Source code for pypeit.core.wavecal.autoid

""" Module for finding patterns in arc line spectra

.. include:: ../include/links.rst
import copy
import itertools

import astropy.stats
import astropy.table
import numpy as np
import scipy.interpolate
import scipy.ndimage
import scipy.spatial

from linetools import utils as ltu

from IPython import embed

from pypeit.par import pypeitpar
from pypeit.core.wavecal import kdtree_generator
from pypeit.core.wavecal import waveio
from pypeit.core.wavecal import patterns
from pypeit.core.wavecal import wv_fitting
from pypeit.core.wavecal import wvutils
from pypeit.core import arc
from pypeit.core import fitting

from pypeit.core import pca
from pypeit import utils

from pypeit import msgs

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import gridspec
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable
from matplotlib import colorbar
import matplotlib.colors
from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages
from matplotlib.patches import Patch

[docs] def arc_fit_qa(waveFit, outfile=None, ids_only=False, title=None, log=True): """ QA for Arc spectrum Args: waveFit (:class:`pypeit.core.wavecal.wv_fitting.WaveFit`): Wavelength solution object outfile (:obj:`str`, optional): Name of output file or 'show' to show on screen ids_only (bool, optional): Only show the main panel with the arc spectrum and the identified lines title (:obj:`str`, optional): Add a title to the spectrum plot log (:obj:`bool`, optional): If True, use log scaling for the spectrum """ plt.rcdefaults() plt.rcParams['']= 'serif' arc_spec = waveFit['spec'] # Begin plt.close('all') if ids_only: nrows, ncols = 1,1 figsize =(11,8.5) idfont = 'small' else: nrows, ncols = 2,2 if outfile is None: figsize = (16,8) idfont = 'small' else: figsize = (8,4) idfont = 'xx-small' fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(nrows,ncols)#, figure = fig) # log is True by default, but if a large part of spectrum is < 0, the log plot will look very bad neg_values = np.where(arc_spec < 0)[0] if neg_values.size > 0.3 * len(arc_spec): log = False # Simple spectrum plot ax_spec = plt.subplot(gs[:,0]) ax_spec.minorticks_on() ax_spec.plot(np.arange(len(arc_spec)), arc_spec) ymin, ymax = np.min(arc_spec), np.max(arc_spec) if log: ymax *= 4 ymin = max(1., ymin) ysep = ymax*0.03 yscl = (1.2, 1.5, 1.7) # Label all found lines for kk, x in enumerate(waveFit.tcent): ind_left = np.fmax(int(x)-2, 0) ind_righ = np.fmin(int(x)+2,arc_spec.size-1) yline = np.max(arc_spec[ind_left:ind_righ]) # Tick mark if log: ax_spec.plot([x,x], [yline*yscl[0], yline*yscl[1]], '-', color='gray') else: ax_spec.plot([x,x], [yline+ysep*0.25, yline+ysep], '-', color='gray') # Label the ID'd lines for kk, x in enumerate(waveFit.pixel_fit): ind_left = np.fmax(int(x)-2, 0) ind_righ = np.fmin(int(x)+2,arc_spec.size-1) yline = np.max(arc_spec[ind_left:ind_righ]) # Tick mark if log: ax_spec.plot([x,x], [yline*yscl[0], yline*yscl[1]], 'g-') else: ax_spec.plot([x,x], [yline+ysep*0.25, yline+ysep], 'g-') # label if log: ypos = yline*yscl[2] else: ypos = yline+ysep*1.3 ax_spec.text(x, ypos, '{:s} {:g}'.format(waveFit.ions[kk], waveFit.wave_fit[kk]), ha='center', va='bottom',size=idfont, rotation=90., color='green') # Axes ax_spec.set_xlim(0., len(arc_spec)) if not log: ax_spec.set_ylim(1.05*ymin, ymax*1.2) else: ax_spec.set_ylim(ymin, ymax) ax_spec.set_xlabel('Pixel') ax_spec.set_ylabel('Flux') if log: ax_spec.set_yscale('log') # Title if title is not None: fig.suptitle(title, fontsize='x-large', va='top') # If we're only plotting the ID panel, save the figure and return if ids_only: plt.tight_layout(pad=0.2, h_pad=0.0, w_pad=0.0) if outfile is None: else: plt.savefig(outfile, dpi=800) plt.close() return # Arc Fit ax_fit = plt.subplot(gs[0, 1]) # Points ax_fit.scatter(waveFit.pixel_fit,waveFit.wave_fit, marker='x') # Rejections? gpm = waveFit.pypeitfit.bool_gpm bpm = np.logical_not(gpm) if np.any(bpm): xrej = waveFit.pixel_fit[bpm] yrej = waveFit.wave_fit[bpm] ax_fit.scatter(xrej, yrej, marker='o', edgecolor='gray', facecolor='none') # Solution xval = np.arange(len(arc_spec)) ax_fit.plot(xval, waveFit.wave_soln, 'r-') xmin, xmax = 0., len(arc_spec) ax_fit.set_xlim(xmin, xmax) ymin,ymax = np.min(waveFit.wave_soln)*.95, np.max(waveFit.wave_soln)*1.05 ax_fit.set_ylim((ymin, ymax)) ax_fit.set_ylabel('Wavelength') ax_fit.get_xaxis().set_ticks([]) # Suppress labeling ax_fit.minorticks_on() ax_fit.tick_params(axis="y", which='both', right=True) # Stats wave_soln_fit = waveFit.pypeitfit.eval(waveFit.pixel_fit/waveFit.xnorm)#, 'legendre',minx=fit['fmin'], maxx=fit['fmax']) ax_fit.text(0.1, 0.9, r'$\Delta\lambda$={:.3f}$\AA$ (per pix)'.format(waveFit.cen_disp), size='small', transform=ax_fit.transAxes) ax_fit.text(0.1, 0.8, 'RMS={:.3f} (pixels)'.format(waveFit.rms), size='small', transform=ax_fit.transAxes) # Arc Residuals ax_res = plt.subplot(gs[1,1]) res = waveFit.wave_fit-wave_soln_fit ax_res.scatter(waveFit.pixel_fit[gpm], res[gpm]/waveFit.cen_disp, marker='x') ax_res.plot([xmin,xmax], [0.,0], 'k--') ax_res.set_xlim(xmin, xmax) ax_res.set_xlabel('Pixel') ax_res.set_ylabel('Residuals (Pix)') ax_res.minorticks_on() ax_res.tick_params(axis="y", which='both', right=True) # Finish plt.tight_layout(pad=0.2, h_pad=0.0, w_pad=0.0) if outfile is None: else: plt.savefig(outfile, dpi=400) plt.close('all') plt.rcdefaults() return
[docs] def arc_fwhm_qa(fwhmFit, spat_id, slit_txt="slit", outfile=None, show_QA=False): """ QA for spectral FWHM fitting Args: fwhmFit (:class:`pypeit.core.fitting.PypeItFit`): 2D fit (spatial+spectral) to the measured spectral FWHM (usually based on the arc lines). spat_id (int): The spatial ID of the slit. It is the spatial midpoint of the slit, halfway along the spectral direction. slit_txt (:obj:`str`, optional): String indicating if the QA should use "slit" (MultiSlit, IFU) or "order" (Echelle) outfile (:obj:`str`, optional): Name of output file or 'show' to show on screen show_QA (bool, optional): If True, the generated QA will be shown on the screen (default is False) """ spec_order, spat_order = (fwhmFit.fitc.shape[0]-1, fwhmFit.fitc.shape[1]-1) plt.rcdefaults() plt.rcParams['']= 'serif' # Calculate the model spectral FWHM at the measured positions, and the RMS of the fit model = fwhmFit.eval(fwhmFit.xval, fwhmFit.x2) gpm = (fwhmFit.gpm == 0) dev = (model-fwhmFit.yval)[gpm] med = np.median(dev) rms = 1.4826 * np.median(np.abs(dev-med)) # Calculate the typical fractional error dev = (model/fwhmFit.yval)[gpm] - 1 med = np.median(dev) rmsfwhm = 1.4826 * np.median(np.abs(dev-med)) # Determine the unique spatial positions where the spectral FWHM was measured unq = np.unique(fwhmFit.x2) colors = spec_vec = np.linspace(0, fwhmFit.xval.max(), 10) # Begin plt.close('all') # Show the fit fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 9)) ax.cla() # Plot this for all spatial locations considered # ax.scatter(fwhmFit.x2, fwhmFit.yval-model, s=200, c=fwhmFit.xval, cmap='Spectral') # Plot the model fits with the same colors for uu in range(unq.size): # The mask to use for this spatial location this_fitmask = (fwhmFit.gpm == 1) & (fwhmFit.x2 == unq[uu]) this_rejmask = (fwhmFit.gpm == 0) & (fwhmFit.x2 == unq[uu]) # Plot the data ax.scatter(fwhmFit.xval[this_rejmask], fwhmFit.yval[this_rejmask], s=50, facecolors='none', edgecolors=colors[uu]) ax.scatter(fwhmFit.xval[this_fitmask], fwhmFit.yval[this_fitmask], s=50, facecolors=colors[uu], edgecolors='none') this_model = fwhmFit.eval(spec_vec, unq[uu]*np.ones(spec_vec.size)) ax.plot(spec_vec, this_model, color=colors[uu]) # Finalise the plot details mdiff = np.max(model)-np.min(model) ymin = np.min(model)-0.5*mdiff ymax = np.max(model)+0.5*mdiff ax.set_ylim((ymin, ymax)) ax.set_xlabel('Spectral coordinate (pixels)', fontsize=12) ax.set_ylabel('Spectral FWHM (pixels)', fontsize=12) titletxt = f'Spectral FWHM residual map for {slit_txt} {spat_id}\n' \ f'spat_order, spec_order = {spat_order}, {spec_order}\n' \ f'rms={rms:.2f}, rms/FWHM={rmsfwhm:.2f}\n' \ f'filled (unfilled) symbols = included (excluded) in fit' ax.set_title(titletxt, fontsize=12) if unq.size >= 2: # Make a colorbar to illustrate the spectral FWHM along the slit in the spatial direction cmap = matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap(colors) divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05) cbar = colorbar.Colorbar(cax, orientation='vertical', cmap=cmap, norm=plt.Normalize(unq[0]-0.5*(unq[1]-unq[0]), unq[-1]+0.5*(unq[-1]-unq[-2]))) cbar_labels = [f"{uu:.3f}" for uu in unq] cbar.set_ticks(unq), fontsize=10) cbar.solids.set_edgecolor('black') cbar.set_label(label='Fraction along the slit in the spatial direction', weight='bold', fontsize=12) plt.tight_layout(pad=0.2, h_pad=0.0, w_pad=0.0) if outfile is not None: plt.savefig(outfile, dpi=400) if show_QA: plt.close() plt.rcdefaults()
[docs] def match_qa(arc_spec, tcent, line_list, IDs, scores, outfile = None, title=None, path=None): """ Parameters ---------- arc_spec tcent line_list IDs scores outfile title path Returns ------- """ # Plot plt.figure(figsize=(11, 8.5)) plt.clf() gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 1) idfont = 'small' # Simple spectrum plot ax_spec = plt.subplot(gs[0]) ax_spec.plot(np.arange(len(arc_spec)), arc_spec, 'k') ymin, ymax = np.min(arc_spec), np.max(arc_spec) ysep = ymax*0.03 mn_yline = 1e9 # Standard IDs clrs = dict(Perfect='green', Good='orange', Ok='red') clrs['Very Good'] = 'blue' for kk, score in enumerate(scores): x = tcent[kk] # Color try: clr = clrs[score] except KeyError: clr = 'gray' yline = np.max(arc_spec[int(x)-2:int(x)+2]) mn_yline = min(mn_yline, yline) # Tick mark ax_spec.plot([x,x], [yline+ysep*0.25, yline+ysep], '-', color=clr) if score in ['Good', 'Ok', 'Perfect', 'Very Good']: # Label imin = np.argmin(np.abs(line_list['wave']-IDs[kk])) row = line_list[imin] lbl = '{:s} {:.4f}'.format(row['ion'], row['wave']) # label ax_spec.text(x, yline+ysep*1.3, '{:s}'.format(lbl), ha='center', va='bottom', size=idfont, rotation=90., color=clr) # Overplot the line classification legened clrs['Not reidentified'] ='gray' legend_elements = [] for key, clr in clrs.items(): legend_elements.append(Patch(facecolor=clr, edgecolor=clr,label=key)) # Axes ax_spec.set_xlim(0., len(arc_spec)) ax_spec.set_ylim(ymin*1.05, ymax*1.3) ax_spec.set_xlabel('Pixel') ax_spec.minorticks_on() ax_spec.set_ylabel('Counts') plt.legend(handles=legend_elements) if title is not None: ax_spec.text(0.04, 0.93, title, transform=ax_spec.transAxes, size='x-large', ha='left')#, bbox={'facecolor':'white'}) # Finish plt.tight_layout(pad=0.2, h_pad=0.0, w_pad=0.0) if outfile is None: else: pp = PdfPages(outfile) pp.savefig(bbox_inches='tight') pp.close() plt.close() return
[docs] def reidentify(spec, spec_arxiv_in, wave_soln_arxiv_in, line_list, nreid_min, cont_sub=True, det_arxiv=None, detections=None, cc_shift_range=None, cc_thresh=0.8, cc_local_thresh=0.8, match_toler=2.0, nlocal_cc=11, nonlinear_counts=1e10, sigdetect=5.0, fwhm=4.0, percent_ceil=50, max_lag_frac=1.0, debug_xcorr=False, debug_reid=False, debug_peaks = False, stretch_func = 'linear'): """ Determine a wavelength solution for a set of spectra based on archival wavelength solutions Parameters ---------- spec: float ndarray shape (nspec) Arc spectrum for which wavelength identifications are desired. spec_arxiv: float ndarray shape (nspec, narxiv) or (nspec) Collection of archival arc spectra for which wavelength solution and line identifications are known wave_soln_arxiv: float ndarray shape (nspec, narxiv) or (nspec) Wavelength solutions for the archival arc spectra spec_arxiv line_list: astropy table The arc line list used for thew wavelength solution in pypeit format. nreid_min: int Minimum number of times that a given candidate reidentified line must be properly matched with a line in the arxiv to be considered a good reidentification. If there is a lot of duplication in the arxiv of the spectra in question (i.e. multislit) set this to a number like 2-4. For echelle this depends on the number of solutions in the arxiv. For fixed format echelle (ESI, X-SHOOTER, NIRES) set this 1. For an echelle with a tiltable grating, it will depend on the number of solutions in the arxiv. Optional Parameters ------------------- cont_sub: bool, default = True If True, continuum subtract the arc spectrum before reidentification. det_arxiv (optional): dict, the dict has narxiv keys which are '0','1', ... up to str(narxiv-1). det_arxiv['0'] points to an an ndarray of size determined by the number of lines that were detected. Arc line pixel locations in the spec_arxiv spectra that were used in combination with line identifications from the line list to determine the wavelength solution wave_soln_arxiv. detections: float ndarray, default = None An array containing the pixel centroids of the lines in the arc as computed by the pypeit.core.arc.detect_lines code. If this is set to None, the line detection will be run inside the code. cc_shift_range: tuple of floats, default = None The range of shifts allowed when cross-correlating the input spectrum with the archive spectra. If None, the range is determined automatically see :func:`wvutils.xcorr_shift_stretch` for details. cc_thresh: float, default = 0.8 Threshold for the *global* cross-correlation coefficient between an input spectrum and member of the archive required to attempt reidentification. Spectra from the archive with a lower cross-correlation are not used for reidentification cc_local_thresh: float, default = 0.8 Threshold for the *local* cross-correlation coefficient, evaluated at each reidentified line, between an input spectrum and the shifted and stretched archive spectrum above which a line must be to be considered a good line for reidentification. The local cross-correlation is evaluated at each candidate reidentified line (using a window of nlocal_cc), and is then used to score the the reidentified lines to arrive at the final set of good reidentifications match_toler: float, default = 2.0 Matching tolerance in pixels for a line reidentification. A good line match must match within this tolerance to the shifted and stretched archive spectrum, and the archive wavelength solution at this match must be within match_toler dispersion elements from the line in line list. n_local_cc: int, defualt = 11 Size of pixel window used for local cross-correlation computation for each arc line. If not an odd number one will be added to it to make it odd. debug_xcorr: bool, default = False Show plots useful for debugging the cross-correlation used for shift/stretch computation debug_reid: bool, default = False Show plots useful for debugging the line reidentification sigdetect: float, default = 5.0 Threshold for detecting arcliens fwhm: float, default = 4.0 Full width at half maximum for the arc lines stretch_func: str, default = 'linear', optional Choose whether the function stretching the wavelength reference to match the observed arc lamp spectrum should be 'quad' (quadratic stretch function) or 'linear' (linear stretch only) percent_ceil (float, optional, default=50.0): Upper percentile threshold for thresholding positive and negative values. If set to None, no thresholding will be performed. max_lag_frac : float, default = 1.0 Fraction of the total spectral pixels used to determine the range of lags to search over. The range of lags will be [-nspec*max_lag_frac +1, nspec*max_lag_frac]. Returns ------- (detections, spec_cont_sub, patt_dict) detections: ndarray, Pixel locations of arc lines detected. spec_cont_sub: ndarray Array of continuum subtracted arc spectra patt_dict: dict Arc lines pattern dictionary with some information about the IDs as well as the cross-correlation values Revision History ---------------- November 2018 by J.F. Hennawi. Built from an initial version of cross_match code written by Ryan Cooke. """ # TODO -- Break up this morass into multiple methods # Determine the seed for scipy.optimize.differential_evolution optimizer. Just take the sum of all the elements # and round that to an integer seed = np.fmin(int(np.abs(np.sum(spec[np.isfinite(spec)]))),2**32-1) random_state = np.random.RandomState(seed = seed) nlocal_cc_odd = nlocal_cc + 1 if nlocal_cc % 2 == 0 else nlocal_cc window = 1.0/nlocal_cc_odd* np.ones(nlocal_cc_odd) # Generate the wavelengths from the line list and sort wvdata = np.array(line_list['wave'].data) # Removes mask if any wvdata.sort() # Determine whether wavelengths correlate or anti-correlation with pixels for patt_dicts. This is not used # but just comptued for compatibility # Do some input checking if spec.ndim == 1: nspec = spec.size else: msgs.error('spec must be a one dimensional numpy array ') if spec_arxiv_in.ndim != wave_soln_arxiv_in.ndim: msgs.error('spec arxiv and wave_soln_arxiv must have the same dimensions') if spec_arxiv_in.ndim == 1: spec_arxiv1 = spec_arxiv_in.reshape(spec_arxiv_in.size,1) wave_soln_arxiv1 = wave_soln_arxiv_in.reshape(wave_soln_arxiv_in.size,1) elif spec_arxiv_in.ndim == 2: spec_arxiv1 = spec_arxiv_in.copy() wave_soln_arxiv1 = wave_soln_arxiv_in.copy() else: msgs.error('Unrecognized shape for spec_arxiv. It must be either a one dimensional or two dimensional numpy array') # TODO: JFH I would like to take these calls out. This reidentify code should only ever be run by comparing # data with the same binning. That would then allow me to drop the requirement that this code operate # on arrays of same number of pixels. I'm a big confused on how that interacts with stretch though so postponing # these changes for now. spec_arxiv = arc.resize_spec(spec_arxiv1, nspec) wave_soln_arxiv = arc.resize_spec(wave_soln_arxiv1, nspec) nspec_arxiv, narxiv = spec_arxiv.shape this_soln = wave_soln_arxiv[:,0] sign = 1 if (this_soln[this_soln.size // 2] > this_soln[this_soln.size // 2 - 1]) else -1 xrng = np.arange(nspec) if nspec_arxiv != nspec: msgs.error('Spectrum sizes do not match. Something is very wrong!') use_spec = spec # Continuum subtract the arc spectrum tcent, ecent, cut_tcent, icut, spec_cont_sub = wvutils.arc_lines_from_spec( spec, sigdetect=sigdetect, nonlinear_counts=nonlinear_counts, fwhm=fwhm, debug=debug_peaks) # If the detections were not passed in measure them if detections is None: detections = tcent[icut] if cont_sub: # use the continuum subtracted arc spectrum for the rest of the code use_spec = spec_cont_sub use_spec_arxiv = spec_arxiv # Continuum subtract the arxiv spectrum spec_arxiv_cont_sub = np.zeros_like(spec_arxiv) det_arxiv1 = {} for iarxiv in range(narxiv): tcent_arxiv, ecent_arxiv, cut_tcent_arxiv, icut_arxiv, spec_cont_sub_now = wvutils.arc_lines_from_spec( spec_arxiv[:, iarxiv], sigdetect=sigdetect, nonlinear_counts=nonlinear_counts, fwhm=fwhm, debug=debug_peaks) spec_arxiv_cont_sub[:, iarxiv] = spec_cont_sub_now det_arxiv1[str(iarxiv)] = tcent_arxiv[icut_arxiv] if det_arxiv is None: det_arxiv = det_arxiv1 if cont_sub: # use the continuum subtracted arxiv spectrum for the rest of the code use_spec_arxiv = spec_arxiv_cont_sub wvc_arxiv = np.zeros(narxiv, dtype=float) disp_arxiv = np.zeros(narxiv, dtype=float) # Determine the central wavelength and dispersion of wavelength arxiv for iarxiv in range(narxiv): wvc_arxiv[iarxiv] = wave_soln_arxiv[nspec//2, iarxiv] igood = wave_soln_arxiv[:,iarxiv] > 1.0 disp_arxiv[iarxiv] = np.median(wave_soln_arxiv[igood,iarxiv] - np.roll(wave_soln_arxiv[igood,iarxiv], 1)) marker_tuple = ('o','v','<','>','8','s','p','P','*','X','D','d','x') color_tuple = ('black','green','red','cyan','magenta','blue','darkorange','yellow','dodgerblue','purple','lightgreen','cornflowerblue') marker = itertools.cycle(marker_tuple) colors = itertools.cycle(color_tuple) # Cross-correlate with each arxiv spectrum to identify lines line_indx = np.array([], dtype=int) det_indx = np.array([], dtype=int) line_cc = np.array([], dtype=float) line_iarxiv = np.array([], dtype=int) wcen = np.zeros(narxiv) disp = np.zeros(narxiv) shift_vec = np.zeros(narxiv) stretch_vec = np.zeros(narxiv) stretch2_vec = np.zeros(narxiv) ccorr_vec = np.zeros(narxiv) for iarxiv in range(narxiv):'Cross-correlating with arxiv slit # {:d}'.format(iarxiv)) this_det_arxiv = det_arxiv[str(iarxiv)] # Match the peaks between the two spectra. This code attempts to compute the stretch if cc > cc_thresh success, shift_vec[iarxiv], stretch_vec[iarxiv], stretch2_vec[iarxiv], ccorr_vec[iarxiv], _, _ = \ wvutils.xcorr_shift_stretch(use_spec, use_spec_arxiv[:, iarxiv], sigdetect=sigdetect, lag_range=cc_shift_range, cc_thresh=cc_thresh, fwhm=fwhm, seed=random_state, debug=debug_xcorr, percent_ceil=percent_ceil, max_lag_frac=max_lag_frac, stretch_func=stretch_func)'shift = {shift_vec[iarxiv]:5.3f}, stretch = {stretch_vec[iarxiv]:5.3f}, cc = {ccorr_vec[iarxiv]:5.3f}') # If cc < cc_thresh or if this optimization failed, don't reidentify from this arxiv spectrum if success != 1: msgs.warn('Global cross-correlation failed or cc<cc_thresh. Not using this arxiv spectrum') continue # Estimate wcen and disp for this slit based on its shift/stretch relative to the archive slit disp[iarxiv] = disp_arxiv[iarxiv] / stretch_vec[iarxiv] wcen[iarxiv] = wvc_arxiv[iarxiv] - shift_vec[iarxiv]*disp[iarxiv] # For each peak in the arxiv spectrum, identify the corresponding peaks in the input spectrum. Do this by # transforming these arxiv slit line pixel locations into the (shifted and stretched) input spectrum frame det_arxiv_ss = this_det_arxiv**2*stretch2_vec[iarxiv] + this_det_arxiv*stretch_vec[iarxiv] + shift_vec[iarxiv] spec_arxiv_ss = wvutils.shift_and_stretch(use_spec_arxiv[:, iarxiv], shift_vec[iarxiv], stretch_vec[iarxiv], stretch2_vec[iarxiv], stretch_func=stretch_func) if debug_xcorr: plt.figure(figsize=(14, 6)) tampl_slit = np.interp(detections, xrng, use_spec) plt.plot(xrng, use_spec, color='red', drawstyle='steps-mid', label='input arc',linewidth=1.0, zorder=10) plt.plot(detections, tampl_slit, 'r.', markersize=10.0, label='input arc lines', zorder=10) tampl_arxiv = np.interp(this_det_arxiv, xrng, use_spec_arxiv[:, iarxiv]) plt.plot(xrng, use_spec_arxiv[:, iarxiv], color='black', drawstyle='steps-mid', linestyle=':', label='arxiv arc', linewidth=0.5) plt.plot(this_det_arxiv, tampl_arxiv, 'k+', markersize=8.0, label='arxiv arc lines') # tampl_ss = np.interp(gsdet_ss, xrng, gdarc_ss) for iline in range(det_arxiv_ss.size): plt.plot([this_det_arxiv[iline], det_arxiv_ss[iline]], [tampl_arxiv[iline], tampl_arxiv[iline]], color='cornflowerblue', linewidth=1.0) plt.plot(xrng, spec_arxiv_ss, color='black', drawstyle='steps-mid', label='arxiv arc shift/stretch',linewidth=1.0) plt.plot(det_arxiv_ss, tampl_arxiv, 'k.', markersize=10.0, label='predicted arxiv arc lines') plt.title( 'Cross-correlation of input slit and arxiv slit # {:d}'.format(iarxiv + 1) + ': ccor = {:5.3f}'.format(ccorr_vec[iarxiv]) + ', shift = {:6.1f}'.format(shift_vec[iarxiv]) + ', stretch = {:5.4f}'.format(stretch_vec[iarxiv]) + ', wv_cen = {:7.1f}'.format(wcen[iarxiv]) + ', disp = {:5.3f}'.format(disp[iarxiv])) plt.ylim(1.2*use_spec.min(), 1.5 *use_spec.max()) plt.legend() # Calculate wavelengths for all of the this_det_arxiv detections. This step could in principle be done more accurately # with the polynomial solution itself, but the differences are 1e-12 of a pixel, and this interpolate of the tabulated # solution makes the code more general. wvval_arxiv = (scipy.interpolate.interp1d(xrng, wave_soln_arxiv[:, iarxiv], kind='cubic'))(this_det_arxiv) # Compute a "local" zero lag correlation of the slit spectrum and the shifted and stretch arxiv spectrum over a # a nlocal_cc_odd long segment of spectrum. We will then uses spectral similarity as a further criteria to # decide which lines are good matches prod_smooth = scipy.ndimage.convolve1d(use_spec*spec_arxiv_ss, window) spec2_smooth = scipy.ndimage.convolve1d(use_spec**2, window) arxiv2_smooth = scipy.ndimage.convolve1d(spec_arxiv_ss**2, window) denom = np.sqrt(spec2_smooth*arxiv2_smooth) corr_local = np.zeros_like(denom) corr_local[denom > 0] = prod_smooth[denom > 0]/denom[denom > 0] corr_local[denom == 0.0] = -1.0 # Loop over the current slit line pixel detections and find the nearest arxiv spectrum line # JFH added this if statement to prevent crashes for cases where no arc lines where found. This is because # full_template keeps passing in tiny snippets of mostly junk padded spectra that cause all kind of crashes. # A better approach would be to fix full_template so as to not enter reidentify unless the "arxiv_arcs" # are not almost entirely zero padded snippets. if det_arxiv_ss.size > 0: for iline in range(detections.size): # match to pixel in shifted/stretch arxiv spectrum pdiff = np.abs(detections[iline] - det_arxiv_ss) bstpx = np.argmin(pdiff) # If a match is found within 2 pixels, consider this a successful match if pdiff[bstpx] < match_toler: # Using the arxiv arc wavelength solution, search for the nearest line in the line list bstwv = np.abs(wvdata - wvval_arxiv[bstpx]) # This is a good wavelength match if it is within match_toler disperion elements if bstwv[np.argmin(bstwv)] < match_toler*disp_arxiv[iarxiv]: line_indx = np.append(line_indx, np.argmin(bstwv)) # index in the line list array wvdata of this match det_indx = np.append(det_indx, iline) # index of this line in the detected line array detections line_cc = np.append(line_cc,np.interp(detections[iline],xrng,corr_local)) # local cross-correlation at this match line_iarxiv = np.append(line_iarxiv,iarxiv) narxiv_used = np.sum(wcen != 0.0) # Initialise the patterns dictionary, sigdetect not used anywhere if (narxiv_used == 0) or (len(np.unique(line_indx)) < 3): patt_dict_slit = patterns.empty_patt_dict(detections.size) patt_dict_slit['sigdetect'] = sigdetect return detections, spec_cont_sub, patt_dict_slit # Finalize the best guess of each line patt_dict_slit = patterns.solve_xcorr( detections, wvdata, det_indx, line_indx, line_cc, nreid_min=nreid_min,cc_local_thresh=cc_local_thresh) patt_dict_slit['sign'] = sign # This is not used anywhere patt_dict_slit['bwv'] = np.median(wcen[wcen != 0.0]) patt_dict_slit['bdisp'] = np.median(disp[disp != 0.0]) patt_dict_slit['sigdetect'] = sigdetect if debug_reid: plt.figure(figsize=(14, 6)) # Plot a summary of the local x-correlation values for each line on each slit for iarxiv in range(narxiv): # Only plot those that we actually tried to reidentify (i.e. above cc_thresh) if wcen[iarxiv] != 0.0: this_iarxiv = line_iarxiv == iarxiv plt.plot(wvdata[line_indx[this_iarxiv]], line_cc[this_iarxiv], marker=next(marker), color=next(colors), linestyle='', markersize=5.0, label='arxiv slit={:d}'.format(iarxiv)) plt.hlines(cc_local_thresh, wvdata[line_indx].min(), wvdata[line_indx].max(), color='red', linestyle='--', label='Local xcorr threshhold') plt.title('Local x-correlation for reidentified lines from narxiv_used={:d}'.format(narxiv_used) + ' arxiv slits. Requirement: nreid_min={:d}'.format(nreid_min) + ' matches > threshold') plt.xlabel('wavelength from line list') plt.ylabel('Local x-correlation coefficient') # plt.ylim((0.0, 1.2)) plt.legend() # QA Plot ofthe reidentifications match_qa(use_spec, detections, line_list, patt_dict_slit['IDs'], patt_dict_slit['scores']) # Use only the perfect IDs iperfect = np.array(patt_dict_slit['scores']) != 'Perfect' patt_dict_slit['mask'][iperfect] = False patt_dict_slit['nmatch'] = np.sum(patt_dict_slit['mask']) if patt_dict_slit['nmatch'] < 3: msgs.warn(f'Insufficient number of good reidentifications: {patt_dict_slit["nmatch"]} (at least 3 required).') patt_dict_slit['acceptable'] = False return detections, spec_cont_sub, patt_dict_slit
[docs] def match_to_arxiv(lamps:list, spec:np.ndarray, wv_guess:np.ndarray, spec_arxiv:np.ndarray, wave_arxiv:np.ndarray, nreid_min:int, match_toler=2.0, nonlinear_counts=1e10, sigdetect=5.0, fwhm=4.0, debug_peaks:bool=False, use_unknowns:bool=False): """ Algorithm to match an input arc spectrum to an archival arc spectrum using a set wavelength guess for the input. This is an alternative to shifting/stretching to match to the archival arc spectrum as we (hopefully) have a good guess of the wavelength solution for the input spectrum. Used only for missing orders of echelle spectrographs (so far) Args: lamps (list): List of lamps used in the arc spec (`numpy.ndarray`_): Spectrum to match wv_guess (`numpy.ndarray`_): Wavelength solution guess for the input arc spectrum spec_arxiv (`numpy.ndarray`_): Archival spectrum to match to wave_arxiv (`numpy.ndarray`_): Wavelegnth solution for the archival spectrum nreid_min (int): Minimum number of times that a given candidate reidentified line must be properly matched with a line in the arxiv to be considered a good reidentification. If there is a lot of duplication in the arxiv of the spectra in question (i.e. multislit) set this to a number like 2-4. For echelle this depends on the number of solutions in the arxiv. For fixed format echelle (ESI, X-SHOOTER, NIRES) set this 1. For an echelle with a tiltable grating, it will depend on the number of solutions in the arxiv. match_toler (float, optional): Matching tolerance in pixels for a line reidentification. A good line match must match within this tolerance to the the shifted and stretched archive spectrum, and the archive wavelength solution at this match must be within match_toler dispersion elements from the line in line list. Defaults to 2.0. nonlinear_counts (float, optional): For arc line detection: Arc lines above this saturation threshold are not used in wavelength solution fits because they cannot be accurately centroided. Defaults to 1e10. sigdetect (float, optional): Threshold for detecting arcliens. Defaults to 5.0. fwhm (float, optional): Full width at half maximum for the arc lines. Defaults to 4.0. debug_peaks (bool, optional): Defaults to False. use_unknowns (bool, optional): If True, use the unknowns in the solution (not recommended). Defaults to False. Returns: tuple: tcent (np.ndarray; centroid of lines), spec_cont_sub (np.ndarray; subtracted continuum), patt_dict_slit (dict; dictionary on the lines), tot_line_list (astropy.table.Table; line list) """ # Load line list tot_line_list, _, _ = waveio.load_line_lists(lamps, include_unknown=use_unknowns) # Generate the wavelengths from the line list and sort wvdata = np.array(tot_line_list['wave'].data) # Removes mask if any wvdata.sort() # Search for lines in the input arc tcent, ecent, cut_tcent, icut, spec_cont_sub = wvutils.arc_lines_from_spec( spec, sigdetect=sigdetect, nonlinear_counts=nonlinear_counts, fwhm=fwhm, debug=debug_peaks) # If there are no lines in the input arc, return if tcent.size == 0: return None, None, patterns.empty_patt_dict(tcent.size), None # Search for lines in the arxiv arc tcent_arxiv, ecent_arxiv, cut_tcent_arxiv, icut_arxiv, spec_cont_sub_now = wvutils.arc_lines_from_spec( spec_arxiv, sigdetect=sigdetect, nonlinear_counts=nonlinear_counts, fwhm=fwhm, debug=debug_peaks) # If there are no lines in the arxiv arc, return if tcent_arxiv.size == 0: return None, None, patterns.empty_patt_dict(tcent_arxiv.size), None # Interpolate the input wavelengths fwv_guess = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(np.arange(len(wv_guess)), wv_guess, kind='cubic', bounds_error=False, fill_value='extrapolate') # Interpolate the arxiv both ways fpix_arxiv = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(wave_arxiv, np.arange(len(wave_arxiv)), kind='cubic', bounds_error=False, fill_value='extrapolate') fwv_arxiv = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(np.arange(len(wave_arxiv)), wave_arxiv, kind='cubic', bounds_error=False, fill_value='extrapolate') # Find the wavelengths of the input arc lines and then the pixels wv_cent = fwv_guess(tcent) pix_arxiv = fpix_arxiv(wv_cent) # Other bits wvc_arxiv = wave_arxiv[wave_arxiv.size//2] igood = wave_arxiv > 1.0 disp_arxiv = np.median(wave_arxiv[igood] - np.roll(wave_arxiv[igood], 1)) line_indx = np.array([], dtype=int) det_indx = np.array([], dtype=int) line_cc = np.array([], dtype=float) #line_iarxiv = np.array([], dtype=int) # Match with tolerance for ss, ipix_arxiv in enumerate(pix_arxiv): pdiff = np.abs(ipix_arxiv - tcent_arxiv) bstpx = np.argmin(pdiff) # If a match is found within 2 pixels, consider this a successful match if pdiff[bstpx] < match_toler: # Using the arxiv arc wavelength solution, search for the nearest line in the line list bstwv = np.abs(wvdata - fwv_arxiv(tcent_arxiv[bstpx])) # This is a good wavelength match if it is within match_toler disperion elements if bstwv[np.argmin(bstwv)] < match_toler*disp_arxiv: line_indx = np.append(line_indx, np.argmin(bstwv)) # index in the line list array wvdata of this match det_indx = np.append(det_indx, ss) # index of this line in the detected line array detections #line_iarxiv = np.append(line_iarxiv,iarxiv) line_cc = np.append(line_cc,1.) # Fakery # Initialise the patterns dictionary, sigdetect not used anywhere if (len(np.unique(line_indx)) < 3): patt_dict_slit = patterns.empty_patt_dict(pix_arxiv.size) patt_dict_slit['sigdetect'] = sigdetect else: # Finalize the best guess of each line patt_dict_slit = patterns.solve_xcorr( tcent, wvdata, det_indx, line_indx, line_cc, nreid_min=nreid_min,cc_local_thresh=-1) patt_dict_slit['bwv'] = wvc_arxiv patt_dict_slit['bdisp'] = disp_arxiv patt_dict_slit['sigdetect'] = sigdetect return tcent, spec_cont_sub, patt_dict_slit, tot_line_list
