Source code for pypeit.core.trace

Module with generalized tracing routines.

Routines are primarily used for tracing slit edges.

TODO: Add object and wavelength tracing routines here?

TODO: Is there a way that we could define this link so that it's
accessible by the docstring of all modules?

.. include common links, assuming primary doc root is up one directory
.. include:: ../include/links.rst
from collections import Counter

from IPython import embed

import numpy as np
from scipy import ndimage, signal, optimize
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

from astropy.stats import sigma_clipped_stats, sigma_clip

from pypeit import msgs
from pypeit import utils
from pypeit import sampling
from pypeit.core import moment, pydl, arc

# TODO: Some of these functions could probably just live in pypeit.edges

[docs] def detect_slit_edges(flux, bpm=None, median_iterations=0, min_sqm=30., sobel_mode='nearest', sobel_enhance=0, sigdetect=30., grow_bpm=5): r""" Find slit edges using the input image. The primary algorithm is to run a Sobel filter on the image and then trigger on all significant gradients. Positive gradients are left edges, negative gradients are right edges. Args: flux (`numpy.ndarray`_): Calibration frame used to identify slit edges. Likely a flat-field image that has been lightly smoothed in the spectral direction. The image should also have its bad pixels replaced (see :func:`pypeit.core.procimg.replace_columns`). The image *must* follow the pypeit convention, with shape :math:`(N_{\rm spec}, N_{\rm spat})`. bpm (`numpy.ndarray`_, optional): A boolean or integer bad-pixel mask. If None, all pixels are assumed valid. This is used to ignore features in the image that may be due to bad pixels. median_iterations (:obj:`int`, optional): Number of median smoothing iteration to perform on the trace image. The size of the smoothing is always (7,3). For long-slit data, we recommend `median_iterations=0`. min_sqm (:obj:`float`, optional): Minimum error used when detecting a slit edge. TODO: This needs a better description. sobel_mode (:obj:`str`, optional): Mode to use with the Sobel filter. See `scipy.ndimage.sobel`_. sobel_enhance (:obj:`int`, optional): If slit edges are not well-defined (e.g. blurred) set this parameter to a number greater than zero to enhance the edge detection. sigdetect (:obj:`float`, optional): Threshold for edge detection. grow_bpm (int, optional): The sobel_sig and edg_img are masked using the bpm. This is done by convolving the bpm with a spatial boxcar of width grow_bpm pixels, ensuring that pixels which touched bad pixels are also masked. Returns: tuple: Returns two `numpy.ndarray`_ objects -- (1) The image of the significance of the edge detection in sigma and (2) the array isolating the slit edges. In the latter, left edges have a value of -1 and right edges have a value of 1. """ # Checks if flux.ndim != 2: msgs.error('Trace image must be 2D.') if bpm is not None and bpm.shape != flux.shape: msgs.error('Mismatch in mask and trace image shapes.') # Specify how many times to repeat the median filter. Even better # would be to fit the filt/sqrt(abs(binarr)) array with a Gaussian # near the maximum in each column"Detecting slit edges in the trace image") # Generate sqrt image sqmstrace = np.sqrt(np.abs(flux)) # Median filter # TODO: Add size to parameter list for ii in range(median_iterations): sqmstrace = ndimage.median_filter(sqmstrace, size=(7, 3)) # Replace pixel values near 0 sqmstrace[(sqmstrace < 1.0) & (sqmstrace >= 0.0)] = 1.0 sqmstrace[(sqmstrace > -1.0) & (sqmstrace <= 0.0)] = -1.0 # Filter with a Sobel filt = ndimage.sobel(sqmstrace, axis=1, mode=sobel_mode) # Enhance blurred edges if sobel_enhance > 0: filt = sobel_enhance * ndimage.uniform_filter1d(filt, size=sobel_enhance, axis=1) # Apply the bad-pixel mask if bpm is not None: # NOTE: Casts to float because filt is float filt *= (1.0 - bpm) # Significance of the edge detection sobel_sig = np.sign(filt)*np.power(filt,2)/np.maximum(sqmstrace, min_sqm) # First edges assigned according to S/N # TODO: why not match the sign of the Sobel image to the edge it # traces? I.e., why is the sign flipped? # Answer: I defined left as -1 (i.e. counting from left to right (-1, 0, +1) = (left, middle, right) tedges = np.zeros(flux.shape, dtype=float) tedges[np.where(sobel_sig > sigdetect)] = -1.0 # A positive gradient is a left edge tedges[np.where(sobel_sig < -sigdetect)] = 1.0 # A negative gradient is a right edge # Clean the edges wcl = np.where((ndimage.maximum_filter1d(sobel_sig, 10, axis=1) == sobel_sig) & (tedges == -1)) wcr = np.where((ndimage.minimum_filter1d(sobel_sig, 10, axis=1) == sobel_sig) & (tedges == 1)) edge_img = np.zeros(sobel_sig.shape, dtype=int) edge_img[wcl] = -1 edge_img[wcr] = 1 if bpm is not None:"Applying bad pixel mask") # JFH grow the bad pixel mask in the spatial direction _nave = np.fmin(grow_bpm, flux.shape[0]) # Construct the kernel for mean calculation kernel = np.ones((1, _nave)) / float(_nave) bpm_grow = ndimage.convolve(bpm.astype(float), kernel, mode='nearest') > 0.0 edge_img *= (1 - bpm_grow) sobel_sig *= (1 - bpm_grow) return sobel_sig, edge_img
[docs] def identify_traces(edge_img, max_spatial_separation=4, follow_span=10, minimum_spec_length=50): r""" Follow slit edges to identify unique slit traces. Args: edge_img (`numpy.ndarray`_): An array marked with -1 for left slit edges and +1 for right slit edges and 0 everywhere else. The image *must* follow the pypeit convention, with shape :math:`(N_{\rm spec},N_{\rm spat})`. See :func:`detect_slit_edges`. max_spatial_separation (:obj:`int`, optional): The maximum spatial separation between two edges in proximal spectral rows before they become separated into different slit traces. follow_span (:obj:`int`, optional): The number of previous spectral rows to consider when following slits forward. minimum_spec_length (:obj:`int`, optional): The minimum number of spectral rows in an edge trace. Traces that do not meet this criterion are ignored. Returns: `numpy.ndarray`_: An integer array with trace ID numbers at pixels locating the edge of that trace. Negative traces are for left edges, positive for right edges. The number of left and right traces can be determined using :func:`count_edge_traces`. Pixels not associated to any edge have a value of 0. """'Finding unique traces among detected edges.') # Check the input if edge_img.ndim > 2: msgs.error('Provided edge image must be 2D.') if not np.all(np.isin(np.unique(edge_img), [-1,0,1])): msgs.error('Edge image must only have -1, 0, or 1 values.') # No edges were detected. if np.all(edge_img == 0): msgs.warn('No edges were found!') return np.zeros_like(edge_img, dtype=int) # Find the left and right coordinates lx, ly = np.where(edge_img == -1) rx, ry = np.where(edge_img == 1) x = np.concatenate((lx, rx)) # Put left traces at negative y y = np.concatenate((-ly, ry)) # The trace ID to associate with each coordinate traceid = np.full_like(x, -1) # Loop over spectral channels last = 0 for row in range(np.amin(x), np.amax(x)+1): # Find the slit edges in this row indx = x == row in_row = np.sum(indx) if in_row == 0: # No slits found in this row continue # Find the unique edge y positions in the selected set of # previous rows and their trace IDs prev_indx = np.logical_and(x < row, x > row - follow_span) if not np.any(prev_indx): # This is likely the first row or the first row with any # slit edges traceid[indx] = np.arange(in_row)+last last += in_row continue uniq_y, uniq_i = np.unique(y[prev_indx], return_index=True) uniq_t = traceid[prev_indx][uniq_i] # Assign trace IDs to this row # - First match to any previous IDs row_trace = np.full(in_row, -1) for i, _y in enumerate(y[indx]): dist = np.absolute(uniq_y-_y) mindist = np.argmin(dist) if dist[mindist] < max_spatial_separation: row_trace[i] = uniq_t[mindist] # - Assign new trace IDs to unmatched edges unassigned = row_trace == -1 n_unassigned = np.sum(unassigned) row_trace[unassigned] = np.arange(n_unassigned)+last last += n_unassigned # - Assign all edges and continue traceid[indx] = row_trace # Reorder the traces and