Source code for pypeit.scripts.collate_1d

This script collates multiple 1d spectra in multiple files by object, 
runs flux calibration on them, and then coadds them.

.. include common links, assuming primary doc root is up one directory
.. include:: ../include/links.rst

from datetime import datetime
import os.path
from functools import partial
import traceback
import sys
import shutil

import numpy as np
from astropy.coordinates import Angle
from astropy.time import Time
from linetools import utils as ltu
from pypeit.par import pypeitpar
from pypeit.spectrographs.util import load_spectrograph
from pypeit import coadd1d
from pypeit import msgs
from pypeit import par
from pypeit.utils import is_float
from pypeit.core import wave
from pypeit.archive import ArchiveMetadata, ArchiveDir
from pypeit.core.collate import collate_spectra_by_source, SourceObject
from pypeit.scripts import scriptbase
from pypeit.slittrace import SlitTraceBitMask
from pypeit.spec2dobj import AllSpec2DObj
from pypeit.sensfilearchive import SensFileArchive
from pypeit import fluxcalibrate
from pypeit.specobjs import SpecObjs
from pypeit import inputfiles

[docs]def get_report_metadata(object_header_keys, spec_obj_keys, file_info): """ Gets the metadata from a :class:`~pypeit.core.collate.SourceObject` instance used building a report on the results of collation. It is intended to be wrapped in by functools partial object that passes in object_header_keys and spec_obj_keys. file_info is then passed as in by the :class:`~pypeit.archive.ArchiveMetadata` object. Unlike the other get_*_metadata functions, this is not used for archiving; it is used for reporting on the results of collating. If another type of file is added to the ArchiveMetadata object, the file_info argument will not be a :class:`~pypeit.core.collate.SourceObject`, In this case, a list of ``None`` values are returned. Args: object_header_keys (list of str): The keys to read fom the spec1d headers from the SourceObject. spec_obj_keys (list of str): The keys to read from the (:class:`~pypeit.specobj.SpecObj`) objects in the SourceObject. file_info (:class:`~pypeit.core.collate.SourceObject`): The source object containing the headers, filenames and SpecObj information for a coadd output file. Returns: tuple: A tuple of two lists:. - **data_rows** (:obj:`list` of :obj:`list`): The metadata rows built from the source object. - **files_to_copy** (iterable): An list of tuples of files to copy. Because this function is not used for archving data, this is always ``None``. """ if not isinstance(file_info, SourceObject): return (None, None) coaddfile = build_coadd_file_name(file_info) result_rows = [] for i in range(len(file_info.spec1d_header_list)): # Get the spec_obj metadata needed for the report spec_obj = file_info.spec_obj_list[i] header = file_info.spec1d_header_list[i] # Get the spec1d header metadata needed for the report # Use getattr for the spec_obj data spec_obj_data = [getattr(spec_obj, x) for x in spec_obj_keys] spec1d_filename = os.path.basename(file_info.spec1d_file_list[i]) header_data = [header[x] if x in header else None for x in object_header_keys] result_rows.append([coaddfile] + spec_obj_data + [spec1d_filename] + header_data) return (result_rows, None)
