Source code for pypeit.core.skysub

""" Module for sky subtraction

.. include common links, assuming primary doc root is up one directory
.. include:: ../include/links.rst
import numpy as np

import scipy.ndimage
import scipy.special
from scipy.interpolate import RegularGridInterpolator

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from IPython import embed

from pypeit.core import basis, pixels, extract
from pypeit.core import fitting
from pypeit.core import procimg
from pypeit import msgs, utils, bspline, slittrace
from pypeit.display import display

[docs] def skysub_npoly(thismask): """ Utility routine used by global_skysub and local_skysub_extract. Determine the order for the spatial polynomial for global sky subtraction and local sky subtraction. Args: thismask (`numpy.ndarray`_): bool mask of shape (nspec, nspat) which specifies pixels in the slit in question Returns: int: Order of polynomial """ slit_width = np.sum(thismask,axis=1) med_slit_width = np.median(slit_width[slit_width > 0]) nspec_eff = np.sum(slit_width > 0.5*med_slit_width) npercol = np.fmax(np.floor(np.sum(thismask)/nspec_eff), 1.0) # Demand at least 10 pixels per row (on average) per degree of the polynomial if npercol > 100: npoly = 3 elif npercol > 40: npoly = 2 else: npoly = 1 return npoly
[docs] def global_skysub(image, ivar, tilts, thismask, slit_left, slit_righ, inmask=None, bsp=0.6, sigrej=3.0, maxiter=35, trim_edg=(3,3), pos_mask=True, max_mask_frac=0.80, show_fit=False, no_poly=False, npoly=None): """ Perform global sky subtraction on an input slit THIS NEEDS MORE DESCRIPTION Args: image (`numpy.ndarray`_): Frame to be sky subtracted. float ndarray, shape (nspec, nspat) ivar (`numpy.ndarray`_): Inverse variance image. float ndarray, shape (nspec, nspat) tilts (`numpy.ndarray`_): Tilts indicating how wavelengths move across the slit. float ndarray, shape (nspec, nspat) thismask (`numpy.ndarray`_): Specifies pixels in the slit in question. boolean array, shape (nspec, nspat) slit_left (`numpy.ndarray`_): Left slit boundary in floating point pixels. shape (nspec, 1) or (nspec) slit_righ (`numpy.ndarray`_): Right slit boundary in floating point pixels. shape (nspec, 1) or (nspec) inmask (`numpy.ndarray`_): boolean ndarray, shape (nspec, nspat) Input mask for pixels not to be included in sky subtraction fits. True = Good (not masked), False = Bad (masked) bsp (float, optional): break point spacing in pixel units sigrej (float, optional): sigma rejection threshold trim_edg (tuple, optional): floats (left_edge, right_edge) that indicate how many pixels to trim from left and right slit edges for creating the edgemask. These pixels are excluded from sky subtraction fits. pos_mask (bool, optional): First do a prelimnary fit to the log of the sky (i.e. positive pixels only). Then use this fit to create an input mask from the residuals lmask = (res < 5.0) & (res > -4.0) for the full fit. NOTE: pos_mask should be False for near-IR sky residual subtraction, since fitting the log(sky) requires that the counts are positive which will not be the case for i.e. an A-B image. Thus the routine will fail if pos_mask is not set to False. max_mask_frac (float, optional): Maximum fraction of total pixels that can be masked by the input masks. If more than this threshold is masked the code will return zeros and throw a warning. show_fit (bool, optional): If true, plot a fit of the sky pixels and model fit to the screen. This feature will block further execution until the screen is closed. no_poly (bool, optional): If True, do not incldue polynomial basis npoly (int, optional): Order of polynomial to use for the polynomial in the bspline Only used if no_poly=False Returns: `numpy.ndarray`_ : The model sky background at the pixels where thismask is True:: >>> skyframe = np.zeros_like(image) >>> thismask = slitpix == thisslit >>> skyframe[thismask] = global_skysub(image,ivar, tilts, thismask, slit_left, slit_righ) """ # Synthesize ximg, and edgmask from slit boundaries. Doing this outside this # routine would save time. But this is pretty fast, so we just do it here to make the interface simpler. ximg, edgmask = pixels.ximg_and_edgemask(slit_left, slit_righ, thismask, trim_edg=trim_edg) # TESTING!!!! #no_poly=True #show_fit=True # Init (nspec, nspat) = image.shape piximg = tilts * (nspec-1) if inmask is None: inmask = (ivar > 0.0) & thismask & np.isfinite(image) & np.isfinite(ivar) elif inmask.dtype != bool: # Check that it's of type bool msgs.error("Type of inmask should be bool and is of type: {:}".format(inmask.dtype)) # Sky pixels for fitting gpm = thismask & (ivar > 0.0) & inmask & np.logical_not(edgmask) \ & np.isfinite(image) & np.isfinite(ivar) bad_pixel_frac = np.sum(thismask & np.logical_not(gpm))/np.sum(thismask) if bad_pixel_frac > max_mask_frac: msgs.warn(f'This slit/order has {100.0*bad_pixel_frac:.3f}% of the pixels masked, which ' f'exceeds the threshold of {100.0*max_mask_frac:.3f}%.' + msgs.newline() + 'There is likely a problem with this slit. Giving up on ' 'global sky-subtraction.') return np.zeros(np.sum(thismask)) # Sub arrays isrt = np.argsort(piximg[thismask], kind='stable') pix = piximg[thismask][isrt] sky = image[thismask][isrt] sky_ivar = ivar[thismask][isrt] ximg_fit = ximg[thismask][isrt] inmask_fit = gpm[thismask][isrt] inmask_prop = inmask_fit.copy() #spatial = spatial_img[fit_sky][isrt] # Restrict fit to positive pixels only and mask out large outliers via a pre-fit to the log. if pos_mask: pos_sky = (sky > 1.0) & (sky_ivar > 0.0) if np.sum(pos_sky) > nspec: lsky = np.log(sky[pos_sky]) lsky_ivar = inmask_fit[pos_sky].astype(float)/3.0**2 # set errors to just be 3.0 in the log #lsky_ivar = np.full(lsky.shape, 0.1) # Init bspline to get the sky breakpoints (kludgy) lskyset, outmask, lsky_fit, red_chi, exit_status \ = fitting.bspline_profile(pix[pos_sky], lsky, lsky_ivar, np.ones_like(lsky), ingpm=inmask_fit[pos_sky], upper=sigrej, lower=sigrej, kwargs_bspline={'bkspace':bsp}, kwargs_reject={'groupbadpix': True, 'maxrej': 10}) if exit_status != 0: msgs.warn('Global sky-subtraction did not exit cleanly for initial positive sky fit.' + msgs.newline() + 'Initial masking based on positive sky fit will be skipped') else: res = (sky[pos_sky] - np.exp(lsky_fit)) * np.sqrt(sky_ivar[pos_sky]) lmask = (res < 5.0) & (res > -4.0) sky_ivar[pos_sky] = sky_ivar[pos_sky] * lmask inmask_fit[pos_sky] = (sky_ivar[pos_sky] > 0.0) & lmask & inmask_prop[pos_sky] # Include a polynomial basis? if no_poly: poly_basis = np.ones_like(sky) npoly_fit = 1 else: npoly_fit = skysub_npoly(thismask) if npoly is None else npoly poly_basis = basis.flegendre(2.0*ximg_fit - 1.0, npoly_fit) # Perform the full fit now"Full fit in global sky sub.") skyset, outmask, yfit, _, exit_status = fitting.bspline_profile(pix, sky, sky_ivar, poly_basis, ingpm=inmask_fit, nord=4, upper=sigrej, lower=sigrej, maxiter=maxiter, kwargs_bspline={'bkspace':bsp}, kwargs_reject={'groupbadpix':True, 'maxrej': 10}) # TODO JFH This is a hack for now to deal with bad fits for which iterations do not converge. This is related # to the groupbadpix behavior requested for the djs_reject rejection. It would be good to # better understand what this functionality is doing, but it makes the rejection much more quickly approach a small # chi^2 if exit_status == 1: msgs.warn('Maximum iterations reached in bspline_profile global sky-subtraction for npoly={:d}.'.format(npoly_fit) + msgs.newline() + 'Redoing sky-subtraction without polynomial degrees of freedom') poly_basis = np.ones_like(sky) # Perform the full fit now skyset, outmask, yfit, _, exit_status \ = fitting.bspline_profile(pix, sky, sky_ivar, poly_basis, ingpm=inmask_fit, nord=4, upper=sigrej, lower=sigrej, maxiter=maxiter, kwargs_bspline={'bkspace': bsp}, kwargs_reject={'groupbadpix': False, 'maxrej': 10}) sky_frame = np.zeros_like(image) ythis = np.zeros_like(yfit) ythis[isrt] = yfit sky_frame[thismask] = ythis #skyset.funcname ='legendre' #skyset.xmin = spat_min #skyset.xmax = spat_max # Evaluate and save #bgframe, _ = skyset.value(piximg[thismask],x2=spatial_img[thismask]) # Debugging/checking # ToDo This QA ceases to make sense I think for 2-d fits. I need to think about what the best QA would be here, but I think # probably looking at residuals as a function of spectral and spatial position like in the flat fielding code. if show_fit: goodbk = skyset.mask # This is approximate yfit_bkpt = np.interp(skyset.breakpoints[goodbk], pix,yfit) plt.clf() ax = plt.gca() was_fit_and_masked = inmask_fit & np.logical_not(outmask) ax.plot(pix[inmask_fit], sky[inmask_fit], color='k', marker='o', markersize=0.4, mfc='k', fillstyle='full', linestyle='None', label='Pixels that were fit') ax.plot(pix[was_fit_and_masked], sky[was_fit_and_masked], color='red', marker='+', markersize=1.5, mfc='red', fillstyle='full', linestyle='None', label='Pixels masked by fit') ax.plot(pix, yfit, color='cornflowerblue', label='B-spline fit') ax.plot(skyset.breakpoints[goodbk], yfit_bkpt, color='lawngreen', marker='o', markersize=4.0, mfc='lawngreen', fillstyle='full', linestyle='None', label='Good B-spline breakpoints') ax.set_ylim((0.99*yfit.min(),1.01*yfit.max())) plt.legend() # Return # ToDO worth thinking about whether we want to return a mask here. It makese no sense to return outmask # in its present form though since that does not refer to the whole image. # return bgframe, outmask return ythis
