Source code for pypeit.coadd2d

Module for performing two-dimensional coaddition of spectra.

.. include common links, assuming primary doc root is up one directory
.. include:: ../include/links.rst
from pathlib import Path
import os
import copy

from IPython import embed

import numpy as np
from scipy import ndimage
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from astropy.table import Table, vstack
from import fits

from pypeit import msgs
from pypeit import io
from pypeit import utils
from pypeit import specobjs
from pypeit import slittrace
from pypeit import extraction
from pypeit import find_objects
from pypeit.images import pypeitimage
from pypeit.core import findobj_skymask
from pypeit.core.wavecal import wvutils
from pypeit.core import coadd
#from pypeit.core import parse
from pypeit import calibrations
from pypeit import spec2dobj
from pypeit.core.moment import moment1d
from pypeit.manual_extract import ManualExtractionObj

[docs] class CoAdd2D: """ Main routine to run the extraction for 2d coadds. Algorithm steps are as follows: - Fill this in. This performs 2d coadd specific tasks, and then also performs some of the tasks analogous to the pypeit.extract_one method. Docs coming soon.... """ # Superclass factory method generates the subclass instance
[docs] @classmethod def get_instance(cls, spec2dfiles, spectrograph, par, det=1, offsets=None, weights='auto', only_slits=None, exclude_slits=None, spec_samp_fact=1.0, spat_samp_fact=1.0, sn_smooth_npix=None, bkg_redux=False, find_negative=False, show=False, show_peaks=False, debug_offsets=False, debug=False): """ Instantiate the subclass appropriate for the provided spectrograph. The class to instantiate must match the ``pypeline`` attribute of the provided ``spectrograph``, and must be a subclass of :class:`CoAdd2D`; see the parent class instantiation for parameter descriptions. Returns: :class:`CoAdd2D`: One of the subclasses with :class:`CoAdd2D` as its base. """ return next(c for c in cls.__subclasses__() if c.__name__ == (spectrograph.pypeline + 'CoAdd2D'))( spec2dfiles, spectrograph, par, det=det, offsets=offsets, weights=weights, only_slits=only_slits, exclude_slits=exclude_slits, spec_samp_fact=spec_samp_fact, spat_samp_fact=spat_samp_fact, sn_smooth_npix=sn_smooth_npix, bkg_redux=bkg_redux, find_negative=find_negative, show=show, show_peaks=show_peaks, debug_offsets=debug_offsets, debug=debug)
def __init__(self, spec2d, spectrograph, par, det=1, offsets=None, weights='auto', only_slits=None, exclude_slits=None, spec_samp_fact=1.0, spat_samp_fact=1.0, sn_smooth_npix=None, bkg_redux=False, find_negative=False, show=False, show_peaks=False, debug_offsets=False, debug=False): """ Args: spec2d_files (:obj:`list`): List of spec2d files or a list of :class:`~pypeit.spec2dobj.Spec2dObj` objects. spectrograph (:class:`~pypeit.spectrographs.spectrograph.Spectrograph`): The instrument used to collect the data to be reduced. par (:class:`~pypeit.par.parset.ParSet`): Processing parameters. det (:obj:`int`, :obj:`tuple`, optional): The 1-indexed detector number(s) to process. If a tuple, it must include detectors viable as a mosaic for the provided spectrograph; see :func:`~pypeit.spectrographs.spectrograph.Spectrograph.allowed_mosaics`. offsets (`numpy.ndarray`_ or string, optional): Spatial offsets to be applied to each image before coadding. Here are the possible usage cases: #. If ``offsets = 'auto'``, auto-compute offsets from brightest object (if exists) #. If ``offsets`` is something other than ``'auto'``, such as a list, these are the offsets applied to each image. #. (*for MultiSlit only*) If ``offsets = 'maskdef_offsets'``, use ``maskdef_offset`` saved by the :class:`~pypeit.slittrace.SlitTraceSet` #. (*for MultiSlit only*) If ``offsets = 'header'``, use the dither offsets recorded in the header weights (:obj:`str`, :obj:`list`, `numpy.ndarray`_): Mode for the weights used to coadd images. Options are: #. ``'auto'``: If brightest object exists, auto-compute the weights, otherwise use uniform weights. ``'auto'`` is not allowed if offsets are input. #. ``'uniform'``: If brightest object exists, auto-compute the weights, otherwise use uniform weights. #. :obj:`list`, `numpy.ndarray`_: This provides a set of ``nexp`` weights to use for each exposure. only_slits (:obj:`list`, optional): List of slits to coadd. It must be `slitord_id`. exclude_slits (:obj:`list`, optional): List of slits to exclude from coaddition. It must be `slitord_id`. spec_samp_fact (:obj:`float`, optional): Make the wavelength grid sampling finer (``spec_samp_fact`` less than 1.0) or coarser (``spec_samp_fact`` greater than 1.0) by this sampling factor. This basically multiples the 'native' spectral pixel size by ``spec_samp_fact``, i.e. the units of ``spec_samp_fact`` are pixels. spat_samp_fact (:obj:`float`, optional): Make the spatial sampling finer (``spat_samp_fact`` less than 1.0) or coarser (``spat_samp_fact`` greather than 1.0) by this sampling factor. This basically multiples the 'native' spatial pixel size by ``spat_samp_fact``, i.e. the units of ``spat_samp_fact`` are pixels. sn_smooth_npix (:obj:`int`, optional): Number of pixels to median filter by when computing S/N used to decide how to scale and weight spectra. If set to None, the code will simply take 10% of the image size in the spectral direction. TODO: for truncated echelle orders we should be doing something more intelligent. bkg_redux (:obj:`bool`, optional): If True, the sciImg has been subtracted by a background image (e.g. standard treatment in the IR) This parameter is passed to pypeit.reduce for determining the reduction steps. find_negative (:obj:`bool`, optional): Do the images have negative trace as would be generated by differencing two science frames? This parameter is passed to pypeit.reduce for determining the reduction steps. If True, then find and mask negative object traces. show (:obj:`bool`, optional): Show results in ginga show_peaks (:obj:`bool`, optional): Plot the QA for the object finding algorithm peak finding to the screen. debug_offset (:obj:`bool`, optional): Plot QA for debugging the automatic determination of offsets to the screen. debug (:obj:`bool`, optional): Show QA for debugging. """ # Use Cases: # offsets # 1) offsets = 'auto' -- auto compute offsets from brightest object (if exists) # 2) offsets not 'auto' (i.e. a list) - use them # -------------- only for Multislit -------------- # 3) offsets = 'maskdef_offsets' - use `maskdef_offset` saved in SlitTraceSet # 4) offsets = 'header' - use the dither offsets recorded in the header # =============================================================================== # weights # 1) weights = 'auto' -- if brightest object exists auto compute weights, # otherwise use uniform weights # 2) weights = 'uniform' -- use uniform weights # 3) weights is a list - use them self.spec2d = spec2d self.spectrograph = spectrograph self.par = par # This can be a single integer for a single detector or a tuple for # multiple detectors placed in a mosaic. self.det = det # This is the string name of the detector or mosaic used when saving the # processed data to PypeIt's main output files self.detname = self.spectrograph.get_det_name(self.det) self.weights = weights self.spec_samp_fact = spec_samp_fact self.spat_samp_fact = spat_samp_fact self.bkg_redux = bkg_redux self.find_negative = find_negative = show self.show_peaks = show_peaks self.debug_offsets = debug_offsets self.debug = debug self.offsets = None self.stack_dict = None self.pseudo_dict = None self.objid_bri = None self.slitidx_bri = None self.snr_bar_bri = None self.use_weights = None # This is a list of length self.nexp that is assigned by the compute_weights method self.wave_grid = None self.good_slits = None self.maskdef_offset = None # Load the stack_dict self.stack_dict = self.load_coadd2d_stacks(self.spec2d) self.pypeline = self.spectrograph.pypeline self.nexp = len(self.spec2d) # Check that there are the same number of slits on every exposure nslits_list = [slits.nslits for slits in self.stack_dict['slits_list']] if not len(set(nslits_list)) == 1: msgs.error('Not all of your exposures have the same number of slits. Check your inputs') # This is the number of slits of the single (un-coadded) frames self.nslits_single = nslits_list[0] # Check that nspec is the same for all the exposures self.nspec_array = np.array([slits.nspec for slits in self.stack_dict['slits_list']]) self.nspec_max = self.nspec_array.max() # Check that binning is the same for all the exposures binspec_list = [slits.binspec for slits in self.stack_dict['slits_list']] binspat_list = [slits.binspat for slits in self.stack_dict['slits_list']] if not len(set(binspec_list)) == 1: msgs.error('Not all of your exposures have the same spectral binning. Check your inputs') if not len(set(binspat_list)) == 1: msgs.error('Not all of your exposures have the same spatial binning. Check your inputs') self.binning = np.array([self.stack_dict['slits_list'][0].binspec, self.stack_dict['slits_list'][0].binspat]) self.spat_ids = self.stack_dict['slits_list'][0].spat_id # If smoothing is not input, smooth by 10% of the maximum spectral dimension self.sn_smooth_npix = sn_smooth_npix if sn_smooth_npix is not None else 0.1*self.nspec_max # coadded frame parameters # get slit index that indicates which slits are good for coadding self.good_slits = self.good_slitindx(only_slits=only_slits, exclude_slits=exclude_slits) # get the number of slits that are going to be coadded self.nslits_coadded = self.good_slits.size # effective exposure time self.exptime_coadd = self.stack_dict['exptime_coadd']
