Module to generate templates for the PypeIt full_template wavelength calibration routine
This function uses direct access to the ``path`` attribute in the relevant
pypeit data paths. This should *not* be replicated in other parts of the code.
This ``templates.py`` script is a developer only script, and it really shouldn't
be distributed as part of the code base.
.. include:: ../include/links.rst
import os
import pathlib
import numpy as np
from IPython import embed
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from scipy.io import readsav
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from astropy.table import Table
from astropy import units
import linetools.utils
from pypeit import msgs
from pypeit import utils
from pypeit import io
from pypeit import wavecalib
from pypeit.core import arc
from pypeit.core.wave import airtovac
from pypeit.core.wavecal import waveio
from pypeit.core.wavecal import wvutils
from pypeit.core.wavecal import autoid
from pypeit.core.wavecal import wv_fitting
from pypeit.core import fitting
from pypeit import dataPaths
from pypeit.spectrographs.util import load_spectrograph
# Data Model
# FITS table
# wave -- Wavelength values
# flux -- Arc spectrum flux values
# Meta must include BINNING of the template with 1=native
if os.getenv('PYPEIT_DEV') is not None:
template_path = (
pathlib.Path(os.getenv('PYPEIT_DEV')) /
'dev_algorithms' / 'wavelengths' / 'template_files'
# print("You may wish to set the PYPEIT_DEV environment variable")
# TODO: Rename the "Master" files here?
def build_template(in_files, slits, wv_cuts, binspec, outroot, outdir=None,
normalize=False, subtract_conti=False, wvspec=None,
lowredux=False, ifiles=None, det_cut=None, chk=False,
miny=None, overwrite=True, ascii_tbl=False, in_vac=True,
shift_wave=False, binning=None, micron=False,
Generate a full_template for a given instrument
in_files (list or str):
Wavelength solution files, XIDL or PypeIt
If PypeIt, they can be a mix of WaveCalib JSON and FITS files
slits (list):
Slits in the archive files to use
wv_cuts (list):
Wavelengths to cut each slit at. The elements of the list
correspond to the wavelengths where two spectra are stitched together.
binspec (int):
Spectral binning of the archived spectrum
outroot (str):
Name of output archive
outdir (str):
Name of output directory
lowredux (bool, optional):
If true, in_files are from LowRedux
reid_files (bool, optional):
If True, in_files are reid_arxiv files
wvspec (ndarray, optional):
Manually input the wavelength values
ifiles (list, optional):
Ordering of the in_files. Default is np.arange(len(in_files))
det_cut (dict, optional):
Cut the detector into pieces. Important for long detectors with wavelengths on one side
chk (bool, optional):
Show a plot or two
miny (float):
Impose a minimum value
normalize (bool, optional):
If provided multiple in_files, normalize each
snippet to have the same maximum amplitude.
