pypeit.images.pypeitimage module
Module for the PypeItImage include its Mask
- class pypeit.images.pypeitimage.PypeItCalibrationImage(image, ivar=None, nimg=None, amp_img=None, det_img=None, rn2img=None, base_var=None, img_scale=None, fullmask=None, detector=None, spat_flexure=None, filename=None, PYP_SPEC=None, units=None, exptime=None, noise_floor=None, shot_noise=None, bpm=None, crmask=None, usermask=None, clean_mask=False)[source]
Abstract base class used with PypeIt calibration images.
This class inherits the core datamodel attributes and functionality from
, including the version number, but uses the naming conventions driven byCalibFrame
. Some more-specific inheritance notes:Inheritance order matters! The order must be
, thenCalibFrame
to ensure the correct method resolution order.The datamodel version is inherited from
.There is no need to combine the datamodels because
is already part ofPypeItImage
function is inherited fromPypeItImage
method is inherited fromPypeItImage
; theto_file
method is inherited fromCalibFrame
is specific to this class because we need to combine thePypeItImage
functionality; all other IO methods are inherited directly fromDataContainer
- _base_header(hdr=None)[source]
Override the base class functions to combine the operations of both base classes.
- classmethod from_hdu(hdu, chk_version=True, hdu_prefix=None, **kwargs)[source]
Instantiate the object from an HDU extension.
This uses the
method, and then parses the necessaryCalibFrame
-specific attributes from one of the relevant headers.- Parameters:
hdu (,, – The HDU(s) with the data to use for instantiation.
chk_version (
, optional) – If True, raise an error if the datamodel version or type check failed. If False, throw a warning only.hdu_prefix (
, optional) – Only parse HDUs with extension names matched to this prefix. If None,hdu_prefix
is used. If the latter is also None, no prefix is expected.**kwargs – Passed directly to
- classmethod from_pypeitimage(pypeitImage, calib_dir=None, setup=None, calib_id=None, detname=None)[source]
Instantiate the object from an existing
.This allows for the general construction of a
that can then be subsequently decorated by an appropriate type with default attributes. See, e.g.,ArcImage
This is not a deep copy.
To appropriately set the relevant
internals, all of the optional arguments must be provided.
- Parameters:
pypeitImage (
) – The input image to convert into the appropriate type.calib_dir (
, Path, optional) – Output directory for the processed calibration framessetup (
, optional) – The string identifier for the instrument setup/configuration; seeunique_configurations()
.calib_id (
) – Identifiers for one or more calibration groups for this calibration frame. Seeingest_calib_id()
.detname (
) – The identifier used for the detector or detector mosaic for the relevant instrument; seeget_det_name()
- Returns:
Image with the appropriate type and
internals.- Return type:
- internals = ['process_steps', 'files', 'rawheadlist', 'calib_id', 'calib_key', 'calib_dir']
Combines internals from both base classes.
- sub(other)[source]
Over-ride subtraction function from
to ensure that the internals are propagated.
- class pypeit.images.pypeitimage.PypeItImage(image, ivar=None, nimg=None, amp_img=None, det_img=None, rn2img=None, base_var=None, img_scale=None, fullmask=None, detector=None, spat_flexure=None, filename=None, PYP_SPEC=None, units=None, exptime=None, noise_floor=None, shot_noise=None, bpm=None, crmask=None, usermask=None, clean_mask=False)[source]
Container class for processed PypeIt images and associated data.
Image data can be either from a single detector, multiple detectors arranged in a 3D array, or multiple detectors resampled to a single mosaic image. The orientation of the images is always spectral pixels along the first axis and spatial pixels along the second axis; i.e., the shape is \((N_{\rm spec},N_{\rm spat})\).
Class instantiation only requires the
data; all other elements of the datamodel are completely optional. If not defined, the datamodel elements are set to None, with the exception of the image mask (see below). Any code that uses aPypeItImage
and accesses the datamodel components must be able to handle when any of the values are None.The datamodel components are:
Version: 1.3.0
Array Type
PypeIt spectrograph name
Provides the amplifier that contributed to each pixel. If this is a detector mosaic, this must be used in combination with
to select pixels for a given detector amplifier.base_var
Base-level image variance, excluding count shot-noise
If a detector mosaic, this image provides the detector that contributed to each pixel.
