Coadding module.
.. include common links, assuming primary doc root is up one directory
.. include:: ../include/links.rst
import inspect
from IPython import embed
import numpy as np
from astropy.io import fits
from astropy import stats
from pypeit.spectrographs.util import load_spectrograph
from pypeit.onespec import OneSpec
from pypeit.orderstack import OrderStack
from pypeit import utils
from pypeit import sensfunc
from pypeit import specobjs
from pypeit import msgs
from pypeit.core import coadd, flux_calib
from pypeit.history import History
class CoAdd1D:
def get_instance(cls, spec1dfiles, objids, spectrograph=None, par=None, sensfuncfile=None,
setup_id=None, debug=False, show=False, chk_version=True):
Superclass factory method which generates the subclass instance. See
:class:`CoAdd1D` instantiation for argument descriptions.
pypeline = fits.getheader(spec1dfiles[0])['PYPELINE'] + 'CoAdd1D'
return next(c for c in utils.all_subclasses(CoAdd1D) if c.__name__ == pypeline)(
spec1dfiles, objids, spectrograph=spectrograph, par=par, sensfuncfile=sensfuncfile,
setup_id=setup_id, debug=debug, show=show, chk_version=chk_version)
def __init__(self, spec1dfiles, objids, spectrograph=None, par=None, sensfuncfile=None,
setup_id=None, debug=False, show=False, chk_version=True):
spec1dfiles (list):
List of strings which are the spec1dfiles
objids (list):
List of strings which are the objids for the object in each
spec1d file that you want to coadd.
spectrograph (:class:`pypeit.spectrographs.spectrograph.Spectrograph`, optional):
Spectrograph object.
par (:class:`pypeit.par.pypeitpar.Coadd1DPar`, optional):
PypeIt parameter set object for Coadd1D
sensfuncile (str or list of strings, optional):
File or list of files holding the sensitivity function. This is
required for echelle coadds only.
setup_id (str or list of strings, optional):
A string or list of strings identifiying the setup IDs to coadd.
This is only used for echelle coadds where a loop over the
different echelle setups is performed. If None, it will be
assumed that all the input files, objids, and sensfuncfiles
correspond to the same setup.
debug (bool, optional)
Debug. Default = False
show (bool, optional):
Debug. Default = True
chk_version (:obj:`bool`, optional):
When reading in existing files written by PypeIt, perform strict
version checking to ensure a valid file. If False, the code
will try to keep going, but this may lead to faults and quiet
failures. User beware!
# Instantiate attributes
self.spec1dfiles = spec1dfiles
self.objids = objids
# Optional
if spectrograph is not None:
self.spectrograph = spectrograph
header = fits.getheader(spec1dfiles[0])
self.spectrograph = load_spectrograph(header['PYP_SPEC'])
if par is None:
self.par = self.spectrograph.default_pypeit_par()['coadd1d']
self.par = par
self.debug = debug
self.show = show
self.chk_version = chk_version
self.nexp = len(self.spec1dfiles) # Number of exposures
self.coaddfile = None
self.gpm_exp = np.ones(self.nexp, dtype=bool).tolist() # list of bool indicating the exposures that have been coadded
def run(self):
Runs the coadding
# Coadd the data
# if there are multiple orders/slits, the stacks will be extracted from the coadd1d object, otherwise it'll be None
self.wave_grid_mid, self.wave_coadd, self.flux_coadd, self.ivar_coadd, self.gpm_coadd, self.order_stacks = self.coadd()
# Scale to a filter magnitude?
if self.par['filter'] != 'none':
scale = flux_calib.scale_in_filter(self.wave_coadd, self.flux_coadd, self.gpm_coadd, self.par)
self.flux_coadd *= scale
self.ivar_coadd = self.ivar_coadd / scale**2
def load(self):
Load the arrays we need for performing coadds. Dummy method overloaded by children.
msgs.error('This method is undefined in the base classes and should only be called by the subclasses')
def save(self, coaddfile, telluric=None, obj_model=None, overwrite=True):
Generate a :class:`~pypeit.onespec.OneSpec` object and write it to disk.