[docs] @staticmethod def default_par(spectrograph, inp_cfg=None, det=None, only_slits=None, exclude_slits=None): """ Get the default 2D coadding parameters. Args: spectrograph (:obj:`str`): The PypeIt-specific name of the spectrograph used to collect the data. inp_cfg (:obj:`dict`, optional): An existing set of parameters to add to. det (:obj:`list`, :obj:`str`, :obj:`tuple`, optional): Limit the coadding to this (set of) detector(s)/detector mosaic(s) only_slits (:obj:`list`, :obj:`str`, optional): Limit the coadding to this (set of) slit(s). Only_slits and exclude_slits are mutually exclusive. If both are set, only_slits takes precedence. exclude_slits (:obj:`list`, :obj:`str`, optional): Exclude this (set of) slit(s) from the coadding. Only_slits and exclude_slits are mutually exclusive. If both are set, only_slits takes precedence. Returns: :obj:`dict`: The default set of parameters. """ cfg = dict(rdx=dict(spectrograph=spectrograph)) if inp_cfg is not None: cfg = utils.recursive_update(cfg, dict(inp_cfg)) if only_slits is not None and det is not None: msgs.warn('only_slits and det are mutually exclusive. Ignoring det.') _det = None else: _det = det if det is not None: cfg['rdx']['detnum'] = _det if only_slits is not None and exclude_slits is not None: msgs.warn('only_slits and exclude_slits are mutually exclusive. Ignoring exclude_slits.') _exclude_slits = None else: _exclude_slits = exclude_slits if only_slits is not None: utils.add_sub_dict(cfg, 'coadd2d') cfg['coadd2d']['only_slits'] = only_slits if _exclude_slits is not None: utils.add_sub_dict(cfg, 'coadd2d') cfg['coadd2d']['exclude_slits'] = _exclude_slits # TODO: Heliocentric for coadd2d needs to be thought through. Currently # turning it off. utils.add_sub_dict(cfg, 'calibrations') utils.add_sub_dict(cfg['calibrations'], 'wavelengths') cfg['calibrations']['wavelengths']['refframe'] = 'observed' # TODO: Flexure correction for coadd2d needs to be thought through. # Currently turning it off. utils.add_sub_dict(cfg, 'flexure') cfg['flexure']['spec_method'] = 'skip' # TODO: This is currently the default for 2d coadds, but we need a way # to toggle it on/off utils.add_sub_dict(cfg, 'reduce') utils.add_sub_dict(cfg['reduce'], 'findobj') cfg['reduce']['findobj']['skip_skysub'] = True return cfg
[docs] @staticmethod def default_basename(spec2d_files): """ Construct the base name of the output spec2d file produced by coadding. Args: spec2d_files (:obj:`list`): The list of PypeIt spec2d files to be coadded. Returns: :obj:`str`: The root base name for the output coadd2d spec2d file. """ # Get the output basename frsthdr = fits.getheader(spec2d_files[0]) lasthdr = fits.getheader(spec2d_files[-1]) if 'FILENAME' not in frsthdr: msgs.error(f'Missing FILENAME keyword in {spec2d_files[0]}. Set the basename ' 'using the command-line option.') if 'FILENAME' not in lasthdr: msgs.error(f'Missing FILENAME keyword in {spec2d_files[-1]}. Set the basename ' 'using the command-line option.') if 'TARGET' not in frsthdr: msgs.error(f'Missing TARGET keyword in {spec2d_files[0]}. Set the basename ' 'using the command-line option.') return f"{io.remove_suffix(frsthdr['FILENAME'])}-" \ f"{io.remove_suffix(lasthdr['FILENAME'])}-{frsthdr['TARGET']}"
[docs] @staticmethod def output_paths(spec2d_files, par, coadd_dir=None): """ Construct the names and ensure the existence of the science and QA output directories. Args: spec2d_files (:obj:`list`): The list of PypeIt spec2d files to be coadded. The top-level directory for the coadd2d output directories is assumed to be same as used by the basic reductions. For example, if one of the spec2d files is ``/path/to/reductions/Science/spec2d_file.fits``, the parent directory for the coadd2d directories is ``/path/to/reductions/``. par (:class:`~pypeit.par.pypeitpar.PypeItPar`): Full set of parameters. The only used parameters are ``par['rdx']['scidir']`` and ``par['rdx']['qadir']``. WARNING: This also *alters* the value of ``par['rdx']['qadir']``!! coadd_dir (:obj:`str`, optional): Path to the directory to use for the coadd2d output. If None, the parent of the science directory is used. Returns: :obj:`tuple`: Two strings with the names of (1) the science output directory and (2) the QA output directory. The function also creates both directories if they do not exist. """ # Science output directory if coadd_dir is not None: pypeit_scidir = Path(coadd_dir).absolute() / 'Science' else: pypeit_scidir = Path(spec2d_files[0]).parent coadd_scidir = pypeit_scidir.parent / f"{par['rdx']['scidir']}_coadd" if not coadd_scidir.exists(): coadd_scidir.mkdir(parents=True) # QA directory par['rdx']['qadir'] += '_coadd' qa_path = pypeit_scidir.parent / par['rdx']['qadir'] / 'PNGs' if not qa_path.exists(): qa_path.mkdir(parents=True) return str(coadd_scidir), str(qa_path)
[docs] def good_slitindx(self, only_slits=None, exclude_slits=None): """ This provides an array of index of slits in the un-coadded frames that are considered good for 2d coadding. A bitmask common to all the un-coadded frames is used to determine which slits are good. Also, If the `only_slits` parameter is provided only those slits are considered good for 2d coadding. Args: only_slits (:obj:`list`, optional): List of slits to combine. It must be `slitord_id`. Only_slits and exclude_slits are mutually exclusive. If both are provided, only_slits takes precedence. exclude_slits (:obj:`list`, optional): List of slits to exclude. It must be `slitord_id`. Only_slits and exclude_slits are mutually exclusive. If both are provided, only_slits takes precedence. Returns: `numpy.ndarray`_: array of index of good slits in the un-coadded frames """ if exclude_slits is not None and only_slits is not None: msgs.warn('Both `only_slits` and `exclude_slits` are provided. They are mutually exclusive. ' 'Using `only_slits` and ignoring `exclude_slits`') _exclude_slits = None else: _exclude_slits = exclude_slits # This creates a unified bpm common to all frames slits0 = self.stack_dict['slits_list'][0] # bpm for the first frame reduce_bpm = slits0.bitmask.flagged(slits0.mask, and_not=slits0.bitmask.exclude_for_reducing) for i in range(1, self.nexp): # update bpm with the info from the other frames slits = self.stack_dict['slits_list'][i] reduce_bpm |= slits.bitmask.flagged(slits.mask, and_not=slits.bitmask.exclude_for_reducing) # these are the good slit index according to the bpm mask good_slitindx = np.where(np.logical_not(reduce_bpm))[0] # If we want to coadd all the good slits if only_slits is None and _exclude_slits is None: return good_slitindx # If instead we want to coadd only a selected (by the user) number of slits if only_slits is not None: # these are the `slitord_id` of the slits that we want to coadd _only_slits = np.atleast_1d(only_slits) # create an array of slit index that are selected by the user and are also good slits good_onlyslits = np.array([], dtype=int)'Coadding only the following slits:') for islit in _only_slits: if islit not in slits0.slitord_id[good_slitindx]: # Warnings for the slits that are selected by the user but NOT good slits msgs.warn('Slit {} cannot be coadd because masked'.format(islit)) else:'Slit {islit}') indx = np.where(slits0.slitord_id[good_slitindx] == islit)[0] good_onlyslits = np.append(good_onlyslits, good_slitindx[indx]) return good_onlyslits # if we want to exclude some slits (selected by the user) from coadding # these are the `slitord_id` of the slits that we want to exclude _exclude_slits = np.atleast_1d(_exclude_slits) # create an array of slit index that are excluded by the user exclude_slitindx = np.array([], dtype=int)'Excluding the following slits:') for islit in _exclude_slits: if islit in slits0.slitord_id[good_slitindx]:'Slit {islit}') exclude_slitindx = np.append(exclude_slitindx, np.where(slits0.slitord_id[good_slitindx] == islit)[0][0]) # these are the good slit index excluding the slits that are selected by the user return np.delete(good_slitindx, exclude_slitindx)