[docs] def skyoptimal(piximg, data, ivar, oprof, sigrej=3.0, npoly=1, spatial_img=None, fullbkpt=None): """ Utility routine used by local_skysub_extract that performs the joint b-spline fit for sky-background and object flux. Parameters ---------- piximg : `numpy.ndarray`_ piximg is tilts*(nspec-1) where nspec is the number of pixels in the spectral direction of the raw image. This is a wavelength in image coordinates which acts as the independent variable for sky and object model fits. This is 1d array (flattened in the calling routine) with shape= (nflat,). data : `numpy.ndarray`_ science data that is being fit. Same shape as piximg. ivar : `numpy.ndarray`_ inverse variance of science data that is being fit. Same shape as piximg. oprof : `numpy.ndarray`_ Flattened object profiles for the data that is being fit. Shape = (nflat, nobj) where nobj is the number of objects being simultaneously fit. In other words, there are nobj object profiles. sigrej : :obj:`float`, optional Sigma threshold for outlier rejection. npoly : :obj:`int`, optional Order of polynomaial for the sky-background basis function. If spatial_img is passed in a fit with two independent variables will be performed (spectral described by piximg, and spatial direction described by spatia_img) and a legendre polynomial basis of order npoly will be used for the spatial direction. If npoly=1 or if spatial_img is not passed, a flat spatial profile basis funciton will instead be used. spatial_img : `numpy.ndarray`_, optional Image of the spatial coordinates of each pixel in the image used for 2d fitting. Same shape as piximg. fullbkpt : `numpy.ndarray`_, optional A 1d float array containing the breakpoints to be used for the B-spline fit. The breakpoints are arranged in the spectral direction, i.e. along the direction of the piximg independent variable. Returns ------- sky_bmodel : `numpy.ndarray`_ Array with same shape as piximg containing the B-spline model of the sky. obj_bmodel : `numpy.ndarray`_ Array with same shape as piximg containing the B-spline model of the object flux. gpm : `numpy.ndarray`_ Boolean good pixel mask array with the same shape as piximg indicating whether a pixel is good (True) or was masked (False). """ sortpix = piximg.argsort(kind='stable') nx = data.size nc = oprof.shape[0] nobj = int(oprof.size / nc) if nc != nx: raise ValueError('Object profile should have oprof.shape[0] equal to nx')'Iter Chi^2 Rejected Pts') xmin = 0.0 xmax = 1.0 if ((npoly == 1) | (spatial_img is None)): profile_basis = np.column_stack((oprof, np.ones(nx))) else: xmin = spatial_img.min() xmax = spatial_img.max() x2 = 2.0 * (spatial_img - xmin) / (xmax - xmin) - 1 poly_basis = basis.flegendre(x2, npoly) profile_basis = np.column_stack((oprof, poly_basis)) relative_mask = (np.sum(oprof, axis=1) > 1e-10) indx, = np.where(ivar[sortpix] > 0.0) ngood = indx.size good = sortpix[indx] good = good[piximg[good].argsort(kind='stable')] relative, = np.where(relative_mask[good]) gpm = np.zeros(piximg.shape, dtype=bool) if ngood > 0: sset1, gpm_good1, yfit1, red_chi1, exit_status \ = fitting.bspline_profile(piximg[good], data[good], ivar[good], profile_basis[good, :], fullbkpt=fullbkpt, upper=sigrej, lower=sigrej, relative=relative, kwargs_reject={'groupbadpix': True, 'maxrej': 5}) else: msgs.warn('All pixels are masked in skyoptimal. Not performing local sky subtraction.') return np.zeros_like(piximg), np.zeros_like(piximg), gpm chi2 = (data[good] - yfit1) ** 2 * ivar[good] chi2_srt = np.sort(chi2) gauss_prob = 1.0 - 2.0 * scipy.special.ndtr(-1.2 * sigrej) sigind = int(np.fmin(np.rint(gauss_prob * float(ngood)), ngood - 1)) chi2_sigrej = chi2_srt[sigind] mask1 = (chi2 < chi2_sigrej)'2nd round....')'Iter Chi^2 Rejected Pts') if np.any(mask1): sset, gpm_good, yfit, red_chi, exit_status \ = fitting.bspline_profile(piximg[good], data[good], ivar[good], profile_basis[good,:], ingpm=mask1, fullbkpt=fullbkpt, upper=sigrej, lower=sigrej, relative=relative, kwargs_reject={'groupbadpix': True, 'maxrej': 1}) else: msgs.warn('All pixels are masked in skyoptimal after first round of rejection. Not performing local sky subtraction.') return np.zeros_like(piximg), np.zeros_like(piximg), gpm ncoeff = npoly + nobj skyset = bspline.bspline(None, fullbkpt=sset.breakpoints, nord=sset.nord, npoly=npoly) # Set coefficients for the sky. # The rehshape below deals with the different sizes of the coeff for npoly = 1 vs npoly > 1 # and mirrors similar logic in the skyset.coeff = sset.coeff[nobj:, :].reshape(skyset.coeff.shape) skyset.mask = sset.mask skyset.xmin = xmin skyset.xmax = xmax # JFH TODO Seems odd that spatial_img is not centered in the same way as x2 above. The value code recenters # the x2 input about skyset.xmin and skyset.xmax but I admit I don't completely follow sky_bmodel, _ = skyset.value(piximg, x2=spatial_img) obj_bmodel = np.zeros(sky_bmodel.shape) objset = bspline.bspline(None, fullbkpt=sset.breakpoints, nord=sset.nord) objset.mask = sset.mask for i in range(nobj): objset.coeff = sset.coeff[i, :] obj_bmodel1, _ = objset.value(piximg) obj_bmodel = obj_bmodel + obj_bmodel1 * profile_basis[:, i] gpm[good] = gpm_good return sky_bmodel, obj_bmodel, gpm
[docs] def optimal_bkpts(bkpts_optimal, bsp_min, piximg, sampmask, samp_frac=0.80, skyimage = None, min_spat=None, max_spat=None, debug=False): """ Generate an array of optimally spaced breakpoints for the global sky subtraction algorithm. Parameters ---------- bkpts_optimal: bool If True, then the breakpoints are optimally spaced. If False, then the breakpoints are spaced uniformly. bsp_min: float Desired B-spline breakpoint spacing in pixels piximg: `numpy.ndarray`_ Image containing the pixel sampling, i.e. (nspec-1)*tilts. shape = (nspec, nspat) sampmask: `numpy.ndarray`_ Boolean array indicating the pixels for which the B-spline fit will actually be evaluated. True = Good, False=Bad samp_frac: float The fraction of spectral direction pixels required to have a sampling difference < bsp_min in order to instead adopt a uniform break point spacing, rather adopting the optimally spaced breakpoints. skyimage: `numpy.ndarray`_ Sky model image used only for QA. shape = (nspec, nspat) min_spat: float, optional Minimum spatial pixel used for local sky subtraction fitting. Only used for title of QA plot. max_spat: float, optional Maximum spatial pixel used for local sky subtraction fitting. Only used for title of QA plot. debug: bool, optional Show QA plot to debug breakpoint placing. Returns ------- fullbkpt: `numpy.ndarray`_ Locations of the optimally sampled breakpoints """ pix = piximg[sampmask] isrt = pix.argsort(kind='stable') pix = pix[isrt] piximg_min = pix.min() piximg_max = pix.max() bset0 = bspline.bspline(pix, nord=4, bkspace=bsp_min) fullbkpt_grid = bset0.breakpoints keep = (fullbkpt_grid >= piximg_min) & (fullbkpt_grid <= piximg_max) fullbkpt_grid = fullbkpt_grid[keep] used_grid = False if not bkpts_optimal:'bkpts_optimal = False --> using uniform bkpt spacing spacing: bsp={:5.3f}'.format(bsp_min)) fullbkpt = fullbkpt_grid used_grid = True else: piximg_temp = piximg_temp.mask = np.invert(sampmask) samplmin =,fill_value=np.inf,axis=1) samplmin = samplmin[np.invert(samplmin.mask)].data samplmax =,fill_value=-np.inf,axis=1) samplmax = samplmax[np.invert(samplmax.mask)].data if samplmax.size != samplmin.size: msgs.error('This should not happen') nbkpt = samplmax.size # Determine the sampling. dsamp represents the gap in spectral pixel (wavelength) coverage between # subsequent spectral direction pixels in the piximg, i.e. it is the difference between the minimum # value of the piximg at spectral direction pixel i+1, and the maximum value of the piximg at spectral # direction pixel i. A negative value dsamp < 0 implies continuous sampling with no gaps, i.e. the # the arc lines are sufficiently tilted that there is no sampling gap. dsamp_init = np.roll(samplmin, -1) - samplmax dsamp_init[nbkpt - 1] = dsamp_init[nbkpt - 2] kernel_size = int(np.fmax(np.ceil(dsamp_init.size*0.01)//2*2 + 1,15)) # This ensures kernel_size is odd dsamp_med = scipy.ndimage.median_filter(dsamp_init, size=kernel_size, mode='reflect') boxcar_size = int(np.fmax(np.ceil(dsamp_med.size*0.005)//2*2 + 1,5)) # Boxcar smooth median dsamp kernel = np.ones(boxcar_size)/ float(boxcar_size) dsamp = scipy.ndimage.convolve(dsamp_med, kernel, mode='reflect') # if more than samp_frac of the pixels have dsamp < bsp_min than just use a uniform breakpoint spacing if np.sum(dsamp <= bsp_min) > samp_frac*nbkpt:'Sampling of wavelengths is nearly continuous.')'Using uniform bkpt spacing: bsp={:5.3f}'.format(bsp_min)) fullbkpt = fullbkpt_grid used_grid = True else: fullbkpt_orig = samplmax + dsamp/2.0 fullbkpt_orig.sort() # Compute the distance between breakpoints dsamp_bkpt = fullbkpt_orig-np.roll(fullbkpt_orig, 1) dsamp_bkpt[0] = dsamp_bkpt[1] # Good breakpoints are those that are at least separated by our original desired bkpt spacing igood = dsamp_bkpt >= bsp_min if np.any(igood): fullbkpt_orig = fullbkpt_orig[igood] fullbkpt = fullbkpt_orig.copy() # Recompute the distance between breakpoints dsamp_bkpt = fullbkpt_orig-np.roll(fullbkpt_orig, 1) dsamp_bkpt[0] = dsamp_bkpt[1] nbkpt = fullbkpt_orig.size for ibkpt in range(nbkpt): dsamp_eff = np.fmax(dsamp_bkpt[ibkpt], bsp_min) # can we fit in another bkpt? if dsamp_bkpt[ibkpt] > 2*dsamp_eff: nsmp = int(np.fmax(np.floor(dsamp_bkpt[ibkpt]/dsamp_eff),2)) bkpt_new = fullbkpt_orig[ibkpt - 1] + (np.arange(nsmp - 1) + 1)*dsamp_bkpt[ibkpt]/float(nsmp) indx_arr = np.where(fullbkpt == fullbkpt_orig[ibkpt-1])[0] if len(indx_arr) > 0: indx_bkpt = indx_arr[0] if indx_bkpt == 0: fullbkpt = np.hstack((fullbkpt[0], bkpt_new, fullbkpt[indx_bkpt + 1:])) elif indx_bkpt == (fullbkpt.size-2): fullbkpt = np.hstack((fullbkpt[0:indx_bkpt], bkpt_new, fullbkpt[indx_bkpt + 1])) else: fullbkpt = np.hstack((fullbkpt[0:indx_bkpt], bkpt_new, fullbkpt[indx_bkpt + 1:])) fullbkpt.sort() keep = (fullbkpt >= piximg_min) & (fullbkpt <= piximg_max) fullbkpt = fullbkpt[keep] if debug: plt.figure(figsize=(14, 6)) sky = skyimage[sampmask] sky = sky[isrt] # This is approximate and only for the sake of visualization: spat_samp_vec = np.sum(sampmask, axis=1) # spatial sampling per spectral direction pixel spat_samp_med = np.median(spat_samp_vec[spat_samp_vec > 0]) window_size = int(np.ceil(5 * spat_samp_med)) sky_med_filt = utils.fast_running_median(sky, window_size) sky_bkpt_grid = np.interp(fullbkpt_grid, pix, sky_med_filt) sky_bkpt = np.interp(fullbkpt, pix, sky_med_filt) plt.clf() ax = plt.gca() ax.plot(pix, sky, color='k', marker='o', markersize=0.4, mfc='k', fillstyle='full', linestyle='None') # ax.plot(pix, sky_med_filt, color='cornflowerblue', label='median sky', linewidth=1.2) if used_grid == False: ax.plot(fullbkpt_grid, sky_bkpt_grid, color='lawngreen', marker='o', markersize=2.0, mfc='lawngreen', fillstyle='full', linestyle='None', label='uniform bkpt grid') color = 'red' title_str = '' else: color = 'lawngreen' title_str = 'Used Grid: ' ax.plot(fullbkpt, sky_bkpt, color=color, marker='o', markersize=4.0, mfc=color, fillstyle='full', linestyle='None', label='optimal bkpts') ax.set_ylim((0.99 * sky_med_filt.min(), 1.01 * sky_med_filt.max())) if min_spat is not None: plt.title(title_str + 'bkpt sampling spat pixels {:7.1f}-{:7.1f}'.format(min_spat, max_spat)) plt.legend() return fullbkpt
[docs] def local_skysub_extract(sciimg, sciivar, tilts, waveimg, global_sky, thismask, slit_left, slit_righ, sobjs, ingpm=None, bkg_redux_global_sky=None, fwhmimg=None, flatimg=None, spat_pix=None, adderr=0.01, bsp=0.6, trim_edg=(3,3), std=False, prof_nsigma=None, niter=4, extract_good_frac=0.005, sigrej=3.5, bkpts_optimal=True, debug_bkpts=False, force_gauss=False, sn_gauss=4.0, model_full_slit=False, model_noise=True, show_profile=False, show_resids=False, use_2dmodel_mask=True, no_local_sky=False, base_var=None, count_scale=None): r""" Perform local sky subtraction and extraction IMPROVE THIS DOCSTRING Parameters ---------- sciimg : `numpy.ndarray`_ science image, usually with a global sky subtracted. shape = (nspec, nspat) sciivar : `numpy.ndarray`_ inverse variance of science image. shape = (nspec, nspat) tilts : `numpy.ndarray`_ spectral tilts. shape=(nspec, nspat) waveimg : `numpy.ndarray`_ 2-d wavelength map global_sky : `numpy.ndarray`_ Global sky model produced by global_skysub thismask : `numpy.ndarray`_ Specifies pixels in the slit in question slit_left : `numpy.ndarray`_ Left slit boundary in floating point pixels. shape (nspec, 1) or (nspec) slit_righ : `numpy.ndarray`_ Right slit boundary in floating point pixels. shape (nspec, 1) or (nspec) sobjs : :class:`~pypeit.specobjs.SpecObjs` object Object containing the information about the objects found on the slit/order from objfind or ech_objfind ingpm : `numpy.ndarray`_, optional Input mask with any non-zero item flagged as False using :class:`pypeit.images.imagebitmask.ImageBitMask` shape=(nspec, nspat) bkg_redux_global_sky : `numpy.ndarray`_, optional Global sky model produced by global_skysub without the background subtraction. If sciimg is an A-B image, then this is the global sky modeled from the A image, while `global_sky` is the global modeled from the A-B image. This is None if the sciimg is not an A-B image. fwhmimg : `numpy.ndarray`_, None, optional Floating-point image containing the modeled spectral FWHM (in pixels) at every pixel location. Must have the same shape as ``sciimg``, :math:`(N_{\rm spec}, N_{\rm spat})`. flatimg : `numpy.ndarray`_, None, optional Image containing the model of the flat field. If None, the blaze function will not be calculated. spat_pix: `numpy.ndarray`_, optional Image containing the spatial location of pixels. If not input, it will be computed from ``spat_img = np.outer(np.ones(nspec), np.arange(nspat))``. This option should generally not be used unless one is extracting 2d coadds for which a rectified image contains sub-pixel spatial information. shape (nspec, nspat) adderr : float, default = 0.01 Error floor. The quantity adderr**2*sciframe**2 is added to the variance to ensure that the S/N is never > 1/adderr, effectively setting a floor on the noise or a ceiling on the S/N. This is one of the components needed to construct the model variance (this is the same as ``noise_floor`` in :func:`~pypeit.core.procimg.variance_model`); see ``model_noise``. bsp : float, default = 0.6 Break point spacing in pixels for the b-spline sky subtraction. trim_edg : tuple of ints of floats, default = (3,3) Number of pixels to be ignored on the (left,right) edges of the slit in object/sky model fits. std : bool, default = False This should be set to True if the object being extracted is a standards star so that the reduction parameters can be adjusted accordingly. prof_nsigma : int or float, default = None Number of sigmas that the object profile will be fit, i.e. the region extending from -prof_nsigma to +prof_nsigma will be fit where sigma = FWHM/2.35. This option should only be used for bright large extended source with tails in their light profile like elliptical galaxies. If prof_nsigma is set then the profiles will no longer be apodized by an exponential at large distances from the trace. niter : int, default = 4 Number of iterations for successive profile fitting and local sky-subtraction extract_good_frac: float, default = 0.005 Minimum fraction of pixels along the spectral direction with good optimal extraction sigrej : :obj:`float`, optional Outlier rejection threshold for sky and object fitting Set by par['scienceimage']['skysub']['sky_sigrej'] bkpts_optimal : bool, optional Parameter governing whether spectral direction breakpoints for b-spline sky/object modeling are determined optimally. If ``bkpts_optimal=True``, the optimal break-point spacing will be determined directly using the optimal_bkpts function by measuring how well we are sampling the sky using ``piximg = (nspec-1)*yilyd``. The bsp parameter in this case corresponds to the minimum distance between breakpoints which we allow. If ``bkpts_optimal = False``, the break-points will be chosen to have a uniform spacing in pixel units sets by the bsp parameter, i.e. using the bkspace functionality of the bspline class:: bset = bspline.bspline(piximg_values, nord=4, bkspace=bsp) fullbkpt = bset.breakpoints debug_bkpts : bool, default=False Make an interactive plot to the screen to indicate how the breakpoints are being chosen. force_gauss : bool, default = False If True, a Gaussian profile will always be assumed for the optimal extraction using the FWHM determined from object finding (or provided by the user) for the spatial profile. sn_gauss : int or float, default = 4.0 The signal to noise threshold above which optimal extraction with non-parametric b-spline fits to the objects spatial profile will be performed. For objects with median S/N < sn_gauss, a Gaussian profile