Class for guiding calibration object generation in PypeIt.
.. include common links, assuming primary doc root is up one directory
.. include:: ../include/links.rst
from pathlib import Path
from datetime import datetime
from copy import deepcopy
from abc import ABCMeta
from collections import Counter
import yaml
# TODO: datetime.UTC is not defined in python 3.10. Remove this when we decide
# to no longer support it.
__UTC__ = datetime.UTC
except AttributeError as e:
from datetime import timezone
__UTC__ = timezone.utc
from IPython import embed
import numpy as np
from pypeit import __version__
from pypeit import msgs
from pypeit import alignframe
from pypeit import flatfield
from pypeit import edgetrace
from pypeit import scattlight
from pypeit import slittrace
from pypeit import wavecalib
from pypeit import wavetilts
from pypeit.calibframe import CalibFrame
from pypeit.images import buildimage
from pypeit.metadata import PypeItMetaData
from pypeit.core import framematch
from pypeit.core import parse
from pypeit.core import scattlight as core_scattlight
from pypeit.par import pypeitpar
from pypeit.spectrographs.spectrograph import Spectrograph
from pypeit import io
from pypeit import utils
class Calibrations:
Class designed to guide the generation of calibration images and objects in
fitstbl (:class:`~pypeit.metadata.PypeItMetaData`):
The class holding the metadata for all the frames in this PypeIt run.
If None, we are using this class as a glorified dict to hold the objects.
par (:class:`~pypeit.par.pypeitpar.CalibrationsPar`):
Parameter set defining optional parameters of PypeIt's algorithms
for Calibrations
spectrograph (:class:`~pypeit.spectrographs.spectrograph.Spectrograph`):
Spectrograph object
caldir (:obj:`str`, `Path`_):
Path for the processed calibration files.
qadir (:obj:`str`, optional):
Path for quality assessment output. If not provided, no QA
plots are saved.
reuse_calibs (:obj:`bool`, optional):
Instead of reprocessing them, load existing calibration files from
disk if they exist.
show (:obj:`bool`, optional):
Show plots of PypeIt's results as the code progresses. Requires
interaction from the user.
user_slits (:obj:`dict`, optional):
A limited set of slits selected by the user for analysis. See
chk_version (:obj:`bool`, optional):
When reading in existing files written by PypeIt, perform strict
version checking to ensure a valid file. If False, the code will
try to keep going, but this may lead to faults and quiet failures.
User beware!
fitstbl (:class:`~pypeit.metadata.PypeItMetaData`):
See instantiation arguments.
par (:class:`~pypeit.par.pypeitpar.CalibrationsPar`):
See instantiation arguments.
spectrograph (:class:`~pypeit.spectrographs.spectrograph.Spectrograph`):
See instantiation arguments.
calib_dir (`Path`_):
Path for the processed calibration files.
qa_path (`Path`_):
Path for the QA diagnostics.
reuse_calibs (:obj:`bool`):
See instantiation arguments.
show (:obj:`bool`):
See instantiation arguments.
user_slits (:obj:`dict`):
See instantiation arguments.
det (:obj:`int`, :obj:`tuple`):
The single detector or set of detectors in a mosaic to process.
frame (:obj:`int`):
The index of a raw file in :attr:`fitstbl` used to set the
calibration group.
calib_ID (:obj:`int`):
The calibration group associated with :attr:`frame`.
msarc (:class:`~pypeit.images.buildimage.ArcImage`):
Arc calibration frame
mstilt (:class:`~pypeit.images.buildimage.TiltImage`):
Tilt calibration frame
alignments (:class:`~pypeit.alignframe.Alignments`):
Alignment calibration frame
msbias (:class:`~pypeit.images.buildimage.BiasImage`):
Bias calibration frame
msdark (:class:`~pypeit.images.buildimage.DarkImage`):
Dark calibration frame
msbpm (`numpy.ndarray`_):
Boolean array with the bad-pixel mask (pixels that should masked are
set to True).
wv_calib (:class:`~pypeit.wavecalib.WaveCalib`):
Wavelength calibration frame
slits (:class:`~pypeit.slittrace.SlitTraceSet`):
Slit tracing calibration frame
wavetilts (:class:`~pypeit.wavetilts.WaveTilts`):
Tilts calibration frame
flatimages (:class:`~pypeit.flatfield.FlatImages`):
Flat-field calibration frame
steps (:obj:`list`):
A list of strings setting the set of processing steps to be
completed (not necessarily those that were successful). See the
``default_steps`` functions of each subclass.
success (:obj:`bool`):
Flag that the calibrations were all generated successfully.
failed_step (:obj:`str`):
If the calibrations were unsuccessful, this is the step that
led to the fault.
__metaclass__ = ABCMeta
def get_instance(fitstbl, par, spectrograph, caldir, **kwargs):
Get the instance of the appropriate subclass of :class:`Calibrations` to
use for reducing data from the provided ``spectrograph``. For argument
descriptions, see :class:`Calibrations`.
calibclass = MultiSlitCalibrations if spectrograph.pypeline in ['MultiSlit', 'Echelle'] \
else IFUCalibrations
return calibclass(fitstbl, par, spectrograph, caldir, **kwargs)
def __init__(self, fitstbl, par, spectrograph, caldir, qadir=None,
reuse_calibs=False, show=False, user_slits=None, chk_version=True):
# Check the types
# TODO -- Remove this None option once we have data models for all the Calibrations
# outputs and use them to feed Reduce instead of the Calibrations object
if not isinstance(fitstbl, PypeItMetaData) and fitstbl is not None:
msgs.error('fitstbl must be an PypeItMetaData object')
if not isinstance(par, pypeitpar.CalibrationsPar):
msgs.error('Input parameters must be a CalibrationsPar instance.')
if not isinstance(spectrograph, Spectrograph):
msgs.error('Must provide Spectrograph instance to Calibrations.')