[docs] def optimal_weights(self, slitorderid, objid, weight_method='auto'): """ Determine optimal weights for 2d coadds. This script grabs the information from SpecObjs list for the object with specified slitid and objid and passes to coadd.sn_weights to determine the optimal weights for each exposure. Parameters ---------- slitorderid : :obj:`int` The slit or order id that has the brightest object whose S/N will be used to determine the weight for each frame. objid : `numpy.ndarray`_ Array of object indices with shape = (nexp,) of the brightest object whose S/N will be used to determine the weight for each frame. weight_method : `str`, optional Weight method to be used in :func:`~pypeit.coadd.sn_weights`. Options are ``'auto'``, ``'constant'``, ``'relative'``, or ``'ivar'``. The default is ``'auto'``. Behavior is as follows: - ``'auto'``: Use constant weights if rms_sn < 3.0, otherwise use wavelength dependent. - ``'constant'``: Constant weights based on rms_sn**2 - ``'uniform'``: Uniform weighting. - ``'wave_dependent'``: Wavelength dependent weights will be used irrespective of the rms_sn ratio. This option will not work well at low S/N ratio although it is useful for objects where only a small fraction of the spectral coverage has high S/N ratio (like high-z quasars). - ``'relative'``: Calculate weights by fitting to the ratio of spectra? Note, relative weighting will only work well when there is at least one spectrum with a reasonable S/N, and a continuum. RJC note - This argument may only be better when the object being used has a strong continuum + emission lines. The reference spectrum is assigned a value of 1 for all wavelengths, and the weights of all other spectra will be determined relative to the reference spectrum. This is particularly useful if you are dealing with highly variable spectra (e.g. emission lines) and require a precision better than ~1 per cent. - ``'ivar'``: Use inverse variance weighting. This is not well tested and should probably be deprecated. Returns ------- rms_sn : `numpy.ndarray`_ Array of root-mean-square S/N value for each input spectra. Shape = (nexp,) weights : list List of len(nexp) containing the signal-to-noise squared weights to be applied to the spectra. This output is aligned with the vector (or vectors) provided in waves which is read in by this routine, i.e. it is a list of arrays of type `numpy.ndarray`_ with the same shape as those in waves. """ nexp = len(self.stack_dict['specobjs_list']) nspec = self.stack_dict['specobjs_list'][0][0].TRACE_SPAT.shape[0] # Grab the traces, flux, wavelength and noise for this slit and objid. waves, fluxes, ivars, gpms = [], [], [], [] for iexp, sobjs in enumerate(self.stack_dict['specobjs_list']): ithis = sobjs.slitorder_objid_indices(slitorderid, objid[iexp], toler=self.par['coadd2d']['spat_toler']) if not np.any(ithis): msgs.error('Slit/order or OBJID provided not valid. Optimal weights cannot be determined.') # check if OPT_COUNTS is available if sobjs[ithis][0].has_opt_ext() and np.any(sobjs[ithis][0].OPT_MASK): wave_iexp, flux_iexp, ivar_iexp, gpm_iexp = sobjs[ithis][0].get_opt_ext() waves.append(wave_iexp) fluxes.append(flux_iexp) ivars.append(ivar_iexp) gpms.append(gpm_iexp) # check if BOX_COUNTS is available elif sobjs[ithis][0].has_box_ext() and np.any(sobjs[ithis][0].BOX_MASK): wave_iexp, flux_iexp, ivar_iexp, gpm_iexp = sobjs[ithis][0].get_box_ext() waves.append(wave_iexp) fluxes.append(flux_iexp) ivars.append(ivar_iexp) gpms.append(gpm_iexp) msgs.warn(f'Optimal extraction not available for object ' f'{objid[iexp]} of slit/order {slitorderid} in exp {iexp}. Using box extraction.') else: msgs.error(f'Optimal weights cannot be determined because ' f'flux not available in slit/order = {slitorderid}') # TODO For now just use the zero as the reference for the wavelengths? Perhaps we should be rebinning the data though? rms_sn, weights = coadd.sn_weights(fluxes, ivars, gpms, sn_smooth_npix=self.sn_smooth_npix, weight_method=weight_method) return rms_sn, weights
[docs] def coadd(self, interp_dspat=True): """ Construct a 2d co-add of a stack of PypeIt spec2d reduction outputs. This method calls loops over slits/orders and performs the 2d-coadd by calling coadd.compute.coadd2d, which 'rectifies' images by coadding them about the reference_trace_stack. Parameters ---------- interp_dspat : bool, optional Interpolate in the spatial coordinate image to faciliate running through core.extract.local_skysub_extract. Default=True Returns ------- coadd_list : list List of dictionaries, one for each slit, containing the 2d stack. # TODO Make this a PypeIt object, with data model yada-yada. """ coadd_list = [] for slit_idx in self.good_slits:'Performing 2D coadd for slit {self.spat_ids[slit_idx]} ({slit_idx + 1}/{self.nslits_single})') # mask identifying the current slit in each exposure thismask_stack = [np.abs(slitmask - self.spat_ids[slit_idx]) <= self.par['coadd2d']['spat_toler'] for slitmask in self.stack_dict['slitmask_stack']] # check if the slit is found in every exposure if not np.all([np.any(thismask) for thismask in thismask_stack]): msgs.warn(f'Slit {self.spat_ids[slit_idx]} was not found in every exposures. ' f'2D coadd cannot be performed on this slit. Try increasing the parameter spat_toler') continue # reference trace ref_trace_stack = self.reference_trace_stack(slit_idx, offsets=self.offsets, objid=self.objid_bri) # maskdef info maskdef_dict = self.get_maskdef_dict(slit_idx, ref_trace_stack) # weights # if this is echelle data and the parset 'weights' is set to 'auto', # then the weights are computed per order, i.e., every order has a # different set of weights in each exposure (len(self.use_weights[slit_idx]) = nexp) _weights = self.use_weights[slit_idx] if self.pypeline == 'Echelle' and self.weights == 'auto' else self.use_weights # TODO: Create a method here in the child clases? It is not great to do pypeline specific things in the parent # Perform the 2d coadd # NOTE: mask_stack is a gpm, and this is called inmask_stack in # compute_coadd2d, and outmask in coadd_dict is also a gpm mask_stack = [mask == 0 for mask in self.stack_dict['mask_stack']] coadd_dict = coadd.compute_coadd2d(ref_trace_stack, self.stack_dict['sciimg_stack'], self.stack_dict['sciivar_stack'], self.stack_dict['skymodel_stack'], mask_stack, thismask_stack, self.stack_dict['waveimg_stack'], self.wave_grid, self.spat_samp_fact, maskdef_dict=maskdef_dict, weights=_weights, interp_dspat=interp_dspat) coadd_list.append(coadd_dict) if len(coadd_list) == 0: msgs.error("All the slits were missing in one or more exposures. 2D coadd cannot be performed") return coadd_list
[docs] def create_pseudo_image(self, coadd_list): """ ..todo.. see below THIS UNDOCUMENTED CODE PROBABLY SHOULD GENERATE AND RETURN STANDARD PYPEIT OBJCTS INSTEAD OF SOME UNDEFINED DICT""" # Check that self.nslit is equal to len(coadd_list) if self.nslits_coadded != len(coadd_list): msgs.error('Wrong number of slits for the 2d coadded frame') nspec_vec = np.zeros(self.nslits_coadded,dtype=int) nspat_vec = np.zeros(self.nslits_coadded,dtype=int) for islit, cdict in enumerate(coadd_list): nspec_vec[islit]=cdict['nspec'] nspat_vec[islit]=cdict['nspat'] # Determine the size of the pseudo image nspat_pad = 10 nspec_pseudo = nspec_vec.max() nspat_pseudo = int(np.sum(nspat_vec) + (self.nslits_coadded + 1)*nspat_pad) # Cast for SlitTraceSet spec_vec_pseudo = np.arange(nspec_pseudo) shape_pseudo = (nspec_pseudo, nspat_pseudo) imgminsky_pseudo = np.zeros(shape_pseudo) sciivar_pseudo = np.zeros(shape_pseudo) waveimg_pseudo = np.zeros(shape_pseudo) waveimg_mid_pseudo = np.zeros(shape_pseudo) tilts_pseudo = np.zeros(shape_pseudo) spat_img_pseudo = np.zeros(shape_pseudo) nused_pseudo = np.zeros(shape_pseudo, dtype=int) inmask_pseudo = np.zeros(shape_pseudo, dtype=bool) wave_mid = np.zeros((nspec_pseudo, self.nslits_coadded)) wave_mask = np.zeros((nspec_pseudo, self.nslits_coadded),dtype=bool) wave_min = np.zeros((nspec_pseudo, self.nslits_coadded)) wave_max = np.zeros((nspec_pseudo, self.nslits_coadded)) dspat_mid = np.zeros((nspat_pseudo, self.nslits_coadded)) spat_left = nspat_pad slit_left = np.zeros((nspec_pseudo, self.nslits_coadded)) slit_righ = np.zeros((nspec_pseudo, self.nslits_coadded)) spec_min1 = np.zeros(self.nslits_coadded) spec_max1 = np.zeros(self.nslits_coadded) # maskdef info all_maskdef_ids = np.array([cc['maskdef_id'] for cc in coadd_list]) if None not in all_maskdef_ids: maskdef_id = np.zeros(self.nslits_coadded, dtype=int) maskdef_objpos = np.zeros(self.nslits_coadded) maskdef_slitcen = np.zeros((nspec_pseudo, self.nslits_coadded)) maskdef_designtab = Table() else: maskdef_id = None maskdef_objpos = None maskdef_slitcen = None maskdef_designtab = None nspec_grid = self.wave_grid_mid.size for islit, coadd_dict in enumerate(coadd_list): spat_righ = spat_left + nspat_vec[islit] ispec = slice(0,nspec_vec[islit]) ispat = slice(spat_left,spat_righ) imgminsky_pseudo[ispec, ispat] = coadd_dict['imgminsky'] sciivar_pseudo[ispec, ispat] = coadd_dict['sciivar'] waveimg_pseudo[ispec, ispat] = coadd_dict['waveimg'] # NOTE: inmask is a gpm inmask_pseudo[ispec, ispat] = coadd_dict['outmask'] image_temp = (coadd_dict['dspat'] - coadd_dict['dspat_mid'][0] + spat_left) #*coadd_dict['outmask'] # spat_img_pseudo is the sub-pixel image position on the rebinned pseudo image spat_img_pseudo[ispec, ispat] = image_temp nused_pseudo[ispec, ispat] = coadd_dict['nused'] wave_min[ispec, islit] = coadd_dict['wave_min'] wave_max[ispec, islit] = coadd_dict['wave_max'] wave_mid[ispec, islit] = coadd_dict['wave_mid'] # waveimg_mid_pseudo image containing the bin centers that the data was rebinned onto waveimg_mid_pseudo[ispec, ispat] = np.repeat(wave_mid[ispec, islit][:, np.newaxis], nspat_vec[islit], axis=1) # Patch locations where the waveimg is zero with the midpoints of the grid. This prevents discontinuities # in the wavelength image. This means howver that the 2d wavelength image has wavelengths with # two different meanings, i.e. where unmasked they are averaged rebinned wavelengths, but where masked # it is the original grid. # TODO THink about whether we should just use the fixed grid wavelengths throughout as the waveimg rather than # have this hybrid defintion. waveimg_pseudo[ispec, ispat][np.logical_not(inmask_pseudo[ispec, ispat])] = \ waveimg_mid_pseudo[ispec, ispat][np.logical_not(inmask_pseudo[ispec, ispat])] wave_mask[ispec, islit] = True tilts_pseudo[ispec, ispat] = (waveimg_pseudo[ispec, ispat] - coadd_dict['wave_min'][0])/(coadd_dict['wave_max'][-1] - coadd_dict['wave_min'][0]) # Fill in the rest of the wave_mid with the corresponding points in the wave_grid #wave_this = wave_mid[wave_mask[:,islit], islit] #ind_upper = np.argmin(np.abs(self.wave_grid_mid - wave_this.max())) + 1 #if nspec_vec[islit] != nspec_pseudo: # wave_mid[nspec_vec[islit]:, islit] = self.wave_grid_mid[ind_upper:ind_upper + (nspec_pseudo-nspec_vec[islit])] dspat_mid[ispat, islit] = coadd_dict['dspat_mid'] slit_left[:,islit] = np.full(nspec_pseudo, spat_left) slit_righ[:,islit] = np.full(nspec_pseudo, spat_righ) spec_max1[islit] = nspec_vec[islit]-1 spat_left = spat_righ + nspat_pad # maskdef info if None not in all_maskdef_ids: maskdef_id[islit] = coadd_dict['maskdef_id'] maskdef_objpos[islit] = coadd_dict['maskdef_objpos'] maskdef_slitcen[:, islit] = np.full(nspec_pseudo, coadd_dict['maskdef_slitcen'] + slit_left[:,islit]) if coadd_dict['maskdef_designtab'] is not None: maskdef_designtab = vstack([maskdef_designtab, coadd_dict['maskdef_designtab']]) slits_pseudo \ = slittrace.SlitTraceSet(slit_left, slit_righ, self.pypeline, detname=self.detname, nspat=nspat_pseudo,, specmin=spec_min1, specmax=spec_max1, maskdef_id=maskdef_id, maskdef_objpos=maskdef_objpos, maskdef_offset=0., maskdef_slitcen=maskdef_slitcen, maskdef_designtab=maskdef_designtab) # change value of spat_id in maskdef_designtab # needs to be done here because spat_id is computed in slittrace if maskdef_designtab is not None: slits_pseudo.maskdef_designtab['SPAT_ID'] = slits_pseudo.spat_id # assign ech_order if exist slits_pseudo.ech_order = self.stack_dict['slits_list'][0].ech_order[self.good_slits] \ if self.stack_dict['slits_list'][0].ech_order is not None else None slitmask_pseudo = slits_pseudo.slit_img() # This is a kludge to deal with cases where bad wavelengths result in large regions where the slit is poorly sampled, # which wreaks havoc on the local sky-subtraction min_slit_frac = 0.70 spec_min = np.zeros(self.nslits_coadded) spec_max = np.zeros(self.nslits_coadded) for islit in range(self.nslits_coadded): spat_id = slits_pseudo.spat_id[islit] slit_width = np.sum(inmask_pseudo & (slitmask_pseudo == spat_id), axis=1) slit_width_img = np.outer(slit_width, np.ones(nspat_pseudo)) med_slit_width = np.median(slit_width_img[slitmask_pseudo == spat_id]) # TODO -- need inline docs nspec_eff = np.sum(slit_width > min_slit_frac*med_slit_width) nsmooth = int(np.fmax(np.ceil(nspec_eff*0.02),10)) slit_width_sm = ndimage.filters.median_filter(slit_width, size=nsmooth, mode='reflect') igood = (slit_width_sm > min_slit_frac*med_slit_width) # TODO -- need inline docs spec_min[islit] = spec_vec_pseudo[igood].min() spec_max[islit] = spec_vec_pseudo[igood].max() bad_pix = (slit_width_img < min_slit_frac*med_slit_width) & (slitmask_pseudo == spat_id) inmask_pseudo[bad_pix] = False # Update slits_pseudo slits_pseudo.specmin = spec_min slits_pseudo.specmax = spec_max return dict(nspec=nspec_pseudo, nspat=nspat_pseudo, imgminsky=imgminsky_pseudo, sciivar=sciivar_pseudo, inmask=inmask_pseudo, tilts=tilts_pseudo, waveimg=waveimg_pseudo, waveimg_mid=waveimg_mid_pseudo, spat_img=spat_img_pseudo, slits=slits_pseudo, wave_mask=wave_mask, wave_mid=wave_mid, wave_min=wave_min, wave_max=wave_max)
[docs] def reduce(self, pseudo_dict, show=False, clear_ginga=True, show_peaks=False, show_skysub_fit=False, basename=None): """ Method to run the reduction on coadd2d pseudo images Args: pseudo_dict (dict): Dictionary containing coadd2d pseudo images show (bool): If True, show the outputs to ginga and the screen analogous to run_pypeit with the -s option show_peaks (bool): If True, plot the object finding QA to the screen. basename (str): The basename for the spec2d output files. Returns: """ show = if show is None else show show_peaks = self.show_peaks if show_peaks is None else show_peaks # NOTE: inmask is a gpm sciImage = pypeitimage.PypeItImage(pseudo_dict['imgminsky'], ivar=pseudo_dict['sciivar'], bpm=np.logical_not(pseudo_dict['inmask'])) sciImage.detector = self.stack_dict['detectors'][0] # slitmask_pseudo = pseudo_dict['slits'].slit_img() sciImage.build_mask(slitmask=slitmask_pseudo) # Make changes to parset specific to 2d coadds parcopy = copy.deepcopy(self.par) # Enforce low order traces since we are rectified parcopy['reduce']['findobj']['trace_npoly'] = int(np.clip(parcopy['reduce']['findobj']['trace_npoly'],None,3)) # Manual extraction. manual_obj = None if self.par['coadd2d']['manual'] is not None and len(self.par['coadd2d']['manual']) > 0: manual_obj = ManualExtractionObj.by_fitstbl_input('None', self.par['coadd2d']['manual'], self.spectrograph) # Get bpm mask. There should not be any masked slits because we excluded those already # before the coadd, but we need to pass a bpm to FindObjects and Extract slits = pseudo_dict['slits'] # Initiate FindObjects object objFind = find_objects.FindObjects.get_instance(sciImage, pseudo_dict['slits'], self.spectrograph, parcopy, 'science_coadd2d', tilts=pseudo_dict['tilts'], bkg_redux=self.bkg_redux, manual=manual_obj, find_negative=self.find_negative, basename=basename, clear_ginga=clear_ginga, show=show) if show: gpm = sciImage.select_flag(invert=True)'image', image=pseudo_dict['imgminsky']*gpm.astype(float), chname='imgminsky', slits=True) global_sky_pseudo, sobjs_obj = or show_peaks, show_skysub_fit=show_skysub_fit) # maskdef stuff if parcopy['reduce']['slitmask']['assign_obj'] and slits.maskdef_designtab is not None: # Get plate scale platescale = sciImage.detector.platescale * self.spat_samp_fact # Assign slitmask design information to detected objects slits.assign_maskinfo(sobjs_obj, platescale, None, TOLER=parcopy['reduce']['slitmask']['obj_toler']) if parcopy['reduce']['slitmask']['extract_missing_objs'] is True: # Set the FWHM for the extraction of missing objects fwhm = slits.get_maskdef_extract_fwhm(sobjs_obj, platescale, parcopy['reduce']['slitmask']['missing_objs_fwhm'], parcopy['reduce']['findobj']['find_fwhm']) # Assign undetected objects sobjs_obj = slits.mask_add_missing_obj(sobjs_obj, None, fwhm, parcopy['reduce']['slitmask']['missing_objs_boxcar_rad']/platescale) # Initiate Extract object exTract = extraction.Extract.get_instance(sciImage, pseudo_dict['slits'], sobjs_obj, self.spectrograph, parcopy, 'science_coadd2d', global_sky=None, tilts=pseudo_dict['tilts'], waveimg=pseudo_dict['waveimg'], bkg_redux=self.bkg_redux, basename=basename, show=show) skymodel_pseudo, _, objmodel_pseudo, ivarmodel_pseudo, outmask_pseudo, sobjs, _, _, _ = model_noise=False, spat_pix=pseudo_dict['spat_img']) # Add the rest to the pseudo_dict pseudo_dict['skymodel'] = skymodel_pseudo pseudo_dict['objmodel'] = objmodel_pseudo pseudo_dict['ivarmodel'] = ivarmodel_pseudo pseudo_dict['outmask'] = outmask_pseudo pseudo_dict['sobjs'] = sobjs self.pseudo_dict=pseudo_dict return pseudo_dict['imgminsky'], pseudo_dict['sciivar'], skymodel_pseudo, \ objmodel_pseudo, ivarmodel_pseudo, outmask_pseudo, sobjs, sciImage.detector, slits, \ pseudo_dict['tilts'], pseudo_dict['waveimg']
