Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Data utilities for built-in ``PypeIt`` data files

.. note::

    If the hostname URL for the telluric atmospheric grids on S3 changes, the
    only place that needs to change is the file ``s3_url.txt``.


Implementation Documentation

This module contains the organization scheme for the ``pypeit/data`` files
needed by the ``PypeIt`` package.  Any routine in the package that needs to load
a data file stored in this directory should use the paths supplied by this
module and not call, e.g. `importlib.resources.files
or attempt to otherwise directly access the package directory structure.  In
this way, if structural changes to this directory are needed, only this module
need be modified and the remainder of the package can remain ignorant of those
changes and continue to call the paths supplied by this module.

Furthermore, all paths returned by this module are :obj:`pathlib.Path` objects
rather than pure strings, with all of the functionality therein contained.

Most (by number) of the package data files here are distributed with the
``PypeIt`` package and are accessed via the :class:``
class.  For instance, the NIR spectrophotometry for Vega is accessed via:

.. code-block:: python

    vega_file = data.Paths.standards / 'vega_tspectool_vacuum.dat'

For some directories, however, the size of the included files is large enough
that it was beginning to cause problems with distributing the package via PyPI.
For these specific directories, the data is still stored in the GitHub
repository but is not distributed with the PyPI package.  In order to access
and use these files, we use the AstroPy download/cache system, and specific
functions (``get_*_filepath()``) are required to interact with these files.
Currently, the directories covered by the AstroPy download/cache system are:

    * arc_lines/reid_arxiv
    * skisim
    * sensfuncs

From time to time, it may be necessary to add additional files/directories to
the AstroPy download/cache system.  In this case, there is a particular
sequence of steps required.  The caching routines look for remote-hosted data
files in either the ``develop`` tree or a tagged version tree (e.g., ``1.8.0``)
of the repository, any new files must be already present in the repo before
testing a new ``get_*_filepath()`` routine.  Order of operations is:

    #. Add any new remote-hosted files to the GitHub repo via a separate PR
       that also modifies ```` to exclude these files from the
       distributed package.

    #. Create a new ``get_*_filepath()`` function in this module, following the
       example of one of the existing functions.  Elsewhere in ``PypeIt``, load
       the needed file by invoking the new ``get_*_filepath()`` function.  An
       example of this can be found in ``pypeit/core/`` where
       ``get_skisim_filepath()`` is called to locate sky transmission files.

If new package-included data are added that are not very large (total directory
size < a few MB), it is not necessary to use the AstroPy cache/download system.
In this case, simply add the directory path to the
:class:`` class and access the enclosed files similarly
to the Vega example above.

.. include:: ../include/links.rst
from importlib import resources
import pathlib
import shutil
import urllib.error

import github
from linetools.spectra import xspectrum1d
import requests

from pypeit import io
from pypeit import msgs
from pypeit import __version__

__all__ = ['Paths', 'load_telluric_grid', 'load_thar_spec',
           'load_sky_spectrum', 'get_reid_arxiv_filepath',
           'get_skisim_filepath', 'get_sensfunc_filepath',
           'get_telgrid_filepath', 'get_linelist_filepath',
           'fetch_remote_file', 'search_cache',

