Source code for pypeit.bitmask

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Base class for handling bit masks.

Class usage examples

.. include:: ../include/bitmask_usage.rst

.. include common links, assuming primary doc root is up one directory
.. include:: ../include/links.rst

from IPython import embed
import numpy
import os
import textwrap

[docs] class BitMask: r""" Generic class to handle and manipulate bitmasks. The input list of bit names (keys) must be unique, except that values of 'NULL' are ignored. The index in the input keys determines the bit value; 'NULL' keys are included in the count. For example:: >>> from pypeit.bitmask import BitMask >>> keys = [ 'key1', 'key2', 'NULL', 'NULL', 'key3' ] >>> bm = BitMask(keys) >>> Bit: key1 = 0 Bit: key2 = 1 Bit: key3 = 4 .. todo:: - Have the class keep the mask values internally instead of having it only operate on the mask array... Args: keys (:obj:`str`, :obj:`list`): List of keys (or single key) to use as the bit name. Each key is given a bit number ranging from 0..N-1. descr (:obj:`str`, :obj:`list`, optional): List of descriptions (or single discription) provided by :func:`info` for each bit. No descriptions by default. Raises: ValueError: Raised if more than 64 bits are provided. TypeError: Raised if the provided `keys` do not have the correct type. Attributes: nbits (int): Number of bits bits (dict): A dictionary with the bit name and value descr (`numpy.ndarray`_): List of bit descriptions max_value (int): The maximum valid bitmask value given the number of bits. """ prefix = 'BIT' version = None def __init__(self, keys, descr=None): _keys = keys if hasattr(keys, '__iter__') else [keys] _keys = numpy.atleast_1d(_keys).ravel() _descr = None if descr is None else numpy.atleast_1d(descr).ravel() # if not numpy.all([isinstance(k, str) for k in _keys]): # raise TypeError('Input keys must have string type.') if _descr is not None: if not all([isinstance(d, str) for d in _descr]): raise TypeError('Input descriptions must have string type.') if len(_descr) != len(_keys): raise ValueError('Number of listed descriptions not the same as number of keys.') # Do not allow for more that 64 bits if len(_keys) > 64: raise ValueError('Can only define up to 64 bits!') # Allow for multiple NULL keys; but check the rest for # uniqueness diff = set(_keys) - set(['NULL']) if len(diff) != numpy.unique(_keys[[k != 'NULL' for k in _keys]]).size: raise ValueError('All input keys must be unique.') # Initialize the attributes self.nbits = len(_keys) self.bits = { k:i for i,k in enumerate(_keys) } self.max_value = (1 << self.nbits)-1 self.descr = _descr
[docs] def _prep_flags(self, flag): """Prep the flags for use.""" # Flags must be a numpy array _flag = numpy.array(self.keys()) if flag is None else numpy.atleast_1d(flag).ravel() # NULL flags not allowed if numpy.any([f == 'NULL' for f in _flag]): raise ValueError('Flag name NULL is not allowed.') # Flags should be among the bitmask keys, and they need not be strings. indx = numpy.array([f not in self.keys() for f in _flag]) if numpy.any(indx): raise ValueError('The following bit names are not recognized: {0}'.format( ', '.join(_flag[indx].astype(str)))) return _flag
[docs] @staticmethod def _fill_sequence(keys, vals, descr=None): r""" Fill bit sequence with NULL keys if bit values are not sequential. The instantiation of :class:`BitMask` does not include the value of the bit, it just assumes that the bits are in sequence such that the first key has a value of 0, and the last key has a value of N-1. This is a convenience function that fills the list of keys with 'NULL' for bit values that are non-sequential. This is used primarily for instantiation the BitMask from bits written to a file where the NULL bits have been skipped. Args: keys (:obj:`list`, :obj:`str`): Bit names vals (:obj:`list`, :obj:`int`): Bit values descr (:obj:`list`, :obj:`str`, optional): The description of each bit. If None, no bit descriptions are defined. Returns: `numpy.ndarray`_: Three 1D arrays with the filled keys, values, and descriptions. Raises: ValueError: Raised if a bit value is less than 0. """ _keys = numpy.atleast_1d(keys).ravel() _vals = numpy.atleast_1d(vals).ravel() _descr = None if descr is None else numpy.atleast_1d(descr).ravel() if numpy.amin(_vals) < 0: raise ValueError('No bit cannot be less than 0!') minv = numpy.amin(_vals) maxv = numpy.amax(_vals) if minv != 0 or maxv != len(_vals)-1: diff = list(set(numpy.arange(maxv)) - set(_vals)) _vals = numpy.append(_vals, diff) _keys = numpy.append(_keys, numpy.array(['NULL']*len(diff))) if _descr is not None: _descr = numpy.append(_descr, numpy.array(['']*len(diff))) return _keys, _vals, _descr
