Source code for pypeit.core.slitdesign_matching

Module with slit - mask design matching routines.

Routines are primarily used for matching the traced slit edges to the predicted trace
from the mask design/optical model.

TODO: These routines are specific for DEIMOS. Can they be generalized?

These routines are taken from the DEEP2 IDL-based pipeline.

.. include:: ../include/links.rst

from IPython import embed

import numpy as np
from scipy import optimize
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

from astropy.stats import sigma_clipped_stats
from pypeit.core import fitting

from pypeit import msgs

[docs] def best_offset(x_det, x_model, step=1, xlag_range=None): """ Script to determine the best offset between the slit edge predicted by the optical model and the one found in the image. This is used iteratively. Taken from DEEP2/spec2d/pro/ x_det==x1, x_model==x2 Args: x_det (`numpy.ndarray`_): 1D array of slit edge spatial positions found from image x_model (`numpy.ndarray`_): 1D array of slit edge spatial positions predicted by the optical model step (:obj:`int`): step size in pixels used to generate a list of possible offsets within the `offsets_range` xlag_range (:obj:`list`, optional): range of offsets in pixels allowed between the slit positions predicted by the mask design and the traced slit positions. Returns: :obj:`float`: best offset between the slit edge predicted by the optical model and the one found in the image """ # This select the number of best matches used later fo statistics nbest = int(x_det.size * .85) # Genarate an array of offsets if xlag_range is not None: xlag = np.arange(xlag_range[0], xlag_range[1]+step, step) min_x_det, max_x_det = np.min(x_det), np.max(x_det) # we keep only the x_model values that are in the current detector wkeep =(x_model > min_x_det+xlag_range[0]) & (x_model < max_x_det+xlag_range[1]) if x_model[wkeep].size<2: msgs.warn('Working between {} and {}'.format(min_x_det+xlag_range[0], max_x_det+xlag_range[1])) msgs.warn('Not enough lines to run!!!') sdev = 1e10 return 0. x_model_trim = x_model[wkeep] else: min_x_model, max_x_model =, max_x_det = np.max(x_det) xlag = np.arange(min_x_model-max_x_det, max_x_model, step) x_model_trim = x_model # The results will be stored in sdev sdev = np.zeros(xlag.size) # Loop over the array of offsets # so that for each element of x_det we get the closest value of x_model for j in range(xlag.size): x_det_lag = x_det+xlag[j] join =[x_det_lag, x_model_trim]) sind = np.argsort(join) nj = sind.size w1 = np.where(sind < x_det.size) # [IDL-version comment] the following code is incorrect if the first element or last element in the # joined array is an element of x_det if x_det.size > 10: offs1 = (join[sind[((w1[0] + 1) > (nj - 1)).choose((w1[0] + 1), (nj - 1))]] - x_det_lag) offs2 = (x_det_lag - join[sind[((w1[0] - 1) < 0).choose(w1[0] - 1, 0)]]) offs = (offs1 > offs2).choose(offs1, offs2) # set all values of offs1 > offs2 equal to offs2 else: # [IDL-version comment] so added this brute-force version - still not quite right, # as assumes don't match 2 x_det's to the same x_model offs = np.amin(np.absolute(x_det_lag[:, None] - x_model_trim[None, :]), axis=1) # use only nbest best matches soffs = np.argsort(np.abs(offs)) nbest2 = nbest if nbest<x_det.size else x_det.size offs = offs[soffs[0:nbest2]] # record the offset due to `xlag[j]` in `sdev` as a sum over `x_det` size. sdev[j] = (offs**2).sum() # big if match is bad # The best offset will be the one with the smallest `sdev` best_sdev = int(np.mean(np.argmin(sdev))) # average ind return xlag[best_sdev]