# Required inputs
self.fitstbl = fitstbl
self.par = par
self.spectrograph = spectrograph
# Calibrations
self.reuse_calibs = reuse_calibs
self.chk_version = chk_version
self.calib_dir = Path(caldir).absolute()
if not self.calib_dir.exists():
# QA
self.qa_path = None if qadir is None else Path(qadir).absolute()
if self.qa_path is not None:
# TODO: This should only be defined in one place! Where?...
qa_png_path = self.qa_path / 'PNGs'
self.write_qa = self.qa_path is not None
if self.write_qa and not qa_png_path.exists():
# Debugging
self.show = show
# Restrict on slits?
self.user_slits = user_slits
# Attributes
self.det = None
self.frame = None
self.msarc = None
self.mstilt = None
self.alignments = None
self.msbias = None
self.msdark = None
self.msbpm = None
self.wv_calib = None
self.slits = None
self.msscattlight = None
self.wavetilts = None
self.flatimages = None
self.calib_ID = None
# Steps
self.steps = self.__class__.default_steps()
self.success = False
self.failed_step = None
def find_calibrations(self, frametype, frameclass):
Find calibration files and identifiers.
frametype : :obj:`str`
Calibration frame type. Must be a valid frame type; see
frameclass : :class:`~pypeit.calibframe.CalibFrame`
The subclass used to store the processed calibration data.
raw_files : :obj:`list`
The list of raw files in :attr:`fitstbl` with the provided
cal_file : `Path`_
The path with/for the processed calibration frame
calib_key : :obj:`str`
The calibration identifier
setup : :obj:`str`
The setup/configuration identifier
calib_id : :obj:`list`
The calibration groups
detname : :obj:`str`
The detector/mosaic identifier
# NOTE: This will raise an exception if the frametype is not valid!
framematch.valid_frametype(frametype, raise_error=True)
if not issubclass(frameclass, CalibFrame):
msgs.error(f'CODING ERROR: {frameclass} is not a subclass of CalibFrame.')
# Grab rows with relevant frames
detname = self.spectrograph.get_det_name(self.det)
rows = self.fitstbl.find_frames(frametype, calib_ID=self.calib_ID, index=True)
if len(rows) == 0:
# No raw files are available. Attempt to find an existing and
# relevant calibration frame based on the setup/configuration and
# calibration group of the (science) frame to be calibrated.
setup = self.fitstbl['setup'][self.frame]
cal_file = frameclass.glob(self.calib_dir, setup, self.calib_ID, detname=detname)
if cal_file is None or len(cal_file) > 1:
return [], None, None, setup, None, detname
cal_file = cal_file[0]
calib_key = frameclass.parse_key_dir(str(cal_file), from_filename=True)[0]
calib_id = frameclass.parse_calib_key(calib_key)[1]
return [], cal_file, calib_key, setup, frameclass.ingest_calib_id(calib_id), detname
# Otherwise, use the metadata for the raw frames to set the name of
# the processed calibration frame.
setup = self.fitstbl['setup'][rows[0]]
calib_id = self.fitstbl['calib'][rows[0]]
calib_key = frameclass.construct_calib_key(setup, calib_id, detname)
# Construct the expected calibration frame file name
cal_file = Path(frameclass.construct_file_name(calib_key, calib_dir=self.calib_dir))
return self.fitstbl.frame_paths(rows), cal_file, calib_key, setup, \
frameclass.ingest_calib_id(calib_id), detname
def set_config(self, frame, det, par=None):
Specify the critical attributes of the class to perform a set of calibrations.
Operations are:
- Set the frame
- Use the frame to find the calibration group
- Set the detector/mosaic
- Set the parameters
frame (:obj:`int`):
The row index in :attr:`fitstbl` with the frame to calibrate.
det (:obj:`int`):
Detector number.
par (:class:`~pypeit.par.pypeitpar.CalibrationsPar`, optional):
Parameters used by the calibration procedures. If None, use
# Initialize for this setup
self.frame = frame
# Find the calibration groups associated with this frame. Note
# find_frame_calib_groups *always* returns a list. Science frames only
# have one calibration group, but calibration frames can have many. So
# for both science and calibration frames, we just set the calibration
# group to the first group in the returned list.
self.calib_ID = self.fitstbl.find_frame_calib_groups(self.frame)[0]
self.det = det
if par is not None:
self.par = par
def get_arc(self):
Load or generate the arc calibration frame.
:class:`~pypeit.images.buildimage.ArcImage`: The processed
calibration image.
# Check internals
self._chk_set(['det', 'calib_ID', 'par'])
# Find the calibrations
frame = {'type': 'arc', 'class': buildimage.ArcImage}
raw_files, cal_file, calib_key, setup, calib_id, detname \
= self.find_calibrations(frame['type'], frame['class'])
if len(raw_files) == 0 and cal_file is None:
msgs.warn(f'No raw {frame["type"]} frames found and unable to identify a relevant '
'processed calibration frame. Continuing...')
self.msarc = None
return self.msarc
# If a processed calibration frame exists and we want to reuse it, do
# so:
if cal_file.exists() and self.reuse_calibs:
self.msarc = frame['class'].from_file(cal_file, chk_version=self.chk_version)
return self.msarc
# Reset the BPM
# Otherwise, create the processed file.
msgs.info(f'Preparing a {frame["class"].calib_type} calibration frame.')
self.msarc = buildimage.buildimage_fromlist(self.spectrograph, self.det,
self.par['arcframe'], raw_files,
bias=self.msbias, bpm=self.msbpm,
dark=self.msdark, calib_dir=self.calib_dir,
setup=setup, calib_id=calib_id)
# Save the result
# Return it
return self.msarc
def get_tiltimg(self):
Load or generate the tilt calibration frame.
:class:`~pypeit.images.buildimage.TiltImage`: The processed
calibration image.
# Check internals
self._chk_set(['det', 'calib_ID', 'par'])
# Find the calibrations
frame = {'type': 'tilt', 'class':buildimage.TiltImage}
raw_files, cal_file, calib_key, setup, calib_id, detname \
= self.find_calibrations(frame['type'], frame['class'])
if len(raw_files) == 0 and cal_file is None:
msgs.warn(f'No raw {frame["type"]} frames found and unable to identify a relevant '
'processed calibration frame. Continuing...')
self.mstilt = None
return self.mstilt
# If a processed calibration frame exists and we want to reuse it, do
# so:
if cal_file.exists() and self.reuse_calibs:
self.mstilt = frame['class'].from_file(cal_file, chk_version=self.chk_version)
return self.mstilt
# Reset the BPM
# Otherwise, create the processed file.
msgs.info(f'Preparing a {frame["class"].calib_type} calibration frame.')
self.mstilt = buildimage.buildimage_fromlist(self.spectrograph, self.det,
self.par['tiltframe'], raw_files,
bias=self.msbias, bpm=self.msbpm,
dark=self.msdark, slits=self.slits,
calib_dir=self.calib_dir, setup=setup,
# Save the result
# Return it
return self.mstilt
def get_align(self):
Load or generate the alignment calibration frame.
