Source code for pypeit.specutils.pypeit_loaders

.. include:: ../include/links.rst

Data parsers for use with `specutils`_.

.. include:: ../include/specutils_usage.rst

Version History

- 2022-02-04: Initial Version (tbowers)
- 2022-09-16: Correct an import error and add module docstring (tbowers)
- 2023-03-09: Moved into the main pypeit repo and refactored (KBW)
- 2023-06-23: Added sensible error message for incorrect spec1d loading (tbowers)


from IPython import embed

import numpy as np

import astropy.nddata
import astropy.units

    from import read_fileobj_or_hdulist
    from import data_loader
    from specutils import Spectrum1D, SpectrumList
except ModuleNotFoundError:
    raise ModuleNotFoundError('Unable to import specutils.  Install pypeit with the specutils '
                              'option to use the pypeit.specutils module.')

from pypeit import __version__
from pypeit.pypmsgs import PypeItError
from pypeit import msgs
from pypeit import specobjs
from pypeit import onespec
from pypeit import utils

[docs]def _enforce_monotonic_wavelengths(wave, flux, ivar, strict=True): """ Force the spectrum to have a monotonically increasing wavelength vector. Parameters ---------- wave : `numpy.ndarray`_ Spectrum wavelengths flux : `numpy.ndarray`_ Spectrum flux ivar : `numpy.ndarray`_ Spectrum inverse variance. Can be None or the standard deviation. The only operation on this and the ``flux`` vector is to downselect the monotonically increasing values. strict : bool, optional Check that the wavelength vector is monotonically increasing. If not, raise an error (as would be done by the `specutils.SpectrumList`_ class). If False, wavelengths that are *not* monotonically increasing are masked in the construction of the returned `specutils.SpectrumList`_ object. Returns ------- wave : `numpy.ndarray`_ Edited wavelength vector. This may be an unchanged reference to the original vector. flux : `numpy.ndarray`_ Edited flux vector. This may be an unchanged reference to the original vector. ivar : `numpy.ndarray`_ Edited inverse variance vector. This may be an unchanged reference to the original vector. """ indx = np.diff(wave) > 0 if np.all(indx): # Wavelengths are monotonic, so we're done return wave, flux, ivar if strict: # Wavelengths are not monotonic, but the user expects them to be, so # fault. msgs.error('Wavelengths are not monotonically increasing! Circumvent this fault by ' 'setting strict=False, but BEWARE that this is likely the result of an ' 'error in the data reduction!') # Wavelengths are not monotonic, but the user wants to keep going. msgs.warn('Wavelengths are not monotonically increasing! Strict was set to False, so ' 'measurements after a negative step in wavelength are removed from the constructed ' 'spectrum. BEWARE that this is likely the result of an error in the data ' 'reduction!') # NOTE: This is the brute force approach. If this becomes something that we # want to be more acceptable, we should consider instead fitting a low-order # polynomial to the pixel vs. wavelength function and rejecting strong # outliers. pix = np.arange(wave.size) indx = np.append([True], indx) while not np.all(indx): pix = pix[indx] wave = wave[indx] indx = np.append([True], np.diff(wave) > 0) return wave, flux[pix], None if ivar is None else ivar[pix]
# Identifier Functions =======================================================#
[docs]def _identify_pypeit(*args, **kwargs): """ Check if a file is a PypeIt output file, in the most general sense. This currently only checks if ``VERSPYP`` is in the primary header. """ with read_fileobj_or_hdulist(*args, **kwargs) as hdu: # Check for header keywords that should be unique to pypeit return 'VERSPYP' in hdu[0].header
[docs]def identify_pypeit_spec1d(origin, *args, **kwargs): """ Check if a file is a PypeIt spec1d file. In addition to checking if it is a PypeIt file (see :func:`_identify_pypeit`), this also checks that the datamodel classes are correct. """ with read_fileobj_or_hdulist(*args, **kwargs) as hdu: return _identify_pypeit(*args, **kwargs) \ and hdu[0].header.get('DMODCLS') == 'SpecObjs' \ and hdu[1].header.get('DMODCLS') == 'SpecObj'
