Module containing routines used by 3D datacubes.
.. include:: ../include/links.rst
import os
from astropy import wcs, units
from astropy.coordinates import AltAz, SkyCoord
from astropy.io import fits
import scipy.optimize as opt
from scipy import signal
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
import numpy as np
from pypeit import msgs
from pypeit import utils
from pypeit.core import coadd, flux_calib
# Use a fast histogram for speed!
from fast_histogram import histogramdd
from IPython import embed
def gaussian2D(tup, intflux, xo, yo, sigma_x, sigma_y, theta, offset):
Fit a 2D Gaussian function to an image.
tup (:obj:`tuple`):
A two element tuple containing the x and y coordinates of each pixel
in the image
intflux (float):
The Integrated flux of the 2D Gaussian
xo (float):
The centre of the Gaussian along the x-coordinate when z=0
yo (float):
The centre of the Gaussian along the y-coordinate when z=0
sigma_x (float):
The standard deviation in the x-direction
sigma_y (float):
The standard deviation in the y-direction
theta (float):
The orientation angle of the 2D Gaussian
offset (float):
Constant offset
`numpy.ndarray`_: The 2D Gaussian evaluated at the coordinate (x, y)
# Extract the (x, y, z) coordinates of each pixel from the tuple
(x, y) = tup
# Ensure these are floating point
xo = float(xo)
yo = float(yo)
# Account for a rotated 2D Gaussian
a = (np.cos(theta)**2)/(2*sigma_x**2) + (np.sin(theta)**2)/(2*sigma_y**2)
b = -(np.sin(2*theta))/(4*sigma_x**2) + (np.sin(2*theta))/(4*sigma_y**2)
c = (np.sin(theta)**2)/(2*sigma_x**2) + (np.cos(theta)**2)/(2*sigma_y**2)
# Normalise so that the integrated flux is a parameter, instead of the amplitude
norm = 1/(2*np.pi*np.sqrt(a*c-b*b))
gtwod = offset + norm*intflux*np.exp(-(a*((x-xo)**2) + 2*b*(x-xo)*(y-yo) + c*((y-yo)**2)))
return gtwod.ravel()
def fitGaussian2D(image, norm=False):
Fit a 2D Gaussian to an input image. It is recommended that the input image
is scaled to a maximum value that is ~1, so that all fit parameters are of
the same order of magnitude. Set norm=True if you do not care about the
amplitude or integrated flux. Otherwise, make sure you scale the image by
a known value prior to passing it into this function.
image : `numpy.ndarray`_
A 2D input image
norm : bool, optional
If True, the input image will be normalised to the maximum value
of the input image.
popt : `numpy.ndarray`_
The optimum parameters of the Gaussian in the following order: Integrated
flux, x center, y center, sigma_x, sigma_y, theta, offset. See
:func:`~pypeit.core.datacube.gaussian2D` for a more detailed description
of the model.
pcov : `numpy.ndarray`_
Corresponding covariance matrix
# Normalise if requested
wlscl = np.max(image) if norm else 1
# Setup the coordinates
x = np.linspace(0, image.shape[0] - 1, image.shape[0])
y = np.linspace(0, image.shape[1] - 1, image.shape[1])
xx, yy = np.meshgrid(x, y, indexing='ij')
# Setup the fitting params
idx_max = [image.shape[0]/2, image.shape[1]/2] # Just use the centre of the image as the best guess
#idx_max = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(image), image.shape)
initial_guess = (1, idx_max[0], idx_max[1], 2, 2, 0, 0)
bounds = ([0, 0, 0, 0.5, 0.5, -np.pi, -np.inf],
[np.inf, image.shape[0], image.shape[1], image.shape[0], image.shape[1], np.pi, np.inf])
# Perform the fit
popt, pcov = opt.curve_fit(gaussian2D, (xx, yy), image.ravel() / wlscl, bounds=bounds, p0=initial_guess)
# Return the fitting results
return popt, pcov
def dar_fitfunc(radec, coord_ra, coord_dec, datfit, wave, obstime, location, pressure,
temperature, rel_humidity):
Generates a fitting function to calculate the offset due to differential
atmospheric refraction
radec (tuple):
A tuple containing two floats representing the shift in ra and dec
due to DAR.
coord_ra (float):
RA in degrees
coord_dec (float):
Dec in degrees
datfit (`numpy.ndarray`_):
The RA and DEC that the model needs to match
wave (float):
Wavelength to calculate the DAR
location (`astropy.coordinates.EarthLocation`_):
observatory location
pressure (float):
Outside pressure at `location`
temperature (float):
Outside ambient air temperature at `location`
rel_humidity (float):
Outside relative humidity at `location`. This should be between 0 to 1.
float: chi-squared difference between datfit and model
(diff_ra, diff_dec) = radec
# Generate the coordinate with atmospheric conditions
coord_atmo = SkyCoord(coord_ra + diff_ra, coord_dec + diff_dec, unit=(units.deg, units.deg))
coord_altaz = coord_atmo.transform_to(AltAz(obstime=obstime, location=location, obswl=wave,
pressure=pressure, temperature=temperature,
# Return chi-squared value
return np.sum((np.array([coord_altaz.alt.value, coord_altaz.az.value])-datfit)**2)
def correct_grating_shift(wave_eval, wave_curr, spl_curr, wave_ref, spl_ref, order=2):
Using spline representations of the blaze profile, calculate the grating
correction that should be applied to the current spectrum (suffix ``curr``)
relative to the reference spectrum (suffix ``ref``). The grating correction
is then evaluated at the wavelength array given by ``wave_eval``.
wave_eval (`numpy.ndarray`_):
Wavelength array to evaluate the grating correction
wave_curr (`numpy.ndarray`_):
Wavelength array used to construct spl_curr
spl_curr (`scipy.interpolate.interp1d`_):
Spline representation of the current blaze function (based on the illumflat).
wave_ref (`numpy.ndarray`_):
Wavelength array used to construct spl_ref
spl_ref (`scipy.interpolate.interp1d`_):
Spline representation of the reference blaze function (based on the illumflat).
order (int):
Polynomial order used to fit the grating correction.
`numpy.ndarray`_: The grating correction to apply
msgs.info("Calculating the grating correction")
# Calculate the grating correction
grat_corr_tmp = spl_curr(wave_eval) / spl_ref(wave_eval)
# Determine the useful overlapping wavelength range
minw, maxw = max(np.min(wave_curr), np.min(wave_ref)), max(np.min(wave_curr), np.max(wave_ref))
# Perform a low-order polynomial fit to the grating correction (should be close to linear)
wave_corr = (wave_eval - minw) / (maxw - minw) # Scale wavelengths to be of order 0-1
wblz = np.where((wave_corr > 0.1) & (wave_corr < 0.9)) # Remove the pixels that are within 10% of the edges
coeff_gratcorr = np.polyfit(wave_corr[wblz], grat_corr_tmp[wblz], order)
grat_corr = np.polyval(coeff_gratcorr, wave_corr)
# Return the estimates grating correction
return grat_corr
def extract_standard_spec(stdcube, subpixel=20):
Extract a spectrum of a standard star from a datacube
std_cube : `astropy.io.fits.HDUList`_
An HDU list of fits files
subpixel : int
Number of pixels to subpixelate spectrum when creating mask
wave : `numpy.ndarray`_
Wavelength of the star.
Nlam_star : `numpy.ndarray`_
Nlam_ivar_star : `numpy.ndarray`_
inverse variance of Nlam_star
gpm_star : `numpy.ndarray`_
good pixel mask for Nlam_star
# Extract some information from the HDU list
flxcube = stdcube['FLUX'].data.T.copy()
varcube = stdcube['SIG'].data.T.copy()**2
bpmcube = stdcube['BPM'].data.T.copy()
numwave = flxcube.shape[2]
# Setup the WCS
stdwcs = wcs.WCS(stdcube['FLUX'].header)
wcs_scale = (1.0 * stdwcs.spectral.wcs.cunit[0]).to(units.Angstrom).value # Ensures the WCS is in Angstroms
wave = wcs_scale * stdwcs.spectral.wcs_pix2world(np.arange(numwave), 0)[0]
# Generate a whitelight image, and fit a 2D Gaussian to estimate centroid and width
wl_img = make_whitelight_fromcube(flxcube)
popt, pcov = fitGaussian2D(wl_img, norm=True)
wid = max(popt[3], popt[4])
# Setup the coordinates of the mask
x = np.linspace(0, flxcube.shape[0] - 1, flxcube.shape[0] * subpixel)
y = np.linspace(0, flxcube.shape[1] - 1, flxcube.shape[1] * subpixel)
xx, yy = np.meshgrid(x, y, indexing='ij')
# Generate a mask
newshape = (flxcube.shape[0] * subpixel, flxcube.shape[1] * subpixel)
mask = np.zeros(newshape)
nsig = 4 # 4 sigma should be far enough... Note: percentage enclosed for 2D Gaussian = 1-np.exp(-0.5 * nsig**2)
ww = np.where((np.sqrt((xx - popt[1]) ** 2 + (yy - popt[2]) ** 2) < nsig * wid))
mask[ww] = 1
mask = utils.rebinND(mask, (flxcube.shape[0], flxcube.shape[1])).reshape(flxcube.shape[0], flxcube.shape[1], 1)
# Generate a sky mask
newshape = (flxcube.shape[0] * subpixel, flxcube.shape[1] * subpixel)
smask = np.zeros(newshape)
nsig = 8 # 8 sigma should be far enough
ww = np.where((np.sqrt((xx - popt[1]) ** 2 + (yy - popt[2]) ** 2) < nsig * wid))
smask[ww] = 1
smask = utils.rebinND(smask, (flxcube.shape[0], flxcube.shape[1])).reshape(flxcube.shape[0], flxcube.shape[1], 1)
smask -= mask
# Subtract the residual sky
skymask = np.logical_not(bpmcube) * smask
skycube = flxcube * skymask
skyspec = skycube.sum(0).sum(0)
nrmsky = skymask.sum(0).sum(0)
skyspec *= utils.inverse(nrmsky)
flxcube -= skyspec.reshape((1, 1, numwave))
# Subtract the residual sky from the whitelight image
sky_val = np.sum(wl_img[:, :, np.newaxis] * smask) / np.sum(smask)
wl_img -= sky_val
msgs.info("Extracting a boxcar spectrum of datacube")
# Construct an image that contains the fraction of flux included in the
# boxcar extraction at each wavelength interval
norm_flux = wl_img[:,:,np.newaxis] * mask
norm_flux /= np.sum(norm_flux)
# Extract boxcar
cntmask = np.logical_not(bpmcube) * mask # Good pixels within the masked region around the standard star
flxscl = (norm_flux * cntmask).sum(0).sum(0) # This accounts for the flux that is missing due to masked pixels
scimask = flxcube * cntmask
varmask = varcube * cntmask**2
nrmcnt = utils.inverse(flxscl)
box_flux = scimask.sum(0).sum(0) * nrmcnt
box_var = varmask.sum(0).sum(0) * nrmcnt**2
box_gpm = flxscl > 1/3 # Good pixels are those where at least one-third of the standard star flux is measured
# Setup the return values
ret_flux, ret_var, ret_gpm = box_flux, box_var, box_gpm
# Convert from counts/s/Ang/arcsec**2 to counts/s/Ang
arcsecSQ = 3600.0*3600.0*(stdwcs.wcs.cdelt[0]*stdwcs.wcs.cdelt[1])
ret_flux *= arcsecSQ
ret_var *= arcsecSQ**2
# Return the box extraction results
return wave, ret_flux, utils.inverse(ret_var), ret_gpm
def make_sensfunc(ss_file, senspar, blaze_wave=None, blaze_spline=None, grating_corr=False):
Generate the sensitivity function from a standard star DataCube.