[docs] def map_fwhm(image, gpm, slits_left, slits_right, slitmask, npixel=None, nsample=None, sigdetect=10., specord=1, spatord=0, fwhm=5., box_rad=3.0, slit_bpm=None): """ Map the spectral FWHM at all spectral and spatial locations of all slits, using an input image (usually an arc) Args: image (`numpy.ndarray`_): Arc image (nspec, nspat) gpm (`numpy.ndarray`_): Good pixel mask corresponding to the input arc image (nspec, nspat) slits_left (`numpy.ndarray`_): Left slit edges slits_right (`numpy.ndarray`_): Right slit edges slitmask (`numpy.ndarray`_): 2D array indicating which pixels are on the slit npixel (int, optional): Number of spatial detector pixels between each estimate of the FWHM Only nsample or npixel should be specified. Precedence is given to nsample. nsample (int, optional): Number of positions along the spatial direction of the slit to estimate the FWHM. Only nsample or npixel should be specified. Precedence is given to nsample. sigdetect (:obj:`float`, optional): Sigma threshold above fluctuations for arc-line detection. Used by :func:`~pypeit.core.arc.detect_lines`. specord (tuple, optional): The spectral polynomial order to use in the 2D polynomial fit to the FWHM of the arc lines. See also, spatord. spatord (tuple, optional): The spatial polynomial order to use in the 2D polynomial fit to the FWHM of the arc lines. See also, specord. fwhm (:obj:`float`, optional): Number of pixels per FWHM resolution element. Used by :func:`~pypeit.core.arc.detect_lines`. box_rad (:obj:`float`, optional): Half-width of the boxcar (floating-point pixels) in the spatial direction used to extract the arc. slit_bpm (`numpy.ndarray`_, bool, optional): Bad pixel mask for the slits. True = bad. Shape must be (nslits,). Arc spectra are filled with np.nan for masked slits. Returns: `numpy.ndarray`_: Numpy array of PypeItFit objects that provide the spectral FWHM (in pixels) given a spectral pixel and the spatial coordinate (expressed as a fraction along the slit in the spatial direction) """ nslits = slits_left.shape[1] scale = 2 * np.sqrt(2 * np.log(2)) _npixel = 10 if npixel is None else npixel # Sample every 10 pixels unless the argument is set (Note: this is only used if nsample is not set) _ord = (specord, spatord) # The 2D polynomial orders to fit to the resolution map. _slit_bpm = np.zeros(nslits, dtype=bool) if slit_bpm is None else slit_bpm # TODO deal with slits not being defined beyond the slitmask in spectral direction slit_lengths = np.mean(slits_right-slits_left, axis=0) resmap = [None for sl in range(nslits)] # Setup the resmap for sl in range(nslits): if _slit_bpm[sl]: msgs.warn(f"Skipping FWHM map computation for masked slit {sl+1}/{nslits}") # Assign it an empty PypeItFit object so that we can still write to file resmap[sl] = fitting.PypeItFit() continue"Calculating spectral resolution of slit {sl + 1}/{nslits}") # Fraction along the slit in the spatial direction to sample the arc line width nmeas = int(0.5+slit_lengths[sl]/_npixel) if nsample is None else nsample slitsamp = np.linspace(0.05, 0.95, nmeas) this_samp, this_cent, this_fwhm = np.array([]), np.array([]), np.array([]) for ss in range(nmeas): spat_vec = np.atleast_2d((1-slitsamp[ss]) * slits_left[:, sl] + slitsamp[ss] * slits_right[:, sl]).T arc_spec, arc_spec_bpm, bpm_mask = arc.get_censpec(spat_vec, slitmask, image, gpm=gpm, box_rad=box_rad, slit_bpm=np.array([_slit_bpm[sl]]), verbose=False) if bpm_mask[0]: msgs.warn('Failed to extract the arc at fractional location {0:.2f} along slit {1:d}'.format(slitsamp[ss], sl+1)) continue # Detect lines and store the spectral FWHM _, _, cent, wdth, _, best, _, nsig = arc.detect_lines(arc_spec.squeeze(), sigdetect=sigdetect, fwhm=fwhm, bpm=arc_spec_bpm.squeeze()) this_cent = np.append(this_cent, cent[best]) this_fwhm = np.append(this_fwhm, scale*wdth[best]) # Scale convert sig to spectral FWHM this_samp = np.append(this_samp, slitsamp[ss]*np.ones(wdth[best].size)) # Perform a 2D robust fit on the measures for this slit resmap[sl] = fitting.robust_fit(this_cent, this_fwhm, _ord, x2=this_samp, lower=3, upper=3, function='polynomial2d') # Return an array containing the PypeIt fits return np.array(resmap)
[docs] def measure_fwhm(spec, sigdetect=10., fwhm=5.): """ Measure the arc lines FWHM, i.e, approximate spectral resolution Args: spec (`numpy.ndarray`_): Arc spectrum from a single slit. sigdetect (:obj:`float`, optional): Sigma threshold above fluctuations for arc-line detection. Used by :func:`pypeit.core.arc.detect_lines`. fwhm (:obj:`float`, optional): Number of pixels per fwhm resolution element. Used by :func:`pypeit.core.arc.detect_lines`. Returns: :obj:`float`: Measured arc lines FWHM in binned pixels of the input arc image """ # Determine the lines FWHM, i.e, approximate spectral resolution # This may only be recorded and not used by the algorithms _, _, _, wdth, _, best, _, nsig = arc.detect_lines(spec, sigdetect=sigdetect, fwhm=fwhm) # 1sigma Gaussian widths of the line detections wdth = wdth[best] # significance of each line detected nsig = nsig[best] # Nsigma (significance) threshold. We use only lines that have the highest significance # We start with nsig_thrshd of 500 and iteratively reduce it if there are not more than 6 lines nsig_thrshd = 500. measured_fwhm = None while nsig_thrshd >= sigdetect: if wdth[nsig >= nsig_thrshd].size > 6: # compute average `wdth` mean, med, _ = astropy.stats.sigma_clipped_stats( wdth[nsig >= nsig_thrshd], sigma_lower=2.0, sigma_upper=2.0 ) # FWHM in pixels measured_fwhm = med * (2 * np.sqrt(2 * np.log(2))) break nsig_thrshd -= sigdetect/2. return measured_fwhm
[docs] def set_fwhm(par, measured_fwhm=None, verbose=False): """ Set the value of the arc lines FWHM by choosing between the provided parset and the measured_fwhm Args: par (:class:`~pypeit.par.pypeitpar.WavelengthSolutionPar`): Key parameters that drive the behavior of the wavelength-solution algorithms. measured_fwhm (:obj:`float`): Measured arc lines FWHM in binned pixels of the input arc image. If None, the value provided by the user in the `fwhm` parset is used. verbose (:obj:`bool`, optional): Print a message to screen reporting the chosen FWHM Returns: :obj:`float`: Chosen arc lines FWHM in binned pixels of the input arc image """ # Set FWHM for the methods that follow if par['fwhm_fromlines'] is False: fwhm = par['fwhm'] if verbose:"User-provided arc lines FWHM: {fwhm:.1f} pixels") elif measured_fwhm is None: fwhm = par['fwhm'] if verbose: msgs.warn(f"Assumed arc lines FWHM: {fwhm:.1f} pixels") else: fwhm = measured_fwhm if verbose:"Measured arc lines FWHM: {fwhm:.1f} pixels") return fwhm
[docs] def full_template(spec, lamps, par, ok_mask, det, binspectral, nsnippet=2, slit_ids=None, measured_fwhms=None, debug_xcorr=False, debug_reid=False, x_percentile=50., template_dict=None, debug=False, nonlinear_counts=1e10): """ Method of wavelength calibration using a single, comprehensive template spectrum The steps are: 1. Load the template and rebin, as necessary 2. Cross-correlate input spectrum and template to find the shift between the two 3. Loop on snippets of the input spectrum to ID lines using reidentify() 4. Fit with fitting.iterative_fitting() Parameters ---------- spec : `numpy.ndarray`_ Spectra to be calibrated. Shape is (nspec, nslit). lamps : :obj:`list` List of arc lamps to be used for wavelength calibration. E.g., ['ArI','NeI','KrI','XeI'] par : :class:`~pypeit.par.pypeitpar.WavelengthSolutionPar` Calibration parameters ok_mask : `numpy.ndarray`_ Mask of indices of good slits det : int Detector index binspectral : int Binning of the input arc in the spectral dimension nsnippet : int, optional Number of snippets to chop the input spectrum into when IDing lines. This deals with differences due to non-linearity between the template and input spectrum. slit_ids: ndarray, optional Array of slit/order IDs. Shape (nslit,) measured_fwhms : `numpy.ndarray`_, optional Array of FWHM (in binned pixels) measured from the arc lines. Shape (nslit,). If None, the value provided by the user in the `fwhm` parset is used. x_percentile : float, optional Passed to reidentify to reduce the dynamic range of arc line amplitudes template_dict : dict, optional Dict containing tempmlate items, largely for development nonlinear_counts : float, optional For arc line detection: Arc lines above this saturation threshold are not used in wavelength solution fits because they cannot be accurately centroided. Defaults to 1e10. debug : bool, optional Show plots useful for debugging debug_xcorr : bool, optional Show plots useful for debugging the cross-correlation debug_reid : bool, optional Show plots useful for debugging the reidentification Returns ------- wvcalib : dict Dict of wavelength calibration solutions order : ndarray Array containing the order IDs of the slits if using an Echelle spectrograph. "None" otherwise. """ # Load line lists line_lists, _, _ = waveio.load_line_lists(lamps, include_unknown=False) # Load template if template_dict is None: # Error checking if par['reid_arxiv'] is None: msgs.error('WavelengthSolutionPar parameter `reid_arxiv` not ' 'specified for "full_template" method.') temp_wv_og, temp_spec_og, temp_bin, order, lines_pix, lines_wav, lines_fit_ord = \ waveio.load_template(par['reid_arxiv'], det, wvrng=par['wvrng_arxiv']) else: temp_wv_og = template_dict['wave'] temp_spec_og = template_dict['spec'] temp_bin = template_dict['bin'] order = template_dict['order'] lines_pix = template_dict['lines_pix'] lines_wav = template_dict['lines_wav'] lines_fit_ord = template_dict['lines_fit_ord'] temp_wv = np.copy(temp_wv_og) temp_spec = np.copy(temp_spec_og) # Deal with binning (not yet tested) if binspectral != temp_bin:"Resizing the template due to different binning.") new_npix = int(temp_wv.size * temp_bin / binspectral) temp_wv = arc.resize_spec(temp_wv, new_npix) temp_spec = arc.resize_spec(temp_spec, new_npix) # Dimensions if spec.ndim == 2: nspec, nslits = spec.shape elif spec.ndim == 1: nspec = spec.size nslits = 1 spec = np.reshape(spec, (nspec,1)) # Loop on slits wvcalib = {} for slit in range(nslits): # Sigdetect sigdetect = wvutils.parse_param(par, 'sigdetect', slit) # Check if slit not in ok_mask: wvcalib[str(slit)] = None continue slit_txt = f'slit/order {slit_ids[slit]} ({slit+1}/{nslits})' if slit_ids is not None else f'slit {slit+1}/{nslits}'"Processing " + slit_txt)"Using sigdetect = {}".format(sigdetect)) # Grab the observed arc spectrum obs_spec_i = spec[:,slit] # get FWHM for this slit fwhm = set_fwhm(par, measured_fwhm=measured_fwhms[slit], verbose=True) # Find the shift ncomb = temp_spec.size # Remove the continuum before adding the padding to obs_spec_i _, _, _, _, obs_spec_cont_sub = wvutils.arc_lines_from_spec(obs_spec_i) _, _, _, _, templ_spec_cont_sub = wvutils.arc_lines_from_spec(temp_spec.reshape(-1)) # Pad pad_spec = np.zeros_like(temp_spec) nspec = len(obs_spec_i) npad = ncomb - nspec if npad > 0: # Pad the input spectrum pad_spec[npad // 2:npad // 2 + len(obs_spec_i)] = obs_spec_cont_sub tspec = templ_spec_cont_sub elif npad < 0: # Pad the template! pad_spec = obs_spec_cont_sub npad *= -1 tspec = np.zeros(nspec) tspec[npad // 2:npad // 2 + ncomb] = templ_spec_cont_sub else: # No padding necessary pad_spec = obs_spec_cont_sub tspec = templ_spec_cont_sub # check if there is an arxived solution for this slit: if lines_pix is not None: if lines_pix[slit] is not None:'An arxived solution exists! Loading those line IDs for slit {slit+1}/{nslits}')'Checking for possible shifts') shift_cc, corr_cc = wvutils.xcorr_shift(temp_spec_og[slit,:], obs_spec_i, debug=debug, fwhm=fwhm, percent_ceil=50.0, lag_range=par['cc_shift_range'])#par['cc_percent_ceil'])'Shift = {shift_cc} pixels! Shifting detections now') pix_arxiv_ss = lines_pix[slit] - shift_cc bdisp = np.nanmedian(np.abs(temp_wv - np.roll(temp_wv, 1))) # Collate and proceed dets = pix_arxiv_ss[np.where(np.logical_and(pix_arxiv_ss < len(obs_spec_i)-50, pix_arxiv_ss > 50))[0]] IDs = lines_wav[slit][np.where(np.logical_and(pix_arxiv_ss < len(obs_spec_i)-50, pix_arxiv_ss > 50))[0]]'Using lines from pixel {dets} mapped to Wavelengths: {IDs}') gd_det = np.where(IDs > 0.)[0] if len(gd_det) < 2: msgs.warn("Not enough useful IDs") wvcalib[str(slit)] = None continue # Fit xnspecmin1 = (float(len(obs_spec_i))-1) pypeitFit = fitting.robust_fit(dets[gd_det]/(float(len(obs_spec_i))-1), IDs[gd_det], lines_fit_ord[slit], function=par['func'], maxiter=gd_det.size - lines_fit_ord[slit] - 2, lower=2.0, upper=2.0, maxrej=1, sticky=True, minx=0.0, maxx=1.0, weights=np.ones(dets.size)) all_idsion = [] for ss, iwave in enumerate(IDs): mn = np.min(np.abs(iwave-line_lists['wave'])) if mn/bdisp < par['match_toler']: imn = np.argmin(np.abs(iwave-line_lists['wave'])) #print(imn, line_lists['ion']) all_idsion.append(line_lists['ion'][imn]) else: all_idsion.append('UNKNWN') all_idsion = np.array(all_idsion) ions = all_idsion # Final RMS rms_ang = pypeitFit.calc_fit_rms(apply_mask=True) rms_pix = rms_ang/bdisp # Pack up fit spec_vec = np.arange(nspec) wave_soln = pypeitFit.eval(spec_vec/xnspecmin1) cen_wave = pypeitFit.eval(float(nspec)/2/xnspecmin1) cen_wave_min1 = pypeitFit.eval((float(nspec)/2 - 1.0)/xnspecmin1) cen_disp = cen_wave - cen_wave_min1 # Ions bit ion_bits = np.zeros(len(ions), dtype=wv_fitting.WaveFit.bitmask.minimum_dtype()) for kk,ion in enumerate(ions): ion_bits[kk] = wv_fitting.WaveFit.bitmask.turn_on(ion_bits[kk], ion.replace(' ', '')) # DataContainer time try: # spat_id is set to an arbitrary -1 here and is updated in final_fit = wv_fitting.WaveFit(-1, pypeitfit=pypeitFit, pixel_fit=dets[gd_det], wave_fit=IDs[gd_det], ion_bits=ion_bits, xnorm=(float(len(obs_spec_i))-1), cen_wave=cen_wave, cen_disp=cen_disp, spec=obs_spec_i, wave_soln = wave_soln, sigrej=3.0, shift=0., tcent=dets, rms=rms_pix) except TypeError: wvcalib[str(slit)] = None else: wvcalib[str(slit)] = copy.deepcopy(final_fit) continue else:'No solution yet for this slit, so making one now...') # Cross-correlate shift_cc, corr_cc = wvutils.xcorr_shift(tspec, pad_spec, debug=debug, fwhm=fwhm, percent_ceil=x_percentile, lag_range=par['cc_shift_range'])"Shift = {shift_cc:.2f}; cc = {corr_cc:.4f}") if debug: xvals = np.arange(tspec.size) plt.clf() ax = plt.gca() # ax.plot(xvals, tspec, label='template') # Template ax.plot(xvals, np.roll(pad_spec, int(shift_cc)), 'k', label='input') # Input ax.legend() i0 = npad // 2 + int(shift_cc) # Generate the template snippet if i0 < 0: # Pad? mspec = np.concatenate([np.zeros(-1*i0), temp_spec[0:i0+nspec]]) mwv = np.concatenate([np.zeros(-1*i0), temp_wv[0:i0+nspec]]) elif (i0+nspec) > temp_spec.size: # Pad? mspec = np.concatenate([temp_spec[i0:], np.zeros(nspec-temp_spec.size+i0)]) mwv = np.concatenate([temp_wv[i0:], np.zeros(nspec-temp_spec.size+i0)]) else: # Don't pad mspec = temp_spec[i0:i0 + nspec] mwv = temp_wv[i0:i0 + nspec] # Loop on snippets nsub = obs_spec_i.size // nsnippet sv_det, sv_IDs = [], [] for kk in range(nsnippet): # Construct j0 = nsub * kk j1 = min(nsub*(kk+1), obs_spec_i.size) tsnippet = obs_spec_i[j0:j1] msnippet = mspec[j0:j1] mwvsnippet = mwv[j0:j1] # TODO: JFH This continue statement deals with the case when the msnippet derives from *entirely* zero-padded # pixels, and allows the code to continue with crashing. This code is constantly causing reidentify to crash # by passing in these junk snippets that are almost entirely zero-padded for large shifts. We should # be checking for this intelligently rather than constantly calling reidentify with basically junk arxiv # spectral snippets. if not np.any(msnippet): continue # TODO -- JXP # should we use par['cc_thresh'] instead of hard-coding cc_thresh?? # Run reidentify detections, spec_cont_sub, patt_dict = reidentify(tsnippet, msnippet, mwvsnippet, line_lists, 1, cont_sub=par['reid_cont_sub'], debug_xcorr=debug_xcorr, sigdetect=sigdetect, nonlinear_counts=nonlinear_counts, debug_reid=debug_reid, # verbose=True, match_toler=par['match_toler'], percent_ceil=x_percentile, cc_shift_range=par['cc_shift_range'], cc_thresh=0.1, fwhm=fwhm, stretch_func=par['stretch_func']) # Deal with IDs sv_det.append(j0 + detections) try: sv_IDs.append(patt_dict['IDs']) except KeyError: msgs.warn("Failed to perform wavelength calibration in reidentify..") sv_IDs.append(np.zeros_like(detections)) else: # Save now in case the next one barfs bdisp = patt_dict['bdisp'] # Collate and proceed dets = np.concatenate(sv_det) IDs = np.concatenate(sv_IDs) gd_det = np.where(IDs > 0.)[0] if len(gd_det) < 2: msgs.warn("Not enough useful IDs") wvcalib[str(slit)] = None continue # get n_final for this slit n_final = wvutils.parse_param(par, 'n_final', slit) # Fit try: final_fit = wv_fitting.iterative_fitting(obs_spec_i, dets, gd_det, IDs[gd_det], line_lists, bdisp, verbose=False, n_first=par['n_first'], match_toler=par['match_toler'], func=par['func'], n_final=n_final, sigrej_first=par['sigrej_first'], sigrej_final=par['sigrej_final']) except TypeError: wvcalib[str(slit)] = None else: wvcalib[str(slit)] = copy.deepcopy(final_fit) # Finish return wvcalib, order