[docs]def identify_pypeit_onespec(origin, *args, **kwargs): """ Check if a file is a PypeIt file that follows the :class:`pypeit.onespec.OneSpec` datamodel. In addition to checking if it is a PypeIt file (see :func:`_identify_pypeit`), this also checks that the datamodel classes are correct. """ with read_fileobj_or_hdulist(*args, **kwargs) as hdu: return _identify_pypeit(*args, **kwargs) \ and hdu[1].header.get('DMODCLS') == 'OneSpec'
# Loader Functions ===========================================================#
[docs]@data_loader('PypeIt spec1d', identifier=identify_pypeit_spec1d, extensions=["fits"], priority=10, dtype=SpectrumList, autogenerate_spectrumlist=False) def pypeit_spec1d_loader(filename, extract=None, fluxed=True, strict=True, chk_version=True, **kwargs): """ Load spectra from a PypeIt spec1d file into a SpectrumList. Parameters ---------- filename : str The path to the FITS file extract : str, optional The extraction used to produce the spectrum. Must be either None, ``'BOX'`` (for a boxcar extraction), or ``'OPT'`` for optimal extraction. If None, the optimal extraction will be returned, if it exists, otherwise the boxcar extraction will be returned. fluxed : bool, optional If True, return the flux-calibrated spectrum, if it exists. If the flux calibration hasn't been performed or ``fluxed=False``, the spectrum is returned in counts. strict : bool, optional Check that the wavelength vector is monotonically increasing. If not, raise an error (as would be done by the `specutils.SpectrumList`_ class). If False, wavelengths that are *not* monotonically increasing are masked in the construction of the returned `specutils.SpectrumList`_ object. chk_version : :obj:`bool`, optional When reading in existing files written by PypeIt, perform strict version checking to ensure a valid file. If False, the code will try to keep going, but this may lead to faults and quiet failures. User beware! kwargs : dict, optional **Ignored!** Used to catch spurious arguments passed to the base class that are ignored by this function. Returns ------- spec : `specutils.SpectrumList`_ Contains all spectra in the PypeIt spec1d file """ # Try to load the file and ignoring any version mismatch try: sobjs = specobjs.SpecObjs.from_fitsfile(filename, chk_version=chk_version) except PypeItError: file_pypeit_version =, 'VERSPYP', 'PRIMARY') msgs.error(f'Unable to ingest {} using pypeit.specobjs module from your version ' f'of PypeIt ({__version__}). The version used to write the file is ' f'{file_pypeit_version}. If these are different, you may need to re-reduce ' 'your data using your current PypeIt version or install the matching version ' 'of PypeIt (e.g., pip install pypeit==1.11.0).') spec = [] for sobj in sobjs: # Check that the file has the requested data _ext, _cal = sobj.best_ext_match(extract=extract, fluxed=fluxed) _wave, _flux, _ivar, _gpm = sobj.get_box_ext(fluxed=_cal) if _ext == 'BOX' \ else sobj.get_opt_ext(fluxed=_cal) if not np.all(_gpm): msgs.warn(f'Ignoring {np.sum(np.logical_not(_gpm))} masked pixels.') if not np.any(_gpm): msgs.warn(f'Spectrum {sobj.NAME} is fully masked and will be ignored!') continue _wave, _flux, _ivar = _enforce_monotonic_wavelengths(_wave[_gpm], _flux[_gpm], _ivar[_gpm], strict=strict) _sigma = np.sqrt(utils.inverse(_ivar)) flux_unit = astropy.units.Unit("1e-17 erg/(s cm^2 Angstrom)" if _cal else "electron") spec += \ [Spectrum1D(flux=astropy.units.Quantity(_flux * flux_unit), uncertainty=astropy.nddata.StdDevUncertainty(_sigma * flux_unit), meta={'name': sobj.NAME, 'extract': _ext, 'fluxed': _cal}, spectral_axis=astropy.units.Quantity(_wave * astropy.units.angstrom), velocity_convention="doppler_optical", bin_specification="centers")] return SpectrumList(spec)
