Source code for pypeit.core.tracewave

""" Module for methods related to tracing arc/sky lines across a slit/order

.. include:: ../include/links.rst
import inspect
import copy

import numpy as np
from scipy import interpolate, ndimage
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import lines, colormaps

from IPython import embed

from astropy.stats import sigma_clipped_stats

from pypeit import msgs
from pypeit import utils
from pypeit import tracepca

from pypeit.core import fitting
from pypeit.core import arc
from pypeit.core import qa
from pypeit.core import trace
from pypeit.core.moment import moment1d

[docs] def tilts_find_lines(arc_spec, slit_cen, tracethresh=10.0, sig_neigh=5.0, nfwhm_neigh=2.0, only_these_lines=None, fwhm=4.0, nonlinear_counts=1e10, fit_frac_fwhm=1.25, cont_frac_fwhm=1.0, max_frac_fwhm=2.0, cont_samp=30, niter_cont=3, bpm=None, debug_lines=False, debug_peaks=False): """ I can't believe this method has no docs FILL THIS IN Args: arc_spec: slit_cen: tracethresh: sig_neigh: nfwhm_neigh: only_these_lines: fwhm: nonlinear_counts: fit_frac_fwhm: cont_frac_fwhm: max_frac_fwhm: cont_samp: niter_cont: debug_lines: debug_peaks: Returns: tuple: Three `numpy.ndarray`_ objects are returned with the (1) spatial and (2) spectral locations for the starting point to trace the line centroids and (3) a good value mask. Locations where the good-value mask is False are locations that were rejected either because the detection wasn't significant enough or the line was too close to a more-significant, neighboring line. """ # Setup some convenience variables npix_neigh = nfwhm_neigh * fwhm # Find peaks tampl_tot, tampl_cont_tot, tcent_tot, twid_tot, _, wgood, arc_cont_sub, nsig_tot \ = arc.detect_lines(arc_spec, sigdetect=np.min([sig_neigh, tracethresh]), fwhm=fwhm, fit_frac_fwhm=fit_frac_fwhm, cont_frac_fwhm=cont_frac_fwhm, max_frac_fwhm=max_frac_fwhm, cont_samp=cont_samp, niter_cont=niter_cont, nonlinear_counts=nonlinear_counts, bpm=bpm, debug=debug_peaks) # Good lines arcdet = tcent_tot[wgood] arc_ampl = tampl_cont_tot[wgood] nsig = nsig_tot[wgood] # Determine the best lines to use to trace the tilts aduse = np.zeros(arcdet.size, dtype=bool) # Which lines should be used to trace the tilts aduse[nsig >= tracethresh] = True'Rejecting {0} lines below sigma threshold.'.format(arcdet.size - np.sum(aduse))) # arc.find_lines_qa(arc_cont_sub, arcdet, arc_ampl, aduse, bpm=bpm, # nonlinear=nonlinear_counts) # TODO: Refactor what's below to minimize/remove the for loops # Remove lines that are within npix_neigh pixels. # TODO: replace this with a near-neighbor based approach, where we # identify groups and take the brightest line in a given group? nuse = np.sum(aduse) detuse = arcdet[aduse] idxuse = np.arange(arcdet.size)[aduse] olduse = aduse.copy() for s in range(nuse): w = np.where((np.abs(arcdet - detuse[s]) <= npix_neigh) & (np.abs(arcdet - detuse[s]) >= 1.0) & (nsig > sig_neigh))[0] for u in range(w.size): if nsig[w[u]] > nsig[olduse][s]: aduse[idxuse[s]] = False break'Removed {0} lines that were too close to neighboring lines.'.format( np.sum(olduse) - np.sum(aduse))) # Restricted to ID lines? [introduced to avoid LRIS ghosts] # TODO: I don't think this is currently ever used... if only_these_lines is not None: ids_pix = np.array(only_these_lines) idxuse = np.arange(arcdet.size)[aduse] for s in idxuse: if np.min(np.abs(arcdet[s] - ids_pix)) > 2.0:'Ignoring line at {:6.1f} which was not identified'.format(arcdet[s])) aduse[s] = False # Final spectral positions of arc lines we will trace lines_spec = arcdet[aduse] nlines = len(lines_spec) if nlines == 0: msgs.warn('No arc lines were deemed usable on this slit; line tilts cannot be computed.' ' This may be a bad slit, which you can remove. Otherwise, try lowering ' 'the tracethresh parameter.') return None, None, None else:'Modeling arc line tilts with {:d} arc lines'.format(nlines)) nspec = arc_spec.size spec_vec = np.arange(nspec) if debug_lines: arc.find_lines_qa(arc_cont_sub, arcdet, arc_ampl, aduse, bpm=bpm, nonlinear=nonlinear_counts) # Spatial position of line, i.e. the central trace interpolated onto the spectral pixel of the line return arcdet, np.interp(arcdet, spec_vec, slit_cen), aduse
# lines_spat = np.interp(lines_spec, spec_vec, slit_cen) # return lines_spec, lines_spat # TODO: Change "mask" to "gpm"...