[docs]def find_slits_to_exclude(spec2d_files, par): """ Find slits that should be excluded according to the input parameters. The slit mask ids are returned in a map alongside the text labels for the flags that caused the slit to be excluded. Args: spec2d_files (:obj:`list`): List of spec2d files to build the map from. par (:class:`~pypeit.par.pypeitpar.PypeItPar`): Parameters from a ``.collate1d`` file Returns: :obj:`dict`: Mapping of slit mask ids to the flags that caused the slit to be excluded. """ # Get the types of slits to exclude from our parameters exclude_flags = par['collate1d']['exclude_slit_trace_bm'] if isinstance(exclude_flags, str): exclude_flags = [exclude_flags] # Go through the slit_info of all spec2d files and find # which slits should be excluded based on their flags bit_mask = SlitTraceBitMask() exclude_map = dict() for spec2d_file in spec2d_files: allspec2d = AllSpec2DObj.from_fits(spec2d_file, chk_version=par['rdx']['chk_version']) for sobj2d in [allspec2d[det] for det in allspec2d.detectors]: for (slit_id, mask, slit_mask_id) in sobj2d['slits'].slit_info: for flag in exclude_flags: if bit_mask.flagged(mask, flag=flag): if slit_mask_id not in exclude_map: exclude_map[slit_mask_id] = {flag} else: exclude_map[slit_mask_id].add(flag) return exclude_map
[docs]def exclude_source_objects(source_objects, exclude_map, par): """ Exclude :class:`~pypeit.core.collate.SourceObject` objects based on a slit exclude map and the user's parameters. Args: source_objects (:obj:`list`): List of uncollated :class:`~pypeit.core.collate.SourceObject` objects to filter. There should only be one :class:`~pypeit.specobj.SpecObj` per :class:`~pypeit.core.collate.SourceObject`. exclude_map (:obj:`dict`): Mapping of excluded slit ids to the reasons they should be excluded. par (:class:`~pypeit.par.pypeitpar.PypeItPar`): Configuration parameters from the command line or a configuration file. Returns: tuple: Tuple containing two lists: - **filtered_objects** (:obj:`list`): A list of :class:`~pypeit.core.collate.SourceObject` with any excluded ones removed. - **excluded_messages** (:obj:`list`): A list of messages explaining why some source objects were excluded. """ filtered_objects = [] excluded_messages= [] for source_object in source_objects: sobj = source_object.spec_obj_list[0] spec1d_file = source_object.spec1d_file_list[0] if par['collate1d']['exclude_serendip'] and sobj.MASKDEF_OBJNAME == 'SERENDIP': msg = f'Excluding SERENDIP object from {sobj.NAME} in {spec1d_file}' excluded_messages.append(msg) continue if par['collate1d']['wv_rms_thresh'] is not None and sobj.WAVE_RMS > par['collate1d']['wv_rms_thresh']: msg = f'Excluding {sobj.NAME} in {spec1d_file} due to wave_rms {sobj.WAVE_RMS} > threshold {par["collate1d"]["wv_rms_thresh"]}' excluded_messages.append(msg) continue if sobj.MASKDEF_ID in exclude_map: msg = f'Excluding {sobj.NAME} with mask id: {sobj.MASKDEF_ID} in {spec1d_file} because of flags {exclude_map[sobj.MASKDEF_ID]}' excluded_messages.append(msg) continue if sobj.OPT_COUNTS is None and sobj.BOX_COUNTS is None: msg = f'Excluding {sobj.NAME} in {spec1d_file} because of missing both OPT_COUNTS and BOX_COUNTS' msgs.warn(msg) excluded_messages.append(msg) continue if par['coadd1d']['ex_value'] == 'OPT': msg = None if sobj.OPT_COUNTS is None: msg = f'Excluding {sobj.NAME} in {spec1d_file} because of missing OPT_COUNTS. Consider changing ex_value to "BOX".' elif sobj.OPT_MASK is None: msg = f'Excluding {sobj.NAME} in {spec1d_file} because of missing OPT_MASK. Consider changing ex_value to "BOX".' else: if len(sobj.OPT_COUNTS[sobj.OPT_MASK]) == 0: msg = f'Excluding {sobj.NAME} in {spec1d_file} because all of OPT_COUNTS was masked out. Consider changing ex_value to "BOX".' if msg is not None: msgs.warn(msg) excluded_messages.append(msg) continue if par['coadd1d']['ex_value'] == 'BOX': msg = None if sobj.BOX_COUNTS is None: msg = f'Excluding {sobj.NAME} in {spec1d_file} because of missing BOX_COUNTS. Consider changing ex_value to "OPT".' elif sobj.BOX_MASK is None: msg = f'Excluding {sobj.NAME} in {spec1d_file} because of missing BOX_MASK. Consider changing ex_value to "OPT".' else: if len(sobj.BOX_COUNTS[sobj.BOX_MASK]) == 0: msg = f'Excluding {sobj.NAME} in {spec1d_file} because all of BOX_COUNTS was masked out. Consider changing ex_value to "OPT".' if msg is not None: msgs.warn(msg) excluded_messages.append(msg) continue filtered_objects.append(source_object) return (filtered_objects, excluded_messages)
