Module for abstracting common code used in archiving files and metadata.
This module splits archiving functionality into ArchiveMetadata and ArchiveDir
classes. ArchiveMetadata is responsible for archiving metadata from objects
and ArchiveDir is responsible for archiving files.
What types of files and what metadata is archived is delegated to a
``get_metdadata_func`` function provided by the caller. It's signature is:
The object to be archived.
tuple: metadata, files_to_copy
metadata (list of list of str):
The metadata rows read from the object. One object can result
in multiple rows. Each row is a list of strings.
files_to_copy (iterable):
An iterable of tuples. Each tuple has a src file to copy to the archive
and a destination pathname for that file in the archive. The destination
pathname is relative to the archive's root directory.
Below is an example ``get_metadata_func`` function that gets metadata for a single fits file and
archives it in a directory based on observation date::
import os.path
from astropy.io import fits
from astropy.time import Time
def get_target_metadata(file_info):
header = fits.getheader(file_info)
# Determine the path within the archive to store the file. The subdir
# has the format YYYYMM based on the observation date.
mjd = header['MJD']
subdir_name = Time(mjd, format='mjd').strftime("%Y%m")
dest_pathname = os.path.join(subdir_name, os.path.basename(file_info))
# Return a single data row with a column for file name, date and target
data_rows = [ [dest_pathname, mjd, header['TARGET']] ]
return (data_rows, [(file_info, dest_pathname)])
.. include common links, assuming primary doc root is up one directory
.. include:: ../include/links.rst
import os
import shutil
from astropy.io import ascii
from astropy.table import Table
from pypeit import msgs
class ArchiveDir():
Copies files to a directory for archival purposes.
One or more ArchiveMetadata objects are associated with this
ArchiveDir, and those metadata files are also stored in the archive.
These objects also translate the passed in objects to filenames to
copy into the archive.
archive_root (str):
Root directory where the files and metadata will be placed.
This will be created if needed.
metadata_list (:obj:`ArchiveMetadata`):
One or more ArchiveMetadata objects responsible for translating
objects passed to the archive to paths for copying.
def __init__(self, archive_root, metadata_list, copy_to_archive=True):
self.archive_root = archive_root
self.metadata_list = metadata_list
self._copy_files = copy_to_archive
def add(self, items):
Adds items to the archive.
items (object, or iterable):
The item or iterable object of items to add to the archive. The items
will be passed to a ArchiveMetadata object so that
metadata and file names can be read from it.
# Allow any iterable object, or a single object, by testing the "iter"
# built in function. If it fails, then it's a single object
# It's iterable, it could also be a str which we want to treat it as a single object
if isinstance(items, str):
items = [items]
except TypeError:
# A single object, wrap it in a list
items = [items]
for item in items:
for metadata in self.metadata_list:
files_to_copy = metadata.add(item)
if files_to_copy is not None:
for source_file, dest_file in files_to_copy:
self._archive_file(source_file, dest_file)
def save(self):
Saves the metadata in this class to IPAC files in the archive directory
for metadata in self.metadata_list:
def _archive_file(self, orig_file, dest_file):
Copies a file to the archive directory, if copying
is enable.
orig_file (str): Path to the file to copy.
dest_file (str): Relative path to the file to copy.
str: The full path to the new copy in the archive.
if self._copy_files is False or orig_file is None:
return orig_file
if not os.path.exists(orig_file):
msgs.error(f'File {orig_file} does not exist')
full_dest_path = os.path.join(self.archive_root, dest_file)
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(full_dest_path), exist_ok=True)
msgs.info(f'Copying {orig_file} to archive root {self.archive_root}')
shutil.copy2(orig_file, full_dest_path)
msgs.error(f'Failed to copy {orig_file} to {full_dest_path}')
return full_dest_path