""" Module for finding patterns in arc line spectra
.. include common links, assuming primary doc root is up one directory
.. include:: ../include/links.rst
import numpy as np
import inspect
from astropy.io import fits
from pypeit.core.wavecal import autoid
from pypeit.core.wavecal import defs
from pypeit.core import fitting
from pypeit import msgs
from pypeit import datamodel
from IPython import embed
class WaveFit(datamodel.DataContainer):
DataContainer for the output from BuildWaveCalib
All of the items in the datamodel are required for instantiation, although
they can be None (but shouldn't be).
The datamodel attributes are:
.. include:: ../include/class_datamodel_wavefit.rst
When written to an output-file HDU, all `numpy.ndarray`_ elements are
bundled into an `astropy.io.fits.BinTableHDU`_, the ``pypeitfit`` attribute
is written to a separate extension (see
:class:`~pypeit.core.fitting.PypeItFit`), and the other elements are written
as header keywords. Any datamodel elements that are None are *not* included
in the output. The two HDU extensions are given names according to their
spatial ID; see :func:`hduext_prefix_from_spatid`.
version = '1.1.1'
datamodel = {'spat_id': dict(otype=(int,np.integer), descr='Spatial position of slit/order for this fit. Required for I/O'),
'ech_order': dict(otype=(int,np.integer), descr='Echelle order number.'),
'pypeitfit': dict(otype=fitting.PypeItFit,
descr='Fit to 1D wavelength solutions'),
'pixel_fit': dict(otype=np.ndarray, atype=np.floating,
descr='Pixel values of arc lines'),
'wave_fit': dict(otype=np.ndarray, atype=np.floating,
descr='Wavelength IDs assigned'),
'xnorm': dict(otype=float, descr='Normalization for fit'),
'fwhm': dict(otype=float, descr='Estimate FWHM of arc lines in binned pixels of the input arc frame'),
'ion_bits': dict(otype=np.ndarray, atype=np.integer,
descr='Ion bit values for the Ion names'),
'cen_wave': dict(otype=float, descr='Central wavelength'),
'cen_disp': dict(otype=float, descr='Approximate wavelength dispersion'),
'spec': dict(otype=np.ndarray, atype=np.floating, descr='Arc spectrum'),
'wave_soln': dict(otype=np.ndarray, atype=np.floating,
descr='Evaluated wavelengths at pixel_fit'),
'sigrej': dict(otype=float, descr='Final sigma rejection applied'),
'shift': dict(otype=float, descr='Shift applied'),
'tcent': dict(otype=np.ndarray, atype=np.floating,
descr='Pixel centroids of all arc lines found'),
'rms': dict(otype=float, descr='RMS of the solution')}
bitmask = defs.LinesBitMask()
def hduext_prefix_from_spatid(spat_id):
Use the slit spatial ID number to construct the prefix for an output
spat_id (:obj:`int`):
Slit/order spatial ID number
:obj:`str`: The prefix to use for HDU extensions associated with
this data container.
return 'SPAT_ID-{}_'.format(spat_id)
def parse_spatid_from_hduext(ext):
Parse the slit spatial ID integer from a *full* HDU extension name.
ext (:obj:`str`):
Full extension name.
:obj:`int`: The parsed slit spatial ID number. Returns None if the
extension name does not start with ``'SPAT_ID-'``.
return int(ext.replace('SPAT_ID-', '').split('_')[0]) \
if ext.startswith('SPAT_ID-') else None
def __init__(self, spat_id, ech_order=None, pypeitfit=None, pixel_fit=None, wave_fit=None, ion_bits=None,
cen_wave=None, cen_disp=None, spec=None, wave_soln=None,
sigrej=None, shift=None, tcent=None, rms=None, xnorm=None,
# Parse
args, _, _, values = inspect.getargvalues(inspect.currentframe())
d = dict([(k,values[k]) for k in args[1:]])
# Setup the DataContainer
datamodel.DataContainer.__init__(self, d=d)
def _bundle(self, **kwargs):
Over-ride DataContainer._bundle() to deal with PYPEITFIT
Passed to DataContainer._bundle()
# Extension prefix (for being unique with slits)
hdue_pref = self.hduext_prefix_from_spatid(self.spat_id)
# Without PypeItFit
_d = super()._bundle(ext=hdue_pref+'WAVEFIT', **kwargs)
# Deal with PypeItFit
if _d[0][hdue_pref+'WAVEFIT']['pypeitfit'] is not None:
_d.append({hdue_pref+'PYPEITFIT': _d[0][hdue_pref + 'WAVEFIT'].pop('pypeitfit')})
# Return
return _d
def to_hdu(self, **kwargs):
Over-ride base-class function to force ``force_to_bintbl`` to always be
See base-class :class:`~pypeit.datamodel.DataContainer.to_hdu` for arguments.
