Source code for pypeit.core.flat

Core module for methods related to flat fielding.

.. include common links, assuming primary doc root is up one directory
.. include:: ../include/links.rst
import inspect
import copy
import os

import numpy as np
import scipy.interpolate
import scipy.ndimage
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from IPython import embed

from pypeit import msgs
from pypeit.core import parse
from pypeit.core import pixels
from pypeit.core import tracewave
from pypeit.core import coadd
from pypeit import utils
from pypeit.core import pydl

# TODO: Put this in utils
[docs] def linear_interpolate(x1, y1, x2, y2, x): r""" Interplate or extrapolate between two points. Given a line defined two points, :math:`(x_1,y_1)` and :math:`(x_2,y_2)`, return the :math:`y` value of a new point on the line at coordinate :math:`x`. This function is meant for speed. No type checking is performed and the only check is that the two provided ordinate coordinates are not numerically identical. By definition, the function will extrapolate without any warning. Args: x1 (:obj:`float`): First abscissa position y1 (:obj:`float`): First ordinate position x2 (:obj:`float`): Second abscissa position y3 (:obj:`float`): Second ordinate position x (:obj:`float`): Abcissa for new value Returns: :obj:`float`: Interpolated/extrapolated value of ordinate at :math:`x`. """ return y1 if np.isclose(x1,x2) else y1 + (x-x1)*(y2-y1)/(x2-x1)
# TODO: Make this function more general and put it in utils.
[docs] def sorted_flat_data(data, coo, gpm=None): """ Sort a set of data by the provided coordinates. Args: data (`numpy.ndarray`_): Data array with arbirary shape and data type. coo (`numpy.ndarray`_): Relevant coordinate array. Shape must match ``data``. gpm (`numpy.ndarray`_, optional): Good-pixel mask for array. Used to select data (where ``gpm`` is True) to sort and return. Shape must match ``data``. If None, all data is used. Returns: tuple: Four `numpy.ndarray`_ objects are returned: - A boolean array with the pixels used in the sorting. Shape is identical to ``data``. If ``gpm`` is provided, this is identicall (i.e., not a copy) of the input array; otherwise, it is ``np.ones(data.shape, dtype=bool)``. - A vector with the length of ``numpy.sum(gpm)`` with the indices that sorts the flattened list of good coordinate values. - A vector with the sorted coordinate data. - A vector with the data sorted by the respective coordinates. To reconstruct the input data array for the good pixels:: _data = np.zeros(data.shape, dtype=data.dtype) _data[gpm] = srt_data[np.argsort(srt)] where ``data`` is the input array, ``gpm`` is the first returned object, ``srt`` is the second returned object, and ``srt_data`` is the last returned object of this method. """ if gpm is None: gpm = np.ones(data.shape, dtype=bool) # Sort the pixels by their spatial coordinate. NOTE: By default # np.argsort sorts the data over the last axis. To avoid coo[gpm] # returning an array (which will happen if the gpm is not provided # as an argument), all the arrays are explicitly flattened. srt = np.argsort(coo[gpm].ravel()) coo_data = coo[gpm].ravel()[srt] flat_data = data[gpm].ravel()[srt] return gpm, srt, coo_data, flat_data
[docs] def illum_filter(spat_flat_data_raw, med_width): """ Filter the flat data to produce the empirical illumination profile. This is primarily a convenience method for :func:`construct_illum_profile`. The method first median filters with a window set by ``med_width`` and then Gaussian-filters the result with a kernel sigma set to be the maximum of 0.5 or ``med_width``/20. Args: spat_flat_data_raw (`numpy.ndarray`_); Raw flat data collapsed along the spectral direction. med_width (:obj:`int`): Width of the median filter window. Returns: `numpy.ndarray`_: Returns the filtered spatial profile of the flat data. """ # Median filter the data spat_flat_data = utils.fast_running_median(spat_flat_data_raw, med_width) # Gaussian filter the data with a kernel that is 1/20th of the # median-filter width (or at least 0.5 pixels where here a "pixel" # is just the index of the data to fit) return scipy.ndimage.gaussian_filter1d(spat_flat_data, np.fmax(med_width/20.0, 0.5), mode='nearest')
