Source code for pypeit.core.extract

Module for PypeIt extraction code

.. include:: ../include/links.rst


import astropy.stats
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import scipy.interpolate
import scipy.ndimage
import scipy.special

from IPython import embed

from pypeit import msgs
from pypeit import utils
from pypeit import bspline
from pypeit.core import pydl
from pypeit.core import fitting
from pypeit.core import procimg
from pypeit.core.moment import moment1d

[docs] def extract_optimal(imgminsky, ivar, mask, waveimg, skyimg, thismask, oprof, spec, min_frac_use=0.05, fwhmimg=None, base_var=None, count_scale=None, noise_floor=None): r""" Perform optimal extraction `(Horne 1986) <>`__ for a single :class:`~pypeit.specobj.SpecObj`. The :class:`~pypeit.specobj.SpecObj` object is changed in place with optimal attributes being filled with the extraction parameters, and additional sky and noise estimates being added. The following are the attributes that are filled here: - spec.OPT_WAVE --> Optimally extracted wavelengths - spec.OPT_COUNTS --> Optimally extracted flux - spec.OPT_COUNTS_IVAR --> Inverse variance of optimally extracted flux using modelivar image - spec.OPT_COUNTS_SIG --> Optimally extracted noise from IVAR - spec.OPT_COUNTS_NIVAR --> Optimally extracted noise variance (sky + read noise) only - spec.OPT_MASK --> Mask for optimally extracted flux - spec.OPT_FWHM --> Spectral FWHM (in A) for optimally extracted flux - spec.OPT_COUNTS_SKY --> Optimally extracted sky - spec.OPT_COUNTS_SIG_DET --> Square root of optimally extracted read noise squared - spec.OPT_FRAC_USE --> Fraction of pixels in the object profile subimage used for this extraction - spec.OPT_CHI2 --> Reduced chi2 of the model fit for this spectral pixel Parameters ---------- imgminsky : `numpy.ndarray`_ Floating-point science image minus skymodel (i.e., imgminsky = sciimg - skyimg) with shape :math:`(N_{\rm spec}, N_{\rm spat})`. The first dimension (:math:`N_{\rm spec}`) is spectral, and second dimension (:math:`N_{\rm spat}`) is spatial. ivar : `numpy.ndarray`_ Floating-point inverse variance image for the science image. It can be a model image, or deduced from ``sciimg``. Shape must match ``sciimg``, :math:`(N_{\rm spec}, N_{\rm spat})`. mask : `numpy.ndarray`_ Boolean image representing the good-pixel mask for the science image. The pixels that have value of True are good to be used. Must have the same shape as ``sciimg``, :math:`(N_{\rm spec}, N_{\rm spat})`. waveimg : `numpy.ndarray`_ Floating-point wavelength image. Must have the same shape as ``sciimg``, :math:`(N_{\rm spec}, N_{\rm spat})`. skyimg : `numpy.ndarray`_ Floating-point image containing the modeled sky. Must have the same shape as ``sciimg``, :math:`(N_{\rm spec}, N_{\rm spat})`. thismask : `numpy.ndarray`_ Boolean image indicating which pixels are on the slit/order in question. Must have the same shape as ``sciimg``, :math:`(N_{\rm spec}, N_{\rm spat})`. oprof : `numpy.ndarray`_ Floating-point image containing the profile of the object that is going to be extracted. Must have the same shape as ``sciimg``, :math:`(N_{\rm spec}, N_{\rm spat})`. spec : :class:`~pypeit.specobj.SpecObj` Container that holds object, trace, and extraction information for the object in question. **This object is altered in place!** Note that this routine operates one object at a time. min_frac_use : :obj:`float`, optional Minimum accepted value for the sum of the normalized object profile across the spatial direction. For each spectral pixel, if the majority of the object profile has been masked, i.e., the sum of the normalized object profile across the spatial direction is less than `min_frac_use`, the optimal extraction will also be masked. The default value is 0.05. fwhmimg : `numpy.ndarray`_, None, optional: Floating-point image containing the modeled spectral FWHM (in pixels) at every pixel location. Must have the same shape as ``sciimg``, :math:`(N_{\rm spec}, N_{\rm spat})`. base_var : `numpy.ndarray`_, optional Floating-point "base-level" variance image set by the detector properties and the image processing steps. See :func:`~pypeit.core.procimg.base_variance`. Must have the same shape as ``sciimg``, :math:`(N_{\rm spec}, N_{\rm spat})`. count_scale : :obj:`float` or `numpy.ndarray`_, optional A scale factor, :math:`s`, that *has already been applied* to the provided science image. It accounts for the number of frames contributing to the provided counts, and the relative throughput factors that can be measured from flat-field frames. For example, if the image has been flat-field corrected, this is the inverse of the flat-field counts. If None, set to 1. If a single float, assumed to be constant across the full image. If an array, the shape must match ``base_var``. The variance will be 0 wherever :math:`s \leq 0`, modulo the provided ``adderr``. This is one of the components needed to construct the model variance; see ``model_noise``. noise_floor : :obj:`float`, optional A fraction of the counts to add to the variance, which has the effect of ensuring that the S/N is never greater than ``1/noise_floor``; see :func:`~pypeit.core.procimg.variance_model`. If None, no noise floor is added. """ # Setup # imgminsky = sciimg - skyimg nspat = imgminsky.shape[1] nspec = imgminsky.shape[0] spec_vec = np.arange(nspec) spat_vec = np.arange(nspat) # TODO This makes no sense for difference imaging? Not sure we need NIVAR anyway var_no = None if base_var is None \ else procimg.variance_model(base_var, counts=skyimg, count_scale=count_scale, noise_floor=noise_floor) ispec, ispat = np.where(oprof > 0.0) # Exit gracefully if we have no positive object profiles, since that means something was wrong with object fitting if not np.any(oprof > 0.0): msgs.warn('Object profile is zero everywhere. This aperture is junk.') return mincol = np.min(ispat) maxcol = np.max(ispat) + 1 nsub = maxcol - mincol mask_sub = mask[:,mincol:maxcol] thismask_sub = thismask[:, mincol:maxcol] wave_sub = waveimg[:,mincol:maxcol] ivar_sub = np.fmax(ivar[:,mincol:maxcol],0.0) # enforce positivity since these are used as weights vno_sub = None if var_no is None else np.fmax(var_no[:,mincol:maxcol],0.0) base_sub = None if base_var is None else base_var[:,mincol:maxcol] img_sub = imgminsky[:,mincol:maxcol] sky_sub = skyimg[:,mincol:maxcol] oprof_sub = oprof[:,mincol:maxcol] if fwhmimg is not None: fwhmimg_sub = fwhmimg[:,mincol:maxcol] # enforce normalization and positivity of object profiles norm = np.nansum(oprof_sub,axis = 1) norm_oprof = np.outer(norm, np.ones(nsub)) oprof_sub = np.fmax(oprof_sub/norm_oprof, 0.0) ivar_denom = np.nansum(mask_sub*oprof_sub, axis=1) mivar_num = np.nansum(mask_sub*ivar_sub*oprof_sub**2, axis=1) mivar_opt = mivar_num/(ivar_denom + (ivar_denom == 0.0)) flux_opt = np.nansum(mask_sub*ivar_sub*img_sub*oprof_sub, axis=1)/(mivar_num + (mivar_num == 0.0)) # Optimally extracted noise variance (sky + read noise) only. Since # this variance is not the same as that used for the weights, we # don't get the usual cancellation. Additional denom factor is the # analog of the numerator in Horne's variance formula. Note that we # are only weighting by the profile (ivar_sub=1) because # otherwise the result depends on the signal (bad). nivar_num = np.nansum(mask_sub*oprof_sub**2, axis=1) # Uses unit weights if vno_sub is None: nivar_opt = None else: nvar_opt = ivar_denom * np.nansum(mask_sub * vno_sub * oprof_sub**2, axis=1) \ / (nivar_num**2 + (nivar_num**2 == 0.0)) nivar_opt = 1.0/(nvar_opt + (nvar_opt == 0.0)) # Optimally extract sky and (read noise)**2 in a similar way sky_opt = ivar_denom*(np.nansum(mask_sub*sky_sub*oprof_sub**2, axis=1))/(nivar_num**2 + (nivar_num**2 == 0.0)) if base_var is None: base_opt = None else: base_opt = ivar_denom * np.nansum(mask_sub * base_sub * oprof_sub**2, axis=1) \ / (nivar_num**2 + (nivar_num**2 == 0.0)) base_opt = np.sqrt(base_opt) base_opt[np.isnan(base_opt)]=0.0 tot_weight = np.nansum(mask_sub*ivar_sub*oprof_sub, axis=1) prof_norm = np.nansum(oprof_sub, axis=1) frac_use = (prof_norm > 0.0)*np.nansum((mask_sub*ivar_sub > 0.0)*oprof_sub, axis=1)/(prof_norm + (prof_norm == 0.0)) # Use the same weights = oprof^2*mivar for the wavelenghts as the flux. # Note that for the flux, one of the oprof factors cancels which does # not for the wavelengths. wave_opt = np.nansum(mask_sub*ivar_sub*wave_sub*oprof_sub**2, axis=1)/(mivar_num + (mivar_num == 0.0)) mask_opt = (tot_weight > 0.0) & (frac_use > min_frac_use) & (mivar_num > 0.0) & (ivar_denom > 0.0) & \ np.isfinite(wave_opt) & (wave_opt > 0.0) fwhm_opt = None if fwhmimg is not None: fwhm_opt = np.nansum(mask_sub*ivar_sub*fwhmimg_sub*oprof_sub, axis=1) * utils.inverse(tot_weight) # Interpolate wavelengths over masked pixels badwvs = (mivar_num <= 0) | np.invert(np.isfinite(wave_opt)) | (wave_opt <= 0.0) if badwvs.any(): oprof_smash = np.nansum(thismask_sub*oprof_sub**2, axis=1) # Can we use the profile average wavelengths instead? oprof_good = badwvs & (oprof_smash > 0.0) if oprof_good.any(): wave_opt[oprof_good] = np.nansum( wave_sub[oprof_good,:]*thismask_sub[oprof_good,:]*oprof_sub[oprof_good,:]**2, axis=1)/\ np.nansum(thismask_sub[oprof_good,:]*oprof_sub[oprof_good,:]**2, axis=1) oprof_bad = badwvs & ((oprof_smash <= 0.0) | (np.isfinite(oprof_smash) == False) | (wave_opt <= 0.0) | (np.isfinite(wave_opt) == False)) if oprof_bad.any(): # If there are no good profile wavelengths, use boxcar wavelengths for these pixels # get boxcar_radius box_radius = spec.BOX_RADIUS box_denom_no_mask = moment1d(waveimg > 0.0, spec.TRACE_SPAT, 2 * box_radius, row=spec.trace_spec)[0] wave_no_mask = moment1d(waveimg, spec.TRACE_SPAT, 2 * box_radius, row=spec.trace_spec)[0] / ( box_denom_no_mask + (box_denom_no_mask == 0.0)) wave_opt[oprof_bad] = wave_no_mask[oprof_bad] # For pixels with completely bad profile values, interpolate from trace. #f_wave = scipy.interpolate.RectBivariateSpline(spec_vec,spat_vec, waveimg*thismask) #wave_opt[oprof_bad] = f_wave(spec.trace_spec[oprof_bad], spec.TRACE_SPAT[oprof_bad],grid=False) flux_model = np.outer(flux_opt,np.ones(nsub))*oprof_sub chi2_num = np.nansum((img_sub - flux_model)**2*ivar_sub*mask_sub,axis=1) chi2_denom = np.fmax(np.nansum(ivar_sub*mask_sub > 0.0, axis=1) - 1.0, 1.0) chi2 = chi2_num/chi2_denom # Calculate the Angstroms/pixel and Spectral FWHM if fwhm_opt is not None: fwhm_opt *= np.gradient(wave_opt) # Convert pixel FWHM to Angstroms # Fill in the optimally extraction tags spec.OPT_WAVE = wave_opt # Optimally extracted wavelengths spec.OPT_COUNTS = flux_opt # Optimally extracted flux spec.OPT_COUNTS_IVAR = mivar_opt*np.logical_not(badwvs) # Inverse variance of optimally extracted flux using modelivar image spec.OPT_COUNTS_SIG = np.sqrt(utils.inverse(spec.OPT_COUNTS_IVAR)) spec.OPT_COUNTS_NIVAR = None if nivar_opt is None else nivar_opt*np.logical_not(badwvs) # Optimally extracted noise variance (sky + read noise) only spec.OPT_MASK = mask_opt*np.logical_not(badwvs) # Mask for optimally extracted flux spec.OPT_FWHM = fwhm_opt # Spectral FWHM (in Angstroms) for the optimally extracted spectrum spec.OPT_COUNTS_SKY = sky_opt # Optimally extracted sky spec.OPT_COUNTS_SIG_DET = base_opt # Square root of optimally extracted read noise squared spec.OPT_FRAC_USE = frac_use # Fraction of pixels in the object profile subimage used for this extraction spec.OPT_CHI2 = chi2 # Reduced chi2 of the model fit for this spectral pixel
[docs] def extract_asym_boxcar(sciimg, left_trace, righ_trace, gpm=None, ivar=None): r""" Perform asymmetric boxcar extraction of the flux between two traces. Parameters ---------- sciimg : `numpy.ndarray`_ Floating-point science image with shape :math:`(N_{\rm spec}, N_{\rm spat})`. The first dimension (:math:`N_{\rm spec}`) is spectral, and second dimension (:math:`N_{\rm spat}`) is spatial. left_trace, right_trace : `numpy.ndarray`_ Left and right trace boundaries of the extraction region for each aperture. They are 2-d floating-point arrays with shape :math:`(N_{\rm spec}, N_{\rm apertures})`. gpm : `numpy.ndarray`_, optional Boolean image representing the good-pixel mask for the science image. The pixels that have value of True are good to be used. Must have the same shape as ``sciimg``, :math:`(N_{\rm spec}, N_{\rm spat})`. ivar : `numpy.ndarray`_, optional Floating-point inverse variance image for the science image. It can be a model image, or deduced from ``sciimg``. Shape must match ``sciimg``, :math:`(N_{\rm spec}, N_{\rm spat})`. If not None, the inverse variance of the boxcar extracted flux will be returned. Returns ------- flux_out : `numpy.ndarray`_ 2-d floating-point array containing, for each aperture, the boxcar extracted flux as a function of spectral position. Shape is :math:`(N_{\rm spec}, N_{\rm apertures})`. gpm_box : `numpy.ndarray`_ 2-d Boolean-point array representing, for each aperture, the good-pixel mask for the boxcar extracted flux. The pixels that have value of True are good to be used. Shape is :math:`(N_{\rm spec}, N_{\rm apertures})`. box_npix : `numpy.ndarray`_ 2-d floating-point array containing, for each aperture, the number of pixels in each spectral position that contributed to the boxcar sum of the flux. Shape is :math:`(N_{\rm spec}, N_{\rm apertures})`. ivar_out : `numpy.ndarray`_ 2-d floating-point array containing, for each aperture, the inverse variance of the boxcar extracted flux as a function of spectral position. Shape is :math:`(N_{\rm spec}, N_{\rm apertures})`. This is only be returned if the input parameter `ivar` is not None. """ ivar1 = np.ones_like(sciimg) if ivar is None else ivar gpm1 = ivar1 > 0.0 if gpm is None else gpm flux_box = moment1d(sciimg*gpm1, (left_trace+righ_trace)/2.0, (righ_trace-left_trace))[0] #box_denom = moment1d(gpm1, (left_trace+righ_trace)/2.0, (righ_trace-left_trace))[0] pixtot = moment1d(sciimg*0 + 1.0, (left_trace+righ_trace)/2.0, (righ_trace-left_trace))[0] pixmsk = moment1d(ivar1*gpm1 == 0.0, (left_trace+righ_trace)/2.0, (righ_trace-left_trace))[0] # If every pixel is masked then mask the boxcar extraction gpm_box = (pixmsk != pixtot) varimg = 1.0 / (ivar1 + (ivar1 == 0.0)) var_box = moment1d(varimg * gpm1, (left_trace+righ_trace)/2.0, (righ_trace-left_trace))[0] ivar_box = 1.0/(var_box + (var_box == 0.0)) flux_out = flux_box*gpm_box ivar_out = ivar_box*gpm_box box_npix = pixtot - pixmsk if ivar is None: return flux_out, gpm_box, box_npix else: return flux_out, gpm_box, box_npix, ivar_out