ss_file (:obj:`str`):
The relative path and filename of the standard star datacube. It
should be fits format, and for full functionality, should ideally of
the form :class:`~pypeit.coadd3d.DataCube`.
senspar (:class:`~pypeit.par.pypeitpar.SensFuncPar`):
The parameters required for the sensitivity function computation.
blaze_wave (`numpy.ndarray`_, optional):
Wavelength array used to construct blaze_spline
blaze_spline (`scipy.interpolate.interp1d`_, optional):
Spline representation of the reference blaze function (based on the illumflat).
grating_corr (:obj:`bool`, optional):
If a grating correction should be performed, set this variable to True.
`numpy.ndarray`_: A mask of the good sky pixels (True = good)
# Check if the standard star datacube exists
if not os.path.exists(ss_file):
msgs.error("Standard cube does not exist:" + msgs.newline() + ss_file)
msgs.info(f"Loading standard star cube: {ss_file:s}")
# Load the standard star cube and retrieve its RA + DEC
stdcube = fits.open(ss_file)
star_ra, star_dec = stdcube[1].header['CRVAL1'], stdcube[1].header['CRVAL2']
# Extract a spectrum of the standard star
wave, Nlam_star, Nlam_ivar_star, gpm_star = extract_standard_spec(stdcube)
# Extract the information about the blaze
if grating_corr:
blaze_wave_curr, blaze_spec_curr = stdcube['BLAZE_WAVE'].data, stdcube['BLAZE_SPEC'].data
blaze_spline_curr = interp1d(blaze_wave_curr, blaze_spec_curr,
kind='linear', bounds_error=False, fill_value="extrapolate")
# Perform a grating correction
grat_corr = correct_grating_shift(wave, blaze_wave_curr, blaze_spline_curr, blaze_wave, blaze_spline)
# Apply the grating correction to the standard star spectrum
Nlam_star /= grat_corr
Nlam_ivar_star *= grat_corr ** 2
# Read in some information above the standard star
std_dict = flux_calib.get_standard_spectrum(star_type=senspar['star_type'],
ra=star_ra, dec=star_dec)
# Calculate the sensitivity curve
# TODO :: This needs to be addressed... unify flux calibration into the main PypeIt routines.
msgs.warn("Datacubes are currently flux-calibrated using the UVIS algorithm... this will be deprecated soon")
zeropoint_data, zeropoint_data_gpm, zeropoint_fit, zeropoint_fit_gpm = \
flux_calib.fit_zeropoint(wave, Nlam_star, Nlam_ivar_star, gpm_star, std_dict,
wgd = np.where(zeropoint_fit_gpm)
sens = np.power(10.0, -0.4 * (zeropoint_fit[wgd] - flux_calib.ZP_UNIT_CONST)) / np.square(wave[wgd])
return interp1d(wave[wgd], sens, kind='linear', bounds_error=False, fill_value="extrapolate")
def make_good_skymask(slitimg, tilts):
Mask the spectral edges of each slit (i.e. the pixels near the ends of the
detector in the spectral direction). Some extreme values of the tilts are
only sampled with a small fraction of the pixels of the slit width. This
leads to a bad extrapolation/determination of the sky model.
slitimg (`numpy.ndarray`_):
An image of the slit indicating which slit each pixel belongs to
tilts (`numpy.ndarray`_):
Spectral tilts.
`numpy.ndarray`_: A mask of the good sky pixels (True = good)
msgs.info("Masking edge pixels where the sky model is poor")
# Initialise the GPM
gpm = np.zeros(slitimg.shape, dtype=bool)
# Find unique slits
unq = np.unique(slitimg[slitimg>0])
for uu in range(unq.size):
# Find the x,y pixels in this slit
ww = np.where((slitimg == unq[uu]) & (tilts != 0.0))
# Mask the bottom pixels first
wb = np.where(ww[0] == 0)[0]
wt = np.where(ww[0] == np.max(ww[0]))[0]
# Calculate the maximum tilt from the bottom row, and the miminum tilt from the top row
maxtlt = np.max(tilts[0, ww[1][wb]])
mintlt = np.min(tilts[-1, ww[1][wt]])
# Mask all values below this maximum
gpm[ww] = (tilts[ww] >= maxtlt) & (tilts[ww] <= mintlt) # The signs are correct here.
return gpm
def get_output_filename(fil, par_outfile, combine, idx=1):
Get the output filename of a datacube, given the input
fil (str):
The spec2d filename.
par_outfile (str):
The user-specified output filename (see cubepar['output_filename'])
combine (bool):
Should the input frames be combined into a single datacube?
idx (int, optional):
Index of filename to be saved. Required if combine=False.
str: The output filename to use.
if combine:
if par_outfile == '':
par_outfile = 'datacube.fits'
# Check if we needs to append an extension
return par_outfile if '.fits' in par_outfile else f'{par_outfile}.fits'
if par_outfile == '':
return fil.replace('spec2d_', 'spec3d_')
# Finally, if nothing else, use the output filename as a prefix, and a numerical suffic
return os.path.splitext(par_outfile)[0] + f'_{idx:03}.fits'
def get_output_whitelight_filename(outfile):
Given the output filename of a datacube, create an appropriate whitelight
fits file name
outfile (str):
The output filename used for the datacube.
A string containing the output filename to use for the whitelight image.
return os.path.splitext(outfile)[0] + "_whitelight.fits"
def get_whitelight_pixels(all_wave, all_slitid, min_wl, max_wl):
Determine which pixels are included within the specified wavelength range
all_wave (`numpy.ndarray`_, list):
List of `numpy.ndarray`_ wavelength images. The length of the list is the number of spec2d frames.
Each element of the list contains a wavelength image that provides the wavelength at each pixel on
the detector, with shape is (nspec, nspat).
all_slitid (`numpy.ndarray`_, list):
List of `numpy.ndarray`_ slitid images. The length of the list is the number of spec2d frames.
Each element of the list contains a slitid image that provides the slit number at each pixel on
the detector, with shape (nspec, nspat).
min_wl (float):
Minimum wavelength to consider
max_wl (float):
Maximum wavelength to consider
:obj:`tuple`: The first element of the tuple is a list of `numpy.ndarray`_ slitid images
(or a single `numpy.ndarray`_ slitid image if only one spec2d frame is provided),
shape is (nspec, nspat), where a zero value corresponds to an excluded pixel
(either outside the desired wavelength range, a bad pixel, a pixel not on the slit).
All other pixels have a value equal to the slit number. The second element of the tuple
is the wavelength difference between the maximum and minimum wavelength in the desired
wavelength range.
# Check if lists or numpy arrays are input
list_inputs = [all_wave, all_slitid]
if all([isinstance(l, list) for l in list_inputs]):
numframes = len(all_wave)
if not all([len(l) == numframes for l in list_inputs]):
msgs.error("All input lists must have the same length")
# Store in the following variables
_all_wave, _all_slitid = all_wave, all_slitid
elif all([not isinstance(l, list) for l in list_inputs]):
_all_wave, _all_slitid = [all_wave], [all_slitid]
numframes = 1
msgs.error("The input lists must either all be lists (of the same length) or all be numpy arrays")
if max_wl < min_wl:
msgs.error("The maximum wavelength must be greater than the minimum wavelength")
# Initialise the output
out_slitid = [np.zeros(_all_slitid[0].shape, dtype=int) for _ in range(numframes)]
# Loop over all frames and find the pixels that are within the wavelength range
if min_wl < max_wl:
# Loop over files and determine which pixels are within the wavelength range
for ff in range(numframes):
ww = np.where((_all_wave[ff] > min_wl) & (_all_wave[ff] < max_wl))
out_slitid[ff][ww] = _all_slitid[ff][ww]
msgs.warn("Datacubes do not completely overlap in wavelength.")
out_slitid = _all_slitid
min_wl, max_wl = None, None
for ff in range(numframes):
this_wave = _all_wave[ff][_all_slitid[ff] > 0]
tmp_min = np.min(this_wave)
tmp_max = np.max(this_wave)
if min_wl is None or tmp_min < min_wl:
min_wl = tmp_min
if max_wl is None or tmp_max > max_wl:
max_wl = tmp_max
# Determine the wavelength range
wavediff = max_wl - min_wl
# Need to return a single slitid image if only one frame, otherwise return a list of slitid images.
# Also return the wavelength difference
return out_slitid[0] if numframes == 1 else out_slitid, wavediff
def get_whitelight_range(wavemin, wavemax, wl_range):
Get the wavelength range to use for the white light images
wavemin : float
Automatically determined minimum wavelength to use for making the white
light image.