will simply be assumed because there is not enough S/N to justify performing a more complicated fit. model_full_slit : bool, default = False Set the maskwidth of the objects to be equal to the slit width/2 such that the entire slit will be modeled by the local skysubtraction. This mode is recommended for echelle spectra with reasonably narrow slits. model_noise : bool, default = True If True, construct and iteratively update a model inverse variance image using :func:`~pypeit.core.procimg.variance_model`. Construction of the model variance *requires* ``base_var``, and will use the provided values or defaults for the remaining :func:`~pypeit.core.procimg.variance_model` parameters. If False, a variance model will not be created and instead the input sciivar will always be taken to be the inverse variance. Note that in order for the noise model to make any sense one needs to be subtracting the sky and *not* the sky residuals. In other words, for near-IR reductions where difference imaging has been performed and this algorithm is used to fit out the sky residuals (but not the sky itself) one should definitely set model_noise=False since otherwise the code will attempt to create a noise model using sky residuals instead of the sky, which is incorrect (does not have the right count levels). In principle this could be improved if the user could pass in a model of what the sky is for near-IR difference imaging + residual subtraction show_profile : bool, default=False Show QA for the object profile fitting to the screen. Note that this will show interactive matplotlib plots which will block the execution of the code until the window is closed. show_resids : bool, optional Show the model fits and residuals. use_2dmodel_mask : bool, optional Use the mask made from profile fitting when extracting? no_local_sky : bool, optional If True, do not fit local sky model, only object profile and extract optimally The objimage will be all zeros. base_var : `numpy.ndarray`_, shape is (nspec, nspat), optional The "base-level" variance in the data set by the detector properties and the image processing steps. See :func:`~pypeit.core.procimg.base_variance`. count_scale : :obj:`float`, `numpy.ndarray`_, optional A scale factor, :math:`s`, that *has already been applied* to the provided science image. It accounts for the number of frames contributing to the provided counts, and the relative throughput factors that can be measured from flat-field frames plus a scaling factor applied if the counts of each frame are scaled to the mean counts of all frames. For example, if the image has been flat-field corrected, this is the inverse of the flat-field counts. If None, set to 1. If a single float, assumed to be constant across the full image. If an array, the shape must match ``base_var``. The variance will be 0 wherever :math:`s \leq 0`, modulo the provided ``adderr``. This is one of the components needed to construct the model variance; see ``model_noise``. Returns ------- skyimage : `numpy.ndarray`_ Model sky flux where ``thismask`` is true. bkg_redux_skyimage : `numpy.ndarray`_ Model sky flux where ``thismask`` is true, but without the background subtraction. This is None if the sciimg is not an A-B image, i.e., if bkg_redux_global_sky is None. NOTE: Currently, this is not modified by the local sky subtraction, i.e., it is the same as the input global sky. objimage : `numpy.ndarray`_ Model object flux where ``thismask`` is true. modelivar : `numpy.ndarray`_ Model inverse variance where ``thismask`` is true. outmask : :class:`~pypeit.images.imagebitmask.ImageBitMaskArray` Copy of ``fullmask`` but with added flags were the image was extracted. """ # Check input if model_noise and base_var is None: msgs.error('Must provide base_var to iteratively update and improve the noise model.') if base_var is not None and base_var.shape != sciimg.shape: msgs.error('Base variance array does not match science image array shape.') # TODO Force traces near edges to always be extracted with a Gaussian profile. # TODO -- This should be using the SlitTraceSet method ximg, edgmask = pixels.ximg_and_edgemask(slit_left, slit_righ, thismask, trim_edg=trim_edg) nspat = sciimg.shape[1] nspec = sciimg.shape[0] piximg = tilts * (nspec-1) # Copy the specobjs that will be the output nobj = len(sobjs) # Set up the prof_nsigma if (prof_nsigma is None): prof_nsigma1 = np.full(len(sobjs), None) elif np.size(prof_nsigma) == 1: prof_nsigma1 = np.full(nobj, prof_nsigma) elif np.size(prof_nsigma) == nobj: prof_nsigma1 = prof_nsigma else: raise ValueError('Invalid size for prof_nsigma.') for iobj in range(nobj): sobjs[iobj].prof_nsigma = prof_nsigma1[iobj] # Set some rejection parameters based on whether this is a standard or not. Only reject extreme outliers for standards # since super high S/N and low order profile models imply we will always have large outliers if std is True: chi2_sigrej = 100.0 #sigrej_ceil = 1e10 sigrej = 50.0 # 25 wasn't enough for MagE 2x2 binning (probably undersampled) else: # TODO Why is this not an input parameter chi2_sigrej = 6.0 #sigrej_ceil = 10.0 # We will use this number later gauss_prob = 1.0 - 2.0 * scipy.special.ndtr(-sigrej) # Create the images that will be returned modelivar = np.copy(sciivar) objimage = np.zeros_like(sciimg) skyimage = np.copy(global_sky) bkg_redux_skyimage = np.copy(bkg_redux_global_sky) if bkg_redux_global_sky is not None else None # Masks if ingpm is None: ingpm = (sciivar > 0.0) & thismask & np.isfinite(sciimg) & np.isfinite(sciivar) inmask = ingpm & thismask outmask = np.copy(inmask) # True is good # TODO Add a line of code here that updates the modelivar using the global sky if nobj = 0 and simply returns spat_img = np.outer(np.ones(nspec), np.arange(nspat)) if spat_pix is None: spat_pix = spat_img xsize = slit_righ - slit_left # TODO Can this be simply replaced with spat_img above (but not spat_pix since that could have holes) spatial_img = thismask * ximg * (np.outer(xsize, np.ones(nspat))) # First, we find all groups of objects to local skysubtract together groups = sobjs.get_extraction_groups(model_full_slit=model_full_slit) for group in groups: if model_full_slit: # If we're modelling the full slit, update the entire slit. min_spat1 = slit_left max_spat1 = slit_righ else: # The default value of maskwidth = 4.0 * FWHM = 9.4 * sigma in objfind with a log(S/N) correction for bright objects # But the width can be adjusted with `par['reduce']['skysub']['local_maskwidth']` left_edges = np.array([sobjs[i].TRACE_SPAT - sobjs[i].maskwidth - 1 for i in group]) righ_edges = np.array([sobjs[i].TRACE_SPAT + sobjs[i].maskwidth + 1 for i in group]) min_spat1 = np.maximum(np.amin(left_edges, axis=0), slit_left) max_spat1 = np.minimum(np.amax(righ_edges, axis=0), slit_righ) # Create the local mask which defines the pixels that will be updated by local sky subtraction min_spat_img = min_spat1[:, None] max_spat_img = max_spat1[:, None] localmask = (spat_img > min_spat_img) & (spat_img < max_spat_img) & thismask if np.sum(localmask) == 0: msgs.error('There are no pixels on the localmask for group={}. ' 'Something is very wrong with either your slit edges or your object traces'.format(group)) npoly = skysub_npoly(localmask) # Some bookeeping to define the sub-image and make sure it does not land off the mask objwork = len(group) scope = np.sum(thismask, axis=0) iscp, = np.where(scope) imin = iscp.min() imax = iscp.max() min_spat = np.fmax(np.floor(min(min_spat1)), imin) max_spat = np.fmin(np.ceil(max(max_spat1)), imax) nc = int(max_spat - min_spat + 1) spec_vec = np.arange(nspec, dtype=int) #np.intp) spat_vec = np.arange(min_spat, min_spat + nc, dtype=int) #np.intp) ipix = np.ix_(spec_vec, spat_vec) obj_profiles = np.zeros((nspec, nspat, objwork), dtype=float) sigrej_eff = sigrej for iiter in range(1, niter + 1):'--------------------------REDUCING: Iteration # ' + '{:2d}'.format(iiter) + ' of ' + '{:2d}'.format(niter) + '---------------------------------------------------') img_minsky = sciimg - skyimage for ii in range(objwork): iobj = group[ii] if iiter == 1: # If this is the first iteration, print status message. Initiate profile fitting with a simple # boxcar extraction."