# Package-Data Paths =========================================================#
[docs]class Paths: """List of hardwired paths within the module Each `@property` method returns a :obj:`pathlib.Path` object """ # Determine the location of the data directory on this system _data = resources.files('pypeit') / 'data' @classmethod @property def data(cls) -> pathlib.Path: return cls.check_isdir(cls._data) # Telluric Corrections @classmethod @property def telgrid(cls) -> pathlib.Path: return cls.check_isdir(cls._data / 'telluric' / 'atm_grids') @classmethod @property def tel_model(cls) -> pathlib.Path: return cls.check_isdir(cls._data / 'telluric' / 'models') # Wavelength Calibrations @classmethod @property def arclines(cls) -> pathlib.Path: return cls.check_isdir(cls._data / 'arc_lines') @classmethod @property def reid_arxiv(cls) -> pathlib.Path: return cls.check_isdir(cls._data / 'arc_lines' / 'reid_arxiv') @classmethod @property def linelist(cls) -> pathlib.Path: return cls.check_isdir(cls._data / 'arc_lines' / 'lists') @classmethod @property def nist(cls) -> pathlib.Path: return cls.check_isdir(cls._data / 'arc_lines' / 'NIST') @classmethod @property def arc_plot(cls) -> pathlib.Path: return cls.check_isdir(cls._data / 'arc_lines' /'plots') # Flux Calibrations @classmethod @property def standards(cls) -> pathlib.Path: return cls.check_isdir(cls._data / 'standards') @classmethod @property def extinction(cls) -> pathlib.Path: return cls.check_isdir(cls._data / 'extinction') @classmethod @property def skisim(cls) -> pathlib.Path: return cls.check_isdir(cls._data / 'skisim') @classmethod @property def filters(cls) -> pathlib.Path: return cls.check_isdir(cls._data / 'filters') @classmethod @property def sensfuncs(cls) -> pathlib.Path: return cls.check_isdir(cls._data / 'sensfuncs') # Other @classmethod @property def sky_spec(cls) -> pathlib.Path: return cls.check_isdir(cls._data / 'sky_spec') @classmethod @property def static_calibs(cls) -> pathlib.Path: return cls.check_isdir(cls._data / 'static_calibs') @classmethod @property def spectrographs(cls) -> pathlib.Path: return cls.check_isdir(cls._data / 'spectrographs')
[docs] @staticmethod def check_isdir(path:pathlib.Path) -> pathlib.Path: """Check that the hardwired directory exists If yes, return the directory path, else raise an error message """ if not path.is_dir(): msgs.error(f"Unable to find {path}. Check your installation.") return path
# Remote-fetch functions for package data not distributed via PyPI ===========#
[docs]def get_reid_arxiv_filepath(arxiv_file: str) -> tuple[pathlib.Path, str]: """Return the full path to the ``reid_arxiv`` file In an attempt to reduce the size of the PypeIt package as distributed on PyPI, the ``reid_arxiv`` files are not longer distributed with the package. The collection of files are hosted remotely, and only the ``reid_arxiv`` files needed by a particular user are downloaded to the local machine. This function checks for the local existance of the ``reid_arxiv`` file, and downloads it from the remote server using AstroPy's ``download_file()`` function. The file downloaded in this fashion is kept in the PypeIt cache (nominally ``~/.pypeit/cache``) and is not placed into the package directory itself. The cache keeps a hash of the file URL, which contains the PypeIt version number. As users update to newer versions, the ``reid_arxiv`` files will be downloaded again (matching the new version #) to catch any changes. As most users will need only a small number of ``reid_arxiv`` files for thier particular reductions, the remote fetch will only occur once per file (per version of PypeIt). Args: arxiv_file (:obj:`str`): The base filename of the ``reid_arxiv`` file to be located Returns: tuple: The full path and whether the path is in the cache: * reid_path (:obj:`~pathlib.Path`): The full path to the ``reid_arxiv`` file * arxiv_fmt (:obj:`str`): The extension of the ``reid_arxiv`` file (format) """ # First check that what is passed in works if not isinstance(arxiv_file, (str, pathlib.Path)): msgs.error(f"Incorrect or non-existent arxiv file specified: {arxiv_file}") if isinstance(arxiv_file, pathlib.Path): arxiv_file = str(arxiv_file) # Check if the `arxiv_file` already comes with a full path if (reid_path := pathlib.Path(arxiv_file)).name != arxiv_file: # Check existence, return it with format if not reid_path.is_file(): msgs.error(f"Incorrect or non-existent arxiv file specified: {reid_path}") return reid_path, reid_path.suffix.replace('.','').lower() # Else, full path within the package data structure: reid_path = Paths.reid_arxiv / arxiv_file # Check if the file does NOT exist in the package directory # NOTE: This should be the case for all but from-source installations if not reid_path.is_file(): # Output an informational message"reid_arxiv file {arxiv_file} does not exist in{msgs.newline()}" "the package directory. Checking cache or downloading the file now.") reid_path = fetch_remote_file(arxiv_file, "arc_lines/reid_arxiv") # Return the path to the `reid_arxiv` file, and the file format return reid_path, arxiv_file.split('.')[-1].lower()
