Known Failure Modes
This doc attempts to capture known failure modes of PypeIt and potential mitigation strategies. These are intended to be distinct from common user error.
Odd Behavior and/or Faults After Upgrading PypeIt
The best approach is to always re-reduce data you’re still working with anytime you update PypeIt.
Different versions of PypeIt may include changes to the input/output file data models. These changes are not required to be backwards-compatible, meaning that faults may occur when trying to use files intended for or produced by your existing PypeIt version after upgrading to a new version.
Generally, incorrect data models will cause the code to fault. However, those faults may provide very obscure errors. If you run into a fault that you don’t understand, and you’ve recently upgraded your version of PypeIt, your go-to troubleshooting test should be to re-reduce your data.
Bad Headers
A common failure mode is individual data files have corrupt headers. This occurs somewhat frequently at the Keck Observatory when the instrument loses connectivity with the telescope.
The pypeit_setup and pypeit_obslog scripts have been written to be immune from this. Therefore, a failure when using this scripts should be brought to the attention of the developers.
The run_pypeit script, however, is designed to fail as the default when presented with files that have corrupt headers. To over-ride that, you need to add the following to your PypeIt Reduction File:
ignore_bad_headers = True
Note that PypeIt always uses the entries in your data block (often slurped from the headers) as the true values, i.e. you can modify those by hand to over-come aspects of your corrupt header.