Source code for pypeit.core.wavecal.patterns

""" Module for finding patterns in arc line spectra

.. include:: ../include/links.rst
import numpy as np
import scipy.ndimage

#import numba as nb

[docs] def detect_2Dpeaks(image): """ Takes a 2D image and returns 1 if a local maximum is found, and 0 otherwise Parameters ---------- image : ndarray 2D image Returns ------- pimage : ndarray boolean mask of the peaks (1 when the pixel's value is the neighborhood maximum, 0 otherwise) """ # Define an 8-connected neighborhood neighborhood = scipy.ndimage.generate_binary_structure(2, 2) # Apply the local maximum filter local_max = scipy.ndimage.maximum_filter(image, footprint=neighborhood) == image # Background mask background = (image == 0) # Remove artifacts from local maximum filter eroded_background = scipy.ndimage.binary_erosion( background, structure=neighborhood, border_value=1 ) # Remove the background from the local_max mask pimage = local_max ^ eroded_background return pimage
[docs] def match_quad_to_list(spec_lines, line_list, wv_guess, dwv_guess, tol=2., dwv_uncertainty=0.2, min_ftol=0.005): """ Parameters ---------- spec_lines : ndarray pixel space line_list : tol : min_ftol : float, optional Minimum tolerance for matching Returns ------- possible_matches : list list of indices of matching quads """ # Setup spec npix = spec_lines[-1]-spec_lines[0] spec_values = (spec_lines[1:-1]-spec_lines[0])/( spec_lines[-1]-spec_lines[0]) ftol = max(tol/npix, min_ftol) # possible_start = np.where((line_list > wv_guess[0]) & (line_list < wv_guess[1]))[0] possible_matches = [] for start in possible_start: #print("Trying {:g}".format(line_list[start])) # Find possible ends possible_ends = np.where( (line_list > line_list[start] + npix*dwv_guess*(1-dwv_uncertainty)) & (line_list < line_list[start] + npix*dwv_guess*(1+dwv_uncertainty)))[0] # Loop on ends for end in possible_ends: values = (line_list[start+1:end]-line_list[start]) / ( line_list[end]-line_list[start]) # Test diff0 = np.abs(values-spec_values[0]) tst0 = diff0 < ftol diff1 = np.abs(values-spec_values[1]) tst1 = diff1 < ftol #if np.abs(line_list[start]-6097.8) < 0.2: # debugger.set_trace() if np.any(tst0) & np.any(tst1): i0 = np.argmin(diff0) i1 = np.argmin(diff1) #if np.sum(tst0) > 1: # pdb.set_trace() #possible_matches.append([start, start+1+np.where(tst0)[0][0], # start+1+np.where(tst1)[0][0], end]) possible_matches.append([start, start+1+i0, start+1+i1, end]) # Return return possible_matches
[docs] def run_quad_match(tcent, twave, llist_wv, disp, swv_uncertainty=250., pix_tol=1.): """ Parameters ---------- tcent : ndarray Pixel positions of arc lines twave : ndarray Crude guess at wavelength solution, e.g. from wvcen, disp llist_wv : ndarray Lines to match against (from a line list) pix_tol : float Tolerance in units of pixels to match to Returns ------- match_idx : dict Record of matches scores : ndarray str array of scores """ # Init nlin = tcent.size match_idx = {} for ii in range(nlin): match_idx[ii] = {} match_idx[ii]['matches'] = [] # Run -- quad for idx in range(nlin-4): for jj in range(4): sub_idx = idx + np.arange(5).astype(int) msk = np.array([True]*5) msk[jj+1] = False # Setup sidx = sub_idx[msk] spec_lines = np.array(tcent)[sidx] # widx = int(np.round(tcent[idx])) wvmnx = [twave[widx]-swv_uncertainty, twave[widx]+swv_uncertainty] # Run #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() matches = match_quad_to_list(spec_lines, llist_wv, wvmnx, disp, tol=pix_tol) # Save for match in matches: for ii in range(4): match_idx[sidx[ii]]['matches'].append(match[ii]) #pdb.set_trace() # Score scores = score_quad_matches(match_idx) scores = np.array(scores) # Return return match_idx, scores