[docs] def snr_report(self, snr_bar, slitid=None): """ ..todo.. I need a doc string Args: snr_bar: slitid: Returns: """ # Print out a report on the SNR msg_string = msgs.newline() + '-------------------------------------' msg_string += msgs.newline() + ' Summary for highest S/N object' if slitid is not None: msg_string += msgs.newline() + ' found on slitid = {:d} '.format(slitid) msg_string += msgs.newline() + '-------------------------------------' msg_string += msgs.newline() + ' exp# S/N' for iexp, snr in enumerate(snr_bar): msg_string += msgs.newline() + ' {:d} {:5.2f}'.format(iexp, snr) msg_string += msgs.newline() + '-------------------------------------'
[docs] def offsets_report(self, offsets, offsets_method): """ Print out a report on the offsets Args: offsets: offsets_method: Returns: """ if offsets_method is not None and offsets is not None: msg_string = msgs.newline() + '---------------------------------------------' msg_string += msgs.newline() + ' Summary of offsets from {} '.format(offsets_method) msg_string += msgs.newline() + '---------------------------------------------' msg_string += msgs.newline() + ' exp# offset ' for iexp, off in enumerate(offsets): msg_string += msgs.newline() + ' {:d} {:5.2f}'.format(iexp, off) msg_string += msgs.newline() + '-----------------------------------------------'
[docs] def offset_slit_cen(self, slitid, offsets): """ Offset the slit centers of the slit designated by slitid by the provided offsets Args: slitid (int): ID of the slit that is being offset offsets (list, `numpy.ndarray`_): A list or array of offsets that are being applied to the slit center Returns: :obj:`list`: A list of reference traces for the 2d coadding that have been offset. """ return [[:,slitid] - offsets[iexp] for iexp, slits in enumerate(self.stack_dict['slits_list'])]
# ref_trace_stack = [] # for iexp, slits in enumerate(self.stack_dict['slits_list']): # ref_trace_stack.append([:,slitid] - offsets[iexp]) # return ref_trace_stack
[docs] def get_wave_grid(self, wave_method): """ Routine to create a wavelength grid for 2d coadds using all of the wavelengths of the extracted objects. Calls :func:`~pypeit.core.wavecal.wvutils.get_wave_grid`. Args: wave_method (str): The method to use to create the wavelength grid passed to :func:`~pypeit.core.wavecal.wvutils.get_wave_grid` Returns: tuple: Returns the following: - wave_grid (`numpy.ndarray`_): New wavelength grid, not masked - wave_grid_mid (`numpy.ndarray`_): New wavelength grid evaluated at the centers of the wavelength bins, that is this grid is simply offset from wave_grid by dsamp/2.0, in either linear space or log10 depending on whether linear or (log10 or velocity) was requested. For iref or concatenate the linear wavelength sampling will be calculated. - dsamp (float): The pixel sampling for wavelength grid created. """ nobjs_tot = int(np.array([len(spec) for spec in self.stack_dict['specobjs_list']]).sum()) # TODO: Do we need this flag since we can determine whether or not we have specobjs from nobjs_tot? # This all seems a bit hacky if self.par['coadd2d']['use_slits4wvgrid'] or nobjs_tot==0: nslits_tot = np.sum([slits.nslits for slits in self.stack_dict['slits_list']]) waves, gpms = [], [] box_radius = 3. #indx = 0 # Loop on the exposures for iexp, (waveimg, slitmask, slits) in enumerate(zip(self.stack_dict['waveimg_stack'], self.stack_dict['slitmask_stack'], self.stack_dict['slits_list'])): slits_left, slits_righ, _ = slits.select_edges() row = np.arange(slits_left.shape[0]) # Loop on the slits for kk, spat_id in enumerate(slits.spat_id): mask = slitmask == spat_id # Create apertures at 5%, 50%, and 95% of the slit width to cover full range of wavelengths # on this slit trace_spat = slits_left[:, kk][:,np.newaxis] + np.outer((slits_righ[:,kk] - slits_left[:,kk]),[0.05,0.5,0.95]) box_denom = moment1d(waveimg * mask > 0.0, trace_spat, 2 * box_radius, row=row)[0] wave_box = moment1d(waveimg * mask, trace_spat, 2 * box_radius, row=row)[0] / (box_denom + (box_denom == 0.0)) gpm_box = box_denom > 0. waves += [wave for (wave, gpm) in zip(wave_box.T, gpm_box.T) if np.any(gpm)] gpms += [(wave > 0.) & gpm for (wave, gpm) in zip(wave_box.T, gpm_box.T) if np.any(gpm)] else: waves, gpms = [], [] for iexp, spec_this in enumerate(self.stack_dict['specobjs_list']): for spec in spec_this: # NOTE: BOX extraction usage needed for quicklook good_opt_ext = spec.has_opt_ext() and np.any(spec.OPT_MASK) good_box_ext = spec.has_box_ext() and np.any(spec.BOX_MASK) if good_opt_ext or good_box_ext: waves.append(spec.OPT_WAVE if good_opt_ext else spec.BOX_WAVE) gpms.append(spec.OPT_MASK if good_opt_ext else spec.BOX_MASK) # TODO -- OPT_MASK is likely to become a bpm with int values #gpm[:self.nspec_array[iexp], indx] = spec.OPT_MASK #indx += 1 return wvutils.get_wave_grid(waves=waves, gpms=gpms, wave_method=wave_method, spec_samp_fact=self.spec_samp_fact)
[docs] def load_coadd2d_stacks(self, spec2d, chk_version=False): """ Routine to read in required images for 2d coadds given a list of spec2d files. Args: spec2d_files: list List of spec2d filenames det: int detector in question Returns: dict: Dictionary containing all the images and keys required for perfomring 2d coadds. """ redux_path = os.getcwd() # Grab the files #head2d_list = [] # Image stacks sciimg_stack = [] waveimg_stack = [] skymodel_stack = [] sciivar_stack = [] mask_stack = [] slitmask_stack = [] exptime_stack = [] #tilts_stack = [] # Object stacks specobjs_list = [] slits_list = [] nfiles =len(spec2d) detectors_list = [] maskdef_designtab_list = [] spat_flexure_list = [] for ifile, f in enumerate(spec2d): if isinstance(f, spec2dobj.Spec2DObj): # If spec2d is a list of objects s2dobj = f else: # If spec2d is a list of files, option to also use spec1ds s2dobj = spec2dobj.Spec2DObj.from_file(f, self.detname, chk_version=chk_version) spec1d_file = f.replace('spec2d', 'spec1d') if os.path.isfile(spec1d_file): sobjs = specobjs.SpecObjs.from_fitsfile(spec1d_file, chk_version=chk_version) this_det = sobjs.DET == self.detname specobjs_list.append(sobjs[this_det]) # TODO the code should run without a spec1d file, but we need to implement that slits_list.append(s2dobj.slits) detectors_list.append(s2dobj.detector) maskdef_designtab_list.append(s2dobj.maskdef_designtab) spat_flexure_list.append(s2dobj.sci_spat_flexure) sciimg_stack.append(s2dobj.sciimg) exptime_stack.append(s2dobj.head0['EXPTIME']) waveimg_stack.append(s2dobj.waveimg) skymodel_stack.append(s2dobj.skymodel) sciivar_stack.append(s2dobj.ivarmodel) mask_stack.append(s2dobj.bpmmask.mask) slitmask_stack.append(s2dobj.slits.slit_img(flexure=s2dobj.sci_spat_flexure)) # check if exptime is consistent for all images exptime_coadd = np.percentile(exptime_stack, 50., method='higher') isclose_exptime = np.isclose(exptime_stack, exptime_coadd, atol=1.) if not np.all(isclose_exptime): msgs.warn('Exposure time is not consistent (within 1 sec) for all frames being coadded! ' f'Scaling each image by the median exposure time ({exptime_coadd} s) before coadding.') exp_scale = exptime_coadd / exptime_stack for iexp in range(nfiles): if not isclose_exptime[iexp]: sciimg_stack[iexp] *= exp_scale[iexp] skymodel_stack[iexp] *= exp_scale[iexp] sciivar_stack[iexp] /= exp_scale[iexp]**2 return dict(specobjs_list=specobjs_list, slits_list=slits_list, slitmask_stack=slitmask_stack, sciimg_stack=sciimg_stack, sciivar_stack=sciivar_stack, skymodel_stack=skymodel_stack, mask_stack=mask_stack, waveimg_stack=waveimg_stack, exptime_stack=exptime_stack, exptime_coadd=exptime_coadd, redux_path=redux_path, detectors=detectors_list,, pypeline=self.spectrograph.pypeline, maskdef_designtab_list=maskdef_designtab_list, spat_flexure_list=spat_flexure_list)
# tilts_stack=tilts_stack, waveimg_stack=waveimg_stack,
[docs] def check_input(self, input, type): """ Check that the number of input values (weights or offsets) is the same as the number of exposures Args: input (:obj:`list` or `numpy.ndarray`_): User input values (e.g., weights or offsets) type (:obj:`str`): String defining what the quantities are Returns: :obj:`list` or `numpy.ndarray`_: User input values """ if type != 'weights' and type != 'offsets': msgs.error('Unrecognized type for check_input') if isinstance(input, (list, np.ndarray)): if len(input) != self.nexp: msgs.error(f'If {type} are input it must be a list/array with same number of elements as exposures') return np.atleast_1d(input).tolist() if type == 'weights' else np.atleast_1d(input) msgs.error(f'Unrecognized format for {type}')
