Source code for pypeit.alignframe

Module for generating an Alignment image to map constant spatial locations

.. include common links, assuming primary doc root is up one directory
.. include:: ../include/links.rst
import inspect
import numpy as np
from IPython import embed
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d, RegularGridInterpolator

from pypeit.display import display
from pypeit.core import findobj_skymask
from pypeit import datamodel
from pypeit import calibframe
from pypeit import msgs

[docs] class Alignments(calibframe.CalibFrame): """ Calibration frame holding result of slit alignment processing. All of the items in the datamodel are required for instantiation, although they can be None (but shouldn't be) The datamodel attributes are: .. include:: ../include/class_datamodel_alignments.rst """ version = '1.1.0' # Calibration frame attributes calib_type = 'Alignment' calib_file_format = 'fits' # Datamodel already includes PYP_SPEC, so no need to combine it with the # CalibFrame base datamodel. datamodel = {'PYP_SPEC': dict(otype=str, descr='PypeIt spectrograph name'), 'alignframe': dict(otype=np.ndarray, atype=np.floating, descr='Processed, combined alignment frames'), 'nspec': dict(otype=int, descr='The number of spectral elements'), 'nalign': dict(otype=int, descr='Number of alignment traces in each slit'), 'nslits': dict(otype=int, descr='The number of slits'), 'traces': dict(otype=np.ndarray, atype=np.floating, descr='Traces of the alignment frame'), 'spat_id': dict(otype=np.ndarray, atype=np.integer, descr='Slit spat_id ')} def __init__(self, alignframe=None, nspec=None, nalign=None, nslits=None, traces=None, PYP_SPEC=None, spat_id=None): # Parse args, _, _, values = inspect.getargvalues(inspect.currentframe()) d = dict([(k,values[k]) for k in args[1:]]) # Setup the DataContainer datamodel.DataContainer.__init__(self, d=d)
[docs] def _validate(self): # TBC - need to check that all alignment traces have been correctly traced pass
# NOTE: If you make changes to how this object is bundled into the output # datamodel, make sure you update the documentation in # doc/calibrations/align.rst!
[docs] def _bundle(self): """ Override the base class method simply to set the HDU extension name. """ return super()._bundle(ext='ALIGN')
[docs] def is_synced(self, slits): """ Confirm the slits in the alignment are the same as that in SlitTraceSet Barfs if not Args: slits (:class:`pypeit.slittrace.SlitTraceSet`): """ if not np.array_equal(self.spat_id, slits.spat_id): msgs.error('Your alignment solutions are out of sync with your slits. Remove ' 'Calibrations and restart from scratch.')
[docs] def show(self, slits=None): """ Simple wrapper for :func:`show_alignment`. Args: slits (:class:`pypeit.slittrace.SlitTraceSet`, optional): Slit properties, including traces. """ # Show show_alignment(self.alignframe, align_traces=self.traces, slits=slits)
[docs] class TraceAlignment: """ Class to guide the determination of the alignment traces Args: rawalignimg (:class:`~pypeit.images.pypeitimage.PypeItImage`): Align image, created by the AlignFrame class. Can be None. slits (:class:`~pypeit.slittrace.SlitTraceSet`): Slit edge traces. Can be None. spectrograph (:class:`~pypeit.spectrographs.spectrograph.Spectrograph`): The `Spectrograph` instance that sets the instrument used to take the observations. Can be None. alignpar (:class:`~pypeit.par.pypeitpar.AlignPar`): The parameters used for the align traces det (:obj:`int`, optional): Detector number qa_path (:obj:`str`, optional): Directory for QA plots msbpm (`numpy.ndarray`_, optional): Bad pixel