[docs] def scan_for_matches(wvcen, disp, npix, cut_tcent, wvdata, best_dict=None, swv_uncertainty=350., wvoff=1000., pix_tol=2., ampl=None): """ .. warning:: best_dict is updated in place Parameters ---------- wvcen : float Guess at central wavelength disp : float npix cut_tcent wvdata best_dict swv_uncertainty wvoff pix_tol """ # Setup #wvoff=10. #pdb.set_trace() dcen = swv_uncertainty*0.8 wvcens = np.arange(wvcen-wvoff, wvcen+wvoff+dcen, dcen) # Best if best_dict is None: best_dict = dict(nmatch=0, ibest=-1, bwv=0.) # Scan on wv_cen #wvcens = [9400.] # DEBUGGING for ss,iwv_cen in enumerate(wvcens): # Wavelength array wave = iwv_cen + (np.arange(npix) - npix/2.)*disp match_idx, scores = run_quad_match(cut_tcent, wave, wvdata, disp, swv_uncertainty=swv_uncertainty, pix_tol=pix_tol) # Score mask = np.array([False]*len(cut_tcent)) IDs = [] for kk,score in enumerate(scores): if score in ['Perf', 'Good', 'Ok']: mask[kk] = True uni, counts = np.unique(match_idx[kk]['matches'], return_counts=True) imx = np.argmax(counts) IDs.append(wvdata[uni[imx]]) else: IDs.append(0.) ngd_match = np.sum(mask) #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() # Update in place if ngd_match > best_dict['nmatch']: best_dict['nmatch'] = ngd_match best_dict['midx'] = match_idx best_dict['mask'] = mask best_dict['scores'] = scores best_dict['ibest'] = ss best_dict['bwv'] = iwv_cen best_dict['IDs'] = IDs # Search parameters best_dict['swv_uncertainty'] = swv_uncertainty best_dict['wvoff'] = wvoff best_dict['pix_tol'] = pix_tol best_dict['ampl'] = ampl
[docs] def score_quad_matches(fidx): """ Grades quad_match results Parameters ---------- fidx Returns ------- scores : list """ # Loop on indices scores = [] for key in fidx.keys(): if len(fidx[key]['matches']) == 0: scores.append('None') continue matches = np.array(fidx[key]['matches']) nmatch = matches.size uni, counts = np.unique(matches, return_counts=True) nuni = len(uni) max_counts = max(counts) # Score if (nuni==1) & (nmatch >= 4): scores.append('Perf') elif nmatch == 0: scores.append('None') elif (max_counts == 4) & (nmatch == 5): scores.append('Good') elif (max_counts/nmatch >= 2./3) & (nmatch >= 6): scores.append('Good') elif (nuni == 1) & (nmatch == 3): scores.append('Good') elif (max_counts == 3) & (nmatch == 4): scores.append('OK') elif (nuni == 1) & (nmatch == 2): scores.append('Risk') else: scores.append('Amb') # Return return scores
#@nb.jit(nopython=True, cache=True)
[docs] def triangles(detlines, linelist, npixels, detsrch=5, lstsrch=10, pixtol=1.0): """ Brute force pattern recognition using triangles. A triangle contains (for either detlines or linelist): 1. a starting point (s), 2. an end point (e), and 3. something in between (b) Something like this:: > | > | | > | | | > | | | > s b e Then, the value (b-s)/(e-s) is in the same coordinate system for both detlines and linelist. Parameters ---------- detlines : ndarray list of detected lines in pixels (sorted, increasing) linelist : ndarray list of lines that should be detected (sorted, increasing) npixels : float Number of pixels along the dispersion direction detsrch : int Number of consecutive elements in detlines to use to create a pattern (-1 means all lines in detlines) lstsrch : int Number of consecutive elements in linelist to use to create a pattern (-1 means all lines in detlines) pixtol : float tolerance that is used to determine if a match is successful (in units of pixels) Returns ------- dindex : ndarray Index array of all detlines used in each triangle lindex : ndarray Index array of the assigned line to each index in dindex wvcen : ndarray central wavelength of each triangle disps : ndarray Dispersion of each triangle (angstroms/pixel) """ nptn = 3 # Number of lines used to create a pattern sz_d = detlines.size sz_l = linelist.size # Count the number of detlines patterns that will be created cntdet = 0 dup = 0 for d in range(detsrch-nptn+1): dup += d+1 if d == detsrch-nptn: cntdet += dup*(sz_d-detsrch+1) else: cntdet += dup # Count the number of linelist patterns that will be created cntlst = 0 lup = 0 for l in range(lstsrch-nptn+1): lup += l+1 if l == lstsrch-nptn: cntlst += lup*(sz_l-lstsrch+1) else: cntlst += lup lindex = np.zeros((cntdet*cntlst, nptn),dtype=np.uint64) #, dtype=nb.types.uint64) dindex = np.zeros((cntdet*cntlst, nptn),dtype=np.uint64) #, dtype=nb.types.uint64) wvcen = np.zeros((cntdet*cntlst)) disps = np.zeros((cntdet*cntlst)) # Test each detlines combination cntdet = 0 for d in range(0, sz_d-nptn+1): # d is the starting point of the pattern dup = d + detsrch if dup > sz_d: dup = sz_d if detsrch == -1: dup = sz_d for dd in range(d+nptn-1, dup): # dd is the end point of the pattern for xd in range(d+1, dd): # xd is the mid point of the pattern # Create the test pattern dval = (detlines[xd]-detlines[d])/(detlines[dd]-detlines[d]) tol = pixtol/(detlines[dd]-detlines[d]) # Search through all possible patterns in the linelist for l in range(0, sz_l-nptn+1): lup = l + lstsrch if lup > sz_l: lup = sz_l if lstsrch == -1: lup = sz_l for ll in range(l+nptn-1, lup): for xl in range(l+1, ll): lval = (linelist[xl]-linelist[l])/(linelist[ll]-linelist[l]) tst = lval-dval if tst < 0.0: tst *= -1.0 if tst <= tol: lindex[cntdet, 0] = l lindex[cntdet, 1] = xl lindex[cntdet, 2] = ll dindex[cntdet, 0] = d dindex[cntdet, 1] = xd dindex[cntdet, 2] = dd tst = (linelist[ll]-linelist[l]) / (detlines[dd]-detlines[d]) wvcen[cntdet] = (npixels/2.0) * tst + (linelist[ll]-tst*detlines[dd]) disps[cntdet] = tst cntdet += 1 return dindex, lindex, wvcen, disps
#@nb.jit(nopython=True, cache=True)
[docs] def quadrangles(detlines, linelist, npixels, detsrch=5, lstsrch=10, pixtol=1.0): """ Brute force pattern recognition using quadrangles. A quadrangle contains (for either detlines or linelist): 1. a left line (l), 2. a right line (r), and 3. two lines in between (a, b) Something like this:: > | > | | | > | | | | > | | | | > l a b r Then, the values (a-ll)/(r-ll) and (b-ll)/(r-ll) are in the same coordinate system for both detlines and linelist. Parameters ---------- detlines : ndarray list of detected lines in pixels (sorted, increasing) linelist : ndarray list of lines that should be detected (sorted, increasing) npixels : float Number of pixels along the dispersion direction detsrch : int Number of consecutive elements in detlines to use to create a pattern (-1 means all lines in detlines) lstsrch : int Number of consecutive elements in linelist to use to create a pattern (-1 means all lines in detlines) pixtol : float tolerance that is used to determine if a match is successful (in units of pixels) Returns ------- dindex : ndarray Index array of all detlines used in each triangle lindex : ndarray Index array of the assigned line to each index in dindex wvcen : ndarray central wavelength of each triangle disps : ndarray Dispersion of each triangle (angstroms/pixel) """ nptn = 4 # Number of lines used to create a pattern sz_d = detlines.size sz_l = linelist.size lindex = np.zeros((1, nptn),dtype=np.uint64) #, dtype=nb.types.uint64) dindex = np.zeros((1, nptn),dtype=np.uint64) #, dtype=nb.types.uint64) wvcen = np.zeros((1,), dtype=np.ulonglong) #, dtype=nb.types.ulong) disps = np.zeros((1,), dtype=np.ulonglong) #, dtype=nb.types.ulong) # Generate the patterns for dl in range(0, sz_d-nptn+1): # dl is the starting point of the detlines pattern dup = dl + detsrch if dup > sz_d: dup = sz_d if detsrch == -1: dup = sz_d for dr in range(dl+nptn-1, dup): # dr is the end point of the detlines pattern # Set the tolerance tol = pixtol / (detlines[dr] - detlines[dl]) for da in range(dl+1, dr-1): # da is the left mid point of the detlines pattern # Create the test pattern daval = (detlines[da]-detlines[dl])/(detlines[dr]-detlines[dl]) for db in range(da+1, dr): # db is the right mid point of the detlines pattern # Create the test pattern dbval = (detlines[db]-detlines[dl])/(detlines[dr]-detlines[dl]) # Search through all possible patterns in the linelist for ll in range(0, sz_l-nptn+1): # ll is the start point of the linelist pattern lup = ll + lstsrch if lup > sz_l: lup = sz_l if lstsrch == -1: lup = sz_l for lr in range(ll+nptn-1, lup): # lr is the end point of the linelist pattern for la in range(ll+1, lr-1): # la is the end point of the linelist pattern laval = (linelist[la] - linelist[ll]) / (linelist[lr] - linelist[ll]) tst = laval - daval if tst < 0.0: tst *= -1.0 if tst <= tol: # The first pattern matches, check the second one. for lb in range(la+1, lr): # la is the end point of the linelist pattern lbval = (linelist[lb] - linelist[ll]) / (linelist[lr] - linelist[ll]) tst = lbval - dbval if tst < 0.0: tst *= -1.0 if tst <= tol: # The second pattern matches, store the result! lindex = np.vstack((lindex, np.array([[ll, la, lb, lr]], dtype=np.uint64))) #, dtype=nb.types.uint64))) dindex = np.vstack((dindex, np.array([[dl, da, db, dr]], dtype=np.uint64))) #, dtype=nb.types.uint64))) tst = (linelist[lr] - linelist[ll]) / (detlines[dr] - detlines[dl]) wvl = (npixels/2.)