[docs] def keys(self): """ Return a list of the bit keywords. Keywords are sorted by their bit value and 'NULL' keywords are ignored. Returns: list: List of bit keywords. """ k = numpy.array(list(self.bits.keys())) return k[[_k != 'NULL' for _k in k]].tolist()
[docs] def info(self): """ Print the list of bits and, if available, their descriptions. """ try: tr, tcols = numpy.array(os.popen('stty size', 'r').read().split()).astype(int) tcols -= int(tcols*0.1) except: tr = None tcols = None for k,v in sorted(self.bits.items(), key=lambda x:(x[1],x[0])): if k == 'NULL': continue print(' Bit: {0} = {1}'.format(k,v)) if self.descr is not None: if tcols is not None: print(textwrap.fill(' Description: {0}'.format(self.descr[v]), tcols)) else: print(' Description: {0}'.format(self.descr[v])) print(' ')
[docs] def minimum_dtype(self, asuint=False): """ Return the smallest int datatype that is needed to contain all the bits in the mask. Output as an unsigned int if requested. Args: asuint (:obj:`bool`, optional): Return an unsigned integer type. Signed types are returned by default. .. warning:: uses int16 if the number of bits is less than 8 and asuint=False because of issue has writing int8 values. """ if self.nbits < 8: return numpy.uint8 if asuint else numpy.int16 if self.nbits < 16: return numpy.uint16 if asuint else numpy.int16 if self.nbits < 32: return numpy.uint32 if asuint else numpy.int32 return numpy.uint64 if asuint else numpy.int64
[docs] def flagged(self, value, flag=None, exclude=None, and_not=None): """ Determine if a bit is on in the provided integer(s). The function can be used to determine if any individual bit is on or any one of many bits is on. Args: value (int, array-like): Bitmask value. It should be less than or equal to :attr:`max_value`; however, that is not checked. flag (str, array-like, optional): One or more bit names to check. If None, then it checks if *any* bit is on. exclude (str, array-like, optional): One or more bit names to *exclude* from the check. If None, all flags are included in the check. and_not (str, array-like, optional): One or more bit names to ensure are *not* selected by the check. I.e., if this bit is flagged the returned value is false, even if other selected bits *are* flagged. See examples. If None, functionality ignored. Returns: bool, `numpy.ndarray`_: Boolean flags that the provided flags (or any flag) is on for the provided bitmask value. If a numpy array, the shape is the same as ``value``. Raises: KeyError: Raised by the dict data type if the input *flag* is not one of the valid bitmask names. TypeError: Raised if the provided *flag* does not contain one or more strings. Example: Let the BitMask object have two flags, 'A' and 'B', and a bit array ``v``, such that: >>> import numpy >>> from pypeit.bitmask import BitMask >>> bm = BitMask(['A', 'B']) >>> v = numpy.arange(4).astype(numpy.int16) >>> v array([0, 1, 2, 3], dtype=int16) >>> print([bm.flagged_bits(_v) for _v in v]) [[], ['A'], ['B'], ['A', 'B']] This function will return a boolean array that indicates where flags are turned on in each bit value. - To find if a specific bit is on: >>> bm.flagged(v, flag='A') array([False, True, False, True]) - To find if *any* bit is on: >>> bm.flagged(v) array([False, True, True, True]) This is identical to: >>> bm.flagged(v, flag=['A', 'B']) array([False, True, True, True]) or a logical-or combination of all the bits: >>> bm.flagged(v, flag='A') | bm.flagged(v, flag='B') array([False, True, True, True]) - To find if any bit is on except for a given subset, use the ``exclude`` keyword: >>> bm.flagged(v, exclude='A') array([False, False, True, True]) This is identical to: >>> bm.flagged(v, flag='B') array([False, False, True, True]) Obviously, this is more useful when there are many flags and you're only trying to exclude a few. - To find if a set of bits are on *and* a different set of bits are *not* on, use the ``and_not`` keyword: >>> bm.flagged(v, and_not='B') array([False, True, False, False]) This is equivalent to: >>> bm.flagged(v, flag=['A', 