----------------------------------- PROFILE FITTING --------------------------------------------------------")"Fitting profile for obj # " + "{:}".format(sobjs[iobj].OBJID) + " of {:}".format(nobj))"At x = {:5.2f}".format(sobjs[iobj].SPAT_PIXPOS) + " on slit # {:}".format(sobjs[iobj].slit_order))"------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------") # TODO -- Use extract_specobj_boxcar to avoid code duplication extract.extract_boxcar(sciimg-skyimage, modelivar, outmask, waveimg, skyimage, sobjs[iobj], fwhmimg=fwhmimg, base_var=base_var, count_scale=count_scale, noise_floor=adderr) flux = sobjs[iobj].BOX_COUNTS fluxivar = sobjs[iobj].BOX_COUNTS_IVAR * sobjs[iobj].BOX_MASK wave = sobjs[iobj].BOX_WAVE else: # For later iterations, profile fitting is based on an optimal extraction last_profile = obj_profiles[:, :, ii] trace = sobjs[iobj].TRACE_SPAT[:, None] objmask = ((spat_img >= (trace - 2.0 * sobjs[iobj].BOX_RADIUS)) & (spat_img <= (trace + 2.0 * sobjs[iobj].BOX_RADIUS))) # Boxcar extract.extract_boxcar(sciimg-skyimage, modelivar, (outmask & objmask), waveimg, skyimage, sobjs[iobj], fwhmimg=fwhmimg, flatimg=flatimg, base_var=base_var, count_scale=count_scale, noise_floor=adderr) # Optimal extract.extract_optimal(sciimg-skyimage, modelivar, (outmask & objmask), waveimg, skyimage, thismask, last_profile, sobjs[iobj], fwhmimg=fwhmimg, flatimg=flatimg, base_var=base_var, count_scale=count_scale, noise_floor=adderr) # If the extraction is bad do not update if sobjs[iobj].OPT_MASK is not None: # if there is only one good pixel `extract.fit_profile` fails if np.sum(sobjs[iobj].OPT_MASK) > extract_good_frac * nspec: flux = sobjs[iobj].OPT_COUNTS fluxivar = sobjs[iobj].OPT_COUNTS_IVAR*sobjs[iobj].OPT_MASK wave = sobjs[iobj].OPT_WAVE obj_string = 'obj # {:}'.format(sobjs[iobj].OBJID) + ' on slit # {:}'.format(sobjs[iobj].slit_order) + ', iter # {:}'.format(iiter) + ':' if wave.any(): sign = sobjs[iobj].sign # TODO This is "sticky" masking. Do we want it to be? profile_model, trace_new, fwhmfit, med_sn2 = extract.fit_profile( sign*img_minsky[ipix], (modelivar * outmask)[ipix],waveimg[ipix], thismask[ipix], spat_pix[ipix], sobjs[iobj].TRACE_SPAT, wave, sign*flux, fluxivar, inmask = outmask[ipix], thisfwhm=sobjs[iobj].FWHM, prof_nsigma=sobjs[iobj].prof_nsigma, sn_gauss=sn_gauss, gauss=force_gauss, obj_string=obj_string, show_profile=show_profile) # Update the object profile and the fwhm and mask parameters obj_profiles[ipix[0], ipix[1], ii] = profile_model sobjs[iobj].TRACE_SPAT = trace_new sobjs[iobj].FWHMFIT = fwhmfit sobjs[iobj].FWHM = np.median(fwhmfit) # TODO JFH In the xidl code the maskwidth was being updated which impacted the sub-image used for the # fit_profile profile fitting. This is no longer the case in the python version. However, I'm leaving # these lines here in case we decide to implement # something like that. #mask_fact = 1.0 + 0.5 * np.log10(np.fmax(np.sqrt(np.fmax(med_sn2, 0.0)), 1.0)) #maskwidth = extract_maskwidth*np.median(fwhmfit) * mask_fact #sobjs[iobj].maskwidth = maskwidth if sobjs[iobj].prof_nsigma is None else \ # sobjs[iobj].prof_nsigma * (sobjs[iobj].FWHM / 2.3548) else: msgs.warn("Bad extracted wavelengths in local_skysub_extract") msgs.warn("Skipping this profile fit and continuing.....") # Fit the local sky sky_bmodel = np.array(0.0) iterbsp = 0 while (not sky_bmodel.any()) & (iterbsp <= 4) & (not no_local_sky): bsp_now = (1.2 ** iterbsp) * bsp fullbkpt = optimal_bkpts(bkpts_optimal, bsp_now, piximg, localmask, debug=(debug_bkpts & (iiter == niter)), skyimage=skyimage, min_spat=min_spat, max_spat=max_spat) # check to see if only a subset of the image is used. # if so truncate input pixels since this can result in singular matrices isub, = np.where(localmask.flatten()) #sortpix = (piximg.flat[isub]).argsort() obj_profiles_flat = obj_profiles.reshape(nspec * nspat, objwork) skymask = outmask & np.logical_not(edgmask) sky_bmodel, obj_bmodel, outmask_opt = skyoptimal( piximg.flat[isub], sciimg.flat[isub], (modelivar * skymask).flat[isub], obj_profiles_flat[isub, :], spatial_img=spatial_img.flat[isub], fullbkpt=fullbkpt, sigrej=sigrej_eff, npoly=npoly) iterbsp = iterbsp + 1 if (not sky_bmodel.any()) & (iterbsp <= 3): msgs.warn('***************************************') msgs.warn('WARNING: bspline sky-subtraction failed') msgs.warn('Increasing bkpt spacing by 20%. Retry') msgs.warn( 'Old bsp = {:5.2f}'.format(bsp_now) + '; New bsp = {:5.2f}'.format(1.2 ** (iterbsp) * bsp)) msgs.warn('***************************************') if sky_bmodel.any(): skyimage.flat[isub] = sky_bmodel objimage.flat[isub] = obj_bmodel img_minsky.flat[isub] = sciimg.flat[isub] - sky_bmodel igood1 = skymask.flat[isub] # update the outmask for only those pixels that were fit. This prevents masking of slit edges in outmask outmask.flat[isub[igood1]] = outmask_opt[igood1] # For weighted co-adds, the variance of the image is no longer equal to the image, and so the modelivar # eqn. below is not valid. However, co-adds already have the model noise propagated correctly in sciivar, # so no need to re-model the variance. if model_noise: _base_var = None if base_var is None else base_var.flat[isub] _count_scale = None if count_scale is None else count_scale.flat[isub] # NOTE: darkcurr must be a float for the call below to work. var = procimg.variance_model(_base_var, counts=sky_bmodel+obj_bmodel, count_scale=_count_scale, noise_floor=adderr) modelivar.flat[isub] = utils.inverse(var) # Now do some masking based on this round of model fits chi2 = (img_minsky.flat[isub] - obj_bmodel) ** 2 * modelivar.flat[isub] igood = (skymask.flat[isub]) & (chi2 <= chi2_sigrej ** 2) ngd = np.sum(igood) if ngd > 0: chi2_good = chi2[igood] chi2_srt = np.sort(chi2_good) sigind = np.fmin(int(np.rint(gauss_prob * float(ngd))), ngd - 1) chi2_sigrej = chi2_srt[sigind] sigrej_eff = np.fmax(np.sqrt(chi2_sigrej), sigrej) # Maximum sigrej is sigrej_ceil (unless this is a standard) #sigrej_eff = np.fmin(sigrej_eff, sigrej_ceil)'Measured effective rejection from distribution of chi^2')'Instead of rejecting sigrej = {:5.2f}'.format(sigrej) + ', use threshold sigrej_eff = {:5.2f}'.format(sigrej_eff)) # Explicitly mask > sigrej outliers using the distribution of chi2 but only in the region that was actually fit. # This prevents e.g. excessive masking of slit edges outmask.flat[isub[igood1]] = outmask.flat[isub[igood1]] & (chi2[igood1] < chi2_sigrej) & ( sciivar.flat[isub[igood1]] > 0.0) nrej = outmask.flat[isub[igood1]].sum() 'Iteration = {:d}'.format(iiter) + ', rejected {:d}'.format(nrej) + ' of ' + '{:d}'.format( igood1.sum()) + ' fit pixels') elif no_local_sky: pass else: msgs.warn('ERROR: Bspline sky subtraction failed after 4 iterations of bkpt spacing') msgs.warn(' Moving on......') # obj_profiles = np.zeros_like(obj_profiles) isub, = np.where(localmask.flatten()) # Just replace with the global sky skyimage.flat[isub] = global_sky.flat[isub] if iiter == niter: msgs.warn('WARNING: LOCAL SKY SUBTRACTION NOT PERFORMED') outmask_extract = outmask if use_2dmodel_mask else inmask # Now that the iterations of profile fitting and sky subtraction are completed, # loop over the objwork objects in this grouping and perform the final extractions. # get the global sky model for the extraction extract_sky = skyimage if bkg_redux_skyimage is None else bkg_redux_skyimage for ii in range(objwork): iobj = group[ii]'Extracting obj # {:d}'.format(iobj + 1) + ' of {:d}'.format(nobj) + ' with objid = {:d}'.format(sobjs[iobj].OBJID) + ' on slit # {:d}'.format(sobjs[iobj].slit_order) + ' at x = {:5.2f}'.format(sobjs[iobj].SPAT_PIXPOS)) this_profile = obj_profiles[:, :, ii] trace = sobjs[iobj].TRACE_SPAT[:, None] # Optimal objmask = ((spat_img >= (trace - 2.0 * sobjs[iobj].BOX_RADIUS)) & (spat_img <= (trace + 2.0 * sobjs[iobj].BOX_RADIUS))) extract.extract_optimal(sciimg-skyimage, modelivar * thismask, (outmask_extract & objmask), waveimg, extract_sky, thismask, this_profile, sobjs[iobj], fwhmimg=fwhmimg, flatimg=flatimg, base_var=base_var, count_scale=count_scale, noise_floor=adderr) # Boxcar extract.extract_boxcar(sciimg-skyimage, modelivar*thismask, (outmask_extract & objmask), waveimg, extract_sky, sobjs[iobj], fwhmimg=fwhmimg, flatimg=flatimg, base_var=base_var, count_scale=count_scale, noise_floor=adderr) sobjs[iobj].min_spat = min_spat sobjs[iobj].max_spat = max_spat # If requested display the model fits for this slit if show_resids: viewer, ch = display.show_image((sciimg - skyimage - objimage) * np.sqrt(modelivar) * thismask, chname='residuals') # TODO add error checking here to see if ginga exists canvas = viewer.canvas(ch._chname) out1 = canvas.clear() out2 = ch.cut_levels(-5.0, 5.0) out3 = ch.set_color_algorithm('linear') # Overplot the traces for spec in sobjs: if spec.hand_extract_flag is False: color = 'magenta' else: color = 'orange' display.show_trace(viewer, ch, spec.TRACE_SPAT, spec.NAME, color=color) # These are the pixels that were masked by the extraction spec_mask, spat_mask = np.where((outmask == False) & (inmask == True)) nmask = len(spec_mask) # note: must cast numpy floats to regular python floats to pass the remote interface points_mask = [dict(type='point', args=(float(spat_mask[i]), float(spec_mask[i]), 2), kwargs=dict(style='plus', color='red')) for i in range(nmask)] # These are the pixels that were originally masked spec_omask, spat_omask = np.where((inmask == False) & (thismask == True)) nomask = len(spec_omask) # note: must cast numpy floats to regular python floats to pass the remote interface points_omask = [dict(type='point', args=(float(spat_omask[i]), float(spec_omask[i]), 2), kwargs=dict(style='plus', color='cyan')) for i in range(nomask)] # Labels for the points text_mask = [dict(type='text', args=(nspat / 2, nspec / 2, 'masked by extraction'), kwargs=dict(color='red', fontsize=20))] text_omask = [dict(type='text', args=(nspat / 2, nspec / 2 + 30, 'masked initially'), kwargs=dict(color='cyan', fontsize=20))] canvas_list = points_mask + points_omask + text_mask + text_omask canvas.add('constructedcanvas', canvas_list) return skyimage[thismask], bkg_redux_skyimage[thismask] if bkg_redux_skyimage is not None else None, \ objimage[thismask], modelivar[thismask], outmask[thismask]