remove any that do not meet the specified # length. # TODO: This duplicates functionality in EdgeTraceSet. Rethink # this. # - Left edges. Given negative IDs starting with -1 indx = y < 0 left, reconstruct, counts = np.unique(traceid[indx], return_inverse=True, return_counts=True) # if np.any(counts > edge_img.shape[0]): # warnings.warn('Some traces have more pixels than allowed by the image. The maximum ' # 'spatial separation for the edges in a given trace may be too large.') good_trace = counts > minimum_spec_length left[:] = 0 left[good_trace] = -1-np.arange(np.sum(good_trace)) traceid[indx] = left[reconstruct] # - Right edges. Given positive IDs starting with 1 indx = np.invert(indx) right, reconstruct, counts = np.unique(traceid[indx], return_inverse=True, return_counts=True) # if np.any(counts > edge_img.shape[0]): # warnings.warn('Some traces have more pixels than allowed by the image. The maximum ' # 'spatial separation for the edges in a given trace may be too large.') good_trace = counts > minimum_spec_length right[:] = 0 right[good_trace] = 1+np.arange(np.sum(good_trace)) traceid[indx] = right[reconstruct] # Construct the image with the trace IDs and return traceid_img = np.zeros_like(edge_img, dtype=int) traceid_img[x,np.absolute(y)] = traceid return traceid_img
[docs] def count_edge_traces(edge_img): """ Count the number of left and right edges traced. Args: edge_img (`numpy.ndarray`_): Image with edge trace pixels numbered by their associated trace. Pixels with positive numbers follow right slit edges and negative numbers follow left slit edges. Returns: int or tuple: Two integers with the number of left and right edges, respectively. Or 0 if the minimum input value is 0 """ # Avoid returning -0 nleft = np.amin(edge_img) return 0 if nleft == 0 else -nleft, np.amax(edge_img)
[docs] def atleast_one_edge(edge_img, bpm=None, flux_valid=True, buffer=0, copy=False): """ Ensure that there is at least one left and one right slit edge identified. This is especially useful for long slits that fill the full detector, e.g. Shane Kast. Args: edge_img (`numpy.ndarray`_): Image with edge trace pixels numbered by their associated trace. Pixels with positive numbers follow right slit edges and negative numbers follow left slit edges. bpm (`numpy.ndarray`_, optional): Integer (0 unmasked; 1 masked) or boolean array indicating bad pixels in the image. If None, all pixels are considered good. flux_valid (:obj:`bool`, optional): The flux in the image used to construct the edge traces is valid meaning that any problems should not be an issue with the trace image itself. buffer (:obj:`int`, optional): If adding an edge, this is the minimum number of pixels near the detector edge at which to place the edge. copy (:obj:`bool`, optional): Copy `edge_img` to a new array before making any modifications. Otherwise, `edge_img` is modified in-place. Returns: `numpy.ndarray`_: The modified trace image, which is either a new array or points to the in-place modification of `edge_img` according to the value of `copy`. If no slit edges were found and the flux in the trace image is invalid (`flux_valid=False`), function returns `None`. """ # Get the number of traces nleft, nright = count_edge_traces(edge_img) # Determine whether or not to edit the image in place _edge_img = edge_img.copy() if copy else edge_img if nleft != 0 and nright != 0: # Don't need to add anything return _edge_img if nleft == 0 and nright == 0 and not flux_valid: # No traces and fluxes are invalid. # TODO: This used to just be a warning, but I'm having it stop # the code if no traces are found and the flux is low. msgs.error('Unable to trace any edges! Image flux is low; check trace image is correct.') # Use the mask to determine the first and last valid pixel column sum_bpm = np.zeros(edge_img.shape[1]) if bpm is None else np.sum(bpm, axis=0) if nleft == 0: # Add a left edge trace at the first valid column msgs.warn('No left edge found. Adding one at the detector edge.') gdi0 = np.min(np.where(sum_bpm[buffer:] == 0)[0]) + buffer _edge_img[:,gdi0] = -1 if nright == 0: # Add a right edge trace at the last valid column msgs.warn('No right edge found. Adding one at the detector edge.') gdi1 = np.max(np.where(sum_bpm[:-buffer] == 0)[0]) _edge_img[:,gdi1] = 1 return _edge_img
# TODO: This needs to be better tested
[docs] def handle_orphan_edges(edge_img, sobel_sig, bpm=None, flux_valid=True, buffer=0, copy=False): """ In the case of single left/right traces and multiple matching traces, pick the most significant matching trace and remove the others. If *no* left and/or right edge is present, this will add one using :func:`atleast_one_edge`. Args: edge_img (`numpy.ndarray`_): Image with edge trace pixels numbered by their associated trace. Pixels with positive numbers follow right slit edges and negative numbers follow left slit edges. sobel_sig (`numpy.ndarray`_): Image with the significance of the edge detection. See :func:`detect_slit_edges`. bpm (`numpy.ndarray`_, optional): Integer (0 unmasked; 1 masked) or boolean array indicating bad pixels in the image. If None, all pixels are considered good. flux_valid (:obj:`bool`, optional): The flux in the image used to construct the edge traces is valid meaning that any problems should not be an issue with the trace image itself. buffer (:obj:`int`, optional): If adding an edge, this is the minimum number of pixels near the detector edge at which to place the edge; see :func:`atleast_one_edge`. copy (:obj:`bool`, optional): Copy `edge_img` to a new array before making any modifications. Otherwise, `edge_img` is modified in-place. Returns: `numpy.ndarray`_: The modified trace image, which is either a new array or points to the in-place modification of `edge_img` according to the value of `copy`. """ # Get the number of traces nleft, nright = count_edge_traces(edge_img) # if nleft == 0 or nright == 0: # # Deal with no left or right edges # # TODO: I think we should skip this and handle it in sync() # _edge_img = atleast_one_edge(edge_img, bpm=bpm, flux_valid=flux_valid, buffer=buffer, # copy=copy) # # Update the number of edges # nleft, nright = count_edge_traces(_edge_img) # else: # # Just do basic setup # _edge_img = edge_img.copy() if copy else edge_img _edge_img = edge_img.copy() if copy else edge_img # if nleft != 1 and nright != 1 or nleft == 1 and nright == 1: if nleft == 0 or nright == 0 or nleft != 1 and nright != 1 or nleft == 1 and nright == 1: # Nothing to do return _edge_img if nright > 1: # To get here, nleft must be 1. This is mainly in here for # LRISb, which is a real pain.. msgs.warn('Only one left edge, and multiple right edges.')'Restricting right edge detection to the most significantly detected edge.') # Find the most significant right trace best_trace = np.argmin([-np.median(sobel_sig[_edge_img==t]) for t in range(nright)])+1 # Remove the other right traces indx = _edge_img == best_trace _edge_img[(_edge_img > 0) & np.invert(indx)] = 0 # Reset the number to a single right trace _edge_img[indx] = 1 return _edge_img # To get here, nright must be 1. msgs.warn('Only one right edge, and multiple left edges.')'Restricting left edge detection to the most significantly detected edge.') # Find the most significant left trace best_trace = np.argmax([np.median(sobel_sig[_edge_img == -t]) for t in range(nleft)])+1 # Remove the other left traces indx = _edge_img == best_trace _edge_img[(_edge_img > 0) & np.invert(indx)] = 0 # Reset the number to a single left trace _edge_img[indx] = 1 return _edge_img
