:class:`~pypeit.datamodel.DataContainer` object to hold detector properties.
.. include common links, assuming primary doc root is up one directory
.. include:: ../include/links.rst
import inspect
from IPython import embed
import numpy as np
from pypeit import datamodel
from pypeit import msgs
from pypeit.core import procimg
class DetectorContainer(datamodel.DataContainer):
Class to hold a detector properties.
The datamodel attributes are:
.. include:: ../include/class_datamodel_detectorcontainer.rst
# Set the version of this class
version = '1.0.1'
# Force the full datamodel into a single row of an astropy Table
one_row_table = True
# Be careful. None of these can match default FITS header cards
datamodel = {'dataext': dict(otype=int,
descr='Index of fits extension containing data'),
'specaxis': dict(otype=int,
descr='Spectra are dispersed along this axis. Allowed '
'values are 0 (first dimension for a numpy array '
'shape) or 1 (second dimension for numpy array '
'specflip': dict(otype=bool,
descr='If this is True then the dispersion dimension '
'(specified by the specaxis) will be flipped. '
'PypeIt expects wavelengths to increase with '
'increasing pixel number. If this is not the case '
'for this instrument, set specflip to True.'),
'spatflip': dict(otype=bool,
descr='If this is True then the spatial dimension will be '
'flipped. PypeIt expects echelle orders to increase '
'with increasing pixel number. I.e., setting '
'spatflip=True can reorder images so that blue '
'orders appear on the left and red orders on the '
'xgap': dict(otype=(int, float),
descr='Gap between the square detector pixels (expressed as a '
'fraction of the x pixel size -- x is predominantly the '
'spatial axis)'),
'ygap': dict(otype=(int, float),
descr='Gap between the square detector pixels (expressed as a '
'fraction of the y pixel size -- y is predominantly the '
'spectral axis)'),
'ysize': dict(otype=(int, float),
descr='The size of a pixel in the y-direction as a multiple '
'of the x pixel size (i.e. xsize = 1.0 -- x is '
'predominantly the dispersion axis)'),
'platescale': dict(otype=(int, float),
descr='arcsec per pixel in the spatial dimension for an '
'unbinned pixel'),
'darkcurr': dict(otype=(int, float), descr='Dark current (e-/pixel/hour)'),
# TODO: There are actually two types of "saturation": (1) the
# point at which the amplifier A/D converter reaches the upper
# limit of the bit representation (e.g., 65535 = 2**16-1) or (2)
# the point at which the electron well depth is filled. The
# reason this matters is that detection of the former should be
# done using the ADU/DN value in the *raw* frame --- before
# subtracting the bias, applying the gain, etc. --- and
# detection of the latter should be done using counts in the
# *bias-subtracted* frame. Looking across all our instruments,
# it looks like we're mixing how we define this number...
'saturation': dict(otype=(int, float),
descr='The detector saturation level in ADU/DN'),
'mincounts': dict(otype=(int, float),
descr='Counts (e-) in a pixel below this value will be ignored '
'as being unphysical.'),
'nonlinear': dict(otype=(int, float),
descr='Percentage of detector range which is linear '
'(i.e. everything above ``nonlinear*saturation`` will '
'be flagged as saturated)'),
'numamplifiers': dict(otype=int, descr='Number of amplifiers'),
'gain': dict(otype=np.ndarray, atype=np.floating,
descr='Inverse gain (e-/ADU). A list should be provided if a '
'detector contains more than one amplifier.'),
'ronoise': dict(otype=np.ndarray, atype=np.floating,
descr='Read-out noise (e-). A list should be provided if a '
'detector contains more than one amplifier. If any '
'element of this list is <=0, the readout noise will '
'be determined from the overscan regions defined by '
'datasec': dict(otype=np.ndarray, atype=str,
descr='Either the data sections or the header keyword '
'where the valid data sections can be obtained, one '
'per amplifier. If defined explicitly should be in '
'FITS format (e.g., [1:2048,10:4096]).'),
'oscansec': dict(otype=np.ndarray, atype=str,
descr='Either the overscan section or the header keyword '
'where the valid data sections can be obtained, one '
'per amplifier. If defined explicitly should be in '
'FITS format (e.g., [1:2048,10:4096]).'),
'det': dict(otype=(int, np.integer),
descr='PypeIt designation for detector number (1-based).'),
'binning': dict(otype=str,
descr='Binning in PypeIt orientation (not the original)')}
name_prefix = 'DET'
Prefix for the name of the detector.