[docs] def ech_local_skysub_extract(sciimg, sciivar, fullmask, tilts, waveimg, global_sky, left, right, slitmask, sobjs, spat_pix=None, bkg_redux_global_sky=None, fit_fwhm=False, fwhmimg=None, flatimg=None, min_snr=2.0, bsp=0.6, trim_edg=(3,3), std=False, prof_nsigma=None, use_2dmodel_mask=True, niter=4, sigrej=3.5, bkpts_optimal=True, force_gauss=False, sn_gauss=4.0, model_full_slit=False, model_noise=True, debug_bkpts=False, show_profile=False, show_resids=False, show_fwhm=False, adderr=0.01, base_var=None, count_scale=None, no_local_sky:bool=False): r""" Perform local sky subtraction, profile fitting, and optimal extraction slit by slit. Objects are sky/subtracted extracted in order of the highest average (across all orders) S/N ratio object first, and then for a given object the highest S/N ratio orders are extracted first. The profile fitting FWHM are stored and progressively fit as the objects are extracted to properly ensure that low S/N orders use Gaussian extracted FWHMs from higher-S/N orders (i.e. in the regime where the data is too noisy for a non-parametric object profile fit). The FWHM of higher S/N ratio objects are used for lower S/N ratio objects (note this assumes point sources with FWHM set by the seeing). Note on masking: This routine requires that all masking be performed in the upstream calling routine (:class:`~pypeit.extraction.Extract`) and thus the left and right slit edge arrays must only contain these slits. Similarly, the sobjs object must only include the unmasked (good) objects that are to be extracted. The number of sobjs objects must equal to an integer multiple of the number of good slits/orders. The routine will fault if any of these criteria are not met. Parameters ---------- sciimg : `numpy.ndarray`_ Science image, usually with a global sky subtracted. shape = (nspec, nspat) sciivar : `numpy.ndarray`_ inverse variance of science image. shape = (nspec, nspat) fullmask : :class:`~pypeit.images.imagebitmask.ImageBitMaskArray` Image bitmask array. tilts : `numpy.ndarray`_ spectral tilts. shape=(nspec, nspat) waveimg : `numpy.ndarray`_ 2-d wavelength map global_sky : `numpy.ndarray`_ Global sky model produced by global_skysub left : `numpy.ndarray`_ Spatial-pixel coordinates for the left edges of each order. Shape = (nspec, norders) right : `numpy.ndarray`_ Spatial-pixel coordinates for the right edges of each order. Shape = (nspec, norders) slitmask : `numpy.ndarray`_ Image identifying the 0-indexed order associated with each pixel. Pixels with -1 are not associatead with any order. sobjs : :class:`~pypeit.specobjs.SpecObjs` object Object containing the information about the objects found on the slit/order from objfind or ech_objfind spat_pix: `numpy.ndarray`_, optional Image containing the spatial location of pixels. If not input, it will be computed from ``spat_img = np.outer(np.ones(nspec), np.arange(nspat))``. This option should generally not be used unless one is extracting 2d coadds for which a rectified image contains sub-pixel spatial information. shape=(nspec, nspat) bkg_redux_global_sky : `numpy.ndarray`_, optional Global sky model produced by global_skysub without the background subtraction. If sciimg is an A-B image, then this is the global sky modeled from the A image, while `global_sky` is the global modeled from the A-B image. This is None if the sciimg is not an A-B image. fit_fwhm: bool, optional if True, perform a fit to the FWHM of the object profiles to use for non-detected sources fwhmimg : `numpy.ndarray`_, None, optional Floating-point image containing the modeled spectral FWHM (in pixels) at every pixel location. Must have the same shape as ``sciimg``, :math:`(N_{\rm spec}, N_{\rm spat})`. flatimg : `numpy.ndarray`_, None, optional Image containing the model of the flat field. If None, the blaze function will not be calculated. min_snr: float, optional FILL IN bsp : float, default = 0.6 Break point spacing in pixels for the b-spline sky subtraction. trim_edg : tuple of ints of floats, default = (3,3) Number of pixels to be ignored on the (left,right) edges of the slit in object/sky model fits. std : bool, default = False This should be set to True if the object being extracted is a standards star so that the reduction parameters can be adjusted accordingly. prof_nsigma : int or float, default = None Number of sigmas that the object profile will be fit, i.e. the region extending from -prof_nsigma to +prof_nsigma will be fit where sigma = FWHM/2.35. This option should only be used for bright large extended source with tails in their light profile like elliptical galaxies. If prof_nsigma is set then the profiles will no longer be apodized by an exponential at large distances from the trace. use_2dmodel_mask : bool, optional Use the mask made from profile fitting when extracting? niter : int, optional Number of iterations for successive profile fitting and local sky-subtraction sigrej : :obj:`float`, optional Outlier rejection threshold for sky and object fitting Set by par['scienceimage']['skysub']['sky_sigrej'] bkpts_optimal : bool, optional Parameter governing whether spectral direction breakpoints for b-spline sky/object modeling are determined optimally. If ``bkpts_optima=True``, the optimal break-point spacing will be determined directly using the optimal_bkpts function by measuring how well we are sampling the sky using ``piximg = (nspec-1)*yilyd``. The bsp parameter in this case corresponds to the minimum distance between breakpoints which we allow. If ``bkpts_optimal = False``, the break-points will be chosen to have a uniform spacing in pixel units sets by the bsp parameter, i.e. using the bkspace functionality of the bspline class:: bset = bspline.bspline(piximg_values, nord=4, bkspace=bsp) fullbkpt = bset.breakpoints force_gauss : bool, default = False If True, a Gaussian profile will always be assumed for the optimal extraction using the FWHM determined from object finding (or provided by the user) for the spatial profile. sn_gauss : int or float, default = 4.0 The signal to noise threshold above which optimal extraction with non-parametric b-spline fits to the objects spatial profile will be performed. For objects with median S/N < sn_gauss, a Gaussian profile will simply be assumed because there is not enough S/N to justify performing a more complicated fit. model_full_slit : bool, default = False Set the maskwidth of the objects to be equal to the slit width/2 such that the entire slit will be modeled by the local skysubtraction. This mode is recommended for echelle spectra with reasonably narrow slits. model_noise : bool, default = True If True, construct and iteratively update a model inverse variance image using :func:`~pypeit.core.procimg.variance_model`. Construction of the model variance *requires* ``base_var``, and will use the provided values or defaults for the remaining :func:`~pypeit.core.procimg.variance_model` parameters. If False, a variance model will not be created and instead the input sciivar will always be taken to be the inverse variance. Note that in order for the noise model to make any sense one needs to be subtracting the sky and *not* the sky residuals. In other words, for near-IR reductions where difference imaging has been performed and this algorithm is used to fit out the sky residuals (but not the sky itself) one should definitely set model_noise=False since otherwise the code will attempt to create a noise model using sky residuals instead of the sky, which is incorrect (does not have the right count levels). In principle this could be improved if the user could pass in a model of what the sky is for near-IR difference imaging + residual subtraction debug_bkpts : bool, optional debug show_profile : bool, default=False Show QA for the object profile fitting to the screen. Note that this will show interactive