[docs] def trace_tilts_work(arcimg, lines_spec, lines_spat, thismask, slit_cen, inmask=None, gauss=False, tilts_guess=None, fwhm=4.0, spat_order=3, maxdev_tracefit=0.02, sigrej_trace=3.0, max_badpix_frac=0.30, tcrude_maxerr=1.0, tcrude_maxshift=3.0, tcrude_maxshift0=3.0, tcrude_nave=5, show_tracefits=False): """ Use a PCA model to determine the best object (or slit edge) traces for echelle spectrographs. Parameters ---------- arcimg: `numpy.ndarray`_ float (nspec, nspat) Image of arc or sky that will be used for tracing tilts. lines_spec: `numpy.ndarray`_ float (nlines,) Array containing arc line centroids along the center of the slit for each arc line that will be traced. This is in pixels in image coordinates. lines_spat: `numpy.ndarray`_ float (nlines,) Array contianing the spatial position of the center of the slit along which the arc was extracted. This is is in pixels in image coordinates. thismask: `numpy.ndarray`_ boolean (nspec, nsapt) Boolean mask image specifying the pixels which lie on the slit/order to search for objects on. The convention is: True = on the slit/order, False = off the slit/order. This must be the same size as the arcimg. inmask: float `numpy.ndarray`_ default = None, optional Input mask image. gauss: bool, default = False, optional If true the code will trace the arc lines usign Gaussian weighted centroiding (trace_gweight) instead of the default, which is flux weighted centroiding (trace_fweight) tilts_guess: float `numpy.ndarray`_ default = None, optional A guess for the tilts used for running this tilt tracing in an iterative manner. If the tilts_guess is not None, it should be an array containing the tilts from a previous iteration which will be used as a crutch for the tracing of the tilts. The default is None, which is how this code is run on a first iteration. In that case the crutces are determined via trace_crude, and then the flux (or Gaussian) weighted tracing is performed. fwhm: float, optional Expected FWHM of the arc lines. spat_order: int, default = None, optional Order of the legendre polynomial that will be fit to the tilts. maxdev_tracefit: float, default = 0.2, optional Maximum absolute deviation for the arc tilt fits during iterative trace fitting expressed in units of the fwhm. sigrej_trace: float, default = 3.0, optional From each line we compute a median absolute deviation of the trace from the polynomial fit. We then analyze the distribution of maximxum absolute deviations (MADs) for all the lines, and reject sigrej_trace outliers from that distribution. max_badpix_frac: float, default = 0.20, optional Maximum fraction of total pixels that can be masked by the trace_gweight algorithm (because the residuals are too large) to still be usable for tilt fitting. tcrude_maxerr: float, default = 1.0, optional maxerr parameter for trace crude tcrude_maxshift: float, default = 3.0, optional maxshift parameter for trace crude tcrude_maxshift0: float, default = 3.0, optional maxshift0 parameter for trace crude tcrude_nave: int, default = 5, optional Trace crude is used to determine the initial arc line tilts, which are then iteratively fit. Trace crude can optionally boxcar smooth the image (along the spatial direction of the image, i.e. roughly along the arc line tilts) to improve the tracing. show_tracefits: bool, default = False, optional If true the fits will be shown to each arc line trace by iterative_fitting Returns ------- results_dict: dict with keys - nspec= - nspat= - nsub= - nlines= - nuse= - spat_min= - spat_max= - do_crude= - fwhm= - use_tilt= - tilts_sub_spat= - tilts_sub_fit= - tilts_mad= - tilts_spec= - tilts_spat= - tilts_dspat= - tilts= - tilts_fit= - tilts_err= - tilts_bpm= - tilts_mask= """ # TODO: Explain procedure in docstring nspec, nspat = arcimg.shape spec_vec = np.arange(nspec) spat_vec = np.arange(nspat) slit_widp2 = int(np.ceil((np.sum(thismask, axis=1)).max()) + 2) slit_width_even = np.fmin(slit_widp2 if slit_widp2 % 2 == 0 else slit_widp2 + 1, nspat - 1) trace_int = slit_width_even // 2 maxdev = maxdev_tracefit * fwhm # maxdev is fraction of fwhm do_crude = True if tilts_guess is None else False nlines = len(lines_spec) nsub = 2 * trace_int + 1 lines_spat_int = np.round(lines_spat).astype(int) spat_min = np.zeros(nlines, dtype=int) spat_max = np.zeros(nlines, dtype=int) if inmask is None: inmask = thismask # TODO: Clean up all the commented code here and below. # The sub arrays hold the sub-imaged tilts # tilts_sub = np.zeros((nsub, nlines)) # Thee trace_fweight (or gweighed) tilts # tilts_sub_err = np.zeros((nsub, nlines)) # errors on the tilts (only used for masking but not weighted fitting) # tilts_sub_mask = np.zeros((nsub, nlines), dtype=bool) # mask indicating where the tilts are actually covered in the sub image, i.e. where thismask != False # tilts_sub_spec = np.outer(np.ones(nsub), lines_spec) # spectral coordinate of each tilt, which is the arc line spectral pixel location # tilts_sub_spec_fit = np.zeros((nsub, nlines)) # spectral position determined by evaluating the tilt fit at the center of the slit # tilts_sub_dspat = np.zeros_like(tilts_sub_spat) # delta position of the tilt in pixels, i.e. difference between slitcen and the spatial coordinate above # PCA fitting uses the sub-imaged fits, so we need them tilts_sub_fit = np.zeros((nsub, nlines)) # legendre polynomial fits to the tilt traces tilts_sub_spat = np.outer(np.arange(nsub), np.ones(nlines)) # spatial coordinate along each tilt # Line centers (spectrally) as a function of spatial position in # each slit/order tilts = np.zeros((nspat, nlines)) # Measured positions tilts_err = np.zeros((nspat, nlines)) # Centroid measurement error tilts_bpm = np.zeros((nspat, nlines), dtype=bool) # Centroid measurement mask tilts_fit = np.zeros((nspat, nlines)) # Polynomial fit positions tilts_mask = np.zeros((nspat, nlines), dtype=bool) # True