subtract_conti (bool, optional):
Subtract the continuum for the final archive
ascii_tbl (bool, optional):
Table is a simple ASCII 2 column wave,flux table
in_vac (bool, optional):
True if input wavelengths are in vacuum
shift_wave (bool, optional):
Shift wavelengths when splicing to sync up precisely (Recommended)
Requires PypeIt file (old JSON works for now)
binning (list, optional):
Allows for multiple binnings for input files
micron (bool, optional):
If True, assume the in_files archive has a solution in microns, so convert this to Angstroms
which is the PypeIt convention. Default=False
if outdir is None:
outdir = dataPaths.reid_arxiv.path
if ifiles is None:
ifiles = np.arange(len(in_files))
if binning is None:
binning = [None]*len(ifiles)
# Load xidl file
# Grab it
# Load and splice
yvals = []
lvals = []
if not isinstance(in_files, list):
in_files = [in_files]
ifiles = [0]*len(slits)
# Loop on the files
for kk, slit in enumerate(slits):
# Load up
if wvspec is None:
in_file = in_files[ifiles[kk]]
if lowredux:
wv_vac, spec = xidl_arcspec(in_file, slit)
elif ascii_tbl:
wv_vac, spec = read_ascii(in_file, in_vac=in_vac)
elif reid_files:
wv_vac, spec = read_reid(in_file)
wv_vac, spec, pypeitFit = pypeit_arcspec(in_file, slit, binspec, binning[kk])
if micron:
wv_vac = 1e4*wv_vac
wv_vac, spec = wvspec['wv_vac'], wvspec['spec']
# Diagnostics
msgs.info("wvmin, wvmax of {}: {}, {}".format(in_file, wv_vac.min(), wv_vac.max()))
# Cut
if len(slits) > 1:
wvmin, wvmax = grab_wvlim(kk, wv_cuts, len(slits))
# Default
gdi = (wv_vac > wvmin) & (wv_vac < wvmax)
if shift_wave:
if len(lvals) > 0:
# Find pixel closet to end
ipix = np.argmin(np.abs(lvals[-1][-1] - wv_vac))
# Difference between the two spectra at this pixel
dwv_specs = wv_vac[ipix] - lvals[-1][-1]
# Delta wv per pix
dwv_snipp = wv_vac - np.roll(wv_vac, 1)
dwv_snipp[0] = dwv_snipp[1]
# Delta pix -- approximate but should be pretty good
dpix = dwv_specs / dwv_snipp[ipix]
# Calculate new wavelengths
npix = wv_vac.size
# Rebin spec?
if binning is not None and binning[kk] != binspec:
npix_orig = spec.size
x_orig = np.arange(npix_orig) / float(npix_orig - 1)
x = np.arange(npix) / float(npix - 1)
spec = (interp1d(x_orig, spec, axis=0,
bounds_error=False, fill_value='extrapolate'))(x)
# Evaluate
new_wave = pypeitFit.eval((-dpix + np.arange(npix)) / (npix - 1))
# Range
iend = np.argmin(np.abs(new_wave - wvmax))
# Interpolate
f = interp1d(wv_vac, spec)
spec = f(new_wave[ipix + 1:iend])
wv_vac = new_wave[ipix+1:iend]
# Over-write gdi
gdi = np.ones_like(wv_vac, dtype=bool)
gdi = np.arange(spec.size).astype(int)
# Append
# Continuum
if subtract_conti:
for kk,spec in enumerate(yvals):
_, _, _, _, spec_cont_sub = wvutils.arc_lines_from_spec(spec)
yvals[kk] = spec_cont_sub
# Normalize?
if normalize:
norm_val = 10000.
# Max values
maxs = []
for kk,spec in enumerate(yvals):
mx = np.max(spec)
spec = spec * norm_val / mx
yvals[kk] = spec
# Concatenate
nwspec = np.concatenate(yvals)
nwwv = np.concatenate(lvals)
# Min y?
if miny is not None:
nwspec = np.maximum(nwspec, miny)
# Check
if chk:
ax = plt.gca()
ax.plot(nwwv, nwspec)
# Generate the table
wvutils.write_template(nwwv, nwspec, binspec, outdir, outroot, det_cut=det_cut, overwrite=overwrite)
def grab_wvlim(kk, wv_cuts, nslits):
Set the wavelength range to cut on
kk (int):
wv_cuts (list):
nslits (int):
tuple: wv_min, wv_max (float, float)
if kk == 0:
llow = 0.