[docs] def construct_illum_profile(norm_spec, spat_coo, slitwidth, spat_gpm=None, spat_samp=5, illum_iter=0, illum_rej=None, debug=False): """ Construct the slit illumination profile. Provided an image with the spectral response normalized out, this iteratively filters and rejects the flat-field data to construct the empirical slit illumination profile. The data are collapsed spectrally using the provided coordinate array to construct a 1D profile. Nominally, the provided spatial coordinates and good-pixel mask should be for a single slit. The iterations involve constructing the illumination profile using :func:`illum_filter` and then rejecting deviant residuals. Each rejection iteration recomputes the standard deviation and pixels to reject from the full input set (i.e., rejected pixels are not kept between iterations). Rejection iterations are only performed if ``illum_iter > 0 and illum_rej is not None``. Args: norm_spec (`numpy.ndarray`_): Flat-field image (2D array) with the spectral response normalized out. spat_coo (`numpy.ndarray`_): An image with the slit spatial coordinates, expected to be with respect to a single slit and span the full image region selected by the good-pixel mask (``spat_gpm``). Shape must match ``norm_spec``. slitwidth (:obj:`float`): Fiducial slit width used to set the median-filter window size. spat_gpm (`numpy.ndarray`_, optional): The good-pixel mask that selects the pixels to include in the slit illumination profile calculation. If None, **all pixels in the provided images are used**. For virtually all practical purposes, this array should be provided. spat_samp (:obj:`int`, :obj:`float`, optional): Spatial sampling for slit illumination function. This is the width of the median filter in detector pixels used to determine the slit illumination function, and thus sets the minimum scale on which the illumination function will have features. illum_iter (:obj:`int`, optional): Iteratively construct the slit illumination profile and reject outliers. To include rejection iterations, this must be larger than 0, and you have to provide the sigma threshold (``illum_rej``); otherwise, no iterations are performed. illum_rej (:obj:`float`, optional): Sigma rejection threshold for iterations. If None, no rejection iterations will be performed, regardless of the value of ``illum_iter``. debug (:obj:`bool`, optional): Construct plots output to the screen that show the result of each iteration. Regardless of this flag, no plots are shown if there are no iterations. Returns: tuple: Five `numpy.ndarray`_ objects are returned: - A boolean array with the pixels used in the construction of the illumination profile. Shape is identical to ``norm_spec``. - A vector with the length of the number of good pixels (sum of the first returned object) with the indices that sorts the flattened list of good coordinate values. - A vector with the sorted coordinate data. - A vector with the data sorted by the respective coordinates. - A vector with the slit illumination profile. To construct the empirical 2D illumination profile:: illum = np.zeros(norm_spec.shape, dtype=float) illum[_spat_gpm] = profile[np.argsort(srt)] where ``norm_spec`` is the input array, ``_spat_gpm`` is the first returned object, ``srt`` is the second returned object, and ``profile`` is the last returned object. """ if illum_rej is None and