The detector (see
) or mosaic (seeMosaic
) parametersexptime
int, float
Effective exposure time (s)
Filename for the image
Image mask
Primary image data
Image count scaling applied (e.g., 1/flat-field)
Inverse variance image
If a combination of multiple images, this is the number of images that contributed to each pixel
Noise floor included in variance
Read noise squared image
Shot-noise included in variance
Shift, in spatial pixels, between this image and SlitTrace
(Unscaled) Pixel units (e- or ADU)
Regardless of whether or not it is provided directly (see
), the image mask is always instantiated. Iffullmask
is not provided, this instantiation begins with all values being unmasked. Although the class allows direct access/manipulation offullmask
), convenience functions are provided to interface with the underlying object; seeupdate_mask()
, as well asImageBitMask
for the valid flag names.Additionally, pixels can be flagged on instantiation as being part of a bad-pixel mask (
), a cosmic ray hit (crmask
), or a user-level bad-pixel mask (usermask
). Importantly, if bothfullmask
and one of these masks are provided, the default behavior is to add, e.g., thecrmask
to the list of already flagged CRs provided byfullmask
(if there are any). To remove any of the relevant flags before including the new flags infullmask
. See the class parameters below.The following lists only those parameters that are not part of the class datamodel (see above).
- Parameters:
bpm (numpy.ndarray, optional) – The image bad-pixel mask, which typically selects image values that contain detector artifacts. This is a boolean array that must have the same shape as
.crmask (numpy.ndarray, optional) – A boolean array selecting pixels that contain cosmic-ray hits. Shape must match
.usermask (numpy.ndarray, optional) – A boolean array selecting pixels that the user wishes to ignore. Shape must match
.clean_mask (
, optional) – If true, first remove any existing BPM, CR, or USER mask fromfullmask
before including the masks provided bybpm
, orusermask
- rawheadlst
List containing headers of the raw image file. If the source data is a stack of multiple files, this is the set of headers for the last file in the list.
- Type:
- _base_header(hdr=None)[source]
Build the generic header written to all PypeIt images.
- Parameters:
hdr (, optional) – Header object to update. The object is modified in-place and also returned. If None, an empty header is instantiated, edited, and returned.
- Returns:
The initialized (or edited) fits header.
- Return type:
- _bundle()[source]
Package the datamodel for writing.
- Returns:
A list of dictionaries, each list element is written to its own fits extension. See
.- Return type:
- build_crmask(par, subtract_img=None)[source]
Identify and flag cosmic rays in the image.
This is mainly a wrapper to
, with the boolean cosmic-ray mask is saved tocrmask
.- Parameters:
par (
) – Parameters that dictate the processing of the images. SeeProcessImagesPar
for the defaults.subtract_img (numpy.ndarray, optional) – An image to subtract from the primary image before executing the cosmic-ray detection algorithm. If provided, it must have the correct shape (see
- Returns:
Boolean array with flagging pixels with identified cosmic rays; True mean a CR was flagged.
- Return type:
- build_mask(saturation=None, mincounts=None, slitmask=None, from_scratch=True)[source]
Construct the bit value mask used during extraction.