if the centroid is traced tilts_spec = np.zeros((nspat, nlines)) # Spectral position at the slit center # determined by the model tilts_spat = np.tile(np.arange(nspat, dtype=float), (nlines, 1)).T # Line spatial coordinate tilts_dspat = np.zeros_like(tilts_spat) # Change in spatial position for the line # in pixels along the slit/order # Transposed image and masks for tracing arcimg_trans = (arcimg * thismask).T inmask_trans = (inmask * thismask).T.astype(float) thismask_trans = thismask.T # 1) Trace the tilts from a guess. If no guess is provided from a previous iteration use trace_crude for iline in range(nlines): # We sub-image each tilt using a symmetric window about the (integer) spatial location of each line, # which is the slitcen evaluated at the line spectral position. spat_min[iline] = lines_spat_int[iline] - trace_int # spat_min is the minium location of the sub-image spat_max[iline] = lines_spat_int[iline] + trace_int + 1 # spat_max is the maximum location of the sub-image min_spat = np.fmax(spat_min[iline], 0) # These min_spat and max_spat are to prevent leaving the image max_spat = np.fmin(spat_max[iline], nspat - 1) sub_img = arcimg_trans[min_spat:max_spat, :] sub_inmask = inmask_trans[min_spat:max_spat, :] sub_thismask = thismask_trans[min_spat:max_spat, :] if do_crude: # First time tracing, do a trace crude # NOTE: follow_centroid behaves differently from the old # trace_crude_init within 2-4 pixels at the trace edge # Construct the line trace by following the line centroid as # a function of spatial position along the slit. # TODO: This also returns error estimates and a mask, but # those weren't used in the previous version of the code. smsub_img = utils.boxcar_smooth_rows(sub_img, tcrude_nave, wgt=sub_inmask) # ivar = np.sqrt(smsub_img) ivar = None tilts_guess_now, tge, tgm \ = trace.follow_centroid(smsub_img, (sub_img.shape[0] - 1) // 2, lines_spec[iline], ivar=ivar, bpm=np.invert(sub_inmask.astype(bool)), width=3 * fwhm, maxshift_start=tcrude_maxshift0, maxshift_follow=tcrude_maxshift, maxerror=tcrude_maxerr, continuous=False) tilts_guess_now = tilts_guess_now.flatten() else: # A guess was provided, use that as the crutch, but # determine if it is a full trace or a sub-trace if tilts_guess.shape[0] == nspat: # This is full image size tilt trace, sub-window it tilts_guess_now = tilts_guess[min_spat:max_spat, iline] else: # If it is a sub-trace, deal with falling off the image if spat_min[iline] < 0: tilts_guess_now = tilts_guess[-spat_min[iline]:, iline] elif spat_max[iline] > (nspat - 1): tilts_guess_now = tilts_guess[:-(spat_max[iline] - nspat + 1), iline] else: tilts_guess_now = tilts_guess[:, iline] # Checks that virtually all the pixels in the window about the # line to fit are *unmasked* for each spatial position. Note # that sub_thismask is True for valid pixels. tilts_sub_mask_box = moment1d(sub_thismask, tilts_guess_now, fwhm)[0] > 0.99 * fwhm # If more than 80% of the spatial pixels are masked, then don't # mask at all. This happens when the traces leave the good part # of the slit. If we proceed with everything masked the # iter_tracefit fitting will crash. TODO: Check this is true # with new trace.fit_trace function... if (np.sum(tilts_sub_mask_box) < 0.8 * nsub): tilts_sub_mask_box = np.ones_like(tilts_sub_mask_box) # Do iterative flux-weighted tracing and polynomial fitting to # refine these traces. This must also be done in a loop since # the sub image is different for every aperture, i.e. each # aperature has its own image. tilts_sub_fit_out, tilts_sub_out, tilts_sub_err_out, tilts_sub_bpm_out, tset_out \ = trace.fit_trace(sub_img, tilts_guess_now, spat_order, bpm=np.invert(sub_inmask.astype(bool)), trace_bpm=np.invert(tilts_sub_mask_box), fwhm=fwhm, maxdev=maxdev, niter=6, idx=str(iline), debug=show_tracefits, xmin=0.0, xmax=float(nsub - 1), flavor='tilts') # Update the spatial positions to include based on the fitted # line trace positions tilts_sub_mask_box = moment1d(sub_thismask, tilts_sub_fit_out, fwhm)[0] > 0.99 * fwhm # If gauss is set, do a Gaussian refinement to the # flux-weighted tracing if gauss: # Re-check if spatial pixels should be unmasked. if (np.sum(tilts_sub_mask_box) < 0.8 * nsub): tilts_sub_mask_box = np.ones_like(tilts_sub_mask_box) # Re-measure using Gaussian weighting and refit tilts_sub_fit_out, tilts_sub_out, tilts_sub_err_out, tilts_sub_bpm_out, _ \ = trace.fit_trace(sub_img, tilts_sub_fit_out, spat_order, bpm=np.invert(sub_inmask.astype(bool)), trace_bpm=np.invert(tilts_sub_mask_box), weighting='gaussian', fwhm=fwhm, maxdev=maxdev, niter=3, idx=str(iline), debug=show_tracefits, xmin=0.0, xmax=float(nsub - 1)) tilts_sub_mask_box = moment1d(sub_thismask, tilts_sub_fit_out, fwhm)[0] > 0.99 * fwhm # Pack the results into arrays, accounting for possibly falling off the image # Deal with possibly falling off the chip # This is the same for all cases since it is the evaluation of a fit # TODO: Why is the TraceSet from the first fit used, even when # `gauss=True`? I guess in the current usage `gauss` is always # False... tilts_sub_fit[:, iline] = tset_out.xy(tilts_sub_spat[:, iline].reshape(1, nsub))[1] # We use the tset_out.xy to evaluate the trace across the whole # sub-image even for pixels off the slit. This guarantees that # the fits are always evaluated across the whole sub-image # which is required for the PCA step. # TODO: Clean this up: put the common statements up top, # leaving only the ones that are actually dependent on the if # statements in their respective blocks. Do we need to keep the # commented code? if spat_min[iline] < 0: # tilts_sub[ -spat_min[iline]:,iline] = tilts_sub_out.flatten() # tilts_sub_err[ -spat_min[iline]:,iline] = tilts_sub_err_out.flatten() # tilts_sub_mask[ -spat_min[iline]:,iline] = tilts_sub_mask_box.flatten() # tilts_sub_dspat[-spat_min[iline]:,iline] = tilts_dspat[min_spat:max_spat,iline] tilts[min_spat:max_spat, iline] = tilts_sub_out.flatten() # tilts_sub[ -spat_min[iline]:,iline] tilts_fit[min_spat:max_spat, iline] = tilts_sub_fit[-spat_min[iline]:, iline] tilts_err[min_spat:max_spat, iline] = tilts_sub_err_out.flatten() # tilts_sub_err[ -spat_min[iline]:,iline] tilts_bpm[min_spat:max_spat, iline] = tilts_sub_bpm_out.flatten() tilts_mask[min_spat:max_spat, iline] = tilts_sub_mask_box.flatten() # tilts_sub_mask[-spat_min[iline]:,iline] elif spat_max[iline] > (nspat - 1): # tilts_sub[ :-(spat_max[iline] - nspat + 1),iline] = tilts_sub_out.flatten() # tilts_sub_err[ :-(spat_max[iline] - nspat + 1),iline] = tilts_sub_err_out.flatten() # tilts_sub_mask[ :-(spat_max[iline] - nspat + 1),iline] = tilts_sub_mask_box.flatten() # tilts_sub_dspat[:-(spat_max[iline] - nspat + 1),iline] = tilts_dspat[min_spat:max_spat,iline] tilts[min_spat:max_spat, iline] = tilts_sub_out.flatten() # tilts_sub[ :-(spat_max[iline] - nspat + 1),iline] tilts_fit[min_spat:max_spat, iline] = tilts_sub_fit[:-(spat_max[iline] - nspat + 1), iline] tilts_err[min_spat:max_spat, iline] = tilts_sub_err_out.flatten() # tilts_sub_err[ :-(spat_max[iline] - nspat + 1),iline] tilts_bpm[min_spat:max_spat, iline] = tilts_sub_bpm_out.flatten() # tilts_sub_err[ :-(spat_max[iline] - nspat + 1),iline] tilts_mask[min_spat:max_spat, iline] = tilts_sub_mask_box.flatten() # tilts_sub_mask[:-(spat_max[iline] - nspat + 1),iline] else: # tilts_sub[ :,iline] = tilts_sub_out.flatten() # tilts_sub_err[ :,iline] = tilts_sub_err_out.flatten() # tilts_sub_mask[ :,iline] = tilts_sub_mask_box.flatten() # tilts_sub_dspat[:,iline] = tilts_dspat[min_spat:max_spat,iline] tilts[min_spat:max_spat, iline] = tilts_sub_out.flatten() # tilts_sub[ :,iline] tilts_fit[min_spat:max_spat, iline] = tilts_sub_fit[:, iline] tilts_err[min_spat:max_spat, iline] = tilts_sub_err_out.flatten() # tilts_sub_err[ :,iline] tilts_bpm[min_spat:max_spat, iline] = tilts_sub_bpm_out.flatten() # tilts_sub_err[ :,iline] tilts_mask[min_spat:max_spat, iline] = tilts_sub_mask_box.flatten() # tilts_sub_mask[:,iline] # Now use these fits to the traces to get a more robust value # of the tilt spectral position and spatial offset from the # trace than what was initially determined from the 1d arc line # spectrum. This is technically where the slit_cen cross the # tilts_fit, but it is a tricky since they are parameterized by # different independent variables (slit_cen uses spec_vec, # whereas tilts_fit uses spat_vec). This code uses a trick of # interpolating the slit_cen onto the arc pixels. If we find it # fails, then replace with something simpler that simply # iterates to zero on where the two cross. # TODO: Under what conditions does the interpolation fail? Can # we replace the try-except block with an if-else block? # ToDO Fix this later with an iterative thing that also updates spatial reference position of the tilt # imask = tilts_mask[:, iline] # slit_cen_spat_ontilt = np.interp(tilts_fit[imask,iline],spec_vec, slit_cen) # delta_spat = slit_cen_spat_ontilt - tilts_spat[imask,iline] # Grab the monotonic indices # ediff = np.ediff1d(delta_spat,to_begin=0.0) # mono_ind = np.sign(ediff) == np.sign(np.median(ediff)) # zero_cross_spat = (scipy.interpolate.interp1d(delta_spat[mono_ind],(tilts_spat[imask,iline])[mono_ind],assume_sorted=False))(0.0) # spec_fit_now = np.interp(zero_cross_spat,tilts_spat[imask,iline], tilts_fit[imask,iline]) # spat_fit_now = np.interp(spec_fit_now,spec_vec, slit_cen) # tilts_spec[:, iline] = np.full(nspat, spec_fit_now) tilts_dspat[:, iline] = (spat_vec - lines_spat[iline]) imask = tilts_mask[:, iline] try: spec_fit_now = np.interp(0.0, tilts_dspat[imask, iline], tilts_fit[imask, iline]) except ValueError: spec_fit_now = lines_spec[iline] tilts_spec[:, iline] = np.full(nspat, spec_fit_now) # Create the mask for the bad lines. Define the error on the bad tilt as being the # bad_mask = (tilts_err > 900) | (tilts_mask == False) bad_mask = tilts_bpm | np.invert(tilts_mask) on_slit = np.sum(tilts_mask, axis=0) on_slit_bad = np.sum(tilts_mask & tilts_bpm, axis=0) bad_frac = on_slit_bad / on_slit dev_mean, dev_median, dev_sig = sigma_clipped_stats(np.abs(tilts - tilts_fit), mask=bad_mask, sigma=4.0, axis=0) # Determine the line is masked everywhere good_line = np.any(np.invert(bad_mask), axis=0) # Median absolute deviation for each line quantifies the goodness of tracing dev_mad = 1.4826 * dev_median # Now reject outliers from this distribution dev_mad_dist_median = np.median(dev_mad[good_line]) # dev_mad_dist_mad is like the sigma dev_mad_dist_mad = 1.4826 * np.median(np.abs(dev_mad[good_line] - dev_mad_dist_median)) # Reject lines that are sigrej trace outliers mad_rej = ((dev_mad - dev_mad_dist_median) / dev_mad_dist_mad) < sigrej_trace # Do we need this dev_mad < maxdev step? use_tilt = (mad_rej) & (bad_frac < max_badpix_frac) & good_line & (dev_mad < maxdev) nuse = np.sum(use_tilt)'Number of usable arc lines for tilts: {:d}/{:d}'.format(nuse, nlines)) tilts_mad = np.outer(np.ones(nspat), dev_mad) if (nuse < 0.05 * nlines): # TODO: We need to store failures like this and provide a # report at the end of the run. Although we don't want them to # cause a full fault of the code, we need to make sure the user # sees these kinds of critical failures instead of them getting # buried in all the other messages. msgs.warn('Too many lines rejected in this slit/order.' + msgs.newline() + 'Would reject {0}/{1} lines (more than 95%).'.format(nlines - nuse, nlines) + msgs.newline() + 'Proceeding without rejection, but reduction likely bogus.') use_tilt = np.ones(nlines, dtype=bool) nuse = nlines # Tighten it up with Gaussian weighted centroiding # TODO: Is the above comment a TODO? # TODO: Create a class for this stuff return dict(nspec=nspec, nspat=nspat, nsub=nsub, nlines=nlines, nuse=nuse, spat_min=spat_min, spat_max=spat_max, do_crude=do_crude, fwhm=fwhm, use_tilt=use_tilt, tilts_sub_spat=tilts_sub_spat, tilts_sub_fit=tilts_sub_fit, tilts_mad=tilts_mad, tilts_spec=tilts_spec, tilts_spat=tilts_spat, tilts_dspat=tilts_dspat, tilts=tilts, tilts_fit=tilts_fit, tilts_err=tilts_err, tilts_bpm=tilts_bpm, tilts_mask=tilts_mask)