matplotlib plots which will block the execution of the code until the window is closed. show_resids : bool, optional Show the model fits and residuals. show_fwhm : bool, optional show fwhm adderr : float, default = 0.01 Error floor. The quantity adderr**2*sciframe**2 is added to the variance to ensure that the S/N is never > 1/adderr, effectively setting a floor on the noise or a ceiling on the S/N. This is one of the components needed to construct the model variance (this is the same as ``noise_floor`` in :func:`~pypeit.core.procimg.variance_model`); see ``model_noise``. base_var : `numpy.ndarray`_, shape is (nspec, nspat), optional The "base-level" variance in the data, set by the detector properties and the image processing steps. See :func:`~pypeit.core.procimg.base_variance`. count_scale : :obj:`float`, `numpy.ndarray`_, optional A scale factor that *has already been applied* to the provided science image. It accounts for the number of frames contributing to the provided counts, and the relative throughput factors that can be measured from flat-field frames plus a scaling factor applied if the counts of each frame are scaled to the mean counts of all frames. For example, if the image has been flat-field corrected, this is the inverse of the flat-field counts. If None, set to 1. If a single float, assumed to be constant across the full image. If an array, the shape must match ``base_var``. The variance will be 0 wherever this array is not positive, modulo the provided ``adderr``. This is one of the components needed to construct the model variance; see ``model_noise``. no_local_sky : bool, default = False, optional If True, do not perform local sky subtraction. This is useful for A-B extraction where the sky has already been subtracted. Returns ------- skymodel : `numpy.ndarray`_ Model sky flux where ``thismask`` is true. bkg_redux_skymodel : `numpy.ndarray`_ Model sky flux where ``thismask`` is true, but without the background subtraction. This is None if the sciimg is not an A-B image, i.e., if bkg_redux_global_sky is None. NOTE: Currently, this is not modified by the local sky subtraction, i.e., it is the same as the input global sky. objmodel : `numpy.ndarray`_ Model object flux where ``thismask`` is true. ivarmodel : `numpy.ndarray`_ Model inverse variance where ``thismask`` is true. outmask : `numpy.ndarray`_ Model mask where ``thismask`` is true. sobjs : :class:`~pypeit.specobjs.SpecObjs` object Same object as passed in """ # Allocate the images that are needed # Initialize to mask in case no objects were found outmask = fullmask.copy() extractmask = fullmask.flagged(invert=True) # TODO case of no objects found should be properly dealt with by local_skysub_extract # Initialize to zero in case no objects were found objmodel = np.zeros_like(sciimg) # Set initially to global sky in case no objects were found skymodel = np.copy(global_sky) bkg_redux_skymodel = np.copy(bkg_redux_global_sky) if bkg_redux_global_sky is not None else None # Set initially to sciivar in case no obects were found. ivarmodel = np.copy(sciivar) sobjs = sobjs.copy() # Identify the unique SLITIDs and orders in the sobjs object slitids = np.unique(sobjs.SLITID) # This will also sort the slitids norders = (np.unique(sobjs.ECH_ORDER)).size # Find the spat IDs if norders != len(slitids): msgs.error('The number of orders in the sobjs object does not match the number of good slits in the ' 'slitmask image! There is a problem with the object/slitmask masking. This routine ' 'requires that all masking is performed in the calling routine.') # Check that the slit edges are masked consistent with the number of orders and the number of unique spatids nleft = left.shape[1] nrigh = right.shape[1] if nleft != nrigh or norders != nleft or norders != nrigh: msgs.error('The number of left and right edges must be the same as the number of orders. ' 'There is likely a problem with your masking') # Now assign the order_sn, and generate an order_vec aligned with the slitids uni_objid = np.unique(sobjs[sobjs.sign > 0].ECH_OBJID) nobjs = len(uni_objid) order_snr = np.full((norders, nobjs), np.nan) order_vec = np.zeros(norders, dtype=int) for islit, slitid in enumerate(slitids): for iobj in range(nobjs): ind = (sobjs.SLITID == slitid) & (sobjs.ECH_OBJID == uni_objid[iobj]) # Check for a missed order and fault if they exist if np.sum(ind) == 0: msgs.error('There is a missing order for object {0:d} on slit {1:d}!'.format(iobj, slitid)) if iobj == 0: order_vec[islit] = sobjs[ind].ECH_ORDER order_snr[islit,iobj] = sobjs[ind].ech_snr # Enforce that the number of objects in the sobjs object is an integer multiple of the number of good orders if (np.sum(sobjs.sign > 0) % norders) == 0: nobjs = int((np.sum(sobjs.sign > 0)/norders)) else: msgs.error('Number of specobjs in sobjs is not an integer multiple of the number or orders!') # Enforce that every object in sobj has an specobj on every good order if np.any(np.isnan(order_snr)): msgs.error('There are missing orders for one or more objects in sobjs. There is a problem with how you have ' 'masked objects in sobjs or slits in slitmask in the calling routine') # Compute the average SNR and find the brightest object snr_bar = np.mean(order_snr,axis=0) srt_obj = snr_bar.argsort(kind='stable')[::-1] ibright = srt_obj[0] # index of the brightest object # Now extract the orders in descending order of S/N for the brightest object srt_order_snr = order_snr[:,ibright].argsort(kind='stable')[::-1] fwhm_here = np.zeros(norders) fwhm_was_fit = np.zeros(norders,dtype=bool) # Print out a status message str_out = '' for iord in srt_order_snr: str_out += '{:<8d}{:<8d}{:>10.2f}'.format(slitids[iord], order_vec[iord], order_snr[iord,ibright]) + msgs.newline() dash = '-'*27 dash_big = '-'*40 + 'Reducing orders in order of S/N of brightest object:' + msgs.newline() + dash + msgs.newline() + '{:<8s}{:<8s}{:>10s}'.format('slit','order','S/N') + msgs.newline() + dash + msgs.newline() + str_out) # Loop over orders in order of S/N ratio (from highest to lowest) for the brightest object for iord in srt_order_snr: order = order_vec[iord]"Local sky subtraction and extraction for slit/order: {:d}/{:d}".format(iord,order)) other_orders = (fwhm_here > 0) & np.invert(fwhm_was_fit) other_fit = (fwhm_here > 0) & fwhm_was_fit # Loop over objects in order of S/N ratio (from highest to lowest) for iobj in srt_obj: if (order_snr[iord, iobj] <= min_snr) & (np.sum(other_orders) >= 3): if iobj == ibright: # If this is the brightest object then we extrapolate the FWHM from a fit #fwhm_coeffs = np.polyfit(order_vec[other_orders], fwhm_here[other_orders], 1) #fwhm_fit_eval = np.poly1d(fwhm_coeffs) #fwhm_fit = fwhm_fit_eval(order_vec[iord]) fwhm_was_fit[iord] = True # Either perform a linear fit to the FWHM or simply take the median if fit_fwhm: minx = 0.0 maxx = fwhm_here[other_orders].max() # ToDO robust_poly_fit needs to return minv and maxv as outputs for the fits to be usable downstream #fit_mask, fwhm_coeffs = fitting.robust_fit(order_vec[other_orders], fwhm_here[other_orders],1, pypeitFit = fitting.robust_fit(order_vec[other_orders], fwhm_here[other_orders],1, function='polynomial',maxiter=25,lower=2.0, upper=2.0, maxrej=1,sticky=False, minx=minx, maxx=maxx) fwhm_this_ord = pypeitFit.eval(order_vec[iord])#, 'polynomial', minx=minx, maxx=maxx) fwhm_all = pypeitFit.eval(order_vec)#, 'polynomial', minx=minx, maxx=maxx) fwhm_str = 'linear fit' else: fit_mask = np.ones_like(order_vec[other_orders],dtype=bool) fwhm_this_ord = np.median(fwhm_here[other_orders]) fwhm_all = np.full(norders,fwhm_this_ord) fwhm_str = 'median ' indx = (sobjs.ECH_OBJID == uni_objid[iobj]) & (sobjs.SLITID == slitids[iord]) for spec in sobjs[indx]: spec.FWHM = fwhm_this_ord str_out = '' for slit_now, order_now, snr_now, fwhm_now in zip( slitids[other_orders], order_vec[other_orders], order_snr[other_orders,ibright], fwhm_here[other_orders]): str_out += '{:<8d}{:<8d}{:>10.2f}{:>10.2f}'.format(slit_now, order_now, snr_now, fwhm_now) + msgs.newline() + 'Using' + fwhm_str + ' for FWHM of object={:d}'.format(uni_objid[iobj]) + ' on slit/order: {:d}/{:d}'.format(iord,order) + msgs.newline() + dash_big + msgs.newline() + '{:<8s}{:<8s}{:>10s}{:>10s}'.format('slit', 'order','SNR','FWHM') + msgs.newline() + dash_big + msgs.newline() + str_out[:-8] + fwhm_str.upper() + ':{:<8d}{:<8d}{:>10.2f}{:>10.2f}'.format(iord, order, order_snr[iord,ibright], fwhm_this_ord) + msgs.newline() + dash_big) if show_fwhm: plt.plot(order_vec[other_orders][fit_mask], fwhm_here[other_orders][fit_mask], marker='o', linestyle=' ', color='k', mfc='k', markersize=4.0, label='orders informing fit') if np.any(np.invert(fit_mask)): plt.plot(order_vec[other_orders][np.invert(fit_mask)], fwhm_here[other_orders][np.invert(fit_mask)], marker='o', linestyle=' ', color='magenta', mfc='magenta', markersize=4.0, label='orders