By default, this erases any existing mask and starts from scratch! See
.The mask bit keys are defined by
. Assuming an instance ofPypeItImage
, any pixel withimg.fullmask.mask == 0
is valid, otherwise the pixel has been masked. To determine why a given pixel has been masked (see alsoselect_flag()
):reasons = img.fullmask.flagged_bits([0,0])
To get all the pixel masked for a specific set of reasons, e.g.:
has_cr = img.select_flag(flag='CR') is_saturated = img.select_flag(flag='SATURATION')
- Parameters:
saturation (
, numpy.ndarray, optional) – Saturation limit (i.e., maximum allowed value). Any value above this is flagged with the SATURATION bit. Units must match the image. Can be a single float to use for all pixels or a numpy.ndarray for a pixel-dependent value (e.g., for an image mosaic); if the latter, the shape must matchshape
. Can also be a string, but, if so, the string must be'default'
, and that means the saturation limit is set bydetector
. The tabulated saturation limit is assumed to be in ADU/DN, which will be converted to counts ifunits
is ‘e-’, and the value used for the saturation includes the detector non-linearity threshold; seenonlinear_counts()
. If None, pixels are not flagged for saturation.mincounts (
, numpy.ndarray, optional) – The minimum valid value; units must match the image. Any value below this is flagged with the MINCOUNTS bit. Can be a single float to use for all pixels or a numpy.ndarray for a pixel-dependent value (e.g., for an image mosaic); if the latter, the shape must matchshape
. Can also be a string, but, if so, the string must be'default'
, and that means the minimum count threshold is set bydetector
. The tabulated minimum counts is assumed to be in e-, which will be converted to ADU/DN ifunits
is ‘ADU’. If None, pixels are not flagged for a minimum value.slitmask (numpy.ndarray, optional) – Slit mask image. Pixels not in a slit are flagged with the OFFSLITS bit; see
.from_scratch (
, optional) – Build the mask from scratch. That is, iffullmask
already exists, all bits are turned off except for BPM and CR.
- datamodel = {'PYP_SPEC': {'descr': 'PypeIt spectrograph name', 'otype': <class 'str'>}, 'amp_img': {'atype': <class 'numpy.integer'>, 'descr': 'Provides the amplifier that contributed to each pixel. If this is a detector mosaic, this must be used in combination with ``det_img`` to select pixels for a given detector amplifier.', 'otype': <class 'numpy.ndarray'>}, 'base_var': {'atype': <class 'numpy.floating'>, 'descr': 'Base-level image variance, excluding count shot-noise', 'otype': <class 'numpy.ndarray'>}, 'det_img': {'atype': <class 'numpy.integer'>, 'descr': 'If a detector mosaic, this image provides the detector that contributed to each pixel.', 'otype': <class 'numpy.ndarray'>}, 'detector': {'descr': 'The detector (see :class:`~pypeit.images.detector_container.DetectorContainer`) or mosaic (see :class:`~pypeit.images.mosaic.Mosaic`) parameters', 'otype': (<class 'pypeit.images.detector_container.DetectorContainer'>, <class 'pypeit.images.mosaic.Mosaic'>)}, 'exptime': {'descr': 'Effective exposure time (s)', 'otype': (<class 'int'>, <class 'float'>)}, 'filename': {'descr': 'Filename for the image', 'otype': <class 'str'>}, 'fullmask': {'descr': 'Image mask', 'otype': <class 'pypeit.images.imagebitmask.ImageBitMaskArray'>}, 'image': {'atype': <class 'numpy.floating'>, 'descr': 'Primary image data', 'otype': <class 'numpy.ndarray'>}, 'img_scale': {'atype': <class 'numpy.floating'>, 'descr': 'Image count scaling applied (e.g., 1/flat-field)', 'otype': <class 'numpy.ndarray'>}, 'ivar': {'atype': <class 'numpy.floating'>, 'descr': 'Inverse variance image', 'otype': <class 'numpy.ndarray'>}, 'nimg': {'atype': <class 'numpy.integer'>, 'descr': 'If a combination of multiple images, this is the number of images that contributed to each pixel', 'otype': <class 'numpy.ndarray'>}, 'noise_floor': {'descr': 'Noise floor included in variance', 'otype': <class 'float'>}, 'rn2img': {'atype': <class 'numpy.floating'>, 'descr': 'Read noise squared image', 'otype': <class 'numpy.ndarray'>}, 'shot_noise': {'descr': 'Shot-noise included in variance', 'otype': <class 'bool'>}, 'spat_flexure': {'descr': 'Shift, in spatial pixels, between this image and SlitTrace', 'otype': <class 'float'>}, 'units': {'descr': '(Unscaled) Pixel units (e- or ADU)', 'otype': <class 'str'>}}
Data model components.
- classmethod from_hdu(hdu, chk_version=True, hdu_prefix=None)[source]
Instantiate the object from an HDU extension.