[docs] def echelle_wvcalib(spec, orders, spec_arxiv, wave_arxiv, lamps, par, ok_mask=None, measured_fwhms=None, use_unknowns=True, debug_all=False, debug_peaks=False, debug_xcorr=False, debug_reid=False, debug_fits=False, nonlinear_counts=1e10, redo_slits:list=None): r""" Algorithm to wavelength calibrate echelle data based on a predicted or archived wavelength solution Parameters ---------- spec : `numpy.ndarray_`, shape=(nspec, norders) Array of arc spectra for each order for which wavelength solutions are desired. orders : `numpy.ndarray_` Order numbers for the provided spectra. Used to match against the relevant archived spectrum for echelle spectrographs. Shape must be :math:`(N_{\rm orders},)` spec_arxiv : `numpy.ndarray_`, shape=(nspec, narxiv) or (nspec) Collection of archival arc spectra for which wavelength solution and line identifications are known wave_arxiv: float ndarray shape (nspec, narxiv) or (nspec) Wavelength solutions for the archival arc spectra spec_arxiv lamps : :obj:`list` List of arc lamps to be used for wavelength calibration. E.g., ['ArI','NeI','KrI','XeI'] par : :class:`~pypeit.par.pypeitpar.WavelengthSolutionPar` Key parameters that drive the behavior of the wavelength-solution algorithms. ok_mask : `numpy.ndarray`, optional Integer array with the list of valid spectra ``spec`` to use. If None, all spectra are used. measured_fwhms: ndarray, optional Array of FWHM (in binned pixels) measured from the arc lines. Shape :math:`(N_{\rm orders},)`. If None, the value provided by the user in the `fwhm` parset is used. use_unknowns : bool, default = True, optional If True, arc lines that are known to be present in the spectra, but have not been attributed to an element+ion, will be included in the fit. debug_all: :obj:`bool`, optional Convenience parameter that turns on all debugging. Setting ``debug_all`` to True is equivalent to setting ``debug_peaks``, ``debug_xcorr``, ``debug_reid``, and ``debug_fits`` to True. debug_peaks : :obj:`bool`, optional Debug the line identification in the arcline spectra. See ``debug`` parameter in func:`pypeit.core.wavecal.wvutils.arc_lines_from_spec`. debug_xcorr: bool, default = False, optional Show plots useful for debugging the cross-correlation used for shift/stretch computation. debug_reid: bool, default = False, optional Show plots useful for debugging the line reidentification debug_fits : :obj:`bool`, optional Show the arc-line fit debugging plot. See :func:`arc_fit_qa`. nonlinear_counts: float, default = 1e10 For arc line detection: Arc lines above this saturation threshold are not used in wavelength solution fits because they cannot be accurately centroided redo_slits: list, optional If provided, only perform the wavelength calibration for the given slit(s). Returns ------- all_patt_dict: dict Arc lines pattern dictionary with some information about the IDs as well as the cross-correlation values wv_calib: dict Dictionary containing the wavelength solution for each order """ # TODO: Perform detailed checking of the input # Check input if not isinstance(par, pypeitpar.WavelengthSolutionPar): msgs.error('Input parameters must be provided by a WavelengthSolutionPar object.') if spec.ndim != 2: msgs.error('Input spec must be a 2D numpy array!') nspec, norders = spec.shape if orders.size != norders: msgs.error('Number of provided orders does not match the number of provided spectra.') # Mask info ok_mask = np.arange(norders) if ok_mask is None else ok_mask if np.amax(ok_mask) >= norders: msgs.error('Spectrum selected by ok_mask is beyond the limits of the provided ' 'spec array.') # Load the line lists tot_line_list, _, _ = waveio.load_line_lists(lamps, include_unknown=use_unknowns) # Array to hold continuum subtracted arcs spec_cont_sub = np.zeros_like(spec) # These are the final outputs all_patt_dict = {} detections = {} wv_calib = {} bad_orders = np.array([], dtype=int) # Reidentify each slit, and perform a fit for iord in range(norders): if redo_slits is not None and orders[iord] not in redo_slits: continue # ToDO should we still be populating wave_calib with an empty dict here? if iord not in ok_mask: msgs.warn(f"Skipping order = {orders[iord]} ({iord+1}/{norders}) because masked") wv_calib[str(iord)] = None all_patt_dict[str(iord)] = None continue if np.all(spec_arxiv[:, iord] == 0.0): msgs.warn(f"Order = {orders[iord]} ({iord+1}/{norders}) cannot be reidentified " f"because this order is not present in the arxiv") wv_calib[str(iord)] = None all_patt_dict[str(iord)] = None continue'Reidentifying and fitting Order = {0:d}, which is {1:d}/{2:d}'.format(orders[iord], iord+1, norders)) sigdetect = wvutils.parse_param(par, 'sigdetect', iord) cc_thresh = wvutils.parse_param(par, 'cc_thresh', iord)"Using sigdetect = {}".format(sigdetect)) # Set FWHM for this order fwhm = set_fwhm(par, measured_fwhm=measured_fwhms[iord], verbose=True) # get rms threshold for this slit rms_thresh = round(par['rms_thresh_frac_fwhm'] * fwhm, 3)"Using RMS threshold = {rms_thresh} (pixels); RMS/FWHM threshold = {par['rms_thresh_frac_fwhm']}") detections[str(iord)], spec_cont_sub[:, iord], all_patt_dict[str(iord)] = reidentify( spec[:, iord], spec_arxiv[:, iord], wave_arxiv[:, iord], tot_line_list, par['nreid_min'], cont_sub=par['reid_cont_sub'], match_toler=par['match_toler'], cc_shift_range=par['cc_shift_range'], cc_thresh=cc_thresh, cc_local_thresh=par['cc_local_thresh'], nlocal_cc=par['nlocal_cc'], nonlinear_counts=nonlinear_counts, sigdetect=sigdetect, fwhm=fwhm, percent_ceil=par['cc_percent_ceil'], max_lag_frac=par['cc_offset_minmax'], debug_peaks=(debug_peaks or debug_all), debug_xcorr=(debug_xcorr or debug_all), debug_reid=(debug_reid or debug_all), stretch_func=par['stretch_func']) # Check if an acceptable reidentification solution was found if not all_patt_dict[str(iord)]['acceptable']: wv_calib[str(iord)] = None bad_orders = np.append(bad_orders, iord) msgs.warn(msgs.newline() + '---------------------------------------------------' + msgs.newline() + f'Reidentify report for order = {orders[iord]:d} ({iord+1:d}/{norders:d}):' + msgs.newline() + f' Cross-correlation failed' + msgs.newline() + '---------------------------------------------------') continue # Perform the fit n_final = wvutils.parse_param(par, 'n_final', iord) final_fit = wv_fitting.fit_slit( spec[:, iord], all_patt_dict[str(iord)], detections[str(iord)], tot_line_list, match_toler=par['match_toler'], func=par['func'], n_first=par['n_first'], sigrej_first=par['sigrej_first'], n_final=n_final, sigrej_final=par['sigrej_final'])"Number of lines used in fit: {len(final_fit['pixel_fit'])}") # Did the fit succeed? if final_fit is None: # This pattern wasn't good enough wv_calib[str(iord)] = None bad_orders = np.append(bad_orders, iord) msgs.warn(msgs.newline() + '---------------------------------------------------' + msgs.newline() + f'Reidentify report for order = {orders[iord]:d} ({iord+1:d}/{norders:d}):' + msgs.newline() + f' Final fit failed' + msgs.newline() + '---------------------------------------------------') continue # Is the RMS below the threshold? if final_fit['rms'] > rms_thresh: msgs.warn(msgs.newline() + '---------------------------------------------------' + msgs.newline() + f'Reidentify report for order = {orders[iord]:d} ({iord+1:d}/{norders:d}):' + msgs.newline() + f' Poor RMS ({final_fit["rms"]:.3f})! Need to add additional spectra to arxiv to improve fits' + msgs.newline() + '---------------------------------------------------') bad_orders = np.append(bad_orders, iord) # Note this result in new_bad_orders, but store the solution since this might be the best possible # Add the patt_dict and wv_calib to the output dicts wv_calib[str(iord)] = copy.deepcopy(final_fit) if (debug_fits or debug_all): arc_fit_qa(wv_calib[str(iord)], title='Silt: {}'.format(str(iord)), log=par['qa_log']) # Print the final report of all lines report_final(norders, all_patt_dict, detections, wv_calib, ok_mask, bad_orders, redo_slits=redo_slits, orders=orders) return all_patt_dict, wv_calib
[docs] def report_final(nslits, all_patt_dict, detections, wv_calib, ok_mask, bad_slits, redo_slits:list=None, orders:np.ndarray=None): """ Print out the final report for wavelength calibration Args: nslits (int): Number of slits or ders all_patt_dict (dict): Dictionary containing reidentification information. detections (dict): Dictionary containing the lines that were detected. wv_calib (dict): Dictionary holding the wavelength solutions for each slit/orders ok_mask (ndarray, bool): Mask of indices of good slits bad_slits (ndarray, bool): List of slits that are bad redo_slits (list, optional): Report on only these slits orders (ndarray, optional): Array of echelle orders to be printed out during the report. """ for slit in range(nslits): # title of the report report_ttl = msgs.newline() + '---------------------------------------------------' + msgs.newline() if orders is not None: report_ttl += f'Final report for order {orders[slit]} ({slit+1}/{nslits}):' + msgs.newline() else: report_ttl += f'Final report for slit {slit+1}/{nslits}:' + msgs.newline() # Prepare a message for bad wavelength solutions badmsg = report_ttl + ' Wavelength calibration not performed!' + msgs.newline() # Redo? if redo_slits is not None and orders[slit] not in redo_slits: continue st = str(slit) if slit not in ok_mask or slit in bad_slits or all_patt_dict[st] is None or wv_calib[st] is None: msgs.warn(badmsg) continue if all_patt_dict[st]['sign'] == +1: signtxt = 'correlate' else: signtxt = 'anitcorrelate' # Report cen_wave = wv_calib[st]['cen_wave'] cen_disp = wv_calib[st]['cen_disp'] sreport = str(report_ttl + ' Pixels {:s} with wavelength'.format(signtxt) + msgs.newline() + ' Number of lines detected = {:d}'.format(detections[st].size) + msgs.newline() + ' Number of lines that were fit = {:d}'.format( len(wv_calib[st]['pixel_fit'])) + msgs.newline() + ' Central wavelength = {:g}A'.format(cen_wave) + msgs.newline() + ' Central dispersion = {:g}A/pix'.format(cen_disp) + msgs.newline() + ' Central wave/disp = {:g}'.format(cen_wave / cen_disp) + msgs.newline() + ' Final RMS of fit = {:g}'.format(wv_calib[st]['rms']) + msgs.newline())
[docs] class ArchiveReid: r""" Algorithm to wavelength calibrate spectroscopic data based on an archive of wavelength solutions. Parameters ---------- spec : float ndarray shape of (nspec, nslits) or (nspec) Array of arc spectra for which wavelength solutions are desired. lamps : :obj:`list` List of arc lamps to be used for wavelength calibration. E.g., ['ArI','NeI','KrI','XeI'] par : :class:`~pypeit.par.pypeitpar.WavelengthSolutionPar` Key parameters that drive the behavior of the wavelength-solution algorithms. ech_fixed_format: bool Set to True if this is a fixed format echelle spectrograp. The code will then align the archive_arc and the extracted arc for each order for the reidentification. ok_mask : `numpy.ndarray`, optional Integer array with the list of valid spectra ``spec`` to use. If None, all spectra are used. measured_fwhms: ndarray, optional Array of FWHM (in binned pixels) measured from the arc lines. Shape (nslit,). If None, the value provided by the user in the `fwhm` parset is used. use_unknowns : bool, default = True, optional If True, arc lines that are known to be present in the spectra, but have not been attributed to an element+ion, will be included in the fit. debug_all: :obj:`bool`, optional Convenience parameter that turns on all debugging. Setting ``debug_all`` to True is equivalent to setting ``debug_peaks``, ``debug_xcorr``, ``debug_reid``, and ``debug_fits`` to True. debug_peaks : :obj:`bool`, optional Debug the line identification in the arcline spectra. See ``debug`` parameter in func:`pypeit.core.wavecal.wvutils.arc_lines_from_spec`. debug_xcorr: bool, default = False, optional Show plots useful for debugging the cross-correlation used for shift/stretch computation. debug_reid: bool, default = False, optional Show plots useful for debugging the line reidentification debug_fits : :obj:`bool`, optional Show the arc-line fit debugging plot. See :func:`arc_fit_qa`. orders : `numpy.ndarray`, optional Order numbers for the provided spectra. Used to match against the relevant archived spectrum for echelle spectrographs. Shape must be :math:`(N_{\rm spec},)` and these *must* be provided if ech_fixed_format is True. nonlinear_counts: float, default = 1e10 For arc line detection: Arc lines above this saturation threshold are not used in wavelength solution fits because they cannot be accurately centroided Attributes ---------- debug_peaks : :obj:`bool` Debug the peak finding. .. todo:: - Fill in the rest of the attributes. """ # TODO: Because we're passing orders directly, we no longer need spectrograph... def __init__(self, spec, lamps, par, ech_fixed_format=False, ok_mask=None, measured_fwhms=None, use_unknowns=True, debug_all=False, debug_peaks=False, debug_xcorr=False, debug_reid=False, debug_fits=False, orders=None, nonlinear_counts=1e10): # TODO: Perform detailed checking of the input # Check input if not isinstance(par, pypeitpar.WavelengthSolutionPar): msgs.error('Input parameters must be provided by a WavelengthSolutionPar object.') # TODO: Do we need ech_fix_format if we have # spectrograph.pypeline, assuming we keep passing spectrograph? if ech_fixed_format and orders is None: msgs.error('If the specrograph is a fixed-format echelle (ech_fix_format is True), ' 'the orders must be provided.') # TODO: What does and does not need to be an attribute? # Debugging self.debug_peaks = debug_peaks or debug_all self.debug_xcorr = debug_xcorr or debug_all self.debug_reid = debug_reid or debug_all self.debug_fits = debug_fits or debug_all self.spec = spec if spec.ndim == 2: self.nspec, self.nslits = spec.shape elif spec.ndim == 1: self.nspec = spec.size self.nslits = 1 else: msgs.error('Input spec must be a 1D or 2D numpy array!') if orders is not None and orders.size != self.nslits: msgs.error('Number of provided orders does not match the number of provided spectra.') self.par = par self.lamps = lamps