illum_iter > 0: msgs.warn('Cannot use iterative rejection to construct the illumination function if the ' 'rejection is not provided. Continuing without iteration.') _spat_gpm = np.ones(norm_spec.shape, dtype=bool) if spat_gpm is None else np.copy(spat_gpm) _spat_gpm, spat_srt, spat_coo_data, spat_flat_data_raw \ = sorted_flat_data(norm_spec, spat_coo, gpm=_spat_gpm) spat_gpm_data_raw = np.ones(spat_flat_data_raw.size, dtype=bool) # Assume the density of samples in any given spatial coordinate is # roughly the same at all spatial positions. Calculate the fraction # of the slit width for the median filter as set by the # ``spat_samp`` parameter. med_width = int(np.ceil(np.sum(spat_gpm) * spat_samp / slitwidth)) # Construct the filtered illumination profile (iteratively if requested) for i in range(illum_iter+1): spat_flat_data = illum_filter(spat_flat_data_raw[spat_gpm_data_raw], med_width) if illum_iter == 0 or illum_rej is None: # No iterations so we're done (skips debug plot) return spat_gpm, spat_srt, spat_coo_data, spat_flat_data_raw, spat_flat_data if i == illum_iter: # Don't perform the rejection on the last iteration break # Iteration does not keep previous rejections. NOTE: Rejections # at either end of the data array would cause the interpolation # below to fault, which is why I set bound_error to False. This # may be a problem though because I set the fill value to 0... interp = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(spat_coo_data[spat_gpm_data_raw], spat_flat_data, bounds_error=False, fill_value=0.0, assume_sorted=True) resid = spat_flat_data_raw - interp(spat_coo_data) sigma = np.std(resid) spat_gpm_data_raw = np.absolute(resid) < illum_rej*sigma # TODO: Provide a report? if debug: plt.clf() ax = plt.gca() ax.scatter(spat_coo_data[spat_gpm_data_raw], spat_flat_data_raw[spat_gpm_data_raw], marker='.', lw=0, s=10, color='k', zorder=1, label='used data') ax.scatter(spat_coo_data[np.invert(spat_gpm_data_raw)], spat_flat_data_raw[np.invert(spat_gpm_data_raw)], marker='.', lw=0, s=10, color='C3', zorder=2, label='rejected data') ax.plot(spat_coo_data[spat_gpm_data_raw], spat_flat_data, color='C2', zorder=3, label='filtered profile') ax.legend() ax.set_title('Optimized slit illumination profile') ax.set_xlabel('Spatial coordinate') ax.set_ylabel('Spectrally collapsed, normalized flux') # Include the rejected data in the full image good-pixel mask _spat_gpm[_spat_gpm] = spat_gpm_data_raw[np.argsort(spat_srt)] # Recreate the illumination profile data _spat_gpm, spat_srt, spat_coo_data, spat_flat_data_raw \ = sorted_flat_data(norm_spec, spat_coo, gpm=_spat_gpm) return _spat_gpm, spat_srt, spat_coo_data, spat_flat_data_raw, \ illum_filter(spat_flat_data_raw, med_width)
[docs] def illum_profile_spectral_poly(rawimg, waveimg, slitmask, slitmask_trim, model, slit_illum_ref_idx=0, gpmask=None, thismask=None, nbins=20, debug=False): """ Use a polynomial fit to control points along the spectral direction to determine the relative spectral illumination of all slits. Currently, this routine is only used for image slicer IFUs. Parameters ---------- rawimg : `numpy.ndarray`_ Image data that will be used to estimate the spectral relative sensitivity waveimg : `numpy.ndarray`_ Wavelength image slitmask : `numpy.ndarray`_ A 2D int mask, the same shape as rawimg, indicating which pixels are on a slit. A -1 value indicates not on a slit, while any pixels on a slit should have the value of the slit spatial ID number. slitmask_trim : `numpy.ndarray`_ Same as slitmask, but the slit edges are trimmed. model : `numpy.ndarray`_ A model of the rawimg data. slit_illum_ref_idx : :obj:`int` Index of slit that is used as the reference. gpmask : `numpy.ndarray`_, optional Boolean good pixel mask (True = Good) thismask : `numpy.ndarray`_, optional A