[docs]def get_skisim_filepath(skisim_file: str) -> pathlib.Path: """Return the full path to the ``skisim`` file In an attempt to reduce the size of the PypeIt package as distributed on PyPI, the ``skisim`` files are not longer distributed with the package. The collection of files are hosted remotely, and only the ``skisim`` files needed by a particular user are downloaded to the local machine. This function checks for the local existance of the ``skisim`` file, and downloads it from the remote server using AstroPy's ``download_file()`` function. The file downloaded in this fashion is kept in the PypeIt cache (nominally ``~/.pypeit/cache``) and is not placed into the package directory itself. The cache keeps a hash of the file URL, which contains the PypeIt version number. As users update to newer versions, the ``skisim`` files will be downloaded again (matching the new version #) to catch any changes. As most users will need only a small number of ``skisim`` files for thier particular reductions, the remote fetch will only occur once per file (per version of PypeIt). Args: skisim_file (str): The base filename of the ``skisim`` file to be located Returns: :obj:`pathlib.Path`: The full path to the ``skisim`` file """ # Full path within the package data structure: skisim_path = Paths.skisim / skisim_file # Check if the file does NOT exist in the package directory # NOTE: This should be the case for all but from-source installations if not skisim_path.is_file(): # Output an informational message"skisim file {skisim_file} does not exist in{msgs.newline()}" "the package directory. Checking cache or downloading the file now.") skisim_path = fetch_remote_file(skisim_file, "skisim") # Return the path to the `skisim` file return skisim_path
[docs]def get_sensfunc_filepath(sensfunc_file: str, symlink_in_pkgdir: bool=False) -> pathlib.Path: """Return the full path to the ``sensfunc`` file In an attempt to reduce the size of the PypeIt package as distributed on PyPI, the ``sensfunc`` files are not longer distributed with the package. The collection of files are hosted remotely, and only the ``sensfunc`` files needed by a particular user are downloaded to the local machine. This function checks for the local existance of the ``sensfunc`` file, and downloads it from the remote server using AstroPy's ``download_file()`` function. The file downloaded in this fashion is kept in the PypeIt cache (nominally ``~/.pypeit/cache``) and is not placed into the package directory itself. The cache keeps a hash of the file URL, which contains the PypeIt version number. As users update to newer versions, the ``sensfunc`` files will be downloaded again (matching the new version #) to catch any changes. As most users will need only a small number of ``sensfunc`` files for thier particular reductions, the remote fetch will only occur once per file (per version of PypeIt). Args: sensfunc_file (str): The base filename of the ``sensfunc`` file to be located symlink_in_pkgdir (:obj:`bool`, optional): Create a symlink (with the canonical filename) in the package directory pointing to the cached downloaded file. Defaults to False. Returns: :obj:`pathlib.Path`: The full path to the ``sensfunc`` file """ # Full path within the package data structure: sensfunc_path = Paths.sensfuncs / sensfunc_file # Check if the file does NOT exist in the package directory # NOTE: This should be the case for all but from-source installations if not sensfunc_path.is_file(): # Output an informational message"sensfunc file {sensfunc_file} does not exist in{msgs.newline()}" "the package directory. Checking cache or downloading the file now.") sensfunc_path = fetch_remote_file(sensfunc_file, "sensfuncs") # If requested, copy to package data directory and point the path there if symlink_in_pkgdir: path_in_pkgdir = Paths.sensfuncs / sensfunc_file # Create the symlink path_in_pkgdir.symlink_to(sensfunc_path) # Return the path to the symlink in the package directory sensfunc_path = path_in_pkgdir # Return the path to the `sensfunc` file return sensfunc_path