lhi = wv_cuts[0]
elif kk == nslits - 1:
llow = wv_cuts[kk - 1]
lhi = 1e9
llow = wv_cuts[kk - 1]
lhi = wv_cuts[kk]
return llow, lhi
def pypeit_arcspec(in_file, slit, binspec, binning=None):
Load up the arc spectrum from an input JSON file
in_file (str or :obj:`pathlib.Path`):
File containing the arc spectrum and or fit
slit (int):
slit index
tuple: `numpy.ndarray`_, `numpy.ndarray`_, PypeItFit: wave, flux, pypeitFitting
# Enforce `str` type for input file name
in_file = str(in_file)
if '.json' in in_file:
# Force any possible pathlib.Path object to string before `loadjson`
wv_dict = linetools.utils.loadjson(in_file)
iwv_calib = wv_dict[str(slit)]
pypeitFitting = fitting.PypeItFit(fitc=np.array(iwv_calib['fitc']),
minx=iwv_calib['fmin'], maxx=iwv_calib['fmax'])
if binning is not None and binning != binspec:
raise NotImplementedError('Cannot rebin yet')
x = np.arange(len(iwv_calib['spec']))
wv_vac = pypeitFitting.eval(x / iwv_calib['xnorm'])
#wv_vac = utils.func_val(iwv_calib['fitc'], x/iwv_calib['xnorm'], iwv_calib['function'],
# minx=iwv_calib['fmin'], maxx=iwv_calib['fmax'])
flux = np.array(iwv_calib['spec']).flatten()
elif '.fits' in in_file:
# TODO: This should not default to chk_version=False ...
wvcalib = wavecalib.WaveCalib.from_file(in_file, chk_version=False)
idx = np.where(wvcalib.spat_ids == slit)[0][0]
flux = wvcalib.arc_spectra[:,idx]
npix = flux.size
if binning is not None and binning != binspec:
npix = int(npix * binning / binspec)
x = np.arange(npix) / (npix - 1)
x = np.arange(npix) / (npix - 1)
# Evaluate
wv_vac = wvcalib.wv_fits[idx].pypeitfit.eval(x)
pypeitFitting = wvcalib.wv_fits[idx].pypeitfit
raise IOError("Bad in_file {}".format(in_file))
# Return
return wv_vac, flux, pypeitFitting
def pypeit_identify_record(iwv_calib, binspec, specname, gratname, dispangl, outdir=None):
"""From within PypeIt, generate a template file if the user manually identifies an arc spectrum
iwv_calib : dict
Wavelength calibration returned by final_fit
binspec : int
Spectral binning
specname : str
Name of instrument
gratname : str
Name of grating
dispangl : str
Dispersion angle
outdir : str, None
Output directory
x = np.arange(len(iwv_calib['spec']))
wv_vac = utils.func_val(iwv_calib['fitc'], x / iwv_calib['xnorm'], iwv_calib['function'],
minx=iwv_calib['fmin'], maxx=iwv_calib['fmax'])
wvspec = dict(wv_vac=wv_vac, spec=np.array(iwv_calib['spec']))
# Derive an output file
cntr = 1
extstr = ""
while True:
outroot = '{0:s}_{1:s}_{2:s}{3:s}.fits'.format(specname, gratname, dispangl, extstr)
if (dataPaths.reid_arxiv.path / outroot).exists():
extstr = "_{0:02d}".format(cntr)
cntr += 1
slits = [0]
lcut = [3200.]
build_template("", slits, lcut, binspec, outroot, outdir=outdir, wvspec=wvspec, lowredux=False, overwrite=False)
# Return
return outroot
## Low-Redux routines
def fcheby(xnrm,order):
leg = np.zeros((len(xnrm),order))
leg[:,0] = 1.
if order >= 2:
leg[:,1] = xnrm
# For loop
for j in range(2,order):
leg[:,j] = 2.0 * xnrm * leg[:,j-1] - leg[:,j-2]
# Return
return leg
def cheby_val(coeff, x, nrm, order):
xnrm = 2. * (x - nrm[0])/nrm[1]
# Matrix first
leg = fcheby(xnrm, order)
# Dot
return np.dot(leg, coeff)
def poly_val(coeff, x, nrm):
IDL style function for polynomial
coeff (`numpy.ndarray`_): Polynomial coefficients
x (`numpy.ndarray`_): x array
nrm (`numpy.ndarray`_): Normalization terms
`numpy.ndarray`_: Same shape as x
xnrm = 2. * (x - nrm[0])/nrm[1]
n = len(coeff)-1
y = coeff[n]
#for i=n-1,0,-1 do y = TEMPORARY(y) * x + c[i]
for ii in range(n-1,-1,-1):
y = y*xnrm + coeff[ii]
return y
def read_ascii(tbl_file, in_vac=True):
The columns need to be wave, flux
And the data should be monoonically increasing in wavelength
tbl_file (str):
file of the table
in_vac (bool, optional):
If True, wavelenghts are already in vacuum
tuple: np.ndarray, np.ndarray of wavelength, flux
arc_spec = Table.read(tbl_file, format='ascii')
# Wavelengths
wv_vac = arc_spec['wave']
if not in_vac:
wv_vac = airtovac(wv_vac * units.AA)
# Return
return wv_vac.value, arc_spec['flux']
def xidl_arcspec(xidl_file, slit):
Read an XIDL format solution for a Longslit
Note: These are in air
xidl_file : str
XIDL file
slit : int
The slit in question.