[docs]def read_spec1d_files(par, spec1d_files, failure_msgs): """ Read spec1d files. Args: par (`obj`:pypeit.par.pypeitpar.PypeItPar): Parameters for collating, fluxing, and coadding. spec1d_files (list of str): List of spec1d files to read. failure_msgs(list of str): Return parameter describing any failures that occurred when reading. Returns: list of str: The SpecObjs objects that were successfully read. list of str: The spec1d files that were successfully read. """ specobjs_list = [] good_spec1d_files = [] for spec1d_file in spec1d_files: try: sobjs = SpecObjs.from_fitsfile(spec1d_file, chk_version=par['rdx']['chk_version']) specobjs_list.append(sobjs) good_spec1d_files.append(spec1d_file) except Exception as e: formatted_exception = traceback.format_exc() msgs.warn(formatted_exception) msgs.warn(f"Failed to read {spec1d_file}, skipping it.") failure_msgs.append(f"Failed to read {spec1d_file}, skipping it.") failure_msgs.append(formatted_exception) return specobjs_list, good_spec1d_files
[docs]def flux(par, spectrograph, spec1d_files, failed_fluxing_msgs): """ Flux calibrate spec1d files using archived sens func files. Args: par (:class:`~pypeit.par.pypeitpar.PypeItPar`): Parameters for collating, fluxing, and coadding. spectrograph (:class:`~pypeit.spectrographs.spectrograph.Spectrograph`): Spectrograph for the files to flux. spec1d_files (list of str): List of spec1d files to flux calibrate. failed_fluxing_msgs(list of str): Return parameter describing any failures that occurred when fluxing. Returns: list of str: The spec1d files that were successfully flux calibrated. """ # Make sure fluxing from archive is supported for this spectrograph if not in SensFileArchive.supported_spectrographs(): msgs.error(f"Flux calibrating {} with an archived sensfunc is not supported.") par['fluxcalib']['extrap_sens'] = True sf_archive = SensFileArchive.get_instance( flux_calibrated_files = [] for spec1d_file in spec1d_files: # Get the archived sens file to use try: sens_file = sf_archive.get_archived_sensfile(spec1d_file) except Exception: formatted_exception = traceback.format_exc() msgs.warn(formatted_exception) msgs.warn(f"Could not find archived sensfunc to flux {spec1d_file}, skipping it.") failed_fluxing_msgs.append(f"Could not find archived sensfunc to flux {spec1d_file}, skipping it.") failed_fluxing_msgs.append(formatted_exception) continue # Flux calibrate the spec1d file try:"Running flux calibrate on {spec1d_file}") FxCalib = fluxcalibrate.flux_calibrate([spec1d_file], [sens_file], par=par['fluxcalib'], chk_version=par['rdx']['chk_version']) flux_calibrated_files.append(spec1d_file) except Exception: formatted_exception = traceback.format_exc() msgs.warn(formatted_exception) msgs.warn(f"Failed to flux calibrate {spec1d_file}, skipping it.") failed_fluxing_msgs.append(f"Failed to flux calibrate {spec1d_file}, skipping it.") failed_fluxing_msgs.append(formatted_exception) continue # Return the succesfully fluxed files return flux_calibrated_files