[docs] def most_common_trace_row(trace_bpm, valid_frac=1/3.): ## JFH DO not use row and column in the docs!!!! Change everywhere to spectral spatial. Traces always ## run spectral """ Find the spectral position (row) that crosses the most traces. If provided the mask for a single trace, this just returns the median of the unmasked rows. Args: trace_bpm (`numpy.ndarray`_): Bad-pixel mask for the trace data (True is bad; False is good). Can be a 1D array for a single trace or a 2D array with shape (nspec, ntrace) for multiple traces. valid_frac (:obj:`float`, optional): The valid fraction of the detector from which to choose the row. For example, if 1/3, only choose the row from the central third of the rows. Returns: :obj:`int`: The row that crosses the most valid trace data. """ if trace_bpm.ndim == 1 or trace_bpm.shape[1] == 1: # Only a single vector provided. Use the central valid pixel rows = np.where(np.invert(np.squeeze(trace_bpm)))[0] return rows[rows.size//2] s,e = ((0.5 + np.array([-1,1])*valid_frac/2)*trace_bpm.shape[0]).astype(int) gpm = np.invert(trace_bpm[s:e,:]) n_good = np.sum(gpm, axis=0) if np.all(n_good == e-s): # Trace positions are all valid over this section of the # detector, so just so use the central row return trace_bpm.shape[0]//2 # Return the row with the most unmasked trace positions return Counter(np.where(gpm)[0]).most_common(1)[0][0] + s
[docs] def prepare_sobel_for_trace(sobel_sig, bpm=None, boxcar=5, side='left'): """ Prepare the Sobel filtered image for tracing. This method: - Flips and/or truncates the pixel values based on the edge side to be traced (see ``side``). - Smooths along rows (spatially) Args: sobel_sig (`numpy.ndarray`_): Image with the significance of the edge detection; see :func:`detect_slit_edges`. bpm (`numpy.ndarray`_, optional): Boolean bad-pixel mask (bad pixels are True). If None, all pixels are considered good. Must have the same shape as ``sobel_sig``. boxcar (:obj:`int`, optional): Boxcar smooth the detection image along rows before recentering the edge centers; see :func:`~pypeit.utils.boxcar_smooth_rows`. If less than 1, no smoothing is performed. side (:obj:`str`, optional): The side that the image will be used to trace. In the Sobel image, positive values are for left traces, negative for right traces. If ``'left'``, the image is clipped at a minimum value of -0.1. If ``'right'``, the image sign is flipped and then clipped at a minimum of -0.1. If None, the image is not flipped or clipped, only smoothed. Returns: `numpy.ndarray`_: The smoothed image. """ # NOTE: This performs the operations of what was previously # performed on the object passed to trace_crude_init, as well as # the smoothing done at the beginning of that function if side not in ['left', 'right', None]: raise ValueError('Side must be left, right, or None.') # Keep both sides if the side is undefined. # TODO: This 0.1 is drawn out of the ether and different from what is done in peak_trace img = sobel_sig if side is None else np.maximum((1 if side == 'left' else -1)*sobel_sig, 0.1) # Returned the smoothed image wgt = None if bpm is None else np.logical_not(bpm).astype(float) return utils.boxcar_smooth_rows(img, boxcar, wgt=wgt, replace='zero')
[docs] def follow_centroid(flux, start_row, start_cen, ivar=None, bpm=None, fwgt=None, width=6.0, maxshift_start=0.5, maxshift_follow=0.15, maxerror=0.2, continuous=True, bitmask=None): """ Follow the centroid of features in an image along the first axis. In the normal pypeit usage, this follows the spatial position (column) of a feature in the image as a function of spectral position (row). Starting from a specified row and input centers along each column, attempt to follow a set of features to both lower and higher rows in the provided image. Importantly, this function does not treat each row independently (as would be the case for a direct call to :func:`masked_centroid` for centroid positions along all rows), but treats the calculation of the centroids sequentially where the result for each row is dependent on and starts from the result from the previous row. The only independent measurement is the one performed at the input `start_row`. This function is much slower than :func:`masked_centroid` because of this introduced dependency. .. note:: - This is an adaptation of ``trace_crude`` from ``idlspec2d``. - You should consider smoothing the input ``flux`` array before passing it to this function. See :func:`pypeit.utils.boxcar_smooth_rows`. For example:: smimg = utils.boxcar_smooth_rows(img, nave, wgt=inmask) cen, cene, cenm = trace.follow_centroid(smimg, ...) Args: flux (`numpy.ndarray`_): Image used to weight the column coordinates when recentering. For example, when tracing slit edges, this should typically be the Sobel-filtered trace image after adjusting for the correct side and performing any smoothing; see :func:`prepare_sobel_for_trace`. In any case, consider that this image may need to be smoothed for robust output from this function. See :func:`pypeit.utils.boxcar_smooth_rows`. start_row (:obj:`int`): Row at which to start the calculation. The function begins with this row and then continues first to higher indices and then to lower indices. start_cen (:obj:`int`, `numpy.ndarray`_, optional): One or more coordinates to recenter. If an array, must be 1D. ivar (`numpy.ndarray`_, optional): Inverse variance in the image. If not provided, unity variance is assumed. Used for the calculation of the errors in the moment analysis. If this is not provided, be careful with the value set for `maxerror` (see below). bpm (`numpy.ndarray`_, optional): A boolean bad-pixel mask used to ignore pixels in the image (bad pixels are True). fwgt (`numpy.ndarray`_, optional): An additional weight to apply to each pixel in `flux`. If None, weights are uniform. width (:obj:`float`, `numpy.ndarray`_, optional): The size of the window about the provided starting center for the moment integration window. See :func:`pypeit.core.moment.moment1d`. maxshift_start (:obj:`float`, optional): Maximum shift in pixels allowed for the adjustment of the first row analyzed. maxshift_follow (:obj:`float`, optional): Maximum shift in pixels between centroids in adjacent rows as the routine follows the feature away from the first row analyzed. maxerror (:obj:`float`, optional): Maximum allowed error in the centroid returned by :func:`pypeit.core.moment.moment1d`. continuous (:obj:`bool`, optional): Keep only the continuous part of the feature trace from the starting row. bitmask (:class:`pypeit.bitmask.BitMask`, optional): Object used to flag the feature traces. If None, assessments use a boolean array to flag traces. If not None, errors will be raised if the object cannot interpret the correct flag names defined. This function uses the DISCONTINUOUS flag. Returns: tuple: Three numpy arrays are returned. the optimized center, an estimate of the error, and a bad-pixel mask (masked values are True). """ if flux.ndim != 2: raise ValueError('Input image must be 2D.') # Shape of the image with pixel weights nr, nc = flux.shape # Instantiate theses supplementary arrays here to speed things up # in iterative calling of moment1d. moment1d will check the array # sizes. TODO: moment1d no longer instantiates these if they're not # provided, so this likely isn't necessary; testing required. _ivar = np.ones_like(flux, dtype=float) if ivar is None else ivar _bpm = np.zeros_like(flux, dtype=bool) if bpm is None else bpm _fwgt = np.ones_like(flux, dtype=float) if fwgt is None else fwgt # Number of starting coordinates _cen = np.atleast_1d(start_cen) nt = _cen.size # Check coordinates are within the image if np.any((_cen > nc-1) | (_cen < 0)) or start_row < 0 or start_row > nr-1: raise ValueError('Starting coordinates incompatible with input image!') # Check the dimensionality if _cen.ndim != 1: raise ValueError('Input coordinates to be at most 1D.') # Instantiate output; just repeat input for all image rows. xc = np.tile(_cen, (nr,1)).astype(float) xe = np.zeros_like(xc, dtype=float) xm = np.zeros_like(xc, dtype=bool) if bitmask is None \ else np.zeros_like(xc, dtype=bitmask.minimum_dtype()) # NOTE: This is effectively the old trace_crude_init # Recenter the starting row i = start_row xc[i,:], xe[i,:], xm[i,:] = masked_centroid(flux, xc[i,:], width, ivar=_ivar, bpm=_bpm, fwgt=_fwgt, row=i, maxshift=maxshift_start, maxerror=maxerror, bitmask=bitmask, fill='bound') # Go to higher indices using the result from the previous row for i in range(start_row+1,nr): xc[i,:], xe[i,:], xm[i,:] = masked_centroid(flux, xc[i-1,:], width, ivar=_ivar, bpm=_bpm, fwgt=_fwgt, row=i, maxshift=maxshift_follow, maxerror=maxerror, bitmask=bitmask, fill='bound') # Go to lower indices using the result from the previous row for i in range(start_row-1,-1,-1): xc[i,:], xe[i,:], xm[i,:] = masked_centroid(flux, xc[i+1,:], width, ivar=_ivar, bpm=_bpm, fwgt=_fwgt, row=i, maxshift=maxshift_follow, maxerror=maxerror, bitmask=bitmask, fill='bound') # NOTE: In edgearr_tcrude, skip_bad (roughly opposite of continuous # here) was True by default, meaning continuous would be False by # default. if not continuous: # Not removing discontinuous traces return xc, xe, xm # Keep only the continuous part of the trace starting from the # initial row # TODO: Instead keep the longest continuous segment? # TODO: Convert continuous from T/F to a tolerance that, e.g., # allows for few-pixel discontinuities, but allows the trace to # pick back up again bad = xm > 0 p = np.arange(nr) for i in range(nt): indx = bad[:,i] & (p > start_row) if np.any(indx): s = np.amin(p[indx]) xm[s:,i] = True if bitmask is None else bitmask.turn_on(xm[s:,i], 'DISCONTINUOUS') indx = bad[:,i] & (p < start_row) if np.any(indx): e = np.amax(p[indx])-1 xm[:e,i] = True if bitmask is None else bitmask.turn_on(xm[:e,i], 'DISCONTINUOUS') # Return centers, errors, and mask return xc, xe, xm