coaddfile (str):
File to output coadded spectrum to.
telluric (`numpy.ndarray`_, optional):
Telluric model.
obj_model (str, optional):
Name of the object model
overwrite (bool, optional):
Overwrite existing file?
self.coaddfile = coaddfile
# Generate the spectrum container object
onespec = OneSpec(wave=self.wave_coadd, wave_grid_mid=self.wave_grid_mid, flux=self.flux_coadd,
PYP_SPEC=self.spectrograph.name, ivar=self.ivar_coadd,
ext_mode=self.par['ex_value'], fluxed=self.par['flux_value'])
# TODO This is a hack, not sure how to merge the headers at present
onespec.head0 = self.headers[0]
# Add history entries for coadding.
history = History()
history.add_coadd1d(self.spec1dfiles, self.objids, gpm_exp=self.gpm_exp)
# Add on others
if telluric is not None:
onespec.telluric = telluric
if obj_model is not None:
onespec.obj_model = obj_model
#save the order stacks from the echelle reduction
if self.order_stacks is not None and (fits.getheader(self.spec1dfiles[0])['PYPELINE'] == 'Echelle'):
for setup_num, setup_val in enumerate(self.unique_setups):
if len(self.unique_setups) > 1:
wave_stack = np.array(self.order_stacks[0][setup_num])
flux_stack = np.array(self.order_stacks[1][setup_num])
ivar_stack = np.array(self.order_stacks[2][setup_num])
mask_stack = np.array(self.order_stacks[3][setup_num]).astype(int)
sigma_stack = np.sqrt(utils.inverse(ivar_stack))
wave_stack = np.array(self.order_stacks[0])
flux_stack = np.array(self.order_stacks[1])
ivar_stack = np.array(self.order_stacks[2])
mask_stack = np.array(self.order_stacks[3]).astype(int)
sigma_stack = np.sqrt(utils.inverse(ivar_stack))
orderstack = OrderStack(wave_stack,
ext_mode=self.par['ex_value'], fluxed=self.par['flux_value'],
setup_name = setup_val)
orderstack.head0 = self.headers[setup_num]
orderstack.to_file(coaddfile.split('.fits')[0] + '_orderstack' + setup_val + '.fits', history=history, overwrite=overwrite)
# Write
onespec.to_file(coaddfile, history=history, overwrite=overwrite)
def coadd(self):
Dummy method overloaded by sub-classes
raise NotImplementedError(f'coadding function not defined for {self.__class__.__name__}!')
class MultiSlitCoAdd1D(CoAdd1D):
Child of CoAdd1d for Multislit and Longslit reductions.
def __init__(self, spec1dfiles, objids, spectrograph=None, par=None, sensfuncfile=None, setup_id=None,
debug=False, show=False, chk_version=False):
See :class:`CoAdd1D` instantiation for argument descriptions.
super().__init__(spec1dfiles, objids, spectrograph=spectrograph, par=par, sensfuncfile=sensfuncfile,
setup_id=setup_id, debug=debug, show=show, chk_version=chk_version)
def load(self):
Load the arrays we need for performing coadds.
waves : list of float `numpy.ndarray`_
List of wavelength arrays. The length of the list is nexp. The
arrays can have different shapes.
fluxes : list of float `numpy.ndarray`_
List of flux arrays. The arrays can have different shapes, but all
are aligned with what is in waves.
ivars : list of float `numpy.ndarray`_
List of inverse variance arrays. The arrays can have different
shapes, but all are aligned with what is in waves.
gpms : list of bool `numpy.ndarray`_
List of good pixel mask variance arrays. The arrays can have
different shapes, but all are aligned with what is in waves.