:class:`~pypeit.alignframe.Alignments`: The processed alignment
# Check for existing data
if not self._chk_objs(['msbpm', 'slits']):
msgs.error('Must have the bpm and slits to make the alignments!')
# Check internals
self._chk_set(['det', 'calib_ID', 'par'])
# Find the calibrations
frame = {'type': 'align', 'class': alignframe.Alignments}
raw_files, cal_file, calib_key, setup, calib_id, detname \
= self.find_calibrations(frame['type'], frame['class'])
if len(raw_files) == 0 and cal_file is None:
msgs.warn(f'No raw {frame["type"]} frames found and unable to identify a relevant '
'processed calibration frame. Continuing...')
self.alignments = None
return self.alignments
# If a processed calibration frame exists and we want to reuse it, do
# so:
if cal_file.exists() and self.reuse_calibs:
self.alignments = frame['class'].from_file(cal_file, chk_version=self.chk_version)
return self.alignments
# Reset the BPM
# Otherwise, create the processed file.
msgs.info(f'Preparing a {frame["class"].calib_type} calibration frame.')
msalign = buildimage.buildimage_fromlist(self.spectrograph, self.det,
self.par['alignframe'], raw_files,
bias=self.msbias, bpm=self.msbpm,
dark=self.msdark, calib_dir=self.calib_dir,
setup=setup, calib_id=calib_id)
# Instantiate
# TODO: From JFH: Do we need the bpm here? Check that this was in the previous code.
alignment = alignframe.TraceAlignment(msalign, self.slits, self.spectrograph,
self.par['alignment'], det=self.det,
qa_path=self.qa_path, msbpm=self.msbpm)
self.alignments = alignment.run(show=self.show)
# NOTE: The alignment object inherets the calibration frame naming from
# the msalign image.
return self.alignments
def get_bias(self):
Load or generate the bias calibration frame.
:class:`~pypeit.images.buildimage.BiasImage`: The processed
calibration image.
# Check internals
self._chk_set(['det', 'calib_ID', 'par'])
# Find the calibrations
frame = {'type': 'bias', 'class': buildimage.BiasImage}
raw_files, cal_file, calib_key, setup, calib_id, detname \
= self.find_calibrations(frame['type'], frame['class'])
if len(raw_files) == 0 and cal_file is None:
msgs.warn(f'No raw {frame["type"]} frames found and unable to identify a relevant '
'processed calibration frame. Continuing...')
self.msbias = None
return self.msbias
# If a processed calibration frame exists and we want to reuse it, do
# so:
if cal_file.exists() and self.reuse_calibs:
self.msbias = frame['class'].from_file(cal_file, chk_version=self.chk_version)
return self.msbias
# Otherwise, create the processed file.
msgs.info(f'Preparing a {frame["class"].calib_type} calibration frame.')
self.msbias = buildimage.buildimage_fromlist(self.spectrograph, self.det,
self.par['biasframe'], raw_files,
calib_dir=self.calib_dir, setup=setup,
# Save the result
# Return it
return self.msbias
def get_dark(self):
Load or generate the dark calibration frame.
:class:`~pypeit.images.buildimage.DarkImage`: The processed
calibration image.
# Check internals
self._chk_set(['det', 'calib_ID', 'par'])
# Find the calibrations
frame = {'type': 'dark', 'class': buildimage.DarkImage}
raw_files, cal_file, calib_key, setup, calib_id, detname \
= self.find_calibrations(frame['type'], frame['class'])
if len(raw_files) == 0 and cal_file is None:
msgs.warn(f'No raw {frame["type"]} frames found and unable to identify a relevant '
'processed calibration frame. Continuing...')
self.msdark = None
return self.msdark
# If a processed calibration frame exists and we want to reuse it, do
# so:
if cal_file.exists() and self.reuse_calibs:
self.msdark = frame['class'].from_file(cal_file, chk_version=self.chk_version)
return self.msdark
# TODO: If a bias has been constructed and it will be subtracted from
# the science images, it should also be subtracted from this image. If
# it isn't, subtracting the dark will effectively lead to subtracting
# the bias twice.
# TODO: The order is such that the bpm doesn't exist yet. But calling
# buildimage_fromlist will create the bpm if it isn't passed. So
# calling get_dark then get_bpm unnecessarily creates the bpm twice. Is
# there any reason why creation of the bpm should come after the dark,
# or can we change the order?
# Otherwise, create the processed file.
self.msdark = buildimage.buildimage_fromlist(self.spectrograph, self.det,
self.par['darkframe'], raw_files,
bias=self.msbias, calib_dir=self.calib_dir,
setup=setup, calib_id=calib_id)
# Save the result
# Return it
return self.msdark
def get_bpm(self, frame=None):
Load or generate the bad pixel mask.
This is primarily a wrapper for
`numpy.ndarray`_: The bad pixel mask, which should match the shape
and orientation of a *trimmed* and PypeIt-oriented science image!
# Check internals
self._chk_set(['par', 'det'])
# Set the frame to use for the BPM
if frame is None:
frame = self.fitstbl.frame_paths(self.frame)
# Build it
self.msbpm = self.spectrograph.bpm(frame, self.det,
msbias=self.msbias if self.par['bpm_usebias'] else None)
# Return
return self.msbpm
def get_scattlight(self):
Load or generate the scattered light model.
:class:`~pypeit.scattlight.ScatteredLight`: The processed calibration image including the model.