[docs] def discrete_correlate_match(x_det, x_model, step=1, xlag_range=[-50, 50]): """ Script to find the the x_model values that match the traced edges. This method uses :func:`best_offset` to determine the best offset between slit edge predicted by the optical model and the one found in the image, given a range of offsets. This is used iteratively. Taken from in DEEP2/spec2d/pro/ x_det==x1, x_model==x2_in Args: x_det (`numpy.ndarray`_): 1D array of slit edge spatial positions found from image x_model (`numpy.ndarray`_): 1D array of slit edge spatial positions predicted by the optical model step (:obj:`int`): step size in pixels used to generate a list of possible offsets within the `offsets_range` xlag_range (:obj:`list`, optional): range of offsets in pixels allowed between the slit positions predicted by the mask design and the traced slit positions. Returns: `numpy.ndarray`_: array of indices for x_model, which defines the matches to x_det, i.e., x_det matches x_model[ind] """ # -------- PASS 1: get offset between x1 and x2 # Determine the offset between x_det and x_model best_off = best_offset(x_det, x_model, step=step, xlag_range=xlag_range) # apply the offset to x_model x_model_new = x_model - best_off # for each traced edge (`x_det`) determine the value of x_model that gives the smallest offset ind =[:, None] - x_model_new[None, :]), axis=1) # -------- PASS 2: remove linear trend (i.e. adjust scale) # fit the offsets to `x_det` to find the scale and apply it to x_model dx = - x_model_new[ind]) pypeitFit = fitting.robust_fit(x_det, dx, 1, maxiter=100, lower=2, upper=2) coeff = pypeitFit.fitc scale = 1 + coeff[1] if x_det.size > 4 else 1 x_model_new *= scale # Find again the best offset and apply it to x_model new_best_off = best_offset(x_det, x_model_new, step=step, xlag_range=xlag_range) x_model_new -= new_best_off # find again `ind` ind =[:,None] - x_model_new[None,:]), axis=1) # -------- PASS 3: tweak offset dx = x_det - x_model_new[ind] x_model_new += # find again `ind` ind =[:,None] - x_model_new[None,:]), axis=1) return ind
[docs] def slit_match(x_det, x_model, step=1, xlag_range=[-50,50], sigrej=3, print_matches=False, edge=None): """ Script that perform the slit edges matching. This method uses :func:`discrete_correlate_match` to find the indices of x_model that match x_det. Taken from DEEP2/spec2d/pro/ Parameters ---------- x_det: `numpy.ndarray`_ 1D array of slit edge spatial positions found from image. x_model: `numpy.ndarray`_ 1D array of slit edge spatial positions predicted by the optical model. step: :obj:`int`, optional Step size in pixels used to generate a list of possible offsets within the `offsets_range`. xlag_range: :obj:`list`, optional Range of offsets in pixels allowed between the slit positions predicted by the mask design and the traced slit positions. sigrej: :obj:`float`, optional Reject slit matches larger than this number of sigma in the match residuals. print_matches: :obj:`bool`, optional Print the result of the matching. edge: :obj:`str`, optional String that indicates which edges are being plotted, i.e., left of right. Ignored if ``print_matches`` is False. Returns ------- ind: `numpy.ndarray`_ 1D array of indices for `x_model`, which defines the matches to `x_det`, i.e., `x_det` matches `x_model[ind]` dupl: `numpy.ndarray`_ 1D array of `bool` that flags which `ind` are duplicates. coeff: `numpy.ndarray`_ pypeitFit coefficients of the fitted relation between `x_det` and `x_model[ind]` sigres: :obj:`float` RMS residual for the fitted relation between `x_det` and `x_model[ind]` """ # Determine the indices of `x_model` that match `x_det` ind = discrete_correlate_match(x_det,, -1), step=step, xlag_range=xlag_range) # Define the weights for the fitting residual = (x_det-x_model[ind]) - np.median(x_det-x_model[ind]) weights = np.zeros(residual.size, dtype=int) weights[np.abs(residual) < 100.] = 1 if