boolean mask (True = good) that indicates all pixels where the scaleImg should be constructed. If None, the slitmask that is generated by this routine will be used. nbins : :obj:`int` Number of bins in the spectral direction to sample the relative spectral sensitivity debug : :obj:`bool` If True, some plots will be output to test if the fitting is working correctly. Returns ------- scale_model: `numpy.ndarray`_ An image containing the appropriate scaling """"Performing relative spectral sensitivity correction (reference slit = {slit_illum_ref_idx})") # Generate the mask _thismask = thismask if (thismask is not None) else (slitmask > 0) gpm = gpmask if (gpmask is not None) else np.ones_like(rawimg, dtype=bool) # Extract the list of spatial IDs from the slitmask slitmask_spatid = np.unique(slitmask) slitmask_spatid = np.sort(slitmask_spatid[slitmask_spatid > 0]) # Initialise the scale image that will be returned scaleImg = np.ones_like(rawimg) # Divide the slit into several bins and calculate the median of each bin for sl, spatid in enumerate(slitmask_spatid): # Prepare the masks, edges, and fitting variables this_slit = (slitmask == spatid) this_slit_trim = (slitmask_trim == spatid) this_slit_mask = gpm & this_slit_trim this_wave = waveimg[this_slit_mask] wavedg = np.linspace(np.min(this_wave), np.max(this_wave), nbins + 1) wavcen = 0.5 * (wavedg[1:] + wavedg[:-1]) scale_all = rawimg[this_slit_mask] * utils.inverse(model[this_slit_mask]) scale_bin = np.zeros(nbins) scale_err = np.zeros(nbins) for bb in range(nbins): cond = (this_wave >= wavedg[bb]) & (this_wave <= wavedg[bb + 1]) scale_bin[bb] = np.median(scale_all[cond]) scale_err[bb] = 1.4826 * np.median(np.abs(scale_all[cond] - scale_bin[bb])) wgd = np.where(scale_err > 0) coeff = np.polyfit(wavcen[wgd], scale_bin[wgd], w=1/scale_err[wgd], deg=2) scaleImg[this_slit] *= np.polyval(coeff, waveimg[this_slit]) if debug: mod = np.polyval(coeff, wavcen[wgd]) plt.errorbar(wavcen[wgd], scale_bin[wgd], yerr=scale_err[wgd], fmt='o') plt.plot(wavcen[wgd], mod, 'r-') if sl == slit_illum_ref_idx: scaleImg[_thismask] *= utils.inverse(np.polyval(coeff, waveimg[_thismask])) minv, maxv = np.min(scaleImg[_thismask]), np.max(scaleImg[_thismask])"Minimum/Maximum scales = {0:.5f}, {1:.5f}".format(minv, maxv)) return scaleImg
[docs] def smooth_scale(arr, wave_ref=None, polydeg=None, sn_smooth_npix=None): """ Smooth the relative sensitivity array using a polynomial fit or a boxcar filter. Parameters ---------- arr : `numpy.ndarray`_ Array containing the relative sensitivity wave_ref : `numpy.ndarray`_, optional Wavelength array corresponding to the relative sensitivity array. Only used if polydeg is not None. polydeg : :obj:`int`, optional Degree of the polynomial fit to the relative sensitivity array. If None, a boxcar filter will be used. sn_smooth_npix : :obj:`int`, optional Number of pixels to use for the boxcar filter. Only used if polydeg is None. Returns ------- arr_smooth : `numpy.ndarray` Smoothed relative sensitivity array """ # Do some checks on the input if polydeg is not None and wave_ref is None: msgs.error("Must provide a wavelength array if polydeg is not None") if polydeg is None and sn_smooth_npix is None: msgs.error("Must provide either polydeg or sn_smooth_npix") # Smooth the relative sensitivity array if polydeg is not None: gd = (arr != 0) wave_norm = (wave_ref - wave_ref[0]) / (wave_ref[1] - wave_ref[0]) coeff = np.polyfit(wave_norm[gd], arr[gd], polydeg) ref_relscale = np.polyval(coeff, wave_norm) else: ref_relscale = coadd.smooth_weights(arr, (arr != 0), sn_smooth_npix) # Return the smoothed relative sensitivity array return ref_relscale
# TODO:: See pypeit/deprecated/ for a spline version. The following polynomial version is faster, but # the spline version is more versatile.