self.use_unknowns = use_unknowns # Mask info self.ok_mask = np.arange(self.nslits) if ok_mask is None else ok_mask if np.amax(ok_mask) >= self.nslits: msgs.error('Spectrum selected by ok_mask is beyond the limits of the provided ' 'spec array.') # List of bad slits self.bad_slits = [] # Pull paramaters out of the parset # TODO: Why are we doing this? # Parameters for arc line detction self.nonlinear_counts = nonlinear_counts # self.par['nonlinear_counts'] # Paramaters that govern reidentification self.reid_arxiv = self.par['reid_arxiv'] self.nreid_min = self.par['nreid_min'] self.nlocal_cc = self.par['nlocal_cc'] self.cc_thresh = self.par['cc_thresh'] self.cc_local_thresh = self.par['cc_local_thresh'] # Paramters that govern wavelength solution fitting self.match_toler = self.par['match_toler'] self.func = self.par['func'] self.n_first= self.par['n_first'] self.sigrej_first= self.par['sigrej_first'] self.sigrej_final= self.par['sigrej_final'] # Load the line lists self.tot_line_list, self.line_lists, self.unknwns = waveio.load_line_lists( lamps, include_unknown=self.use_unknowns) # Read in the wv_calib_arxiv and pull out some relevant quantities # ToDO deal with different binnings! self.wv_calib_arxiv, self.par_arxiv = waveio.load_reid_arxiv(self.reid_arxiv) # Determine the number of spectra in the arxiv, check that it # matches nslits if this is fixed format. narxiv = len(self.wv_calib_arxiv) for key in self.wv_calib_arxiv.keys(): try: test = int(key) except ValueError: narxiv -=1 #if self.ech_fix_format and (self.nslits != narxiv): # msgs.error('You have set ech_fix_format = True, but nslits={:d} != narxiv={:d}'.format(self.nslits,narxiv) + '.' + # msgs.newline() + 'The number of orders identified does not match the number of solutions in the arxiv') # # Array to hold continuum subtracted arcs self.spec_cont_sub = np.zeros_like(self.spec) nspec_arxiv = self.wv_calib_arxiv['0']['spec'].size self.spec_arxiv = np.zeros((nspec_arxiv, narxiv)) self.wave_soln_arxiv = np.zeros((nspec_arxiv, narxiv)) self.det_arxiv = {} for iarxiv in range(narxiv): self.spec_arxiv[:, iarxiv] = self.wv_calib_arxiv[str(iarxiv)]['spec'] self.wave_soln_arxiv[:, iarxiv] = self.wv_calib_arxiv[str(iarxiv)]['wave_soln'] # arxiv orders (echelle only) if ech_fixed_format: self.arxiv_orders = [] for iarxiv in range(narxiv): self.arxiv_orders.append(self.wv_calib_arxiv[str(iarxiv)]['order']) # orders, _ = self.spectrograph.slit2order(slit_spat_pos) ind_arxiv = np.arange(narxiv, dtype=int) # These are the final outputs self.all_patt_dict = {} self.detections = {} self.wv_calib = {} self.bad_slits = np.array([], dtype=int) # Reidentify each slit, and perform a fit for slit in range(self.nslits): # ToDO should we still be populating wave_calib with an empty dict here? if slit not in self.ok_mask: self.wv_calib[str(slit)] = None continue'Reidentifying and fitting slit # {0:d}/{1:d}'.format(slit+1,self.nslits)) # If this is a fixed format echelle, arxiv has exactly the same orders as the data and so # we only pass in the relevant arxiv spectrum to make this much faster ind_sp = self.arxiv_orders.index(orders[slit]) if ech_fixed_format else ind_arxiv if ech_fixed_format:'Order: {orders[slit]}') sigdetect = wvutils.parse_param(self.par, 'sigdetect', slit) cc_thresh = wvutils.parse_param(self.par, 'cc_thresh', slit)"Using sigdetect = {}".format(sigdetect)) # get FWHM for this slit fwhm = set_fwhm(self.par, measured_fwhm=measured_fwhms[slit], verbose=True) # get rms threshold for this slit rms_thresh = round(self.par['rms_thresh_frac_fwhm'] * fwhm, 3)"Using RMS threshold = {rms_thresh} (pixels); RMS/FWHM threshold = {self.par['rms_thresh_frac_fwhm']}") self.detections[str(slit)], self.spec_cont_sub[:,slit], self.all_patt_dict[str(slit)] = \ reidentify(self.spec[:,slit], self.spec_arxiv[:,ind_sp], self.wave_soln_arxiv[:,ind_sp], self.tot_line_list, self.nreid_min, cont_sub=self.par['reid_cont_sub'], cc_thresh=cc_thresh, match_toler=self.match_toler, cc_shift_range=self.par['cc_shift_range'], cc_local_thresh=self.cc_local_thresh, nlocal_cc=self.nlocal_cc, nonlinear_counts=self.nonlinear_counts, sigdetect=sigdetect, fwhm=fwhm, debug_peaks=self.debug_peaks, debug_xcorr=self.debug_xcorr, debug_reid=self.debug_reid, stretch_func=self.par['stretch_func']) # str for the reports below order_str = '' if orders is None else ', order={}'.format(orders[slit]) # Check if an acceptable reidentification solution was found if not self.all_patt_dict[str(slit)]['acceptable']: self.wv_calib[str(slit)] = None self.bad_slits = np.append(self.bad_slits, slit) msgs.warn('---------------------------------------------------' + msgs.newline() + 'Reidentify report for slit {0:d}/{1:d}'.format(slit, self.nslits-1) + order_str + msgs.newline() + ' Cross-correlation failed' + msgs.newline() + '---------------------------------------------------') continue # Perform the fit n_final = wvutils.parse_param(self.par, 'n_final', slit) final_fit = wv_fitting.fit_slit(self.spec[:, slit], self.all_patt_dict[str(slit)], self.detections[str(slit)], self.tot_line_list, match_toler=self.match_toler,func=self.func, n_first=self.n_first, sigrej_first=self.sigrej_first, n_final=n_final,sigrej_final=self.sigrej_final) # Did the fit succeed? if final_fit is None: # This pattern wasn't good enough self.wv_calib[str(slit)] = None self.bad_slits = np.append(self.bad_slits, slit) msgs.warn('---------------------------------------------------' + msgs.newline() + 'Reidentify report for slit {0:d}/{1:d}'.format(slit, self.nslits-1) + order_str + msgs.newline() + ' Final fit failed' + msgs.newline() + '---------------------------------------------------') continue # Is the RMS below the threshold? if final_fit['rms'] > rms_thresh: msgs.warn('---------------------------------------------------' + msgs.newline() + 'Reidentify report for slit {0:d}/{1:d}'.format(slit, self.nslits-1) + order_str + msgs.newline() + ' Poor RMS ({0:.3f})! Need to add additional spectra to arxiv to improve fits'.format( final_fit['rms']) + msgs.newline() + '---------------------------------------------------') self.bad_slits = np.append(self.bad_slits, slit) # Note this result in new_bad_slits, but store the solution since this might be the best possible # Add the patt_dict and wv_calib to the output dicts self.wv_calib[str(slit)] = copy.deepcopy(final_fit) if self.debug_fits: arc_fit_qa(self.wv_calib[str(slit)], title='Slit: {}'.format(str(slit)), log=self.par['qa_log']) # Print the final report of all lines report_final(self.nslits, self.all_patt_dict, self.detections, self.wv_calib, self.ok_mask, self.bad_slits)
[docs] def get_results(self): return copy.deepcopy(self.all_patt_dict), copy.deepcopy(self.wv_calib)
[docs] def get_arxiv(self, orders): """ Grab the arxiv spectrum and wavelength solution for the provided orders Args: orders (list, `numpy.ndarray`_): Orders to retrieve Returns: tuple: wavelengths arrays, spec arrays aligned with orders """ # Collate wave_soln_arxiv = [] arcspec_arxiv = [] for order in orders: ind_sp = self.arxiv_orders.index(order) wave_soln_arxiv.append(self.wave_soln_arxiv[:,ind_sp]) arcspec_arxiv.append(self.spec_arxiv[:,ind_sp]) # Return return np.stack(wave_soln_arxiv,axis=-1), np.stack(arcspec_arxiv,axis=-1)
[docs] class HolyGrail: """ General algorithm to wavelength calibrate spectroscopic data Parameters ---------- spec : ndarray 2D array of arcline spectra (nspec,nslit) lamps : :obj:`list` List of arc lamps to be used for wavelength calibration. E.g., ['ArI','NeI','KrI','XeI'] par : ParSet or dict, default = default parset, optional This is the parset par['calibrations']['wavelengths']. A dictionary with the corresponding parameter names also works. ok_mask : ndarray, optional Array of good slits islinelist : bool, optional Is lamps a linelist (True), or a list of ions (False) The former is not recommended except by expert users/developers measured_fwhms : ndarray, optional Array of FWHM (in binned pixels) measured from the arc lines. Shape (nslit,). If None, the value provided by the user in the `fwhm` parset is used. outroot : str, optional Name of output file debug : bool, optional Used to debug the algorithm verbose : bool, optional If True, the final fit will print out more detail as the RMS is refined, and lines are rejected. This is mostly helpful for developing the algorithm. binw : ndarray, optional Set the wavelength grid when identifying the best solution bind : ndarray, optional Set the dispersion grid when identifying the best solution nstore : int, optional The number of "best" initial solutions to consider use_unknowns : bool, optional If True, arc lines that are known to be present in the spectra, but have not been attributed to an element+ion, will be included in the fit. spectrograph : str, optional Spectrograph name Returns ------- all_patt_dict : list of dicts A list of dictionaries, which contain the results from the preliminary pattern matching algorithm providing the first guess at the ID lines all_final_fit : list of dicts A list of dictionaries, which contain the full fitting results and final best guess of the line IDs """ def __init__(self, spec, lamps, par=None, ok_mask=None, islinelist=False, measured_fwhms=None, outroot=None, debug=False, verbose=False, binw=None, bind=None, nstore=1, use_unknowns=True, nonlinear_counts=None, spectrograph=None): # Set some default parameters self._spec = spec self._par = pypeitpar.WavelengthSolutionPar() if par is None else par self._lamps = lamps self._npix, self._nslit = spec.shape self._nstore = nstore self._binw = binw self._bind = bind self._measured_fwhms = measured_fwhms # Mask info if ok_mask is None: self._ok_mask = np.arange(self._nslit) else: self._ok_mask = ok_mask self._bad_slits = [] # List of bad slits # Set the input parameters self._nonlinear_counts = nonlinear_counts # JFH I'm not convinced that the codea actually does anything except use the lowest nsig, but am not sure self._match_toler = self._par['match_toler'] self._func = self._par['func'] self._n_first= self._par['n_first'] self._sigrej_first= self._par['sigrej_first'] self._sigrej_final= self._par['sigrej_final'] self._use_unknowns = use_unknowns self._islinelist = islinelist self._outroot = outroot self._debug = debug self._verbose = verbose # Line list provided? (not recommended) if self._islinelist: self._line_lists = self._lamps self._unknwns = self._lamps[:0].copy() if self._use_unknowns: self._tot_list = astropy.table.vstack([self._line_lists, self._unknwns]) else: self._tot_list = self._line_lists else: # Load the linelist to be used for pattern matching restrict = spectrograph if self._par['use_instr_flag'] else None self._tot_list, self._line_lists, self._unknwns = waveio.load_line_lists( self._lamps, include_unknown=self._use_unknowns, restrict_on_instr=restrict) # Generate the final linelist and sort self._wvdata = np.array(self._tot_list['wave'].data) # Removes mask if any self._wvdata.sort() # Find the wavelength solution! # KD Tree algorithm only works for ThAr - check first that this is what is being used self._thar = False if 'ThAr' in self._lamps and len(self._lamps) == 1: self._thar = True # Set up the grids to be used for pattern matching self.set_grids(ngridw=5000, ngridd=1000)"Using KD Tree pattern matching algorithm to wavelength calibrate") self.run_kdtree() else: # Set up the grids to be used for pattern matching self.set_grids()"Using brute force pattern matching algorithm to wavelength calibrate") self.run_brute()
[docs] def get_results(self): return copy.deepcopy(self._all_patt_dict), copy.deepcopy(self._all_final_fit)
[docs] def set_grids(self, ngridw = 300, ngridd=3000): #ngridw = 200, ngridd=2000): # Set the wavelength grid if self._binw is None: # Ideally, you want binw to roughly sample the A/pix of the spectrograph self._ngridw = ngridw self._binw = np.linspace(np.min(self._wvdata), np.max(self._wvdata), self._ngridw) else: self._ngridw = self._binw.size # Set the dispersion grid if self._bind is None: self._ngridd = ngridd #self._bind = np.linspace(-3.0, 1.0, self._ngridd) # JFH I have no idea why this goes down as low as -3.0. 3000/10^(-3.0) would be R ~ 3e6. No spectrograph # has a dispersion that high. I'm changing this to be -1.5 which would be R ~ 100,000 at 3000A. In this regime # one would anyway use the ThAr routine. I'm rasing # the upper limit to be 2.0 to handle low-resolution data (i.e in the near-IR 2.5e4/100 = R ~ 250 self._bind = np.linspace(-1.5, 2.0, self._ngridd) else: self._ngridd = self._bind.size return
[docs] def run_brute_loop(self, slit, tcent_ecent, rms_thresh, wavedata=None): """ Args: slit (int): Slit number tcent_ecent (list): List of `numpy.ndarray`_ objects, [tcent, ecent], which are the centroids and errors of the detections to be used. rms_thresh (float): RMS threshold for the wavelength solution fit wavedata (`numpy.ndarray`_, optional): Line list; see ``linelist`` argument in, e.g., :func:`~pypeit.core.wavecal.patterns.triangles`. Returns: tuple: Returns two dictionaries, one containing information about the best pattern, and the other containing the information about the best final fit. """ # Set the parameter space that gets searched rng_poly = [3, 4] # Range of algorithms to check (only trigons+tetragons are supported) rng_list = range(3, 6) # Number of lines to search over for the linelist rng_detn = range(3, 6) # Number of lines to search over for the detected lines rng_pixt = [1.0] # Pixel tolerance idthresh = 0.5 # Criteria for early return (at least this fraction of lines must have # an ID on either side of the spectrum)"Using RMS threshold = {rms_thresh} (pixels); RMS/FWHM threshold = {self._par['rms_thresh_frac_fwhm']}") best_patt_dict, best_final_fit = None, None # Loop through parameter space for poly in rng_poly: for detsrch in rng_detn: for lstsrch in rng_list: for pix_tol in rng_pixt: # JFH Note that results_brute and solve_slit are running on the same set of detections. I think this is the way # it should be. psols, msols = self.results_brute(tcent_ecent,poly=poly, pix_tol=pix_tol, detsrch=detsrch, lstsrch=lstsrch,wavedata=wavedata) patt_dict, final_fit = self.solve_slit(slit, psols, msols,tcent_ecent) if final_fit is None: # This is not a good solution continue # Test if this solution is better than the currently favoured solution if best_patt_dict is None: # First time a fit is found best_patt_dict, best_final_fit = copy.deepcopy(patt_dict), copy.deepcopy(final_fit) continue elif final_fit['rms'] < rms_thresh: # Has a better fit been identified (i.e. more lines identified)? if len(final_fit['pixel_fit']) > len(best_final_fit['pixel_fit']): best_patt_dict, best_final_fit = copy.deepcopy(patt_dict), copy.deepcopy(final_fit) # Decide if an early return is acceptable nlft = np.sum(best_final_fit['tcent'] < best_final_fit['spec'].size/2.0) nrgt = best_final_fit['tcent'].size-nlft if np.sum(best_final_fit['pixel_fit'] < 0.5)/nlft > idthresh and\ np.sum(best_final_fit['pixel_fit'] >= 0.5) / nrgt > idthresh: # At least half of the lines on either side of the spectrum have been identified return best_patt_dict, best_final_fit return best_patt_dict, best_final_fit
