Source code for pypeit.core.wavecal.echelle

Module for echelle-specific wavelength calibration functions.

.. include:: ../include/links.rst
from IPython import embed

import numpy as np
from scipy import interpolate

from import fits
from astropy.table import Table

from pypeit import msgs
from pypeit.core import fitting
from pypeit.core.wavecal import wvutils
from pypeit import data

[docs]def predict_ech_order_coverage(angle_fits_params, xd_angle_coeffs, xdisp, xdangle, norders, pad=0): """ Predict the coverage of orders in the echelle spectrum using the disperser dependent fits of the reddest order as a function of xdangle. Args: angle_fits_params (`astropy.table.Table`_): Table holding the arxiv parameters xd_angle_coeffs Table holding the arxiv data xdisp (str): Corss disperser. For HIRES this is either 'UV' or 'RED' xdangle (float): Cross-disperser angle. norders (int): Number of orders identified on the detector pad (int): Number of orders to pad the coverage by on the blue and red side. Returns: `numpy.ndarray`_: Array of order numbers for the predicted coverage. """ # Evaluate the fits for reddest order vs xdanalge which using hte values stored in the angle_fits_params xd_min, xd_max = angle_fits_params['xd_xmin'], angle_fits_params['xd_xmax'] idisp = angle_fits_params['xdisp_vec'] == xdisp reddest_order_fit = int(np.round( fitting.evaluate_fit(xd_angle_coeffs[idisp, :].flatten(), angle_fits_params['xd_func'], xdangle, minx=xd_min, maxx=xd_max))) order_vec = reddest_order_fit + (np.arange(norders + 2*pad) - pad)[::-1] return order_vec
[docs]def predict_ech_wave_soln(angle_fits_params, ech_angle_coeffs, ech_angle, order_vec, nspec): """ Predict an echelle spectrum wavelength solution for each order by evluating the polynomial fits of wavelength solution coefficients vs echelle angle at the given echelle angle. Args: angle_fits_params (`astropy.table.Table`_): Table holding the parameters governing the echelle angle fits ech_angle_coeffs (`numpy.ndarray`_): Array holding the polynomial coefficients for the fits of the wavelength solution polynomial coefficients vs echelle angle. ech_angle (float): Echelle angle order_vec (`numpy.ndarray`_): Array of order numbers for the deisred predicted spectrum. Shape = (norders,) nspec (int): Number of spectral pixels in the echelle spectrum Returns: `numpy.ndarray`_: Array containing the predicted echelle spectrum. Shape is (nspec, norders) """ norders = order_vec.size wave_soln_guess = np.zeros((nspec, norders)) xnspecmin1 = float(nspec - 1) xnspec = np.arange(nspec)/xnspecmin1 for iord, order in enumerate(order_vec): # Index of the order in the total order vector used cataloguing the fits in the coeff arxiv indx = order - angle_fits_params['order_min'] # check if the order is in the arxiv, if not skip this order if indx < 0 or indx >= angle_fits_params['norders']: continue coeff_predict = np.zeros(angle_fits_params['ech_n_final'] + 1) # Evaluate the coefficients for this order and the current ech_angle for ic in range(angle_fits_params['ech_n_final'] + 1): coeff_predict[ic] = fitting.evaluate_fit( ech_angle_coeffs[indx, ic, :], angle_fits_params['ech_func'], ech_angle, minx=angle_fits_params['ech_xmin'], maxx=angle_fits_params['ech_xmax']) wave_soln_guess[:, iord] = fitting.evaluate_fit(coeff_predict, angle_fits_params['wave_func'], xnspec, minx=angle_fits_params['wave_xmin'], maxx=angle_fits_params['wave_xmax']) return wave_soln_guess
[docs]def predict_ech_arcspec(angle_fits_file, composite_arc_file, echangle, xdangle, xdisp, nspec, norders, pad=3): """ Predict the echelle arc spectrum using the fits to wavelength solution vs echangle and xdangle and the archived composite arcs. Parameters ---------- angle_fits_file : str File containing the fits to wavelength solution vs echangle and xdangle composite_arc_file : str File containing the archived composite arcs for each order. echangle : float Echelle angle xdangle : float Cross-disperser angle xdisp : str Cross disperser. E.g. for Keck HIRES this is either 'UV' or 'RED' nspec : int Number of spectral pixels in the echelle spectrum norders : int Number of orders in the echelle spectrum pad : int Number of orders to pad the coverage by on the blue and red side. Returns ------- order_vec_guess : `numpy.ndarray`_ Vector of order numbers for the predicted echelle spectrum. Shape = (norders,) wave_soln_guess : `numpy.ndarray`_ Predicted wavelength solution. Shape = (nspec, norders) arcspec_guess : `numpy.ndarray`_ Predicted echelle arc spectrum. Shape = (nspec, norders) """ # Read in the echelle angle fits angle_fits_file, _ = data.get_reid_arxiv_filepath(angle_fits_file) hdu = angle_fits_params = Table(hdu[1].data)[0] ech_angle_coeffs = hdu[2].data xd_angle_coeffs = hdu[3].data # Read in the composite arc spectrum composite_arc_file, _ = data.get_reid_arxiv_filepath(composite_arc_file) hdu = composite_arc_params = Table(hdu[1].data)[0] wave_composite = hdu[2].data arc_composite = hdu[3].data gpm_composite = (hdu[4].data).astype(bool) order_vec_guess = predict_ech_order_coverage(angle_fits_params, xd_angle_coeffs, xdisp, xdangle, norders, pad=pad) norders_guess = order_vec_guess.size wave_soln_guess = predict_ech_wave_soln(angle_fits_params, ech_angle_coeffs, echangle, order_vec_guess, nspec) order_min, order_max = angle_fits_params['order_min'], angle_fits_params['order_max'] arcspec_guess = np.zeros_like(wave_soln_guess) # Interpolate the composite arc spectrum onto the predicted wavelength solution for iord, order in enumerate(order_vec_guess): indx = order - order_min # check if the order is in the arxiv, if not skip this order if indx < 0 or indx >= angle_fits_params['norders']: continue igood = gpm_composite[:, indx] arcspec_guess[:, iord] = interpolate.interp1d(wave_composite[igood, indx], arc_composite[igood, indx], kind='cubic', bounds_error=False, fill_value=0.)(wave_soln_guess[:, iord]) # sometimes wave_soln_guess[:, iord] is wrong and therefore is outside the range of # wave_composite[igood, indx] and the corresponding arcspec_guess[:, iord] is all zeros # here we try to deal with this case, by using wave_composite[igood, indx] but we need make some padding if np.all(arcspec_guess[:, iord] == 0): # this is adapted from pypeit.core.wavecal.autoid.full_template npad = nspec - np.sum(igood) if npad > 0: # Pad the arxiv pad_arcspec_guess = np.zeros(nspec) pad_wave_soln_guess = np.zeros(nspec) pad_arcspec_guess[npad // 2:npad // 2 + nspec] = arc_composite[igood, indx] pad_wave_soln_guess[npad // 2:npad // 2 + nspec] = wave_composite[igood, indx] arcspec_guess[:, iord] = pad_arcspec_guess wave_soln_guess[:, iord] = pad_wave_soln_guess elif npad < 0: # crop the arxiv. Not ideal but better than nothing npad *= -1 arcspec_guess[:, iord] = arc_composite[igood, indx][npad // 2:npad // 2 + nspec] wave_soln_guess[:, iord] = wave_composite[igood, indx][npad // 2:npad // 2 + nspec] return order_vec_guess, wave_soln_guess, arcspec_guess
[docs]def identify_ech_orders(arcspec, echangle, xdangle, dispname, angle_fits_file, composite_arc_file, debug=False, pad=3): """ Identify the orders in the echelle spectrum via cross correlation with the best guess predicted arc based on echangle, xdangle, and cross-disperser Parameters ---------- arcspec : `numpy.ndarray`_ Extracted arc spectrum, shape = (nspec, norders) echangle : float Echelle angle xdangle : float Cross-disperser angle dispname : str Cross-disperser. E.g. for Keck HIRES this is either 'UV' or 'RED' angle_fits_file : str File containing the fits to wavelength solution vs echangle and xdangle composite_arc_file : str File containing the archived composite arcs for each order. pad : int, optional Number of orders to pad the coverage by on the blue and red side. debug : bool, optional Passed to xcorr_shift Returns ------- order_vec : `numpy.ndarray`_ Array of order numbers corresponding to the input arcspec, shape = (norders,) wave_soln_guess : `numpy.ndarray`_ Array containing the predicted wavelength solution, shape = (nspec, norders) arcspec_guess : `numpy.ndarray`_ Array containing the predicted arc spectrum, shape = (nspec, norders) """ nspec, norders = arcspec.shape # Predict the echelle order coverage and wavelength solution order_vec_guess, wave_soln_guess_pad, arcspec_guess_pad = predict_ech_arcspec( angle_fits_file, composite_arc_file, echangle, xdangle, dispname, nspec, norders, pad=pad) norders_guess = order_vec_guess.size # Since we padded the guess we need to pad the data to the same size arccen_pad = np.zeros((nspec, norders_guess)) arccen_pad[:nspec, :norders] = arcspec # Cross correlate the data with the predicted arc spectrum # TODO Does it make sense for xcorr_shift to continuum subtract here? shift_cc, corr_cc = wvutils.xcorr_shift( arccen_pad.flatten('F'), arcspec_guess_pad.flatten('F'), percent_ceil=50.0, sigdetect=5.0, sig_ceil=10.0, fwhm=4.0, debug=debug) if debug:'Cross-correlation for order identification: shift={shift_cc:.3f}, corr={corr_cc:.3f}') from matplotlib import pyplot as plt xvals = np.arange(arccen_pad.flatten('F').size) plt.clf() ax = plt.gca() # ax.plot(xvals, arccen_pad.flatten('F'), label='template') # Template ax.plot(xvals, np.roll(arcspec_guess_pad.flatten('F'), int(shift_cc)), 'k', label='input') # Input ax.legend() # Finish ordr_shift = int(np.round(shift_cc / nspec)) spec_shift = int(np.round(shift_cc - ordr_shift * nspec))'Shift in order number between prediction and reddest order: {:.3f}'.format( ordr_shift + pad))'Shift in spectral pixels between prediction and data: {:.3f}'.format(spec_shift)) # Assign order_vec = order_vec_guess[0] + ordr_shift - np.arange(norders) ind = np.isin(order_vec_guess, order_vec, assume_unique=True) #if debug: # embed(header='identify_ech_orders 232 of') # Return return order_vec, wave_soln_guess_pad[:, ind], arcspec_guess_pad[:, ind]