wavemax : float
Automatically determined maximum wavelength to use for making the white
light image.
wl_range : list
Two element list containing the user-specified values to manually
override the automated values determined by PypeIt.
wlrng : list
A two element list containing the minimum and maximum wavelength to use
for the white light images
wlrng = [wavemin, wavemax]
if wl_range[0] is not None:
if wl_range[0] < wavemin:
msgs.warn("The user-specified minimum wavelength ({0:.2f}) to use for the white light".format(wl_range[0]) +
msgs.newline() + "images is lower than the recommended value ({0:.2f}),".format(wavemin) +
msgs.newline() + "which ensures that all spaxels cover the same wavelength range.")
wlrng[0] = wl_range[0]
if wl_range[1] is not None:
if wl_range[1] > wavemax:
msgs.warn("The user-specified maximum wavelength ({0:.2f}) to use for the white light".format(wl_range[1]) +
msgs.newline() + "images is greater than the recommended value ({0:.2f}),".format(wavemax) +
msgs.newline() + "which ensures that all spaxels cover the same wavelength range.")
wlrng[1] = wl_range[1]
msgs.info("The white light images will cover the wavelength range: {0:.2f}A - {1:.2f}A".format(wlrng[0], wlrng[1]))
return wlrng
def make_whitelight_fromcube(cube, wave=None, wavemin=None, wavemax=None):
Generate a white light image using an input cube.
cube (`numpy.ndarray`_):
3D datacube (the final element contains the wavelength dimension)
wave (`numpy.ndarray`_, optional):
1D wavelength array. Only required if wavemin or wavemax are not
wavemin (float, optional):
Minimum wavelength (same units as wave) to be included in the
whitelight image. You must provide wave as well if you want to
reduce the wavelength range.
wavemax (float, optional):
Maximum wavelength (same units as wave) to be included in the
whitelight image. You must provide wave as well if you want to
reduce the wavelength range.
A whitelight image of the input cube (of type `numpy.ndarray`_).
# Make a wavelength cut, if requested
cutcube = cube.copy()
if wavemin is not None or wavemax is not None:
# Make some checks on the input
if wave is None:
msgs.error("wave variable must be supplied to create white light image with wavelength cuts")
if wave.size != cube.shape[2]:
msgs.error("wave variable should have the same length as the third axis of cube.")
# assign wavemin & wavemax if one is not provided
if wavemin is None:
wavemin = np.min(wave)
if wavemax is None:
wavemax = np.max(wave)
ww = np.where((wave >= wavemin) & (wave <= wavemax))[0]
wmin, wmax = ww[0], ww[-1]+1
cutcube = cube[:, :, wmin:wmax]
# Now sum along the wavelength axis
nrmval = np.sum(cutcube != 0.0, axis=2)
nrmval[nrmval == 0.0] = 1.0
wl_img = np.sum(cutcube, axis=2) / nrmval
return wl_img
def load_imageWCS(filename, ext=0):
Load an image and return the image and the associated WCS.
filename (str):
A fits filename of an image to be used when generating white light
images. Note, the fits file must have a valid 3D WCS.
ext (bool, optional):
The extension that contains the image and WCS
:obj:`tuple`: An `numpy.ndarray`_ with the 2D image data and a
`astropy.wcs.WCS`_ with the image WCS.
imghdu = fits.open(filename)
image = imghdu[ext].data.T
imgwcs = wcs.WCS(imghdu[ext].header)
# Return required info
return image, imgwcs
def align_user_offsets(ifu_ra, ifu_dec, ra_offset, dec_offset):
Align the RA and DEC of all input frames, and then
manually shift the cubes based on user-provided offsets.
The offsets should be specified in arcseconds, and the
ra_offset should include the cos(dec) factor.
ifu_ra (`numpy.ndarray`_):
A list of RA values of the IFU (one value per frame)
ifu_dec (`numpy.ndarray`_):
A list of Dec values of the IFU (one value per frame)
ra_offset (`numpy.ndarray`_):
A list of RA offsets to be applied to the input pixel values (one value per frame).
Note, the ra_offset MUST contain the cos(dec) factor. This is the number of degrees
on the sky that represents the telescope offset.
dec_offset (`numpy.ndarray`_):
A list of Dec offsets to be applied to the input pixel values (one value per frame).
This is the number of degrees on the sky that represents the telescope offset.
A tuple containing a new set of RA and Dec offsets for each frame.
Both arrays are of type `numpy.ndarray`_, and are in units of degrees.
# First, translate all coordinates to the coordinates of the first frame
# Note: You do not need cos(dec) here, this just overrides the IFU coordinate centre of each frame
# The cos(dec) factor should be input by the user, and should be included in the self.opts['ra_offset']
ref_shift_ra = ifu_ra[0] - ifu_ra
ref_shift_dec = ifu_dec[0] - ifu_dec
numfiles = len(ra_offset)
out_ra_offsets = [0.0 for _ in range(numfiles)]
out_dec_offsets = [0.0 for _ in range(numfiles)]
for ff in range(numfiles):
# Apply the shift
out_ra_offsets[ff] = ref_shift_ra[ff] + ra_offset[ff]
out_dec_offsets[ff] = ref_shift_dec[ff] + dec_offset[ff]
msgs.info("Spatial shift of cube #{0:d}:".format(ff + 1) + msgs.newline() +
"RA, DEC (arcsec) = {0:+0.3f} E, {1:+0.3f} N".format(ra_offset[ff]*3600.0, dec_offset[ff]*3600.0))
return out_ra_offsets, out_dec_offsets
def set_voxel_sampling(spatscale, specscale, dspat=None, dwv=None):
This function checks if the spatial and spectral scales of all frames are consistent.
If the user has not specified either the spatial or spectral scales, they will be set here.
spatscale : `numpy.ndarray`_
2D array, shape is (N, 2), listing the native spatial scales of N spec2d frames.
spatscale[:,0] refers to the spatial pixel scale of each frame
spatscale[:,1] refers to the slicer scale of each frame
Each element of the array must be in degrees
specscale : `numpy.ndarray`_
1D array listing the native spectral scales of multiple frames. The length of this array should be equal
to the number of frames you are using. Each element of the array must be in Angstrom
dspat: :obj:`float`, optional
Spatial scale to use as the voxel spatial sampling. If None, a new value will be derived based on the inputs
dwv: :obj:`float`, optional
Spectral scale to use as the voxel spectral sampling. If None, a new value will be derived based on the inputs
_dspat : :obj:`float`
Spatial sampling
_dwv : :obj:`float`
Wavelength sampling
# Make sure all frames have consistent pixel scales
ratio = (spatscale[:, 0] - spatscale[0, 0]) / spatscale[0, 0]
if np.any(np.abs(ratio) > 1E-4):
msgs.warn("The pixel scales of all input frames are not the same!")
spatstr = ", ".join(["{0:.6f}".format(ss) for ss in spatscale[:,0]*3600.0])
msgs.info("Pixel scales of all input frames:" + msgs.newline() + spatstr + "arcseconds")
# Make sure all frames have consistent slicer scales
ratio = (spatscale[:, 1] - spatscale[0, 1]) / spatscale[0, 1]
if np.any(np.abs(ratio) > 1E-4):
msgs.warn("The slicer scales of all input frames are not the same!")
spatstr = ", ".join(["{0:.6f}".format(ss) for ss in spatscale[:,1]*3600.0])
msgs.info("Slicer scales of all input frames:" + msgs.newline() + spatstr + "arcseconds")
# Make sure all frames have consistent wavelength sampling
ratio = (specscale - specscale[0]) / specscale[0]
if np.any(np.abs(ratio) > 1E-2):
msgs.warn("The wavelength samplings of the input frames are not the same!")
specstr = ", ".join(["{0:.6f}".format(ss) for ss in specscale])
msgs.info("Wavelength samplings of all input frames:" + msgs.newline() + specstr + "Angstrom")
# If the user has not specified the spatial scale, then set it appropriately now to the largest spatial scale
_dspat = np.max(spatscale) if dspat is None else dspat
msgs.info("Adopting a square pixel spatial scale of {0:f} arcsec".format(3600.0 * _dspat))
# If the user has not specified the spectral sampling, then set it now to the largest value
_dwv = np.max(specscale) if dwv is None else dwv
msgs.info("Adopting a wavelength sampling of {0:f} Angstrom".format(_dwv))
return _dspat, _dwv
def wcs_bounds(raImg, decImg, waveImg, slitid_img_gpm, ra_offsets=None, dec_offsets=None,
ra_min=None, ra_max=None, dec_min=None, dec_max=None, wave_min=None, wave_max=None):
Calculate the bounds of the WCS and the expected edges of the voxels, based
on user-specified parameters or the extremities of the data. This is a
convenience function that calls the core function in
raImg : (`numpy.ndarray`_, list):
A list of 2D array containing the RA of each pixel, with shape (nspec, nspat)
decImg : (`numpy.ndarray`_, list):
A list of 2D array containing the Dec of each pixel, with shape (nspec, nspat)
waveImg (`numpy.ndarray`_, list):
A list of 2D array containing the wavelength of each pixel, with shape (nspec, nspat)
slitid_img_gpm : (`numpy.ndarray`_, list):
A list of 2D array containing the spat ID of each pixel, with shape (nspec, nspat).