headers : list of header objects
List of headers of length nexp
waves, fluxes, ivars, gpms, headers = [], [], [], [], []
for iexp in range(self.nexp):
sobjs = specobjs.SpecObjs.from_fitsfile(self.spec1dfiles[iexp],
indx = sobjs.name_indices(self.objids[iexp])
if not np.any(indx):
"No matching objects for {:s}. Odds are you input the wrong OBJID".format(self.objids[iexp]))
if np.sum(indx) > 1:
msgs.error("Error in spec1d file for exposure {:d}: "
"More than one object was identified with the OBJID={:s} in file={:s}".format(
iexp, self.objids[iexp], self.spec1dfiles[iexp]))
wave_iexp, flux_iexp, ivar_iexp, gpm_iexp, _, _, _, header = \
sobjs[indx].unpack_object(ret_flam=self.par['flux_value'], extract_type=self.par['ex_value'])
header_out = header.copy()
if 'RA' in sobjs[indx][0].keys() and 'DEC' in sobjs[indx][0].keys():
header_out['RA_OBJ'] = sobjs[indx][0]['RA']
header_out['DEC_OBJ'] = sobjs[indx][0]['DEC']
return waves, fluxes, ivars, gpms, headers
def check_exposures(self):
Check if there are bad exposures.
Exposures with flux masked everywhere are always removed.
Exposures that are considered bad based on their S/N compared to the
average S/N among all the exposures, are removed only if self.par['sigrej_exp'] is set.
The attributes self.waves, self.fluxes, self.ivars, self.gpms need to be defined.
gpm_exp: list of bool
List of boolean that indicates which exposures
have been coadded. The length of the list is nexp.
_waves : list of float `numpy.ndarray`_
Updated list of wavelength arrays.
_fluxes : list of float `numpy.ndarray`_
Updated list of flux arrays.
_ivars : list of float `numpy.ndarray`_
Updated list of inverse variance arrays.
_gpms : list of bool `numpy.ndarray`_
Updated list of good pixel mask variance arrays.
# initialize the exposures lists
_waves = [wave for wave in self.waves]
_fluxes = [flux for flux in self.fluxes]
_ivars = [ivar for ivar in self.ivars]
_gpms = [gpm for gpm in self.gpms]
_spec1dfiles = [spec1dfile for spec1dfile in self.spec1dfiles]
_objids = [objid for objid in self.objids]
# good exposures index
goodindx_exp = np.arange(self.nexp)
# check if there are exposures that are completely masked out, i.e., gpms = False for all spectral pixels
masked_exps = [np.all(np.logical_not(gpm)) for gpm in _gpms]
if np.any(masked_exps):
msgs.warn(f'The following exposure(s) is/are completely masked out. It/They will not be coadded.')
[msgs.warn(f"Exposure {i}: {fname.split('/')[-1]} {obj}")
for i, (fname, obj, masked_exp) in enumerate(zip(_spec1dfiles, _objids, masked_exps)) if masked_exp]
# remove masked out exposure
_waves = [wave for (wave, masked_exp) in zip(_waves, masked_exps) if not masked_exp]
_fluxes = [flux for (flux, masked_exp) in zip(_fluxes, masked_exps) if not masked_exp]
_ivars = [ivar for (ivar, masked_exp) in zip(_ivars, masked_exps) if not masked_exp]
_gpms = [gpm for (gpm, masked_exp) in zip(_gpms, masked_exps) if not masked_exp]
_spec1dfiles = [spec1dfile for (spec1dfile, masked_exp) in zip(_spec1dfiles, masked_exps) if not masked_exp]
_objids = [objid for (objid, masked_exp) in zip(_objids, masked_exps) if not masked_exp]
# update good exposures index
goodindx_exp = goodindx_exp[np.logical_not(masked_exps)]
# check if there is still at least 1 exposure left
if len(_fluxes) < 1:
msgs.error('At least 1 unmasked exposures are required for coadding.')
# check if there is any bad exposure by comparing the rms_sn with the median rms_sn among all exposures
if len(_fluxes) > 2:
# Evaluate the rms_sn
rms_sn, _ = coadd.calc_snr(_fluxes, _ivars, _gpms)
# some stats
mean, med, sigma = stats.sigma_clipped_stats(rms_sn, sigma_lower=2., sigma_upper=2.)