weights.sum() == 0: weights = np.ones(residual.size, dtype=int) # Fit between `x_det` and `x_model[ind]` pypeitFit = fitting.robust_fit(x_model[ind], x_det, 1, maxiter=100, weights=weights, lower=3, upper=3) coeff = pypeitFit.fitc yfit = pypeitFit.eval(x_model[ind]) # compute residuals res = yfit - x_det sigres = sigma_clipped_stats(res, sigma=sigrej)[2] # RMS residuals # flag the matches that have residuals > `sigrej` times the RMS, or if res>5 cut = 5 if res.size < 5 else sigrej*sigres out = np.abs(res) > cut # check for duplicate indices dupl = np.ones(ind.size, dtype=bool) # If there are duplicates of `ind`, for now we keep only the first one. We don't remove the others yet dupl[np.unique(ind, return_index=True)[1]] = False wdupl = np.where(dupl)[0] # Iterate over the duplicates flagged as bad if wdupl.size > 0: for i in range(wdupl.size): duplind = ind[wdupl[i]] # Where are the other duplicates of this `ind`? w = np.where(ind == duplind)[0] # set those to be bad (for the moment) dupl[w] = True # Among the duplicates of this particular `ind`, which one has the smallest residual? wdif = np.argmin(np.abs(res[w])) # The one with the smallest residuals, is then set to not bad dupl[w[wdif]] = False # Both duplicates and matches with high RMS are considered bad dupl = dupl | out if edge is not None: msgs.warn('{} duplicate match(es) for {} edges'.format(dupl[dupl == 1].size, edge)) else: msgs.warn('{} duplicate match(es)'.format(dupl[dupl == 1].size)) # I commented the 3 lines below because I don't really need to trim the duplicate matches. I just # propagate the flag. # good = dupl == 0 # ind = ind[good] # x_det=x_det[good] if print_matches: if edge is not None:'-----------------------------------------------')' {} slit edges '.format(edge))'-----------------------------------------------')'Index omodel_edge spat_edge ')'-----------------------------------------------') for i in range(ind.size):'{} {} {}'.format(ind[i], x_model[ind][i], x_det[i]))'-----------------------------------------------') return ind, dupl, coeff, sigres
[docs] def plot_matches(edgetrace, ind, x_model, yref, slit_index, nspat=2048, duplicates=None, missing=None, edge=None): r""" Plot the slit mask matching results. Args: edgetrace (`numpy.ndarray`_): 2D array with the location of the slit edges for each spectral pixel as measured from the trace image. Shape is :math:`(N_{\rm spec},N_{\rm trace})`. ind (`numpy.ndarray`_): 1D array of indices for `x_model`, which defines the matches to `x_det`. x_model (`numpy.ndarray`_): 1D array of slit edge spatial positions predicted by the optical model. yref (:obj:`float`): Reference pixel in the `spec` direction. slit_index (`numpy.ndarray`_): 1D array of slit-mask design indices. nspat (:obj:`int`, optional): Spatial dimension of the detector, for plotting purpose. duplicates (`numpy.ndarray`_, optional): 1D array of `bool` that flags which `ind` are duplicates. missing (`numpy.ndarray`_, optional): 1D array of indices for `x_model`, which defines the missing traces, if any. edge (:obj:`str`, optional): String that indicates which edges are being plotted, i.e., left of right. """ # Slit edge spatial positions found from image at yref x_det = edgetrace[yref, :] yref_xdet = np.tile(yref, x_det.size) yref_x_model = np.tile(yref, x_model.size) buffer = 200 dist = edgetrace.shape[0] - yref plt.rc('xtick', direction='in') plt.rc('ytick', direction='in') fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 4.5)) fig.subplots_adjust(left=None, bottom=None, right=None, top=None, wspace=0, hspace=0) if edge is not None: plt.title('{} slit edges cross-matching'.format(edge)) # Plot the traced edges for x in range(edgetrace.shape[1]): if duplicates is not None and duplicates[x]: plt.plot(edgetrace[:, x], np.arange(edgetrace[:, x].size), color='orange', lw=0.5, zorder=0) else: plt.plot(edgetrace[:, x], np.arange(edgetrace[:, x].size), color='k', lw=0.5, zorder=0) # Plot `x_det`, `x_model`, and `x_model[ind]` at a reference pixel in the `spec` direction plt.scatter(x_det, yref_xdet, marker='D', s=30, lw=1.2, facecolors='none', edgecolors='m', zorder=1, label='Image trace midpoint') plt.scatter(x_model[x_model != -1], yref_x_model[x_model != -1], marker='o', s=10, lw=0, color='b', zorder=1, label='Predicted optical model trace') plt.scatter(x_model[ind], yref_x_model[ind], marker='o', s=150, facecolors='none', edgecolors='g', zorder=1, label='Optical model trace matched to the image trace') if missing is not None: plt.scatter(x_model[missing], yref_x_model[missing], marker='x', s=40, color='r', zorder=1, label='Optical model trace missing in image trace') # Print in the plot the values of `slintindx` for the matched edges for i in range(x_det.size): plt.text(x_det[i]+0.01*nspat, yref_xdet[i]+0.05*dist, slit_index[ind][i], rotation=45, color='g', fontsize=8, horizontalalignment='center') for i in range(x_model.size): if x_model[i] != -1: plt.text(x_model[i]+0.01*nspat, yref_x_model[i]-0.15*dist, slit_index[i], rotation=45, color='b', fontsize=8, horizontalalignment='center') if missing is not None: for i in range(x_model[missing].size): plt.text(x_model[missing][i]+0.01*nspat, yref_x_model[missing][i]+0.05*dist, slit_index[missing][i], rotation=45, color='r', fontsize=8, horizontalalignment='center') plt.xlabel('Spatial pixels') plt.ylabel('Spectral pixels') plt.xlim(-buffer, nspat+buffer) plt.ylim(0, edgetrace.shape[0]) plt.legend(loc=1)
[docs] def match_positions_1D(measured, nominal, tol=None): """ Match a set of measured 1D positions against a nominal expectation with uniqueness (i.e., more than one measured position cannot be matched to the same nominal position). The function primarily uses `scipy.optimize.linear_sum_assignment`_ to perform the matching, where the matrix of separations of each measured position to every nominal position is used as the cost matrix. Args: measured (`numpy.ndarray`_): Measured positions. Shape is ``(n,)``. nominal (`numpy.ndarray`_): Expected positions. Shape is ``(m,)``. tol (:obj:`float`, optional): Maximum separation between measured and nominal positions to be considered a match. If None, no limit is applied. Returns: `numpy.ndarray`_: Indices of the elements in ``measured`` that are matched to the elements of ``nominal``. Shape is ``(m,)``. If the tolerance is set or the number of measurements is less than the nominal set (i.e., ``n < m``), any element of ``nominal`` that does not have an appropriate match in ``measured`` is given an index of -1. """ # Calculate the (m,n) separation matrix # NOTE: This is the brute force approach. For *lots* of measurements, this # can be sped up by using a KDTree to build a sparse matrix with only a # subset of the separations calculated. sep = np.absolute(nominal[:,None] - measured[None,:]) # Perform the match n_m, m_m = optimize.linear_sum_assignment(sep) # Remove any matches that don't meet the provided tolerance. # NOTE: It's possible this approach yields a non-optimal match. I.e., when # multiple matches are near the tolerance, removing the largest separations # *before* performing the match (above) might ultimately yield a more # optimal result for the ones that remain. But this approach has worked so # far. if tol is not None: indx = sep[n_m,m_m] < tol n_m = n_m[indx] m_m = m_m[indx] # If there aren't any missing matches, just return the match vector if n_m.size == nominal.size: return m_m # Otherwise, insert -1 placeholders. _m_m = np.full(nominal.size, -1, dtype=int) _m_m[n_m] = m_m return _m_m