[docs] def masked_centroid(flux, cen, width, ivar=None, bpm=None, fwgt=None, row=None, weighting='uniform', maxshift=None, maxerror=None, bitmask=None, fill='input', fill_error=-1): """ Measure the centroid within 1D apertures and flag and fill bad results. This is primarily a wrapper for :func:`pypeit.core.moment.moment1d` that flags the output. Data are flagged for the following reasons: - The centroids must always be within the aperture used by :func:`pypeit.core.moment.moment1d` (`OUTSIDEAPERTURE`). - The centroid cannot be within half an aperture of the image edge (`EDGEBUFFER`). - If `maxerror` is not None, the centroid error must be below the provided maximum (`MOMENTERROR`). - If `maxshift` is not None, the centroid must be different from the input value by less than the maximum (`LARGESHIFT`). The flags are provided as either a boolean array or an array of mask bits, depending on the value of `bitmask` (see below). The bitmask flags used for each criteria are given in the list above. If `fill` is 'input', the output centroids are replaced by the input value for any measurements captured by these flags. For centroids above `maxshift`, however, the replacement value can be at the maximum shift if `fill='bound'`. Args: flux (`numpy.ndarray`_): Array used for the centroid calculations. cen (`numpy.ndarray`_): Current estimate of the trace center. width (:obj:`float`): Passed directly to :func:`pypeit.core.moment.moment1d`; see the documentation there. ivar (`numpy.ndarray`_, optional): Inverse variance in `flux`; passed directly to :func:`pypeit.core.moment.moment1d`. bpm (`numpy.ndarray`_, optional): Boolean bad-pixel mask for `flux`; passed directly to :func:`pypeit.core.moment.moment1d`. fwgt (`numpy.ndarray`_, optional): A weight to apply to each pixel in `flux`; passed directly to :func:`pypeit.core.moment.moment1d`. row (:obj:`int`, optional): Row (index along the first axis; spectral position) in `flux` at which to recenter the trace position. See `row` in :func:`pypeit.core.moment.moment1d`. weighting (:obj:`str`, optional): Passed directly to :func:`pypeit.core.moment.moment1d`; see the documentation there. maxshift (:obj:`float`, optional): Maximum shift allowed between the input and recalculated centroid. If None, no limit is applied. maxerror (:obj:`float`, optional): Maximum error allowed in the calculated centroid. Measurements with errors larger than this value are returned as the input center value. If None, no limit is applied. bitmask (:class:`pypeit.bitmask.BitMask`, optional): Object used to toggle the returned bit masks. If provided, must be able to interpret MATHERROR, OUTSIDEAPERTURE, EDGEBUFFER, MOMENTERROR, and LARGESHIFT flags. If None, the function returns boolean flags set to True if there was an error in :func:`pypeit.core.moment.moment1d` or if the error is larger than `maxerror` (and `maxerror` is not None); centroids that have been altered by the maximum shift are *not* flagged. fill (:obj:`str`, optional): A string keyword specifying how flagged centroids should be replaced. Options are: - 'input': Replace the flagged centroids with their input value. - 'bound': *Only* for the case where the centroid is outside the provided `maxshift`, replace the centroid by the value at either the positive or negative boundary edge. In all other cases, the centroid is still replaced with the input value. See replacement cases above. fill_error (:obj:`float`, optional): For flagged centroids, this error is replaced with this dummy value. Returns: tuple: Returns three `numpy.ndarray`_ objects. the new centers, the center errors, and the measurement flags with a data type depending on `bitmask`. """ # Calculate the moments radius = width/2 xfit, xerr, matherr = moment.moment1d(flux, cen, width, ivar=ivar, bpm=bpm, fwgt=fwgt, row=row, weighting=weighting, order=1, fill_error=fill_error) # Flag centroids outide the aperture and too close to the image edge outside_ap = (np.absolute(xfit - cen) > radius + 0.5) edge_buffer = (xfit < radius - 0.5) | (xfit > flux.shape[1] - 0.5 - radius) indx = matherr | outside_ap | edge_buffer xfit[indx] = cen[indx] xerr[indx] = fill_error if maxshift is None and maxerror is None and bitmask is None: # Nothing else to do ## TODO: JFH It seems like this shold be returning indx here and not matherr if bitmask is None. return xfit, xerr, indx # Flag large shifts if maxshift is not None: large_shift = np.absolute(xfit-cen) > maxshift if fill == 'bound': xfit = np.clip(xfit - cen, -maxshift, maxshift)+cen else: indx |= large_shift # Flag large errors if maxerror is not None: large_error = xerr > maxerror indx |= large_error # Replace flagged data with the input and dummy error xfit[indx] = cen[indx] xerr[indx] = fill_error # Toggle the mask bits if bitmask is not None: xmsk = np.zeros_like(xfit, dtype=bitmask.minimum_dtype()) xmsk[matherr] = bitmask.turn_on(xmsk[matherr], 'MATHERROR') xmsk[outside_ap] = bitmask.turn_on(xmsk[outside_ap], 'OUTSIDEAPERTURE') xmsk[edge_buffer] = bitmask.turn_on(xmsk[edge_buffer], 'EDGEBUFFER') if maxerror is not None: xmsk[large_error] = bitmask.turn_on(xmsk[large_error], 'MOMENTERROR') if maxshift is not None: xmsk[large_shift] = bitmask.turn_on(xmsk[large_shift], 'LARGESHIFT') # Return the new centers, errors, and flags return xfit, xerr, indx if bitmask is None else xmsk
# NOTE: keck_run_july changes: maxdev changed from 5.0 to 2.0
[docs] def fit_trace(flux, trace_cen, order, ivar=None, bpm=None, trace_bpm=None, weighting='uniform', fwhm=3.0, maxshift=None, maxerror=None, function='legendre', maxdev=2.0, maxiter=25, niter=9, bitmask=None, debug=False, idx=None, xmin=None, xmax=None, flavor='trace'): """ Iteratively fit the trace of a feature in the provided image. Each iteration performs two steps: - Remeasure the trace centroid using :func:`masked_centroid`. The size of the integration window (see the definition of the `width` parameter for :func:`pypeit.core.moment.moment1d`) depends on the type of weighting: For *uniform weighting*, the code does a third of the iterations with `width = 2*1.3*fwhm`, a third with `width = 2*1.1*fhwm`, and a third with `width = 2*fwhm`. For *Gaussian weighting*, all iterations use `width = fwhm/2.3548`. - Fit the centroid measurements with a 1D function of the provided order. See :func:`pypeit.core.pydl.TraceSet`. The number of iterations performed is set by the keyword argument `niter`. There is no convergence test, meaning that this number of iterations is *always* performed. Notes: Revision History: - 23-June-2018 Written by J. Hennawi Args: flux (`numpy.ndarray`_): Image to use for tracing. Must be 2D with shape (nspec, nspat). trace_cen (`numpy.ndarray`_): Initial guesses for trace centroids in the spatial dimension. This can either be an 2-d array with shape (nspec, nTrace) array, or a 1-d array with shape (nspec) for the case of a single trace. order (:obj:`int`): Order of function to fit to each trace. See `function`. ivar (`numpy.ndarray`_, optional): Inverse variance of the image intensity. If not provided, unity variance is used. If provided, must have the same shape as `flux`. bpm (`numpy.ndarray`_, optional): Boolean array with the input bad-pixel mask for the image (pixels to ignore are True). If not provided, all values in `flux` are considered valid. If provided, must have the same shape as `flux`. trace_bpm (`numpy.ndarray`_, optional): Boolean array with the trace bad-pixel mask; i.e., places where you know the trace is going to be bad that you always want to mask in the fits. Shape must match `trace_cen`. weighting (:obj:`str`, optional): The weighting to apply to the position within each integration window (see options in :func:`pypeit.core.moment.moment1d`). fwhm (:obj:`float`, optional): The expected width of the feature to trace, which is used to define the size of the integration window during the centroid calculation; see description above. maxshift (:obj:`float`, optional): Maximum shift allowed between the input and recalculated centroid (see :func:`masked_centroid`). If None, no limit is applied. maxerror (:obj:`float`, optional): Maximum error allowed in the calculated centroid (see :func:`masked_centroid`). Measurements with errors larger than this value are returned as the input center value. If None, no limit is applied. function (:obj:`str`, optional): The name of the function to fit. Must be a valid selection. See :class`pypeit.core.pydl.TraceSet`. maxdev (:obj:`float`, optional): If provided, reject points with `abs(data-model) > maxdev` during the fitting. If None, no points are rejected. See :func:`~pypeit.core.fitting.robust_fit`. maxiter (:obj:`int`, optional): Maximum number of rejection iterations allowed during the fitting. See :func:`~pypeit.core.fitting.robust_fit`. niter (:obj:`int`, optional): The number of iterations for this method; i.e., the number of times the two-step fitting algorithm described above is performed. bitmask (:class:`pypeit.bitmask.BitMask`, optional): Object used to toggle the returned bit masks in edge centroid measurements; see :func:`masked_centroid`. debug (:obj:`bool`, optional): Plot the data and the fits. idx (`numpy.ndarray`_, optional): Array of strings with the IDs for each object. Used only if `debug` is true for the plotting. Default is just a running number. xmin (:obj:`float`, optional): Lower reference for robust_fit polynomial fitting. Default is to use zero xmax (:obj:`float`, optional): Upper reference for robust_fit polynomial fitting. Default is to use the image size in nspec direction flavor (:obj:`str`, optional): Defines the type of fit performed. Only used by QA Returns: :obj:`tuple`: Returns four `numpy.ndarray`_ objects all with the same shape as the input positions (`trace_cen`) and provide: - The best-fitting positions of each trace determined by the polynomial fit. - The centroids of the trace determined by either flux- or Gaussian-weighting, to which the polynomial is fit. - The errors in the centroids. - Boolean flags for each centroid measurement (see :func:`~pypeit.core.moment.moment1d`). """ # Ensure setup is correct if flux.ndim != 2: raise ValueError('Input image must be 2D.') if ivar is None: ivar = np.ones_like(flux, dtype=float) if ivar.shape != flux.shape: raise ValueError('Inverse variance array shape is incorrect.') if bpm is None: bpm = np.zeros_like(flux, dtype=bool) if bpm.shape != flux.shape: raise ValueError('Mask array shape is incorrect.') fwgt = np.ones_like(flux, dtype=float) if trace_bpm is None: trace_bpm = np.zeros_like(trace_cen, dtype=bool) if trace_bpm.shape != trace_cen.shape: raise ValueError('Trace mask array shape is incorrect.') # Allow for single vectors as input _trace_cen = trace_cen.reshape(-1,1) if trace_cen.ndim == 1 else trace_cen _trace_bpm = trace_bpm.reshape(-1, 1) if trace_cen.ndim == 1 else trace_bpm nspec, ntrace = _trace_cen.shape if _trace_cen.shape != _trace_bpm.shape: raise ValueError('Trace data and its bad-pixel mask do not have the same shape.') # Define the fitting limits if xmin is None: xmin = 0.0 if xmax is None: xmax = float(nspec-1) # Setup the width to use for each iteration depending on the weighting used width = np.full(niter, 2*fwhm if weighting == 'uniform' else fwhm/2.3548, dtype=float) if weighting == 'uniform': width[:niter//3] *= 1.3 width[niter//3:2*niter//3] *= 1.1 # Abscissa for fitting; needs to be float type when passed to # TraceSet trace_coo = np.tile(np.arange(nspec), (ntrace,1)).astype(float) # Values to fit trace_fit = np.copy(_trace_cen) # Uniform weighting during the fit trace_fit_ivar = np.ones_like(trace_fit) # NOTE: keck_run_july changes: Added down-weighting of masked parts # of the trace. # TODO: This feels arbitrary # trace_fit_ivar[_trace_bpm] = 0.1**2 trace_fit_ivar[_trace_bpm] = 0.01**2 # JFH Changed this parameter from 0.1 to 0.01 to fix problem with NIRES slit extrapolation. In the future # we may need to make this parameter, but don't touch this number unless you know what you are doing. # JXP -- Squared to deal with proper usage of numpy legendre fitting routine for i in range(niter): # First recenter the trace using the previous trace fit/data. # See the replacement rules of masked_centroid for how # measurements that hit boundaries are treated. This replaces # any measurement that is outside the integration window, # within a buffer of the detector edge, above a maximum shift, # or is above the maximum error. In these cases, the output is # the same as the input and bad_trace has the relevant bit or # boolean. cen, err, msk = masked_centroid(flux, trace_fit, width[i], ivar=ivar, bpm=bpm, fwgt=fwgt, weighting=weighting, maxshift=maxshift, maxerror=maxerror, bitmask=bitmask) ################################################################ # NOTE: keck_run_july changes: Now always replace the masked # data with the input trace data; downweight the masked points; # and include the masked points in the fit. # Always set the masked values to the initial input trace data. # The input trace data initially comes from either the standard # or the slit boundaries, and if we continually replace it for # all iterations we will naturally always extraplate the trace # to match the shape of a high S/N ratio fit (i.e. either the # standard or the flat which was used to determine the slit # edges. cen[_trace_bpm] = _trace_cen[_trace_bpm] # Do not do any kind of masking based on the trace recentering # errors. Trace fitting is much more robust when masked pixels # are simply replaced by the input trace values. Therefore, # masked pixels are not excluded from the fit, but we do give # them lower weight via that inverse variance. See the # instantation of trace_fit_ivar above. ################################################################ # Fit the data traceset = pydl.TraceSet(trace_coo, cen.T, # Removed by keck_run_july: inmask=np.invert(_trace_bpm.T), function=function, ncoeff=order, maxdev=maxdev, maxiter=maxiter, invvar=trace_fit_ivar.T, xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax) # TODO: Keep this around for now. I wanted to see how each # iteration affected the centroids and fit. # if debug: # bad = msk.astype(bool) # good = np.invert(bad) # for i in range(trace_fit.shape[1]): # plt.scatter(trace_coo[i,:], trace_fit[:,i], color='0.7', marker='.', s=50, lw=0, # label='input') # plt.scatter(trace_coo[i,good[:,i]], trace_cen[good[:,i],i], # color='k', marker='.', s=50, lw=0, label='output') # plt.scatter(trace_coo[i,bad[:,i]], trace_cen[bad[:,i],i], # color='C1', marker='x', s=20, lw=0.5, label='bad output') # plt.scatter(trace_coo[i,:], traceset.yfit[i,:], color='r', marker='.', s=50, lw=0, # label='fit') # # TODO: Report iteration number and mean/stddev in difference # of coefficients with respect to previous iteration # TODO: Do this (as was done before)? This means in the next # iteration, the values being fit are based on the results of # this fit even for the bad traces instead of the original # input data. trace_fit = traceset.yfit.T # Plot the final fit if requested if debug: # Set the title based on the type of weighting used