# Check for existing data
if not self._chk_objs(['msbpm', 'slits']):
msgs.warn('Must have the bpm and the slits defined to make a scattered light image! '
'Skipping and may crash down the line')
return self.msscattlight
# Check internals
self._chk_set(['det', 'calib_ID', 'par'])
# Prep
frame = {'type': 'scattlight', 'class': scattlight.ScatteredLight}
raw_scattlight_files, cal_file, calib_key, setup, calib_id, detname = \
self.find_calibrations(frame['type'], frame['class'])
scatt_idx = self.fitstbl.find_frames(frame['type'], calib_ID=self.calib_ID, index=True)
if len(raw_scattlight_files) == 0 and cal_file is None:
msgs.warn(f'No raw {frame["type"]} frames found and unable to identify a relevant '
'processed calibration frame. Continuing...')
return self.msscattlight
# If a processed calibration frame exists and we want to reuse it, do
# so:
if cal_file.exists() and self.reuse_calibs:
self.msscattlight = frame['class'].from_file(cal_file, chk_version=self.chk_version)
return self.msscattlight
# Scattered light model does not exist or we're not reusing it.
# Need to build everything from scratch. Start with the trace image.
msgs.info('Creating scattered light calibration frame using files: ')
for f in raw_scattlight_files:
# Reset the BPM
binning = self.fitstbl[scatt_idx[0]]['binning']
dispname = self.fitstbl[scatt_idx[0]]['dispname']
scattlightImage = buildimage.buildimage_fromlist(self.spectrograph, self.det,
self.par['scattlightframe'], raw_scattlight_files,
bias=self.msbias, bpm=self.msbpm,
dark=self.msdark, calib_dir=self.calib_dir,
setup=setup, calib_id=calib_id)
spatbin = parse.parse_binning(binning)[1]
pad = self.par['scattlight_pad'] // spatbin
offslitmask = self.slits.slit_img(pad=pad, initial=True, flexure=None) == -1
# Get starting parameters for the scattered light model
x0, bounds = self.spectrograph.scattered_light_archive(binning, dispname)
# Perform a fit to the scattered light
model, modelpar, success = core_scattlight.scattered_light(scattlightImage.image, self.msbpm, offslitmask,
x0, bounds)
if not success:
# Something went awry
msgs.warn('Scattered light modelling failed. Continuing, but likely to fail soon...')
self.success = False
return self.msscattlight
# Now generate the DataModel
self.msscattlight = scattlight.ScatteredLight(PYP_SPEC=self.spectrograph.name,
nspec=scattlightImage.shape[0], nspat=scattlightImage.shape[1],
# TODO :: Should we go back and recalculate the slit edges once the scattered light is known?
if self.msscattlight is not None:
# Show the result if requested
if self.show:
# Save the master scattered light model
self.msscattlight.set_paths(self.calib_dir, setup, calib_id, detname)
return self.msscattlight
def get_flats(self):
Load or generate the flat-field calibration images.
:class:`~pypeit.flatfield.FlatImages`: The processed calibration
# Check for existing data
if not self._chk_objs(['msarc', 'msbpm', 'slits', 'wv_calib']):
msgs.warn('Must have the arc, bpm, slits, and wv_calib defined to make flats! '
'Skipping and may crash down the line')
# TODO: Why was this an empty object and not None?
self.flatimages = None #flatfield.FlatImages()
return self.flatimages
# Slit and tilt traces are required to flat-field the data
if not self._chk_objs(['slits', 'wavetilts']):
# TODO: Why doesn't this fault?
msgs.warn('Flats were requested, but there are quantities missing necessary to '
'create flats. Proceeding without flat fielding....')
# TODO: Why was this an empty object and not None?
self.flatimages = None #flatfield.FlatImages()
return self.flatimages
# Check internals
self._chk_set(['det', 'calib_ID', 'par'])
pixel_frame = {'type': 'pixelflat', 'class': flatfield.FlatImages}
raw_pixel_files, pixel_cal_file, pixel_calib_key, pixel_setup, pixel_calib_id, detname \
= self.find_calibrations(pixel_frame['type'], pixel_frame['class'])
illum_frame = {'type': 'illumflat', 'class': flatfield.FlatImages}
raw_illum_files, illum_cal_file, illum_calib_key, illum_setup, illum_calib_id, detname \
= self.find_calibrations(illum_frame['type'], illum_frame['class'])
raw_lampoff_files = self.fitstbl.find_frame_files('lampoffflats', calib_ID=self.calib_ID)
if len(raw_pixel_files) == 0 and pixel_cal_file is None \
and len(raw_illum_files) == 0 and illum_cal_file is None:
msgs.warn(f'No raw {pixel_frame["type"]} or {illum_frame["type"]} frames found and '
'unable to identify a relevant processed calibration frame. Continuing...')
self.flatimages = None
return self.flatimages
# If a processed calibration frame exists and we want to reuse it, do
# so. The processed pixel_flat takes precedence, and a warning is
# issued if both are present and not the same.
if illum_cal_file is not None and pixel_cal_file is not None \
and pixel_cal_file != illum_cal_file:
msgs.warn('Processed calibration frames were found for both pixel and '
'slit-illumination flats, and the files are not the same. Ignoring the '
'slit-illumination flat.')