[docs]def build_coadd_file_name(source_object): """Build the output file name for coadding. The filename convention is J<hmsdms+dms>_<instrument name>_<YYYYMMDD>.fits when matching by RA/DEC and SPAT_<spatial position>_<instrument name>_<YYYYMMDD>.fits when matching by pixel position. The date portion may be <YYYYMMDD-YYYMMDD> if the files coadded span more than one date. Currently instrument_name is taken from Returns: str: The name of the coadd output file. """ mjd_list = [float(h['MJD']) for h in source_object.spec1d_header_list] start_mjd = np.min(mjd_list) end_mjd = np.max(mjd_list) start_date_portion = Time(start_mjd, format="mjd").strftime('%Y%m%d') end_date_portion = Time(end_mjd, format="mjd").strftime('%Y%m%d') date_portion = f"{start_date_portion}_{end_date_portion}" if source_object.match_type == 'ra/dec': coord_portion = 'J' + source_object.coord.to_string('hmsdms', sep='', precision=2).replace(' ', '') else: coord_portion = source_object.spec_obj_list[0]['NAME'].split('_')[0] instrument_name = return f'{coord_portion}_{instrument_name}_{date_portion}.fits'
[docs]def refframe_correction(par, spectrograph, spec1d_files, spec1d_failure_msgs): refframe = par['collate1d']['refframe']"Performing a {refframe} correction") for spec1d in spec1d_files: # Get values from the fits header needed to calculate the correction try: sobjs = SpecObjs.from_fitsfile(spec1d, chk_version=par['rdx']['chk_version']) hdr_ra = sobjs.header['RA'] hdr_dec = sobjs.header['DEC'] hdr_radec = ltu.radec_to_coord((hdr_ra, hdr_dec)) obstime = Time(sobjs.header['MJD'], format='mjd') except Exception as e: msg = f'Failed to perform {refframe} correction on {spec1d}: {e}' spec1d_failure_msgs.append(msg) continue corrected_at_least_one = False for sobj in sobjs: if sobj['VEL_CORR'] is not None: # Don't double correct msg = f"Not performing {refframe} correction for {spec1d} object {sobj['NAME']} because it has already been corrected." spec1d_failure_msgs.append(msg) continue # Use the SpecObj RA/DEC if it's available, otherwise use the value from the header if sobj['RA'] is not None and sobj['DEC'] is not None: radec = ltu.radec_to_coord((sobj['RA'], sobj['DEC'])) else: radec = hdr_radec # Calculate the correction vel, vel_corr = wave.geomotion_correct(radec, obstime, spectrograph.telescope['longitude'], spectrograph.telescope['latitude'], spectrograph.telescope['elevation'], refframe) # Apply correction to objects'Applying {refframe} correction to {spec1d} object {sobj["NAME"]} = {vel} km/s, {vel_corr}') sobj.apply_helio(vel_corr, refframe) corrected_at_least_one = True if corrected_at_least_one: sobjs.write_to_fits(subheader = sobjs.header, outfile=spec1d, overwrite=True)
[docs]def copy_spec1d_to_outdir(spec1d_files, outdir): """Copy the spec1d files to the requested outdir, preserving the originals Args: spec1d_files (list of str): List of spec1d files generated by PypeIt. outdir (str): Directory to copy the spec1d files. Return: list of str: The pathnames of the newly copied files. """ # Make sure the spec1d output directory exists os.makedirs(outdir, exist_ok=True) copied_files = [] for spec1d_file in spec1d_files: new_file = os.path.join(outdir, os.path.basename(spec1d_file)) shutil.copy2(spec1d_file, new_file) copied_files.append(new_file) return copied_files
[docs]def coadd(par, coaddfile, source): """coadd the spectra for a given source. Args: par (:class:`~pypeit.par.pypeitpar.Collate1DPar`): Parameters for the coadding source (:class:`~pypeit.core.collate.SourceObject`): The SourceObject with information on which files and spectra to coadd. """ # Set destination file for coadding par['coadd1d']['coaddfile'] = coaddfile # Determine if we should coadd flux calibrated data flux_key = par['coadd1d']['ex_value'] + "_FLAM" if par['collate1d']['ignore_flux'] is True: # Use non fluxed if asked to"Ignoring flux for {coaddfile}.") par['coadd1d']['flux_value'] = False elif False in [x[flux_key] is not None for x in source.spec_obj_list]: # Do not use fluxed data if one or more objects have not been flux calibrated"Not all spec1ds for {coaddfile} are flux calibrated, using counts instead.") par['coadd1d']['flux_value'] = False else: # Use fluxed data"Using flux for {coaddfile}.") par['coadd1d']['flux_value'] = True # Instantiate spectrograph = load_spectrograph(par['rdx']['spectrograph']) coAdd1d = coadd1d.CoAdd1D.get_instance(source.spec1d_file_list, [x.NAME for x in source.spec_obj_list], spectrograph=spectrograph, par=par['coadd1d']) # Run # Save to file