title_text = 'Flux Weighted' if weighting == 'uniform' else 'Gaussian Weighted' if idx is None: idx = np.arange(1,ntrace+1).astype(str) # Construct boolean flags inpgpm = np.invert(_trace_bpm) cengpm = np.invert(msk.astype(bool)) fitgpm = traceset.outmask.T bpm_fit = _trace_bpm & fitgpm bpm_rej = _trace_bpm & np.invert(fitgpm) gpm_bdcen_fit = inpgpm & np.invert(cengpm) & fitgpm gpm_bdcen_rej = inpgpm & np.invert(cengpm) & np.invert(fitgpm) gpm_gdcen_fit = inpgpm & cengpm & fitgpm gpm_gdcen_rej = inpgpm & cengpm & np.invert(fitgpm) for i in range(ntrace): # Plot data masked on input and included in fit using input # locations and lower weight if np.any(bpm_fit[:,i]): plt.scatter(trace_coo[i,bpm_fit[:,i]], cen[bpm_fit[:,i],i], marker='o', color='cornflowerblue', s=30, label='Input masked, fit') # Plot data masked on input and included in fit using input # locations and lower weight, but rejected by the fit if np.any(bpm_rej[:,i]): plt.scatter(trace_coo[i,bpm_rej[:,i]], cen[bpm_rej[:,i],i], marker='x', color='C6', s=30, label='Input masked, fit, rejected') # Plot data with bad recentroid measurements, included in # fit using input locations and lower weight if np.any(gpm_bdcen_fit[:,i]): plt.scatter(trace_coo[i,gpm_bdcen_fit[:,i]], cen[gpm_bdcen_fit[:,i],i], marker='o', color='0.7', s=30, label='Centroid masked, fit') # Plot data with bad recentroid measurements, included in # fit using input locations and lower weight, but rejected # by the fit if np.any(gpm_bdcen_rej[:,i]): plt.scatter(trace_coo[i,gpm_bdcen_rej[:,i]], cen[gpm_bdcen_rej[:,i],i], marker='x', color='C1', s=30, label='Centroid masked, fit, rejected') # Plot data with good recentroid measurements and included # in fit if np.any(gpm_gdcen_fit[:,i]): plt.scatter(trace_coo[i,gpm_gdcen_fit[:,i]], cen[gpm_gdcen_fit[:,i],i], marker='o', color='k', s=30, label='Remeasured and fit') # Plot data with good recentroid measurements and included # in fit but rejected if np.any(gpm_gdcen_rej[:,i]): plt.scatter(trace_coo[i,gpm_gdcen_rej[:,i]], cen[gpm_gdcen_rej[:,i],i], marker='x', color='C3', s=30, label='Remeasured, fit, and rejected') # Plot all input trace locations as a line plt.plot(trace_coo[i,:], _trace_cen[:,i], color='C2', linewidth=1.5, linestyle='--', label='Input Trace Data') # Plot all input trace locations as a line plt.plot(trace_coo[i,:], trace_fit[:,i], color='r', linewidth=2.0, linestyle='--', label='Fit') plt.title(title_text + ' Centroid fit for trace {0}.'.format(idx[i])) plt.ylim((0.995*np.amin(trace_fit[:,i]), 1.005*np.amax(trace_fit[:,i]))) if flavor in ['tilts']: plt.xlabel('Spatial Pixel') plt.ylabel('Spectral Pixel') else: plt.xlabel('Spectral Pixel') plt.ylabel('Spatial Pixel') plt.legend() # Returns the fit, the actual weighted traces and errors, and # measurement flags for the last iteration return trace_fit, cen, err, msk, traceset
[docs] def build_trace_bpm(flux, trace_cen, bpm=None, boxcar=None, thresh=None, median_kernel=None): """ Construct a bad-pixel mask for edge trace data. If no keyword arguments are provided, the traces are only masked when they land outside the bounds of the image. If both `boxcar` and `thresh` are provided, traces are also masked by extracting the provided image along the trace (see :func:`pypeit.core.moment.moment1d`) and flagging extracted values below the provided threshold. Args: flux (`numpy.ndarray`_): Image to use for tracing. Shape is expected to be (nspec, nspat). trace_cen (`numpy.ndarray`_): Trace locations. Can be a 1D array for a single trace or a 2D array with shape (nspec, ntrace) for multiple traces. bpm (`numpy.ndarray`_, optional): Boolean array with the input bad-pixel mask for the image. If not provided, all values in `flux` are considered valid. If provided, must have the same shape as `flux`. boxcar (:obj:`float`, optional): The width of the extraction window used for all traces and spectral rows. If None, the trace mask will not consider the extracted flux. thresh (:obj:`float`, optional): The minimum valid value of the extraced flux used to mask the traces. If None, the trace mask will not consider the extracted flux. median_kernel (:obj:`int`, optional): The spectral width of the kernel to use with `scipy.signal.medfilt` to filter the *extracted* data before setting the trace mask based on the provided threshold. If None, the extracted data are not filtered before flagging data below the threshold. Returns: `numpy.ndarray`_: The boolean mask for the traces. """ # Setup and ensure input is correct if flux.ndim != 2: raise ValueError('Input image must be 2D.') nspec, nspat = flux.shape if bpm is None: bpm = np.zeros_like(flux, dtype=bool) if bpm.shape != flux.shape: raise ValueError('Mask array shape is incorrect.') _trace_cen = trace_cen.reshape(-1,1) if trace_cen.ndim == 1 else trace_cen if _trace_cen.shape[0] != nspec: raise ValueError('Must provide trace position for each spectral pixel.') # Flag based on the trace positions trace_bpm = (_trace_cen < 0) | (_trace_cen > nspat - 1) if boxcar is None or thresh is None: # Only flagging based on the trace positions return trace_bpm # Get the extracted flux extract_flux = moment.moment1d(flux, _trace_cen, boxcar, bpm=bpm)[0] if median_kernel is not None: # Median filter the extracted data extract_flux = signal.medfilt(extract_flux, kernel_size=(median_kernel,1)) return trace_bpm | (extract_flux < thresh)
# TODO: Add an option where the user specifies the number of slits, and # so it takes only the highest peaks from detect_lines
[docs] def peak_trace(flux, ivar=None, bpm=None, trace_map=None, extract_width=None, smash_range=None, peak_thresh=100.0, peak_clip=None, trough=False, trace_median_frac=0.01, trace_thresh=10.0, fwhm_uniform=3.0, fwhm_gaussian=3.0, maxshift=None, maxerror=None, function='legendre', order=5, maxdev=5.0, maxiter=25, niter_uniform=9, niter_gaussian=6, bitmask=None, debug=False): """ Find and trace features in an image by identifying peaks/troughs after collapsing along the spectral axis. The image is either compressed directly or after rectification using the supplied ``trace_map``. The provided trace data *must* have the same shape as the input ``flux`` image and map each spatial position as a function of spectral position. This can be the output of :func:`~pypeit.core.pca.pca_predict` where the provided coordinates are ``np.arange(flux.shape[1])``; see also :func:`~pypeit.tracepca.TracePCA.predict`. The rectification of the input ``flux`` data is done using a boxcar extraction along the provided traces with a width of ``extract_width``; see :func:`~pypeit.core.moment.moment1d`. The (rectified) image is collapsed spectrally (see ``smash_range``) giving the sigma-clipped mean flux as a function of spatial position. Peaks are then isolated in this vector (see :func:`~pypeit.core.arc.detect_lines`). Traces that pass through these peak positions are then passed to two iterations of :func:`fit_trace`, which both remeasures the centroids of the trace and fits a polynomial to those trace data. The first iteration determines the centroids with uniform weighting, passing ``fwhm=fwhm_uniform`` to :func:`fit_trace`, and the second uses Gaussian weighting for the centroid measurements (passing ``fwhm=fwhm_gaussian`` to :func:`fit_trace`). The results of this second iteration of :func:`fit_trace` are the data returned. Troughs in the image can also be traced, which is done by flipping the sign of the image about its median and then repeating the "peak" finding and :func:`fit_trace` iterations. If troughs are fit, the traces are ordered with the set of peak traces first (the number of which is given by the last returned object of the function), followed by the trough traces. Args: flux (`numpy.ndarray`_): Image to use for tracing. ivar (`numpy.ndarray`_, optional): Inverse variance of the image intensity. If not provided, unity variance is used. If provided, must have the same shape as ``flux``. bpm (`numpy.ndarray`_, optional): Boolean array with the input bad-pixel mask for the image. If not provided, all values in ``flux`` are considered valid. If provided, must have the same shape as ``flux``. trace_map (`numpy.ndarray`_, optional): Trace data that maps the spatial position of all spectra as a function of spectral row. For example, this can be the output of :func:`~pypeit.core.pca.pca_predict` where the provided coordinates are ``np.arange(flux.shape[1])``; see also :func:`~pypeit.tracepca.TracePCA.predict`. This is used to rectify the input image so that spectra are identically organized along image rows (i.e., to select the ``i``th spectrum, one would slice with ``[:,i]``). Shape *must* be identical to ``flux``. If None, ``flux`` is assumed to be rectified on input. extract_width (:obj:`float`, optional): The width of the extract aperture to use when rectifying the flux image. If None, set to ``fwhm_gaussian``. smash_range (:obj:`tuple`, optional): Spectral range over which to collapse the input image into the 1D flux as a function of spatial position. This 1D vector is used to detect features for tracing. This is useful (and recommended) for defining the relevant detector range for data with spectra that do not span the length of the detector. The tuple gives the minimum and maximum in the fraction of the full spectral length (nspec). If None, the full image is collapsed. peak_thresh (:obj:`float`, optional): The threshold for detecting peaks in the image. See the ``input_thresh`` parameter for :func:`~pypeit.core.arc.detect_lines`. peak_clip (:obj:`float`, optional): Sigma-clipping threshold used to clip peaks with small values; no large values are clipped. If None, no clipping is performed. Generally, if the peak detection algorithm is finding insignificant peaks, one should instead raise the value of ``peak_thresh``. trough (:obj:`bool`, optional): Trace both peaks **and** troughs in the input image. This is done by flipping the value of the smashed image about its median value, such that troughs can be identified as peaks. trace_median_frac (:obj:`float`, optional): After rectification of the image and before refitting the traces, the rectified image is median filtered with a kernel width of ``trace_median_frac*nspec`` along the spectral dimension. trace_thresh (:obj:`float`, optional): After rectification and median filtering of the image (see ``trace_median_frac``), values in the resulting image that are *below* this threshold are masked in the refitting of the trace using :func:`fit_trace`. fwhm_uniform (:obj:`float`, optional): The ``fwhm`` parameter to use when using uniform weighting in the calls to :func:`fit_trace`. See description of the algorithm above. fwhm_gaussian (:obj:`float`, optional): The ``fwhm`` parameter to use when using Gaussian weighting in the calls to :func:`fit_trace`. See description of the algorithm above. maxshift (:obj:`float`, optional): Maximum shift allowed between the input and recalculated centroid (see :func:`fit_trace`). maxerror (:obj:`float`, optional): Maximum error allowed in the calculated centroid (see :func:`fit_trace`). function (:obj:`str`, optional): The type of polynomial to fit to the trace data. See :func:`fit_trace`. order (:obj:`int`, optional): Order of the polynomial to fit to each trace. See :func:`fit_trace`. maxdev (:obj:`float`, optional): See :func:`fit_trace`. If provided, reject points with ``abs(data-model) > maxdev`` when fitting the trace. If None, no points are rejected. maxiter (:obj:`int`, optional): Maximum number of rejection iterations allowed during the fitting. See :func:`fit_trace`. niter_uniform (:obj:`int`, optional): The number of iterations for :func:`fit_trace` when edge measurements are based on uniform weighting. See description above. niter_gaussian (:obj:`int`, optional): The number of iterations for :func:`fit_trace` when edge measurements are based on Gaussian weighting. See description above. bitmask (:class:`~pypeit.bitmask.BitMask`, optional): Object used to toggle the returned bit masks in edge centroid measurements; see :func:`masked_centroid`. debug (:obj:`bool`, optional): Show plots useful for debugging. Returns: :obj:`tuple`: Returns four `numpy.ndarray`_ objects and the number of peak traces. The number of peak traces should be used to separate peak from trough traces; if ``trough`` is False, this will just be the total number of traces. The four `numpy.ndarray`_ objects provide: - The best-fitting positions of each trace determined by the polynomial fit. - The centroids of the trace determined by the Gaussian-weighting iteration, to which the polynomial is fit. - The errors in the Gaussian-weighted centroids. - Boolean flags for each centroid measurement (see :func:`~pypeit.core.moment.moment1d`). Raises: ValueError: Raised if the input ``flux`` is not two-dimensional or if the shape of ``ivar``, ``bpm``, or ``trace_map`` is not identical to ``flux``. """ # Setup and ensure input is correct if flux.ndim != 2: raise ValueError('Input image must be 2D.') nspec, nspat = flux.shape if ivar is None: ivar = np.ones_like(flux, dtype=float) if ivar.shape != flux.shape: raise ValueError('Inverse variance array shape is incorrect.') if bpm is None: bpm = np.zeros_like(flux, dtype=bool) if bpm.shape != flux.shape: raise ValueError('Mask array shape is incorrect.') # Define the region to collapse if smash_range is None: smash_range = (0.,1.) # Set the image to collapse if trace_map is None: # Assume image already rectified flux_extract = flux # Just set the trace to the follow the spatial columns trace_map = np.tile(np.arange(nspat), (nspec,1)) else: # Check there is a trace for each image pixel if trace_map.shape != flux.shape: raise ValueError('Provided trace data must match the image shape.')'Rectifying image by extracting along trace for each spatial pixel') # TODO: JFH What should this aperture size be? I think fwhm=3.0 # since that is the width of the sobel filter flux_extract = sampling.rectify_image(flux, trace_map, bpm=bpm, extract_width=fwhm_gaussian if extract_width is None else extract_width)[0] # if debug: # ginga.show_image(flux_extract, chname ='rectified image') # Collapse the image along the spectral direction to isolate peaks/troughs start, end = np.clip(np.asarray(smash_range)*nspec, 0, nspec).astype(int)'Collapsing image spectrally between pixels {0}:{1}'.format(start, end)) flux_smash_mean, flux_smash_median, flux_smash_sig \ = sigma_clipped_stats(flux_extract[start:end,:], axis=0, sigma=4.0) # Offset by the median # TODO: If tracing Sobel-filtered image, this should be close to, # or identically, 0 flux_median = np.median(flux_smash_mean) flux_smash_mean -= flux_median # Trace peak or both peaks and troughs label = ['peak', 'trough'] if trough else ['peak'] sign = [1, -1] if trough else [1] # Instantiate output npeak = 0 fit = np.empty((nspec,0), dtype=float) cen = np.empty((nspec,0), dtype=float) err = np.empty((nspec,0), dtype=float) msk = np.empty((nspec,0), dtype=bool if bitmask is None else bitmask.minimum_dtype()) # Get the smoothing kernel width and ensure it is odd median_kernel = None if trace_median_frac is None \ else int(np.ceil(nspec*trace_median_frac))//2 * 2 + 1 # Identify and trace features in the image for i,(l,s) in enumerate(zip(label,sign)): # Identify the peaks'Searching for peaks.') peak, _, _cen, _, _, best, _, _ \ = arc.detect_lines(s*flux_smash_mean, cont_subtract=False, fwhm=fwhm_gaussian, input_thresh=peak_thresh, max_frac_fwhm=4.0, min_pkdist_frac_fwhm=5.0, debug=debug) if len(_cen) == 0 or not np.any(best): msgs.warn('No good {0}s found!'.format(l)) continue'Found {0} good {1}(s) in the rectified, collapsed image'.format( len(_cen[best]),l)) # Set the reference spatial locations to use for tracing the # detected peaks # TODO: Added this for a test case, not sure we should keep it # in the long run. _cen = _cen[best] loc = np.round(_cen).astype(int) if peak_clip is not None: # Clip the peaks based on their amplitude as a stop-gap for # a detection threshold that may be too low. Only clip # aberrantly low values. clipped_peak = sigma_clip(peak[best], sigma_lower=peak_clip, sigma_higher=np.inf) peak_mask = if np.any(peak_mask): msgs.warn('Clipping {0} detected peak(s) with aberrant amplitude(s).'