[docs] def run_brute(self, min_nlines=10): """Run through the parameter space and determine the best solution """ # ToDo This code appears to use the weak lines for everything throughout self._all_patt_dict = {} self._all_final_fit = {} good_fit = np.zeros(self._nslit, dtype=bool) self._det_weak = {} self._det_stro = {} for slit in range(self._nslit): if slit not in self._ok_mask: self._all_final_fit[str(slit)] = None'Ignoring masked slit {}'.format(slit+1)) continue else:"Working on slit: {}".format(slit+1)) # TODO Pass in all the possible params for detect_lines to arc_lines_from_spec, and update the parset # Detect lines, and decide which tcent to use sigdetect = wvutils.parse_param(self._par, 'sigdetect', slit)"Using sigdetect = {}".format(sigdetect)) # get FWHM for this slit fwhm = set_fwhm(self._par, measured_fwhm=self._measured_fwhms[slit], verbose=True) # get rms threshold for this slit rms_thresh = round(self._par['rms_thresh_frac_fwhm'] * fwhm, 3) self._all_tcent, self._all_ecent, self._cut_tcent, self._icut, _ =\ wvutils.arc_lines_from_spec(self._spec[:, slit].copy(), sigdetect=sigdetect, fwhm=fwhm, nonlinear_counts=self._nonlinear_counts) self._all_tcent_weak, self._all_ecent_weak, self._cut_tcent_weak, self._icut_weak, _ =\ wvutils.arc_lines_from_spec(self._spec[:, slit].copy(), sigdetect=sigdetect, fwhm=fwhm, nonlinear_counts =self._nonlinear_counts) # Were there enough lines? This mainly deals with junk slits if self._all_tcent.size < min_nlines: msgs.warn("Not enough lines to identify in slit {0:d}!".format(slit+1)) self._det_weak[str(slit)] = [None,None] self._det_stro[str(slit)] = [None,None] # Remove from ok mask oklist = self._ok_mask.tolist() oklist.pop(slit) self._ok_mask = np.array(oklist) self._all_final_fit[str(slit)] = None continue # Setup up the line detection dicts self._det_weak[str(slit)] = [self._all_tcent_weak[self._icut_weak].copy(),self._all_ecent_weak[self._icut_weak].copy()] self._det_stro[str(slit)] = [self._all_tcent[self._icut].copy(),self._all_ecent[self._icut].copy()] # Run brute force algorithm on the weak lines best_patt_dict, best_final_fit = self.run_brute_loop(slit, self._det_weak[str(slit)], rms_thresh) # Print preliminary report good_fit[slit] = self.report_prelim(slit, best_patt_dict, best_final_fit) # Now that all slits have been inspected, cross match (if there are bad fit) to generate a # list of all lines in every slit, and refit all spectra # in self.cross_match() good fits are cross correlate with each other, so we need to have at least 2 good fits if np.where(good_fit[self._ok_mask])[0].size > 1 and np.any(np.logical_not(good_fit[self._ok_mask])):'Checking wavelength solution by cross-correlating with all slits')'Cross-correlation iteration #1') obad_slits = self.cross_match(good_fit, self._det_weak) cntr = 2 while obad_slits.size > 0:'Cross-correlation iteration #{:d}'.format(cntr)) good_fit = np.ones(self._nslit, dtype=bool) good_fit[obad_slits] = False bad_slits = self.cross_match(good_fit,self._det_weak) if np.array_equal(bad_slits, obad_slits): break obad_slits = bad_slits.copy() cntr += 1 if cntr > 10: msgs.warn("Breaking while loop before convergence. Check the wavelength solution!") break # With these updates to the fits of each slit, determine the final fit. self.finalize_fit(self._det_weak) # Print the final report of all lines self.report_final() return
[docs] def run_kdtree(self, polygon=4, detsrch=7, lstsrch=10, pixtol=5): """ KD Tree algorithm to wavelength calibrate spectroscopic data. Currently, this is only designed for ThAr lamp spectra. See the 'run_brute' function if you want to calibrate longslit spectra. Parameters ---------- polygon : int Number of sides to the polygon used in pattern matching. For example: - polygon=3 --> trigon (two anchor lines and one floating line) - polygon=4 --> tetragon (two anchor lines and two floating lines) - polygon=5 --> pentagon (two anchor lines and three floating lines) detsrch : int Number of consecutive detected lines used to generate a pattern. For example, if detsrch is 4, then for a trigon, the following patterns will be generated (assuming line #1 is the left anchor): - 1 2 3: (in this case line #3 is the right anchor) - 1 2 4: (in this case line #4 is the right anchor) - 1 3 4: (in this case line #4 is the right anchor) lstsrch : int Number of consecutive lines in the linelist used to generate a pattern. See example above for detsrch pixtol : float Tolerance used to find good patterns. An acceptable match if the closest distance to a pattern is < pixtol/npix, where npix is the number of pixels in the spectral direction. Ideally, this should depend on the pattern... """ # Load the linelist KD Tree lsttree, lindex = waveio.load_tree(polygon=polygon, numsearch=lstsrch) # Set the search error to be 5 pixels err = pixtol / self._npix self._all_patt_dict = {} self._all_final_fit = {} good_fit = np.zeros(self._nslit, dtype=bool) self._det_weak = {} self._det_stro = {} for slit in range(self._nslit): if slit not in self._ok_mask: self._all_final_fit[str(slit)] = {} continue # get FWHM for this slit fwhm = set_fwhm(self._par, measured_fwhm=self._measured_fwhms[slit], verbose=True) # Detect lines, and decide which tcent to use sigdetect = wvutils.parse_param(self._par, 'sigdetect', slit) self._all_tcent, self._all_ecent, self._cut_tcent, self._icut, _ =\ wvutils.arc_lines_from_spec(self._spec[:, slit], sigdetect=sigdetect, fwhm=fwhm, nonlinear_counts=self._nonlinear_counts) self._all_tcent_weak, self._all_ecent_weak, self._cut_tcent_weak, self._icut_weak, _ =\ wvutils.arc_lines_from_spec(self._spec[:, slit], sigdetect=sigdetect, fwhm=fwhm, nonlinear_counts = self._nonlinear_counts) if self._all_tcent.size == 0: msgs.warn("No lines to identify in slit {0:d}!".format(slit+ 1)) continue # Save the detections self._det_weak[str(slit)] = [self._all_tcent_weak[self._icut_weak].copy(),self._all_ecent_weak[self._icut_weak].copy()] self._det_stro[str(slit)] = [self._all_tcent[self._icut].copy(),self._all_ecent[self._icut].copy()] use_tcentp, use_ecentp = self.get_use_tcent(1, self._det_weak[str(slit)]) use_tcentm, use_ecentm = self.get_use_tcent(-1, self._det_weak[str(slit)]) if use_tcentp.size < detsrch: if self._verbose:"Not enough lines to test this solution, will attempt another.") return None, None # Create a detlines KD Tree maxlinear = 0.5*self._npix if polygon == 3:"Generating patterns for a trigon") patternp, indexp = kdtree_generator.trigon(use_tcentp, detsrch, maxlinear) patternm, indexm = kdtree_generator.trigon(use_tcentm, detsrch, maxlinear) elif polygon == 4:"Generating patterns for a tetragon") patternp, indexp = kdtree_generator.tetragon(use_tcentp, detsrch, maxlinear) patternm, indexm = kdtree_generator.tetragon(use_tcentm, detsrch, maxlinear) elif polygon == 5:"Generating patterns for a pentagon") patternp, indexp = kdtree_generator.pentagon(use_tcentp, detsrch, maxlinear) patternm, indexm = kdtree_generator.pentagon(use_tcentm, detsrch, maxlinear) elif polygon == 6:"Generating patterns for a hexagon") patternp, indexp = kdtree_generator.hexagon(use_tcentp, detsrch, maxlinear) patternm, indexm = kdtree_generator.hexagon(use_tcentm, detsrch, maxlinear) else: msgs.warn("Patterns can only be generated with 3 <= polygon <= 6") return None dettreep = scipy.spatial.cKDTree(patternp, leafsize=30) dettreem = scipy.spatial.cKDTree(patternm, leafsize=30) # Query the detections tree"Querying KD tree patterns (slit {0:d}/{1:d})".format(slit+1, self._nslit)) resultp = dettreep.query_ball_tree(lsttree, r=err) resultm = dettreem.query_ball_tree(lsttree, r=err)"Identifying wavelengths for each pattern") # First flatten the KD Tree query results so numba can handle the input array flatresp = [item for sublist in resultp for item in sublist] flatresm = [item for sublist in resultm for item in sublist] flatidxp = [ii for ii, sublist in enumerate(resultp) for item in sublist] flatidxm = [ii for ii, sublist in enumerate(resultm) for item in sublist] # Obtain the correlate and anti-correlate solutions psols = results_kdtree_nb(use_tcentp, self._wvdata, flatresp, flatidxp, indexp, lindex, indexp.shape[1], self._npix) msols = results_kdtree_nb(use_tcentm, self._wvdata, flatresm, flatidxm, indexm, lindex, indexm.shape[1], self._npix)"Identifying the best solution") patt_dict, final_fit = self.solve_slit(slit, psols, msols, self._det_weak[str(slit)], nselw=1, nseld=2) # Print preliminary report good_fit[slit] = self.report_prelim(slit, patt_dict, final_fit) # Now that all slits have been inspected, attempt to find a better # solution for orders that were not fit well, by estimating the # wavelength coverage of that slit #self.cross_match_order(good_fit) # With the updates to the fits of each slit, determine the final fit, and save the QA self.finalize_fit() # Print the final report of all lines self.report_final()
# TODO This routine should be replaced with a new version based on my reidentify code
[docs] def cross_match(self, good_fit, detections): """Cross-correlate the spectra across all slits to ID all of the lines. Parameters ---------- good_fit : ndarray (bool) Indicates which slits are deemed to be a good fit (although, sometimes a bad fit can be labelled as a good fit). To remedy this, the true good fits are determined in this routine. """ # Steps: # Check that all of the "good" slits are indeed good # For all of the bad slits, cross-correlate against all of the good slits to label each line # For all newly labeled lines, create a patt_dict of these labeled lines # Perform a final fit on these lines #self._debug = True # First, sort spectra according to increasing central wavelength ngd = good_fit.sum() idx_gd = np.zeros(ngd, dtype=int) wvc_gd = np.zeros(ngd, dtype=float) dsp_gd = np.zeros(ngd, dtype=float) wvc_gd_jfh = np.zeros(ngd, dtype=float) dsp_gd_jfh = np.zeros(ngd, dtype=float) xrng = np.arange(self._npix) xnpixmin1 = float(self._npix-1) cntr = 0 for slit in range(self._nslit): # Masked? if slit not in self._ok_mask: continue if good_fit[slit]: idx_gd[cntr] = slit # TODO JFH We can get rid of this and thus not need patt_dict wvc_gd[cntr] = self._all_patt_dict[str(slit)]["bwv"] dsp_gd[cntr] = self._all_patt_dict[str(slit)]["bdisp"] # JFH stuff wave_soln = self._all_final_fit[str(slit)].pypeitfit.eval(xrng/xnpixmin1) wvc_gd_jfh[cntr] = wave_soln[self._npix//2] dsp_gd_jfh[cntr]= np.median(wave_soln - np.roll(wave_soln,1)) cntr += 1 srt = np.argsort(wvc_gd_jfh, kind='stable') sort_idx = idx_gd[srt] sort_wvc = wvc_gd[srt] sort_dsp = dsp_gd[srt] sort_wvc_jfh = wvc_gd_jfh[srt] sort_dsp_jfh = dsp_gd_jfh[srt] # Cross correlate all good spectra with each other, in order of wavelength ncrco = ngd*(ngd-1)//2 ccorr_val = np.zeros(ncrco) shift_val = np.zeros(ncrco) dwvc_val = np.zeros(ncrco) slit_ids = np.zeros((ncrco, 2), dtype=int) cntr = 0 # JFH Consider adding something in here that takes advantage of the for gd in range(0, sort_idx.size-1): for gc in range(gd+1, sort_idx.size): #corr = scipy.signal.correlate(self._spec[:, sort_idx[gd]], self._spec[:, sort_idx[gc]], mode='same') #amax = np.argmax(corr) # dwvc_val[cntr] = (sort_wvc[gc]-sort_wvc[gd]) / (0.5*(sort_dsp[gc]+sort_dsp[gd])) - (amax - self._spec.shape[0] // 2) # JFH replaced with more robust xcorr shift_val[cntr], ccorr_val[cntr]= wvutils.xcorr_shift(self._spec[:, sort_idx[gd]],self._spec[:, sort_idx[gc]], percent_ceil=50.0) #dwvc_val[cntr] = (sort_wvc[gc]-sort_wvc[gd]) / (0.5*(sort_dsp[gc]+sort_dsp[gd])) - shift # JFH TESTING dwvc_val[cntr] = (sort_wvc_jfh[gc]-sort_wvc_jfh[gd]) / (0.5*(sort_dsp_jfh[gc]+sort_dsp_jfh[gd])) - shift_val[cntr] slit_ids[cntr, 0] = gd slit_ids[cntr, 1] = gc cntr += 1 # TODO Replace this code below with code based on either sigma_clipped_stats or djs_reject # Identify the good slits as those for which the cross-correlation is consistent with the mad of all the slits. # Bad slits are then the outliers. sigrej = 3.0 mad = 1.4826 * np.median(np.abs(dwvc_val)) gdmsk = np.abs(dwvc_val) < sigrej * mad for ii in range(100): # Limit to 100 iterations - this will likely never be reached... ogdmsk = gdmsk.copy() mad = 1.4826 * np.median(np.abs(dwvc_val[gdmsk])) gdmsk = np.abs(dwvc_val) < sigrej*mad if np.array_equal(gdmsk, ogdmsk): break if self._debug: # TODO Add something here indicating slit indices? Like plot the cc pairs next to the points? xplt = np.arange(dwvc_val.size) plt.plot(xplt[~gdmsk], dwvc_val[~gdmsk], 'rx',label ='bad slit') plt.plot(xplt[gdmsk], dwvc_val[gdmsk], 'bo',label = 'good slit') plt.hlines(0,xplt.min(),xplt.max(), color='black',linestyle='--') plt.xticks(xplt) plt.legend() # Catalogue the good and bad slits. # ToDO Basically a slit needs to have a bad cross-correlation with every other slit in order # to be classified as a bad slit here. Is this the behavior we want?? Maybe we should be more # conservative and call a bad any slit which results in an outlier here? good_slits = np.sort(sort_idx[np.unique(slit_ids[gdmsk, :].flatten())]) bad_slits = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(self._nslit)[self._ok_mask], good_slits, assume_unique=True) nbad = bad_slits.size if nbad > 0:'Working on {:d}'.format(nbad) + ' bad slits: {:}'.format(bad_slits + 1)) # Get the sign (i.e. if pixels correlate/anticorrelate with wavelength) # and dispersion (A/pix). Assume these are the same for all slits # JFH Changed this to take the median which is more robust. Could even reject outliers disp_good = np.zeros(good_slits.size,dtype=float) sign_good = np.zeros(good_slits.size,dtype=int) wvc_good = np.zeros(good_slits.size,dtype=float) for islit in range(good_slits.size): # JFH ToDO Could just use the good wavelength solutions and then we would not need this sign and hence all_patt_ict sign_good[islit] = self._all_patt_dict[str(good_slits[islit])]['sign'] # JFH stuff wave_soln = self._all_final_fit[str(good_slits[islit])].pypeitfit.eval(xrng / xnpixmin1) wvc_good[islit] = wave_soln[self._npix // 2] disp_good[islit] = np.median(wave_soln - np.roll(wave_soln, 1)) disp_med = np.median(disp_good) sign = np.median(sign_good) #disp = self._all_patt_dict[str(good_slits[0])]['bdisp'] #sign = self._all_patt_dict[str(good_slits[0])]['sign'] # For all of the bad slits, estimate some line wavelengths new_bad_slits = np.array([], dtype=int) for bs in bad_slits: if bs not in self._ok_mask: continue if detections[str(bs)][0] is None: # No detections at all; slit is hopeless msgs.warn('Slit {:d}'.format(bs) + ' has no arc line detections. Likely this slit is junk!') self._bad_slits.append(bs) continue # get FWHM for this slit fwhm = set_fwhm(self._par, measured_fwhm=self._measured_fwhms[bs]) # get cc threshold for this slit cc_thresh = wvutils.parse_param(self._par, 'cc_thresh', bs) bsdet, _ = self.get_use_tcent(sign, detections[str(bs)]) lindex = np.array([], dtype=int) dindex = np.array([], dtype=int) wcen = np.zeros(good_slits.size) disp = np.zeros(good_slits.size) shift_vec = np.zeros(good_slits.size) stretch_vec = np.zeros(good_slits.size) ccorr_vec = np.zeros(good_slits.size) for cntr, gs in enumerate(good_slits):'Cross-correlating bad slit # {:d}'.format(bs + 1) + ' with good slit # {:d}'.format(gs + 1)) # Match the peaks between the two spectra. # spec_gs_adj is the stretched spectrum success, shift_vec[cntr], stretch_vec[cntr], ccorr_vec[cntr], _, _ = \ wvutils.xcorr_shift_stretch(self._spec[:, bs],self._spec[:, gs], cc_thresh=cc_thresh, fwhm=fwhm, debug=self._debug, stretch_func=self._par['stretch_func']) if success != 1: msgs.warn('cross-correlation failed or cc<cc_thresh.') continue # Estimate wcen and disp for this bad slit based on its shift/stretch relative to the good slit disp[cntr] = disp_good[cntr]/stretch_vec[cntr] wcen[cntr] = wvc_good[cntr] - shift_vec[cntr]*disp[cntr] # For each peak in the gs spectrum, identify the corresponding peaks in the bs spectrum. Do this by # transforming these good slit line pixel locations into the (shifted and stretched) bs frame gsdet, _ = self.get_use_tcent(sign, detections[str(gs)]) gsdet_ss = gsdet*stretch_vec[cntr] + shift_vec[cntr] if self._debug: plt.figure(figsize=(14, 6)) xrng = np.arange(self._npix) tampl_bs = np.interp(bsdet, xrng, self._spec[:, bs]) plt.plot(xrng, self._spec[:, bs], color='red', drawstyle='steps-mid', label='bad slit arc', linewidth=1.0, zorder= 10) plt.plot(bsdet, tampl_bs, 'r.', markersize=10.0, label='bad slit lines', zorder= 10) tampl_gs = np.interp(gsdet, xrng, self._spec[:, gs]) plt.plot(xrng, self._spec[:, gs], color='black', drawstyle='steps-mid', linestyle=':', label='good slit arc', linewidth=0.5) plt.plot(gsdet, tampl_gs, 'k+', markersize=8.0, label='good slit lines') gdarc_ss = wvutils.shift_and_stretch(self._spec[:, gs], shift_vec[cntr], stretch_vec[cntr], 0.0*stretch_vec[cntr], stretch_func = 'linear') #tampl_ss = np.interp(gsdet_ss, xrng, gdarc_ss) for iline in range(gsdet_ss.size): plt.plot([gsdet[iline],gsdet_ss[iline]],[tampl_gs[iline], tampl_gs[iline]], color='cornflowerblue', linewidth = 1.0) plt.plot(xrng, gdarc_ss, color='black', drawstyle='steps-mid', label='good slit arc shift/stretch', linewidth=1.0) plt.plot(gsdet_ss, tampl_gs, 