Passed directly to the base-class
:class:`~pypeit.datamodel.DataContainer.to_hdu`. If
``force_to_bintbl`` is present, it is forced to be True.
:obj:`list`, `astropy.io.fits.HDUList`_: A list of HDUs,
where the type depends on the value of ``add_primary``.
if 'force_to_bintbl' in kwargs:
if not kwargs['force_to_bintbl']:
msgs.warn(f'{self.__class__.__name__} objects must always use '
'force_to_bintbl = True!')
return super().to_hdu(force_to_bintbl=True, **kwargs)
def from_hdu(cls, hdu, hdu_prefix=None, spat_id=None, **kwargs):
Parse the data from one or more fits objects.
.. note::
``spat_id`` and ``hdu_prefix`` are mutually exclusive, with
``hdu_prefix`` taking precedence. If *both* are None, the code
attempts to read the spatial ID number from the HDU extension
name(s) to construct the appropriate prefix. In the latter
case, only the first :class:`WaveFit` object will be read if the
HDU object contains many.
hdu (`astropy.io.fits.HDUList`_, `astropy.io.fits.ImageHDU`_, `astropy.io.fits.BinTableHDU`_):
The HDU(s) with the data to use for instantiation.
hdu_prefix (:obj:`str`, optional):
Only parse HDUs with extension names matched to this prefix. If
None, ``spat_id`` will be used to construct the prefix if it is
provided, otherwise all extensions are parsed.
spat_id (:obj:`int`, optional):
Spatial ID number for the relevant slit/order for this
wavelength fit. If provided, this is used to construct the
``hdu_prefix`` using
Passed directly to the base-class
:class:`WaveFit`: Object instantiated from data in the provided HDU.
# Get the HDU prefix
if hdu_prefix is not None:
_hdu_prefix = hdu_prefix
elif spat_id is not None:
_hdu_prefix = cls.hduext_prefix_from_spatid(spat_id)
# Try to get it from the provided HDU(s)
_hdu = hdu if isinstance(hdu, fits.HDUList) else [hdu]
_hdu_prefix = None
for h in _hdu:
_spat_id = cls.parse_spatid_from_hduext(h.name)
if _spat_id is None:
_hdu_prefix = cls.hduext_prefix_from_spatid(_spat_id)
# At this point, _hdu_prefix will either be None because it couldn't
# find parse the slit ID, or it will be the correct prefix.
# TODO: Try to read the data in either case (what is currently
# done), or fault because the _bundle function *always* includes a
# prefix?
# Construct and return the object
return super().from_hdu(hdu, hdu_prefix=_hdu_prefix, **kwargs)
def ions(self):
Returns an array of ion labels
`numpy.ndarray`_: Array of the ion label for each line as recorded in ion_bits
ionlist = []
for ionbit in self.ion_bits:
ionlist += self.bitmask.flagged_bits(ionbit)
# Return
return np.asarray(ionlist)
def fit_slit(spec, patt_dict, tcent, line_lists, vel_tol = 1.0, outroot=None, slittxt="Slit", thar=False,match_toler=3.0,
func='legendre', n_first=2,sigrej_first=2.0,n_final=4,sigrej_final=3.0,verbose=False):
""" Perform a fit to the wavelength solution. Wrapper for iterative fitting code.
spec : ndarray
arc spectrum
patt_dict : dict
dictionary of patterns
tcent: ndarray
List of the detections in this slit to be fit using the patt_dict
line_lists: `astropy.table.Table`_
Table containing the line list
vel_tol: float, default = 1.0
Tolerance in km/s for matching lines in the IDs to lines in the NIST
database. The default is 1.0 km/s
outroot: str
Path for QA file.
slittxt : str
Label used for QA
thar: bool, default = False
True if this is a ThAr fit
match_toler: float, default = 3.0
Matching tolerance when searching for new lines. This is the difference
in pixels between the wavlength assigned to an arc line by an iteration
of the wavelength solution to the wavelength in the line list.
func: str, default = 'legendre'
Name of function used for the wavelength solution
n_first: int, default = 2
Order of first guess to the wavelength solution.
sigrej_first: float, default = 2.0
Number of sigma for rejection for the first guess to the wavelength solution.
n_final: int, default = 4
Order of the final wavelength solution fit
sigrej_final: float, default = 3.0
Number of sigma for rejection for the final fit to the wavelength solution.
verbose : bool
If True, print out more information.