[docs] def extract_boxcar(imgminsky, ivar, mask, waveimg, skyimg, spec, fwhmimg=None, base_var=None, count_scale=None, noise_floor=None): r""" Perform boxcar extraction for a single :class:`~pypeit.specobj.SpecObj`. The size of the boxcar must be available as an attribute of the :class:`~pypeit.specobj.SpecObj` object. The :class:`~pypeit.specobj.SpecObj` object is changed in place with boxcar attributes being filled with the extraction parameters, and additional sky and noise estimates being added. The following are the attributes that are filled here: - spec.BOX_WAVE --> Box car extracted wavelengths - spec.BOX_COUNTS --> Box car extracted flux - spec.BOX_COUNTS_IVAR --> Box car extracted inverse variance - spec.BOX_COUNTS_SIG --> Box car extracted error - spec.BOX_COUNTS_NIVAR --> Box car extracted noise variance - spec.BOX_MASK --> Box car extracted mask - spec.BOX_FWHM --> Box car extracted spectral FWHM - spec.BOX_COUNTS_SKY --> Box car extracted sky - spec.BOX_COUNTS_SIG_DET --> Box car extracted read noise - spec.BOX_NPIX --> Number of pixels used in boxcar sum Parameters ---------- imgminsky : `numpy.ndarray`_ Floating-point science image minus skymodel (i.e., imgminsky = sciimg - skyimg) with shape :math:`(N_{\rm spec}, N_{\rm spat})`. The first dimension (:math:`N_{\rm spec}`) is spectral, and second dimension (:math:`N_{\rm spat}`) is spatial. ivar : `numpy.ndarray`_ Floating-point inverse variance image for the science image. It can be a model image, or deduced from ``sciimg``. Shape must match ``sciimg``, :math:`(N_{\rm spec}, N_{\rm spat})`. mask : `numpy.ndarray`_ Boolean image representing the good-pixel mask for the science image. The pixels that have value of True are good to be used. Must have the same shape as ``sciimg``, :math:`(N_{\rm spec}, N_{\rm spat})`. waveimg : `numpy.ndarray`_ Floating-point wavelength image. Must have the same shape as ``sciimg``, :math:`(N_{\rm spec}, N_{\rm spat})`. skyimg : `numpy.ndarray`_ Floating-point image containing the modeled sky. Must have the same shape as ``sciimg``, :math:`(N_{\rm spec}, N_{\rm spat})`. spec : :class:`~pypeit.specobj.SpecObj` Container that holds object, trace, and extraction information for the object in question. **This object is altered in place!** Note that this routine operates one object at a time. fwhmimg : `numpy.ndarray`_, None, optional: Floating-point image containing the modeled spectral FWHM (in pixels) at every pixel location. Must have the same shape as ``sciimg``, :math:`(N_{\rm spec}, N_{\rm spat})`. base_var : `numpy.ndarray`_, optional Floating-point "base-level" variance image set by the detector properties and the image processing steps. See :func:`~pypeit.core.procimg.base_variance`. Must have the same shape as ``sciimg``, :math:`(N_{\rm spec}, N_{\rm spat})`. count_scale : :obj:`float` or `numpy.ndarray`_, optional A scale factor, :math:`s`, that *has already been applied* to the provided science image. It accounts for the number of frames contributing to the provided counts, and the relative throughput factors that can be measured from flat-field frames. For example, if the image has been flat-field corrected, this is the inverse of the flat-field counts. If None, set to 1. If a single float, assumed to be constant across the full image. If an array, the shape must match ``base_var``. The variance will be 0 wherever :math:`s \leq 0`, modulo the provided ``adderr``. This is one of the components needed to construct the model variance; see ``model_noise``. noise_floor : :obj:`float`, optional A fraction of the counts to add to the variance, which has the effect of ensuring that the S/N is never greater than ``1/noise_floor``; see :func:`~pypeit.core.procimg.variance_model`. If None, no noise floor is added. """ # Setup # imgminsky = sciimg - skyimg nspat = imgminsky.shape[1] nspec = imgminsky.shape[0] spec_vec = np.arange(nspec) spat_vec = np.arange(nspat) if spec.trace_spec is None: spec.trace_spec = spec_vec # get boxcar_radius box_radius = spec.BOX_RADIUS # TODO This makes no sense for difference imaging? Not sure we need NIVAR anyway var_no = None if base_var is None \ else procimg.variance_model(base_var, counts=skyimg, count_scale=count_scale, noise_floor=noise_floor) # Fill in the boxcar extraction tags flux_box = moment1d(imgminsky*mask, spec.TRACE_SPAT, 2*box_radius, row=spec.trace_spec)[0] # Denom is computed in case the trace goes off the edge of the image box_denom = moment1d(waveimg*mask > 0.0, spec.TRACE_SPAT, 2*box_radius, row=spec.trace_spec)[0] wave_box = moment1d(waveimg*mask, spec.TRACE_SPAT, 2*box_radius, row=spec.trace_spec)[0] / (box_denom + (box_denom == 0.0)) fwhm_box = None if fwhmimg is not None: fwhm_box = moment1d(fwhmimg*mask, spec.TRACE_SPAT, 2*box_radius, row=spec.trace_spec)[0] varimg = 1.0/(ivar + (ivar == 0.0)) var_box = moment1d(varimg*mask, spec.TRACE_SPAT, 2*box_radius, row=spec.trace_spec)[0] nvar_box = None if var_no is None \ else moment1d(var_no*mask, spec.TRACE_SPAT, 2*box_radius, row=spec.trace_spec)[0] sky_box = moment1d(skyimg*mask, spec.TRACE_SPAT, 2*box_radius, row=spec.trace_spec)[0] if base_var is None: base_box = None else: _base_box = moment1d(base_var*mask, spec.TRACE_SPAT, 2*box_radius, row=spec.trace_spec)[0] base_posind = (_base_box > 0.0) base_box = np.zeros(_base_box.shape, dtype=float) base_box[base_posind] = np.sqrt(_base_box[base_posind]) pixtot = moment1d(ivar*0 + 1.0, spec.TRACE_SPAT, 2*box_radius, row=spec.trace_spec)[0] pixmsk = moment1d(ivar*mask == 0.0, spec.TRACE_SPAT, 2*box_radius, row=spec.trace_spec)[0] # If every pixel is masked then mask the boxcar extraction mask_box = (pixmsk != pixtot) & np.isfinite(wave_box) & (wave_box > 0.0) bad_box = (wave_box <= 0.0) | np.invert(np.isfinite(wave_box)) | (box_denom == 0.0) # interpolate bad wavelengths over masked pixels if bad_box.any(): box_denom_no_mask = moment1d(waveimg > 