_sigrej = self.par['sigrej_exp'] if self.par['sigrej_exp'] is not None else 10.0
# we set thresh_value to never be less than 0.2
thresh_value = round(0.2 + med + _sigrej * sigma, 2)
bad_exps = rms_sn > thresh_value
if np.any(bad_exps):
warn_msg = f'The following exposure(s) has/have S/N > {thresh_value:.2f} ' \
f'({_sigrej} sigma above the median S/N in the stack).'
if self.par['sigrej_exp'] is not None:
warn_msg += ' It/They WILL NOT BE COADDED.'
[msgs.warn(f"Exposure {i}: {fname.split('/')[-1]} {obj}")
for i, (fname, obj, bad_exp) in enumerate(zip(_spec1dfiles, _objids, bad_exps)) if bad_exp]
if self.par['sigrej_exp'] is not None:
# remove bad exposure
_waves = [wave for (wave, bad_exp) in zip(_waves, bad_exps) if not bad_exp]
_fluxes = [flux for (flux, bad_exp) in zip(_fluxes, bad_exps) if not bad_exp]
_ivars = [ivar for (ivar, bad_exp) in zip(_ivars, bad_exps) if not bad_exp]
_gpms = [gpm for (gpm, bad_exp) in zip(_gpms, bad_exps) if not bad_exp]
_spec1dfiles = [spec1dfile for (spec1dfile, bad_exp) in zip(_spec1dfiles, bad_exps) if not bad_exp]
_objids = [objid for (objid, bad_exp) in zip(_objids, bad_exps) if not bad_exp]
# update good exposures index
goodindx_exp = goodindx_exp[np.logical_not(bad_exps)]
# gpm for the exposures, i.e., which exposures have been coadded
gpm_exp = np.zeros(self.nexp, dtype=bool)
gpm_exp[goodindx_exp] = True
return gpm_exp.tolist(), _waves, _fluxes, _ivars, _gpms
def coadd(self):
Perform coadd for for Multi/Longslit data using multi_combspec
tuple: see objects returned by
# Load the data
self.waves, self.fluxes, self.ivars, self.gpms, self.headers = self.load()
# check if there are bad exposures and remove them
self.gpm_exp, _waves, _fluxes, _ivars, _gpms = self.check_exposures()
# Perform the coadd
wave_grid_mid, wave_coadd, flux_coadd, ivar_coadd, gpm_coadd = \
coadd.multi_combspec(_waves, _fluxes, _ivars, _gpms,
sn_smooth_npix=self.par['sn_smooth_npix'], wave_method=self.par['wave_method'],
dv=self.par['dv'], dwave=self.par['dwave'], dloglam=self.par['dloglam'],
wave_grid_min=self.par['wave_grid_min'], wave_grid_max=self.par['wave_grid_max'],
spec_samp_fact=self.par['spec_samp_fact'], ref_percentile=self.par['ref_percentile'],
maxiter_scale=self.par['maxiter_scale'], sigrej_scale=self.par['sigrej_scale'],
scale_method=self.par['scale_method'], sn_min_medscale=self.par['sn_min_medscale'],
sn_min_polyscale=self.par['sn_min_polyscale'], weight_method = self.par['weight_method'],
maxiter_reject=self.par['maxiter_reject'], lower=self.par['lower'], upper=self.par['upper'],
maxrej=self.par['maxrej'], sn_clip=self.par['sn_clip'], debug=self.debug, show=self.show)
# return
return wave_grid_mid, wave_coadd, flux_coadd, ivar_coadd, gpm_coadd, None
class EchelleCoAdd1D(CoAdd1D):
Child of CoAdd1d for Echelle reductions.
def __init__(self, spec1dfiles, objids, spectrograph=None, par=None, sensfuncfile=None,
setup_id=None, debug=False, show=False, chk_version=True):
See :class:`CoAdd1D` instantiation for argument descriptions.