[docs] def trace_tilts(arcimg, lines_spec, lines_spat, thismask, slit_cen, inmask=None, gauss=False, fwhm=4.0, spat_order=5, maxdev_tracefit=0.2, sigrej_trace=3.0, max_badpix_frac=0.30, tcrude_nave=5, npca=2, coeff_npoly_pca=2, sigrej_pca=2.0, debug_pca=False, show_tracefits=False): """ Use a PCA model to determine the best object (or slit edge) traces for echelle spectrographs. Parameters ---------- arcimg : `numpy.ndarray`_, float (nspec, nspat) Image of arc or sky that will be used for tracing tilts. lines_spec : `numpy.ndarray`_, float (nlines,) Array containing arc line centroids along the center of the slit for each arc line that will be traced. This is in pixels in image coordinates. lines_spat : `numpy.ndarray`_, float (nlines,) Array contianing the spatial position of the center of the slit along which the arc was extracted. This is is in pixels in image coordinates. thismask : `numpy.ndarray`_, boolean (nspec, nsapt) Boolean mask image specifying the pixels which lie on the slit/order to search for objects on. The convention is: True = on the slit/order, False = off the slit/order. This must be the same size as the arcimg. inmask : float ndarray, default = None, optional Input mask image. gauss : bool, default = False, optional If true the code will trace the arc lines usign Gaussian weighted centroiding (trace_gweight) instead of the default, which is flux weighted centroiding (trace_fweight) fwhm : float, optional Expected FWHM of the arc lines. spat_order : int, default = None, optional Order of the legendre polynomial that will be fit to the tilts. maxdev_tracefit: float, default = 1.0, optional Maximum absolute deviation for the arc tilt fits during iterative trace fitting expressed in units of the fwhm. sigrej_trace : float, default = 3.0, optional From each line we compute a median absolute deviation of the trace from the polynomial fit. We then analyze the distribution of maximxum absolute deviations (MADs) for all the lines, and reject sigrej_trace outliers from that distribution. max_badpix_frac: float, default = 0.30, optional Maximum fraction of total pixels that can be masked by the trace_gweight algorithm (because the residuals are too large) to still be usable for tilt fitting. tcrude_nave : int, default = 5, optional Trace crude is used to determine the initial arc line tilts, which are then iteratively fit. Trace crude can optionally boxcar smooth the image (along the spatial direction of the image, i.e. roughly along the arc line tilts) to improve the tracing. npca: int, default = 1, optional Tilts are initially traced and then a PCA is performed. The PCA is used to determine better crutches for a second round of improved tilt tracing. This parameter is the order of that PCA and determined how much the tilts behavior is being compressed. npca = 0 would be just using the mean tilt. This PCA is only an intermediate step to improve the crutches and is an attempt to make the tilt tracing that goes into the final fit more robust. coeff_npoly_pca: int, default = 1, optional Order of polynomial fits used for PCA coefficients fitting for the PCA described above. sigrej_pca: float, default = 2.0, optional Significance threhsold for rejection of outliers from fits to PCA coefficients for the PCA described above. show_tracefits: bool, default = False, optional If true the fits will be shown to each arc line trace by Returns ------- trace_tilts_dict : dict See :func:`trace_tilts_work` for a complete description """ #show_tracefits = True #debug_pca = True # TODO: Explain procedure in docstring # TODO: Document where these come from. tcrude_maxerr = fwhm / 4.0 tcrude_maxshift = 3.0 * fwhm / 4.0 tcrude_maxshift0 = fwhm trace_dict0 = trace_tilts_work(arcimg, lines_spec, lines_spat, thismask, slit_cen, inmask=inmask, gauss=gauss, tilts_guess=None, fwhm=fwhm, spat_order=spat_order, maxdev_tracefit=maxdev_tracefit, sigrej_trace=sigrej_trace, max_badpix_frac=max_badpix_frac, tcrude_maxerr=tcrude_maxerr, tcrude_maxshift=tcrude_maxshift, tcrude_maxshift0=tcrude_maxshift0, tcrude_nave=tcrude_nave, show_tracefits=show_tracefits) # TODO: The PCA may not be necessary. It appears to improve the # results though for some instruments where the tracing is # problematic. We could consider making this optional to speed # things up. debug_pca_fit = False if debug_pca_fit: # !!!! FOR TESTING ONLY!!!! Evaluate the model fit to the tilts for all of our lines'TESTING: Performing an initial fit before PCA.') # JFH Note spec_order is hard wired here as we don't pass it in tilt_fit_dict0 = fit_tilts(trace_dict0, spat_order=spat_order, spec_order=6, debug=True, maxdev=0.2, sigrej=3.0, doqa=True, setup='test', slit=0, show_QA=True) # Do a PCA fit, which rejects some outliers iuse = trace_dict0['use_tilt'] nuse = np.sum(iuse) if nuse < 2: # DP: Added this because sometime there are < 2 usable arc lines for tilt tracing, PCA fit does not work # and the reduction crushes msgs.warn('Less than 2 usable arc lines for tilts. NO PCA modeling!') return trace_dict0 else: bpm = np.ones(trace_dict0['tilts_sub_fit'].shape, dtype=bool) bpm[:, iuse] = False'PCA modeling {:d} good tilts'.format(nuse)) pca_fit = tracepca.pca_trace_object(trace_dict0['tilts_sub_fit'], order=coeff_npoly_pca, trace_bpm=bpm, npca=npca, coo=lines_spec, minx=0.0, maxx=float(trace_dict0['nsub'] - 1), lower=sigrej_pca, upper=sigrej_pca, debug=debug_pca) # Now trace again with the PCA predictions as the starting crutches return trace_tilts_work(arcimg, lines_spec, lines_spat, thismask, slit_cen, inmask=inmask, gauss=gauss, tilts_guess=pca_fit, fwhm=fwhm, spat_order=spat_order, maxdev_tracefit=maxdev_tracefit, sigrej_trace=sigrej_trace, max_badpix_frac=max_badpix_frac, show_tracefits=show_tracefits)