A value of 0 indicates that the pixel is not on a slit. All other values indicate the
slit spatial ID.
ra_offsets : list, optional
A list of the RA offsets for each frame
dec_offsets : list, optional
A list of the Dec offsets for each frame
ra_min : :obj:`float`, optional
Minimum RA of the WCS
ra_max : :obj:`float`, optional
Maximum RA of the WCS
dec_min : :obj:`float`, optional
Minimum Dec of the WCS
dec_max : :obj:`float`, optional
Maximum Dec of the WCS
wave_min : :obj:`float`, optional
Minimum wavelength of the WCS
wave_max : :obj:`float`, optional
Maximum wavelength of the WCS
_ra_min : :obj:`float`
Minimum RA of the WCS
_ra_max : :obj:`float`
Maximum RA of the WCS
_dec_min : :obj:`float`
Minimum Dec of the WCS
_dec_max : :obj:`float`
Maximum Dec of the WCS
_wave_min : :obj:`float`
Minimum wavelength of the WCS
_wave_max : :obj:`float`
Maximum wavelength of the WCS
# Check if the ra_offsets and dec_offsets are specified
if ra_offsets is None or dec_offsets is None:
if isinstance(raImg, list):
ra_offsets = [0.0]*len(raImg)
dec_offsets = [0.0]*len(raImg)
ra_offsets = 0.0
dec_offsets = 0.0
# Check the inputs
_raImg, _decImg, _waveImg, _slitid_img_gpm, _ra_offsets, _dec_offsets = \
check_inputs([raImg, decImg, waveImg, slitid_img_gpm, ra_offsets, dec_offsets])
numframes = len(_raImg)
# Loop over the frames and get the bounds - start by setting the default values
_ra_min, _ra_max = ra_min, ra_max
_dec_min, _dec_max = dec_min, dec_max
_wave_min, _wave_max = wave_min, wave_max
for fr in range(numframes):
# Only do calculations if the min/max inputs are not specified
# Get the RA, Dec, and wavelength of the pixels on the slit
if ra_min is None or ra_max is None:
this_ra = _raImg[fr][_slitid_img_gpm[fr] > 0]
tmp_min, tmp_max = np.min(this_ra)+_ra_offsets[fr], np.max(this_ra)+_ra_offsets[fr]
if fr == 0 or tmp_min < _ra_min:
_ra_min = tmp_min
if fr == 0 or tmp_max > _ra_max:
_ra_max = tmp_max
if dec_min is None or dec_max is None:
this_dec = _decImg[fr][_slitid_img_gpm[fr] > 0]
tmp_min, tmp_max = np.min(this_dec)+_dec_offsets[fr], np.max(this_dec)+_dec_offsets[fr]
if fr == 0 or tmp_min < _dec_min:
_dec_min = tmp_min
if fr == 0 or tmp_max > _dec_max:
_dec_max = tmp_max
if wave_min is None or wave_max is None:
this_wave = _waveImg[fr][_slitid_img_gpm[fr] > 0]
tmp_min, tmp_max = np.min(this_wave), np.max(this_wave)
if fr == 0 or tmp_min < _wave_min:
_wave_min = tmp_min
if fr == 0 or tmp_max > _wave_max:
_wave_max = tmp_max
# Return the bounds
return _ra_min, _ra_max, _dec_min, _dec_max, _wave_min, _wave_max
def create_wcs(raImg, decImg, waveImg, slitid_img_gpm, dspat, dwave,
ra_offsets=None, dec_offsets=None,
ra_min=None, ra_max=None, dec_min=None, dec_max=None, wave_min=None, wave_max=None,
reference=None, collapse=False, equinox=2000.0, specname="PYP_SPEC"):
Create a WCS and the expected edges of the voxels, based on user-specified
parameters or the extremities of the data.
raImg : (`numpy.ndarray`_, list):
A list of 2D array containing the RA of each pixel, with shape (nspec, nspat)
decImg : (`numpy.ndarray`_, list):
A list of 2D array containing the Dec of each pixel, with shape (nspec, nspat)
waveImg (`numpy.ndarray`_, list):
A list of 2D array containing the wavelength of each pixel, with shape (nspec, nspat)
slitid_img_gpm : (`numpy.ndarray`_, list):
A list of 2D array containing the spat ID of each pixel, with shape (nspec, nspat).
A value of 0 indicates that the pixel is not on a slit. All other values indicate the
slit spatial ID.
dspat : float
Spatial size of each square voxel (in arcsec). The default is to use the
values in cubepar.
dwave : float
Linear wavelength step of each voxel (in Angstroms)
ra_offsets : list, optional
List of RA offsets for each frame (degrees)
dec_offsets : list, optional
List of Dec offsets for each frame (degrees)
ra_min : float, optional
Minimum RA of the WCS (degrees)
ra_max : float, optional
Maximum RA of the WCS (degrees)
dec_min : float, optional
Minimum Dec of the WCS (degrees)
dec_max : float, optional
Maximum Dec of the WCS (degrees)
wave_min : float, optional
Minimum wavelength of the WCS (degrees)
wave_max : float, optional
Maximum wavelength of the WCS (degrees)
reference : str, optional
Filename of a fits file that contains a WCS in the Primary HDU.
collapse : bool, optional
If True, the spectral dimension will be collapsed to a single channel
(primarily for white light images)
equinox : float, optional
Equinox of the WCS
specname : str, optional
Name of the spectrograph
cubewcs : `astropy.wcs.WCS`_
astropy WCS to be used for the combined cube
voxedges : tuple
A three element tuple containing the bin edges in the x, y (spatial) and
z (wavelength) dimensions
reference_image : `numpy.ndarray`_
The reference image to be used for the cross-correlation. Can be None.
# Setup the cube ranges
_ra_min, _ra_max, _dec_min, _dec_max, _wave_min, _wave_max = \
wcs_bounds(raImg, decImg, waveImg, slitid_img_gpm,
ra_offsets=ra_offsets, dec_offsets=dec_offsets,
ra_min=ra_min, ra_max=ra_max, dec_min=dec_min, dec_max=dec_max, wave_min=wave_min, wave_max=wave_max)
# Grab cos(dec) for convenience. Use the average of the min and max dec
cosdec = np.cos(0.5*(_dec_min+_dec_max) * np.pi / 180.0)
# Number of voxels in each dimension
numra = int((_ra_max - _ra_min) * cosdec / dspat)
numdec = int((_dec_max - _dec_min) / dspat)
numwav = int(np.round((_wave_max - _wave_min) / dwave))
# If a white light WCS is being generated, make sure there's only 1 wavelength bin
if collapse:
dwave = _wave_max - _wave_min
numwav = 1
# Generate a master WCS to register all frames
coord_min = [_ra_min, _dec_min, _wave_min]
coord_dlt = [dspat, dspat, dwave]
# If a reference image is being used and a white light image is requested (collapse=True) update the celestial parts
reference_image = None
if reference is not None:
# Load the requested reference image
reference_image, imgwcs = load_imageWCS(reference)
# Update the celestial WCS
coord_min[:2] = imgwcs.wcs.crval
coord_dlt[:2] = imgwcs.wcs.cdelt
numra, numdec = reference_image.shape
cubewcs = generate_WCS(coord_min, coord_dlt, equinox=equinox, name=specname)
msgs.info(msgs.newline() + "-" * 40 +
msgs.newline() + "Parameters of the WCS:" +
msgs.newline() + "RA min = {0:f}".format(coord_min[0]) +
msgs.newline() + "DEC min = {0:f}".format(coord_min[1]) +
msgs.newline() + "WAVE min, max = {0:f}, {1:f}".format(_wave_min, _wave_max) +
msgs.newline() + "Spaxel size = {0:f} arcsec".format(3600.0 * dspat) +
msgs.newline() + "Wavelength step = {0:f} A".format(dwave) +
msgs.newline() + "-" * 40)
# Generate the output binning
xbins = np.arange(1 + numra) - 0.5
ybins = np.arange(1 + numdec) - 0.5
spec_bins = np.arange(1 + numwav) - 0.5
voxedges = (xbins, ybins, spec_bins)
return cubewcs, voxedges, reference_image
def generate_WCS(crval, cdelt, equinox=2000.0, name="PYP_SPEC"):
Generate a WCS that will cover all input spec2D files
crval (list):
3 element list containing the [RA, DEC, WAVELENGTH] of
the reference pixel
cdelt (list):
3 element list containing the delta values of the [RA,
equinox (float, optional):
Equinox of the WCS
`astropy.wcs.WCS`_ : astropy WCS to be used for the combined cube
# Create a new WCS object.
msgs.info("Generating WCS")
w = wcs.WCS(naxis=3)
w.wcs.equinox = equinox
w.wcs.name = name
w.wcs.radesys = 'FK5'
# Insert the coordinate frame
w.wcs.cname = ['RA', 'DEC', 'Wavelength']
w.wcs.cunit = [units.degree, units.degree, units.Angstrom]
w.wcs.ctype = ["RA---TAN", "DEC--TAN", "WAVE"]
w.wcs.crval = crval # RA, DEC, and wavelength zeropoints
w.wcs.crpix = [0, 0, 0] # RA, DEC, and wavelength reference pixels
#w.wcs.cd = np.array([[cdval[0], 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, cdval[1], 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, cdval[2]]])
w.wcs.cdelt = cdelt
w.wcs.lonpole = 180.0 # Native longitude of the Celestial pole
w.wcs.latpole = 0.0 # Native latitude of the Celestial pole
return w
def compute_weights_frompix(raImg, decImg, waveImg, sciImg, ivarImg, slitidImg, dspat, dwv, mnmx_wv, wghtsImg,
all_wcs, all_tilts, all_slits, all_align, all_dar, ra_offsets, dec_offsets,
ra_min=None, ra_max=None, dec_min=None, dec_max=None, wave_min=None, wave_max=None,
sn_smooth_npix=None, weight_method='auto', reference_image=None, whitelight_range=None,
correct_dar=True, specname="PYPSPEC"):
Calculate wavelength dependent optimal weights. The weighting is currently
based on a relative :math:`(S/N)^2` at each wavelength. Note, this function
first prepares a whitelight image, and then calls compute_weights() to
determine the appropriate weights of each pixel.