super().__init__(spec1dfiles, objids, spectrograph=spectrograph, par=par, sensfuncfile=sensfuncfile,
setup_id=setup_id, debug=debug, show=show,
if sensfuncfile is None:
msgs.error('sensfuncfile is a required argument for echelle coadding')
self.sensfuncfile = self.nexp * [sensfuncfile] if isinstance(sensfuncfile, str) else sensfuncfile
nsens = len(self.sensfuncfile)
if nsens == 1:
self.sensfuncfile = self.nexp * [self.sensfuncfile[0]]
nsens = self.nexp
if nsens != self.nexp:
msgs.error('Must enter either one sensfunc file for all exposures or one sensfunc file for '
f'each exposure. Entered {nsens} files for {self.nexp} exposures.')
if setup_id is None:
self.setup_id = self.nexp*['A']
self.setup_id = self.nexp*[setup_id] if isinstance(setup_id, str) else setup_id
nsetup = len(self.setup_id)
if nsetup == 1:
self.setup_id = self.nexp * [self.setup_id[0]]
nsetup = self.nexp
if nsetup != self.nexp:
msgs.error('Must enter either a single setup_id for all exposures or one setup_id for '
f'each exposure. Entered {nsetup} files for {self.nexp} exposures.')
self.unique_setups = np.unique(self.setup_id).tolist()
self.nsetups_unique = len(self.unique_setups)
def coadd(self):
Perform coadd for echelle data using ech_combspec
wave_grid_mid : `numpy.ndarray`_
Wavelength grid (in Angstrom) evaluated at the bin centers,
uniformly-spaced either in lambda or log10-lambda/velocity. See
core.wavecal.wvutils.py for more. shape=(ngrid,)
wave_coadd : `numpy.ndarray`_
Wavelength grid for stacked spectrum. As discussed above, this is the weighted average of the
wavelengths of each spectrum that contriuted to a bin in the input
wave_grid wavelength grid. It thus has ngrid elements, whereas
wave_grid has ngrid+1 elements to specify the ngrid total number
of bins. Note that wave_giant_stack is NOT simply the wave_grid
bin centers, since it computes the weighted average;
flux_coadd : `numpy.ndarray`_
Final stacked spectrum on wave_stack wavelength grid. shape=(ngrid,)
ivar_coadd : `numpy.ndarray`_
Inverse variance spectrum on wave_stack wavelength grid. Erors are propagated according to
weighting and masking. shape=(ngrid,)
gpm_coadd : `numpy.ndarray`_
Mask for stacked spectrum on wave_stack wavelength grid. True=Good. shape=(ngrid,)
order_stacks_output : `numpy.ndarray`_, None
Stacked orders. None if not echelle data. shape=(norders, ngrid)
# Load the data
self.waves, self.fluxes, self.ivars, self.gpms, self.weights_sens, self.headers = self.load()
wave_grid_mid, (wave_coadd, flux_coadd, ivar_coadd, gpm_coadd), order_stacks \
= coadd.ech_combspec(self.waves, self.fluxes, self.ivars, self.gpms, self.weights_sens,
dv=self.par['dv'], dwave=self.par['dwave'], dloglam=self.par['dloglam'],
lower=self.par['lower'], upper=self.par['upper'],
maxrej=self.par['maxrej'], sn_clip=self.par['sn_clip'],
debug=self.debug, show=self.show, show_exp=self.show)
return wave_grid_mid, wave_coadd, flux_coadd, ivar_coadd, gpm_coadd, order_stacks
def load_ech_arrays(self, spec1dfiles, objids, sensfuncfiles):
Load the arrays we need for performing coadds for a single setup.
spec1dfiles (list):
List of spec1d files for this setup.