*tst + (linelist[lr]-tst*detlines[dr]) wvcen = np.hstack((wvcen, np.array([wvl], dtype=np.ulonglong))) #, dtype=nb.types.ulong))) disps = np.hstack((disps, np.array([tst], dtype=np.ulonglong))) # , dtype=nb.types.ulong))) # Return, but first remove the spurious first entry due to array creation return dindex[1:, :], lindex[1:, :], wvcen[1:], disps[1:]
#@nb.jit(nopython=True, cache=True)
[docs] def curved_quadrangles(detlines, linelist, npixels, detsrch=5, lstsrch=10, pixtol=1.0): """ Brute force pattern recognition using curved quadrangles. A curved quadrangle contains (for either detlines or linelist): 1. a left line (l), 2. a right line (r), 3. a mid line (m), and 4. one line in between (c; c != m) Something like this: > | > | | | > | | | | > | | | | > l c m r Then, the values (c-r)/(r-l) are in the same coordinate system for both detlines and linelist. Parameters ---------- detlines : ndarray list of detected lines in pixels (sorted, increasing) linelist : ndarray list of lines that should be detected (sorted, increasing) npixels : float Number of pixels along the dispersion direction detsrch : int Number of consecutive elements in detlines to use to create a pattern (-1 means all lines in detlines) lstsrch : int Number of consecutive elements in linelist to use to create a pattern (-1 means all lines in detlines) pixtol : float tolerance that is used to determine if a match is successful (in units of pixels) Returns ------- dindex : ndarray Index array of all detlines used in each triangle lindex : ndarray Index array of the assigned line to each index in dindex wvcen : ndarray central wavelength of each triangle disps : ndarray Dispersion of each triangle (angstroms/pixel) """ nptn = 4 # Number of lines used to create a pattern sz_d = detlines.size sz_l = linelist.size lindex = np.zeros((1, nptn), dtype=np.uint64) #, dtype=nb.types.uint64) dindex = np.zeros((1, nptn), dtype=np.uint64) #, dtype=nb.types.uint64) wvcen = np.zeros((1,), dtype=np.ulonglong) #, dtype=nb.types.ulong) disps = np.zeros((1,), dtype=np.ulonglong) #, dtype=nb.types.ulong) # Generate the patterns for dl in range(0, sz_d-nptn+1): # dl is the starting point of the detlines pattern dup = dl + detsrch if dup > sz_d: dup = sz_d if detsrch == -1: dup = sz_d for dr in range(dl+nptn-1, dup): # dr is the end point of the detlines pattern # Set the tolerance tol = pixtol / (detlines[dr] - detlines[dl]) for dm in range(dl+1, dr): # dm is the left mid point of the detlines pattern # Prepare the pattern coeffs = np.linalg.lstsq(detlines[dm]-detlines[dl])/(detlines[dr]-detlines[dl]) for da in range(dl+1, dr): # da is the right mid point of the detlines pattern if dm == da: continue # Create the test pattern daval = (detlines[da]-detlines[dl])/(detlines[dr]-detlines[dl]) # Search through all possible patterns in the linelist for ll in range(0, sz_l-nptn+1): # ll is the start point of the linelist pattern lup = ll + lstsrch if lup > sz_l: lup = sz_l if lstsrch == -1: lup = sz_l for lr in range(ll+nptn-1, lup): # lr is the end point of the linelist pattern for la in range(ll+1, lr-1): # la is the end point of the linelist pattern laval = (linelist[la] - linelist[ll]) / (linelist[lr] - linelist[ll]) tst = laval - daval if tst < 0.0: tst *= -1.0 if tst <= tol: # The first pattern matches, check the second one. for lb in range(la+1, lr): # la is the end point of the linelist pattern lbval = (linelist[lb] - linelist[ll]) / (linelist[lr] - linelist[ll]) tst = lbval - dbval if tst < 0.0: tst *= -1.0 if tst <= tol: # The second pattern matches, store the result! lindex = np.vstack((lindex, np.array([[ll, la, lb, lr]], dtype=np.uint64)))#, dtype=nb.types.uint64))) dindex = np.vstack((dindex, np.array([[dl, dm, da, dr]], dtype=np.uint64)))#, dtype=nb.types.uint64))) tst = (linelist[lr] - linelist[ll]) / (detlines[dr] - detlines[dl]) wvl = (npixels/2.)