[docs] def compute_offsets(self, offsets): """ Determine self.offsets, the offset of the frames to be coadded with respect to the first frame. This is partially overloaded by the child methods. Args: offsets (:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`): Value that guides the determination of the offsets. It could be a list of offsets, or a string. """'Get Offsets') # 1) offsets are provided in the header of the spec2d files if offsets == 'header':'Using offsets from header') pscale = self.stack_dict['detectors'][0].platescale dithoffs = [self.spectrograph.get_meta_value(f, 'dithoff') for f in self.spec2d] if None in dithoffs: msgs.error('Dither offsets keyword not found for one or more spec2d files. ' 'Choose another option for `offsets`') dithoffs_pix = - np.array(dithoffs) / pscale self.offsets = dithoffs_pix[0] - dithoffs_pix self.offsets_report(self.offsets, 'header keyword') elif self.objid_bri is None and offsets == 'auto': msgs.error('Offsets cannot be computed because no unique reference object ' 'with the highest S/N was found. To continue, provide offsets in `Coadd2DPar`') # 2) a list of offsets is provided by the user (no matter if we have a bright object or not) elif isinstance(offsets, (list, np.ndarray)):'Using user input offsets') # use them self.offsets = self.check_input(offsets, 'offsets') self.offsets_report(self.offsets, 'user input') # 3) parset `offsets` is = 'maskdef_offsets' (no matter if we have a bright object or not) elif offsets == 'maskdef_offsets': if self.maskdef_offset is not None: # the offsets computed during the main reduction (`run_pypeit`) are used'Determining offsets using maskdef_offset recoded in SlitTraceSet') self.offsets = self.maskdef_offset[0] - self.maskdef_offset self.offsets_report(self.offsets, 'maskdef_offset') else: # if maskdef_offsets were not computed during the main reduction, we cannot continue msgs.error('No maskdef_offset recoded in SlitTraceSet') # 4) parset `offsets` = 'auto' but we have a bright object elif offsets == 'auto' and self.objid_bri is not None: # see child method pass else: msgs.error('Invalid value for `offsets`')
[docs] def compute_weights(self, weights): """ Determine the weights to be used in the coadd2d. This is partially overloaded by the child methods. This method sets the internal :attr:`use_weights`. Documentation on the form of self.use_weights needs to be written. Args: weights (:obj:`list`, :obj:`str`): Value that guides the determination of the weights. It could be a list of weights or a string. If 'auto' the weight will be computed using the brightest trace, if 'uniform' uniform weights will be used. """'Get Weights') # 1) User input weight if isinstance(weights, (list, np.ndarray)): # use those inputs self.use_weights = self.check_input(weights, 'weights')'Using user input weights') # 2) No bright object and parset `weights` is 'auto' or 'uniform', # or Yes bright object but the user wants still to use uniform weights elif ((self.objid_bri is None) and (weights in ['auto', 'uniform'])) or \ ((self.objid_bri is not None) and (weights == 'uniform')): if weights == 'auto': # warn if the user had put `auto` in the parset msgs.warn('Weights cannot be computed because no unique reference object ' 'with the highest S/N was found. Using uniform weights instead.') elif weights == 'uniform':'Using uniform weights') # use uniform weights self.use_weights = (np.ones(self.nexp) / float(self.nexp)).tolist() # 3) Bright object exists and parset `weights` is equal to 'auto' elif (self.objid_bri is not None) and (weights == 'auto'): # see child method pass else: msgs.error('Invalid value for `weights`')
[docs] def get_brightest_object(self, specobjs_list, spat_ids): """ Dummy method to identify the brightest object. Overloaded by child methods. Parameters ---------- specobjs_list spat_ids Returns ------- """ pass
[docs] def reference_trace_stack(self, slitid, offsets=None, objid=None): """ Dummy method to obtain the stack of reference traces. Overloaded by child methods. Args: slitid: offsets: objid: Returns: """ pass
[docs] def get_maskdef_dict(self, slit_idx, ref_trace_stack): """ Dummy method to get maskdef info. Overloaded by child methods. Args: slit_idx (?): ref_trace_stack (?): Returns: dict: ? """ return dict(maskdef_id=None, maskdef_objpos=None, maskdef_designtab=None)
# Multislit can coadd with: # 1) input offsets or if offsets is None, it will find the brightest trace and compute them # 2) specified weights, or if weights is None and auto_weights=True, it will compute weights using the brightest object # Echelle can either stack with: # 1) input offsets or if offsets is None, it will find the objid of brightest trace and stack all orders relative to the trace of this object. # 2) specified weights, or if weights is None and auto_weights=True, # it will use wavelength dependent weights determined from the spectrum of the brightest objects objid on each order
[docs] class MultiSlitCoAdd2D(CoAdd2D): """ Child of Coadd2d for Multislit and Longslit reductions. For documentation see CoAdd2d parent class above. # Multislit can coadd with: # 1) input offsets or if offsets is None, it will find the brightest trace and compute them # 2) specified weights, or if weights is None and auto_weights=True, it will compute weights using the brightest object """ def __init__(self, spec2d_files, spectrograph, par, det=1, offsets=None, weights='auto', only_slits=None, exclude_slits=None, spec_samp_fact=1.0, spat_samp_fact=1.0, sn_smooth_npix=None, bkg_redux=False, find_negative=False, show=False, show_peaks=False, debug_offsets=False, debug=False): super().__init__(spec2d_files, spectrograph, det=det, offsets=offsets, weights=weights, only_slits=only_slits, exclude_slits=exclude_slits, spec_samp_fact=spec_samp_fact, spat_samp_fact=spat_samp_fact, sn_smooth_npix=sn_smooth_npix, bkg_redux=bkg_redux, find_negative=find_negative, par=par, show=show, show_peaks=show_peaks, debug_offsets=debug_offsets, debug=debug) # maskdef offset self.maskdef_offset = np.array([slits.maskdef_offset for slits in self.stack_dict['slits_list']]) # Default wave_method for Multislit is linear wave_method = 'linear' if self.par['coadd2d']['wave_method'] is None else self.par['coadd2d']['wave_method'] self.wave_grid, self.wave_grid_mid, self.dsamp = self.get_wave_grid(wave_method) # Check if the user-input object to compute offsets and weights exists if self.par['coadd2d']['user_obj'] is not None: if len(self.par['coadd2d']['user_obj']) != 2: msgs.error('Parameter `user_obj` must include both SLITID and OBJID.') else: user_slit, user_objid = self.par['coadd2d']['user_obj'] # does it exists? user_obj_exist = [] for sobjs in self.stack_dict['specobjs_list']: user_obj_exist.append(np.any(sobjs.slitorder_objid_indices(user_slit, user_objid, toler=self.par['coadd2d']['spat_toler']))) if not np.all(user_obj_exist): msgs.error('Object provided through `user_obj` does not exist in all the exposures.') # find if there is a bright object we could use if len(self.stack_dict['specobjs_list']) > 0 and self.par['coadd2d']['user_obj'] is not None: _slitidx_bri = np.where(np.abs(self.spat_ids - user_slit) <= self.par['coadd2d']['spat_toler'])[0][0] self.objid_bri, self.slitidx_bri, self.spatid_bri, self.snr_bar_bri = \ np.repeat(user_objid, self.nexp), _slitidx_bri, user_slit, None elif len(self.stack_dict['specobjs_list']) > 0 and (offsets == 'auto' or weights == 'auto'): self.objid_bri, self.slitidx_bri, self.spatid_bri, self.snr_bar_bri = \ self.get_brightest_obj(self.stack_dict['specobjs_list'], self.spat_ids) else: self.objid_bri, self.slitidx_bri, self.spatid_bri, self.snr_bar_bri = (None,)*4 # get self.use_weights self.compute_weights(weights) # get self.offsets self.compute_offsets(offsets) # TODO When we run multislit, we actually compute the rebinned images twice. Once here to compute the offsets # and another time to weighted_combine the images in compute2d. This could be sped up # TODO The reason we rebin the images for the purposes of computing the offsets is to deal with combining # data that are dithered in the spectral direction. In these situations you cannot register the two dithered # reference objects into the same frame without first rebinning them onto the same grid.