wave : np.ndarray
Wavelengths in vacuum for that slit
spec : np.ndarray
Arc spectrum for that slit
xidl_dict = readsav(xidl_file)
if xidl_dict['archive_arc'].ndim == 2:
nspec = xidl_dict['archive_arc'].shape[0]
npix = xidl_dict['archive_arc'].shape[1]
npix = xidl_dict['archive_arc'].shape[0]
# This is the best one (well-centered)
calib = xidl_dict['calib'][slit]
# Generate the wavelengths
if calib['FUNC'] == b'CHEBY':
wv_air = cheby_val(calib['FFIT'], np.arange(npix),
calib['NRM'], calib['NORD'])
elif calib['FUNC'] == b'POLY':
wv_air = poly_val(calib['FFIT'], np.arange(npix), calib['NRM'])
wv_vac = airtovac(wv_air * units.AA)
if xidl_dict['archive_arc'].ndim == 2:
spec = xidl_dict['archive_arc'][slit]
spec = xidl_dict['archive_arc']
# Flip to blue to red?
if wv_vac[1] < wv_vac[0]:
wv_vac = wv_vac[::-1]
spec = spec[::-1]
# Return
return wv_vac.value, spec
def read_reid(reid_file:str):
# Read
tbl = Table.read(reid_file)
# Return
return tbl['wave'].data, tbl['flux'].data
def xidl_esihires(xidl_file, specbin=1, order_vec=None,
Read an XIDL format solution for Keck/HIRES
or Keck/ESI
Note: They used air
xidl_file (str):
Keck/HIRES save file
tuple: np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray of orders, wavelength, flux
xidl_dict = readsav(xidl_file)
if order_vec is None:
order_vec = xidl_dict['guess_ordr']
norders = order_vec.size
nspec = xidl_dict['sv_aspec'].shape[1]
# Wavelengths
wave = np.zeros((norders, specbin*nspec))
spec = np.zeros((norders, specbin*nspec))
calib = xidl_dict['all_arcfit']
order_mask = np.ones(norders, dtype=bool)
# Here we go on the fits
for kk in range(norders):
# Generate the wavelengths
if calib['FUNC'][kk] == b'CHEBY':
log10_wv_air = cheby_val(calib['FFIT'][kk],
calib['NRM'][kk], calib['NORD'][kk])
elif calib['FUNC'][kk] == b'POLY':
log10_wv_air = poly_val(calib['FFIT'][kk],
if not log10:
log10_wv_air = np.log10(log10_wv_air)
wv_vac = airtovac(10**log10_wv_air * units.AA).value
ispec = xidl_dict['sv_aspec'][kk,:]
# Flip to blue to red?
if wv_vac[1] < wv_vac[0]:
wv_vac = wv_vac[::-1]
ispec = ispec[::-1]
# Fill
if specbin != 1:
wave[kk,:] = arc.resize_spec(wv_vac, nspec*specbin)
spec[kk,:] = arc.resize_spec(ispec, nspec*specbin)
wave[kk,:] = wv_vac
spec[kk,:] = ispec
# Return
return order_vec[order_mask], wave[order_mask,:], spec[order_mask,:]
def main(flg):
# Keck LRISb
if flg & (2**0): # B300, all lamps
binspec = 1
slits = [15]
xidl_file = template_path / 'Keck_LRIS' / 'B300' / 'lris_blue_300.sav'
outroot = 'keck_lris_blue_300_d680.fits'
build_template(xidl_file, slits, None, binspec, outroot, lowredux=True)
if flg & (2**1): # B400, all lamps I think)
binspec = 2
slits = [19,14]
lcut = [5500.]