*tst + (linelist[lr]-tst*detlines[dr]) wvcen = np.hstack((wvcen, np.array([wvl], dtype=np.ulonglong))) #, dtype=nb.types.ulong))) disps = np.hstack((disps, np.array([tst], dtype=np.ulonglong))) #, dtype=nb.types.ulong))) # Return, but first remove the spurious first entry due to array creation return dindex[1:, :], lindex[1:, :], wvcen[1:], disps[1:]
[docs] def empty_patt_dict(nlines): """ Return an empty patt_dict Parameters ---------- nlines: Number of lines for creating the mask. Returns ------- patt_dict: dict An empty pattern dictionary """ patt_dict = dict(acceptable=False, nmatch=0, ibest=-1, bwv=0., sign=1, mask=np.zeros(nlines, dtype=bool)) return patt_dict
[docs] def solve_xcorr(detlines, linelist, dindex, lindex, line_cc, nreid_min:int=4, cc_local_thresh:float=0.8): """ Given a starting solution, find the best match for all detlines Parameters ---------- detlines : `numpy.ndarray`_ list of detected lines in pixels (sorted, increasing) linelist : `numpy.ndarray`_ list of lines that should be detected (sorted, increasing) dindex : `numpy.ndarray`_ Index array of all detlines (pixels) used in each triangle lindex : `numpy.ndarray`_ Index array of the assigned line (wavelengths)to each index in dindex line_cc : `numpy.ndarray`_ local cross correlation coefficient computed for each line cc_local_thresh : float, default = 0.8, optional Threshold to satisy for local cross-correlation nreid_min: int, default = 4, optional Minimum number of matches to receive a score of 'Perfect' or 'Very Good' Passed to score_xcorr() Returns ------- patt_dict : dict Contains all relevant details of the IDs. Keys are: - acceptable: bool: flag indicating success or failure - mask: ndarray, dtype =bool: mask indicating which lines are good - nmatch: int: Number of matching lines - scores: ndarray, str: Scores of the lines - IDs: ndarray, float: Wavelength IDs of the lines - cc_avg: ndarray, float: Average local zero-lag cross-correlation (over all the spectra for which a match was obtained) for the most often occuring wavlength ID """ nlines = detlines.size # Find the best ID of each line detids = np.zeros(nlines) cc_avg = np.zeros(nlines) scores =np.zeros(nlines,dtype='<U50') scores[:] = 'None' mask = np.zeros(nlines, dtype=bool) ngd_match = 0 for dd in range(nlines): # Grab all the instances of this detected line's pixel position index ww = (dindex == dd) if not np.any(ww): continue # Find the unique set of wavelength indices that this detected line has been matched to, and the number of times unq, cnts = np.unique(lindex[ww], return_counts=True) # Quantify the average xcorr for this line for each set of unique wavelength matches cc_per_match = np.zeros(unq.size,dtype=float) for iuniq, unq_val in enumerate(unq): cc_per_match[iuniq] = np.mean((line_cc[ww])[lindex[ww] == unq_val]) unq = unq.astype(int) # Assign the ID of this line to be wavelength whose index appears the largest number of times detids[dd] = linelist[unq[np.argmax(cnts)]] # Assign the cross-correlation of this line to be the average of when it was matched to this most often occurring wavelength cc_avg[dd] = cc_per_match[np.argmax(cnts)] # Give this ID a score based on the number of occurences of the match to a particular wavelength, # and the average cross-correlation value for each of those wavelength matches scr = score_xcorr(cnts, cc_avg[dd], nreid_min=nreid_min, cc_local_thresh= cc_local_thresh) scores[dd] = scr if scr in ["Perfect", "Very Good", "Good", "OK"]: mask[dd] = True ngd_match += 1 patt_dict = empty_patt_dict(nlines) # Iteratively fit this solution, and ID all lines. if ngd_match > patt_dict['nmatch']: patt_dict['acceptable'] = True patt_dict['mask'] = mask patt_dict['nmatch'] = ngd_match patt_dict['scores'] = scores patt_dict['IDs'] = detids patt_dict['cc_avg'] = cc_avg return patt_dict
