains the total spectral flexure self.slitshift = np.zeros(self.slits.nslits) for islit in range(self.slits.nslits): if gd_slits[islit] and len(flex_list[islit]['shift']) > 0: self.slitshift[islit] = flex_list[islit]['shift'][0] # Apply flexure to the new wavelength solution"Regenerating wavelength image") self.waveimg = self.wv_calib.build_waveimg(self.tilts, self.slits, spat_flexure=self.spat_flexure_shift, spec_flexure=self.slitshift) elif mode == "local":'Performing local spectral flexure correction') # Measure flexure: # If mode == local: specobjs != None and slitspecs = None flex_list = flexure.spec_flexure_slit(self.slits, self.slits.slitord_id, self.extract_bpm, self.par['flexure']['spectrum'], method=self.par['flexure']['spec_method'], mxshft=self.par['flexure']['spec_maxshift'], excess_shft=self.par['flexure']['excessive_shift'], specobjs=sobjs, slit_specs=None, wv_calib=self.wv_calib, minwave=self.par['flexure']['minwave'], maxwave=self.par['flexure']['maxwave']) # Apply flexure to objects for islit in range(self.slits.nslits): i_slitord = self.slits.slitord_id[islit] indx = sobjs.slitorder_indices(i_slitord) this_specobjs = sobjs[indx] this_flex_dict = flex_list[islit] # Loop through objects for ss, sobj in enumerate(this_specobjs): if sobj is None or sobj['BOX_WAVE'] is None: # Nothing extracted; only the trace exists continue # Interpolate if len(this_flex_dict['shift']) > 0 and this_flex_dict['shift'][ss] is not None: new_sky = sobj.apply_spectral_flexure(this_flex_dict['shift'][ss], this_flex_dict['sky_spec'][ss]) flex_list[islit]['sky_spec'][ss] = new_sky.copy() # Save QA if flex_list is not None: basename = f'{self.basename}_{mode}_{self.spectrograph.get_det_name(self.det)}' out_dir = os.path.join(self.par['rdx']['redux_path'], 'QA') flexure.spec_flexure_qa(self.slits.slitord_id, self.extract_bpm, basename, flex_list, specobjs=sobjs, out_dir=out_dir)
[docs] def show(self, attr, image=None, showmask=False, sobjs=None, chname=None, slits=False,clear=False): """ Show one of the internal images .. todo:: Should probably put some of these in ProcessImages Parameters ---------- attr : str global -- Sky model (global) sci -- Processed science image rawvar -- Raw variance image modelvar -- Model variance image crmasked -- Science image with CRs set to 0 skysub -- Science image with global sky subtracted image -- Input image display : str, optional image : ndarray, optional User supplied image to display """ mask_in = self.sciImg.fullmask if showmask else None img_gpm = self.sciImg.select_flag(invert=True) detname = self.spectrograph.get_det_name(self.det) # TODO Do we still need this here? if attr == 'global' and all([a is not None for a in [self.sciImg.image, self.global_sky, self.sciImg.fullmask]]): # global sky subtraction # sky subtracted image image = (self.sciImg.image - self.global_sky) * img_gpm.astype(float) mean, med, sigma = stats.sigma_clipped_stats(image[img_gpm], sigma_lower=5.0, sigma_upper=5.0) cut_min = mean - 1.0 * sigma cut_max = mean + 4.0 * sigma ch_name = chname if chname is not None else f'global_sky_{detname}' viewer, ch = display.show_image(image, chname=ch_name, mask=mask_in, clear=clear, wcs_match=True) elif attr == 'local' and all([a is not None for a in [self.sciImg.image, self.skymodel, self.sciImg.fullmask]]): # local sky subtraction # sky subtracted image image = (self.sciImg.image - self.skymodel) * img_gpm.astype(float) mean, med, sigma = stats.sigma_clipped_stats(image[img_gpm], sigma_lower=5.0, sigma_upper=5.0) cut_min = mean - 1.0 * sigma cut_max = mean + 4.0 * sigma ch_name = chname if chname is not None else f'local_sky_{detname}' viewer, ch = display.show_image(image, chname=ch_name, mask=mask_in, clear=clear, wcs_match=True) elif attr == 'sky_resid' and all([a is not None for a in [self.sciImg.image, self.skymodel, self.objmodel, self.ivarmodel, self.sciImg.fullmask]]): # sky residual map with object included image = (self.sciImg.image - self.skymodel) * np.sqrt(self.ivarmodel) image *= img_gpm.astype(float) ch_name = chname if chname is