'k.', markersize=10.0, label='predicted good slit lines') plt.title('Cross-correlation of bad slit # {:d}'.format(bs+1) + ' and good slit # {:d}'.format(gs+1) + ': ccor = {:5.3f}'.format(ccorr_vec[cntr]) + ', shift = {:6.1f}'.format(shift_vec[cntr]) + ', stretch = {:5.4f}'.format(stretch_vec[cntr]) + ', wv_cen = {:7.1f}'.format(wcen[cntr]) + ', disp = {:5.3f}'.format(disp[cntr])) plt.ylim(-5.0, 1.5*self._spec[:, bs].max()) plt.legend() # Calculate wavelengths for all of the gsdet detections wvval = self._all_final_fit[str(gs)].pypeitfit.eval(xrng / xnpixmin1) # Loop over the bad slit line pixel detections and find the nearest good slit line for dd in range(bsdet.size): pdiff = np.abs(bsdet[dd]-gsdet_ss) bstpx = np.argmin(pdiff) # If a match is found within 2 pixels, consider this a successful match if pdiff[bstpx] < 2.0: # Using the good slit wavelength solution, search for the nearest line in the line list bstwv = np.abs(self._wvdata - wvval[bstpx]) # This is probably not a good match if bstwv[np.argmin(bstwv)] > 2.0*disp_med: continue lindex = np.append(lindex, np.argmin(bstwv)) # index in the line list self._wvdata dindex = np.append(dindex, dd) # index in the array of pixel detections bsdet # Finalize the best guess of each line # Initialise the patterns dictionary patt_dict = dict(acceptable=False, nmatch=0, ibest=-1, bwv=0., sigdetect= wvutils.parse_param(self._par, 'sigdetect', bs), mask=np.zeros(bsdet.size, dtype=bool), scores = None) patt_dict['sign'] = sign patt_dict['bwv'] = np.median(wcen[wcen != 0.0]) patt_dict['bdisp'] = np.median(disp[disp != 0.0]) patterns.solve_triangles(bsdet, self._wvdata, dindex, lindex, patt_dict = patt_dict) if self._debug: tmp_list = astropy.table.vstack([self._line_lists, self._unknwns]) match_qa(self._spec[:, bs], bsdet, tmp_list,patt_dict['IDs'], patt_dict['scores']) # Use only the perfect IDs iperfect = np.array(patt_dict['scores']) != 'Perfect' patt_dict['mask'][iperfect] = False patt_dict['nmatch'] = np.sum(patt_dict['mask']) if patt_dict['nmatch'] < 3: patt_dict['acceptable'] = False # Check if a solution was found if not patt_dict['acceptable']: new_bad_slits = np.append(new_bad_slits, bs) continue final_fit = wv_fitting.fit_slit(self._spec[:, bs], patt_dict, bsdet, self._line_lists) #final_fit = self.fit_slit(bs, patt_dict, bsdet) if final_fit is None: # This pattern wasn't good enough new_bad_slits = np.append(new_bad_slits, bs) continue # get rms threshold for this slit rms_thresh = round(self._par['rms_thresh_frac_fwhm'] * fwhm, 3) if final_fit['rms'] > rms_thresh: msgs.warn('---------------------------------------------------' + msgs.newline() + 'Cross-match report for slit {0:d}/{1:d}:'.format(bs + 1, self._nslit) + msgs.newline() + ' Poor RMS ({0:.3f})! Will try cross matching iteratively'.format(final_fit['rms']) + msgs.newline() + '---------------------------------------------------') # Store this result in new_bad_slits, so the iteration can be performed, # but make sure to store the result, as this might be the best possible. new_bad_slits = np.append(new_bad_slits, bs) self._all_patt_dict[str(bs)] = copy.deepcopy(patt_dict) self._all_final_fit[str(bs)] = copy.deepcopy(final_fit) if self._debug: xplt = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, self._npix) yplt = utils.func_val(final_fit['fitc'], xplt, 'legendre', minx=0.0, maxx=1.0) plt.plot(final_fit['pixel_fit'], final_fit['wave_fit'], 'bx') plt.plot(xrng, yplt, 'r-') return new_bad_slits
# This routine is commented out because it is not used. # def cross_match_order(self, good_fit): # """Using the solutions of all orders, identify the good solutions, and refit the bad ones! # # TODO: This function needs work... The first few lines of code successfully pick up the good orders, # but we need a new routine that (based on an estimated central wavelength and dispersion) can successfully # ID all of the lines. # """ # # DEPRECATED (NOT USED) # # # First determine the central wavelength and dispersion of every slit, using the known good solutions # xplt = np.arange(self._nslit) # yplt, dplt = np.zeros(self._nslit), np.zeros(self._nslit) # imsk = np.ones(self._nslit, dtype=int) # for slit in range(self._nslit): # if good_fit[slit]: # yplt[slit] = self._all_patt_dict[str(slit)]['bwv'] # dplt[slit] = self._all_patt_dict[str(slit)]['bdisp'] # imsk[slit] = 0 # # mask, fit = utils.robust_polyfit(xplt, yplt, 2, function='polynomial', sigma=2, # initialmask=imsk, forceimask=True) # good_fit[mask == 1] = False # wavemodel = utils.func_val(fit, xplt, 'polynomial') # disp = np.median(dplt[good_fit]) # # # TODO: maybe rethink the model at this point? Using the derived # # central wavelength and dispersion identify liens in all orders? # # if self._debug: # plt.subplot(211) # plt.plot(xplt, wavemodel, 'r-') # ww = np.where(mask==0) # plt.plot(xplt[ww], yplt[ww], 'bx') # ww = np.where(mask==1) # plt.plot(xplt[ww], yplt[ww], 'rx') # plt.subplot(212) # plt.plot(xplt, dplt, 'bx') # # #embed() # # fact_nl = 1.2 # Non linear factor # new_good_fit = np.zeros(self._nslit, dtype=bool) # for slit in range(self._nslit): # wmin = wavemodel[slit] - fact_nl*disp*self._npix/2 # wmax = wavemodel[slit] + fact_nl*disp*self._npix/2 # ww = np.where((self._wvdata > wmin) & (self._wvdata < wmax)) # wavedata = self._wvdata[ww] #'Brute force ID for slit {0:d}/{1:d}'.format(slit+1, self._nslit)) # best_patt_dict, best_final_fit =\ # self.run_brute_loop(slit, arrerr=self._det_weak[str(slit)], wavedata=wavedata) # # self._all_patt_dict[str(slit)] = copy.deepcopy(best_patt_dict) # self._all_final_fit[str(slit)] = copy.deepcopy(best_final_fit) # new_good_fit[slit] = self.report_prelim(slit, best_patt_dict, best_final_fit) # return new_good_fit # # # # Set some fitting parameters # if self._n_final is None: # order = 4 # else: # order = self._n_final # # ofit = [5, 3, 1, 0] # lnpc = len(ofit) - 1 # # # Prepare the fitting coefficients # xv = np.arange(self._npix)/(self._npix-1) # ords = np.arange(self._nslit) # xcen = xv[:, np.newaxis].repeat(self._nslit, axis=1) # extrapord = ~good_fit # maskord = np.where(extrapord)[0] # # coeffs = None # waves = np.zeros(xcen.shape, dtype=float) # for slit in range(self._nslit): # if good_fit[slit]: # func = self._all_final_fit[str(slit)]['function'] # fmin = self._all_final_fit[str(slit)]['fmin'] # fmax = self._all_final_fit[str(slit)]['fmax'] # fitc = self._all_final_fit[str(slit)]['fitc'] # if coeffs is None: # coeffs = np.zeros((fitc.size, self._nslit)) # coeffs[:, slit] = fitc.copy() # waves[:, slit] = utils.func_val(fitc, xv, func, minx=fmin, maxx=fmax) # #"Performing a PCA on the order wavelength solutions") # #embed() # pca_wave, outpar = pca.basis(xcen, waves, coeffs, lnpc, ofit, x0in=ords, mask=maskord, skipx0=False, function=func) # # # Report the QA # # TODO: fix setup passing # setup = "BLAH" # pca.pca_plot(setup, outpar, ofit, "wave_cross_match", pcadesc="Wavelength calibration PCA") # # # # Extrapolate the remaining orders requested # #extrap_wave, outpar = pca.extrapolate(outpar, ords) # # # Determine if pixels correlate and anti-correlate with wavelength # signs = np.zeros(self._nslit, dtype=int) # for slit in range(self._nslit): # wvval = pca_wave[:, slit] # if wvval[wvval.size//2] > wvval[wvval.size//2-1]: # signs[slit] = 1 # else: # signs[slit] = -1 # sign = 1 # if np.sum(signs) < 0: # sign = -1 # # new_bad_slits = np.array([], dtype=int) # # Using the first guesses at the wavelength solution, identify lines # for slit in range(self._nslit): # # Get the detections # dets, _ = self.get_use_tcent(sign, self._det_weak[str(slit)]) # lindex = np.array([], dtype=int) # dindex = np.array([], dtype=int) # # Calculate wavelengths for the gsdet detections # wvval = pca_wave[:, slit] # wvcen = wvval[wvval.size//2] # disp = abs(wvval[wvval.size//2] - wvval[wvval.size//2-1]) # for dd in range(dets.size): # pdiff = np.abs(dets[dd] - xv) # bstpx = np.argmin(pdiff) # bstwv = np.abs(self._wvdata - wvval[bstpx]) # if bstwv[np.argmin(bstwv)] > 10.0 * disp: # # This is probably not a good match # continue # lindex = np.append(lindex, np.argmin(bstwv)) # dindex = np.append(dindex, dd) # # # Finalize the best guess of each line # # Initialise the patterns dictionary # patt_dict = dict(acceptable=False, nmatch=0, ibest=-1, bwv=0., # sigdetect=wvutils.parse_param(self._par, 'sigdetect', slit), # mask=np.zeros(dets.size, dtype=bool)) # patt_dict['sign'] = sign # patt_dict['bwv'] = wvcen # patt_dict['bdisp'] = disp # # patterns.solve_triangles(dets, self._wvdata, dindex, lindex, patt_dict) # # Check if a solution was found # if not patt_dict['acceptable']: # new_bad_slits = np.append(new_bad_slits, slit) # msgs.warn('---------------------------------------------------' + msgs.newline() + # 'Cross-match report for slit {0:d}/{1:d}:'.format(slit, self._nslit-1) + msgs.newline() + # ' Lines could not be identified! Will try cross matching iteratively' + msgs.newline() + # '---------------------------------------------------') # continue # final_fit = self.fit_slit(slit, patt_dict, dets) # if final_fit is None: # # This pattern wasn't good enough # new_bad_slits = np.append(new_bad_slits, slit) # msgs.warn('---------------------------------------------------' + msgs.newline() + # 'Cross-match report for slit {0:d}/{1:d}:'.format(slit, self._nslit-1) + msgs.newline() + # ' Fit was not good enough! Will try cross matching iteratively' + msgs.newline() + # '---------------------------------------------------') # continue # if final_fit['rms'] > rms_thresh: # msgs.warn('---------------------------------------------------' + msgs.newline() + # 'Cross-match report for slit {0:d}/{1:d}:'.format(slit, self._nslit-1) + msgs.newline() + # ' Poor RMS ({0:.3f})! Will try cross matching iteratively'.format(final_fit['rms']) + msgs.newline() + # '---------------------------------------------------') # # Store this result in new_bad_slits, so the iteration can be performed, # # but make sure to store the result, as this might be the best possible. # new_bad_slits = np.append(new_bad_slits, slit) # self._all_patt_dict[str(slit)] = copy.deepcopy(patt_dict) # self._all_final_fit[str(slit)] = copy.deepcopy(final_fit) # if self._debug: # xplt = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, self._npix) # yplt = utils.func_val(final_fit['fitc'], xplt, 'legendre', minx=0.0, maxx=1.0) # plt.plot(final_fit['pixel_fit'], final_fit['wave_fit'], 'bx') # plt.plot(xplt, yplt, 'r-') # # #embed() # # # debugging # if self._debug: # # First determine the central wavelength and dispersion of every slit, using the known good solutions # xplt = np.arange(self._nslit) # yplt, dplt = np.zeros(self._nslit), np.zeros(self._nslit) # imsk = np.ones(self._nslit, dtype=int) # for slit in range(self._nslit): # if good_fit[slit]: # yplt[slit] = self._all_patt_dict[str(slit)]['bwv'] # dplt[slit] = self._all_patt_dict[str(slit)]['bdisp'] # imsk[slit] = 0 # # mask, fit = utils.robust_polyfit(xplt, yplt, 2, function='polynomial', sigma=2, # initialmask=imsk, forceimask=True) # # ymodel = utils.func_val(fit, xplt, 'polynomial') # plt.subplot(211) # plt.plot(xplt, ymodel, 'r-') # ww = np.where(mask==0) # plt.plot(xplt[ww], yplt[ww], 'bx') # ww = np.where(mask==1) # plt.plot(xplt[ww], yplt[ww], 'rx') # plt.subplot(212) # plt.plot(xplt, dplt, 'bx') # # #embed() # # return new_bad_slits
[docs] def get_use_tcent_old(self, corr, cut=True, arr_err=None, weak=False): """ Grab the lines to use Parameters ---------- corr : int Set if pixels correlate with wavelength (corr==1) or anticorrelate (corr=-1) cut: bool, optional Cut on the lines according to significance arr_err : list, optional A list [tcent, ecent] indicating which detection list should be used. Note that if arr_err is set then the weak keyword is ignored. weak: bool, optional If True, return the weak lines Returns ------- arr : `numpy.ndarray` ??? err : `numpy.ndarray` ??? """ # Decide which array to use if arr_err is None: if weak: if cut: arr = self._all_tcent_weak.copy()[self._icut_weak] err = self._all_ecent_weak.copy()[self._icut_weak] else: msgs.error('CODING ERROR: Cut must be True') else: if cut: arr = self._all_tcent.copy()[self._icut] err = self._all_ecent.copy()[self._icut] else: msgs.error('CODING ERROR: Cut must be True') else: arr, err = arr_err[0], arr_err[1] # Return the appropriate tcent if corr == 1: return arr, err else: return (self._npix - 1.0) - arr[::-1], err[::-1]
[docs] def get_use_tcent(self, corr, tcent_ecent): """ Grab the lines to use Parameters ---------- corr : int Set if pixels correlate with wavelength (corr==1) or anticorrelate (corr=-1) tcent_ecent : list A list [tcent, ecent] indicating which detection list should be used. Note that if arr_err is set then the weak keyword is ignored. Returns ------- arr : `numpy.ndarray` ??? err : `numpy.ndarray` ??? """ # Return the appropriate tcent tcent, ecent = tcent_ecent[0], tcent_ecent[1] if corr == 1: return tcent, ecent else: return (self._npix - 1.0) - tcent[::-1], ecent[::-1]
# TODO: Docstring missing return statement
[docs] def results_brute(self, tcent_ecent, poly=3, pix_tol=0.5, detsrch=5, lstsrch=5, wavedata=None): """ Need some docs here. I think this routine generates the patterns, either triangles are quadrangles. Parameters ---------- tcent_ecent : list List of `numpy.ndarray`_ objects, [tcent, ecent] poly : int, optional algorithms to use for pattern matching. Only triangles (3) and quadrangles (4) are supported pix_tol : float, optional tolerance that is used to determine if a pattern match is successful (in units of pixels) detsrch: int, optional Number of lines to search over for the detected lines lstsrch : int, optional Number of lines to search over for the detected lines wavedata : `numpy.ndarray`), optional Line list; see ``linelist`` argument in, e.g., :func:`~pypeit.core.wavecal.patterns.triangles`. """ # TODO: These imports should go at the top. E.g. # from pypeit.core.wavecal.patterns import triangles, quadrangles # You would then assign the relevant function to generate_patterns here. E.g. # if poly == 3: # generate_patterns = triangles # elif poly == 4: # generate_patterns = quadrangles # Import the pattern matching algorithms if poly == 3: from pypeit.core.wavecal.patterns import triangles as generate_patterns elif poly == 4: from pypeit.core.wavecal.patterns import quadrangles as generate_patterns else: msgs.warn("Pattern matching is only available for trigons and tetragons.") return None, None if wavedata is None: wavedata = self._wvdata # Test if there are enough lines to generate a solution use_tcent, _ = self.get_use_tcent(1, tcent_ecent) if use_tcent.size < lstsrch or use_tcent.size < detsrch: if self._verbose:"Not enough lines to test this solution, will attempt another.") return None, None if self._verbose:"Begin pattern matching") # First run pattern recognition assuming pixels correlate with wavelength dindexp, lindexp, wvcenp, dispsp = generate_patterns(use_tcent, wavedata, self._npix, detsrch, lstsrch, pix_tol) # Now run pattern recognition assuming pixels anti-correlate with wavelength use_tcent, _ = self.get_use_tcent(-1, tcent_ecent) dindexm, lindexm, wvcenm, dispsm = generate_patterns(use_tcent, wavedata, self._npix, detsrch, lstsrch, pix_tol) return (dindexp, lindexp, wvcenp, dispsp,), (dindexm, lindexm, wvcenm, dispsm,)
[docs] def results_kdtree(self, use_tcent, res, dindex, lindex, ordfit=2): # Assign wavelengths to each pixel nrows = len(res) ncols = sum(map(len, res)) nindx = dindex.shape[1] wvdisp = np.zeros(ncols) wvcent = np.zeros(ncols) dind = np.zeros((ncols, nindx), dtype=int) lind = np.zeros((ncols, nindx), dtype=int) cnt = 0 for x in range(nrows): for y in range(len(res[x])): # dx = use_tcent[dindex[x, -1]] - use_tcent[dindex[x, 0]] # dp = self._wvdata[lindex[res[x][y], -1]] - self._wvdata[lindex[res[x][y], 0]] # try: # null, cgrad = utils.robust_polyfit(use_tcent[dindex[x, :]], self._wvdata[lindex[res[x][y], :]], # 1, sigma=2.0, verbose=False) # wvdisp[cnt] = cgrad[1] # except: # wvdisp[cnt] = (dp / dx) # coeff = np.polyfit(use_tcent[dindex[x, :]], self._wvdata[lindex[res[x][y]]], ordfit) wvcent[cnt] = np.polyval(coeff, self._npix / 2.0) wvdisp[cnt] = abs(np.polyval(coeff, (self._npix+1) / 2.0) - wvcent[cnt]) dind[cnt, :] = dindex[x, :] lind[cnt, :] = lindex[res[x][y], :] cnt += 1 return dind, lind, wvcent, wvdisp