objids (list):
List of objids. This is aligned with spec1dfiles
sensfuncfile (list):
List of sensfuncfiles. This is aligned with spec1dfiles and objids
tuple: waves, fluxes, ivars, gpms, header. Each array has shape =
(nspec, norders, nexp)
nexp = len(spec1dfiles)
for iexp in range(nexp):
sobjs = specobjs.SpecObjs.from_fitsfile(spec1dfiles[iexp], chk_version=self.chk_version)
indx = sobjs.name_indices(objids[iexp])
if not np.any(indx):
msgs.error("No matching objects for {:s}. Odds are you input the wrong OBJID".format(objids[iexp]))
wave_iexp, flux_iexp, ivar_iexp, gpm_iexp, _, _, _, header = \
sobjs[indx].unpack_object(ret_flam=self.par['flux_value'], extract_type=self.par['ex_value'])
# This np.atleast2d hack deals with the situation where we are wave_iexp is actually Multislit data, i.e. we are treating
# it like an echelle spectrograph with a single order. This usage case arises when we want to use the
# echelle coadding code to combine echelle and multislit data
if wave_iexp.ndim == 1:
wave_iexp, flux_iexp, ivar_iexp, gpm_iexp = np.atleast_2d(wave_iexp).T, np.atleast_2d(flux_iexp).T, np.atleast_2d(ivar_iexp).T, np.atleast_2d(gpm_iexp).T
weights_sens_iexp = sensfunc.SensFunc.sensfunc_weights(sensfuncfiles[iexp], wave_iexp,
# Allocate arrays on first iteration
# TODO :: We should refactor to use a list of numpy arrays, instead of a 2D numpy array.
if iexp == 0:
waves = np.zeros(wave_iexp.shape + (nexp,))
fluxes = np.zeros_like(waves)
ivars = np.zeros_like(waves)
weights_sens = np.zeros_like(waves)
gpms = np.zeros_like(waves, dtype=bool)
header_out = header
if 'RA' in sobjs[indx][0].keys() and 'DEC' in sobjs[indx][0].keys():
header_out['RA_OBJ'] = sobjs[indx][0]['RA']
header_out['DEC_OBJ'] = sobjs[indx][0]['DEC']
# Store the information
waves[...,iexp], fluxes[...,iexp], ivars[..., iexp], gpms[...,iexp], weights_sens[...,iexp] \
= wave_iexp, flux_iexp, ivar_iexp, gpm_iexp, weights_sens_iexp
return waves, fluxes, ivars, gpms, weights_sens, header_out
def load(self):
Load the arrays we need for performing echelle coadds.
waves : list
List of arrays with the wavelength arrays for each setup. The length
of the list equals the number of unique setups and each arrays in
the list has shape = (nspec, norders, nexp)
fluxes : list
List of arrays with the flux arrays for each setup. The length of
the list equals the number of unique setups and each arrays in the
list has shape = (nspec, norders, nexp)
ivars : list
List of arrays with the ivar arrays for each setup. The length of
the list equals the number of unique setups and each arrays in the
list has shape = (nspec, norders, nexp)
gpms : list
List of arrays with the gpm arrays for each setup. The length of the
list equals the number of unique setups and each arrays in the list
has shape = (nspec, norders, nexp)
weights_sens : list
List of arrays with the sensfunc weights for each setup. The length
of the list equals the number of unique setups and each arrays in
the list has shape = (nspec, norders, nexp)
headers : list
List of headers for each setup. The length of the list is the number
of unique setups.
_setup = np.asarray(self.setup_id)
_sensfuncfiles = np.asarray(self.sensfuncfile)
_spec1dfiles = np.asarray(self.spec1dfiles)
_objids = np.asarray(self.objids)
waves, fluxes, ivars, gpms, weights_sens, headers = [], [], [], [], [], []
combined = [waves, fluxes, ivars, gpms, weights_sens, headers]
for uniq_setup in self.unique_setups:
setup_indx = _setup == uniq_setup
loaded = self.load_ech_arrays(_spec1dfiles[setup_indx], _objids[setup_indx], _sensfuncfiles[setup_indx])
for c, l in zip(combined, loaded):
return waves, fluxes, ivars, gpms, weights_sens, headers
class SlicerIFUCoAdd1D(MultiSlitCoAdd1D):
Child of MultiSlitCoAdd1d for SlicerIFU reductions.
def __init__(self, spec1dfiles, objids, spectrograph=None, par=None, sensfuncfile=None, setup_id=None, debug=False, show=False, chk_version=False):
See :class:`CoAdd1D` instantiation for argument descriptions.
super().__init__(spec1dfiles, objids, spectrograph=spectrograph, par = par, sensfuncfile = sensfuncfile,
setup_id=setup_id, debug = debug, show = show, chk_version=chk_version)