raImg : `numpy.ndarray`_, list
A list of 2D array containing the RA of each pixel, with shape (nspec, nspat)
decImg : `numpy.ndarray`_, list
A list of 2D array containing the Dec of each pixel, with shape (nspec, nspat)
waveImg : `numpy.ndarray`_, list
A list of 2D array containing the wavelength of each pixel, with shape (nspec, nspat)
sciImg : `numpy.ndarray`_, list
A list of 2D array containing the science image of each pixel, with shape (nspec, nspat)
ivarImg : `numpy.ndarray`_, list
A list of 2D array containing the inverse variance image of each pixel, with shape (nspec, nspat)
slitidImg : `numpy.ndarray`_, list
A list of 2D array containing the slit ID of each pixel, with shape (nspec, nspat)
dspat : float
The size of each spaxel on the sky (in degrees)
dwv : float
The size of each wavelength pixel (in Angstroms)
mnmx_wv : `numpy.ndarray`_
The minimum and maximum wavelengths of every slit and frame. The shape is (Nframes, Nslits, 2),
The minimum and maximum wavelengths are stored in the [:,:,0] and [:,:,1] indices, respectively.
wghtsImg : `numpy.ndarray`_, list
A list of 2D array containing the weights of each pixel, with shape (nspec, nspat)
all_wcs : `astropy.wcs.WCS`_, list
A list of WCS objects, one for each frame.
all_tilts : `numpy.ndarray`_, list
2D wavelength tilts frame, or a list of tilt frames
all_slits : :class:`~pypeit.slittrace.SlitTraceSet`, list
Information stored about the slits, or a list of SlitTraceSet objects
all_align : :class:`~pypeit.alignframe.AlignmentSplines`, list
A Class containing the transformation between detector pixel
coordinates and WCS pixel coordinates, or a list of Alignment
all_dar : :class:`~pypeit.coadd3d.DARcorrection`, list
A Class containing the DAR correction information, or a list of DARcorrection
classes. If a list, it must be the same length as astrom_trans.
ra_offsets : float, list
RA offsets for each frame in units of degrees
dec_offsets : float, list
Dec offsets for each frame in units of degrees
ra_min : float, optional
Minimum RA of the WCS (degrees)
ra_max : float, optional
Maximum RA of the WCS (degrees)
dec_min : float, optional
Minimum Dec of the WCS (degrees)
dec_max : float, optional
Maximum Dec of the WCS (degrees)
wave_min : float, optional
Minimum wavelength of the WCS (degrees)
wave_max : float, optional
Maximum wavelength of the WCS (degrees)
sn_smooth_npix : float, optional
Number of pixels used for determining smoothly varying S/N ratio
weights. This is currently not required, since a relative weighting
scheme with a polynomial fit is used to calculate the S/N weights.
weight_method : `str`, optional
Weight method to be used in :func:`~pypeit.coadd.sn_weights`.
Options are ``'auto'``, ``'constant'``, ``'uniform'``, ``'wave_dependent'``, ``'relative'``, or
``'ivar'``. The default is ``'auto'``. Behavior is as follows:
- ``'auto'``: Use constant weights if rms_sn < 3.0, otherwise
use wavelength dependent.
- ``'constant'``: Constant weights based on rms_sn**2
- ``'uniform'``: Uniform weighting.
- ``'wave_dependent'``: Wavelength dependent weights will be
used irrespective of the rms_sn ratio. This option will not
work well at low S/N ratio although it is useful for objects
where only a small fraction of the spectral coverage has high
S/N ratio (like high-z quasars).
- ``'relative'``: Calculate weights by fitting to the ratio of
spectra? Note, relative weighting will only work well when
there is at least one spectrum with a reasonable S/N, and a
continuum. RJC note - This argument may only be better when
the object being used has a strong continuum + emission lines.
The reference spectrum is assigned a value of 1 for all
wavelengths, and the weights of all other spectra will be
determined relative to the reference spectrum. This is
particularly useful if you are dealing with highly variable
spectra (e.g. emission lines) and require a precision better
than ~1 per cent.
- ``'ivar'``: Use inverse variance weighting. This is not well
tested and should probably be deprecated.
reference_image : `numpy.ndarray`_
Reference image to use for the determination of the highest S/N spaxel in the image.
correct_dar : bool, optional
Correct for the differential atmospheric refraction. Default is False.
specname : str
Name of the spectrograph
weights : `numpy.ndarray`_
a 1D array the same size as all_sci, containing relative wavelength
dependent weights of each input pixel.
# Find the wavelength range where all frames overlap
min_wl, max_wl = get_whitelight_range(np.max(mnmx_wv[:, :, 0]), # The max blue wavelength
np.min(mnmx_wv[:, :, 1]), # The min red wavelength
whitelight_range) # The user-specified values (if any)
# Get the good white light pixels
slitid_img_gpm, wavediff = get_whitelight_pixels(waveImg, slitidImg, min_wl, max_wl)
# Generate the WCS
image_wcs, voxedge, reference_image = \
create_wcs(raImg, decImg, waveImg, slitid_img_gpm, dspat, wavediff,
ra_offsets=ra_offsets, dec_offsets=dec_offsets,
ra_min=ra_min, ra_max=ra_max, dec_min=dec_min, dec_max=dec_max, wave_min=wave_min, wave_max=wave_max,
reference=reference_image, collapse=True, equinox=2000.0, specname=specname)
# Generate the white light image
# NOTE: hard-coding subpixel=1 in both directions for speed, and combining into a single image
wl_full = generate_image_subpixel(image_wcs, voxedge, sciImg, ivarImg, waveImg, slitid_img_gpm, wghtsImg,
all_wcs, all_tilts, all_slits, all_align, all_dar, ra_offsets, dec_offsets,
spec_subpixel=1, spat_subpixel=1, slice_subpixel=1, combine=True,
# Compute the weights
return compute_weights(raImg, decImg, waveImg, sciImg, ivarImg, slitidImg,
all_wcs, all_tilts, all_slits, all_align, all_dar, ra_offsets, dec_offsets,
wl_full[:, :, 0], dspat, dwv,
ra_min=ra_min, ra_max=ra_max, dec_min=dec_min, dec_max=dec_max, wave_min=wave_min,
sn_smooth_npix=sn_smooth_npix, weight_method=weight_method, correct_dar=correct_dar)
def compute_weights(raImg, decImg, waveImg, sciImg, ivarImg, slitidImg,
all_wcs, all_tilts, all_slits, all_align, all_dar, ra_offsets, dec_offsets,
whitelight_img, dspat, dwv,
ra_min=None, ra_max=None, dec_min=None, dec_max=None, wave_min=None, wave_max=None,
sn_smooth_npix=None, weight_method='auto', correct_dar=True):
Calculate wavelength dependent optimal weights. The weighting is currently
based on a relative :math:`(S/N)^2` at each wavelength
raImg : `numpy.ndarray`_, list
A list of 2D array containing the RA of each pixel, with shape (nspec, nspat)
decImg : `numpy.ndarray`_, list
A list of 2D array containing the Dec of each pixel, with shape (nspec, nspat)
waveImg : `numpy.ndarray`_, list
A list of 2D array containing the wavelength of each pixel, with shape (nspec, nspat)
sciImg : `numpy.ndarray`_, list
A list of 2D array containing the science image of each pixel, with shape (nspec, nspat)
ivarImg : `numpy.ndarray`_, list
A list of 2D array containing the inverse variance image of each pixel, with shape (nspec, nspat)
slitidImg : `numpy.ndarray`_, list
A list of 2D array containing the slit ID of each pixel, with shape (nspec, nspat)
all_wcs : `astropy.wcs.WCS`_, list
A list of WCS objects, one for each frame.
all_tilts : `numpy.ndarray`_, list
2D wavelength tilts frame, or a list of tilt frames
all_slits : :class:`~pypeit.slittrace.SlitTraceSet`, list
Information stored about the slits, or a list of SlitTraceSet objects
all_align : :class:`~pypeit.alignframe.AlignmentSplines`, list
A Class containing the transformation between detector pixel
coordinates and WCS pixel coordinates, or a list of Alignment
all_dar : :class:`~pypeit.coadd3d.DARcorrection`, list
A Class containing the DAR correction information, or a list of DARcorrection
classes. If a list, it must be the same length as astrom_trans.
ra_offsets : float, list
RA offsets for each frame in units of degrees
dec_offsets : float, list
Dec offsets for each frame in units of degrees
whitelight_img : `numpy.ndarray`_
A 2D array containing a white light image, that was created with the
input ``all`` arrays.
dspat : float
The size of each spaxel on the sky (in degrees)
dwv : float
The size of each wavelength pixel (in Angstroms)
sn_smooth_npix : float, optional
Number of pixels used for determining smoothly varying S/N ratio
weights. This is currently not required, since a relative weighting
scheme with a polynomial fit is used to calculate the S/N weights.
correct_dar : bool, optional
Apply the DAR correction to the input data. The default is True.
weight_method : `str`, optional
Weight method to be used in :func:`~pypeit.coadd.sn_weights`.
Options are ``'auto'``, ``'constant'``, ``'uniform'``, ``'wave_dependent'``, ``'relative'``, or
``'ivar'``. The default is ``'auto'``. Behavior is as follows:
- ``'auto'``: Use constant weights if rms_sn < 3.0, otherwise
use wavelength dependent.
- ``'constant'``: Constant weights based on rms_sn**2
- ``'uniform'``: Uniform weighting.
- ``'wave_dependent'``: Wavelength dependent weights will be
used irrespective of the rms_sn ratio. This option will not
work well at low S/N ratio although it is useful for objects
where only a small fraction of the spectral coverage has high
S/N ratio (like high-z quasars).
- ``'relative'``: Calculate weights by fitting to the ratio of
spectra? Note, relative weighting will only work well when
there is at least one spectrum with a reasonable S/N, and a
continuum. RJC note - This argument may only be better when
the object being used has a strong continuum + emission lines.
The reference spectrum is assigned a value of 1 for all
wavelengths, and the weights of all other spectra will be
determined relative to the reference spectrum. This is
particularly useful if you are dealing with highly variable
spectra (e.g. emission lines) and require a precision better
than ~1 per cent.