cal_file = illum_cal_file if pixel_cal_file is None else pixel_cal_file
calib_key = illum_calib_key if pixel_calib_key is None else pixel_calib_key
setup = illum_setup if pixel_setup is None else pixel_setup
calib_id = illum_calib_id if pixel_calib_id is None else pixel_calib_id
if cal_file.exists() and self.reuse_calibs:
self.flatimages = flatfield.FlatImages.from_file(cal_file,
# Load user defined files
if self.par['flatfield']['pixelflat_file'] is not None:
# Load
msgs.info(f'Using user-defined file: {self.par["flatfield"]["pixelflat_file"]}')
with io.fits_open(self.par['flatfield']['pixelflat_file']) as hdu:
nrm_image = flatfield.FlatImages(pixelflat_norm=hdu[self.det].data)
self.flatimages = flatfield.merge(self.flatimages, nrm_image)
# update slits
return self.flatimages
# Generate the image(s) from scratch
pixelflatImages, illumflatImages = None, None
lampoff_flat = None
# Check if the image files are the same
pix_is_illum = Counter(raw_illum_files) == Counter(raw_pixel_files)
if len(raw_pixel_files) > 0:
# Reset the BPM
msgs.info('Creating pixel-flat calibration frame using files: ')
for f in raw_pixel_files:
pixel_flat = buildimage.buildimage_fromlist(self.spectrograph, self.det,
raw_pixel_files, dark=self.msdark,
bias=self.msbias, bpm=self.msbpm,
if len(raw_lampoff_files) > 0:
# Reset the BPM
msgs.info('Subtracting lamp off flats using files: ')
for f in raw_lampoff_files:
lampoff_flat = buildimage.buildimage_fromlist(self.spectrograph, self.det,
dark=self.msdark, bias=self.msbias,
bpm=self.msbpm, scattlight=self.msscattlight)
pixel_flat = pixel_flat.sub(lampoff_flat)
# Initialise the pixel flat
pixelFlatField = flatfield.FlatField(pixel_flat, self.spectrograph,
self.par['flatfield'], self.slits, self.wavetilts,
self.wv_calib, qa_path=self.qa_path,
# Generate
pixelflatImages = pixelFlatField.run(doqa=self.write_qa, show=self.show)
# Set flatimages in case we want to apply the pixel-to-pixel
# sensitivity corrections to the illumflat
self.flatimages = pixelflatImages
# Only build illum_flat if the input files are different from the pixel flat
if not pix_is_illum and len(raw_illum_files) > 0:
# Reset the BPM
msgs.info('Creating slit-illumination flat calibration frame using files: ')
for f in raw_illum_files:
illum_flat = buildimage.buildimage_fromlist(self.spectrograph, self.det,
self.par['illumflatframe'], raw_illum_files,
dark=self.msdark, bias=self.msbias, scattlight=self.msscattlight,
slits=self.slits, flatimages=self.flatimages, bpm=self.msbpm)
if len(raw_lampoff_files) > 0:
msgs.info('Subtracting lamp off flats using files: ')
for f in raw_lampoff_files:
if lampoff_flat is None:
lampoff_flat = buildimage.buildimage_fromlist(self.spectrograph, self.det,
illum_flat = illum_flat.sub(lampoff_flat)
# Initialise the illum flat
illumFlatField = flatfield.FlatField(illum_flat, self.spectrograph,
self.par['flatfield'], self.slits, self.wavetilts,
self.wv_calib, spat_illum_only=True,
qa_path=self.qa_path, calib_key=calib_key)
# Generate
illumflatImages = illumFlatField.run(doqa=self.write_qa, show=self.show)
# Merge the illum flat with the pixel flat
if pixelflatImages is not None:
# Combine the pixelflat and illumflat parameters into flatimages.
# This will merge the attributes of pixelflatImages that are not None
# with the attributes of illflatImages that are not None. Default is
# to take pixelflatImages.
self.flatimages = flatfield.merge(pixelflatImages, illumflatImages)
# No pixel flat, but there might be an illumflat. This will mean that
# the attributes prefixed with 'pixelflat_' will all be None.
self.flatimages = illumflatImages
if self.flatimages is not None:
self.flatimages.set_paths(self.calib_dir, setup, calib_id, detname)
# Save flat images
# Save slits too, in case they were tweaked
# Apply user-supplied images
# NOTE: These are the *final* images, not just a stack, and it will
# over-ride what is generated below (if generated).
# TODO: Why is this done after writing the image above? If we instead
# wrote the file after applying this user-defined pixelflat, we wouldn't
# need to re-read the user-provided file when ingesting the existing
# flat file. Is this to allow the user to change the pixel flat file?
# Should we allow that?
if self.par['flatfield']['pixelflat_file'] is not None:
# Load
msgs.info(f'Using user-defined file: {self.par["flatfield"]["pixelflat_file"]}')
with io.fits_open(self.par['flatfield']['pixelflat_file']) as hdu:
self.flatimages = flatfield.merge(self.flatimages,
return self.flatimages
def get_slits(self):
Load or generate the definition of the slit boundaries.
:class:`~pypeit.slittrace.SlitTraceSet`: Traces of the
slit edges; also kept internally as :attr:`slits`.
# Check for existing data
if not self._chk_objs(['msbpm']):
return None
# Check internals
self._chk_set(['det', 'calib_ID', 'par'])
# Prep
frame = {'type': 'trace', 'class': slittrace.SlitTraceSet}
raw_trace_files, cal_file, calib_key, setup, calib_id, detname \
= self.find_calibrations(frame['type'], frame['class'])
raw_lampoff_files = self.fitstbl.find_frame_files('lampoffflats', calib_ID=self.calib_ID)
if len(raw_trace_files) == 0 and cal_file is None:
msgs.warn(f'No raw {frame["type"]} frames found and unable to identify a relevant '
'processed calibration frame. Continuing...')
self.slits = None
return self.slits
# If a processed calibration frame exists and we want to reuse it, do
# so:
if cal_file.exists() and self.reuse_calibs:
self.slits = frame['class'].from_file(cal_file, chk_version=self.chk_version)
self.slits.mask = self.slits.mask_init.copy()
if self.user_slits is not None:
self.slits.user_mask(detname, self.user_slits)
return self.slits
# Slits don't exist or we're not resusing them. See if the Edges
# calibration frame exists.
edges_file = Path(edgetrace.EdgeTraceSet.construct_file_name(calib_key,
# If so, reuse it?
if edges_file.exists() and self.reuse_calibs:
# Yep! Load it and parse it into slits.
self.slits = edgetrace.EdgeTraceSet.from_file(edges_file,
# Write the slits calibration file
if self.user_slits is not None:
self.slits.user_mask(detname, self.user_slits)
return self.slits
# Need to build everything from scratch. Start with the trace image.
msgs.info('Creating edge tracing calibration frame using files: ')
for f in raw_trace_files:
# Reset the BPM
traceImage = buildimage.buildimage_fromlist(self.spectrograph, self.det,
self.par['traceframe'], raw_trace_files,
bias=self.msbias, bpm=self.msbpm,
dark=self.msdark, calib_dir=self.calib_dir,
setup=setup, calib_id=calib_id)
if len(raw_lampoff_files) > 0:
msgs.info('Subtracting lamp off flats using files: ')
for f in raw_lampoff_files:
# Reset the BPM
lampoff_flat = buildimage.buildimage_fromlist(self.spectrograph, self.det,
raw_lampoff_files, dark=self.msdark,
bias=self.msbias, scattlight=self.msscattlight,
traceImage = traceImage.sub(lampoff_flat)
edges = edgetrace.EdgeTraceSet(traceImage, self.spectrograph, self.par['slitedges'],
qa_path=self.qa_path, auto=True)
if not edges.success:
# Something went amiss
msgs.warn('Edge tracing failed. Continuing, but likely to fail soon...')