[docs] def fit_tilts(trc_tilt_dict, thismask, slit_cen, spat_order=3, spec_order=4, maxdev=0.2, maxiter=100, sigrej=3.0, pad_spec=30, pad_spat=5, func2d='legendre2d', doqa=True, calib_key='test', slitord_id=0, show_QA=False, out_dir=None, minmax_extrap=(150.,1000.)): """ THIS NEEDS A DOC STRING Parameters ---------- trc_tilt_dict: dict Diciontary containing tilt info slitord_id : int Slit ID, spatial; only used for QA all_tilts: order: yorder: func2D: maskval: setup: doqa: show_QA: minmax_extrap: tuple or list, optional Terminate extrapolation beyond measured arc lines at this pixel value below/above last line out_dir: Returns ------- """ nspec = trc_tilt_dict['nspec'] nspat = trc_tilt_dict['nspat'] fwhm = trc_tilt_dict['fwhm'] maxdev_pix = maxdev * fwhm xnspecmin1 = float(nspec - 1) xnspatmin1 = float(nspat - 1) nspat = trc_tilt_dict['nspat'] use_tilt = trc_tilt_dict['use_tilt'] # mask for good/bad tilts, based on aggregate fit, frac good pixels nuse = np.sum(use_tilt) tilts = trc_tilt_dict['tilts'] # legendre polynomial fit # JFH Before we were fitting the fits. Now we fit the actual flux weighted centroided tilts. tilts_err = trc_tilt_dict['tilts_err'] # flux weighted centroidding error tilts_bpm = trc_tilt_dict['tilts_bpm'] # centroid bad-pixel mask tilts_dspat = trc_tilt_dict['tilts_dspat'] # spatial offset from the central trace # tilts_spat = trc_tilt_dict['tilts_dspat'][:,use_tilt] # spatial offset from the central trace tilts_spec = trc_tilt_dict['tilts_spec'] # line spectral pixel position from legendre fit evaluated at slit center tilts_mask = trc_tilt_dict['tilts_mask'] # Reflects if trace is on the slit tilts_mad = trc_tilt_dict['tilts_mad'] # quantifies aggregate error of this tilt use_mask = np.outer(np.ones(nspat, dtype=bool), use_tilt) # tot_mask = tilts_mask & (tilts_err < 900) & use_mask tot_mask = tilts_mask & np.invert(tilts_bpm) & use_mask fitxy = [spec_order, spat_order] # Fit the inverted model with a 2D polynomial"Fitting tilts with a low order, 2D {:s}".format(func2d)) # TODO: Make adderr a parameter? Where does this come from? adderr = 0.03 tilts_sigma = ((tilts_mad < 100.0) & (tilts_mad > 0.0)) * np.sqrt(np.abs(tilts_mad) ** 2 + adderr ** 2) tilts_ivar = utils.inverse((tilts_sigma.flatten() / xnspecmin1) ** 2) pypeitFit = fitting.robust_fit(tilts_spec.flatten() / xnspecmin1, (tilts.flatten() - tilts_spec.flatten()) / xnspecmin1, fitxy, x2=tilts_dspat.flatten() / xnspatmin1, in_gpm=tot_mask.flatten(), invvar=tilts_ivar, function=func2d, maxiter=maxiter, lower=sigrej, upper=sigrej, maxdev=maxdev_pix / xnspecmin1, minx=-0.0, maxx=1.0, minx2=-1.0, maxx2=1.0, use_mad=False, sticky=False) fitmask = pypeitFit.bool_gpm.reshape(tilts_dspat.shape) # Compute a rejection mask that we will use later. These are # locations that were fit but were rejected rej_mask = tot_mask & np.invert(fitmask) # Compute and store the 2d tilts fit delta_tilt_1 = xnspecmin1 * pypeitFit.eval(tilts_spec[tilts_mask] / xnspecmin1, x2=tilts_dspat[tilts_mask] / xnspatmin1) delta_tilt = np.zeros_like(tilts_dspat) tilts_2dfit = np.zeros_like(tilts_dspat) delta_tilt[tilts_mask] = delta_tilt_1 tilts_2dfit[tilts_mask] = tilts_spec[tilts_mask] + delta_tilt[tilts_mask] # Add the 2d fit to the tracetilt dictionary trc_tilt_dict_out = copy.deepcopy(trc_tilt_dict) trc_tilt_dict_out['tilt_2dfit'] = tilts_2dfit # TODO: Temporarily adding tot_mask and fit_mask trc_tilt_dict_out['tot_mask'] = tot_mask trc_tilt_dict_out['fit_mask'] = fitmask # Report the residuals in pixels res_fit = tilts[fitmask] - tilts_2dfit[fitmask] rms_fit = np.std(res_fit)"Residuals: 2D Legendre Fit")"RMS (pixels): {}".format(rms_fit))"RMS/FWHM: {}".format(rms_fit / fwhm))'Inverting the fit to generate the tilts image') spec_vec = np.arange(nspec) spat_vec = np.arange(nspat) spat_img, spec_img = np.meshgrid(spat_vec, spec_vec) # We do some padding here to guarantee that the tilts arc lines # falling off the image get tilted onto the image spec_vec_pad = np.arange(-pad_spec, nspec + pad_spec) spat_vec_pad = np.arange(-pad_spat, nspat + pad_spat) spat_img_pad, spec_img_pad = np.meshgrid(np.arange(-pad_spat, nspat + pad_spat), np.arange(-pad_spec, nspec + pad_spec)) slit_cen_pad = interpolate.interp1d(spec_vec, slit_cen, bounds_error=False, fill_value='extrapolate')(spec_vec_pad) thismask_pad = np.zeros_like(spec_img_pad, dtype=bool) ind_spec, ind_spat = np.where(thismask) # Center of the slit replicated spatially slit_cen_img_pad = np.outer(slit_cen_pad, np.ones(nspat + 2 * pad_spat)) # Normalized spatial offset image (from central trace) dspat_img_nrm = (spat_img_pad - slit_cen_img_pad) / xnspatmin1 # normalized spec image spec_img_nrm = spec_img_pad / xnspecmin1 # Embed the old thismask in the new larger padded thismask thismask_pad[ind_spec + pad_spec, ind_spat + pad_spat] = thismask[ind_spec, ind_spat] # Now grow the thismask_pad kernel = np.ones((2 * pad_spec, 2 * pad_spat)) / float(4 * pad_spec * pad_spat) thismask_grow = ndimage.convolve(thismask_pad.astype(float), kernel, mode='nearest') > 0.0 # Evaluate the tilts on the padded image grid tiltpix = spec_img_pad[thismask_grow] + xnspecmin1 \ * pypeitFit.eval(spec_img_nrm[thismask_grow], x2=dspat_img_nrm[thismask_grow]) # Now do one last fit to invert the function above to obtain the # final tilts model in normalized image coordinates inmask = np.isfinite(tiltpix) sigma = np.full_like(spec_img_pad, 10.0) # Avoid substantial extrapolation.. low = spec_img_pad[thismask_grow] < np.min(tilts_spec - minmax_extrap[0]) tiltpix[low] = spec_img_pad[thismask_grow][low] sigma[thismask_grow][low] = sigma[thismask_grow][low] * 10. high = spec_img_pad[thismask_grow] > np.max(tilts_spec + minmax_extrap[1]) tiltpix[high] = spec_img_pad[thismask_grow][high] sigma[thismask_grow][high] = sigma[thismask_grow][high] * 10. # JFH What I find confusing is that this last fit was actually what # Burles was doing on the raw tilts, so why was that failing? tilts_ivar1 = utils.calc_ivar((sigma[thismask_grow] / xnspecmin1) ** 2) # JFH Something appers wrong in this fit for LRIS-red with a # science frame as the tilt image. It appears to be rejecting too # much in this fit, which is just a simple inversion of the fit # above. Perhaps the noise and maxdev need to be cranked up. That # is my suspicion. #fitmask_tilts, coeff2_tilts \ pypeitFit = fitting.robust_fit(tiltpix / xnspecmin1, spec_img_pad[thismask_grow] / xnspecmin1, fitxy, x2=spat_img_pad[thismask_grow] / xnspatmin1, invvar=tilts_ivar1, upper=5.0, lower=5.0, maxdev=10.0 / xnspecmin1, in_gpm=inmask, function=func2d, maxiter=20, minx=0.0, maxx=1.0, minx2=0.0, maxx2=1.0, use_mad=False, sticky=False) # JFH changed above to use stick=False, to limit the amount of rejection irej = np.logical_not(pypeitFit.bool_gpm) & inmask'Rejected {0}/{1} pixels in final inversion tilts image fit'.format( np.sum(irej), np.sum(inmask))) # normalized tilts image # TODO -- This should be a DataContainer tilt_fit_dict = dict(nspec=nspec, nspat=nspat, ngood_lines=np.sum(use_tilt), npix_fit=np.sum(tot_mask), npix_rej=np.sum(np.invert(fitmask)), coeff2=pypeitFit.fitc, spec_order=spec_order, spat_order=spat_order, minx=0.0, maxx=1.0, minx2=0.0, maxx2=1.0, func=func2d, pypeitFit=pypeitFit) # Now do some QA # TODO: I think we should do the QA outside of core functions. if doqa: arc_tilts_2d_qa(tilts_dspat, tilts, tilts_2dfit, tot_mask, rej_mask, spat_order, spec_order, rms_fit, fwhm, slitord_id=slitord_id, setup=calib_key, show_QA=show_QA, out_dir=out_dir) arc_tilts_spat_qa(tilts_dspat, tilts, tilts_2dfit, tilts_spec, tot_mask, rej_mask, spat_order, spec_order, rms_fit, fwhm, slitord_id=slitord_id, setup=calib_key, show_QA=show_QA, out_dir=out_dir) arc_tilts_spec_qa(tilts_spec, tilts, tilts_2dfit, tot_mask, rej_mask, rms_fit, fwhm, slitord_id=slitord_id, setup=calib_key, show_QA=show_QA, out_dir=out_dir) return tilt_fit_dict, trc_tilt_dict_out
# fitmask, coeff2 = fit_tilts_rej( # tilts_dspat, tilts_spec_fit, tilts, tilts_invvar, tot_mask, slit_cen, spat_order, spec_order, # maxdev = 1.0, maxrej=maxrej, sigrej = sigrej, maxiter = maxiter) # result = optimize.minimize(fit_tilts_func, coeff2.flatten(), tol=0.01, args=(tilts_dspat, tilts_spec_fit, tilts, tilts_invvar, # tot_mask, fitmask, slit_cen, spat_order, spec_order)) # bounds = [(i,j) for i,j in zip(0.8*coeff2.flatten(),1.2*coeff2.flatten())] # result_df = optimize.differential_evolution( # fit_tilts_func, bounds, tol=0.01, disp=True, polish=True, # args=(tilts_dspat, tilts_spec_fit, tilts, tilts_invvar,tot_mask, fitmask, slit_cen, spat_order, spec_order)) # This is a second way of computing the 2d fit at the tilts. Do this just for now as a consistency check that our tilts_img is okay # Testing. For the moment do this on exactly the same set of lines # tilt_2dfit_piximg_all = eval_2d_at_tilts(trc_tilt_dict['tilts_spec'], trc_tilt_dict['tilts_mask'], trc_tilt_dict['tilts'] (nspec, nspat), thismask, slit_cen, coeff2, func2d) # tilts_2dfit_piximg = tilt_2dfit_piximg_all[:, use_tilt] # tilts_2dfit_piximg = eval_2d_at_tilts(tilts_spec, tilts_mask, (nspec, nspat), thismask, slit_cen, coeff2, func2d) # Actual 2D Model Tilt Residuals # res_real = tilts[fitmask] - tilts_2dfit_piximg[fitmask] # rms_real = np.std(res_real) #"Residuals: Actual 2D Tilt Residuals from piximg") #"RMS (pixels): {}".format(rms_real)) #"RMS/FWHM: {}".format(rms_real/fwhm))
[docs] def fit2tilts(shape, coeff2, func2d, spat_shift=None): """ Evaluate the wavelength tilt model over the full image. Parameters ---------- shape : tuple of ints, shape of image coeff2 : `numpy.ndarray`_, float result of griddata tilt fit func2d : str the 2d function used to fit the tilts spat_shift : float, optional Spatial shift to be added to image pixels before evaluation If you are accounting for flexure, then you probably wish to input -1*flexure_shift into this parameter. Returns ------- tilts : `numpy.ndarray`_, float Image indicating how spectral pixel locations move across the image. This output is used in the pipeline. """ # Init _spat_shift = 0. if spat_shift is None else spat_shift # Compute the tilts image nspec, nspat = shape xnspecmin1 = float(nspec - 1) xnspatmin1 = float(nspat - 1) spec_vec = np.arange(nspec) spat_vec = np.arange(nspat) - _spat_shift spat_img, spec_img = np.meshgrid(spat_vec, spec_vec) # pypeitFit = fitting.PypeItFit(fitc=coeff2, minx=0.0, maxx=1.0, minx2=0.0, maxx2=1.0, func=func2d) tilts = pypeitFit.eval(spec_img / xnspecmin1, x2=spat_img / xnspatmin1) # Added this to ensure that tilts are never crazy values due to extrapolation of fits which can break # wavelength solution fitting return np.fmax(np.fmin(tilts, 1.2), -0.2)