- ``'ivar'``: Use inverse variance weighting. This is not well
tested and should probably be deprecated.
all_wghts: list
Either a 2D `numpy.ndarray`_ or a list of 2D `numpy.ndarray`_ arrays
containing the optimal weights of each pixel for all frames, with shape
(nspec, nspat).
msgs.info("Calculating the optimal weights of each pixel")
# Check the inputs for combinations of lists or not, and then determine the number of frames
_raImg, _decImg, _waveImg, _sciImg, _ivarImg, _slitidImg, \
_all_wcs, _all_tilts, _all_slits, _all_align, _all_dar, _ra_offsets, _dec_offsets = \
check_inputs([raImg, decImg, waveImg, sciImg, ivarImg, slitidImg,
all_wcs, all_tilts, all_slits, all_align, all_dar, ra_offsets, dec_offsets])
numframes = len(_sciImg)
# If there's only one frame, use uniform weighting
if numframes == 1:
msgs.warn("Only one frame provided. Using uniform weighting.")
return np.ones_like(sciImg)
# Check the WCS bounds
_ra_min, _ra_max, _dec_min, _dec_max, _wave_min, _wave_max = \
wcs_bounds(_raImg, _decImg, _waveImg, _slitidImg, ra_offsets=_ra_offsets, dec_offsets=_dec_offsets,
ra_min=ra_min, ra_max=ra_max, dec_min=dec_min, dec_max=dec_max, wave_min=wave_min, wave_max=wave_max)
# Find the location of the object with the highest S/N in the combined white light image
med_filt_whitelight = signal.medfilt2d(whitelight_img, kernel_size=3)
idx_max = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(med_filt_whitelight), med_filt_whitelight.shape)
# TODO: Taking the maximum pixel of the whitelight image is extremely brittle to the case where
# their are hot pixels in the white light image, which there are plenty of since the edges of the slits are very
# poorly behaved.
#idx_max = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(whitelight_img), whitelight_img.shape)
msgs.info("Highest S/N object located at spaxel (x, y) = {0:d}, {1:d}".format(idx_max[0], idx_max[1]))
# Generate a 2D WCS to register all frames
coord_min = [_ra_min, _dec_min, _wave_min]
coord_dlt = [dspat, dspat, dwv]
whitelightWCS = generate_WCS(coord_min, coord_dlt)
wcs_scale = (1.0 * whitelightWCS.spectral.wcs.cunit[0]).to(units.Angstrom).value # Ensures the WCS is in Angstroms
# Make the bin edges to be at +/- 1 pixels around the maximum (i.e. summing 9 pixels total)
numwav = int((_wave_max - _wave_min) / dwv)
xbins = np.array([idx_max[0]-1, idx_max[0]+2]) - 0.5
ybins = np.array([idx_max[1]-1, idx_max[1]+2]) - 0.5
spec_bins = np.arange(1 + numwav) - 0.5
bins = (xbins, ybins, spec_bins)
# Extract the spectrum of the highest S/N object
flux_stack = np.zeros((numwav, numframes))
ivar_stack = np.zeros((numwav, numframes))
for ff in range(numframes):
msgs.info("Extracting spectrum of highest S/N detection from frame {0:d}/{1:d}".format(ff + 1, numframes))
flxcube, sigcube, bpmcube, wave = \
generate_cube_subpixel(whitelightWCS, bins, _sciImg[ff], _ivarImg[ff], _waveImg[ff],
_slitidImg[ff], np.ones(_sciImg[ff].shape), _all_wcs[ff],
_all_tilts[ff], _all_slits[ff], _all_align[ff], _all_dar[ff],
_ra_offsets[ff], _dec_offsets[ff],
spec_subpixel=1, spat_subpixel=1, slice_subpixel=1,
skip_subpix_weights=True, correct_dar=correct_dar)
# Store the flux and ivar spectra of the highest S/N object.
# TODO :: This is the flux per spectral pixel, and not per detector pixel. Is this correct?
flux_stack[:, ff] = flxcube[:, 0, 0]
ivar_stack[:, ff] = utils.inverse(sigcube[:, 0, 0])**2
# Mask out any pixels that are zero in the flux or ivar stack
mask_stack = (flux_stack != 0.0) & (ivar_stack != 0.0)
# Obtain a wavelength of each pixel
wcs_res = whitelightWCS.wcs_pix2world(np.vstack((np.zeros(numwav), np.zeros(numwav), np.arange(numwav))).T, 0)
wcs_scale = (1.0 * whitelightWCS.wcs.cunit[2]).to_value(units.Angstrom) # Ensures the WCS is in Angstroms
wave_spec = wcs_scale * wcs_res[:, 2]
# Compute the smoothing scale to use
if sn_smooth_npix is None:
sn_smooth_npix = int(np.round(0.1 * wave_spec.size))
rms_sn, weights = coadd.sn_weights(utils.array_to_explist(flux_stack), utils.array_to_explist(ivar_stack), utils.array_to_explist(mask_stack),
sn_smooth_npix=sn_smooth_npix, weight_method=weight_method)
# Because we pass back a weights array, we need to interpolate to assign each detector pixel a weight
all_wghts = [np.ones(_sciImg[0].shape) for _ in range(numframes)]
for ff in range(numframes):
ww = (slitidImg[ff] > 0)
all_wghts[ff][ww] = interp1d(wave_spec, weights[ff], kind='cubic',
bounds_error=False, fill_value="extrapolate")(waveImg[ff][ww])
msgs.info("Optimal weighting complete")
return all_wghts
def generate_image_subpixel(image_wcs, bins, sciImg, ivarImg, waveImg, slitid_img_gpm, wghtImg,
all_wcs, tilts, slits, astrom_trans, all_dar, ra_offset, dec_offset,
spec_subpixel=5, spat_subpixel=5, slice_subpixel=5, combine=False, correct_dar=True):
Generate a white light image from the input pixels
image_wcs (`astropy.wcs.WCS`_):
World coordinate system to use for the white light images.
bins (tuple):
A 3-tuple (x,y,z) containing the histogram bin edges in x,y spatial
and z wavelength coordinates
sciImg (`numpy.ndarray`_, list):
A list of 2D science images, or a single 2D image containing the
science data.
ivarImg (`numpy.ndarray`_, list):
A list of 2D inverse variance images, or a single 2D image
containing the inverse variance data.
waveImg (`numpy.ndarray`_, list):
A list of 2D wavelength images, or a single 2D image containing the
wavelength data.
slitid_img_gpm (`numpy.ndarray`_, list):
A list of 2D slit ID images, or a single 2D image containing the
slit ID data.
wghtImg (`numpy.ndarray`_, list):
A list of 2D weight images, or a single 2D image containing the
weight data.
all_wcs (`astropy.wcs.WCS`_, list):
A list of WCS objects, or a single WCS object containing the WCS
information of each image.
tilts (`numpy.ndarray`_, list):
2D wavelength tilts frame, or a list of tilt frames (see all_idx)
slits (:class:`~pypeit.slittrace.SlitTraceSet`, list):
Information stored about the slits, or a list of SlitTraceSet (see
astrom_trans (:class:`~pypeit.alignframe.AlignmentSplines`, list):
A Class containing the transformation between detector pixel
coordinates and WCS pixel coordinates, or a list of Alignment
Splines (see all_idx)
all_dar (:class:`~pypeit.coadd3d.DARcorrection`, list):
A Class containing the DAR correction information, or a list of DARcorrection
classes. If a list, it must be the same length as astrom_trans.
ra_offset (:obj:`float`, list):
The RA offset to apply to each image, or a list of RA offsets.
dec_offset (:obj:`float`, list):
The DEC offset to apply to each image, or a list of DEC offsets.
spec_subpixel (:obj:`int`, optional):
What is the subpixellation factor in the spectral direction. Higher
values give more reliable results, but note that the time required
goes as (``spec_subpixel * spat_subpixel * slice_subpixel``). The
default value is 5, which divides each detector pixel into 5 subpixels
in the spectral direction.
spat_subpixel (:obj:`int`, optional):
What is the subpixellation factor in the spatial direction. Higher
values give more reliable results, but note that the time required
goes as (``spec_subpixel * spat_subpixel * slice_subpixel``). The
default value is 5, which divides each detector pixel into 5 subpixels
in the spatial direction.
slice_subpixel (:obj:`int`, optional):
What is the subpixellation factor in the slice direction. Higher
values give more reliable results, but note that the time required
goes as (``spec_subpixel * spat_subpixel * slice_subpixel``). The
default value is 5, which divides each IFU slice into 5 subpixels
in the slice direction.
combine (:obj:`bool`, optional):
If True, all of the input frames will be combined into a single
output. Otherwise, individual images will be generated.
correct_dar (:obj:`bool`, optional):
If True, the DAR correction will be applied to the input images
before generating the white light images. If False, the DAR
correction will not be applied.