This overrides the base-class method. Overriding this method is preferrable to overriding the
method because it makes it easier to deal with the multipleDataContainer
objects contained byPypeItImage
.- Parameters:
hdu (,, – The HDU(s) with the data to use for instantiation.
chk_version (
, optional) – If True, raise an error if the datamodel version or type check failed. If False, throw a warning only.hdu_prefix (
, optional) – Only parse HDUs with extension names matched to this prefix. If None,hdu_prefix
is used. If the latter is also None, no prefix is expected.
- classmethod from_pypeitimage(pypeitImage)[source]
Instantiate the object from an existing
.This allows for the general construction of a
that can then be subsequently decorated by an appropriate type with default attributes. See, e.g.,ArcImage
.Note that this is not a deep copy.
- Parameters:
pypeitImage (
) – The input image to convert into the appropriate type.
- internals = ['process_steps', 'files', 'rawheadlist']
A list of strings identifying a set of internal attributes that are not part of the datamodel.
- property is_mosaic
Flag if the image is a mosaic of multiple detectors.
- property is_multidetector
Flag if the “image” has more than one detector image that has not been resampled into a mosaic image.
- map_detector_value(attr)[source]
Provided a detector-specific value, remap it as necessary for numpy operations with
.- Parameters:
attr (
) – Attribute ofDetectorContainer
to map to an image, vector, or scalar.- Returns:
An array that can be mapped for use with
containing the detector values.- Return type:
scalar, numpy.ndarray
- select_flag(flag=None, invert=False)[source]
Return a boolean array that selects pixels masked with the specified bits in
.For example, to create a bad-pixel mask based on which pixels have cosmic-ray detections, run:
cr_bpm = self.select_flag(flag='CR')
Or, to create a good-pixel mask for all pixels that are not flagged for any reason, run:
gpm = self.select_flag(invert=True)
- Parameters:
flag (
, array-like, optional) – One or more flags to select when returning the boolean mask. If None, pixels flagged for any reason are returned as True.invert (
, optional) – If False, the return mask is True for masked pixels, False for good pixels (i.e., a bad-pixel mask). If True, invert the sense of the mask (i.e., create a good-pixel mask, True for good pixels, False for bad pixels).
- Returns:
Boolean array where pixels with the selected bits flagged are returned as True (if
is False); i.e., this is a boolean bad-pixel mask (or a good-pixel mask wheninvert
is True). Ifflag
is not provided, pixels flagged for any reason are returned as True.- Return type:
- property shape
Return the primary image shape.
- sub(other)[source]
Subtract this PypeItImage from another.
The following operations are performed:
the image data is subtracted (images must have the same shape)
the inverse variance (
) is propagatedthe number of images is combined (
)the RN2 (
) is propagatedthe base variance (
) is propagatedthe image scaling (
) is averagedthe bit mask (
) is joined (using an or operation)if it’s the same for both images, the spectrograph name (
) is propagatedif it’s the same for both images, the images units (
) is propagatedif both images provide source file names, the file lists are concatenated
the detector from the first image (
) is used for the returned image and the detector for theother
image is ignoredif the spatial flexure is defined for the first image, it is propagated regardless of the value for the 2nd image. If it is also defined for the 2nd image and the flexure is different from the first image, a warning is issued. If the flexure is only defined for the 2nd image, it is ignored.
- Parameters:
other (
) – The image to subtract- Returns:
The result of subtracting
from this image.- Return type:
- update_mask(flag, indx=None, action='turn_on')[source]
by operating on the bits for the provided (list of) flags.This method alters
in-place.- Parameters:
flag (
, array-like) – One or more flags to turn on for the selected pixels.indx (
, numpy.ndarray, optional) – Object used to select elements of the mask array to at which to toggle the provided bit flags. I.e., for the internalfullmask
must be a valid (fancy indexing) operation. If None, the action is performed for the full mask!action (
, optional) – The action to perform. Must be'turn_on'
- update_mask_cr(crmask_new)[source]
Update the mask bits for cosmic rays
The original are turned off and the new ones are turned on.
- Parameters:
crmask_new (numpy.ndarray) – New CR mask
- update_mask_slitmask(slitmask)[source]
Update a mask using the slitmask
- Parameters:
slitmask (numpy.ndarray) – Slitmask with -1 values pixels not in a slit
- version = '1.3.0'
Datamodel version number