Filename for plotting some QA?
final_fit : dict
A dictionary containing all of the information about the fit
# Check that patt_dict and tcent refer to each other
if patt_dict['mask'].shape != tcent.shape:
msgs.error('patt_dict and tcent do not refer to each other. Something is very wrong')
# Perform final fit to the line IDs
if thar:
NIST_lines = (line_lists['NIST'] > 0) & (np.char.find(line_lists['Source'].data, 'MURPHY') >= 0)
NIST_lines = line_lists['NIST'] > 0
ifit = np.where(patt_dict['mask'])[0]
if outroot is not None:
plot_fil = outroot + slittxt + '_fit.pdf'
plot_fil = None
# TODO Profx maybe you can add a comment on what this is doing. Why do we have use_unknowns=True only to purge them later??
# Purge UNKNOWNS from ifit
imsk = np.ones(len(ifit), dtype=bool)
for kk, idwv in enumerate(np.array(patt_dict['IDs'])[ifit]):
if (np.min(np.abs(line_lists['wave'][NIST_lines] - idwv)))/idwv*3.0e5 > vel_tol:
imsk[kk] = False
ifit = ifit[imsk]
# Fit
final_fit = iterative_fitting(spec, tcent, ifit, np.array(patt_dict['IDs'])[ifit], line_lists[NIST_lines],
patt_dict['bdisp'],match_toler=match_toler, func=func, n_first=n_first,
sigrej_first=sigrej_first,n_final=n_final, sigrej_final=sigrej_final,
plot_fil=plot_fil, verbose=verbose)
if plot_fil is not None and final_fit is not None:
print("Wrote: {:s}".format(plot_fil))
# Return
return final_fit
def iterative_fitting(spec, tcent, ifit, IDs, llist, dispersion,
match_toler = 2.0, func = 'legendre', n_first=2, sigrej_first=2.0,
n_final=4, sigrej_final=3.0, input_only=False,
weights=None, plot_fil=None, verbose=False):
""" Routine for iteratively fitting wavelength solutions.
spec : ndarray, shape = (nspec,)
arcline spectrum
tcent : ndarray
Centroids in pixels of lines identified in spec
ifit : ndarray
Indices of the lines that will be fit
IDs: ndarray
wavelength IDs of the lines that will be fit (I think?)
llist: dict
Linelist dictionary
dispersion: float
match_toler: float, default = 3.0
Matching tolerance when searching for new lines. This is the difference
in pixels between the wavlength assigned to an arc line by an iteration
of the wavelength solution to the wavelength in the line list.
func: str, default = 'legendre'
Name of function used for the wavelength solution
n_first: int, default = 2
Order of first guess to the wavelength solution.
sigrej_first: float, default = 2.0
Number of sigma for rejection for the first guess to the wavelength solution.
n_final: int, default = 4
Order of the final wavelength solution fit
sigrej_final: float, default = 3.0
Number of sigma for rejection for the final fit to the wavelength
input_only: bool
If True, the routine will only perform a robust polyfit to the input
IDs. If False, the routine will fit the input IDs, and then include
additional lines in the linelist that are a satisfactory fit.
weights: ndarray
Weights to be used?
verbose : bool
If True, print out more information.
Filename for plotting some QA?
final_fit: :class:`~pypeit.core.wavecal.wv_fitting.WaveFit`
Fit result
#TODO JFH add error checking here to ensure that IDs and ifit have the same size!
if weights is None:
weights = np.ones(tcent.size)
nspec = spec.size
xnspecmin1 = float(nspec-1)
# Setup for fitting
sv_ifit = list(ifit) # Keep the originals
all_ids = -999.*np.ones(len(tcent))
all_idsion = np.array(['UNKNWN']*len(tcent))
all_ids[ifit] = IDs
# Fit
n_order = n_first
flg_continue = True
flg_penultimate = False
fmin, fmax = 0.0, 1.0
# Note the number of parameters is actually n_order and not n_order+1
while flg_continue:
if flg_penultimate:
flg_continue = False
# Fit with rejection
xfit, yfit, wfit = tcent[ifit], all_ids[ifit], weights[ifit]
maxiter = xfit.size - n_order - 2
if xfit.size == 0:
msgs.warn("All points rejected !!")