[docs]def find_spec2d_from_spec1d(spec1d_files): """ Find the spec2d files corresponding to the given list of spec1d files. This looks for the spec2d files in the same directory as the spec1d files. It will exit with an error if a spec2d file cannot be found. Args: spec1d_files (list of str): List of spec1d files generated by PypeIt. Returns: list of str: List of the matching spec2d files. """ spec2d_files = [] for spec1d_file in spec1d_files: # Check for a corresponding 2d file (path, filename) = os.path.split(spec1d_file) spec2d_file = os.path.join(path, filename.replace('spec1d', 'spec2d', 1)) if not os.path.exists(spec2d_file): msgs.error(f'Could not find matching spec2d file for {spec1d_file}') spec2d_files.append(spec2d_file) return spec2d_files
[docs]def write_warnings(par, excluded_obj_msgs, failed_source_msgs, spec1d_failure_msgs, start_time, total_time): """ Write gathered warning messages to a `collate_warnings.txt` file. Args: excluded_obj_msgs (:obj:`list` of :obj:`str`): Messages about which objects were excluded from collating and why. failed_source_msgs (:obj:`list` of :obj:`str`): Messages about which objects failed coadding and why. spec1d_failure_msgs (:obj:`list` of :obj:`str`): Messages about failures with spec1d files and why. """ report_filename = os.path.join(par['collate1d']['outdir'], "collate_warnings.txt") with open(report_filename, "w") as f: print("pypeit_collate_1d warnings", file=f) print(f"\nStarted {start_time.isoformat(sep=' ')}", file=f) print(f"Duration: {total_time}", file=f) if len(spec1d_failure_msgs) > 0: print("\nspec1d_* failures\n", file=f) for msg in spec1d_failure_msgs: print(msg, file=f) print("\nExcluded Objects:\n", file=f) for msg in excluded_obj_msgs: print(msg, file=f) print("\nFailed to Coadd:\n", file=f) for msg in failed_source_msgs: print(msg, file=f)
[docs]def build_parameters(args): """ Read the command-line arguments and the input ``.collate1d`` file (if any), to build the parameters needed by ``collate_1d``. Args: args (`argparse.Namespace`_): The parsed command line as returned by the ``argparse`` module. Returns: :obj:`tuple`: Returns three objects: a :class:`~pypeit.par.pypeitpar.PypeItPar` instance with the parameters for collate_1d, a :class:`~pypeit.spectrographs.spectrograph.Spectrograph` instance with the spectrograph parameters used to take the data, and a :obj:`list` with the spec1d files read from the command line or ``.collate1d`` file. """ # First we need to get the list of spec1d files if args.input_file is not None: collateFile = inputfiles.Collate1DFile.from_file(args.input_file) cfg_lines, spec1d_files = collateFile.cfg_lines, collateFile.filenames # Look for a coadd1d file input_file_root, input_file_ext = os.path.splitext(args.input_file) coadd1d_config_name = input_file_root + ".coadd1d" if os.path.exists(coadd1d_config_name): coadd1DFile = inputfiles.Coadd1DFile.from_file(coadd1d_config_name) cfg_lines += coadd1DFile.cfg_lines else: cfg_lines = None spec1d_files = [] if args.spec1d_files is not None and len(args.spec1d_files) > 0: spec1d_files = args.spec1d_files if spec1d_files is None or len(spec1d_files) == 0: parser = Collate1D.get_parser() print("Missing arguments: A list of spec1d files must be specified via command line or config file.") parser.print_usage() sys.exit(1) # Get the spectrograph for these files and then create a ParSet. spectrograph = load_spectrograph(spec1d_files[0]) spectrograph_def_par = spectrograph.default_pypeit_par() if cfg_lines is not None: # Build using config file params = pypeitpar.PypeItPar.from_cfg_lines(cfg_lines=spectrograph_def_par.to_config(), merge_with=(cfg_lines,)) else: # No config file, use the defaults and supplement with command line args params = spectrograph_def_par params['collate1d'] = pypeitpar.Collate1DPar() # command line arguments take precedence over config file parameters if args.tolerance is not None: params['collate1d']['tolerance'] = args.tolerance if args.match_using is not None: params['collate1d']['match_using'] = args.match_using if args.exclude_slit_bm is not None and len(args.exclude_slit_bm) > 0: params['collate1d']['exclude_slit_trace_bm'] = args.exclude_slit_bm.split(',') if args.exclude_serendip: params['collate1d']['exclude_serendip'] = True if args.wv_rms_thresh is not None: params['collate1d']['wv_rms_thresh'] = args.wv_rms_thresh if args.dry_run: params['collate1d']['dry_run'] = True if args.ignore_flux: params['collate1d']['ignore_flux'] = True if args.flux: params['collate1d']['flux'] = True if args.outdir is not None: params['collate1d']['outdir'] = args.outdir if args.spec1d_outdir is not None: params['collate1d']['spec1d_outdir'] = args.spec1d_outdir if args.refframe is not None: params['collate1d']['refframe'] = args.refframe if args.chk_version is True: params['rdx']['chk_version'] = True return params, spectrograph, spec1d_files
[docs]def create_report_archive(par): """ Create an report archive with the desired metadata information. Metadata is written to three files in the `ipac <>`_ format: - ``collate_report.dat`` contains metadata to report on the coadded output files from the collate process. Like ``coadded_files.dat`` it may have more than one row per output file. This file is always written to the current directory. Returns: :class:`~pypeit.archive.ArchiveDir`: Object for archiving files and/or metadata. """ archive_metadata_list = [] COADDED_SPEC1D_HEADER_KEYS = ['DISPNAME', 'DECKER', 'BINNING', 'MJD', 'AIRMASS', 'EXPTIME','GUIDFWHM', 'PROGPI', 'SEMESTER', 'PROGID'] COADDED_SPEC1D_COLUMN_NAMES = ['dispname', 'slmsknam', 'binning', 'mjd', 'airmass', 'exptime','guidfwhm', 'progpi', 'semester', 'progid'] COADDED_SOBJ_KEYS = ['MASKDEF_OBJNAME', 'MASKDEF_ID', 'NAME', 'DET', 'RA', 'DEC', 'MASKDEF_OBJMAG', 'MASKDEF_OBJMAG_BAND', 'S2N', 'MASKDEF_EXTRACT', 'WAVE_RMS'] COADDED_SOBJ_COLUMN_NAMES = ['maskdef_objname', 'maskdef_id', 'pypeit_name', 'det', 'objra', 'objdec', 'maskdef_objmag', 'maskdef_objmag_band', 's2n', 'maskdef_extract', 'wave_rms'] report_names = ['filename'] + \ COADDED_SOBJ_COLUMN_NAMES + \ ['spec1d_filename'] + \ COADDED_SPEC1D_COLUMN_NAMES report_formats = {'s2n': '%.2f', 'wave_rms': '%.3f'} report_metadata = ArchiveMetadata(os.path.join(par['collate1d']['outdir'], "collate_report.dat"), report_names, partial(get_report_metadata, COADDED_SPEC1D_HEADER_KEYS, COADDED_SOBJ_KEYS), append=True, formats= report_formats) archive_metadata_list.append(report_metadata) # metadatas in archive object return ArchiveDir(par['collate1d']['outdir'], archive_metadata_list, copy_to_archive=False)
[docs]class Collate1D(scriptbase.ScriptBase):