[docs] def poly_map(rawimg, rawivar, waveimg, slitmask, slitmask_trim, modelimg, deg=3, slit_illum_ref_idx=0, gpmask=None, thismask=None, debug=False): """ Use a polynomial fit to control points along the spectral direction to construct a map between modelimg and rawimg. Currently, this routine is only used for image slicer IFUs. This problem needs to be recast into a chi-squared problem, that can take advantage of polynomial fitting. Refer to the following for variable assignments: where: y = science/model w = model/science_error resid = w*(y-f(x)) Then, iterate over this. The reason to iterate is that there should be a mapping between science and science_error. Once we have an estimate of f(x), we can do the following: spl = spline(science, science_error) new_science_error = spl(model*f(x)) Now iterate a few times until new_science_error (and the fit) is converged. Parameters ---------- rawimg : `numpy.ndarray`_ Image data that will be used to estimate the spectral relative sensitivity rawivar : `numpy.ndarray`_ Inverse variance image of rawimg waveimg : `numpy.ndarray`_ Wavelength image slitmask : `numpy.ndarray`_ A 2D int mask, the same shape as rawimg, indicating which pixels are on a slit. A -1 value indicates not on a slit, while any pixels on a slit should have the value of the slit spatial ID number. slitmask_trim : `numpy.ndarray`_ Same as slitmask, but the slit edges are trimmed. model : `numpy.ndarray`_ A model of the rawimg data. slit_illum_ref_idx : :obj:`int` Index of slit that is used as the reference. gpmask : `numpy.ndarray`_, optional Boolean good pixel mask (True = Good) thismask : `numpy.ndarray`_, optional A boolean mask (True = good) that indicates all pixels where the scaleImg should be constructed. If None, the slitmask that is generated by this routine will be used. debug : :obj:`bool` If True, some plots will be output to test if the fitting is working correctly. Returns ------- modelmap : `numpy.ndarray`_ A 2D image with the same shape as rawimg, that contains the modelimg mapped to the rawimg relscale : `numpy.ndarray`_ A 2D image with the same shape as rawimg, that contains the relative spectral sensitivity """ # Some variables to consider putting as function arguments numiter = 4 # Start by calculating a ratio of the raming and the modelimg nspec = rawimg.shape[0] _ratio = rawimg * utils.inverse(modelimg) _ratio_ivar = rawivar * modelimg**2 _fit_wghts = modelimg * np.sqrt(rawivar) # Generate the mask _thismask = thismask if (thismask is not None) else (slitmask > 0) gpm = gpmask if (gpmask is not None) else np.ones_like(rawimg, dtype=bool) # Extract the list of spatial IDs from the slitmask slitmask_spatid = np.unique(slitmask) slitmask_spatid = np.sort(slitmask_spatid[slitmask_spatid > 0]) # Create a spline between the raw data and the error flxsrt = np.argsort(np.ravel(rawimg)) spl = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(np.ravel(rawimg)[flxsrt], np.ravel(rawivar)[flxsrt], kind='linear', bounds_error=False, fill_value=0.0, assume_sorted=True) modelmap = np.ones_like(rawimg) relscale = np.ones_like(rawimg)"Generating a polynomial map between the model and the raw data") for sl, spatid in enumerate(slitmask_spatid): # Prepare the masks, edges, and fitting variables this_slit = (slitmask == spatid) this_slit_trim = (slitmask_trim == spatid) this_slit_mask = gpm & this_slit_trim this_wave = waveimg[this_slit_mask] wmin, wmax = np.min(this_wave), np.max(this_wave) this_wghts = _fit_wghts[this_slit_mask] for ii in range(numiter): # Generate the map between model and data coeff = np.polyfit((this_wave-wmin)/(wmax-wmin), _ratio[this_slit_mask], deg, w=this_wghts) # Construct the mapping, and use this to make a model of the rawdata this_modmap = np.polyval(coeff, (this_wave-wmin)/(wmax-wmin)) this_modflx = modelimg[this_slit_mask] * this_modmap # Update the fit weights this_wghts = modelimg[this_slit_mask] * np.sqrt(spl(this_modflx)) # Produce the final model for this slit modelmap[this_slit] *= np.polyval(coeff, (waveimg[this_slit]-wmin)/(wmax-wmin)) relscale[this_slit] *= np.polyval(coeff, (waveimg[this_slit]-wmin)/(wmax-wmin)) # Check if this is the reference slit, and if so, set the scale relative to the reference slit. if sl == slit_illum_ref_idx: for slidx, spatid in enumerate(slitmask_spatid): # Get the slit pixels norm_slit = (slitmask == spatid) relscale[norm_slit] /= np.polyval(coeff, (waveimg[norm_slit]-wmin)/(wmax-wmin)) # Return the modelmap and the relative scale return modelmap, relscale
# TODO: See pypeit/deprecated/ for the previous version. We need # to continue to vet this algorithm to make sure there are no # unforeseen corner cases that cause errors.