def __init__(self, dataext, specaxis, specflip, spatflip, platescale, saturation,
mincounts, nonlinear, numamplifiers, gain, ronoise, det,
binning, # Up to here are required
xgap=None, ygap=None, ysize=None, darkcurr=None,
datasec=None, oscansec=None):
args, _, _, values = inspect.getargvalues(inspect.currentframe())
d = dict([(k,values[k]) for k in args[1:]])
# Setup the DataContainer
datamodel.DataContainer.__init__(self, d=d)
if self.darkcurr is None:
# Use of darkcurr in RawImage means that it cannot be None.
self.darkcurr = 0.
def _bundle(self):
Overload base class bundling to select appropriate extension name.
:obj:`list`: List of dictionaries to write to HDUs.
# Run the base-level method, which will force all the components of the
# datamodel into a single-row table.
d = super()._bundle(ext='DETECTOR')
# Add the name to the table metadata so that it gets added to the header
# of the detector extension
d[0]['DETECTOR'].meta['name'] = self.name
return d
def name(self):
Return a string identifier for the detector. This is a simple wrapper
for :func:`get_name` using :attr:`det`.
return self.get_name(self.det)
def get_det_str(det):
Return a string identifier for the detector. Currently a zero-padded
two character string with the detector number.
det (:obj:`int`):
1- indexed detector number.
:obj:`str`: String representation of the detector number used in
constructing the detector name.
return f'{det:02}'
def get_name(det):
Return a string identifier for the detector. Currently, e.g., DET01 for
det (:obj:`int`):
1- indexed detector number.
:obj:`str`: Detector name.
return f'{DetectorContainer.name_prefix}{DetectorContainer.get_det_str(det)}'
def parse_name(name):
Parse the string identifier of the detector into its integer index.
name (:obj:`str`):
Detector name. Assumed to have been created by
:obj:`int`: The parsed detector number. For example, returns 2 when
the name is ``DET02``.
return int(name[len(DetectorContainer.name_prefix):])
def nonlinear_counts(self, datasec_img=None, apply_gain=True):
Return the ADU/DN or counts at which the detector response becomes
datasec_img (`numpy.ndarray`_, optional):
An image identifying the amplifier used to read each pixel in
the detector data section. If provided, the returned object is
an image giving the non-linear counts for each pixel.
apply_gain (:obj:`bool`, optional):
Apply gain in the calculation. I.e., convert the value to
counts. If only a float is returned, (i.e. ``datasec_img`` is
not provided), the mean of the gains for all amplifiers is
:obj:`float`, `numpy.ndarray`_: Counts at which the detector
response becomes nonlinear. If ``datasec_img`` is provided, an
image of the same shape is returned with the pixel-specific
nonlinear-count threshold.
if apply_gain:
gain = np.mean(self.gain) if datasec_img is None \
else procimg.gain_frame(datasec_img, self.gain)
gain = 1.
return self.saturation * self.nonlinear * gain
def copy(self):
Return a (deep) copy of the object.
return DetectorContainer(self.dataext, self.specaxis, self.specflip, self.spatflip, self.platescale,
self.saturation, self.mincounts, self.nonlinear,
self.numamplifiers, self.gain.copy(), self.ronoise.copy(),
self.det, self.binning, xgap=self.xgap, ygap=self.ygap,
ysize=self.ysize, darkcurr=self.darkcurr,
datasec=None if self.datasec is None else self.datasec.copy(),
oscansec=None if self.oscansec is None else self.oscansec.copy())