[docs] def compute_offsets(self, offsets): """ Determine self.offsets, the offset of the frames to be coadded with respect to the first frame Args: offsets (:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`): Value that guides the determination of the offsets. It could be a list of offsets, or a string, or None. If equal to 'maskdef_offsets' the offsets computed during the slitmask design matching will be used. """ super().compute_offsets(offsets) # adjustment for multislit to case 4) parset `offsets` = 'auto' but we have a bright object if offsets == 'auto' and self.objid_bri is not None: # Compute offsets using the bright object if self.par['coadd2d']['user_obj'] is not None: offsets_method = 'user object on slitid = {:d}'.format(self.spatid_bri) else: offsets_method = 'brightest object found on slit: {:d} with avg SNR={:5.2f}'.format(self.spatid_bri,np.mean(self.snr_bar_bri))'Determining offsets using {offsets_method}') thismask_stack = [np.abs(slitmask - self.spatid_bri) <= self.par['coadd2d']['spat_toler'] for slitmask in self.stack_dict['slitmask_stack']] # TODO Need to think abbout whether we have multiple tslits_dict for each exposure or a single one trace_stack_bri = [[:, self.slitidx_bri] for slits in self.stack_dict['slits_list']] # trace_stack_bri = [] # for slits in self.stack_dict['slits_list']: # trace_stack_bri.append([:, self.slitidx_bri]) # Determine the wavelength grid that we will use for the current slit/order ## TODO: Should the spatial and spectral samp_facts here match those of the final coadded data, or she would ## compute offsets at full resolution?? wave_bins = coadd.get_wave_bins(thismask_stack, self.stack_dict['waveimg_stack'], self.wave_grid) dspat_bins, dspat_stack = coadd.get_spat_bins(thismask_stack, trace_stack_bri) sci_list = [[sciimg - skymodel for sciimg, skymodel in zip(self.stack_dict['sciimg_stack'], self.stack_dict['skymodel_stack'])]] var_list = [[utils.inverse(sciivar) for sciivar in self.stack_dict['sciivar_stack']]]'Rebinning Images') mask_stack = [mask == 0 for mask in self.stack_dict['mask_stack']] sci_list_rebin, var_list_rebin, norm_rebin_stack, nsmp_rebin_stack = coadd.rebin2d( wave_bins, dspat_bins, self.stack_dict['waveimg_stack'], dspat_stack, thismask_stack, mask_stack, sci_list, var_list) thismask = np.ones_like(sci_list_rebin[0][0,:,:],dtype=bool) nspec_pseudo, nspat_pseudo = thismask.shape slit_left = np.full(nspec_pseudo, 0.0) slit_righ = np.full(nspec_pseudo, nspat_pseudo) inmask = norm_rebin_stack > 0 traces_rect = np.zeros((nspec_pseudo, self.nexp)) sobjs = specobjs.SpecObjs() for iexp in range(self.nexp): sobjs_exp = findobj_skymask.objs_in_slit( sci_list_rebin[0][iexp,:,:], utils.inverse(var_list_rebin[0][iexp,:,:]), thismask, slit_left, slit_righ, inmask=inmask[iexp,:,:], fwhm=self.par['reduce']['findobj']['find_fwhm'], trim_edg=self.par['reduce']['findobj']['find_trim_edge'], maxdev=self.par['reduce']['findobj']['find_maxdev'], ncoeff=3, snr_thresh=self.par['reduce']['findobj']['snr_thresh'], nperslit=1, find_min_max=self.par['reduce']['findobj']['find_min_max'], show_trace=self.debug_offsets, show_peaks=self.debug_offsets) sobjs.add_sobj(sobjs_exp) traces_rect[:, iexp] = sobjs_exp.TRACE_SPAT # Now deterimine the offsets. Arbitrarily set the zeroth trace to the reference med_traces_rect = np.median(traces_rect,axis=0) offsets = med_traces_rect[0] - med_traces_rect # TODO create a QA with this if self.debug_offsets: for iexp in range(self.nexp): plt.plot(traces_rect[:, iexp], linestyle='--', label='original trace') plt.plot(traces_rect[:, iexp] + offsets[iexp], label='shifted traces') plt.legend() self.offsets = offsets self.offsets_report(self.offsets, offsets_method)
[docs] def compute_weights(self, weights): """ Determine the weights to be used in the coadd2d. This method sets the internal :attr:`use_weights`. Documentation on the form of self.use_weights needs to be written. Args: weights (:obj:`list`, :obj:`str`): Value that guides the determination of the weights. It could be a list of weights or a string. If equal to 'auto', the weight will be computed using the brightest trace, if 'uniform' uniform weights will be used. """ super().compute_weights(weights) # adjustment for multislit to case 3) Bright object exists and parset `weights` is equal to 'auto' if (self.objid_bri is not None) and (weights == 'auto'): # compute weights using bright object _, self.use_weights = self.optimal_weights(self.spatid_bri, self.objid_bri, weight_method='constant') if self.par['coadd2d']['user_obj'] is not None:'Weights computed using a unique reference object in slit={self.spatid_bri} provided by the user') else:'Weights computed using a unique reference object in slit={self.spatid_bri} with the highest S/N') self.snr_report(self.snr_bar_bri, slitid=self.spatid_bri)
[docs] def get_brightest_obj(self, specobjs_list, spat_ids): """ Utility routine to find the brightest object in each exposure given a specobjs_list for MultiSlit reductions. Args: specobjs_list: list List of SpecObjs objects. spat_ids (`numpy.ndarray`_): Returns: tuple: Returns the following: - objid: ndarray, int, shape (len(specobjs_list),): Array of object ids representing the brightest object in each exposure - slit_idx (int): 0-based index - spat_id (int): SPAT_ID for slit that highest S/N ratio object is on (only for pypeline=MultiSlit) - snr_bar: ndarray, float, shape (len(list),): Average S/N over all the orders for this object """'Finding brightest object') nexp = len(specobjs_list) nslits = spat_ids.size slit_snr_max = np.zeros((nslits, nexp), dtype=float) bpm = np.ones(slit_snr_max.shape, dtype=bool) objid_max = np.zeros((nslits, nexp), dtype=int) # Loop over each exposure, slit, find the brightest object on that slit for every exposure for iexp, sobjs in enumerate(specobjs_list):"Working on exposure {}".format(iexp)) for islit, spat_id in enumerate(spat_ids): if len(sobjs) == 0: continue ithis = np.abs(sobjs.SLITID - spat_id) <= self.par['coadd2d']['spat_toler'] if np.any(ithis): objid_this = sobjs[ithis].OBJID fluxes, ivars, gpms = [], [], [] for iobj, spec in enumerate(sobjs[ithis]): # check if OPT_COUNTS is available if spec.has_opt_ext() and np.any(spec.OPT_MASK): _, flux_iobj, ivar_iobj, gpm_iobj = spec.get_opt_ext() fluxes.append(flux_iobj) ivars.append(ivar_iobj) gpms.append(gpm_iobj) # check if BOX_COUNTS is available elif spec.has_box_ext() and np.any(spec.BOX_MASK): _, flux_iobj, ivar_iobj, gpm_iobj = spec.get_box_ext() fluxes.append(flux_iobj) ivars.append(ivar_iobj) gpms.append(gpm_iobj) msgs.warn(f'Optimal extraction not available for obj {spec.OBJID} ' f'in slit {spat_id}. Using box extraction.') # if both are not available, we remove the object in this slit, # because otherwise coadd.sn_weights will crash else: msgs.warn(f'Optimal and Boxcar extraction not available for obj {spec.OBJID} in slit {spat_id}.') #remove_indx.append(iobj) # if there are objects on this slit left, we can proceed with computing rms_sn if len(fluxes) > 0: rms_sn, _ = coadd.calc_snr(fluxes, ivars, gpms) imax = np.argmax(rms_sn) slit_snr_max[islit, iexp] = rms_sn[imax] objid_max[islit, iexp] = objid_this[imax] bpm[islit, iexp] = False # If a slit has bpm = True for some exposures and not for others, set bpm = True for all exposures # Find the rows where any of the bpm values are True bpm_true_idx = np.array([np.any(b) for b in bpm]) if np.any(bpm_true_idx): # Flag all exposures in those rows bpm[bpm_true_idx, :] = True # Find the highest snr object among all the slits if np.all(bpm): msgs.warn('You do not appear to have a unique reference object that was traced as the highest S/N ' 'ratio on the same slit of every exposure. Try increasing the parameter `spat_toler`') return None, None, None, None else: # mask the bpm slit_snr_max_masked =, mask=bpm) slit_snr = np.mean(slit_snr_max_masked, axis=1) slitid = np.argmax(slit_snr) snr_bar_mean = slit_snr[slitid] snr_bar = slit_snr_max[slitid, :] objid = objid_max[slitid, :] return objid, slitid, spat_ids[slitid], snr_bar
# TODO add an option here to actually use the reference trace for cases where they are on the same slit and it is # single slit???
[docs] def reference_trace_stack(self, slitid, offsets=None, objid=None): """ ..todo.. I need a doc string Args: slitid: offsets: objid: Returns: """ return self.offset_slit_cen(slitid, offsets)
[docs] def get_maskdef_dict(self, slit_idx, ref_trace_stack): """ Args: slit_idx (:obj:`int`): index of a slit in the uncoadded frames ref_trace_stack (`numpy.ndarray`_): Stack of reference traces about which the images are rectified and coadded. It is the slitcen appropriately shifted according the frames offsets. Shape is (nspec, nimgs). Returns: :obj:`dict`: Dictionary containing all the maskdef info. The quantities saved are: maskdef_id, maskdef_objpos, maskdef_slitcen, maskdef_designtab. To learn what they are see :class:`~pypeit.slittrace.SlitTraceSet` datamodel. """ # maskdef info if self.par['calibrations']['slitedges']['use_maskdesign'] and \ self.stack_dict['slits_list'][0].maskdef_id is not None and \ self.stack_dict['slits_list'][0].maskdef_objpos is not None and \ self.stack_dict['maskdef_designtab_list'][0] is not None: # maskdef_designtab info for only this slit this_idx = self.stack_dict['maskdef_designtab_list'][0]['SPAT_ID'] == self.spat_ids[slit_idx] this_maskdef_designtab = self.stack_dict['maskdef_designtab_list'][0][this_idx] # remove columns that are irrelevant in the coadd2d frames this_maskdef_designtab.remove_columns(['TRACEID', 'TRACESROW', 'TRACELPIX', 'TRACERPIX', 'SLITLMASKDEF', 'SLITRMASKDEF']) this_maskdef_designtab.meta['MASKRMSL'] = 0. this_maskdef_designtab.meta['MASKRMSR'] = 0. # maskdef_id for this slit imaskdef_id = self.stack_dict['slits_list'][0].maskdef_id[slit_idx] # maskdef_slitcen (slit center along the spectral direction) and # maskdef_objpos (expected position of the target, as distance from left slit edge) for this slit # These are the binned maskdef_slitcen positions w.r.t. the center of the slit in ref_trace_stack slit_cen_dspat_vec = np.zeros(self.nexp) # These are the binned maskdef_objpos positions w.r.t. the center of the slit in ref_trace_stack objpos_dspat_vec = np.zeros(self.nexp) for iexp in range(self.nexp): # get maskdef_slitcen mslitcen_pixpos = self.stack_dict['slits_list'][iexp].maskdef_slitcen if mslitcen_pixpos.ndim < 2: mslitcen_pixpos = mslitcen_pixpos[:, None] maskdef_slitcen_pixpos = mslitcen_pixpos[self.nspec_array[0]//2, slit_idx] + self.maskdef_offset[iexp] # get maskdef_objpos # find left edge slits_left, _, _ = \ self.stack_dict['slits_list'][iexp].select_edges(flexure=self.stack_dict['spat_flexure_list'][iexp]) # targeted object spat pix maskdef_obj_pixpos = \ self.stack_dict['slits_list'][iexp].maskdef_objpos[slit_idx] + self.maskdef_offset[iexp] \ + slits_left[slits_left.shape[0]//2, slit_idx] # change reference system ref_trace = ref_trace_stack[iexp] nspec_this = ref_trace.shape[0] slit_cen_dspat_vec[iexp] = (maskdef_slitcen_pixpos - ref_trace[nspec_this // 2]) / self.spat_samp_fact objpos_dspat_vec[iexp] = (maskdef_obj_pixpos - ref_trace[nspec_this // 2]) / self.spat_samp_fact imaskdef_slitcen_dspat = np.mean(slit_cen_dspat_vec) imaskdef_objpos_dspat = np.mean(objpos_dspat_vec) else: this_maskdef_designtab = None imaskdef_id = None imaskdef_slitcen_dspat = None imaskdef_objpos_dspat = None return dict(maskdef_id=imaskdef_id, maskdef_objpos=imaskdef_objpos_dspat, maskdef_slitcen=imaskdef_slitcen_dspat, maskdef_designtab=this_maskdef_designtab)