mask image Attributes: steps (:obj:`list`): List of the processing steps performed. spectrograph (:class:`~pypeit.spectrographs.spectrograph.Spectrograph`): Relevant spectrograph. slits (:class:`~pypeit.slittrace.SlitTraceSet`): Slit edge traces. """ def __init__(self, rawalignimg, slits, spectrograph, alignpar, det=1, qa_path=None, msbpm=None): # Defaults self.spectrograph = spectrograph self.PYP_SPEC = # Alignment parameters self.alignpar = alignpar # Input data self.rawalignimg = rawalignimg self.slits = slits # Optional parameters self.bpm = rawalignimg.fullmask.bpm if msbpm is None else msbpm self.qa_path = qa_path self.det = det # Attributes unique to this object self._alignprof = None # Create a bad pixel mask self.slit_bpm = self.slits.bitmask.flagged(self.slits.mask, and_not=self.slits.bitmask.exclude_for_reducing) # Completed steps self.steps = [] @property def nslits(self): """ Return the number of slits. Pulled directly from :attr:`slits`, if it exists. """ return 0 if self.slits is None else self.slits.nslits @property def nspec(self): """ Return the number of spectral elements. Pulled directly from :attr:`slits`, if it exists. """ return self.rawalignimg.shape[0] if self.slits is None else self.slits.nspec
[docs] def build_traces(self, show_peaks=False, debug=False): """ Main routine to generate the align profile traces in all slits Args: show_peaks (bool, optional): Generate QA showing peaks identified by alignment profile tracing show_trace (bool, optional): Generate QA showing traces identified. Requires an open ginga RC modules window. Launch with ``ginga --modules=RC,SlitWavelength &`` debug (bool, optional): Debug the alignment tracing algorithm Returns: dict: self.align_dict """ # Generate slits slitid_img_init = self.slits.slit_img(initial=True) left, right, _ = self.slits.select_edges(initial=True) align_prof = dict({}) # Go through the slits for slit_idx, slit_spat in enumerate(self.slits.spat_id): if self.slit_bpm[slit_idx]:'Skipping bad slit/order {self.slits.slitord_id[slit_idx]} ({slit_idx+1}/{self.slits.nslits})') self.slits.mask[slit_idx] = self.slits.bitmask.turn_on(self.slits.mask[slit_idx], 'BADALIGNCALIB') continue specobj_dict = {'SLITID': slit_idx, 'DET':, 'OBJTYPE': "align_profile", 'PYPELINE': self.spectrograph.pypeline}"Fitting alignment traces in slit {0:d}/{1:d}".format(slit_idx+1, self.slits.nslits)) align_traces = findobj_skymask.objs_in_slit( self.rawalignimg.image, self.rawalignimg.ivar, slitid_img_init == slit_spat, left[:, slit_idx], right[:, slit_idx], ncoeff=self.alignpar['trace_npoly'], specobj_dict=specobj_dict, snr_thresh=self.alignpar['snr_thresh'], show_peaks=show_peaks, show_fits=False, trim_edg=self.alignpar['trim_edge'], nperslit=len(self.alignpar['locations'])) if len(align_traces) != len(self.alignpar['locations']): # Align tracing has failed for this slit msgs.error("Alignment tracing has failed on slit {0:d}/{1:d}".format(slit_idx+1,self.slits.nslits)) align_prof['{0:d}'.format(slit_idx)] = align_traces.copy() # Steps self.steps.append(inspect.stack()[0][3]) # Return return align_prof