[docs] def score_xcorr(counts, cc_avg, nreid_min = 4, cc_local_thresh = -1.0): """ Grades for the cross-correlation results Parameters ---------- counts : ndarray Each element is a counter, representing a wavelength that is attributed to a given detected line. The more times that a wavelength is attributed to a detected line, the higher the counts. The more different wavelengths that are attributed to the same detected line (i.e. not ideal) the longer the counts list will be. nreid_min: int, default = 4, optional Minimum number of matches to receive a score of 'Perfect' or 'Very Good' cc_local_thresh: float, default = -1.0, optional What does this do?? Returns ------- score : str A string indicating the relative quality of the ID """ ncnt = counts.size max_counts = np.max(counts) sum_counts = np.sum(counts) # Score if (ncnt == 1) and (max_counts >= nreid_min) and (cc_avg > cc_local_thresh): score = 'Perfect' elif (sum_counts/max_counts >= 0.8) and (max_counts >= nreid_min) and (cc_avg > cc_local_thresh): score = 'Very Good' elif sum_counts/max_counts >= 0.65: score = 'Good' elif sum_counts/max_counts >= 0.5: score = 'OK' elif sum_counts/max_counts >= 0.3: score = 'Risky' else: score = 'Ambitious' # Return return score
[docs] def solve_triangles(detlines, linelist, dindex, lindex, patt_dict=None): """ Given a starting solution, find the best match for all detlines Parameters ---------- detlines : ndarray list of detected lines in pixels (sorted, increasing) linelist : ndarray list of lines that should be detected (sorted, increasing) dindex : ndarray Index array of all detlines (pixels) used in each triangle lindex : ndarray Index array of the assigned line (wavelengths)to each index in dindex patt_dict : dict Contains all relevant details of the fit """ nlines = detlines.size if patt_dict is None: patt_dict = dict(acceptable=False, nmatch=0, ibest=-1, bwv=0., mask=np.zeros(nlines, dtype=bool)) # Find the best ID of each line detids = np.zeros(nlines) scores = ['None' for xx in range(nlines)] mask = np.zeros(nlines, dtype=bool) ngd_match = 0 for dd in range(nlines): # Grab all the instances of this detected line's pixel position index ww = (dindex == dd) if not np.any(ww): continue # Find the unique set of wavelength indices that this detected line has been matched to, and the number of times unq, cnts = np.unique(lindex[ww], return_counts=True) unq = unq.astype(int) # Assign the ID of this line to be wavelength whose index appears the largest number of times detids[dd] = linelist[unq[np.argmax(cnts)]] # Give this ID a score based on the number of occurences scr = score_triangles(cnts) scores[dd] = scr if scr in ["Perfect", "Very Good", "Good", "OK"]: mask[dd] = True ngd_match += 1 # Iteratively fit this solution, and ID all lines. if ngd_match > patt_dict['nmatch']: patt_dict['acceptable'] = True patt_dict['mask'] = mask patt_dict['nmatch'] = ngd_match patt_dict['scores'] = scores patt_dict['IDs'] = detids
[docs] def score_triangles(counts): """ Grades for the triangle results Parameters ---------- counts : ndarray Each element is a counter, representing a wavelength that is attributed to a given detected line. The more times that a wavelength is attributed to a detected line, the higher the counts. The more different wavelengths that are attributed to the same detected line (i.e. not ideal) the longer the counts list will be. Returns ------- score : str A string indicating the relative quality of the ID """ ncnt = counts.size max_counts = np.max(counts) sum_counts = np.sum(counts) # Score if (ncnt == 1) & (max_counts >= 4): score = 'Perfect' elif sum_counts/max_counts >= 0.8 and max_counts >= 4: score = 'Very Good' elif sum_counts/max_counts >= 0.65: score = 'Good' elif sum_counts/max_counts >= 0.5: score = 'OK' elif sum_counts/max_counts >= 0.3: score = 'Risky' else: score = 'Ambitious' # Return return score