[docs] def solve_slit(self, slit, psols, msols, tcent_ecent, nstore=1, nselw=3, nseld=3): """ Need some docs here. I think this routine creates a 2d histogram of the patterns and searches for the most represented wave_cen and log10(disp). Then it attempts to fit each value determined (default of 1) to try to figure out if it is a reasonable fit. Parameters ---------- slit : int Slit ID number psols : tuple ?? msols : tuple ?? tcent_ecent: list List with [tcent, ecent] nstore : int, optional Number of pattern matches to store and fit nselw : int, optional All solutions around the best central wavelength solution within +- nselw are selected to be fit nseld : int, optional All solutions around the best log10(dispersion) solution within +- nseld are selected to be fit Returns ------- patt_dict : dict ?? final_dict : dict ?? """ # Extract the solutions dindexp, lindexp, wvcenp, dispsp = psols dindexm, lindexm, wvcenm, dispsm = msols # Remove any invalid results from correlate ww = np.where((self._binw[0] < wvcenp) & (wvcenp < self._binw[-1]) & (10.0 ** self._bind[0] < dispsp) & (dispsp < 10.0 ** self._bind[-1])) dindexp = dindexp[ww[0], :] lindexp = lindexp[ww[0], :] dispsp = dispsp[ww] wvcenp = wvcenp[ww] # Remove any invalid results from anticorrelate ww = np.where((self._binw[0] < wvcenm) & (wvcenm < self._binw[-1]) & (10.0 ** self._bind[0] < dispsm) & (dispsm < 10.0 ** self._bind[-1])) dindexm = dindexm[ww[0], :] lindexm = lindexm[ww[0], :] dispsm = dispsm[ww] wvcenm = wvcenm[ww] # Construct the histograms histimgp, xed, yed = np.histogram2d(wvcenp, np.log10(dispsp), bins=[self._binw, self._bind]) histimgm, xed, yed = np.histogram2d(wvcenm, np.log10(dispsm), bins=[self._binw, self._bind]) #histimgp = gaussian_filter(histimgp, 3) #histimgm = gaussian_filter(histimgm, 3) histimg = histimgp - histimgm sm_histimg = scipy.ndimage.gaussian_filter(histimg, [30, 15]) #histpeaks = patterns.detect_2Dpeaks(np.abs(sm_histimg)) histpeaks = patterns.detect_2Dpeaks(np.abs(histimg)) # Find the indices of the nstore largest peaks bidx = np.unravel_index(np.argpartition(np.abs(histpeaks*histimg), -nstore, axis=None)[-nstore:], histimg.shape) # Get the peak value of central wavelength and dispersion allwcen = self._binw[bidx[0]] alldisp = self._bind[bidx[1]] allhnum = np.abs(histimg[bidx]) if self._debug:# or slit==2: this_hist = histimg plt.clf() rect_image = [0.12, 0.05, 0.85, 0.9] fx = plt.figure(1, figsize=(12, 8)) ax_image = fx.add_axes(rect_image) extent = [self._binw[0], self._binw[-1], self._bind[0], self._bind[-1]] cimg = ax_image.imshow(this_hist.T, extent=extent, aspect='auto',vmin=-2.0,vmax=5.0, interpolation='nearest',origin='lower',cmap='Set1') nm = histimg.max() - histimg.min() ticks = np.arange(this_hist.min(),this_hist.max() + 1,1) cbar = fx.colorbar(cimg, ax=ax_image,ticks = ticks,drawedges = True, extend ='both', spacing = 'proportional',orientation ='horizontal') cbar.set_ticklabels(ticks) cbar.set_label('# of Occurences') ax_image.set_xlabel('Central Wavelength (Angstroms)') ax_image.set_ylabel('log10(Dispersion/(Ang/pixel))') delta_wv = np.median(self._binw - np.roll(self._binw,1)) delta_disp = np.median(self._bind - np.roll(self._bind,1)) label = 'Maximum: (lam, log10(disp)) = ({:8.2f}'.format(allwcen[0]) + ',{:5.3f})'.format(alldisp[0]) ax_image.plot(allwcen + delta_wv/2.0, alldisp + delta_disp/2.0, color='red', marker='+', markersize=10.0, fillstyle='none', linestyle='None', zorder = 10,label=label) ax_image.legend() # Find all good solutions bestlist = [] for idx in range(nstore): # Select all solutions around the best solution within a square of side 2*nsel wlo = self._binw[max(0, bidx[0][idx] - nselw)] whi = self._binw[min(self._ngridw - 1, bidx[0][idx] + nselw)] dlo = 10.0 ** self._bind[max(0, bidx[1][idx] - nseld)] dhi = 10.0 ** self._bind[min(self._ngridd - 1, bidx[1][idx] + nseld)] if histimgp[bidx][idx] > histimgm[bidx][idx]: wgd = np.where((wvcenp > wlo) & (wvcenp < whi) & (dispsp > dlo) & (dispsp < dhi)) dindex = dindexp[wgd[0], :].flatten() lindex = lindexp[wgd[0], :].flatten() sign = +1 else: wgd = np.where((wvcenm > wlo) & (wvcenm < whi) & (dispsm > dlo) & (dispsm < dhi)) dindex = dindexm[wgd[0], :].flatten() lindex = lindexm[wgd[0], :].flatten() sign = -1 # Store relevant values in an array to solve for best solution bestlist.append([allwcen[idx], alldisp[idx], allhnum[idx], sign, dindex, lindex]) if self._verbose:"Fitting the wavelength solution for each slit") patt_dict, final_dict = None, None for idx in range(nstore): # Solve the patterns tpatt_dict = self.solve_patterns(slit, bestlist[idx], tcent_ecent) if tpatt_dict is None: # This pattern wasn't good enough continue # Fit the full set of lines with the derived patterns use_tcent, _ = self.get_use_tcent(tpatt_dict['sign'], tcent_ecent) tfinal_dict = wv_fitting.fit_slit(self._spec[:, slit], tpatt_dict, use_tcent, self._line_lists) # tfinal_dict = self.fit_slit(slit, tpatt_dict, use_tcent) # get FWHM for this slit fwhm = set_fwhm(self._par, measured_fwhm=self._measured_fwhms[slit]) # get rms threshold for this slit rms_thresh = round(self._par['rms_thresh_frac_fwhm'] * fwhm, 3) if tfinal_dict is None: # This pattern wasn't good enough continue # Check if this solution is better than the last if patt_dict is None: # First time a fit is found patt_dict, final_dict = tpatt_dict, tfinal_dict continue elif tfinal_dict['rms'] < rms_thresh: # Has a better fit been identified (i.e. more lines ID)? if len(tfinal_dict['pixel_fit']) > len(final_dict['pixel_fit']): patt_dict, final_dict = copy.deepcopy(tpatt_dict), copy.deepcopy(tfinal_dict) return patt_dict, final_dict
[docs] def solve_patterns(self, slit, bestlist, tcent_ecent): """ Args: slit (int): The ID of the slit bestlist (list, `numpy.ndarray`_): A 5 element list, each containing a numpy.ndarray, with the following values required for each index: #. central wavelength of the pattern #. central dispersion of pattern #. sign of the pattern (note, sign = 1 [-1] if pixels correlate [anticorrelate] with wavelength #. index of the full list of patterns that were created from the detected arc lines #. index of the full list of patterns that were created from the line list. tcent_ecent (list): A list [tcent, ecent] indicating which detection list should be used. Note that if arr_err is set then the weak keyword is ignored. Returns: dict: Dictionary containing information about the best patterns. """ # Obtain a full list of indices that are consistent with the maximum value wcen, dcen, sign, dindex, lindex = bestlist[0], bestlist[1], bestlist[3], bestlist[4], bestlist[5] # Find the favoured sign and only use those values use_tcent, _ = self.get_use_tcent(sign, tcent_ecent) if sign == +1: signtxt = "correlate" else: signtxt = "anticorrelate" # Initialise the patterns dictionary patt_dict = dict(acceptable=False, nmatch=0, ibest=-1, bwv=0., sigdetect=wvutils.parse_param(self._par, 'sigdetect', slit), mask=np.zeros(use_tcent.size, dtype=bool)) patterns.solve_triangles(use_tcent, self._wvdata, dindex, lindex, patt_dict) # Check if a solution was found if not patt_dict['acceptable']: return None # Fill in the patterns dictionary patt_dict['sign'] = sign patt_dict['bwv'] = wcen patt_dict['bdisp'] = 10.0 ** dcen # Check that a solution has been found if patt_dict['nmatch'] == 0 and self._verbose: + '---------------------------------------------------' + msgs.newline() + 'Initial report:' + msgs.newline() + ' No matches! Try another algorithm' + msgs.newline() + '---------------------------------------------------') return None elif self._verbose: # Report + '---------------------------------------------------' + msgs.newline() + 'Initial report:' + msgs.newline() + ' Pixels {:s} with wavelength'.format(signtxt) + msgs.newline() + ' Number of lines recovered = {:d}'.format(self._all_tcent.size) + msgs.newline() + ' Number of lines analyzed = {:d}'.format(use_tcent.size) + msgs.newline() + ' Number of acceptable matches = {:d}'.format(patt_dict['nmatch']) + msgs.newline() + ' Best central wavelength = {:g}A'.format(patt_dict['bwv']) + msgs.newline() + ' Best dispersion = {:g}A/pix'.format(patt_dict['bdisp']) + msgs.newline() + ' Best wave/disp = {:g}'.format(patt_dict['bwv']/patt_dict['bdisp']) + msgs.newline() + '---------------------------------------------------') return patt_dict
[docs] def finalize_fit(self, detections): """ Once the best IDs have been found for each slit, perform a final fit to all slits and save the results """ for slit in range(self._nslit): if slit not in self._ok_mask: continue if self._all_patt_dict[str(slit)] is None: continue # Save the QA for the best solution slittxt = '_Slit{0:03d}'.format(slit+1) use_tcent, use_ecent = self.get_use_tcent(self._all_patt_dict[str(slit)]['sign'],detections[str(slit)]) if self._outroot is not None: # Write IDs out_dict = dict(pix=use_tcent, IDs=self._all_patt_dict[str(slit)]['IDs']) jdict = utils.jsonify(out_dict) ltu.savejson(self._outroot + slittxt + '.json', jdict, easy_to_read=True, overwrite=True)"Wrote: {:s}".format(self._outroot + slittxt + '.json')) # Plot tmp_list = np.vstack([self._line_lists, self._unknwns]) match_qa(self._spec[:, slit], use_tcent, tmp_list, self._all_patt_dict[str(slit)]['IDs'], self._all_patt_dict[str(slit)]['scores'], outfile=self._outroot + slittxt + '.pdf')"Wrote: {:s}".format(self._outroot + slittxt + '.pdf')) # Perform the final fit for the best solution best_final_fit = wv_fitting.fit_slit(self._spec[:, slit], self._all_patt_dict[str(slit)], use_tcent, self._line_lists, outroot=self._outroot, slittxt=slittxt) #best_final_fit = self.fit_slit(slit, self._all_patt_dict[str(slit)], use_tcent, outroot=self._outroot, slittxt=slittxt) self._all_final_fit[str(slit)] = copy.deepcopy(best_final_fit)
[docs] def report_prelim(self, slit, best_patt_dict, best_final_fit): # get FWHM for this slit fwhm = set_fwhm(self._par, measured_fwhm=self._measured_fwhms[slit]) # get rms threshold for this slit rms_thresh = round(self._par['rms_thresh_frac_fwhm'] * fwhm, 3) good_fit = False # Report on the best preliminary result if best_final_fit is None: msgs.warn('---------------------------------------------------' + msgs.newline() + 'Preliminary report for slit {0:d}/{1:d}:'.format(slit+1, self._nslit) + msgs.newline() + ' No matches! Attempting to cross match.' + msgs.newline() + '---------------------------------------------------') self._all_patt_dict[str(slit)] = None self._all_final_fit[str(slit)] = None elif best_final_fit['rms'] > rms_thresh: msgs.warn('---------------------------------------------------' + msgs.newline() + 'Preliminary report for slit {0:d}/{1:d}:'.format(slit+1, self._nslit) + msgs.newline() + ' Poor RMS ({0:.3f})! Attempting to cross match.'.format(best_final_fit['rms']) + msgs.newline() + '---------------------------------------------------') self._all_patt_dict[str(slit)] = None self._all_final_fit[str(slit)] = None else: good_fit = True if best_patt_dict['sign'] == +1: signtxt = 'correlate' else: signtxt = 'anitcorrelate' # Report'---------------------------------------------------' + msgs.newline() + 'Preliminary report for slit {0:d}/{1:d}:'.format(slit+1, self._nslit) + msgs.newline() + ' Pixels {:s} with wavelength'.format(signtxt) + msgs.newline() + ' Number of weak lines = {:d}'.format(self._det_weak[str(slit)][0].size) + msgs.newline() + ' Number of strong lines = {:d}'.format(self._det_stro[str(slit)][0].size) + msgs.newline() + ' Number of lines analyzed = {:d}'.format(len(best_final_fit['pixel_fit'])) + msgs.newline() + ' Number of pattern matches = {:d}'.format(best_patt_dict['nmatch']) + msgs.newline() + ' Patt match cen wavelength = {:g}A'.format(best_patt_dict['bwv']) + msgs.newline() + ' Patt match dispersion = {:g}A/pix'.format(best_patt_dict['bdisp']) + msgs.newline() + ' Best patt match wave/disp = {:g}'.format(best_patt_dict['bwv']/best_patt_dict['bdisp']) + msgs.newline() + ' Final RMS of fit = {:g}'.format(best_final_fit['rms']) + msgs.newline() + '---------------------------------------------------') self._all_patt_dict[str(slit)] = copy.deepcopy(best_patt_dict) self._all_final_fit[str(slit)] = copy.deepcopy(best_final_fit) return good_fit
[docs] def report_final(self): """Print out the final report of the wavelength calibration""" for slit in range(self._nslit): # Prepare a message for bad wavelength solutions badmsg = '---------------------------------------------------' + msgs.newline() +\ 'Final report for slit {0:d}/{1:d}:'.format(slit+1, self._nslit) + msgs.newline() if slit not in self._ok_mask: msgs.warn(badmsg + 'Masked slit ignored') continue if self._all_patt_dict[str(slit)] is None: msgs.warn(badmsg + ' Wavelength calibration not performed!') continue st = str(slit) if self._all_patt_dict[st]['sign'] == +1: signtxt = 'correlate' else: signtxt = 'anitcorrelate' # Report centwave = self._all_final_fit[st].pypeitfit.eval(0.5) tempwave = self._all_final_fit[st].pypeitfit.eval(0.5 + 1.0/self._npix) centdisp = abs(centwave-tempwave) + '---------------------------------------------------' + msgs.newline() + 'Final report for slit {0:d}/{1:d}:'.format(slit+1, self._nslit) + msgs.newline() + ' Pixels {:s} with wavelength'.format(signtxt) + msgs.newline() + ' Number of weak lines = {:d}'.format(self._det_weak[str(slit)][0].size) + msgs.newline() + ' Number of strong lines = {:d}'.format(self._det_stro[str(slit)][0].size) + msgs.newline() + ' Number of lines analyzed = {:d}'.format(len(self._all_final_fit[st]['pixel_fit'])) + msgs.newline() + ' Central wavelength = {:g}A'.format(centwave) + msgs.newline() + ' Central dispersion = {:g}A/pix'.format(centdisp) + msgs.newline() + ' Central wave/disp = {:g}'.format(centwave/centdisp) + msgs.newline() + ' Final RMS of fit = {:g}'.format(self._all_final_fit[st]['rms'])) return
[docs] def results_kdtree_nb(use_tcent, wvdata, res, residx, dindex, lindex, nindx, npix, ordfit=1): """ A numba speedup of the results_kdtree function in the General class (see above). For all of the acceptable pattern matches, estimate the central wavelength and dispersion, and record the index in the linelist and the corresponding indices of the detected lines. Parameters ---------- use_tcent : ndarray detected lines wvdata : ndarray the linelist res : list A flattened list of the results of the ball tree query from the KDTree (this contains all acceptable matches) This needs to be a flattened list for numba residx : list This contains the original indices of the unflattened (i.e. nested) 'res' list dindex : ndarray Indices of the lines in the detected lines for all patterns lindex : ndarray Indices of the lines in the linelist for all patterns nindx : int Number of acceptable pattens npix : int Number of pixels in the spectral direction ordfit : int Order of the polynomial used to fit the pixel/wavelength IDs Returns ------- dind : ndarray Indices of the lines in the detected lines that were used for each acceptable pattern lind : linelist index of patterns Indices of the lines in the linelist that were used for each corresponding pattern wvcent : ndarray Central wavelength of each pattern wvdisp : ndarray Central dispersion of each pattern """ # Assign wavelengths to each pixel ncols = len(res) wvdisp = np.zeros(ncols, dtype=float) wvcent = np.zeros(ncols, dtype=float) dind = np.zeros((ncols, nindx), dtype=np.uint64) lind = np.zeros((ncols, nindx), dtype=np.uint64) Xmat = np.ones((nindx, ordfit+1), dtype=float) for x in range(ncols): for ii in range(ordfit, -1, -1): Xmat[:, ii] = np.power(use_tcent[dindex[residx[x], :]], ordfit-ii) coeff = np.linalg.lstsq(Xmat, wvdata[lindex[res[x]]])[0] sumv = 0.0 for ii in range(ordfit, -1, -1): wvcent[x] += coeff[ordfit-ii]*((npix/2.0)**ii) sumv += coeff[ordfit-ii]*(((npix+1)/2.0)**ii) wvdisp[x] = abs(sumv - wvcent[x]) dind[x, :] = dindex[residx[x], :] lind[x, :] = lindex[res[x], :] return dind, lind, wvcent, wvdisp