[docs] def tweak_slit_edges(left, right, spat_coo, norm_flat, thresh=0.93, maxfrac=0.1, debug=False): r""" Adjust slit edges based on the normalized slit illumination profile. Args: left (`numpy.ndarray`_): Array with the left slit edge for a single slit. Shape is :math:`(N_{\rm spec},)`. right (`numpy.ndarray`_): Array with the right slit edge for a single slit. Shape is :math:`(N_{\rm spec},)`. spat_coo (`numpy.ndarray`_): Spatial pixel coordinates in fractions of the slit width at each spectral row for the provided normalized flat data. Coordinates are relative to the left edge (with the left edge at 0.). Shape is :math:`(N_{\rm flat},)`. Function assumes the coordinate array is sorted. norm_flat (`numpy.ndarray`_) Normalized flat data that provide the slit illumination profile. Shape is :math:`(N_{\rm flat},)`. thresh (:obj:`float`, optional): Threshold of the normalized flat profile at which to place the two slit edges. maxfrac (:obj:`float`, optional): The maximum fraction of the slit width that the slit edge can be adjusted by this algorithm. If ``maxfrac = 0.1``, this means the maximum change in the slit width (either narrowing or broadening) is 20% (i.e., 10% for either edge). debug (:obj:`bool`, optional): Show flow interrupting plots that show illumination profile in the case of a failure and the placement of the tweaked edge for each side of the slit regardless. Returns: tuple: Returns six objects: - The threshold used to set the left edge - The fraction of the slit that the left edge is shifted to the right - The adjusted left edge - The threshold used to set the right edge - The fraction of the slit that the right edge is shifted to the left - The adjusted right edge """ # Check input nspec = len(left) if len(right) != nspec: msgs.error('Input left and right traces must have the same length!') # Median slit width slitwidth = np.median(right - left) # Setup the masked array for finding the continuous left and right # regions masked_flat = # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Adjust the left edge # Get the maximum to the left of the center # TODO: Set a parameter for this ileft = (spat_coo > 0.1) & (spat_coo < 0.4) if not np.any(ileft): msgs.error('No coordinates toward the left of the slit center. Slit boundaries are ' 'likely in error, and you probably have a bad (very short) slit. Slit center ' 'at center row is {0:.1f}.'.format((left[nspec//2] + right[nspec//2])/2)) left_thresh = thresh * np.amax(norm_flat[ileft]) # Find the data that are less than the provided threshold and # within the limits set by the offset masked_flat[(spat_coo >= maxfrac) | (norm_flat >= left_thresh)] = # To tweak, there must be at least one pixel that meet the above # criteria left_shift = 0. new_left = np.copy(left) if not np.all(masked_flat.mask): # Find the last index of the first contiguous region contiguous_region =[0] if contiguous_region.stop is None: if debug: plt.scatter(spat_coo[masked_flat.mask], norm_flat[masked_flat.mask], marker='.', s=10, color='C3', lw=0) plt.scatter(spat_coo[np.invert(masked_flat.mask)], norm_flat[np.invert(masked_flat.mask)], marker='.', s=10, color='k', lw=0) msgs.error('Tweak left edge has failed! Bad continuous region.') i = contiguous_region.stop-1 if i >= 0 and norm_flat[i-1] > norm_flat[i]: msgs.warn('When adjusting left edge, found noisy illumination profile structure.') if debug: plt.scatter(spat_coo[masked_flat.mask], norm_flat[masked_flat.mask], marker='.', s=10, color='C3', lw=0) plt.scatter(spat_coo[np.invert(masked_flat.mask)], norm_flat[np.invert(masked_flat.mask)], marker='.', s=10, color='k', lw=0) plt.scatter(spat_coo[i], norm_flat[i], marker='o', facecolor='none', s=50, color='C1') if norm_flat[i+1] < left_thresh: msgs.warn('Left slit boundary tweak limited by maximum allowed shift: {:.1f}%'.format( 100*maxfrac)) left_shift = maxfrac else: left_shift = linear_interpolate(norm_flat[i], spat_coo[i], norm_flat[i+1], spat_coo[i+1], left_thresh)'Tweaking left slit boundary by {0:.1f}%'.format(100*left_shift) + ' % ({0:.2f} pixels)'.format(left_shift*slitwidth)) new_left += left_shift * slitwidth # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Adjust the right edge # Get the maximum to the right of the center # TODO: Set a parameter for this iright = (spat_coo > 0.6) & (spat_coo < 0.9) if not np.any(iright): msgs.error('No coordinates toward the right of the slit center. Slit boundaries are ' 'likely in error, and you probably have a bad (very short) slit. Slit center ' 'at center row is {0:.1f}.'