`numpy.ndarray`_: The white light images for all frames
# Perform some checks on the input -- note, more complete checks are performed in subpixellate()
_sciImg, _ivarImg, _waveImg, _slitid_img_gpm, _wghtImg, _all_wcs, _tilts, _slits, _astrom_trans, _all_dar, _ra_offset, _dec_offset = \
check_inputs([sciImg, ivarImg, waveImg, slitid_img_gpm, wghtImg, all_wcs, tilts, slits, astrom_trans, all_dar, ra_offset, dec_offset])
numframes = len(_sciImg)
# Prepare the array of white light images to be stored
numra = bins[0].size-1
numdec = bins[1].size-1
all_wl_imgs = np.zeros((numra, numdec, numframes))
# Loop through all frames and generate white light images
for fr in range(numframes):
msgs.info(f"Creating image {fr+1}/{numframes}")
if combine:
# Subpixellate
img, _, _ = subpixellate(image_wcs, bins, _sciImg, _ivarImg, _waveImg, _slitid_img_gpm, _wghtImg,
_all_wcs, _tilts, _slits, _astrom_trans, _all_dar, _ra_offset, _dec_offset,
spec_subpixel=spec_subpixel, spat_subpixel=spat_subpixel, slice_subpixel=slice_subpixel,
skip_subpix_weights=True, correct_dar=correct_dar)
# Subpixellate
img, _, _ = subpixellate(image_wcs, bins, _sciImg[fr], _ivarImg[fr], _waveImg[fr], _slitid_img_gpm[fr], _wghtImg[fr],
_all_wcs[fr], _tilts[fr], _slits[fr], _astrom_trans[fr], _all_dar[fr], _ra_offset[fr], _dec_offset[fr],
spec_subpixel=spec_subpixel, spat_subpixel=spat_subpixel, slice_subpixel=slice_subpixel,
skip_subpix_weights=True, correct_dar=correct_dar)
all_wl_imgs[:, :, fr] = img[:, :, 0]
# Return the constructed white light images
return all_wl_imgs
def generate_cube_subpixel(output_wcs, bins, sciImg, ivarImg, waveImg, slitid_img_gpm, wghtImg,
all_wcs, tilts, slits, astrom_trans, all_dar,
ra_offset, dec_offset,
spec_subpixel=5, spat_subpixel=5, slice_subpixel=5, skip_subpix_weights=False,
overwrite=False, outfile=None, whitelight_range=None, correct_dar=True):
Save a datacube using the subpixel algorithm. Refer to the subpixellate()
docstring for further details about this algorithm
output_wcs (`astropy.wcs.WCS`_):
Output world coordinate system.
bins (tuple):
A 3-tuple (x,y,z) containing the histogram bin edges in x,y spatial
and z wavelength coordinates
sciImg (`numpy.ndarray`_, list):
A list of 2D array containing the counts of each pixel. If a list,
the shape of each numpy array is (nspec, nspat).
ivarImg (`numpy.ndarray`_, list):
A list of 2D array containing the inverse variance of each pixel. If a list,
the shape of each numpy array is (nspec, nspat).
waveImg (`numpy.ndarray`_, list):
A list of 2D array containing the wavelength of each pixel. If a list,
the shape of each numpy array is (nspec, nspat).
slitid_img_gpm (`numpy.ndarray`_, list):
A list of 2D array containing the slitmask of each pixel. If a list,
the shape of each numpy array is (nspec, nspat).
A zero value indicates that a pixel is either not on a slit or it is a bad pixel.
All other values are the slit spatial ID number.
wghtImg (`numpy.ndarray`_, list):
A list of 2D array containing the weights of each pixel to be used in the
combination. If a list, the shape of each numpy array is (nspec, nspat).
all_wcs (`astropy.wcs.WCS`_, list):
A list of `astropy.wcs.WCS`_ objects, one for each spec2d file.
tilts (list):
A list of `numpy.ndarray`_ objects, one for each spec2d file,
containing the tilts of each pixel. The shape of each numpy array
is (nspec, nspat).
slits (:class:`pypeit.slittrace.SlitTraceSet`, list):
A list of :class:`pypeit.slittrace.SlitTraceSet` objects, one for each
spec2d file, containing the properties of the slit for each spec2d file
astrom_trans (:class:`~pypeit.alignframe.AlignmentSplines`, list):
A Class containing the transformation between detector pixel
coordinates and WCS pixel coordinates, or a list of Alignment
Splines (see all_idx)
all_dar (:class:`~pypeit.coadd3d.DARcorrection`, list):
A Class containing the DAR correction information, or a list of DARcorrection
classes. If a list, it must be the same length as astrom_trans.
ra_offset (float, list):
A float or list of floats containing the RA offset of each spec2d file
dec_offset (float, list):
A float or list of floats containing the DEC offset of each spec2d file
spec_subpixel (int, optional):
What is the subpixellation factor in the spectral direction. Higher
values give more reliable results, but note that the time required
goes as (``spec_subpixel * spat_subpixel``). The default value is 5,
which divides each detector pixel into 5 subpixels in the spectral
spat_subpixel (int, optional):
What is the subpixellation factor in the spatial direction. Higher
values give more reliable results, but note that the time required
goes as (``spec_subpixel * spat_subpixel``). The default value is 5,
which divides each detector pixel into 5 subpixels in the spatial
slice_subpixel (int, optional):
What is the subpixellation factor in the slice direction. Higher
values give more reliable results, but note that the time required
goes as (``slice_subpixel``). The default value is 5, which divides
each IFU slice into 5 subslices in the slice direction.
skip_subpix_weights (bool, optional):
If True, the computationally expensive step to calculate the
subpixellation weights will be skipped. If set the True, note that
the variance cubes returned will not be accurate. However, if you
are not interested in the variance cubes, this can save a lot of
time, and this is an example where you might consider setting this
variable to True. The flux datacube is unaffected by this variable.
The default is False.
overwrite (bool, optional):
If True, the output cube will be overwritten.
outfile (str, optional):
Filename to be used to save the datacube
whitelight_range (None, list, optional):
A two element list that specifies the minimum and maximum
wavelengths (in Angstroms) to use when constructing the white light
image (format is: [min_wave, max_wave]). If None, the cube will be
collapsed over the full wavelength range. If a list is provided an
either element of the list is None, then the minimum/maximum
wavelength range of that element will be set by the minimum/maximum
wavelength of all_wave.
correct_dar (bool, optional):
If True, the DAR correction will be applied to the datacube. If the
DAR correction is not available, the datacube will not be corrected.
:obj:`tuple`: Four `numpy.ndarray`_ objects containing
(1) the datacube generated from the subpixellated inputs. The shape of
the datacube is (nwave, nspat1, nspat2).
(2) the corresponding error cube (standard deviation). The shape of the
error cube is (nwave, nspat1, nspat2).
(3) the corresponding bad pixel mask cube. The shape of the bad pixel
mask cube is (nwave, nspat1, nspat2).
(4) a 1D array containing the wavelength at each spectral coordinate of the datacube. The
shape of the wavelength array is (nwave,).
# Check the inputs
if whitelight_range is not None and outfile is None:
msgs.error("Must provide an outfile name if whitelight_range is set")
# Subpixellate
flxcube, varcube, bpmcube = subpixellate(output_wcs, bins, sciImg, ivarImg, waveImg, slitid_img_gpm, wghtImg,
all_wcs, tilts, slits, astrom_trans, all_dar, ra_offset, dec_offset,
spec_subpixel=spec_subpixel, spat_subpixel=spat_subpixel,
slice_subpixel=slice_subpixel, skip_subpix_weights=skip_subpix_weights,
# Get wavelength of each pixel
nspec = flxcube.shape[2]
wcs_scale = (1.0*output_wcs.spectral.wcs.cunit[0]).to(units.Angstrom).value # Ensures the WCS is in Angstroms
wave = wcs_scale * output_wcs.spectral.wcs_pix2world(np.arange(nspec), 0)[0]
# Check if the user requested a white light image
if whitelight_range is not None:
# Grab the WCS of the white light image
whitelight_wcs = output_wcs.celestial
# Determine the wavelength range of the whitelight image
if whitelight_range[0] is None:
whitelight_range[0] = wave[0]
if whitelight_range[1] is None:
whitelight_range[1] = wave[-1]
msgs.info("White light image covers the wavelength range {0:.2f} A - {1:.2f} A".format(
whitelight_range[0], whitelight_range[1]))
# Get the output filename for the white light image
out_whitelight = get_output_whitelight_filename(outfile)
whitelight_img = make_whitelight_fromcube(flxcube, wave=wave, wavemin=whitelight_range[0], wavemax=whitelight_range[1])
msgs.info("Saving white light image as: {0:s}".format(out_whitelight))
img_hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(whitelight_img.T, header=whitelight_wcs.to_header())
img_hdu.writeto(out_whitelight, overwrite=overwrite)
# TODO :: Avoid transposing these large cubes
return flxcube.T, np.sqrt(varcube.T), bpmcube.T, wave
def subpixellate(output_wcs, bins, sciImg, ivarImg, waveImg, slitid_img_gpm, wghtImg,
all_wcs, tilts, slits, astrom_trans, all_dar, ra_offset, dec_offset,
spec_subpixel=5, spat_subpixel=5, slice_subpixel=5, skip_subpix_weights=False,
Subpixellate the input data into a datacube. This algorithm splits each
detector pixel into multiple subpixels and each IFU slice into multiple subslices.
Then, the algorithm assigns each subdivided detector pixel to a
voxel. For example, if ``spec_subpixel = spat_subpixel = slice_subpixel = 5``, then each
detector pixel is divided into :math:`5^3=125` subpixels. Alternatively,
when spec_subpixel = spat_subpixel = slice_subpixel = 1, this corresponds to the nearest grid
point (NGP) algorithm.
Important Note: If spec_subpixel > 1 or spat_subpixel > 1 or slice_subpixel > 1,
the errors will be correlated, and the covariance is not being tracked, so the
errors will not be (quite) right. There is a tradeoff one has to make between
sampling and better looking cubes, versus no sampling and better behaved errors.
output_wcs (`astropy.wcs.WCS`_):
Output world coordinate system.
bins (tuple):
A 3-tuple (x,y,z) containing the histogram bin edges in x,y spatial
and z wavelength coordinates
sciImg (`numpy.ndarray`_, list):
A list of 2D array containing the counts of each pixel. The shape of
each 2D array is (nspec, nspat).
ivarImg (`numpy.ndarray`_, list):
A list of 2D array containing the inverse variance of each pixel. The shape of
each 2D array is (nspec, nspat).
waveImg (`numpy.ndarray`_, list):
A list of 2D array containing the wavelength of each pixel. The shape of
each 2D array is (nspec, nspat).
slitid_img_gpm (`numpy.ndarray`_, list):
A list of 2D array containing the slitmask of each pixel. The shape of
each 2D array is (nspec, nspat).
A zero value indicates that a pixel is either not on a slit or it is a bad pixel.