0.0, spec.TRACE_SPAT, 2 * box_radius, row=spec.trace_spec)[0] wave_no_mask = moment1d(waveimg, spec.TRACE_SPAT, 2 * box_radius, row=spec.trace_spec)[0] / (box_denom_no_mask + (box_denom_no_mask == 0.0)) wave_box[bad_box] = wave_no_mask[bad_box] #f_wave = scipy.interpolate.RectBivariateSpline(spec_vec, spat_vec, waveimg) #wave_box[bad_box] = f_wave(spec.trace_spec[bad_box], spec.TRACE_SPAT[bad_box], grid=False) ivar_box = 1.0/(var_box + (var_box == 0.0)) nivar_box = None if nvar_box is None else 1.0/(nvar_box + (nvar_box == 0.0)) # Calculate the Angstroms/pixel and the final spectral FWHM value if fwhm_box is not None: ang_per_pix = np.gradient(wave_box) fwhm_box *= ang_per_pix / (pixtot - pixmsk) # Need to divide by total number of unmasked pixels # Fill em up! spec.BOX_WAVE = wave_box spec.BOX_COUNTS = flux_box*mask_box spec.BOX_COUNTS_IVAR = ivar_box*mask_box*np.logical_not(bad_box) spec.BOX_COUNTS_SIG = np.sqrt(utils.inverse( spec.BOX_COUNTS_IVAR)) spec.BOX_COUNTS_NIVAR = None if nivar_box is None else nivar_box*mask_box*np.logical_not(bad_box) spec.BOX_MASK = mask_box*np.logical_not(bad_box) spec.BOX_FWHM = fwhm_box # Spectral FWHM (in Angstroms) for the boxcar extracted spectrum spec.BOX_COUNTS_SKY = sky_box spec.BOX_COUNTS_SIG_DET = base_box # TODO - Confirm this should be float, not int # JFH: Yes it should be a float becuase moment1d can operate on sub-pixels spec.BOX_NPIX = pixtot-pixmsk
[docs] def extract_hist_spectrum(waveimg, frame, gpm=None, bins=1000): """ Generate a quick spectrum using the nearest grid point (histogram) algorithm. Args: waveimg (`numpy.ndarray`_): A 2D image of the wavelength at each pixel. frame (`numpy.ndarray`_): The frame to use to extract a spectrum. Shape should be the same as waveimg gpm (`numpy.ndarray`_, optional): A boolean array indicating the pixels to include in the histogram (True = include) bins (`numpy.ndarray`_, int, optional): Either a 1D array indicating the bin edges to be used for the histogram, or an integer that specifies the number of bin edges to generate Returns: A tuple containing the wavelength and spectrum at the centre of each histogram bin. Both arrays returned in the tuple are `numpy.ndarray`_. """ # Check the inputs if waveimg.shape != frame.shape: msgs.error("Wavelength image is not the same shape as the input frame") # Check the GPM _gpm = gpm if gpm is not None else waveimg > 0 if waveimg.shape != _gpm.shape: msgs.error("Wavelength image is not the same shape as the GPM") # Set the bins if isinstance(bins, int): _bins = np.linspace(np.min(waveimg[_gpm]), np.max(waveimg[_gpm]), bins) elif isinstance(bins, np.ndarray): _bins = bins else: msgs.error("Argument 'bins' should be an integer or a numpy array") # Construct a histogram and the normalisation hist, edge = np.histogram(waveimg[gpm], bins=_bins, weights=frame[gpm]) cntr, edge = np.histogram(waveimg[gpm], bins=_bins) # Normalise cntr = cntr.astype(float) spec = hist * utils.inverse(cntr) # Generate the corresponding wavelength array - set it to be the bin centre wave = 0.5 * (_bins[1:] + _bins[:-1]) return wave, spec
[docs] def findfwhm(model, sig_x): r""" Calculate the spatial FWHM of an object profile. This is utility routine is used in :func:`~pypeit.core.extract.fit_profile`. **Revision History:** - 11-Mar-2005 Written by J. Hennawi and S. Burles David Schlegel, Princeton. - 28-May-2018 Ported to python by J. Hennawi Parameters ---------- model : `numpy.ndarray`_ Model of the object profile. This is 2-d floating-point array with shape :math:`(N_{\rm spec}, N_{\rm spat})`. sig_x : `numpy.ndarray`_ Floating-point 2-d array containing the spatial location of the object profile. Shape is :math:`(N_{\rm spec}, N_{\rm spat})`. Returns ------- peak : :obj:`float` Peak value of the object profile model. peak_x: :obj:`float` `sig_x` location where the peak value is obtained. lwhm: :obj:`float` Value of `sig_x` at the left width at half maximum. rwhm: :obj:`float` Value of `sig_x` at the right width at half maximum. """ peak = (model*(np.abs(sig_x) < 1.)).max() peak_x = sig_x[(model*(np.abs(sig_x) < 1.)).argmax()] lrev = ((sig_x < peak_x) & (model < 0.5*peak))[::-1] lind, = np.where(lrev) if(lind.size > 0): lh = lind.min() lwhm = (sig_x[::-1])[lh] else: lwhm = -0.5*2.3548 rind, = np.where((sig_x > peak_x) & (model < 0.5*peak)) if(rind.size > 0): rh = rind.min() rwhm = sig_x[rh] else: rwhm = 0.5 * 2.3548 return peak, peak_x, lwhm, rwhm
[docs] def qa_fit_profile(x_tot, y_tot, model_tot, l_limit = None, r_limit=None, ind=None, title=' ', xtrunc=1e6, xlim=None, ylim=None): r"""Generate a QA plot for the object fitted profile. Args: x_tot (`numpy.ndarray`_): Floating-point 2-d array containing the spatial location of the object profile. Shape is :math:`(N_{\rm spec}, N_{\rm spat})`. y_tot (`numpy.ndarray`_): Floating-point 2-d array containing the flux of the object profile. Shape is :math:`(N_{\rm spec}, N_{\rm spat})`. model_tot (`numpy.ndarray`_): Floating-point 2-d array containing the model of the object profile. Shape is :math:`(N_{\rm spec}, N_{\rm spat})`. l_limit (:obj:`float`, optional): If not None, draw a vertical line at this left position. r_limit (:obj:`float`, optional): If not None, draw a vertical line at this right position. ind (`numpy.ndarray`_, optional): Integer 1-d array containing the indices of a subset of the object profile to be plot. The default is None. title (:obj:`str`, optional): Title to show on plot. Defaults to ' '. xtrunc (:obj:`float`, optional): Number of sigma to include in the plot of the object profile when generating the QA plot. The default is 1e6. xlim (:obj:`float`, optional): Minimum and maximum x-axis limits for the plot. Defaults is None. ylim (:obj:`tuple`, optional): Minimum and maximum y-axis limits for the plot. Defaults is None. """ # Plotting pre-amble plt.close("all") width = 10.0 # Golden ratio 1.618 fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(width, width/1.618)) if ind is None: indx = np.slice(x_tot.size) else: if len(ind) == 0: indx = np.slice(x_tot.size) title = title + ': no good pixels, showing all' else: indx = ind x = x_tot.flat[indx] y = y_tot.flat[indx] model = model_tot.flat[indx] ax.plot(x,y,color='k',marker='o',markersize= 0.3, mfc='k',fillstyle='full',linestyle='None') max_model = np.fmin(model.max(), 2.0) if xlim is None: goodpix = model > 0.001*max_model if goodpix.any(): minx = np.fmax(1.1*(x[goodpix]).min(), -xtrunc) maxx = np.fmin(1.1*(x[goodpix]).max(), xtrunc) else: minx = -5.0 maxx = 5.0 else: minx = -xlim maxx = xlim xlimit = (minx, maxx) nsamp = 150 half_bin = (maxx - minx)/nsamp/2.0 if ylim is None: ymax = np.fmax(1.5*model.max(), 0.1) ymin = np.fmin(-0.1*ymax, -0.05) ylim = (ymin, ymax) plot_mid = (np.arange(nsamp) + 0.5)/nsamp*(maxx - minx) + minx y20 = np.zeros(nsamp) y80 = np.zeros(nsamp) y50 = np.zeros(nsamp) model_samp = np.zeros(nsamp) nbin = np.zeros(nsamp) for i in range(nsamp): dist = np.abs(x - plot_mid[i]) close = dist < half_bin yclose = y[close] nclose = close.sum() nbin[i] = nclose if close.any(): closest = (dist[close]).argmin() model_samp[i] = (model[close])[closest] if nclose > 3: s = yclose.argsort() y50[i] = yclose[s[int(np.rint((nclose - 1)*0.5))]] y80[i] = yclose[s[int(np.rint((nclose - 1)*0.8))]] y20[i] = yclose[s[int(np.rint((nclose - 1)*0.2))]] ax.plot([plot_mid[i],plot_mid[i]], [y20[i],y80[i]], linewidth=1.2, color='orange') icl = nbin > 3 if icl.any(): ax.plot(plot_mid[icl],y50[icl],marker = 'o', color='lime', markersize=2, fillstyle='full', linestyle='None') else: ax.plot(plot_mid, y50, marker='o', color='lime', markersize=2, fillstyle = 'full', linestyle='None') isort = x.argsort() ax.plot(x[isort], model[isort], color='red', linewidth=1.0) if l_limit is not None: ax.axvline(x =l_limit, color='cornflowerblue',linewidth=2.0) if r_limit is not None: ax.axvline(x=r_limit, color='cornflowerblue',linewidth=2.0) ax.set_xlim(xlimit) ax.set_ylim(ylim) ax.set_title(title) ax.set_xlabel(r'$x/\sigma$') ax.set_ylabel('Normalized Profile') fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.15, right=0.9, top=0.9, bottom=0.15)
# TODO JFH Split up the profile part and the QA part for cleaner code
[docs] def return_gaussian(sigma_x, norm_obj, fwhm, med_sn2, obj_string, show_profile, ind = None, l_limit = None, r_limit=None, xlim = None, xtrunc = 1e6): r""" Utility function to return a Gaussian object profile. Parameters ---------- sigma_x: `numpy.ndarray`_ Floating-point 2-d array containing the location of the Gaussian profile. Shape is :math:`(N_{\rm spec}, N_{\rm spat})`. norm_obj: `numpy.ndarray`_ Floating-point 2-d array containing the normalized spectrum. Shape is :math:`(N_{\rm spec}, N_{\rm spat})`. fwhm: :obj:`float` FWHM value in pixels for the Gaussian profile. med_sn2: :obj:`float` Median (S/N)^2. Used only to generate the QA plot. obj_string: :obj:`str` String identifying object. Used only to generate the QA plot. show_profile: :obj:`bool` If True, the QA plot will be shown to screen. ind: `numpy.ndarray`_, optional Integer 1-d array containing the indices of the good pixels for the object profile. Used only to generate the QA plot. The deafault is None. l_limit, r_limit: :obj:`float`, optional Left and right limits of profile fit where derivative is evaluated for Gaussian apodization. Used only to generate the QA plot. The default is None. xlim: :obj:`float`, optional Minimum and maximum x-axis limits for plotting the object profile when generating the QA plot. xtrunc: :obj:`float`, optional Number of sigma to include in the plot of the object profile when generating the QA plot. The default is 1e6. Returns ------- profile_model: `numpy.ndarray`_ Floating-point 2-d array containing the model of the object profile. Shape is :math:`(N_{\rm spec}, N_{\rm spat})`. """ profile_model = np.exp(-0.5*sigma_x**2)/np.sqrt(2.0 * np.pi)*(sigma_x ** 2 < 25.) info_string = "FWHM=" + "{:6.2f}".format(fwhm) + ", S/N=" + "{:8.3f}".format(np.sqrt(med_sn2)) title_string = obj_string + ', ' + info_string inf = np.isfinite(profile_model) == False ninf = np.sum(inf) if ninf != 0: msgs.warn("Nan pixel values in object profile... setting them to zero") profile_model[inf] = 0.0 if show_profile: qa_fit_profile(sigma_x, norm_obj, profile_model, title = title_string, l_limit = l_limit, r_limit = r_limit, ind=ind, xlim = xlim, xtrunc=xtrunc) return profile_model
[docs] def fit_profile(image, ivar, waveimg, thismask, spat_img, trace_in, wave, flux, fluxivar, inmask=None, thisfwhm=4.0, max_trace_corr=2.0, sn_gauss=4.0, percentile_sn2=70.0, prof_nsigma=None, no_deriv=False, gauss=False, obj_string='', show_profile=False): r""" Fit a non-parametric object profile to an object spectrum. If the S/N ratio of the object is less than `sn_gauss`, a simple Gaussian will be fitted. This routine was ported from the IDL LOWREDUX routine Parameters ---------- image : `numpy.ndarray`_ Floating-point sky-subtracted science image with shape :math:`(N_{\rm spec}, N_{\rm spat})`. The first dimension (:math:`N_{\rm spec}`) is spectral, and second dimension (:math:`N_{\rm spat}`) is spatial. ivar : `numpy.ndarray`_ Floating-point inverse variance image for the sky-subtracted science image. Shape must match ``image``, :math:`(N_{\rm spec}, N_{\rm spat})`. waveimg: `numpy.ndarray`_ Floating-point wavelength image. Must have the same shape as ``image``, :math:`(N_{\rm spec}, N_{\rm spat})`. thismask : `numpy.ndarray`_ Boolean image indicating which pixels are on the slit/order in question. Must have the same shape as ``sciimg``, :math:`(N_{\rm spec}, N_{\rm spat})`. spat_img: `numpy.ndarray`_ Floating-point image containing the spatial location of pixels. Must have the same shape as ``image``, :math:`(N_{\rm spec}, N_{\rm spat})`. trace_in : `numpy.ndarray`_ Floating-point 1-d array containing the object trace. Shape is :math:`(N_{\rm spec},)`. wave : `numpy.ndarray`_ Floating-point 1-d array containing the extracted wavelength of spectrum. Shape is :math:`(N_{\rm spec},)`. flux : `numpy.ndarray`_ Floating-point 1-d array containing the extracted flux of spectrum. Shape is :math:`(N_{\rm spec},)`. fluxivar : `numpy.ndarray`_ Floating-point 1-d array containing the inverse variance of extracted flux spectrum. Shape is :math:`(N_{\rm spec},)`. thisfwhm : :obj:`float`, optional FWHM value in pixels of the traced object. The default is 4.0. max_trace_corr : :obj:`float`, optional Maximum correction in pixels to apply to the object trace. The default is 2.0. sn_gauss : :obj:`float`, optional S/N ratio below which the routine just fit a simple Gaussian. The default is 4.0. percentile_sn2: :obj:`float`, optional Percentile of the S/N values along the spectral direction used to estimate the object median S/N. For example if `percentile_sn2` = 70.0 then the upper 30% of the S/N values are used. This allows to determine the object median S/N even when the object shows signal only for part of fulle wavelength range. The default is 70.0. prof_nsigma : :obj:`float`, optional Number of sigma to include in the profile fitting. This value is needed for bright objects that are not point sources, allowing to fit the high S/N wings of the object profile, rather than truncate it exponentially. Setting this value allows to extract all the object flux and provides a better sky-subtraction for bright extended objects. The default is None. no_deriv : :obj:`bool`, optional If True, disables the determination of derivatives and exponential apodization. The default is False. gauss : :obj:`bool`, optional If True, the profile fitting will not be attempted, and a Gaussian profile will be