not None else f'sky_resid_{detname}' viewer, ch = display.show_image(image, chname=ch_name, cuts=(-5.0, 5.0), mask=mask_in, clear=clear, wcs_match=True) elif attr == 'resid' and all([a is not None for a in [self.sciImg.image, self.skymodel, self.objmodel, self.ivarmodel, self.sciImg.fullmask]]): # full residual map with object model subtractede # full model residual map image = (self.sciImg.image - self.skymodel - self.objmodel) * np.sqrt(self.ivarmodel) image *= img_gpm.astype(float) ch_name = chname if chname is not None else f'resid_{detname}' viewer, ch = display.show_image(image, chname=ch_name, cuts=(-5.0, 5.0), mask=mask_in, clear=clear, wcs_match=True) elif attr == 'image': ch_name = chname if chname is not None else 'image' viewer, ch = display.show_image(image, chname=ch_name, clear=clear, wcs_match=True) else: msgs.warn("Not an option for show") if sobjs is not None: for spec in sobjs: color = 'magenta' if spec.hand_extract_flag else 'orange' display.show_trace(viewer, ch, spec.TRACE_SPAT, spec.NAME, color=color) if slits and self.slits_left is not None: display.show_slits(viewer, ch, self.slits_left, self.slits_right)
def __repr__(self): txt = '<{:s}: nimg={:d}'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.nsci) if len(self.steps) > 0: txt+= ' steps: [' for step in self.steps: txt += '{:s}, '.format(step) txt = txt[:-2]+']' # Trim the trailing comma txt += '>' return txt
[docs] class MultiSlitExtract(Extract): """ Child of Extract for Multislit and Longslit reductions See parent doc string for Args and Attributes """ def __init__(self, sciImg, slits, sobjs_obj, spectrograph, par, objtype, **kwargs): super().__init__(sciImg, slits, sobjs_obj, spectrograph, par, objtype, **kwargs) # TODO: JFH Should we reduce the number of iterations for standards or # near-IR redux where the noise model is not being updated?
[docs] def local_skysub_extract(self, global_sky, sobjs, bkg_redux_global_sky=None, spat_pix=None, model_noise=True, show_resids=False, show_profile=False, show=False): """ Perform local sky subtraction, profile fitting, and optimal extraction slit by slit. Wrapper to :func:`~pypeit.core.skysub.local_skysub_extract`. Args: global_sky (`numpy.ndarray`_): Global sky model sobjs (:class:`~pypeit.specobjs.SpecObjs`): Class containing the information about the objects found bkg_redux_global_sky (`numpy.ndarray`_, optional): Sky estimate without background subtraction. This is used for 1d sky spectrum extraction in the case bkg_redux=True. Default is None. spat_pix (`numpy.ndarray`_, optional): Image containing the spatial location of pixels. If not input, it will be computed from ``spat_img = np.outer(np.ones(nspec), np.arange(nspat))``. model_noise (:obj:`bool`, optional): If True, construct and iteratively update a model inverse variance image using :func:`~pypeit.core.procimg.variance_model`. If False, a variance model will not be created and instead the input sciivar will always be taken to be the inverse variance. See :func:`~pypeit.core.skysub.local_skysub_extract` for more info. show_resids (:obj:`bool`, optional): Show the model fits and residuals. show_profile (:obj:`bool`, optional): Show QA for the object profile fitting to the screen. Note that this will show interactive matplotlib plots which will block the execution of the code until the window is closed. show (:obj:`bool`, optional): Show debugging plots Returns: :obj:`tuple`: Return the model sky flux, object flux, inverse variance, and mask as `numpy.ndarray`_ objects, and returns a :class:`~pypeit.specobjs.SpecObjs`: instance c containing the information about the objects found. """ self.global_sky = global_sky # get the good slits gdslits = np.where(np.logical_not(self.extract_bpm))[0] # Allocate the images that are needed # Initialize to mask in case no objects were found # NOTE: fullmask is a bit mask, make sure it's treated as such, not a # boolean (e.g., bad pixel) mask. self.outmask = self.sciImg.fullmask.copy() # Initialize to input mask in case no objects were found self.extractmask = self.sciImg.select_flag(invert=True) # Initialize to zero in case no objects were found self.objmodel = np.zeros_like(self.sciImg.image) # Set initially to global sky in case no objects were found self.skymodel = np.copy(self.global_sky) self.bkg_redux_skymodel = bkg_redux_global_sky.copy() if bkg_redux_global_sky is not None else None # Set initially to sciivar in case no obects were found. self.ivarmodel = np.copy(self.sciImg.ivar) # Could actually create a model anyway here, but probably # overkill since nothing is extracted self.sobjs = sobjs.copy() # WHY DO WE CREATE A COPY HERE? base_gpm = self.sciImg.select_flag(invert=True) # Loop on slits for slit_idx in gdslits: slit_spat = self.slits.spat_id[slit_idx]"Local sky subtraction and extraction for slit: {:d}".format(slit_spat)) thisobj = self.sobjs.SLITID == slit_spat # indices of objects for this slit if not np.any(thisobj): continue # Setup to run local skysub thismask = self.slitmask == slit_spat # pixels for this slit # True = Good, False = Bad for inmask ingpm = base_gpm & thismask # ... Just for readability model_full_slit = self.par['reduce']['extraction']['model_full_slit'] sigrej = self.par['reduce']['skysub']['sky_sigrej'] bsp = self.par['reduce']['skysub']['bspline_spacing'] force_gauss = self.par['reduce']['extraction']['use_user_fwhm'] sn_gauss = self.par['reduce']['extraction']['sn_gauss'] use_2dmodel_mask = self.par['reduce']['extraction']['use_2dmodel_mask'] no_local_sky = self.par['reduce']['skysub']['no_local_sky'] # TODO: skysub.local_skysub_extract() accepts a `prof_nsigma` parameter, but none # is provided here. Additionally, the ExtractionPar keyword std_prof_nsigma # is not used anywhere in the code. Should it be be used here, in conjunction # with whether this object IS_STANDARD? # prof_nsigma = self.par['reduce']['extraction']['std_prof_nsigma'] if IS_STANDARD else None # Local sky subtraction and extraction self.skymodel[thismask], _this_bkg_redux_skymodel, self.objmodel[thismask], self.ivarmodel[thismask], self.extractmask[thismask] \ = skysub.local_skysub_extract(self.sciImg.image, self.sciImg.ivar, self.tilts, self.waveimg, self.global_sky, thismask, self.slits_left[:,slit_idx], self.slits_right[:, slit_idx], self.sobjs[thisobj], ingpm=ingpm, bkg_redux_global_sky=bkg_redux_global_sky, fwhmimg=self.fwhmimg, spat_pix=spat_pix, model_full_slit=model_full_slit, sigrej=sigrej, model_noise=model_noise, std=self.std_redux, bsp=bsp, force_gauss=force_gauss, sn_gauss=sn_gauss, show_profile=show_profile, # prof_nsigma=prof_nsigma, use_2dmodel_mask=use_2dmodel_mask, no_local_sky=no_local_sky, base_var=self.sciImg.base_var, count_scale=self.sciImg.img_scale, adderr=self.sciImg.noise_floor) if self.bkg_redux_skymodel is not None: self.bkg_redux_skymodel[thismask] = _this_bkg_redux_skymodel # Set the bit for pixels which were masked by the extraction. # For extractmask, True = Good, False = Bad self.outmask.turn_on('EXTRACT', select=base_gpm & np.logical_not(self.extractmask)) # Step self.steps.append(inspect.stack()[0][3]) if show:'local', sobjs = self.sobjs, slits= True)'resid', sobjs = self.sobjs, slits= True) # Return return self.skymodel, self.bkg_redux_skymodel, self.objmodel, self.ivarmodel, self.outmask, self.sobjs
[docs] class EchelleExtract(Extract): """ Child of Extract for Echelle reductions See parent doc string for Args and Attributes """ def __init__(self, sciImg, slits, sobjs_obj, spectrograph, par, objtype, **kwargs): super(EchelleExtract, self).__init__(sciImg, slits, sobjs_obj, spectrograph, par, objtype, **kwargs) # JFH For 2d coadds the orders are no longer located at the standard locations # TODO Need to test this for 2d coadds #self.order_vec = spectrograph.orders if 'coadd2d' in self.objtype \ # else self.slits.ech_order #if self.order_vec is None: # msgs.error('Unable to set Echelle orders, likely because they were incorrectly ' # 'assigned in the relevant SlitTraceSet.') # JFH TODO Should we reduce the number of iterations for standards or near-IR redux where the noise model is not # being updated?