[docs]@data_loader('PypeIt onespec', identifier=identify_pypeit_onespec, extensions=["fits"], priority=10, dtype=Spectrum1D) def pypeit_onespec_loader(filename, grid=False, strict=True, chk_version=True, **kwargs): """ Load a spectrum from a PypeIt OneSpec file into a Spectrum1D object. Parameters ---------- filename : str The path to the FITS file grid : bool, optional Use the uniform grid wavelengths, instead of the contribution-weighted center. strict : bool, optional Check that the wavelength vector is monotonically increasing. If not, raise an error (as would be done by the `specutils.Spectrum1D`_ class). If False, wavelengths that are *not* monotonically increasing are masked in the construction of the returned `specutils.Spectrum1D`_ object. chk_version : :obj:`bool`, optional When reading in existing files written by PypeIt, perform strict version checking to ensure a valid file. If False, the code will try to keep going, but this may lead to faults and quiet failures. User beware! kwargs : dict, optional **Ignored!** Used to catch spurious arguments passed to the base class that are ignored by this function. Returns ------- spec : `specutils.Spectrum1D`_ Spectrum in the PypeIt OneSpec file """ # Try to load the file and ignoring any version mismatch try: spec = onespec.OneSpec.from_file(filename, chk_version=chk_version) except PypeItError: file_pypeit_version =, 'VERSPYP', 'PRIMARY') msgs.error(f'Unable to ingest {} using pypeit.specobjs module from your version ' f'of PypeIt ({__version__}). The version used to write the file is ' f'{file_pypeit_version}. If these are different, you may need to re-reduce ' 'your data using your current PypeIt version or install the matching version ' 'of PypeIt (e.g., pip install pypeit==1.11.0).') flux_unit = astropy.units.Unit("1e-17 erg/(s cm^2 Angstrom)" if spec.fluxed else "ct/s") wave = spec.wave_grid_mid if grid else spec.wave wave, flux, sigma = _enforce_monotonic_wavelengths(wave, spec.flux, spec.sigma, strict=strict) # If the input filename is actually a string, assign it as the spectrum # name. Otherwise, try assuming it's a _io.FileIO object, and if that # doesn't work assign an empty string as the name. if isinstance(filename, str): name = filename else: try: name = # Needed for _io.FileIO objects except AttributeError: name = '' # TODO We should be dealing with masking here. return Spectrum1D(flux=astropy.units.Quantity(flux * flux_unit), uncertainty=None if spec.sigma is None else astropy.nddata.StdDevUncertainty(sigma * flux_unit), meta={'name': name, 'extract': spec.ext_mode, 'fluxed': spec.fluxed, 'grid': grid}, spectral_axis=astropy.units.Quantity(wave * astropy.units.angstrom), velocity_convention="doppler_optical", bin_specification="centers")
# Warning Function ===========================================================#
[docs]@data_loader('PypeIt spec1d nolist', identifier=identify_pypeit_spec1d, extensions=["fits"], priority=10, dtype=Spectrum1D, autogenerate_spectrumlist=False) def pypeit_spec1d_loader_nolist(filename, extract=None, fluxed=True, **kwargs): """ Sensible error message if a user tries to load spectra from a PypeIt spec1d file into a Spectrum1D. This is not allowed because spec1d files may contain mutliple spectra. This function accepts all arguments as the SpectrumList version, but only outputs a PypeIt Error with a sensible message. This avoids receiving unhelpful error messages such as:: OSError: Could not identify column containing the wavelength, frequency or energy Parameters ---------- filename : str The path to the FITS file extract : str, optional The extraction used to produce the spectrum. Must be either None, ``'BOX'`` (for a boxcar extraction), or ``'OPT'`` for optimal extraction. If None, the optimal extraction will be returned, if it exists, otherwise the boxcar extraction will be returned. fluxed : bool, optional If True, return the flux-calibrated spectrum, if it exists. If the flux calibration hasn't been performed or ``fluxed=False``, the spectrum is returned in counts. """ msgs.error(f'The spec1d file {} cannot be ingested into a Spectrum1D object.' f'{msgs.newline()}Please use the SpectrumList object for spec1d files.')