""" Module for I/O in arclines
.. include:: ../include/links.rst
import pathlib
import astropy.table
import linetools.utils
import numpy as np
from pypeit import msgs
from pypeit import dataPaths
from pypeit import cache
from pypeit.core.wavecal import defs
from IPython import embed
# TODO -- Move this to the WaveCalib object
def load_wavelength_calibration(filename: pathlib.Path) -> dict:
Load the wavelength calibration data from a file.
filename (:obj:`pathlib.Path`):
Name of the json file.
:obj:`dict`: Returns the wavelength calibration dictionary.
Lists read from the json file are returnes as numpy arrays.
if not filename.is_file():
msgs.error(f"File does not exist: {filename}")
# Force any possible pathlib.Path object to string before `loadjson`
wv_calib = linetools.utils.loadjson(str(filename))
# Recast a few items as arrays
for key in wv_calib.keys():
if key in ['steps', 'par']: # This isn't really necessary
# Masked slit?
if wv_calib[key] is None:
# Arrays
for tkey in wv_calib[key].keys():
if isinstance(wv_calib[key][tkey], list):
wv_calib[key][tkey] = np.array(wv_calib[key][tkey])
return wv_calib
def load_template(arxiv_file:str, det:int, wvrng:list=None)->tuple[np.ndarray,np.ndarray, int, np.ndarray, np.ndarray,
np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
Load a full template file from disk
arxiv_file : str
File with archive spectrum, potentially including emission line pixel ids, wavelengths, and fit polynomial order.
det : int
Detector number
wvrng : list, optional
min, max wavelength range for the arxiv
wave : np.ndarray
Wavelength vector
flux : np.ndarray
Flux vector
binning : int
binning of the template arc spectrum
order : np.ndarray
Echelle orders of the saved wavelength solution, if applicable
line_pix : np.ndarray
Pixel values of identified arc line centroids in the saved wavelength solution, if applicable
line_wav : np.ndarray
Wavelength values of identified arc line centroids in the saved wavelength solution, if applicable
line_fit_ord : np.ndarray
Polynomial order of the saved wavelength solution, if applicable
calibfile, fmt = dataPaths.reid_arxiv.get_file_path(arxiv_file, return_format=True)
tbl = astropy.table.Table.read(calibfile, format=fmt)
# Parse on detector?
if 'det' in tbl.keys():
idx = np.where(tbl['det'].data & 2**det)[0]
idx = np.arange(len(tbl)).astype(int)
tbl_wv = tbl['wave'].data[idx]
tbl_fx = tbl['flux'].data[idx]
# for echelle spectrographs
tbl_order = tbl['order'].data if 'order' in tbl.keys() else None
# for solutions with saved line IDs and pixels
tbl_line_pix = tbl['lines_pix'].data if 'lines_pix' in tbl.keys() else None
tbl_line_wav = tbl['lines_wav'].data if 'lines_wav' in tbl.keys() else None
tbl_line_fit_ord = tbl['lines_fit_ord'].data if 'lines_fit_ord' in tbl.keys() else None
# Cut down?
if wvrng is not None:
gd_wv = (tbl_wv >= wvrng[0]) & (tbl_wv <= wvrng[1])
tbl_wv = tbl_wv[gd_wv]
tbl_fx = tbl_fx[gd_wv]
# Return
return tbl_wv, tbl_fx, tbl.meta['BINSPEC'], tbl_order, tbl_line_pix, tbl_line_wav, tbl_line_fit_ord
def load_reid_arxiv(arxiv_file):
Load a REID arxiv file
Now there are 2 possible formats. We need to consolidate
arxiv_file (str):
dict, dict-like:
# This function allows users to specify their own `reid_arxiv`, in
# particular, the output from `pypeit_identify`.
# WARNING: If the file is being pulled from the cache, the arxiv_file *must*
# have the correct extension. I.e., the cache file is always `contents`, so
# the "return_format=True" here is just returning the extension of
# `arxiv_file`.
calibfile, arxiv_fmt = dataPaths.reid_arxiv.get_file_path(arxiv_file, return_format=True)
# This is a hack as it will fail if we change the data model yet again for wavelength solutions
if arxiv_fmt == 'json':
wv_calib_arxiv = load_wavelength_calibration(calibfile)
par = wv_calib_arxiv['par'].copy()
# Pop out par and steps if they were inserted in this calibration dictionary
except KeyError:
except KeyError:
elif arxiv_fmt == 'fits':
# The following is a bit of a hack too
par = None
wv_tbl = astropy.table.Table.read(calibfile, format='fits')
wv_calib_arxiv = {}
nrow = wv_tbl['wave'].shape[0]
for irow in np.arange(nrow):
wv_calib_arxiv[str(irow)] = {}
wv_calib_arxiv[str(irow)]['spec'] = wv_tbl['flux'][irow,:]
wv_calib_arxiv[str(irow)]['wave_soln'] = wv_tbl['wave'][irow,:]
wv_calib_arxiv[str(irow)]['order'] = wv_tbl['order'][irow]
msgs.error(f"Not ready for this `reid_arxiv` extension: {arxiv_fmt}")
return wv_calib_arxiv, par
def load_line_list(line_file, use_ion=False):
line_file : str
Full path to line_list or name of ion
use_ion : bool, optional
Interpret line_file as an ion, e.g. CuI
line_list : `astropy.table.Table`_
_line_file = f'{line_file}_lines.dat' if use_ion else line_file
_line_file = dataPaths.linelist.get_file_path(_line_file)
return astropy.table.Table.read(_line_file, format='ascii.fixed_width', comment='#')
def load_line_lists(lamps, all=False, include_unknown:bool=False, restrict_on_instr=None):
Loads a series of line list files
lamps : list
List of arc lamps to be used for wavelength calibration.