xidl_file = template_path / 'Keck_LRIS' / 'B400' / 'lris_blue_400_d560.sav'
build_template(xidl_file, slits, lcut, binspec, outroot, lowredux=True)
if flg & (2**2): # B600, all lamps
binspec = 2
slits = [0,7]
lcut = [4500.]
wfile = template_path / 'Keck_LRIS' / 'B600' / 'MasterWaveCalib_A_1_01.json'
build_template(wfile, slits, lcut, binspec, outroot, lowredux=False)
if flg & (2**3): # B1200, all lamps?
binspec = 2
slits = [19,44]
lcut = [3700.]
xidl_file = template_path / 'Keck_LRIS' / 'B1200' /'lris_blue_1200.sav'
build_template(xidl_file, slits, lcut, binspec, outroot, lowredux=True)
# ###############################################3
# Keck/LRISr
if flg & (2**10): # R400
binspec = 2
slits = [7] # Quite blue, but not the bluest
lcut = []
wfile = template_path / 'Keck_LRIS' / 'R400' / 'MasterWaveCalib_A_1_01.json'
build_template(wfile, slits, lcut, binspec, outroot, lowredux=False)
if flg & (2**11): # R1200
# slits = [2-3] # 7726 -- 9250
# slits = [1-4] # 9250 -- 9925
binspec = 1
ifiles = [0, 1]
slits = [3, 7]
lcut = [9250.]
wfile1 = template_path / 'Keck_LRIS' / 'R1200_9000' / 'MasterWaveCalib_A_1_02.json' # Original Dev
wfile2 = template_path / 'Keck_LRIS' / 'R1200_9000' / 'MasterWaveCalib_A_1_01.json' # Dev suite 2x1
build_template([wfile1,wfile2], slits, lcut, binspec, outroot, lowredux=False,
if flg & (2**12): # R600/5000
# slits = [1-4] # 5080 -- 7820
# slits = [1-7] # 7820 -- 9170
binspec = 2
slits = [4, 7]
lcut = [7820.]
wfile = template_path / 'Keck_LRIS' / 'R600_5000' /'MasterWaveCalib_B_1_01.json'
build_template(wfile, slits, lcut, binspec, outroot, lowredux=False)
if flg & (2**27): # R600/7500
# slits = [1-10] # 5000 -- 7840
# slits = [1-4] # 7840 -- 9230
binspec = 2
slits = [10, 4]
lcut = [7840.]