assumed. obj_string: :obj:`str` String identifying the object. Used only to generate the QA plot. show_profile: :obj:`bool` If True, the QA plot will be shown to screen. Returns ------- profile_model: `numpy.ndarray`_ Floating-point 2-d array containing the model of the object profile. Shape is :math:`(N_{\rm spec}, N_{\rm spat})`. xnew: `numpy.ndarray`_ Floating-point 1-d array containing the new trace of the object. Shape is :math:`(N_{\rm spec},)`. fwhmfit: `numpy.ndarray`_ Floating-point 1-d array containing the estimated FWHM in pixels of the object profile along the spectral direction. Shape is :math:`(N_{\rm spec},)`. med_sn2: :obj:`float` Estimated median S/N^2 of the object profile. """ if inmask is None: inmask = (ivar > 0.0) & thismask totmask = inmask & (ivar > 0.0) & thismask if prof_nsigma is not None: no_deriv = True thisfwhm = np.fmax(thisfwhm,1.0) # require the FWHM to be greater than 1 pixel nspat = image.shape[1] nspec = image.shape[0] # dspat is the spatial position along the image centered on the object trace dspat = spat_img - np.outer(trace_in, np.ones(nspat)) # create some images we will need sn2_img = np.zeros((nspec,nspat)) spline_img = np.zeros((nspec,nspat)) flux_sm = scipy.ndimage.median_filter(flux, size=5, mode = 'reflect') fluxivar_sm0 = scipy.ndimage.median_filter(fluxivar, size = 5, mode = 'reflect') fluxivar_sm0 = fluxivar_sm0*(fluxivar > 0.0) wave_min = waveimg[thismask].min() wave_max = waveimg[thismask].max() # sigma_x represents the profile argument, i.e. (x-x0)/sigma sigma = np.full(nspec, thisfwhm/2.3548) fwhmfit = sigma*2.3548 trace_corr = np.zeros(nspec) sigma_x = dspat/np.outer(sigma, np.ones(nspat)) - np.outer(trace_corr, np.ones(nspat)) # This adds an error floor to the fluxivar_sm, preventing too much rejection at high-S/N (i.e. standard stars) # TODO implement the ivar_cap function here in utils. sn_cap = 100.0 fluxivar_sm = utils.clip_ivar(flux_sm, fluxivar_sm0, sn_cap) indsp = (wave >= wave_min) & (wave <= wave_max) & np.isfinite(flux_sm) & (flux_sm > -1000.0) & (fluxivar_sm > 0.0) eligible_pixels = np.sum((wave >= wave_min) & (wave <= wave_max)) good_pix_frac = 0.05 if (np.sum(indsp) < good_pix_frac*eligible_pixels) or (eligible_pixels == 0): msgs.warn('There are no pixels eligible to be fit for the object profile.' + msgs.newline() + 'There is likely an issue in local_skysub_extract. Returning a Gassuain with fwhm={:5.3f}'.format(thisfwhm)) profile_model = return_gaussian(sigma_x, None, thisfwhm, 0.0, obj_string, False) return profile_model, trace_in, fwhmfit, 0.0 b_answer, bmask = fitting.iterfit(wave[indsp], flux_sm[indsp], invvar = fluxivar_sm[indsp], kwargs_bspline={'everyn': 1.5}, kwargs_reject={'groupbadpix':True,'maxrej':1}) b_answer, bmask2 = fitting.iterfit(wave[indsp], flux_sm[indsp], invvar = fluxivar_sm[indsp]*bmask, kwargs_bspline={'everyn': 1.5}, kwargs_reject={'groupbadpix':True,'maxrej':1}) c_answer, cmask = fitting.iterfit(wave[indsp], flux_sm[indsp], invvar = fluxivar_sm[indsp]*bmask2, kwargs_bspline={'everyn': 30}, kwargs_reject={'groupbadpix':True,'maxrej':1}) spline_flux, _ = b_answer.value(wave[indsp]) try: cont_flux, _ = c_answer.value(wave[indsp]) except: msgs.warn('Problem estimating S/N ratio of spectrum' + msgs.newline() + 'There is likely an issue in local_skysub_extract. Returning a Gassuain with fwhm={:5.3f}'.format(thisfwhm)) profile_model = return_gaussian(sigma_x, None, thisfwhm, 0.0, obj_string, False) return profile_model, trace_in, fwhmfit, 0.0 sn2 = (np.fmax(spline_flux*(np.sqrt(np.fmax(fluxivar_sm[indsp], 0))*bmask2),0))**2 ind_nonzero = (sn2 > 0) nonzero = np.sum(ind_nonzero) if(nonzero >0): ## Select the top 30% data for estimating the med_sn2. This ensures the code still fit line only object and/or ## high redshift quasars which might only have signal in part of the spectrum. sn2_percentile = np.percentile(sn2,percentile_sn2) mean, med_sn2, stddev = astropy.stats.sigma_clipped_stats( sn2[sn2>sn2_percentile],sigma_lower=3.0,sigma_upper=5.0 ) else: med_sn2 = 0.0 #min_wave = np.min(wave[indsp]) #max_wave = np.max(wave[indsp]) # TODO -- JFH document this spline_flux1 = np.zeros(nspec) cont_flux1 = np.zeros(nspec) sn2_1 = np.zeros(nspec) ispline = (wave >= wave_min) & (wave <= wave_max) spline_tmp, _ = b_answer.value(wave[ispline]) spline_flux1[ispline] = spline_tmp cont_tmp, _ = c_answer.value(wave[ispline]) cont_flux1[ispline] = cont_tmp isrt = np.argsort(wave[indsp]) s2_1_interp = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(wave[indsp][isrt], sn2[isrt],assume_sorted=False, bounds_error=False,fill_value = 0.0) sn2_1[ispline] = s2_1_interp(wave[ispline]) bmask = np.zeros(nspec,dtype='bool') bmask[indsp] = bmask2 spline_flux1 = pydl.djs_maskinterp(spline_flux1,(bmask == False)) cmask2 = np.zeros(nspec,dtype='bool') cmask2[indsp] = cmask cont_flux1 = pydl.djs_maskinterp(cont_flux1,(cmask2 == False)) (_, _, sigma1) = astropy.stats.sigma_clipped_stats( flux[indsp],sigma_lower=3.0,sigma_upper=5.0 ) sn2_med_filt = scipy.ndimage.median_filter(sn2, size=9, mode='reflect') if np.any(totmask): sn2_interp = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(wave[indsp][isrt],sn2_med_filt[isrt],assume_sorted=False, bounds_error=False,fill_value = 'extrapolate') sn2_img[totmask] = sn2_interp(waveimg[totmask]) else: msgs.warn('All pixels are masked')'sqrt(med(S/N)^2) = ' + "{:5.2f}".format(np.sqrt(med_sn2))) # TODO -- JFH document this if(med_sn2 <= 2.0): spline_img[totmask]= np.fmax(sigma1,0) else: if((med_sn2 <=5.0) and (med_sn2 > 2.0)): spline_flux1 = cont_flux1 # Interp over points <= 0 in boxcar flux or masked points using cont model badpix = (spline_flux1 <= 0.5) | (bmask == False) goodval = (cont_flux1 > 0.0) & (cont_flux1 < 5e5) indbad1 = badpix & goodval nbad1 = np.sum(indbad1) if(nbad1 > 0): spline_flux1[indbad1] = cont_flux1[indbad1] indbad2 = badpix & np.invert(goodval) nbad2 = np.sum(indbad2) ngood0 = np.sum(np.invert(badpix)) if((nbad2 > 0) or (ngood0 > 0)): spline_flux1[indbad2] = np.median(spline_flux1[np.invert(badpix)]) # take a 5-pixel median to filter out some hot pixels spline_flux1 = scipy.ndimage.median_filter(spline_flux1,size=5,mode='reflect') # Create the normalized object image if np.any(totmask): igd = (wave >= wave_min) & (wave <= wave_max) isrt1 = np.argsort(wave[igd]) #plt.plot(wave[igd][isrt1], spline_flux1[igd][isrt1]) spline_img_interp = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(wave[igd][isrt1],spline_flux1[igd][isrt1],assume_sorted=False, bounds_error=False,fill_value = 'extrapolate') spline_img[totmask] = spline_img_interp(waveimg[totmask]) else: spline_img[totmask] = np.fmax(sigma1, 0) # TODO -- JFH document this norm_obj = (spline_img != 0.0)*image/(spline_img + (spline_img == 0.0)) norm_ivar = ivar*spline_img**2 # Cap very large inverse