""" Module for arcline definitions
from pypeit.bitmask import BitMask
# TODO: This doesn't belong here.
def instruments():
Dict to convert instrument to bitwise flag
.. warning::
Modifying any of the following is a *bad* idea. Adding is ok
instr_dict : dict
instr_dict = {}
instr_dict['LRISr'] = 2**0
instr_dict['LRISb'] = 2**1
instr_dict['Kastb'] = 2**2
instr_dict['shane_kast_red'] = 2**3
instr_dict['shane_kast_red_ret'] = 2**3
instr_dict['DEIMOS'] = 2**4
instr_dict['NIRSPEC'] = 2**5
instr_dict['GMOS'] = 2**6
instr_dict['DBSP'] = 2**7
return instr_dict
class LinesBitMask(BitMask):
Bits for arc lines
version = '1.0.0'
def __init__(self):
mask = dict([
('ArI', 'Argon I'),
('HgI', 'Comment'),
('KrI', 'Comment'),
('NeI', 'Comment'),
('XeI', 'Comment'),
('CdI', 'Comment'),
('ZnI', 'Comment'),
('HeI', 'Comment'),
('FeI', 'Comment'),
('FeII', 'Comment'),
('ThAr', 'Comment'),
('OH', 'Comment'),
('UNKNWN', 'Comment'),
#('OH_R24000', 'Comment'),
#('OH_triplespec', 'Comment'),
('CuI', 'Comment'),
('ArII', 'Comment'),
('ThI', 'Comment'),
('ThII', 'Comment'),
#('OH_XSHOOTER', 'Comment'),
#('OH_GNIRS', 'Comment'),
#('OH_NIRES', 'Comment'),
#('OH_GMOS', 'Comment'),
#('OH_MODS', 'Comment'),
#('OH_FIRE_Echelle', 'Comment'),
#('Ar_IR_GNIRS', 'Comment'),
('Ar', 'This is for Ar_IR_GNIRS which should specify the real ion'),
('NeII', 'Comment'),
super(LinesBitMask, self).__init__(list(mask.keys()), descr=list(mask.values()))
def lines():
Dict of line lists included in this database
.. warning::
Modifying any of the following is a *bad* idea. Adding is ok
lamp_dict : dict
line_dict = {}
line_dict['ArI'] = 2**0
line_dict['HgI'] = 2**1
line_dict['KrI'] = 2**2
line_dict['NeI'] = 2**3
line_dict['XeI'] = 2**4
line_dict['CdI'] = 2**5
line_dict['ZnI'] = 2**6
line_dict['HeI'] = 2**7
line_dict['OH_R24000'] = 2**8
line_dict['OH_triplespec'] = 2**9
line_dict['CuI'] = 2**10
line_dict['ArII'] = 2**11
line_dict['OH_XSHOOTER'] = 2**12
line_dict['OH_GNIRS'] = 2**13
line_dict['OH_NIRES'] = 2**14
line_dict['ThAr_XSHOOTER_VIS'] = 2**15
line_dict['OH_GMOS'] = 2**16
line_dict['OH_MODS'] = 2**17
line_dict['ThAr_MagE'] = 2**18 # R=4100
line_dict['OH_FIRE_Echelle'] = 2**19 # R=6000
line_dict['Ar_IR_GNIRS'] = 2**20 # R=6000
line_dict['FeI'] = 2**21
line_dict['FeII'] = 2**22
line_dict['UNKNWN'] = 2**23
line_dict['Ar_IR_MOSFIRE'] = 2 ** 24
line_dict['Ne_IR_MOSFIRE'] = 2 ** 25
line_dict['OH_MOSFIRE_Y'] = 2 ** 26
line_dict['OH_MOSFIRE_J'] = 2 ** 27
line_dict['OH_MOSFIRE_H'] = 2 ** 28
line_dict['OH_MOSFIRE_K'] = 2 ** 29
line_dict['ThAr_XSHOOTER_UVB'] = 2**30
line_dict['NeII'] = 2 ** 31
line_dict['FeAr'] = 2 ** 32
return line_dict
def str_len():
Hard-codes length of strings in the database
.. warning::
Modifying any of the following is a *bad* idea.
strlen_dict : dict
strlen_dict = {}
# Length of ion name
strlen_dict['ion'] = 6
# Length of data file name for line source
strlen_dict['Source'] = 30
# Return
return strlen_dict