[docs] class EchelleCoAdd2D(CoAdd2D): """ Coadd Echelle reductions. For documentation see :class:`CoAdd2D`. Echelle can either stack with: - input ``offsets`` or if ``offsets`` is None, it will find the ``objid`` of brightest trace and stack all orders relative to the trace of this object. - specified ``weights``, or if ``weights`` is None and ``auto_weights`` is True, it will use wavelength dependent weights determined from the spectrum of the brightest objects ``objid`` on each order """ def __init__(self, spec2d_files, spectrograph, par, det=1, offsets=None, weights='auto', only_slits=None, exclude_slits=None, spec_samp_fact=1.0, spat_samp_fact=1.0, sn_smooth_npix=None, bkg_redux=False, find_negative=False, show=False, show_peaks=False, debug_offsets=False, debug=False): super().__init__(spec2d_files, spectrograph, det=det, offsets=offsets, weights=weights, only_slits=only_slits, exclude_slits=exclude_slits, spec_samp_fact=spec_samp_fact, spat_samp_fact=spat_samp_fact, sn_smooth_npix=sn_smooth_npix, bkg_redux=bkg_redux, find_negative=find_negative, par=par, show=show, show_peaks=show_peaks, debug_offsets=debug_offsets, debug=debug) # Default wave_method for Echelle is log10 wave_method = 'log10' if self.par['coadd2d']['wave_method'] is None else self.par['coadd2d']['wave_method'] self.wave_grid, self.wave_grid_mid, self.dsamp = self.get_wave_grid(wave_method) # Check if the user-input object to compute offsets and weights exists if self.par['coadd2d']['user_obj'] is not None: if not isinstance(self.par['coadd2d']['user_obj'], int): msgs.error('Parameter `user_obj` must include only the object OBJID.') else: user_objid = self.par['coadd2d']['user_obj'] # does it exists? user_obj_exist = [] for sobjs in self.stack_dict['specobjs_list']: for iord in range(self.nslits_single): user_obj_exist.append(np.any(sobjs.slitorder_objid_indices(sobjs.ECH_ORDER[iord], user_objid))) if not np.all(user_obj_exist): msgs.error('Object provided through `user_obj` does not exist in all the exposures.') # find if there is a bright object we could use if len(self.stack_dict['specobjs_list']) > 0 and self.par['coadd2d']['user_obj'] is not None: self.objid_bri, self.slitidx_bri, self.snr_bar_bri = np.repeat(user_objid, self.nexp), None, None elif len(self.stack_dict['specobjs_list']) > 0 and (offsets == 'auto' or weights == 'auto'): self.objid_bri, self.slitidx_bri, self.snr_bar_bri = \ self.get_brightest_obj(self.stack_dict['specobjs_list'], self.nslits_single) else: self.objid_bri, self.slitidx_bri, self.snr_bar_bri = (None,)*3 # get self.use_weights self.compute_weights(weights) # get self.offsets self.compute_offsets(offsets)
[docs] def compute_offsets(self, offsets): """ Determine self.offsets, the offset of the frames to be coadded with respect to the first frame Args: offsets (:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`): Value that guides the determination of the offsets. It could be a list of offsets, or a string, or None. """ super().compute_offsets(offsets) # adjustment for echelle to case 2): a list of offsets is provided by the user if isinstance(self.offsets, (list, np.ndarray)): self.objid_bri = None # adjustment for echelle to case 4) parset `offsets` = 'auto' but we have a bright object elif offsets == 'auto' and self.objid_bri is not None: # offsets are not determined, but the bright object is used to construct # a reference trace (this is done in coadd using method `reference_trace_stack`) self.offsets = None if self.par['coadd2d']['user_obj'] is not None:'Reference trace about which 2d coadd is performed is computed using user object') else:'Reference trace about which 2d coadd is performed is computed using the brightest object')
[docs] def compute_weights(self, weights): """ Determine self.use_weights, the weights to be used in the coadd2d Args: weights (:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`): Value that guides the determination of the weights. It could be a list of weights or a string. If 'auto' the weight will be computed using the brightest trace, if 'uniform' uniform weights will be used. """ super().compute_weights(weights) # adjustment for echelle to case 3) Bright object exists and parset `weights` is equal to 'auto' if (self.objid_bri is not None) and (weights == 'auto'): # computing a list of weights for all the slitord_ids that we than parse in coadd slitord_ids = self.stack_dict['slits_list'][0].slitord_id self.use_weights = [] for idx in slitord_ids: _, iweights = self.optimal_weights(idx, self.objid_bri) self.use_weights.append(iweights) if self.par['coadd2d']['user_obj'] is not None:'Weights computed using a unique reference object provided by the user') else:'Weights computed using a unique reference object with the highest S/N') self.snr_report(self.snr_bar_bri)
[docs] def get_brightest_obj(self, specobjs_list, nslits): """ Utility routine to find the brightest object in each exposure given a specobjs_list for Echelle reductions. Args: specobjs_list: list List of SpecObjs objects. echelle: bool, default=True, optional Returns: tuple: Returns the following: - objid: ndarray, int, shape (len(specobjs_list),): Array of object ids representing the brightest object in each exposure - snr_bar: ndarray, float, shape (len(list),): Average S/N over all the orders for this object """'Finding brightest object') nexp = len(specobjs_list) objid = np.zeros(nexp, dtype=int) snr_bar = np.zeros(nexp) for iexp, sobjs in enumerate(specobjs_list):"Working on exposure {}".format(iexp)) uni_objid = np.unique(sobjs.ECH_OBJID) nobjs = len(uni_objid) order_snr = np.zeros((nslits, nobjs), dtype=float) bpm = np.ones((nslits, nobjs), dtype=bool) for iord in range(nslits): for iobj in range(nobjs): flux = None ind = (sobjs.ECH_ORDERINDX == iord) & (sobjs.ECH_OBJID == uni_objid[iobj]) # check if OPT_COUNTS is available if sobjs[ind][0].has_opt_ext() and np.any(sobjs[ind][0].OPT_MASK): _, flux, ivar, mask = sobjs[ind][0].get_opt_ext() # check if BOX_COUNTS is available elif sobjs[ind][0].has_box_ext() and np.any(sobjs[ind][0].BOX_MASK): _, flux, ivar, mask = sobjs[ind][0].get_box_ext() msgs.warn(f'Optimal extraction not available for object {sobjs[ind][0].ECH_OBJID} ' f'in order {sobjs[ind][0].ECH_ORDER}. Using box extraction.') else: msgs.warn(f'Optimal and Boxcar extraction not available for ' f'object {sobjs[ind][0].ECH_OBJID} in order {sobjs[ind][0].ECH_ORDER}.') continue if flux is not None: rms_sn, _ = coadd.calc_snr([flux], [ivar], [mask]) order_snr[iord, iobj] = rms_sn[0] bpm[iord, iobj] = False # If there are orders that have bpm = True for some objs and not for others, set bpm = True for all objs # Find the rows where any of the bpm values are True bpm_true_idx = np.array([np.any(b) for b in bpm]) if np.any(bpm_true_idx): # Flag all objs in those rows bpm[bpm_true_idx, :] = True # Compute the average SNR and find the brightest object if not np.all(bpm): # mask the bpm order_snr_masked =, mask=bpm) snr_bar_vec = np.mean(order_snr_masked, axis=0) objid[iexp] = uni_objid[snr_bar_vec.argmax()] snr_bar[iexp] = snr_bar_vec[snr_bar_vec.argmax()] if 0 in snr_bar: msgs.warn('You do not appear to have a unique reference object that was traced as the highest S/N ' 'ratio for every exposure') return None, None, None return objid, None, snr_bar
[docs] def reference_trace_stack(self, slitid, offsets=None, objid=None): """ Utility function for determining the reference trace about which 2d coadds are performed. There are two modes of operation to determine the reference trace for the 2d coadd of a given slit/order: #. ``offsets``: We stack about the center of the slit for the slit in question with the input offsets added #. ``ojbid``: We stack about the trace of a reference object for this slit given for each exposure by the input objid Either offsets or objid must be provided, but the code will raise an exception if both are provided. Args: slitid (int): The slit or order that we are currently considering stack_dict (dict): Dictionary containing all the images and keys required for performing 2d coadds. offsets (list, `numpy.ndarray`_): An array of offsets with the same dimensionality as the nexp, the numer of images being coadded. objid (list, `numpy.ndarray`_): An array of objids with the same dimensionality as the nexp, the number of images being coadded. Returns: :obj:`list`: A list of reference traces for the 2d coadding that have been offset """ if offsets is not None and objid is not None: msgs.error('You can only input offsets or an objid, but not both') if isinstance(offsets, (list, np.ndarray)): return self.offset_slit_cen(slitid, offsets) if objid is not None: specobjs_list = self.stack_dict['specobjs_list'] ref_trace_stack = [] for iexp, sobjs in enumerate(specobjs_list): ithis = (sobjs.ECH_ORDERINDX == slitid) & (sobjs.ECH_OBJID == objid[iexp]) ref_trace_stack.append(sobjs[ithis][0].TRACE_SPAT) return ref_trace_stack msgs.error('You must input either offsets or an objid to determine the stack of ' 'reference traces')