wfile = template_path / 'Keck_LRIS' / 'R600_7500' / 'MasterWaveCalib_I_1_01.json'
build_template(wfile, slits, lcut, binspec, outroot, lowredux=False,
chk=True, normalize=True, subtract_conti=True)
# ##################################
# Magellan/MagE
if flg & (2**13):
# Load
mase_path = pathlib.Path(os.getenv('XIDL_DIR')) / 'Magellan' / 'MAGE' / 'mase' / 'Calib'
sav_file = mase_path / 'MagE_wvguess_jfh.idl'
mase_dict = readsav(sav_file)
mase_sol = Table(mase_dict['all_arcfit'])
# Do it
all_wave = np.zeros((2048, 15))
all_flux = np.zeros_like(all_wave)
for order in np.arange(15):
all_flux[:,order] = mase_dict['sv_aspec'][order]
# Build the wavelengths
wv_air = cheby_val(mase_sol['FFIT'][order], np.arange(2048), mase_sol['NRM'][order],
all_wave[:,order] = airtovac(wv_air * units.AA).value
# Write
tbl = Table()
tbl['wave'] = all_wave.T
tbl['flux'] = all_flux.T
tbl['order'] = np.arange(20, 5, -1, dtype=int)
tbl.meta['BINSPEC'] = 1
# Write
outfile = template_path / outroot
tbl.write(outfile, overwrite=True)
print("Wrote: {}".format(outfile))
if flg & (2**14): # Magellan/MagE Plots
new_mage_file = dataPaths.reid_arxiv.path / 'magellan_mage.fits'
# Load
mage_wave = Table.read(new_mage_file)
llist = waveio.load_line_lists(['ThAr_MagE'])
for kk in range(mage_wave['wave'].shape[1]):
wv = mage_wave['wave'][:, kk]
fx = mage_wave['flux'][:, kk]
order = 20 - kk
# Reidentify
detections, spec_cont_sub, patt_dict = autoid.reidentify(fx, fx, wv, llist, 1)
# Fit
final_fit = wv_fitting.fit_slit(fx, patt_dict, detections, llist)
# Output
outfile=dataPaths.arc_plot.path / f'MagE_order{order:2d}_IDs.pdf'
autoid.arc_fit_qa(final_fit, outfile=outfile, ids_only=True)
print(f"Wrote: {outfile}")
outfile=dataPaths.arc_plot.path / f'MagE_order{order:2d}_full.pdf'
if flg & (2**15): # VLT/X-Shooter reid_arxiv
for iroot, iout in zip(['vlt_xshooter_vis1x1.json', 'vlt_xshooter_nir.json'],
['vlt_xshooter_vis1x1.fits', 'vlt_xshooter_nir.fits']):
# Load
old_file = dataPaths.reid_arxiv.path / iroot
odict, par = waveio.load_reid_arxiv(old_file)
# Do it
orders = odict['fit2d']['orders'][::-1].astype(int) # Flipped
all_wave = np.zeros((odict['0']['nspec'], orders.size))
all_flux = np.zeros_like(all_wave)
for kk,order in enumerate(orders):
all_flux[:,kk] = odict[str(kk)]['spec']
if 'nir' in iroot:
all_wave[:,kk] = odict[str(kk)]['wave_soln']
all_wave[:,kk] = airtovac(odict[str(kk)]['wave_soln'] * units.AA).value
# Write
tbl = Table()
tbl['wave'] = all_wave.T
tbl['flux'] = all_flux.T
tbl['order'] = orders
tbl.meta['BINSPEC'] = 1
# Write
outfile = dataPaths.reid_arxiv.path / iout
tbl.write(outfile, overwrite=True)
print("Wrote: {}".format(outfile))
if flg & (2**16): # VLT/X-Shooter line list
old_file = dataPaths.linelist.path / 'ThAr_XSHOOTER_VIS_air_lines.dat'
# Load
air_list = waveio.load_line_list(old_file)
# Vacuum
vac_wv = airtovac(air_list['wave']*units.AA).value
vac_list = air_list.copy()
vac_list['wave'] = vac_wv
# Write
new_file = dataPaths.linelist.path / 'ThAr_XSHOOTER_VIS_lines.dat'
vac_list.write(new_file, format='ascii.fixed_width', overwrite=True)
print("Wrote: {}".format(new_file))
if flg & (2**17): # NIRES
iroot = 'keck_nires.json'
iout = 'keck_nires.fits'
# Load
old_file = dataPaths.reid_arxiv.path / iroot
odict, par = waveio.load_reid_arxiv(old_file)
# Do it
orders = odict['fit2d']['orders'][::-1].astype(int) # Flipped
all_wave = np.zeros((odict['0']['nspec'], orders.size))