'B'], and_not='B') array([False, True, False, False]) and: >>> bm.flagged(v) & numpy.logical_not(bm.flagged(v, flag='B')) array([False, True, False, False]) Note that the returned values are False if the bit indicates that flag 'B' is on, even though flag 'B' was in the list provided to the ``flag`` keyword; i.e., the use of ``and_not`` supersedes any elements of ``flag``. - Currently there is no functionality that performs a logical-and combination of flags. """ _flag = self._prep_flags(flag) if exclude is not None: # Remove the bits to exclude _exclude = numpy.atleast_1d(exclude) if not numpy.all(numpy.isin(_exclude, self.keys())): raise ValueError(f'Not all exclude flags are valid: {exclude}') _flag = numpy.setdiff1d(_flag, _exclude) # Bits to expunge _and_not = None if and_not is None else self.flagged(value, and_not) out = value & (1 << self.bits[_flag[0]]) != 0 for i in range(1,len(_flag)): out |= (value & (1 << self.bits[_flag[i]]) != 0) return out if _and_not is None else out & numpy.logical_not(_and_not)
[docs] def flagged_bits(self, value): """ Return the list of flagged bit names for a single bit value. Args: value (int): Bitmask value. It should be less than or equal to :attr:`max_value`; however, that is not checked. Returns: list: List of flagged bit value keywords. Raises: KeyError: Raised by the dict data type if the input *flag* is not one of the valid bitmask names. TypeError: Raised if the provided *flag* does not contain one or more strings. """ if not numpy.issubdtype(type(value), numpy.integer): raise TypeError('Input must be a single integer.') if value <= 0: return [] keys = numpy.array(self.keys()) indx = numpy.array([1<<self.bits[k] & value != 0 for k in keys]) return (keys[indx]).tolist()
[docs] def toggle(self, value, flag): """ Toggle a bit in the provided bitmask value. Args: value (int, array-like): Bitmask value. It should be less than or equal to :attr:`max_value`; however, that is not checked. flag (str, array-like): Bit name(s) to toggle. Returns: array-like: New bitmask value after toggling the selected bit. Raises: ValueError: Raised if the provided flag is None. """ if flag is None: raise ValueError('Provided bit name cannot be None.') _flag = self._prep_flags(flag) out = value ^ (1 << self.bits[_flag[0]]) if len(_flag) == 1: return out.astype(value.dtype) nn = len(_flag) for i in range(1,nn): out ^= (1 << self.bits[_flag[i]]) return out.astype(value.dtype)
[docs] def turn_on(self, value, flag): """ Ensure that a bit is turned on in the provided bitmask value. Args: value (:obj:`int`, `numpy.ndarray`_): Bitmask value. It should be less than or equal to :attr:`max_value`; however, that is not checked. flag (:obj:`list`, `numpy.ndarray`, :obj:`str`): Bit name(s) to turn on. Returns: :obj:`int`: New bitmask value after turning on the selected bit. Raises: ValueError: Raised by the dict data type if the input ``flag`` is not one of the valid bitmask names or if it is None. """ if flag is None: raise ValueError('Provided bit name cannot be None.') _flag = self._prep_flags(flag) out = value | (1 << self.bits[_flag[0]]) if len(_flag) == 1: return out.astype(value.dtype) nn = len(_flag) for i in range(1,nn): out |= (1 << self.bits[_flag[i]]) return out.astype(value.dtype)
[docs] def turn_off(self, value, flag): """ Ensure that a bit is turned off in the provided bitmask value. Args: value (int, array-like): Bitmask value. It should be less than or equal to :attr:`max_value`; however, that is not checked. flag (str, array-like): Bit name(s) to turn off. Returns: int: New bitmask value after turning off the selected bit. Raises: ValueError: Raised by the dict data type if the input ``flag`` is not one of the valid bitmask names or if it is None. """ if flag is None: raise ValueError('Provided bit name cannot be None.') _flag = self._prep_flags(flag) out = value & ~(1 << self.bits[_flag[0]]) if len(_flag) == 1: return out.astype(value.dtype) nn = len(_flag) for i in range(1,nn): out &= ~(1 << self.bits[_flag[i]]) return out.astype(value.dtype)
[docs] def consolidate(self, value, flag_set, consolidated_flag): """ Consolidate a set of flags into a single flag. """ indx = self.flagged(value, flag=flag_set) value[indx] = self.turn_on(value[indx], consolidated_flag) return value