traceImage = None
edges = None
self.success = False
self.slits = None
return self.slits
# Save the result
# Show the result if requested
if self.show:
# Get the slits from the result of the edge tracing, delete
# the edges object, and save the slits, if requested
self.slits = edges.get_slits()
traceImage = None
edges = None
if self.user_slits is not None:
self.slits.user_mask(detname, self.user_slits)
return self.slits
def get_wv_calib(self):
Load or generate the 1D wavelength calibrations
:class:`~pypeit.wavecalib.WaveCalib`: Object containing wavelength
calibrations and the updated slit mask array.
# No wavelength calibration requested
if self.par['wavelengths']['reference'] == 'pixel':
msgs.info('Wavelength "reference" parameter set to "pixel"; no wavelength '
'calibration will be performed.')
self.wv_calib = None
return self.wv_calib
# Check for existing data
if not self._chk_objs(['msarc', 'msbpm', 'slits']):
msgs.warn('Not enough information to load/generate the wavelength calibration. '
'Skipping and may crash down the line')
return None
# Check internals
self._chk_set(['det', 'calib_ID', 'par'])
# Find the calibrations
frame = {'type': 'arc', 'class': wavecalib.WaveCalib}
raw_files, cal_file, calib_key, setup, calib_id, detname \
= self.find_calibrations(frame['type'], frame['class'])
if len(raw_files) == 0 and cal_file is None:
msgs.warn(f'No raw {frame["type"]} frames found and unable to identify a relevant '
'processed calibration frame. Continuing...')
self.wv_calib = None
return self.wv_calib
# If a processed calibration frame exists and
# we want to reuse it, do so (or just load it):
if cal_file.exists() and self.reuse_calibs:
# Load the file
self.wv_calib = wavecalib.WaveCalib.from_file(cal_file, chk_version=self.chk_version)
if self.par['wavelengths']['method'] == 'echelle':
msgs.info('Method set to Echelle -- checking wv_calib for 2dfits')
if not hasattr(self.wv_calib, 'wv_fit2d'):
msgs.error('There is no 2d fit in this Echelle wavelength '
'calibration! Please generate a new one with a 2d fit.')
# Return
if self.par['wavelengths']['redo_slits'] is None:
return self.wv_calib
# Determine lamp list to use for wavecalib
# Find all the arc frames in this calibration group
is_arc = self.fitstbl.find_frames('arc', calib_ID=self.calib_ID)
lamps = self.spectrograph.get_lamps(self.fitstbl[is_arc]) \
if self.par['wavelengths']['lamps'] == ['use_header'] \
else self.par['wavelengths']['lamps']
meta_dict = dict(self.fitstbl[is_arc][0]) \
if self.spectrograph.pypeline == 'Echelle' \
and not self.spectrograph.ech_fixed_format else None
# Instantiate
# TODO: Pull out and pass only the necessary parts of meta_dict to
# this, or include the relevant parts as parameters. See comments
# in PRs #1454 and #1476 on this.
# TODO: (Added 30 Mar 2023) The need for the meta_dict is for echelle
# wavelength calibration. Create EchelleCalibrations and
# EchelleBuildWaveCalib subclasses instead..
msgs.info(f'Preparing a {wavecalib.WaveCalib.calib_type} calibration frame.')
waveCalib = wavecalib.BuildWaveCalib(self.msarc, self.slits, self.spectrograph,
self.par['wavelengths'], lamps, meta_dict=meta_dict,
det=self.det, qa_path=self.qa_path)
self.wv_calib = waveCalib.run(skip_QA=(not self.write_qa),
# If orders were found, save slits to disk
# or if redo_slits
if (self.par['wavelengths']['redo_slits'] is not None) or (
self.spectrograph.pypeline == 'Echelle' and not self.spectrograph.ech_fixed_format):
# Save calibration frame
# Return
return self.wv_calib
def get_tilts(self):
Load or generate the wavelength tilts calibration frame
:class:`~pypeit.wavetilts.WaveTilts`: Object containing the
wavelength tilt calibration.
# Check for existing data
# TODO: add mstilt_inmask to this list when it gets implemented.
if not self._chk_objs(['mstilt', 'msbpm', 'slits', 'wv_calib']):
msgs.warn('Do not have all the necessary objects for tilts. Skipping and may crash '
'down the line.')
return None
# Check internals
self._chk_set(['det', 'calib_ID', 'par'])
# Find the calibrations
frame = {'type': 'tilt', 'class': wavetilts.WaveTilts}
raw_files, cal_file, calib_key, setup, calib_id, detname \
= self.find_calibrations(frame['type'], frame['class'])
if len(raw_files) == 0 and cal_file is None:
msgs.warn(f'No raw {frame["type"]} frames found and unable to identify a relevant '
'processed calibration frame. Continuing...')
self.wavetilts = None
return self.wavetilts
# If a processed calibration frame exists and we want to reuse it, do
# so:
if cal_file.exists() and self.reuse_calibs:
self.wavetilts = wavetilts.WaveTilts.from_file(cal_file, chk_version=self.chk_version)
return self.wavetilts
# Get flexure
_spat_flexure = self.mstilt.spat_flexure \
if self.par['tiltframe']['process']['spat_flexure_correct'] else None
# Build
buildwaveTilts = wavetilts.BuildWaveTilts(
self.mstilt, self.slits, self.spectrograph, self.par['tilts'],
self.par['wavelengths'], det=self.det, qa_path=self.qa_path,
# TODO still need to deal with syntax for LRIS ghosts. Maybe we don't need it
self.wavetilts = buildwaveTilts.run(doqa=self.write_qa, show=self.show)
return self.wavetilts
def run_the_steps(self):
Run full the full recipe of calibration steps.
self.success = True
for step in self.steps:
getattr(self, f'get_{step}')()
if not self.success:
self.failed_step = f'get_{step}'
msgs.info("Calibration complete and/or fully loaded!")