# This method needs to match the name in
[docs] def arc_tilts_2d_qa(tilts_dspat, tilts, tilts_model, tot_mask, rej_mask, spat_order, spec_order, rms, fwhm, slitord_id=0, setup='A', outfile=None, show_QA=False, out_dir=None): """ ..todo.. this method needs docs Args: tilts_dspat: tilts: tilts_model: tot_mask: rej_mask: spat_order: spec_order: rms: fwhm: slitord_id: setup: outfile: show_QA: out_dir: Returns: """ plt.rcdefaults() plt.rcParams[''] = 'sans-serif' # Outfile method = inspect.stack()[0][3] if (outfile is None): outfile = qa.set_qa_filename(setup, method, slit=slitord_id, out_dir=out_dir) # Show the fit fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 18)) ax.cla() ax.plot(tilts_dspat[tot_mask], tilts[tot_mask], color='black', linestyle=' ', mfc='None', marker='o', markersize=9.0, markeredgewidth=1.0, zorder=4, label='Good Tilt') ax.plot(tilts_dspat[rej_mask], tilts[rej_mask], color='red', linestyle=' ', mfc='None', marker='o', markersize=9.0, markeredgewidth=2.0, zorder=5, label='Rejected') ax.plot(tilts_dspat[tot_mask], tilts_model[tot_mask], color='black', linestyle=' ', marker='o', markersize=2.0, markeredgewidth=1.0, zorder=1, label='2D Model') xmin = 1.1 * tilts_dspat[tot_mask].min() xmax = 1.1 * tilts_dspat[tot_mask].max() ax.set_xlim((xmin, xmax)) ax.set_xlabel('Spatial Offset from Central Trace (pixels)', fontsize=15) ax.set_ylabel('Spectral Pixel', fontsize=15) ax.legend() ax.set_title('Tilts vs Fit (spat_order, spec_order)=({:d},{:d}) for slit={:d}: RMS = {:5.3f}, ' 'RMS/FWHM={:5.3f}'.format(spat_order, spec_order, slitord_id, rms, rms / fwhm), fontsize=15) # Finish # plt.tight_layout(pad=1.0, h_pad=1.0, w_pad=1.0) if outfile is not None: plt.savefig(outfile, dpi=400) if show_QA: plt.close() plt.rcdefaults()
# This method needs to match the name in
[docs] def arc_tilts_spec_qa(tilts_spec_fit, tilts, tilts_model, tot_mask, rej_mask, rms, fwhm, slitord_id=0, setup='A', outfile=None, show_QA=False, out_dir=None): """ Generate a QA plot of the residuals for the fit to the tilts in the spectral direction one slit at a time Parameters ---------- """ plt.rcdefaults() plt.rcParams[''] = 'sans-serif' # Outfil method = inspect.stack()[0][3] if (outfile is None): outfile = qa.set_qa_filename(setup, method, slit=slitord_id, out_dir=out_dir) # Setup plt.figure(figsize=(14, 6)) plt.clf() ax = plt.gca() # Scatter plot res = (tilts - tilts_model) nspat, nuse = tilts.shape # Show the fit residuals as a function of spatial position line_indx = np.outer(np.ones(nspat), np.arange(nuse)) xmin = 0.90 * (tilts_spec_fit.min()) xmax = 1.10 * (tilts_spec_fit.max()) ax.hlines(0.0, xmin, xmax, linestyle='--', color='green') for iline in range(nuse): iall = (line_indx == iline) & tot_mask igd = (line_indx == iline) & tot_mask & (rej_mask == False) irej = (line_indx == iline) & tot_mask & rej_mask ax.plot(tilts_spec_fit[igd], (res[igd]), 'ko', mfc='k', markersize=4.0) ax.plot(tilts_spec_fit[irej], (res[irej]), 'ro', mfc='r', markersize=4.0) # Compute the RMS for this line all_rms = np.std(res[iall]) good_rms = np.std(res[igd]) # ToDo show the mean here as well if np.any(igd): ax.plot(tilts_spec_fit[igd][0], all_rms, marker='s', linestyle=' ', color='g', mfc='g', markersize=7.0) ax.plot(tilts_spec_fit[igd][0], good_rms, marker='^', linestyle=' ', color='orange', mfc='orange', markersize=7.0) ax.text(0.90, 0.90, 'Slit {:d}: Residual (pixels) = {:0.5f}'.format(slitord_id, rms), transform=ax.transAxes, ha='right', color='black', fontsize=16) ax.text(0.90, 0.80, ' Slit {:d}: RMS/FWHM = {:0.5f}'.format(slitord_id, rms / fwhm), transform=ax.transAxes, ha='right', color='black', fontsize=16) # Label ax.set_xlabel('Spectral Pixel') ax.set_ylabel('RMS (pixels)') ax.set_title('RMS of Each Arc Line Traced') ax.set_xlim((xmin, xmax)) ax.set_ylim((-5.0 * rms, 5.0 * rms)) # Legend legend_elements = [lines.Line2D([0], [0], linestyle=' ', color='k', marker='o', mfc='k', markersize=4.0, label='good'), lines.Line2D([0], [0], linestyle=' ', color='r', marker='o', mfc='r', markersize=4.0, label='rejected'), lines.Line2D([0], [0], linestyle=' ', color='g', marker='s', mfc='g', markersize=7.0, label='all RMS'), lines.Line2D([0], [0], linestyle=' ', color='orange', marker='^', mfc='orange', markersize=7.0, label='good RMS')] ax.legend(handles=legend_elements) # Finish plt.tight_layout(pad=0.2, h_pad=0.0, w_pad=0.0) if outfile is not None: plt.savefig(outfile, dpi=400) if show_QA: plt.close() plt.rcdefaults()
[docs] def arc_tilts_spat_qa(tilts_dspat, tilts, tilts_model, tilts_spec_fit, tot_mask, rej_mask, spat_order, spec_order, rms, fwhm, setup='A', slitord_id=0, outfile=None, show_QA=False, out_dir=None): """ NEEDS A DOC STRING! """ plt.rcdefaults() plt.rcParams[''] = 'sans-serif' # Output file method = inspect.stack()[0][3] if outfile is None: outfile = qa.set_qa_filename(setup, method, slit=slitord_id, out_dir=out_dir) nspat, nuse = tilts_dspat.shape # Show the fit residuals as a function of spatial position line_indx = np.outer(np.ones(nspat), np.arange(nuse)) lines_spec = tilts_spec_fit[0, :] cmap = colormaps['coolwarm'].resampled(nuse) fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(14, 12)) # dummy mappable shows the spectral pixel dummie_cax = ax.scatter(lines_spec, lines_spec, c=lines_spec, cmap=cmap) ax.cla() for iline in range(nuse): iall = (line_indx == iline) & tot_mask irej = (line_indx == iline) & tot_mask & rej_mask this_color = cmap(iline) # plot the residuals ax.plot(tilts_dspat[iall], tilts[iall] - tilts_model[iall], color=this_color, linestyle='-', linewidth=3.0, marker='None', alpha=0.5) ax.plot(tilts_dspat[irej], tilts[irej] - tilts_model[irej], linestyle=' ', marker='o', color='limegreen', mfc='limegreen', markersize=5.0) xmin = 1.1 * tilts_dspat[tot_mask].min() xmax = 1.1 * tilts_dspat[tot_mask].max() ax.hlines(0.0, xmin, xmax, linestyle='--', linewidth=2.0, color='k', zorder=10) ax.set_xlim((xmin, xmax)) ax.set_xlabel('Spatial Offset from Central Trace (pixels)') ax.set_ylabel('Arc Line Tilt Residual (pixels)') legend_elements = [lines.Line2D([0], [0], color='cornflowerblue', linestyle='-', linewidth=3.0, label='residual'), lines.Line2D([0], [0], color='limegreen', linestyle=' ', marker='o', mfc='limegreen', markersize=7.0, label='rejected')] ax.legend(handles=legend_elements) ax.set_title('Tilts vs Fit (spat_order, spec_order)=({:d},{:d}) for slit={:d}: RMS = {:5.3f}, ' 'RMS/FWHM={:5.3f}'.format(spat_order, spec_order, slitord_id, rms, rms / fwhm), fontsize=15) cb = fig.colorbar(dummie_cax, ax=ax, ticks=lines_spec) cb.set_label('Spectral Pixel') # Finish plt.tight_layout(pad=0.2, h_pad=0.0, w_pad=0.0) if outfile is not None: plt.savefig(outfile, dpi=400) if show_QA: plt.close() plt.rcdefaults()