E.g., ['ArI','NeI','KrI','XeI']
restrict_on_instr : str, optional
Restrict according to the input spectrograph
all : bool, optional
Load all line lists, independent of the input lamps (not recommended)
include_unknown : bool, optional
If True, the tot_line_list includes the unknown lines
tot_line_list : astropy Table of line lists (including unknown lines, if requested)
line_list : astropy Table of line lists
unkn_lines : astropy Table of unknown lines
# All?
if all:
# Search both in the package directory and the PypeIt cache
line_files = list(dataPaths.linelist.glob('*_lines.dat'))
# TODO: When searching the cache, the filenames returned are always
# `contents`, this will break how the lamp names are extracted below
lamps = []
for line_file in line_files:
i0 = line_file.rfind('/')
i1 = line_file.rfind('_')
msgs.info(f"Arc lamps used: {', '.join(lamps)}")
# Read standard files
# NOTE: If one of the `lamps` does not exist, dataPaths.linelist.get_file_path()
# will exit with msgs.error().
lists = [load_line_list(dataPaths.linelist.get_file_path(f'{lamp}_lines.dat'))
for lamp in lamps]
# Stack
if len(lists) == 0:
return None
line_lists_all = astropy.table.vstack(lists, join_type='exact')
# Restrict on the spectrograph?
if restrict_on_instr is not None:
instr_dict = defs.instruments()
gdI = (line_lists_all['Instr'] & instr_dict[restrict_on_instr]) > 0
line_lists_all = line_lists_all[gdI]
# Load Unknowns
if 'ThAr' in lamps:
line_lists = line_lists_all[line_lists_all['ion'] != 'UNKNWN']
unkn_lines = line_lists_all[line_lists_all['ion'] == 'UNKNWN']
line_lists = line_lists_all
unkn_lines = load_unknown_list(lamps)
#unkn_lines.remove_column('line_flag') # may wish to have this info
# Stack?
tot_line_list = astropy.table.vstack([line_lists, unkn_lines]) if include_unknown else line_lists_all
# Return
return tot_line_list, line_lists, unkn_lines
def load_tree(polygon=4, numsearch=20):
Load a KDTree of ThAr patterns that is stored on disk
polygon : int
Number of sides to the polygon used in pattern matching:
- polygon=3 --> trigon (two anchor lines and one floating line)
- polygon=4 --> tetragon (two anchor lines and two floating lines)
- polygon=5 --> pentagon (two anchor lines and three floating lines)
numsearch : int
Number of consecutive detected lines used to generate a pattern.
For example, if numsearch is 4, then for a trigon, the following
patterns will be generated (assuming line #1 is the left
- 1 2 3 (in this case line #3 is the right anchor)
- 1 2 4 (in this case line #4 is the right anchor)
- 1 3 4 (in this case line #4 is the right anchor)
file_load : KDTree instance
The KDTree containing the patterns
index : ndarray
For each pattern in the KDTree, this array stores the
corresponding index in the linelist
# TODO: Can we save these as fits files instead?
# TODO: Please don't use imports within functions
import pickle
filename = dataPaths.linelist.get_file_path(
fileindx = dataPaths.linelist.get_file_path(
with open(filename, "rb", encoding="utf-8") as f_obj:
file_load = pickle.load(f_obj)
index = np.load(fileindx)
except FileNotFoundError:
msgs.info('The requested KDTree was not found on disk' + msgs.newline() +
'please be patient while the ThAr KDTree is built and saved to disk.')
from pypeit.core.wavecal import kdtree_generator
file_load, index = kdtree_generator.main(polygon, numsearch=numsearch, verbose=True,
ret_treeindx=True, outname=filename)
return file_load, index
def load_unknown_list(lines, unknwn_file=None, all=False):
lines : list
Restricted lines; use all=True for all
unknwn_file : str, optional
all : bool, optional
unknwn_lines : `astropy.table.Table`_
line_dict = defs.lines()
# Load
if unknwn_file is None:
unknwn_file = dataPaths.linelist.get_file_path('UNKNWNs.dat')
line_list = load_line_list(unknwn_file)
# Cut on input lamps?
if all:
return line_list
# Otherwise
msk = np.zeros(len(line_list), dtype=bool)
for line in lines:
# Skip if the lines is not even in the line list
if line not in line_dict.keys():
# Else consider masking
line_flag = line_dict[line]
match = line_list['line_flag'] % (2*line_flag) >= line_flag
msk[match] = True
# Finish
return line_list[msk]