[docs]def get_telgrid_filepath(telgrid_file: str) -> pathlib.Path: """Return the full path to the ``telgrid`` file Atmospheric Telluric Grid files are not part of the PypeIt package itself due to their large (~4-8GB) size. These files are hosted remotely (see the PyepIt documentation), and only the ``telgrid`` files needed by a particular user are downloaded to the local machine. This function checks for the local existance of the ``telgrid`` file, and downloads it from the remote server using AstroPy's ``download_file()`` function. The file downloaded in this fashion is kept in the PypeIt cache (nominally ``~/.pypeit/cache``) and is not placed into the package directory itself. As most users will need only a small number of ``telgrid`` files for thier particular reductions, the remote fetch will only occur once per file. Args: telgrid_file (str): The base filename of the ``telgrid`` file to be located Returns: :obj:`pathlib.Path`: The full path to the ``telgrid`` file """ # Full path within the package data structure: telgrid_path = Paths.telgrid / telgrid_file # Check if the file does NOT exist in the package directory # NOTE: This should be the case for most installations if not telgrid_path.is_file(): # Output a brief warning for now -- makes it easier to find in the output"telgrid file {telgrid_file} does not exist in{msgs.newline()}" "the package directory. Checking cache or downloading the file now.") telgrid_path = fetch_remote_file(telgrid_file, 'telluric/atm_grids', remote_host='s3_cloud') # If a development version, MOVE into the package directory, point path there if ".dev" in __version__: shutil.move(telgrid_path, Paths.telgrid / telgrid_file) telgrid_path = Paths.telgrid / telgrid_file # Return the path to the `telgrid` file return telgrid_path
[docs]def get_linelist_filepath(linelist_file: str) -> pathlib.Path: """Return the full path to the ``linelist`` file It is desired to allow users to utilize their own arc line lists for wavelength calibration without modifying the distributed version of the package. We can utilize the ``astropy`` download/cache system added previously to include this functionality. Using the script ``pypeit_install_linelist``, custom arc line lists can be installed into the PypeIt cache (nominally ``~/.pypeit/cache``), and are not placed into the package directory itself. Given the line list filename, this function checks first for the existance of the file in the package directory, then checks the PypeIt cache. For all built-in line lists, this function returns the file location within the package directory. For user-supplied lists that were installed using the script, this function returns the location within the cache. The cache keeps a hash of the file URL, which contains the PypeIt version number. As users update to newer versions, the ``linelist`` files must be reinstalled using the included script. Args: linelist_file (str): The base filename of the ``linelist`` file to be located Returns: :obj:`pathlib.Path`: The full path to the ``linelist`` file """ # Full path within the package data structure: linelist_path = Paths.linelist / linelist_file # Check if the file does NOT exist in the package directory # NOTE: This should only be the case for user-installed line lists if not linelist_path.is_file(): linelist_path = fetch_remote_file(linelist_file, "arc_lines/lists") # Output an informational message"Using line list file {linelist_file}{msgs.newline()}" "that was found in the cache.") # Return the path to the `linelist` file return linelist_path
[docs]def get_extinctfile_filepath(extinction_file: str) -> pathlib.Path: """Return the full path to the ``extinction`` file Unlike other get_*_filepath() functions, the extinction files are included with the PyPI distribution since they are small text files. The purpose of this function is to be able to load in user-installed extinction files from observatories not already included. Users may self-install such files using the ``pypeit_install_extinctfile`` script. Args: extinction_file (str): The base filename of the ``extinction`` file to be located Returns: :obj:`pathlib.Path`: The full path to the ``extinction`` file """ # Full path within the package data structure: extinction_path = Paths.extinction / extinction_file # Check if the file does NOT exist in the package directory # NOTE: This should be the case only for user-installed extinction files if not extinction_path.is_file(): extinction_path = fetch_remote_file(extinction_file, "extinction") # Output an informational message"Using extinction file {extinction_file}{msgs.newline()}" "that was found in the cache.") # Return the path to the `extinction` file return extinction_path