all_flux = np.zeros_like(all_wave)
for kk,order in enumerate(orders):
all_flux[:,kk] = odict[str(kk)]['spec']
if 'nir' in iroot:
all_wave[:,kk] = odict[str(kk)]['wave_soln']
all_wave[:,kk] = airtovac(odict[str(kk)]['wave_soln'] * units.AA).value
# Write
tbl = Table()
tbl['wave'] = all_wave.T
tbl['flux'] = all_flux.T
tbl['order'] = orders
tbl.meta['BINSPEC'] = 1
# Write
outfile = dataPaths.reid_arxiv.path / iout
tbl.write(outfile, overwrite=True)
print("Wrote: {}".format(outfile))
if flg & (2**18): # Gemini/GNIRS
iroot = 'gemini_gnirs.json'
iout = 'gemini_gnirs.fits'
# Load
old_file = dataPaths.reid_arxiv.path / iroot
odict, par = waveio.load_reid_arxiv(old_file)
# Do it
orders = odict['fit2d']['orders'][::-1].astype(int) # Flipped
all_wave = np.zeros((odict['0']['nspec'], orders.size))
all_flux = np.zeros_like(all_wave)
for kk,order in enumerate(orders):
all_flux[:,kk] = odict[str(kk)]['spec']
if 'nir' in iroot:
all_wave[:,kk] = odict[str(kk)]['wave_soln']
all_wave[:,kk] = airtovac(odict[str(kk)]['wave_soln'] * units.AA).value
# Write
tbl = Table()
tbl['wave'] = all_wave.T
tbl['flux'] = all_flux.T
tbl['order'] = orders
tbl.meta['BINSPEC'] = 1
# Write
outfile = dataPaths.reid_arxiv.path / iout
tbl.write(outfile, overwrite=True)
print("Wrote: {}".format(outfile))
if flg & (2**23): # WHT/ISIS
iroot = 'wht_isis_blue_1200_4800.json'
outroot = 'wht_isis_blue_1200_4800.fits'
wfile = template_path / 'WHT_ISIS' / '1200B' / iroot
binspec = 2
slits = [0]
lcut = [3200.]
build_template(wfile, slits, lcut, binspec, outroot, lowredux=False)
if flg & (2**24): # Magellan/FIRE
iroot = 'magellan_fire_echelle.json'
iout = 'magellan_fire_echelle.fits'
# Load
old_file = dataPaths.reid_arxiv.path / iroot
odict, par = waveio.load_reid_arxiv(old_file)
# Do it
orders = odict['fit2d']['orders'][::-1].astype(int) # Flipped
all_wave = np.zeros((odict['0']['nspec'], orders.size))
all_flux = np.zeros_like(all_wave)
for kk,order in enumerate(orders):
all_flux[:,kk] = odict[str(kk)]['spec']
if 'nir' in iroot:
all_wave[:,kk] = odict[str(kk)]['wave_soln']
all_wave[:,kk] = airtovac(odict[str(kk)]['wave_soln'] * units.AA).value
# Write
tbl = Table()
tbl['wave'] = all_wave.T
tbl['flux'] = all_flux.T
tbl['order'] = orders
tbl.meta['BINSPEC'] = 1
# Write
outfile = dataPaths.reid_arxiv.path / iout
tbl.write(outfile, overwrite=True)
print("Wrote: {}".format(outfile))
if flg & (2**25): # FIRE longslit
binspec = 1
outroot = 'magellan_fire_long.fits'
xidl_file = pathlib.Path(os.getenv('FIRE_DIR')) / 'LowDispersion' / 'NeNeAr_archive_fit.fits'
spec_file = pathlib.Path(os.getenv('FIRE_DIR')) / 'LowDispersion' / 'NeNeAr2.sav'
fire_sol = Table.read(xidl_file)
wave = cheby_val(fire_sol['FFIT'].data[0], np.arange(2048), fire_sol['NRM'].data[0], fire_sol['NORD'].data[0])
wv_vac = airtovac(wave * units.AA)
xidl_dict = readsav(spec_file)
flux = xidl_dict['arc1d']
wvutils.write_template(wv_vac.value, flux, binspec, dataPaths.reid_arxiv.path, outroot, det_cut=None)
# Gemini/Flamingos2
if flg & (2**26):
iroot = ['Flamingos2_JH_JH.json','Flamingos2_HK_HK.json']
binspec = 1
slits = [0]
lcut = []
for ii in range(len(iroot)):
wfile = dataPaths.reid_arxiv.path / iroot[ii]
build_template(wfile, slits, lcut, binspec, outroot[ii], lowredux=False)
if flg & (2 ** 28):
# ArI 4159 -- 6800
wfile = template_path / 'MDM_OSMOS' / 'MasterWaveCalib_MDM4K_01.json'
outroot = 'mdm_osmos_mdm4k.fits'
binspec = 1
slits = [0]
lcut = [3200.]