[docs] def generate_traces(self, align_prof): """ Generate a dictionary containing all of the information from the profile fitting Parameters ---------- align_prof : :obj:`dict` Dictionary of SpecObjs classes (one for each slit) Returns ------- align_traces : `numpy.ndarray`_ Spatial traces (3D array of shape [nspec, ntraces, nslits]) """ nbars = len(self.alignpar['locations']) # Generate an array containing the centroid of all bars align_traces = np.zeros((self.nspec, nbars, self.nslits)) # Go through the slits for slit_idx, slit_spat in enumerate(self.slits.spat_id): if self.slit_bpm[slit_idx]:'Skipping bad slit/order {self.slits.slitord_id[slit_idx]} ({slit_idx+1}/{self.slits.nslits})') self.slits.mask[slit_idx] = self.slits.bitmask.turn_on(self.slits.mask[slit_idx], 'BADALIGNCALIB') continue sls = '{0:d}'.format(slit_idx) for bar in range(nbars): if align_prof[sls][bar].SLITID != slit_idx: msgs.error("Alignment profiling failed to generate traces") align_traces[:, bar, slit_idx] = align_prof[sls][bar].TRACE_SPAT return align_traces
[docs] def run(self, show=False): """ Main driver for alignment profile tracing Args: show (bool, optional): Show the alignment traces? Returns: :class:`pypeit.alignframe.Alignments`: """ ############### # Fill up the calibrations and generate QA align_prof = self.build_traces() # Prepare the dictionary items for the data container align_traces = self.generate_traces(align_prof) if show: show_alignment(self.rawalignimg.image, align_traces=align_traces, slits=self.slits) # Build the alignment calibration frame align = Alignments(alignframe=self.rawalignimg.image, nspec=self.nspec, nalign=align_traces.shape[1], nslits=self.nslits, traces=align_traces, PYP_SPEC=self.PYP_SPEC, spat_id=self.slits.spat_id) # Copy the internals from the processed alignment image align.copy_calib_internals(self.rawalignimg) # Return return align
[docs] def show_alignment(alignframe, align_traces=None, slits=None, clear=False): """ Show one of the class internals Parameters ---------- alignframe : `numpy.ndarray`_ Image to be plotted (i.e. the align frame) align_traces : list, optional The align traces slits : :class:`pypeit.slittrace.SlitTraceSet`, optional properties of the slits, including traces. clear : bool, optional Clear the plotting window in ginga? Returns ------- """ display.connect_to_ginga(raise_err=True, allow_new=True) ch_name = 'alignment' viewer, channel = display.show_image(alignframe, chname=ch_name, clear=clear, wcs_match=False) # Display the slit edges if slits is not None and viewer is not None: left, right, mask = slits.select_edges() display.show_slits(viewer, channel, left, right) # Display the alignment traces if align_traces is not None and viewer is not None: for bar in range(align_traces.shape[1]): for slt in range(align_traces.shape[2]): # Alternate the colors of the slits color = 'orange' if slt%2 == 0: color = 'magenta' # Display the trace display.show_trace(viewer, channel, align_traces[:, bar, slt], trc_name="", color=color)
[docs] class AlignmentSplines: def __init__(self, traces, locations, tilts): """Convenience class to build and transform between detector pixel coordinates and WCS pixel coordinates (i.e. constant wavelength and spatial position). Parameters ---------- traces : `numpy.ndarray` 3D array containing the alignments (traces) of the slits. This allows different slices to be aligned correctly. Ideally, this variable will be assigned the value of alignments.traces. However, this can also be assigned the left and right slit edges: .. code-block:: python traces = np.append(left.reshape((left.shape[0], 1, left.shape[1])), right.reshape((left.shape[0], 1, left.shape[1])), axis=1) # In this case, you should set the locations argument to locations=np.array([0,1]) locations : `numpy.ndarray`_, list locations along the slit of the alignment traces. Must be a 1D array of the same length as alignments.traces.shape[1] tilts : `numpy.ndarray` Spectral tilts. """ # Perform some checks"Spatial flexure is not currently implemented for the astrometric alignment") if type(locations) is list: locations = np.array(locations) if locations.size != traces.shape[1]: msgs.error("The size of locations must be the same as traces.shape[1]") # Store the relevant input self.traces = traces self.locations = locations self.tilts = tilts self.nspec, self.ntrace, self.nslit = traces.shape # Transform between detector pixels and the locations: self.spl_loc = self.nslit * [self.nspec*[None]] # Splines - map (x,y) pixels ==> tilts self.spl_slen = self.nslit * [None] # Splines - map y pixel ==> slit length self.spl_transform = self.nslit * [None] # Splines - map x,y pixel ==> offset in pixels from the central trace self.spl_fulltilts = RegularGridInterpolator((np.arange(tilts.shape[0]), np.arange(tilts.shape[1])), tilts * (self.nspec - 1), method='linear') self.build_splines()
[docs] def build_splines(self): """ Build the interpolation transforms for each slit """ spldict = dict(kind='linear', bounds_error=False, fill_value="extrapolate") ycoord = np.arange(self.nspec) for sl in range(self.nslit):"Calculating astrometric transform of slit {0:d}/{1:d}".format(sl+1, self.nslit)) xlr, tlr = np.zeros((self.nspec, 2)), np.zeros((self.nspec, 2)) eval_trim = 2 # This evaluates the slit length inside the actual slit edges, due to edge effects. for sp in range(self.nspec): # Calculate x coordinate at the slit edges, and the spectral tilts at those locations xlr[sp, :] = interp1d(self.locations, self.traces[sp,:,sl], **spldict)([0.0, 1.0]) tmptilt = self.spl_fulltilts([[sp, xlr[sp,0] + eval_trim], [sp, xlr[sp,0] + eval_trim+1], [sp, xlr[sp,1] - eval_trim], [sp, xlr[sp,1] - eval_trim-1]]) tlr[sp, :] = [tmptilt[0]-eval_trim*(tmptilt[1]-tmptilt[0]), tmptilt[2]-eval_trim*(tmptilt[3]-tmptilt[2])] # pseudo-2D alignments -> locations self.spl_loc[sl][sp] = interp1d(self.traces[sp,:,sl], self.locations, **spldict) # For a given tilt value, get the (x,y) coordinate of the right edge tilt_ypos = interp1d(tlr[:,1], ycoord, **spldict) ypos_xpos = interp1d(ycoord, xlr[:,1], **spldict) ypos = tilt_ypos(tlr[:,0]) xpos = ypos_xpos(ypos) # Calculate the slitlength from (xlr, y), (xpos, ypos) coordinates slitlen = np.sqrt((ypos - np.arange(ypos.size)) ** 2 + (xpos - xlr[:, 0]) ** 2) self.spl_slen[sl] = interp1d(ycoord, slitlen, **spldict) # The tilt used to calculate the slit length corresponds to the left edge, so use ycoord for the first argument # Construct a 2D Regular grid that interpolates over all coordinates xcoord = np.arange(np.floor(np.min(xlr)), np.ceil(np.max(xlr))+1, 1.0) out_transform = np.zeros((self.nspec, xcoord.size)) for sp in range(self.nspec): out_transform[sp,:] = (self.spl_loc[sl][sp](xcoord) - 0.5) * self.spl_slen[sl](sp) self.spl_transform[sl] = RegularGridInterpolator((ycoord, xcoord), out_transform, method='linear', bounds_error=False, fill_value=None) # This will extrapolate
# TODO :: Remove these notes... # We now have everything we need to calculate the location and tilt of every pixel in the image. # evalpos = (self.spl_loc[sl][ypixels](xpixels) - 0.5) * self.spl_slen[sl](ypixels) # wcs.wcs_pix2world(slitID, evalpos, tilts[onslit_init] * (nspec - 1), 0)
[docs] def transform(self, slitnum, spatpix, specpix): """ Convenience function to return the spatial offset in pixels from the spatial center of the slit. Parameters ---------- slitnum : `int` Slit number spatpix : `numpy.ndarray` Detector pixel coordinate (spatial direction) specpix : `numpy.ndarray` Detector pixel coordinate (spectral direction) Returns ------- spl_transform : `numpy.ndarray` The spatial offset (measured in pixels) from the center of the slit. """ return self.spl_transform[slitnum]((specpix, spatpix))