.format((left[nspec//2] + right[nspec//2])/2)) right_thresh = thresh * np.amax(norm_flat[iright]) # Find the data that are less than the provided threshold and # within the limits set by the offset masked_flat.mask = masked_flat[(spat_coo <= 1 - maxfrac) | (norm_flat >= right_thresh)] = # To tweak, there must be at least one pixel that meets the above # criteria right_shift = 0. new_right = np.copy(right) if not np.all(masked_flat.mask): # Find the first index of the last contiguous region contiguous_region =[-1] if contiguous_region.start is None: if debug: plt.scatter(spat_coo[masked_flat.mask], norm_flat[masked_flat.mask], marker='.', s=10, color='C3', lw=0) plt.scatter(spat_coo[np.invert(masked_flat.mask)], norm_flat[np.invert(masked_flat.mask)], marker='.', s=10, color='k', lw=0) msgs.error('Tweak right edge has failed! Bad continuous region.') i = contiguous_region.start if i < norm_flat.size-1 and norm_flat[i+1] > norm_flat[i]: msgs.warn('When adjusting right edge, found noisy illumination profile structure.') if debug: plt.scatter(spat_coo[masked_flat.mask], norm_flat[masked_flat.mask], marker='.', s=10, color='C3', lw=0) plt.scatter(spat_coo[np.invert(masked_flat.mask)], norm_flat[np.invert(masked_flat.mask)], marker='.', s=10, color='k', lw=0) plt.scatter(spat_coo[i], norm_flat[i], marker='o', facecolor='none', s=50, color='C1') if norm_flat[i-1] < right_thresh: msgs.warn('Right slit boundary tweak limited by maximum allowed shift: {:.1f}%'.format( 100*maxfrac)) right_shift = maxfrac else: right_shift = 1-linear_interpolate(norm_flat[i-1], spat_coo[i-1], norm_flat[i], spat_coo[i], right_thresh)'Tweaking right slit boundary by {0:.1f}%'.format(100*right_shift) + ' % ({0:.2f} pixels)'.format(right_shift*slitwidth)) new_right -= right_shift * slitwidth return left_thresh, left_shift, new_left, right_thresh, right_shift, new_right
#def flatfield(sciframe, flatframe, bpm=None, illum_flat=None, snframe=None, varframe=None):
[docs] def flatfield(sciframe, flatframe, varframe=None): r""" Field flatten the input image. This is a simple scaling of the provided science frame by the inverse of the flat frame. Args: sciframe (`numpy.ndarray`_): The science frame to flat-field correct flatframe (`numpy.ndarray`_): The flat-field image to use for the correction. Shape must match ``sciframe``. varframe (`numpy.ndarray`_, optional): The variance in the science frame (``sciframe``). If provided, the flat-fielding operation is propagated to the variance, and the result is returned. Shape must match ``sciframe``. Returns: :obj:`tuple`: A tuple of two or three `numpy.ndarray`_ objects. The first two are the rescaled science frame and a boolean bad-pixel mask indicating where the flat frame was not positive. If a variance image is provided, the third object is the propagated variance in the rescaled science frame. """ if flatframe.shape != sciframe.shape: msgs.error('Shape of flat frame does not match science frame.') if varframe is not None and varframe.shape != sciframe.shape: msgs.error('Shape of variance frame does not match science frame.') # New image retframe = np.zeros_like(sciframe) gpm = (flatframe > 0.0) & np.isfinite(flatframe) retframe[gpm] = sciframe[gpm]/flatframe[gpm] if varframe is None: return retframe, np.logical_not(gpm) # Propagate the variance retvar = np.zeros_like(sciframe) retvar[gpm] = varframe[gpm]/flatframe[gpm]**2 return retframe, np.logical_not(gpm), retvar