All other values are the slit spatial ID number.
wghtImg (`numpy.ndarray`_, list):
A list of 2D array containing the weights of each pixel to be used in the
combination. The shape of each 2D array is (nspec, nspat).
all_wcs (`astropy.wcs.WCS`_, list):
A list of `astropy.wcs.WCS`_ objects, one for each spec2d file
tilts (list):
A list of `numpy.ndarray`_ objects, one for each spec2d file,
containing the tilts of each pixel. The shape of each 2D array is
(nspec, nspat).
slits (:class:`pypeit.slittrace.SlitTraceSet`, list):
A list of :class:`pypeit.slittrace.SlitTraceSet` objects, one for each
spec2d file, containing the properties of the slit for each spec2d file
astrom_trans (:class:`~pypeit.alignframe.AlignmentSplines`, list):
A Class containing the transformation between detector pixel
coordinates and WCS pixel coordinates, or a list of Alignment
Splines (see all_idx)
all_dar (:class:`~pypeit.coadd3d.DARcorrection`, list):
A Class containing the DAR correction information, or a list of DARcorrection
classes. If a list, it must be the same length as astrom_trans.
ra_offset (float, list):
A float or list of floats containing the RA offset of each spec2d file
relative to the first spec2d file
dec_offset (float, list):
A float or list of floats containing the DEC offset of each spec2d file
relative to the first spec2d file
spec_subpixel (int, optional):
What is the subpixellation factor in the spectral direction. Higher
values give more reliable results, but note that the time required
goes as (``spec_subpixel * spat_subpixel``). The default value is 5,
which divides each detector pixel into 5 subpixels in the spectral
spat_subpixel (int, optional):
What is the subpixellation factor in the spatial direction. Higher
values give more reliable results, but note that the time required
goes as (``spec_subpixel * spat_subpixel``). The default value is 5,
which divides each detector pixel into 5 subpixels in the spatial
slice_subpixel (int, optional):
What is the subpixellation factor in the slice direction. Higher
values give more reliable results, but note that the time required
goes as (``slice_subpixel``). The default value is 5, which divides
each IFU slice into 5 subslices in the slice direction.
skip_subpix_weights (bool, optional):
If True, the computationally expensive step to calculate the
subpixellation weights will be skipped. If set the True, note that
the variance cubes returned will not be accurate. However, if you
are not interested in the variance cubes, this can save a lot of
time, and this is an example where you might consider setting this
variable to True. The flux datacube is unaffected by this variable.
The default is False.
correct_dar (bool, optional):
If True, the DAR correction will be applied to the datacube. The
default is True.
:obj:`tuple`: Three or four `numpy.ndarray`_ objects containing (1) the
datacube generated from the subpixellated inputs, (2) the corresponding
variance cube, (3) the corresponding bad pixel mask cube, and (4) the
residual cube. The latter is only returned if debug is True.
# Check the inputs for combinations of lists or not
_sciImg, _ivarImg, _waveImg, _gpmImg, _wghtImg, _all_wcs, _tilts, _slits, _astrom_trans, _all_dar, _ra_offset, _dec_offset = \
check_inputs([sciImg, ivarImg, waveImg, slitid_img_gpm, wghtImg, all_wcs, tilts, slits, astrom_trans, all_dar, ra_offset, dec_offset])
numframes = len(_sciImg)
# Prepare the output arrays
outshape = (bins[0].size-1, bins[1].size-1, bins[2].size-1)
binrng = np.array([[bins[0][0], bins[0][-1]], [bins[1][0], bins[1][-1]], [bins[2][0], bins[2][-1]]])
flxcube, varcube, normcube = np.zeros(outshape), np.zeros(outshape), np.zeros(outshape)
# Divide each pixel into subpixels
spec_offs = np.arange(0.5/spec_subpixel, 1, 1/spec_subpixel) - 0.5 # -0.5 is to offset from the centre of each pixel.
spat_offs = np.arange(0.5/spat_subpixel, 1, 1/spat_subpixel) - 0.5 # -0.5 is to offset from the centre of each pixel.
slice_offs = np.arange(0.5/slice_subpixel, 1, 1/slice_subpixel) - 0.5 # -0.5 is to offset from the centre of each slice.
spat_x, spec_y = np.meshgrid(spat_offs, spec_offs)
num_subpixels = spec_subpixel * spat_subpixel # Number of subpixels (spat & spec) per detector pixel
num_all_subpixels = num_subpixels * slice_subpixel # Number of subpixels, including slice subpixels
# Loop through all exposures
for fr in range(numframes):
onslit_gpm = _gpmImg[fr]
this_onslit_gpm = onslit_gpm > 0
this_specpos, this_spatpos = np.where(this_onslit_gpm)
this_spatid = onslit_gpm[this_onslit_gpm]
# Extract tilts and slits for convenience
this_tilts = _tilts[fr]
this_slits = _slits[fr]
this_wcs = _all_wcs[fr]
this_astrom_trans = _astrom_trans[fr]
this_wght_subpix = _wghtImg[fr][this_onslit_gpm]
this_sci = _sciImg[fr][this_onslit_gpm]
this_var = utils.inverse(_ivarImg[fr][this_onslit_gpm])
this_wav = _waveImg[fr][this_onslit_gpm]
# Loop through all slits
for sl, spatid in enumerate(this_slits.spat_id):
if numframes == 1:
msgs.info(f"Resampling slit {sl + 1}/{this_slits.nslits}")
msgs.info(f"Resampling slit {sl + 1}/{this_slits.nslits} of frame {fr + 1}/{numframes}")
# Find the pixels on this slit
this_sl = np.where(this_spatid == spatid)
wpix = (this_specpos[this_sl], this_spatpos[this_sl])
# Create an array to index each subpixel
numpix = wpix[0].size
# Generate a spline between spectral pixel position and wavelength
yspl = this_tilts[wpix] * (this_slits.nspec - 1)
tiltpos = np.add.outer(yspl, spec_y).flatten()
wspl = this_wav[this_sl]
asrt = np.argsort(yspl)
wave_spl = interp1d(yspl[asrt], wspl[asrt], kind='linear', bounds_error=False, fill_value='extrapolate')
# Calculate the wavelength at each subpixel
this_wave_subpix = wave_spl(tiltpos)
# Calculate the DAR correction at each sub pixel
ra_corr, dec_corr = 0.0, 0.0
if correct_dar:
# NOTE :: This routine needs the wavelengths to be expressed in Angstroms
ra_corr, dec_corr = _all_dar[fr].correction( this_wave_subpix)
# Calculate spatial and spectral positions of the subpixels
spat_xx = np.add.outer(wpix[1], spat_x.flatten()).flatten()
spec_yy = np.add.outer(wpix[0], spec_y.flatten()).flatten()
# Transform this to spatial location
spatpos_subpix = _astrom_trans[fr].transform(sl, spat_xx, spec_yy)
spatpos = _astrom_trans[fr].transform(sl, wpix[1], wpix[0])
ssrt = np.argsort(spatpos)
# Initialize the voxel coordinates for each spec2D pixel
vox_coord = np.full((numpix, num_all_subpixels, 3), -1, dtype=float)
# Loop over the subslices
for ss in range(slice_subpixel):
if slice_subpixel > 1:
# Only print this if there are multiple subslices
msgs.info(f"Resampling subslice {ss+1}/{slice_subpixel}")
# Generate an RA/Dec image for this subslice
raimg, decimg, minmax = this_slits.get_radec_image(this_wcs, this_astrom_trans, this_tilts,
slit_compute=sl, slice_offset=slice_offs[ss])
this_ra = raimg[this_onslit_gpm]
this_dec = decimg[this_onslit_gpm]
# Interpolate the RA/Dec over the subpixel spatial positions
tmp_ra = this_ra[this_sl]
tmp_dec = this_dec[this_sl]
ra_spl = interp1d(spatpos[ssrt], tmp_ra[ssrt], kind='linear', bounds_error=False, fill_value='extrapolate')
dec_spl = interp1d(spatpos[ssrt], tmp_dec[ssrt], kind='linear', bounds_error=False, fill_value='extrapolate')
# Evaluate the RA/Dec at the subpixel spatial positions
this_ra_int = ra_spl(spatpos_subpix)
this_dec_int = dec_spl(spatpos_subpix)
# Now apply the DAR correction and any user-supplied offsets
this_ra_int += ra_corr + _ra_offset[fr]
this_dec_int += dec_corr + _dec_offset[fr]
# Convert world coordinates to voxel coordinates, then histogram
sslo = ss * num_subpixels
sshi = (ss + 1) * num_subpixels
vox_coord[:,sslo:sshi,:] = output_wcs.wcs_world2pix(np.vstack((this_ra_int, this_dec_int, this_wave_subpix * 1.0E-10)).T, 0).reshape(numpix, num_subpixels, 3)
# Convert the voxel coordinates to a bin index
if num_all_subpixels == 1 or skip_subpix_weights:
subpix_wght = 1.0
msgs.info("Preparing subpixel weights")
vox_index = np.floor(outshape * (vox_coord - binrng[:,0].reshape((1, 1, 3))) /
(binrng[:,1] - binrng[:,0]).reshape((1, 1, 3))).astype(int)
# Convert to a unique index
vox_index = np.dot(vox_index, np.array([1, outshape[0], outshape[0]*outshape[1]]))
# Calculate the number of repeated indices for each subpixel - this is the subpixel weights
subpix_wght = np.apply_along_axis(utils.occurrences, 1, vox_index).flatten()
# Reshape the voxel coordinates
vox_coord = vox_coord.reshape(numpix * num_all_subpixels, 3)
# Use the "fast histogram" algorithm, that assumes regular bin spacing
flxcube += histogramdd(vox_coord, bins=outshape, range=binrng, weights=np.repeat(this_sci[this_sl] * this_wght_subpix[this_sl], num_all_subpixels) * subpix_wght)
varcube += histogramdd(vox_coord, bins=outshape, range=binrng, weights=np.repeat(this_var[this_sl] * this_wght_subpix[this_sl]**2, num_all_subpixels) * subpix_wght**3)
normcube += histogramdd(vox_coord, bins=outshape, range=binrng, weights=np.repeat(this_wght_subpix[this_sl], num_all_subpixels) * subpix_wght)
# Normalise the datacube and variance cube
nc_inverse = utils.inverse(normcube)
flxcube *= nc_inverse
varcube *= nc_inverse**2
bpmcube = (normcube == 0).astype(np.uint8)
# Return the datacube, variance cube and bad pixel cube
return flxcube, varcube, bpmcube