[docs] @classmethod def get_parser(cls, width=None): # A blank Colate1DPar to avoid duplicating the help text. blank_pypar = pypeitpar.PypeItPar() blank_par = blank_pypar['collate1d'] parser = super().get_parser(description='Flux/Coadd multiple 1d spectra from multiple ' 'nights and prepare a directory for the KOA.', width=width, formatter=scriptbase.SmartFormatter) # TODO: Is the file optional? If so, shouldn't the first argument start # with '--'? parser.add_argument('input_file', type=str, help='R|(Optional) File for guiding the collate process. ' 'Parameters in this file are overidden by the command line. The ' 'file must have the following format:\n' '\n' 'F|[collate1d]\n' 'F| tolerance <tolerance>\n' 'F| outdir <directory to place output files>\n' 'F| spec1d_outdir <directory to place modified spec1ds, if any>\n' 'F| exclude_slit_trace_bm <slit types to exclude>\n' 'F| exclude_serendip If set serendipitous objects are skipped.\n' 'F| match_using Whether to match using "pixel" or\n' 'F| "ra/dec"\n' 'F| dry_run If set the matches are displayed\n' 'F| without any processing\n' 'F| flux Flux calibrate using archived sensfuncs.\n' 'F| ignore_flux Ignore any flux calibration information in\n' 'F| spec1d files.\n' 'F| wv_rms_thresh If set, any objects with a wavelength rms > than the input\n' 'F| value are skipped, else all wavelength rms values are accepted.\n' 'F| refframe Perform reference frame correction prior to coadding.\n' f'F| Options are {pypeitpar.WavelengthSolutionPar.valid_reference_frames()}. Defaults to None.\n' '\n' 'F|spec1d read\n' 'F|<path to spec1d files, wildcards allowed>\n' 'F|...\n' 'F|end\n', nargs='?') parser.add_argument('--spec1d_files', type=str, nargs='*', help='One or more spec1d files to flux/coadd/archive. ' 'Can contain wildcards') parser.add_argument('--par_outfile', default=None, type=str, help='Output to save the parameters') parser.add_argument('--outdir', type=str, help=blank_par.descr['outdir'] + " Defaults to the current directory.") parser.add_argument('--spec1d_outdir', type=str, help=blank_par.descr['spec1d_outdir'] + " Defaults to overwriting existing spec1ds.") parser.add_argument('--tolerance', type=str, help=blank_par.descr['tolerance']) parser.add_argument('--match_using', type=str, choices=blank_par.options['match_using'], help=blank_par.descr['match_using']) parser.add_argument('--dry_run', action='store_true', help=blank_par.descr['dry_run']) parser.add_argument('--ignore_flux', default=False, action='store_true', help=blank_par.descr['ignore_flux']) parser.add_argument('--flux', default=False, action = 'store_true', help=blank_par.descr['flux']) parser.add_argument('--exclude_slit_bm', type=str, # nargs='*', help=blank_par.descr['exclude_slit_trace_bm']+' Comma separated.') parser.add_argument('--exclude_serendip', action='store_true', help=blank_par.descr['exclude_serendip']) parser.add_argument("--wv_rms_thresh", type=float, default = None, help=blank_par.descr['wv_rms_thresh']) parser.add_argument("--refframe", type=str, default = None, choices = pypeitpar.WavelengthSolutionPar.valid_reference_frames(), help=blank_par.descr['refframe']) parser.add_argument('--chk_version', action = 'store_true', help=blank_pypar['rdx'].descr['chk_version']) parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbosity', type=int, default=1, help='Verbosity level between 0 [none] and 2 [all]. Default: 1. ' 'Level 2 writes a log with filename collate_1d_YYYYMMDD-HHMM.log') return parser
[docs] @staticmethod def main(args): # Set the verbosity, and create a logfile if verbosity == 2 msgs.set_logfile_and_verbosity('collate_1d', args.verbosity) start_time = (par, spectrograph, spec1d_files) = build_parameters(args) outdir = par['collate1d']['outdir'] os.makedirs(outdir, exist_ok=True) # Write the par to disk if args.par_outfile is None: args.par_outfile = os.path.join(outdir, 'collate1d.par') print("Writing the parameters to {}".format(args.par_outfile)) # Gather up config lines for the sections relevant to collate_1d config_lines = par['collate1d'].to_config(section_name='collate1d',include_descr=False) + [''] config_lines += par['coadd1d'].to_config(section_name='coadd1d',include_descr=False) if par['collate1d']['flux']: config_lines += [''] + par['fluxcalib'].to_config(section_name='fluxcalib',include_descr=False) with open(args.par_outfile, "w") as f: for line in config_lines: print (line, file=f) # Parse the tolerance based on the match type if par['collate1d']['match_using'] == 'pixel': tolerance = float(par['collate1d']['tolerance']) else: # For ra/dec matching, the default unit is arcseconds. We check for # this case by seeing if the passed in tolerance is a floating point number if is_float(par['collate1d']['tolerance']): tolerance = float(par['collate1d']['tolerance']) else: tolerance = Angle(par['collate1d']['tolerance']).arcsec # Filter out unwanted source objects based on our parameters. # First filter them out based on the exclude_slit_trace_bm parameter if len(par['collate1d']['exclude_slit_trace_bm']) > 0: spec2d_files = find_spec2d_from_spec1d(spec1d_files) exclude_map = find_slits_to_exclude(spec2d_files, par) else: spec2d_files = [] exclude_map = dict() # Flux the spec1ds based on a archived sensfunc spec1d_failure_msgs = [] copied_spec1d = False if par['collate1d']['flux'] and not args.dry_run: if par['collate1d']['spec1d_outdir'] is not None: # Fluxing modifies the spec1d files, copy them to a new output directory # if requested spec1d_files = copy_spec1d_to_outdir(spec1d_files, par['collate1d']['spec1d_outdir']) copied_spec1d = True spec1d_files = flux(par, spectrograph, spec1d_files, spec1d_failure_msgs) # Perform reference frame correction if par['collate1d']['refframe'] in ['heliocentric', 'barycentric'] and not args.dry_run: if not copied_spec1d and par['collate1d']['spec1d_outdir'] is not None: # Refframe correction modifies the spec1d files, copy them to a new output directory # if requested and fluxing hasn't already done so spec1d_files = copy_spec1d_to_outdir(spec1d_files, par['collate1d']['spec1d_outdir']) refframe_correction(par, spectrograph, spec1d_files, spec1d_failure_msgs) # Read in the spec1d files specobjs_to_coadd, spec1d_files = read_spec1d_files(par, spec1d_files, spec1d_failure_msgs) # Build source objects from spec1d file, this list is not collated source_objects = SourceObject.build_source_objects(specobjs_to_coadd, spec1d_files, par['collate1d']['match_using']) # Filter out unwanted SpecObj objects based on parameters (objects_to_coadd, excluded_obj_msgs) = exclude_source_objects(source_objects, exclude_map, par) # Collate the spectra source_list = collate_spectra_by_source(objects_to_coadd, tolerance) # Coadd the spectra successful_source_list = [] failed_source_msgs = [] for source in source_list: coaddfile = os.path.join(par['collate1d']['outdir'], build_coadd_file_name(source))'Creating {coaddfile} from the following sources:') for i in range(len(source.spec_obj_list)):' {source.spec1d_file_list[i]}: {source.spec_obj_list[i].NAME} ' f'({source.spec_obj_list[i].MASKDEF_OBJNAME})') # Exclude sources with a single object to coadd if len(source.spec_obj_list) == 1: excluded_obj_msgs.append(f"Excluding {source.spec_obj_list[0].NAME} in {source.spec1d_file_list[0]} because there's no other SpecObj to coadd with.") continue if not args.dry_run: try: coadd(par, coaddfile, source) successful_source_list.append(source) except Exception: formatted_exception = traceback.format_exc() msgs.warn(formatted_exception) msgs.warn(f"Failed to coadd {coaddfile}, skipping") failed_source_msgs.append(f"Failed to coadd {coaddfile}:") failed_source_msgs.append(formatted_exception) # Create collate_report.dat archive = create_report_archive(par) archive.add(successful_source_list) total_time = - start_time write_warnings(par, excluded_obj_msgs, failed_source_msgs, spec1d_failure_msgs, start_time, total_time)'Total duration: {total_time}') return 0