# AstroPy download/cache infrastructure ======================================#
[docs]def fetch_remote_file( filename: str, filetype: str, remote_host: str='github', install_script: bool=False, force_update: bool=False, full_url: str=None, ) -> pathlib.Path: """Use ```` to fetch file from remote or cache The function ``download_file()`` will first look in the local cache (the option ``cache=True`` is used with this function to retrieve downloaded files from the cache, as needed) before downloading the file from the remote server. The remote file can be forcibly downloaded through the use of ``force_update``. Args: filename (str): The base filename to search for filetype (str): The subdirectory of ``pypeit/data/`` in which to find the file (e.g., ``arc_lines/reid_arxiv`` or ``sensfuncs``) remote_host (:obj:`str`, optional): The remote host scheme. Currently only 'github' and 's3_cloud' are supported. Defaults to 'github']. install_script (:obj:`bool`, optional): This function is being called from an install script (i.e., ``pypeit_install_telluric``) -- relates to warnings displayed. Defaults to False. force_update (:obj:`bool`, optional): Force ```` to update the cache by downloading the latest version. Defaults to False. full_url (:obj:`str`, optional): The full url (i.e., skip _build_remote_url()) Defaults to None. Returns: :obj:`pathlib.Path`: The local path to the desired file in the cache """ # In some cases, we have the full URL already, but most of the time not if full_url: remote_url, sources = full_url, None else: remote_url, sources = _build_remote_url(filename, filetype, remote_host=remote_host) if remote_host == "s3_cloud" and not install_script: # Display a warning that this may take a while, and the user # may wish to download using the `pypeit_install_telluric` script msgs.warn(f"You may wish to download {filename}{msgs.newline()}" f"independently from your reduction by using the{msgs.newline()}" "`pypeit_install_telluric` script.") # Get the file from cache, if available, or download from the remote server try: cache_fn = remote_url, sources=sources, timeout=10, cache="update" if force_update else True, pkgname="pypeit", ) except urllib.error.URLError as error: if remote_host == "s3_cloud" and ( requests.head(sources[0]).status_code in [,] ): err_msg = ( f"The file {filename}{msgs.newline()}" f"is not hosted in the cloud. Please download this file from{msgs.newline()}" f"the PypeIt Google Drive and install it using the script{msgs.newline()}" f"pypeit_install_telluric --local. See instructions at{msgs.newline()}" "" ) elif filetype == "arc_lines/lists": err_msg = ( f"Cannot find local arc line list {filename}{msgs.newline()}" f"Use the script `pypeit_install_linelist` to install{msgs.newline()}" f"your custom line list into the cache. See instructions at{msgs.newline()}" "" ) elif filetype == "extinction": err_msg = ( f"Cannot find local extinction file {filename}{msgs.newline()}" f"Use the script `pypeit_install_extinctfile` to install{msgs.newline()}" f"your custom extinction file into the cache. See instructions at{msgs.newline()}" "" ) else: err_msg = ( f"Error downloading {filename}: {error}{msgs.newline()}" f"URL attempted: {remote_url}{msgs.newline()}" f"If the error relates to the server not being found,{msgs.newline()}" f"check your internet connection. If the remote server{msgs.newline()}" f"name has changed, please contact the PypeIt development{msgs.newline()}" "team." ) # Raise the appropriate error message msgs.error(err_msg) except TimeoutError as error: msgs.error(f"Timeout Error enountered: {error}") # If no error, return the pathlib object return pathlib.Path(cache_fn).resolve()
[docs]def search_cache(pattern_str: str) -> list[pathlib.Path]: """Search the cache for items matching a pattern string This function searches the PypeIt cache for files whose URL keys contain the input ``pattern_str``, and returns the local filesystem path to those files. Args: pattern_str (str): The filename pattern to match Returns: list: The list of local paths for the objects whose normal filenames match the ``pattern_str``. """ # Retreive a dictionary of the cache contents cache_dict ="pypeit") # Return just the local filenames' Paths for items matching the `pattern_str` return [pathlib.Path(cache_dict[url]) for url in cache_dict if pattern_str in url]
[docs]def write_file_to_cache(filename: str, cachename: str, filetype: str, remote_host: str="github"): """Use ```` to save local file to cache This function writes a local file to the PypeIt cache as if it came from a remote server. This is useful for being able to use locally created or separately downloaded files in place of PypeIt-distributed versions. Args: filename (str): The filename of the local file to save cachename (str): The name of the cached version of the file filetype (str): The subdirectory of ``pypeit/data/`` in which to find the file (e.g., ``arc_lines/reid_arxiv`` or ``sensfuncs``) remote_host (:obj:`str`, optional): The remote host scheme. Currently only 'github' and 's3_cloud' are supported. Defaults to 'github'. """ # Build the `url_key` as if this file were in the remote location url_key, _ = _build_remote_url(cachename, filetype, remote_host=remote_host) # Use `import file_to_cache()` to place the `filename` into the cache, filename, pkgname="pypeit")