[docs] def local_skysub_extract(self, global_sky, sobjs, bkg_redux_global_sky=None, spat_pix=None, model_noise=True, min_snr=2.0, fit_fwhm=False, show_profile=False, show_resids=False, show_fwhm=False, show=False): """ Perform local sky subtraction, profile fitting, and optimal extraction slit by slit Wrapper to :func:`~pypeit.core.skysub.local_skysub_extract`. Args: global_sky (`numpy.ndarray`_): Global sky model sobjs (:class:`~pypeit.specobjs.SpecObjs`): Class containing the information about the objects found bkg_redux_global_sky (`numpy.ndarray`_, optional): Sky estimate without background subtraction. This is used for 1d sky spectrum extraction in the case bkg_redux=True. Default is None. spat_pix (`numpy.ndarray`_, optional): Image containing the spatial location of pixels. If not input, it will be computed from ``spat_img = np.outer(np.ones(nspec), np.arange(nspat))``. model_noise (:obj:`bool`, optional): If True, construct and iteratively update a model inverse variance image using :func:`~pypeit.core.procimg.variance_model`. If False, a variance model will not be created and instead the input sciivar will always be taken to be the inverse variance. See `~pypeit.core.skysub.local_skysub_extract` for more info. show_resids (:obj:`bool`, optional): Show the model fits and residuals. show_profile (:obj:`bool`, optional): Show QA for the object profile fitting to the screen. Note that this will show interactive matplotlib plots which will block the execution of the code until the window is closed. show (:obj:`bool`, optional): Show debugging plots Returns: :obj:`tuple`: Return the model sky flux, object flux, inverse variance, and mask as `numpy.ndarray`_ objects, and returns a :class:`~pypeit.specobjs.SpecObjs`: instance c containing the information about the objects found. """ self.global_sky = global_sky # get the good slits gdorders = np.logical_not(self.extract_bpm) # Pulled out some parameters to make the method all easier to read bsp = self.par['reduce']['skysub']['bspline_spacing'] sigrej = self.par['reduce']['skysub']['sky_sigrej'] sn_gauss = self.par['reduce']['extraction']['sn_gauss'] model_full_slit = self.par['reduce']['extraction']['model_full_slit'] force_gauss = self.par['reduce']['extraction']['use_user_fwhm'] use_2dmodel_mask = self.par['reduce']['extraction']['use_2dmodel_mask'] no_local_sky = self.par['reduce']['skysub']['no_local_sky'] self.skymodel, self.bkg_redux_skymodel, self.objmodel, self.ivarmodel, self.outmask, self.sobjs \ = skysub.ech_local_skysub_extract(self.sciImg.image, self.sciImg.ivar, self.sciImg.fullmask, self.tilts, self.waveimg, self.global_sky, self.slits_left[:, gdorders], self.slits_right[:, gdorders], self.slitmask, sobjs, bkg_redux_global_sky=bkg_redux_global_sky, spat_pix=spat_pix, std=self.std_redux, fit_fwhm=fit_fwhm, min_snr=min_snr, bsp=bsp, sigrej=sigrej, force_gauss=force_gauss, sn_gauss=sn_gauss, use_2dmodel_mask=use_2dmodel_mask, model_full_slit=model_full_slit, model_noise=model_noise, show_profile=show_profile, show_resids=show_resids, show_fwhm=show_fwhm, no_local_sky=no_local_sky, base_var=self.sciImg.base_var, count_scale=self.sciImg.img_scale, adderr=self.sciImg.noise_floor) # Step self.steps.append(inspect.stack()[0][3]) if show:'local', sobjs=self.sobjs, slits=True, chname='ech_local')'resid', sobjs=self.sobjs, slits=True, chname='ech_resid') return self.skymodel, self.bkg_redux_skymodel, self.objmodel, self.ivarmodel, self.outmask, self.sobjs
[docs] class SlicerIFUExtract(MultiSlitExtract): """ Child of Extract for IFU reductions See parent doc string for Args and Attributes """ def __init__(self, sciImg, slits, sobjs_obj, spectrograph, par, objtype, **kwargs): super().__init__(sciImg, slits, sobjs_obj, spectrograph, par, objtype, **kwargs)
#def __init__(self, sciImg, slits, sobjs_obj, spectrograph, par, objtype, **kwargs): # # IFU doesn't extract, and there's no need for a super call here. # return