variances ivar_mask = (norm_obj > -0.2) & (norm_obj < 0.7) & totmask & np.isfinite(norm_obj) & np.isfinite(norm_ivar) norm_ivar = norm_ivar*ivar_mask good = (norm_ivar.flatten() > 0.0) ngood = np.sum(good) xtemp = (np.cumsum(np.outer(4.0 + np.sqrt(np.fmax(sn2_1, 0.0)),np.ones(nspat)))).reshape((nspec,nspat)) xtemp = xtemp/xtemp.max()"Gaussian vs b-spline of width " + "{:6.2f}".format(thisfwhm) + " pixels") area = 1.0 # If we have too few pixels to fit a profile or S/N is too low, just use a Gaussian profile if((ngood < 10) or (med_sn2 < sn_gauss**2) or (gauss is True)):"Too few good pixels or S/N <" + "{:5.1f}".format(sn_gauss) + " or gauss flag set")"Returning Gaussian profile") profile_model = return_gaussian(sigma_x, norm_obj, thisfwhm, med_sn2, obj_string,show_profile,ind=good,xtrunc=7.0) return profile_model, trace_in, fwhmfit, med_sn2 mask = np.full(nspec*nspat, False, dtype=bool) # The following lines set the limits for the b-spline fit limit = scipy.special.erfcinv(0.1/np.sqrt(med_sn2))*np.sqrt(2.0) if(prof_nsigma is None): sinh_space = 0.25*np.log10(np.fmax((1000./np.sqrt(med_sn2)),10.)) abs_sigma = np.fmin((np.abs(sigma_x.flat[good])).max(),2.0*limit) min_sigma = np.fmax(sigma_x.flat[good].min(), (-abs_sigma)) max_sigma = np.fmin(sigma_x.flat[good].max(), (abs_sigma)) nb = (np.arcsinh(abs_sigma)/sinh_space).astype(int) + 1 else:"Using prof_nsigma= " + "{:6.2f}".format(prof_nsigma) + " for extended/bright objects") nb = np.round(prof_nsigma > 10) max_sigma = prof_nsigma min_sigma = -1*prof_nsigma sinh_space = np.arcsinh(prof_nsigma)/nb rb = np.sinh((np.arange(nb) + 0.5) * sinh_space) bkpt = np.concatenate([(-rb)[::-1], rb]) keep = ((bkpt >= min_sigma) & (bkpt <= max_sigma)) bkpt = bkpt[keep] # Attempt B-spline first GOOD_PIX = (sn2_img > sn_gauss**2) & (norm_ivar > 0) IN_PIX = (sigma_x >= min_sigma) & (sigma_x <= max_sigma) & (norm_ivar > 0) ngoodpix = np.sum(GOOD_PIX) ninpix = np.sum(IN_PIX) if (ngoodpix >= 0.2*ninpix): inside, = np.where((GOOD_PIX & IN_PIX).flatten()) else: inside, = np.where(IN_PIX.flatten()) si = inside[np.argsort(sigma_x.flat[inside])] sr = si[::-1] bset, bmask = fitting.iterfit(sigma_x.flat[si],norm_obj.flat[si], invvar = norm_ivar.flat[si], nord = 4, bkpt = bkpt, maxiter = 15, upper = 1, lower = 1) mode_fit, _ = bset.value(sigma_x.flat[si]) median_fit = np.median(norm_obj[norm_ivar > 0.0]) # TODO I don't follow the logic behind this statement but I'm leaving it for now. If the median is large it is used, otherwise we user zero??? if (np.abs(median_fit) > 0.01):"Median flux level in profile is not zero: median = " + "{:7.4f}".format(median_fit)) else: median_fit = 0.0 # Find the peak and FWHM based this profile fit (peak, peak_x, lwhm, rwhm) = findfwhm(mode_fit - median_fit, sigma_x.flat[si]) trace_corr = np.full(nspec, peak_x) min_level = peak*np.exp(-0.5*limit**2) bspline_fwhm = (rwhm - lwhm)*thisfwhm/2.3548"Bspline FWHM: " + "{:7.4f}".format(bspline_fwhm) + ", compared to initial object finding FWHM: " + "{:7.4f}".format(thisfwhm) ) sigma = sigma * (rwhm-lwhm)/2.3548 limit = limit * (rwhm-lwhm)/2.3548 rev_fit = mode_fit[::-1] lind, = np.where(((rev_fit < (min_level+median_fit)) & (sigma_x.flat[sr] < peak_x)) | (sigma_x.flat[sr] < (peak_x-limit))) if (lind.size > 0): lp = lind.min() l_limit = sigma_x.flat[sr[lp]] else: l_limit = min_sigma rind, = np.where(((mode_fit < (min_level+median_fit)) & (sigma_x.flat[si] > peak_x)) | (sigma_x.flat[si] > (peak_x+limit))) if (rind.size > 0): rp = rind.min() r_limit = sigma_x.flat[si[rp]] else: r_limit = max_sigma"Trace limits: limit = " + "{:7.4f}".format(limit) + ", min_level = " + "{:7.4f}".format(min_level) + ", l_limit = " + "{:7.4f}".format(l_limit) + ", r_limit = " + "{:7.4f}".format(r_limit)) # Just grab the data points within the limits mask[si]=((norm_ivar.flat[si] > 0) & (np.abs(norm_obj.flat[si] - mode_fit) < 0.1)) inside, = np.where((sigma_x.flat[si] > l_limit) & (sigma_x.flat[si] < r_limit) & mask[si]) ninside = inside.size # If we have too few pixels after this step, then again just use a Gaussian profile and return. if(ninside < 10):"Too few pixels inside l_limit and r_limit")"Returning Gaussian profile") profile_model = return_gaussian(sigma_x, norm_obj, bspline_fwhm, med_sn2, obj_string,show_profile, ind=good, l_limit=l_limit, r_limit=r_limit, xlim=7.0) return (profile_model, trace_in, fwhmfit, med_sn2) sigma_iter = 3 isort = (xtemp.flat[si[inside]]).argsort() inside = si[inside[isort]] pb = np.ones(inside.size) for iiter in range(1,sigma_iter + 1): mode_zero, _ = bset.value(sigma_x.flat[inside]) mode_zero = mode_zero*pb mode_min05, _ = bset.value(sigma_x.flat[inside]-0.5) mode_plu05, _ = bset.value(sigma_x.flat[inside]+0.5) mode_shift = (mode_min05 - mode_plu05)*pb*((sigma_x.flat[inside] > (l_limit + 0.5)) & (sigma_x.flat[inside] < (r_limit - 0.5))) mode_by13, _ = bset.value(sigma_x.flat[inside]/1.3) mode_stretch = mode_by13*pb/1.3 - mode_zero nbkpts = (np.log10(np.fmax(med_sn2, 11.0))).astype(int) xx = np.sum(xtemp, 1)/nspat profile_basis = np.column_stack((mode_zero,mode_shift)) mode_shift_out = fitting.bspline_profile(xtemp.flat[inside], norm_obj.flat[inside], norm_ivar.flat[inside], profile_basis, maxiter=1, kwargs_bspline={'nbkpts':nbkpts}) # Check to see if the mode fit failed, if so punt and return a Gaussian if not np.any(mode_shift_out[1]):'B-spline fit to trace correction failed for fit to ninside = {:}'.format(ninside) + ' pixels')"Returning Gaussian profile") profile_model = return_gaussian(sigma_x, norm_obj, bspline_fwhm, med_sn2, obj_string, show_profile, ind=good, l_limit=l_limit, r_limit=r_limit, xlim=7.0) return (profile_model, trace_in, fwhmfit, med_sn2) mode_shift_set = mode_shift_out[0] temp_set = bspline.bspline(None, fullbkpt=mode_shift_set.breakpoints, nord=mode_shift_set.nord) temp_set.coeff = mode_shift_set.coeff[0, :] h0, _ = temp_set.value(xx) temp_set.coeff = mode_shift_set.coeff[1, :] h1, _ = temp_set.value(xx) ratio_10 = (h1/(h0 + (h0 == 0.0))) delta_trace_corr = ratio_10/(1.0 + np.abs(ratio_10)/0.1) trace_corr = trace_corr + delta_trace_corr profile_basis = np.column_stack((mode_zero,mode_stretch)) mode_stretch_out = fitting.bspline_profile(xtemp.flat[inside], norm_obj.flat[inside], norm_ivar.flat[inside], profile_basis, maxiter=1, fullbkpt=mode_shift_set.breakpoints) if not np.any(mode_stretch_out[1]):'B-spline fit to width correction failed for fit to ninside = {:}'.format(ninside) + ' pixels')"Returning Gaussian profile") profile_model = return_gaussian(sigma_x, norm_obj, bspline_fwhm, med_sn2, obj_string, show_profile,ind=good, l_limit=l_limit, r_limit=r_limit, xlim=7.0) return (profile_model, trace_in, fwhmfit, med_sn2) mode_stretch_set = mode_stretch_out[0] temp_set = bspline.bspline(None, fullbkpt=mode_stretch_set.breakpoints, nord=mode_stretch_set.nord) temp_set.coeff = mode_stretch_set.coeff[0, :] h0, _ = temp_set.value(xx) temp_set.coeff = mode_stretch_set.coeff[1, :] h2, _ = temp_set.value(xx) h0 = np.fmax(h0 + h2*mode_stretch.sum()/mode_zero.sum(),0.1) ratio_20 = (h2 / (h0 + (h0 == 0.0))) sigma_factor = 0.3 * ratio_20 / (1.0 + np.abs(ratio_20))"Iteration# " + "{:3d}".format(iiter))"Median abs value of trace correction = " + "{:8.3f}".format(np.median(np.abs(delta_trace_corr))))"Median abs value of width correction = " + "{:8.3f}".format(np.median(np.abs(sigma_factor)))) sigma = sigma*(1.0 + sigma_factor) area = area * h0/(1.0 + sigma_factor) sigma_x = dspat/np.outer(sigma, np.ones(nspat)) - np.outer(trace_corr, np.ones(nspat)) # Update the profile B-spline fit for the next iteration if iiter < sigma_iter-1: ss = sigma_x.flat[inside].argsort() pb = (np.outer(area, np.ones(nspat,dtype=float))).flat[inside] keep = (bkpt >= sigma_x.flat[inside].min()) & (bkpt <= sigma_x.flat[inside].max()) if keep.sum() == 0: keep = np.ones(bkpt.size, dtype=bool) bset_out = fitting.bspline_profile(sigma_x.flat[inside[ss]], norm_obj.flat[inside[ss]], norm_ivar.flat[inside[ss]],pb[ss], nord=4, bkpt=bkpt[keep], maxiter=2) if not np.any(bset_out[1]):'B-spline to profile in trace and width correction loop failed for fit to ninside = {:}'.format(ninside) + ' pixels')"Returning Gaussian profile") profile_model = return_gaussian(sigma_x, norm_obj, bspline_fwhm, med_sn2, obj_string, show_profile, ind=good, l_limit=l_limit,r_limit=r_limit, xlim=7.0) return (profile_model, trace_in, fwhmfit, med_sn2) bset = bset_out[0] # This updated bset used for the next set of trace corrections # Apply trace corrections only if they are small (added by JFH) if np.median(np.abs(trace_corr*sigma)) < max_trace_corr: xnew = trace_corr * sigma + trace_in else: xnew = trace_in fwhmfit = sigma*2.3548 ss=sigma_x.flatten().argsort() inside, = np.where((sigma_x.flat[ss] >= min_sigma) & (sigma_x.flat[ss] <= max_sigma) & mask[ss] & np.isfinite(norm_obj.flat[ss]) & np.isfinite(norm_ivar.flat[ss])) pb = (np.outer(area, np.ones(nspat,dtype=float))) bset_out = fitting.bspline_profile(sigma_x.flat[ss[inside]], norm_obj.flat[ss[inside]], norm_ivar.flat[ss[inside]], pb.flat[ss[inside]], nord=4, bkpt=bkpt, upper=10, lower=10) bset = bset_out[0] outmask = bset_out[1] # igood = False for pixels within (min_sigma, max_sigma), True outside igood = (sigma_x.flatten() > min_sigma) & (sigma_x.flatten() < max_sigma) full_bsp = np.zeros(nspec*nspat, dtype=float) sigma_x_igood = sigma_x.flat[igood] yfit_out, _ = bset.value(sigma_x_igood) full_bsp[igood] = yfit_out isrt2 = sigma_x_igood.argsort() (peak, peak_x, lwhm, rwhm) = findfwhm(yfit_out[isrt2] - median_fit, sigma_x_igood[isrt2]) left_bool = (((full_bsp[ss] < (min_level+median_fit)) & (sigma_x.flat[ss] < peak_x)) | (sigma_x.flat[ss] < (peak_x-limit)))[::-1] ind_left, = np.where(left_bool) if ind_left.size == 0: lp = 0 else: lp = np.fmax(ind_left.min(), 0) righ_bool = ((full_bsp[ss] < (min_level+median_fit)) & (sigma_x.flat[ss] > peak_x)) | (sigma_x.flat[ss] > (peak_x+limit)) ind_righ, = np.where(righ_bool) if ind_righ.size == 0: rp = 0 else: rp = np.fmax(ind_righ.min(), 0) l_limit = ((sigma_x.flat[ss])[::-1])[lp] - 0.1 r_limit = sigma_x.flat[ss[rp]] + 0.1 # Determine the left and right locations (l_limit and r_limit) where the profile logarithmic derivative crosses 1.0 for apodization # of the object profiles. If the profile slope is never actually one, then just find the maximum value in the interval between # (l_limit, -1.0) or (1.0, r_limit) l_lim_vec = np.arange(l_limit+0.1,-1.0, 0.1) l_lim_vec = np.asarray([-1.1]) if len(l_lim_vec) == 0 else l_lim_vec l_fit1, _ = bset.value(l_lim_vec) l_fit2, _ = bset.value(l_lim_vec*0.9) l_deriv_vec = (np.log(l_fit2) - np.log(l_fit1))/(0.1*l_lim_vec) l_deriv_max = np.fmax(l_deriv_vec.min(), -1.0) r_lim_vec = np.arange(r_limit-0.1,1.0, -0.1) r_lim_vec = np.asarray([1.1]) if len(r_lim_vec) == 0 else r_lim_vec r_fit1, _ = bset.value(r_lim_vec) r_fit2, _ = bset.value(r_lim_vec*0.9) r_deriv_vec = (np.log(r_fit2) - np.log(r_fit1))/(0.1*r_lim_vec) r_deriv_max = np.fmin(r_deriv_vec.max(), 1.0) while True: l_limit += 0.1 l_fit, _ = bset.value(np.asarray([l_limit])) l2, _ = bset.value(np.asarray([l_limit])* 0.9) l_deriv = (np.log(l2[0]) - np.log(l_fit[0]))/(0.1*l_limit) if (l_deriv <= l_deriv_max) | (l_limit >= -1.0): break while True: r_limit -= 0.1 r_fit, _ = bset.value(np.asarray([r_limit])) r2, _ = bset.value(np.asarray([r_limit])* 0.9) r_deriv = (np.log(r2[0]) - np.log(r_fit[0]))/(0.1*r_limit) if (r_deriv >= r_deriv_max) | (r_limit <= 1.0): break # JXP kludge if prof_nsigma is not None: #By setting them to zero we ensure QA won't plot them in the profile QA. l_limit = 0.0 r_limit = 0.0 # Apodization of object profiles with exponential, ensuring continuity of first derivative if (l_deriv < 0) and (r_deriv > 0) and no_deriv is False: left = sigma_x.flatten() < l_limit full_bsp[left] = np.exp(-(sigma_x.flat[left]-l_limit)*l_deriv) * l_fit[0] right = sigma_x.flatten() > r_limit full_bsp[right] = np.exp(-(sigma_x.flat[right] - r_limit) * r_deriv) * r_fit[0] # Final object profile full_bsp = full_bsp.reshape(nspec,nspat) profile_model = full_bsp*pb res_mode = (norm_obj.flat[ss[inside]] - profile_model.flat[ss[inside]])*np.sqrt(norm_ivar.flat[ss[inside]]) chi_good = (outmask == True) & (norm_ivar.flat[ss[inside]] > 0) chi_med = np.median(res_mode[chi_good]**2) chi_zero = np.median(norm_obj.flat[ss[inside]]**2*norm_ivar.flat[ss[inside]])"-------------------- Results of Profile Fit --------------------")" min(fwhmfit)={:5.2f}".format(fwhmfit.min()) + " max(fwhmfit)={:5.2f}".format(fwhmfit.max()) + " median(chi^2)={:5.2f}".format(chi_med) + " nbkpts={:2d}".format(bkpt.size))"-----------------------------------------------------------------") nxinf = np.sum(np.isfinite(xnew) == False) if (nxinf != 0): msgs.warn("Nan pixel values in trace correction") msgs.warn("Returning original trace....") xnew = trace_in inf = np.isfinite(profile_model) == False ninf = np.sum(inf) if (ninf != 0): msgs.warn("Nan pixel values in object profile... setting them to zero") profile_model[inf] = 0.0 # Normalize profile norm = np.outer(np.sum(profile_model, 1), np.ones(nspat)) if (np.sum(norm) > 0.0): profile_model = (norm > 0.0)*profile_model/(norm + (norm == 0.0)) info_string = "FWHM range:" + "{:5.2f}".format(fwhmfit.min()) + " - {:5.2f}".format(fwhmfit.max()) \ + ", S/N=" + "{:8.3f}".format(np.sqrt(med_sn2)) + ", median(chi^2)={:8.3f}".format(chi_med) title_string = obj_string + ' ' + info_string if(show_profile): qa_fit_profile(sigma_x, norm_obj/(pb + (pb == 0.0)), full_bsp, l_limit = l_limit, r_limit = r_limit, ind = ss[inside], xlim = prof_nsigma, title = title_string) return profile_model, xnew, fwhmfit, med_sn2