def _build_remote_url(f_name: str, f_type: str, remote_host: str=""): """Build the remote URL for the ```` functions This function keeps the URL-creation in one place. In the event that files are moved from GitHub or S3_Cloud, this is the only place that would need to be changed. Args: f_name (str): The base filename to search for f_type (str): The subdirectory of ``pypeit/data/`` in which to find the file (e.g., ``arc_lines/reid_arxiv`` or ``sensfuncs``) remote_host (:obj:`str`, optional): The remote host scheme. Currently only 'github' and 's3_cloud' are supported. Defaults to ''. Returns: tuple: URLs for both cache storage name and current download link: * url (str): The URL of the ``f_name`` of ``f_type`` on server ``remote_host`` * sources (:obj:`list` or :obj:`None`): For 's3_cloud', the list of URLs to actually try, passed to ``download_file()``, used in the event that the S3 location changes. We maintain the static URL for the name to prevent re-downloading of large data files in the event the S3 location changes (but the file itself is unchanged). If None (e.g. for 'github'), then ``download_file()`` is unaffected, and the ``url`` (above) is what controls the download. """ if remote_host == "github": # Hard-wire the URL based on PypeIt Version data_url = ( "" f"{'develop' if '.dev' in __version__ else __version__}" f"/pypeit/data/{f_type}/{f_name}" ) return data_url, None if remote_host == "s3_cloud": # Build up the (permanent, fake) `remote_url` and (fluid, real) `sources` for S3 Cloud return (f"{f_type}/{f_name}", [f"https://{_get_s3_hostname()}/pypeit/{f_type}/{f_name}"]) msgs.error(f"Remote host type {remote_host} is not supported for package data caching.") def _get_s3_hostname() -> str: """Get the current S3 hostname from the package file Since the S3 server hostname used to hold package data such as telluric atmospheric grids may change periodically, we keep the current hostname in a separate file (s3_url.txt), and pull the current version from the PypeIt ``release`` branch whenever needed. NOTE: When/if the S3 URL changes, the ``release`` branch version of ``s3_url.txt`` can be updated easily with a hotfix PR, and this routine will pull it. If GitHub cannot be reached, the routine uses the version of ``s3_url.txt`` included with the package distribution. Returns: str: The current hostname URL of the S3 server holding package data """ # Try getting the latest version from the server, else use what's included try: remote_url = ( github.Github() .get_repo("pypeit/PypeIt") .get_contents("pypeit/data/s3_url.txt", "release") .download_url ) filepath = remote_url, cache="update", timeout=10, pkgname="pypeit" ) except ( requests.exceptions.ConnectionError, requests.exceptions.RequestException, urllib.error.URLError, github.GithubException, TimeoutError, ): filepath = / "s3_url.txt" # Open the file and return the URL with open(filepath, "r", encoding="utf-8") as fileobj: return # Loading Functions for Particular File Types ================================#
[docs]def load_telluric_grid(filename: str): """Load a telluric atmospheric grid NOTE: This is where the path to the data directory is added! Args: filename (str): The filename (NO PATH) of the telluric atmospheric grid to use. Returns: (``_): Telluric Grid FITS HDU list """ # Check for existance of file parameter if not filename: msgs.error("No file specified for telluric correction. " "See") # Get the data path for the filename, whether in the package directory or cache file_with_path = get_telgrid_filepath(filename) # Check for existance of file # NOTE: With the use of `get_telgrid_filepath()`, this should never run if not file_with_path.is_file(): msgs.error(f"File {file_with_path} is not on your disk. " "You likely need to download the Telluric files. " "See" "#atmospheric-model-grids") return io.fits_open(file_with_path)
[docs]def load_thar_spec(): """Load the archived ThAr spectrum NOTE: This is where the path to the data directory is added! Args: filename (str): The filename (NO PATH) of the telluric atmospheric grid to use. Returns: (``_): ThAr Spectrum FITS HDU list """ return io.fits_open(Paths.arclines / 'thar_spec_MM201006.fits')
[docs]def load_sky_spectrum(sky_file: str) -> xspectrum1d.XSpectrum1D: """Load a sky spectrum into an XSpectrum1D object NOTE: This is where the path to the data directory is added! .. todo:: Try to eliminate the XSpectrum1D dependancy Args: sky_file (str): The filename (NO PATH) of the sky file to use. Returns: (`linetools.spectra.xspectrum1d.XSpectrum1D`_): Sky spectrum """ return xspectrum1d.XSpectrum1D.from_file(str(Paths.sky_spec / sky_file))