def _chk_set(self, items):
Check whether a needed attribute has previously been set
items (list): Attributes to check
for item in items:
if getattr(self, item) is None:
msgs.error("Use self.set to specify '{:s}' prior to generating XX".format(item))
# This is specific to `self.ms*` attributes
def _chk_objs(self, items):
Check that the input items exist internally as attributes
items (list):
bool: True if all exist
for obj in items:
if getattr(self, obj) is None:
msgs.warn("You need to generate {:s} prior to this calibration..".format(obj))
# Strip ms
iobj = obj[2:] if obj[0:2] == 'ms' else obj
msgs.warn("Use get_{:s}".format(iobj))
return False
return True
def __repr__(self):
# Generate sets string
txt = '<{:s}: frame={}, det={}, calib_ID={}'.format(self.__class__.__name__,
txt += '>'
return txt
def get_association(fitstbl, spectrograph, caldir, setup, calib_ID, det, must_exist=True,
subset=None, include_science=False, proc_only=False):
Construct a dictionary with the association between raw files and
processed calibration frames.
fitstbl (:class:`~pypeit.metadata.PypeItMetaData`):
The class holding the metadata for all the frames to process.
spectrograph (:obj:`pypeit.spectrographs.spectrograph.Spectrograph`):
Spectrograph object
caldir (:obj:`str`, `Path`_):
Path for the processed calibration frames.
setup (:obj:`str`):
The setup/configuration of the association.
calib_ID (:obj:`str`, :obj:`int`):
The *single* calibration group of the association.
det (:obj:`int`, :obj:`tuple`):
The detector/mosaic of the association.
must_exist (:obj:`bool`, optional):
If True, only *existing* calibration frames in the association
are included. If False, the nominal set of processed
calibration frame file names are returned, regardless of whether
or not they exist.
subset (`numpy.ndarray`_, optional):
A boolean array selecting a subset of rows from ``fitstbl`` for
include_science (:obj:`bool`, optional):
Include science and standard frames in the association. This
parameter is mutually exclusive with ``proc_only``; if both are
true, ``proc_only`` takes precedence.
proc_only (:obj:`bool`, optional):
If True, only return a dictionary with the names of the
processed calibration frames. The dictionary sets the
calibration directory to ``DIR``, and the other keys are the
capitalized versions of the calibration type keywords; e.g.,
``asn['ARC']`` is the processed arc frame. This parameter is
mutually exclusive with ``include_science``; if both are true,
``proc_only`` takes precedence.
:obj:`dict`: The set of raw and processed calibration frames
associated with the selected calibration group. This only includes
the processed frames if ``proc_only`` is True, and it includes the
science/standard frames if ``include_science`` is True.
if fitstbl.calib_groups is None:
msgs.error('Calibration groups have not been defined!')
if include_science and proc_only:
msgs.warn('Requested to include the science/standard frames and to only return the '
'processed calibration frames. Ignoring former request.')
# Set the calibrations path
_caldir = str(Path(caldir).absolute())
# This defines the classes used by each frametype that results in an
# output calibration frame:
frame_calibrations = {'align': [alignframe.Alignments],
'arc': [buildimage.ArcImage, wavecalib.WaveCalib],
'bias': [buildimage.BiasImage],
'dark': [buildimage.DarkImage],
'pixelflat': [flatfield.FlatImages],
'illumflat': [flatfield.FlatImages],
'lampoffflats': [flatfield.FlatImages],
'trace': [edgetrace.EdgeTraceSet, slittrace.SlitTraceSet],
'tilt': [buildimage.TiltImage, wavetilts.WaveTilts]
# Get the name of the detector/mosaic
detname = spectrograph.get_det_name(det)
# Find the unique configuations in the metaddata
asn = {}
setups = fitstbl.unique_configurations(copy=True, rm_none=True)
if setup not in setups:
msgs.warn(f'Requested setup {setup} is invalid. Choose from {",".join(setups)}.')
return asn
# Subset to output
if subset is None:
subset = np.ones(len(fitstbl), dtype=bool)
in_setup = fitstbl.find_configuration(setup) & subset
if not any(in_setup):
# There are no frames in this configuration
return asn
# Find all the frames in this calibration group
in_grp = fitstbl.find_calib_group(calib_ID) & in_setup
if not any(in_grp):
# There are no frames in this calibration group
return asn
# Iterate through each frame type and add the raw and processed
# calibration frames
for frametype, calib_classes in frame_calibrations.items():
indx = fitstbl.find_frames(frametype) & in_grp
if not any(indx):
if not all(fitstbl['calib'][indx] == fitstbl['calib'][indx][0]):
msgs.error(f'CODING ERROR: All {frametype} frames in group {calib_ID} '
'are not all associated with the same subset of calibration '
'groups; calib for the first file is '
calib_key = CalibFrame.construct_calib_key(setup, fitstbl['calib'][indx][0], detname)
asn[frametype] = {}
asn[frametype]['raw'] = fitstbl.frame_paths(indx)
asn[frametype]['proc'] \
= [str(calib_class.construct_file_name(calib_key, calib_dir=_caldir))
for calib_class in frame_calibrations[frametype]]
if must_exist:
# Only include the processed calibration frames found on disk
asn[frametype]['proc'] \
= [file for file in asn[frametype]['proc'] if Path(file).exists()]
if proc_only:
# Trim down the dictionary to only include the calibration directory
# and the processed calibration frames. This is a bit of a hack so
# that this function can be used to construct some of the header
# keys for the spec2d files.
files = {}
for key, val in asn.items():
if not isinstance(val, dict) or 'proc' not in val:
for file in val['proc']:
_file = Path(file).absolute()
# NOTE: This assumes the calib_type (i.e., the class
# attribute of the processed calibration frame) is the first
# element of the output file name. If we change the
# calibration frame naming convention, this will need to be
# updated.
calib_type = _file.name.split('_')[0].upper()
files['DIR'] = str(_file.parent)
files[calib_type] = _file.name
return files
if include_science:
# Include the raw science and standard frames associated with this
# calibration group. This does *not* include any processed
# spec2d/spec1d file names.
for frametype in ['science', 'standard']:
indx = fitstbl.find_frames(frametype) & in_grp
if not any(indx):
asn[frametype] = fitstbl.frame_paths(indx)
return asn
def association_summary(ofile, fitstbl, spectrograph, caldir, subset=None, det=None,
Write a file listing the associations between the processed calibration
frames and their source raw files for every setup and every calibration
ofile (:obj:`str`, `Path`_):
Full path to the output file.