return None
# Fit
pypeitFit = fitting.robust_fit(xfit/xnspecmin1, yfit, n_order, function=func, maxiter=maxiter,
lower=sigrej_first, upper=sigrej_first, maxrej=1, sticky=True,
minx=fmin, maxx=fmax, weights=wfit)
# Junk fit?
if pypeitFit is None:
msgs.warn("Bad fit!!")
return None
# RMS is computed from `yfit`, which is the wavelengths of the lines. Convert to pixels.
rms_angstrom = pypeitFit.calc_fit_rms(apply_mask=True)
rms_pixels = rms_angstrom/dispersion
if verbose:
msgs.info(f"n_order = {n_order}: RMS = {rms_pixels:g} pixels")
# Reject but keep originals (until final fit)
ifit = list(ifit[pypeitFit.gpm == 1]) + sv_ifit
if not input_only:
# Find new points from the linelist (should we allow removal of the originals?)
twave = pypeitFit.eval(tcent/xnspecmin1)#, func, minx=fmin, maxx=fmax)
for ss, iwave in enumerate(twave):
mn = np.min(np.abs(iwave-llist['wave']))
if mn/dispersion < match_toler:
imn = np.argmin(np.abs(iwave-llist['wave']))
#if verbose:
# print('Adding {:g} at {:g}'.format(llist['wave'][imn],tcent[ss]))
# Update and append
all_ids[ss] = llist['wave'][imn]
all_idsion[ss] = llist['ion'][imn]
# Keep unique ones
ifit = np.unique(np.array(ifit, dtype=int))
# Increment order?
if n_order < n_final:
n_order += 1
flg_penultimate = True
# Final fit (originals can now be rejected)
if len(ifit) <= n_final:
n_order = len(ifit)-1
msgs.warn(f'Not enough lines for n_final! Fit order = {n_order}')
xfit, yfit, wfit = tcent[ifit], all_ids[ifit], weights[ifit]
pypeitFit = fitting.robust_fit(xfit/xnspecmin1, yfit, n_order, function=func,
lower=sigrej_final, upper=sigrej_final, maxrej=1, sticky=True,
minx=fmin, maxx=fmax, weights=wfit)#, debug=True)
# TODO: This rejection block is not actually used anywhere (i.e., no lines
# are actually rejected in the fit)! Should it be? (TEB: 2023-11-03)
irej = np.where(np.logical_not(pypeitFit.bool_gpm))[0]
if len(irej) > 0:
xrej = xfit[irej]
yrej = yfit[irej]
if verbose:
for kk, imask in enumerate(irej):
wave = pypeitFit.eval(xrej[kk]/xnspecmin1)#, func, minx=fmin, maxx=fmax)
msgs.info('Rejecting arc line {:g}; {:g}'.format(yfit[imask], wave))
xrej = []
yrej = []
ions = all_idsion[ifit]
# Final RMS computed from `yfit`, which is the wavelengths of the lines. Convert to pixels.
rms_angstrom = pypeitFit.calc_fit_rms(apply_mask=True)
rms_pixels = rms_angstrom/dispersion
msgs.info(f"RMS of the final wavelength fit: {rms_pixels:g} pixels")
# Pack up fit
spec_vec = np.arange(nspec)
wave_soln = pypeitFit.eval(spec_vec/xnspecmin1)
cen_wave = pypeitFit.eval(float(nspec)/2/xnspecmin1)
cen_wave_min1 = pypeitFit.eval((float(nspec)/2 - 1.0)/xnspecmin1)
cen_disp = cen_wave - cen_wave_min1
# Ions bit
ion_bits = np.zeros(len(ions), dtype=WaveFit.bitmask.minimum_dtype())
for kk,ion in enumerate(ions):
ion_bits[kk] = WaveFit.bitmask.turn_on(ion_bits[kk], ion.replace(' ', ''))
# DataContainer time
# spat_id is set to an arbitrary -1 here and is updated in wavecalib.py
final_fit = WaveFit(-1, pypeitfit=pypeitFit, pixel_fit=xfit, wave_fit=yfit,
ion_bits=ion_bits, xnorm=xnspecmin1,
cen_wave=cen_wave, cen_disp=cen_disp,
spec=spec, wave_soln = wave_soln, sigrej=sigrej_final,
shift=0., tcent=tcent, rms=rms_pixels)
# QA
if plot_fil is not None:
autoid.arc_fit_qa(final_fit, plot_fil)
# Return
return final_fit