[docs] def unpack(self, value, flag=None): """ Construct boolean arrays with the selected bits flagged. Args: value (`numpy.ndarray`_): The bitmask values to unpack. flag (:obj:`str`, :obj:`list`, optional): The specific bits to unpack. If None, all values are unpacked. Returns: tuple: A tuple of boolean `numpy.ndarray`_ objects flagged according to each bit. """ _flag = self._prep_flags(flag) return tuple([self.flagged(value, flag=f) for f in _flag])
[docs] def to_dict(self, prefix=None): """ Write the bits to a dictionary. The keys of the dictionary are identical to those use to write the bitmask to a FITS header. Args: prefix (:obj:`str`, optional): Prefix to use for the dictionary keywords, which overwrites the string defined for the class. If None, uses the default for the class. Returns: :obj:`dict`: Dictionary where the keyword is the prefix and the bit number, and the value is the bit flag name. """ if prefix is None: prefix = self.prefix maxbit = max(list(self.bits.values())) ndig = int(numpy.log10(maxbit))+1 bits = {} for key, value in sorted(self.bits.items(), key=lambda x:(x[1],x[0])): if key == 'NULL': continue bits[f'{prefix}{str(value).zfill(ndig)}'] = key return bits
[docs] def to_header(self, hdr, prefix=None): """ Write the bits to a fits header. The header is edited in place! .. todo:: - This is very similar to the function in ParSet. Abstract to a general routine? - The comment might have a limited length and be truncated. Args: hdr (``_): Header object for the parameters. Modified in-place. prefix (:obj:`str`, optional): Prefix to use for the header keywords, which overwrites the string defined for the class. If None, uses the default for the class. """ if prefix is None: prefix = self.prefix bits = self.to_dict(prefix=prefix) for hdr_key, bit_key in bits.items(): i = int(hdr_key.replace(prefix, '')) hdr[hdr_key] = (bit_key, self.descr[i])
[docs] @classmethod def from_header(cls, hdr, prefix=None): """ Instantiate the BitMask using data parsed from a fits header. .. todo:: - This is very similar to the function in ParSet. Abstract to a general routine? - If comments are truncated by the comment line length, they'll be different than a direct instantiation. Args: hdr (``): Header object with the bits. prefix (:obj:`str`, optional): Prefix of the relevant header keywords, which overwrites the string defined for the class. If None, uses the default for the class. """ if prefix is None: prefix = cls.prefix # Parse the bits from the header keys, values, descr = cls.parse_bits_from_hdr(hdr, prefix) # Fill in any missing bits keys, values, descr = cls._fill_sequence(keys, values, descr=descr) # Make sure the bits are sorted srt = numpy.argsort(values) # Instantiate the BitMask return cls(keys[srt], descr=descr[srt])
[docs] @staticmethod def parse_bits_from_hdr(hdr, prefix): """ Parse bit names, values, and descriptions from a fits header. .. todo:: - This is very similar to the function in ParSet. Abstract to a general routine? Args: hdr (``): Header object with the bits. prefix (:obj:`str`): The prefix used for the header keywords. Returns: Three lists are returned providing the bit names, values, and descriptions. """ keys = [] values = [] descr = [] for k, v in hdr.items(): # Check if this header keyword starts with the required # prefix if k[:len(prefix)] == prefix: try: # Try to convert the keyword without the prefix # into an integer. Bits are 0 indexed and written # to the header that way. i = int(k[len(prefix):]) except ValueError: # Assume the value is some other random keyword that # starts with the prefix but isn't a parameter continue # Assume we've found a bit entry. Parse the bit name # and description and add to the compiled list keys += [v] values += [i] descr += [hdr.comments[k]] return keys, values, descr
[docs] def correct_flag_order(self, flags): """ Check if the provided flags are in the correct order compared to the current definition of the object. Args: flags (:obj:`list`): A list of strings that *must* be in the order of the bit numbers. I.e., bit 0 uses the string in the first element of the list, bit 1 uses the second element, etc. The number of flags does not need to exactly match the current set of flags. It can be longer or shorter, so long as it begins with the first flag. Returns: :obj:`bool`: Indicates if the provides flags are in the correct order. """ cls_flags = list(self.keys()) for i, flag in enumerate(flags): if i >= self.nbits: break if cls_flags[i] != flag: return False return True