.format( np.sum(peak_mask))) loc = loc[np.invert(peak_mask)] _cen = _cen[np.invert(peak_mask)] # As the starting point for the iterative trace fitting, use # the input trace data at the positions of the detected peaks. # The trace at column `loc` is expected to pass through `loc` # at the reference spectral pixel. The offset of the trace is # to allow for non-integer measurements of the peak centroid. trace_peak = trace_map[:,loc] + (_cen-loc)[None,:] # Image to trace: flip when tracing the troughs and clip low # values # TODO: This 1 is drawn out of the ether; this is different # from what is done in prepare_sobel_for_trace _flux = np.clip(s*(flux - flux_median), 1, None) # Construct the trace mask trace_peak_bpm = np.zeros(trace_peak.shape, dtype=bool) if trace_thresh is None \ else build_trace_bpm(_flux, trace_peak, bpm=bpm, boxcar=fwhm_gaussian, thresh=trace_thresh, median_kernel=median_kernel) # Remeasure and fit the trace using uniform weighting trace_peak, _cen, _err, _msk, _ \ = fit_trace(_flux, trace_peak, order, ivar=ivar, bpm=bpm, trace_bpm=trace_peak_bpm, fwhm=fwhm_uniform, maxshift=maxshift, maxerror=maxerror, function=function, maxdev=maxdev, maxiter=maxiter, niter=niter_uniform, bitmask=bitmask, debug=debug) # Reset the mask # TODO: Use or include `bad` resulting from fit_trace()? trace_peak_bpm = np.zeros(trace_peak.shape, dtype=bool) if trace_thresh is None \ else build_trace_bpm(_flux, trace_peak, bpm=bpm, boxcar=fwhm_gaussian, thresh=trace_thresh, median_kernel=median_kernel) # Redo the measurements and trace fitting with Gaussian # weighting trace_peak, _cen, _err, _msk, _ \ = fit_trace(_flux, trace_peak, order, ivar=ivar, bpm=bpm, trace_bpm=trace_peak_bpm, weighting='gaussian', fwhm=fwhm_gaussian, maxshift=maxshift, maxerror=maxerror, function=function, maxdev=maxdev, maxiter=maxiter, niter=niter_gaussian, bitmask=bitmask, debug=debug) # Save the results fit = np.append(fit, trace_peak, axis=1) cen = np.append(cen, _cen, axis=1) err = np.append(err, _err, axis=1) msk = np.append(msk, _msk, axis=1) if i == 0: # Save the number of peaks (troughs are appended, if they're located) npeak = cen.shape[1] return fit, cen, err, msk, npeak
[docs] def parse_user_slits(add_slits, this_det, rm=False): """ Parse the parset syntax for adding or removing slits Args: add_slits (str, list): Taken from the parset this_det (int): current detector rm (bool, optional): Remove instead of add? Returns: list or None: if list, [[x0,x1,yrow]] for add (rm=False) with one or more entries if list, [[xcen,yrow]] for rm=True with one or more entries """ # Might not be a list yet (only a str) if not isinstance(add_slits, list): add_slits = [add_slits] # user_slits = [] for islit in add_slits: # Add? if not rm: det, x0, x1, yrow = [int(ii) for ii in islit.split(':')] if det == this_det: user_slits.append([x0,x1,yrow]) else: # Remove det, xcen, yrow = [int(ii) for ii in islit.split(':')] if det == this_det: user_slits.append([xcen,yrow]) # Finish return None if len(user_slits) == 0 else user_slits
[docs] def find_missing_orders(cen, width_fit, gap_fit, tol=0.2): """ Using simple models for the order width and order gap as a function of spatial position, identify orders missed by the automated tracing. Args: cen (`numpy.ndarray`_): The spatial pixel positions of the orders traced. width_fit (:class:`~pypeit.core.fitting.PypeItFit`): Model of the order width as a function of the order center. gap_fit (:class:`~pypeit.core.fitting.PypeItFit`): Model of the order gap *after* each order as a function of the order center. tol (:obj:`float`, optional): Fraction of the order width used as the tolerance to identify missed orders. Returns: :obj:`tuple`: Two arrays providing (1) the centers of all slit orders and (2) a boolean array selecting orders that were missed by the tracing algorithm. """ # Start with the first order found c = [cen[0]] missing = [False] # Only interpolate; i.e., only iterate through the region covered by # successfully traced orders. i = 1 while c[-1] < cen[-1]: # Calculate where the model would predict the next order to land and add # it to the list of centers. l = width_fit.eval(c[-1]) c += [c[-1] + l + gap_fit.eval(c[-1])] # Determine if its missing missing += [True if i >= len(cen) else np.absolute(c[-1] - cen[i]) > tol*l] if not missing[-1]: # If not, reset the center to the measured value and increment the # array index c[-1] = cen[i] i += 1 # Return arrays return np.array(c), np.array(missing)
[docs] def predicted_center_difference(lower_spat, spat, width_fit, gap_fit): """ Return the difference between the predicted and true location of an order center. This is specifically implemented for :func:`extrapolate_orders` and its use of an optimization algorithm to extrapolate the order locations to *lower* spatial pixel values. Args: lower_spat (`numpy.ndarray`_): Optimization parameter. Must be an array with a single element giving the predicted spatial location of the order toward lower spatial pixels compared to the known order (``true``). spat (:obj:`float`): The true spatial location of the known order. width_fit (:class:`~pypeit.core.fitting.PypeItFit`): Model of the order width as a function of the order center. gap_fit (:class:`~pypeit.core.fitting.PypeItFit`): Model of the order gap *after* each order as a function of the order center. Returns: :obj:`float`: The absolute value of the difference between the prediction and the measure location of the order. """ test_spat = lower_spat[0] + width_fit.eval(lower_spat[0]) + gap_fit.eval(lower_spat[0]) return np.absolute(spat - test_spat)
[docs] def extrapolate_orders(cen, width_fit, gap_fit, min_spat, max_spat, tol=0.01): """ Predict the locations of additional orders by extrapolation. Order centers are only predicted for those that fall between a minimum and maximum spatial pixel value (see ``min_spat`` and ``max_spat``). The models of the order width and gap are defined such that the location of the orders are :math:`c_{i+1} = c_i + w_i + g_i`. Extrapolation toward larger spatial positions is, therefore, trivial. Toward smaller pixels, :math:`c_i` is unknown and the width and gap models are not required to be linear; we use a simple minimiation algorithm to optimize the extrapolated values so that the order location model is accurate (see ``tol``). Args: cen (`numpy.ndarray`_): The spatial pixel positions of the orders traced. width_fit (:class:`~pypeit.core.fitting.PypeItFit`): Model of the order width as a function of the order center. gap_fit (:class:`~pypeit.core.fitting.PypeItFit`): Model of the order gap *after* each order as a function of the order center. min_spat (:obj:`float`): The minimum spatial pixel for the extrapolation range. max_spat (:obj:`float`): The maximum spatial pixel for the extrapolation range. tol (:obj:`float`, optional): Tolerance used when optimizing the order locations predicted toward lower spatial pixels. Returns: :obj:`tuple`: Two arrays with orders centers (1) below the first and (2) above the last measured center. One or both of the arrays can be empty if extrapolation leads to no orders outside the specified minimum and maximum spatial range (``min_spat``, ``max_spat``). """ # Extrapolate toward lower spatial positions lower_spat = [cen[0]] while lower_spat[-1] > min_spat: # Guess the position of the previous order l = width_fit.eval(lower_spat[-1]) guess = np.array([lower_spat[-1] - l - gap_fit.eval(lower_spat[-1])]) # Set the bounds based on this guess and the expected order width bounds = optimize.Bounds(lb=guess - l/2, ub=guess + l/2) # Optimize the spatial position res = optimize.minimize(predicted_center_difference, guess, args=(lower_spat[-1], width_fit, gap_fit), method='trust-constr', jac='2-point', bounds=bounds, tol=tol) lower_spat += [res.x[0]] # Extrapolate toward larger spatial positions upper_spat = [cen[-1]] while upper_spat[-1] < max_spat: upper_spat += [upper_spat[-1] + width_fit.eval(upper_spat[-1]) + gap_fit.eval(upper_spat[-1])] # Return arrays after removing the first and last spatial position (which # are either repeats of values in `cen` or outside the spatial range) return np.array(lower_spat[-2:0:-1]), np.array(upper_spat[1:-1])