fitstbl (:class:`~pypeit.metadata.PypeItMetaData`):
The class holding the metadata for all the frames to process.
spectrograph (:obj:`pypeit.spectrographs.spectrograph.Spectrograph`):
Spectrograph object
caldir (:obj:`str`, `Path`_):
Path for the processed calibration frames.
subset (`numpy.ndarray`_, optional):
A boolean array selecting a subset of rows from ``fitstbl`` for
det (:obj:`int`, :obj:`tuple`, optional):
The specific detector (or mosaic) to use when constructing the
output processed calibration group file names. If None, a
placeholder is used.
overwrite (:obj:`bool`, optional):
Overwrite any existing file of the same name.
if fitstbl.calib_groups is None:
msgs.error('Calibration groups have not been defined!')
_ofile = Path(ofile).absolute()
if _ofile.exists() and not overwrite:
msgs.error(f'{_ofile} exists! To overwrite, set overwrite=True.')
_det = 1 if det is None else det
detname = spectrograph.get_det_name(_det)
# Subset to output
if subset is None:
subset = np.ones(len(fitstbl), dtype=bool)
# Find the unique configuations in the metaddata
setups = fitstbl.unique_configurations(copy=True, rm_none=True)
asn = {}
# Iterate through each setup
for setup in setups.keys():
asn[setup] = {}
asn[setup]['--'] = deepcopy(setups[setup])
in_setup = fitstbl.find_configuration(setup) & subset
if not any(in_setup):
# Iterate through each calibration group
for calib_ID in fitstbl.calib_groups:
# Find all the frames in this calibration group
in_grp = fitstbl.find_calib_group(calib_ID) & in_setup
if not any(in_grp):
asn[setup][calib_ID] \
= Calibrations.get_association(fitstbl, spectrograph, caldir, setup,
calib_ID, _det, must_exist=False,
subset=subset, include_science=True)
# Write it
with open(_ofile, 'w') as ff:
ff.write('# Auto-generated calibration association file using PypeIt version: '
f' {__version__}\n')
ff.write(f'# UTC {datetime.now(__UTC__).isoformat(timespec="milliseconds")}\n')
if det is None:
ff.write(f'# NOTE: {detname} is a placeholder for the reduced detectors/mosaics\n')
msgs.info(f'Calibration association file written to: {_ofile}')
class MultiSlitCalibrations(Calibrations):
Calibration class for performing multi-slit calibrations (and also long-slit
and echelle). See :class:`Calibrations` for arguments.
.. note::
Calibrations are not sufficiently different yet to warrant a different
class for echelle reductions. This may change if a different order is
eventually required for the set of processing steps (see
def default_steps():
This defines the calibration steps and their order.
:obj:`list`: Calibration steps, in order of execution.
# Order matters! And the name must match a viable "get_{step}" method
# in Calibrations.
# TODO: Does the bpm need to be done after the dark?
return ['bias', 'dark', 'bpm', 'slits', 'arc', 'tiltimg', 'wv_calib', 'tilts', 'scattlight', 'flats']
class IFUCalibrations(Calibrations):
Child of Calibrations class for performing IFU calibrations. See
:class:`Calibrations` for arguments.
def default_steps():
This defines the steps for calibrations and their order
list: Calibration steps, in order of execution
# Order matters!
return ['bias', 'dark', 'bpm', 'arc', 'tiltimg', 'slits', 'wv_calib', 'tilts', 'align',
'scattlight', 'flats']
def check_for_calibs(par, fitstbl, raise_error=True, cut_cfg=None):
Perform a somewhat quick and dirty check to see if the user
has provided all of the calibration frametype's to reduce
the science frames
par (:class:`~pypeit.par.pypeitpar.PypeItPar`):
fitstbl (:class:`~pypeit.metadata.PypeItMetaData`, None):
The class holding the metadata for all the frames in this
PypeIt run.
raise_error (:obj:`bool`, optional):
If True, crash out
cut_cfg (`numpy.ndarray`_, optional):
Also cut on this restricted configuration (mainly for chk_calibs)
bool: True if we passed all checks
if cut_cfg is None:
cut_cfg = np.ones(len(fitstbl), dtype=bool)
pass_calib = True
# Find the science frames
is_science = fitstbl.find_frames('science')
# Frame indices
frame_indx = np.arange(len(fitstbl))
for calib_ID in fitstbl.calib_groups:
in_grp = fitstbl.find_calib_group(calib_ID)
if not np.any(is_science & in_grp & cut_cfg):
grp_science = frame_indx[is_science & in_grp & cut_cfg]
u_combid = np.unique(fitstbl['comb_id'][grp_science])
for j, comb_id in enumerate(u_combid):
frames = np.where(fitstbl['comb_id'] == comb_id)[0]
# Arc, tilt, science
for ftype in ['arc', 'tilt', 'science', 'trace']:
rows = fitstbl.find_frames(ftype, calib_ID=calib_ID, index=True)
if len(rows) == 0:
# Fail
msg = f'No frames of type={ftype} provided. Add them to your PypeIt file ' \
'if this is a standard run!'
pass_calib = False
if raise_error:
# Explore science frame
for key, ftype in zip(['use_biasimage', 'use_darkimage', 'use_pixelflat',
'use_illumflat'], ['bias', 'dark', 'pixelflat', 'illumflat']):
if par['scienceframe']['process'][key]:
rows = fitstbl.find_frames(ftype, calib_ID=calib_ID, index=True)
if len(rows) == 0:
# Allow for pixelflat inserted
if ftype == 'pixelflat' \
and par['calibrations']['flatfield']['pixelflat_file'] is not None:
# Otherwise fail
msg = f'No frames of type={ftype} provide for the *{key}* processing ' \
'step. Add them to your PypeIt file!'
pass_calib = False
if raise_error:
if pass_calib:
msgs.info("Congrats!! You passed the calibrations inspection!!")
return pass_calib