build_template(wfile, slits, lcut, binspec, outroot, lowredux=False,
chk=True, subtract_conti=True)
if flg & (2**32):
iroot = ['mmt_mmirs_HK_zJ.json','mmt_mmirs_J_zJ.json','mmt_mmirs_K3000_Kspec.json']
binspec = 1
slits = [1020,1020,1020]
lcut = []
for ii in range(len(iroot)):
wfile = dataPaths.reid_arxiv.path / iroot[ii]
build_template(wfile, slits, lcut, binspec, outroot[ii], lowredux=False)
if flg & (2**33):
iroot = ['lbt_mods1r_red.json','lbt_mods2r_red.json']
binspec = 1
slits = [[1557],[1573]]
lcut = []
for ii in range(len(iroot)):
wfile = dataPaths.reid_arxiv.path / iroot[ii]
build_template(wfile, slits[ii], lcut, binspec, outroot[ii], lowredux=False)
# P200 Triplespec
if flg & (2**34):
iroot = 'p200_triplespec_MasterWaveCalib.fits'
iout = 'p200_triplespec.fits'
# Load
old_file = dataPaths.reid_arxiv.path / iroot
par = io.fits_open(old_file)
pyp_spec = par[0].header['PYP_SPEC']
spectrograph = load_spectrograph(pyp_spec)
orders = spectrograph.orders
# Do it
all_wave = np.zeros((par[2].data['spec'].size, orders.size))
all_flux = np.zeros_like(all_wave)
for kk, order in enumerate(orders):
all_flux[:, kk] = par[2*kk+2].data['spec']
all_wave[:, kk] = par[2*kk+2].data['wave_soln']
# Write
tbl = Table()
tbl['wave'] = all_wave.T
tbl['flux'] = all_flux.T
tbl['order'] = orders
tbl.meta['BINSPEC'] = 1
# Write
outfile = dataPaths.reid_arxiv.path / iout
tbl.write(outfile, overwrite=True)
print("Wrote: {}".format(outfile))
# Command line execution
if __name__ == '__main__':
flg = 0
# TODO : There must be a better way to index these solutions...
# Keck/LRISb
#flg += 2**0 # LRISb 300, all lamps
#flg += 2**1 # LRISb 400, all lamps
#flg += 2**2 # LRISb 600, all lamps
#flg += 2**3 # LRISb 1200, all lamps?
# Keck/LRISr
#flg += 2**10 # R400
#flg += 2**11 # R1200
# MagE
#flg += 2**13
#flg += 2**14 # Plots
# VLT/X-Shooter
#flg += 2**15 # Convert JSON to FITS
#flg += 2**16 # Line list
# Keck/NIRES
#flg += 2**17 # Convert JSON to FITS
# Gemini/GNIRS
#flg += 2**18 # Convert JSON to FITS
#flg += 2**19 # Convert JSON to FITS
# Gemini/GMOS
#flg += 2**20 # Hamamatsu R400 Convert JSON to FITS
#flg += 2**21 # E2V Convert JSON to FITS
#flg += 2**22 # Hamamatsu B600 XIDL
#flg += 2**23 # Convert JSON to FITS
# Magellan/FIRE
#flg += 2**24 # FIRE Echelle
#flg += 2**25 # FIRElongslit
# Gemini Flamingos2
#flg += 2**26 # Longslit
# Keck/LRIS r
#flg += 2**27 # R600/7500
#flg += 2**28
#flg += 2**32
#flg += 2**33
# P200 Triplespec
#flg += 2**34