rejected by fit') if np.any(other_fit): plt.plot(order_vec[other_fit], fwhm_here[other_fit], marker='o', linestyle=' ', color='lawngreen', mfc='lawngreen',markersize=4.0, label='fits to other low SNR orders') plt.plot([order_vec[iord]], [fwhm_this_ord], marker='o', linestyle=' ',color='red', mfc='red', markersize=6.0,label='this order') plt.plot(order_vec, fwhm_all, color='cornflowerblue', zorder=10, linewidth=2.0, label=fwhm_str) plt.legend() else: # If this is not the brightest object then assign it the FWHM of the brightest object indx = np.where((sobjs.ECH_OBJID == uni_objid[iobj]) & (sobjs.SLITID == slitids[iord]))[0][0] indx_bri = np.where((sobjs.ECH_OBJID == uni_objid[ibright]) & (sobjs.SLITID == slitids[iord]))[0][0] spec = sobjs[indx] spec.FWHM = sobjs[indx_bri].FWHM thisobj = (sobjs.SLITID == slitids[iord]) # indices of objects for this slit thismask = slitmask == slitids[iord] # pixels for this slit # True = Good, False = Bad for inmask inmask = fullmask.flagged(invert=True) & thismask # Local sky subtraction and extraction skymodel[thismask], _this_bkg_redux_skymodel, objmodel[thismask], ivarmodel[thismask], extractmask[thismask] \ = local_skysub_extract(sciimg, sciivar, tilts, waveimg, global_sky, thismask, left[:,iord], right[:,iord], sobjs[thisobj], bkg_redux_global_sky=bkg_redux_global_sky, fwhmimg=fwhmimg, flatimg=flatimg, spat_pix=spat_pix, ingpm=inmask, std=std, bsp=bsp, trim_edg=trim_edg, prof_nsigma=prof_nsigma, niter=niter, sigrej=sigrej, no_local_sky=no_local_sky, use_2dmodel_mask=use_2dmodel_mask, bkpts_optimal=bkpts_optimal, force_gauss=force_gauss, sn_gauss=sn_gauss, model_full_slit=model_full_slit, model_noise=model_noise, debug_bkpts=debug_bkpts, show_resids=show_resids, show_profile=show_profile, adderr=adderr, base_var=base_var, count_scale=count_scale) if bkg_redux_skymodel is not None: bkg_redux_skymodel[thismask] = _this_bkg_redux_skymodel # update the FWHM fitting vector for the brighest object indx = (sobjs.ECH_OBJID == uni_objid[ibright]) & (sobjs.SLITID == slitids[iord]) fwhm_here[iord] = np.median(sobjs[indx].FWHMFIT) # Did the FWHM get updated by the profile fitting routine in local_skysub_extract? If so, include this value # for future fits if np.abs(fwhm_here[iord] - sobjs[indx].FWHM) >= 0.01: fwhm_was_fit[iord] = False # Set the bit for pixels which were masked by the extraction. # For extractmask, True = Good, False = Bad iextract = fullmask.flagged(invert=True) & np.logical_not(extractmask) # Undefined inverse variances outmask.turn_on('EXTRACT', select=iextract) # Return return skymodel, bkg_redux_skymodel, objmodel, ivarmodel, outmask, sobjs
[docs] def convolve_skymodel(input_img, fwhm_map, thismask, subpixel=5, nsample=10): """Convolve an input image with a Gaussian function that ensures all pixels have the same FWHM (i.e. the returned image has a spectral resolution corresponding to the maximum FWHM specified in the input fwhm_map). To speed up the computation, the input image is uniformly convolved by a grid of FWHM values, and the final pixel-by-pixel convolved map is an interpolation of the grid point values. Args: input_img (`numpy.ndarray`_): The science frame, shape = nspec, nspat fwhm_map (`numpy.ndarray`_): An array (same shape as input_img), that specifies the FWHM at every pixel in the image. thismask (`numpy.ndarray`_): A boolean mask (True = good), same shape as input_img, of the detector pixels that fall in a slit and have a measured FWHM. subpixel (int, optional): Divide each pixel into this many subpixels to improve the accuracy of the convolution (a higher number gives a more accurate result, at the expense of computational time). nsample (int, optional): Number of grid points that will be used to evaluate the convolved image. Returns: `numpy.ndarray`_: The convolved input_img, same shape as input_img. """ fwhm_to_sig = 2 * np.sqrt(2 * np.log(2)) # Make a subpixellated input science image _input_img = np.repeat(input_img, subpixel, axis=0) _input_msk = np.repeat(thismask, subpixel, axis=0) # Calculate the excess sigma (in subpixel coordinates) sig_exc = subpixel * np.sqrt(np.max(fwhm_map[thismask])**2 - fwhm_map[thismask]**2)/fwhm_to_sig nspec, nspat = _input_img.shape # We need to loop over a range of kernel widths, and then interpolate. This assumes that the FWHM # locally around every pixel is roughly constant to within +/-5 sigma of the profile width kernwids = np.linspace(0.0, np.max(sig_exc), nsample) # Need to include the zero index # Setup the output array. Note that the first image is the input (i.e. no convolution) conv_allkern = np.zeros(input_img.shape + (nsample,)) conv_allkern[:, :, 0] = input_img for kk in range(nsample): if kk == 0: # The first element is the original image continue"Image spectral convolution - Evaluating grid point {kk}/{nsample - 1}") # Generate a kernel and normalise kernsize = 2 * int(5 * kernwids[kk] + 0.5) + 1 # Use a Gaussian kernel, covering +/-5sigma midp = (kernsize - 1) // 2 xkern = np.arange(kernsize, dtype=int) - midp kern = np.exp(-0.5 * (xkern / kernwids[kk]) ** 2) kern = kern / np.sum(kern) conv_allkern[:, :, kk] = utils.rebinND(utils.convolve_fft(_input_img, kern, _input_msk), input_img.shape) # Collect all of the images"Collating all convolution steps") conv_interp = RegularGridInterpolator((np.arange(conv_allkern.shape[0]), np.arange(nspat), kernwids), conv_allkern)"Applying the convolution solution") eval_spec, eval_spat = np.where(thismask) sciimg_conv = np.copy(input_img) sciimg_conv[thismask] = conv_interp((eval_spec, eval_spat, sig_exc)) # Return the convolved image return sciimg_conv
[docs] def read_userregions(skyreg, nslits, maxslitlength): """ Parse the sky regions defined by the user. The text should be a comma separated list of percentages to apply to all slits. Example ------- The string ``':10,35:65,80:'`` would select (in all slits): - the leftmost 10% of the slit length, - the inner 30% (from 35-65% of the slit length), and - the final 20% of the slit length (from 80-100% of the slit length) Parameters ---------- skyreg : str The sky region definition. nslits : int Number of slits on the detector maxslitlength: float The maximum slit length (in pixels). Returns ------- status : int Status of the region parsing (0 = Successful, 1,2 = fail) regions : list A list of size nslits. Each element contains a numpy array (dtype=bool) of size resolution. A True value indicates a value that is part of the sky region. """ # Define the resolution of the sky region boundary to be at least a tenth of a pixel resolution = int(10.0 * maxslitlength) status = 0 regions = [] try: skyreg = skyreg.split(",") for tt in skyreg: if ":" not in tt: # Poor region definition - it should contain a semi-colon' status = 2 break tts = tt.split(":") regions.append([0 if len(tts[0]) == 0 else int( round((resolution - 1) * float(tts[0]) / 100.0)), resolution if len(tts[1]) == 0 else int( round((resolution - 1) * float(tts[1]) / 100.0)) ]) # Initialise the sky regions - For each slit, generate a mask of size `resolution`. # i.e. the spatial coordinate is sampled by `resolution` elements. skyreg = [np.zeros(resolution, dtype=bool) for all in range(nslits)] # For all regions, set the skyreg mask to True for each region for reg in regions: # Do some checks xmin, xmax = reg[0], reg[1] if xmax < xmin: xmin, xmax = xmax, xmin if xmin < 0: xmin = 0 if xmax > resolution: xmax = resolution # Apply to all slits for sl in range(nslits): skyreg[sl][xmin:xmax] = True except: status = 1 # Return return status, skyreg
[docs] def generate_mask(pypeline, skyreg, slits, slits_left, slits_right, spat_flexure=None): """Generate the mask of sky regions Parameters ---------- pypeline : str Name of the pypeline being used (e.g. MultiSlit, Echelle, IFU, ...) skyreg : list A list of size nslits. Each element contains a numpy array (dtype=bool) where a True value indicates a value that is part of the sky region. slits : :class:`~pypeit.slittrace.SlitTraceSet` Data container with slit trace information slits_left : `numpy.ndarray`_ A 2D array containing the pixel coordinates of the left slit edges slits_right : `numpy.ndarray`_ A 2D array containing the pixel coordinates of the right slit edges resolution: int, optional The percentage regions will be scaled to the specified resolution. The resolution should probably correspond to the number of spatial pixels on the slit. Returns ------- mask : `numpy.ndarray`_ Boolean mask containing sky regions """ # Grab the resolution that was used to generate skyreg resolution = skyreg[0].size # Using the left/right slit edge traces, generate a series of traces that mark the # sky region boundaries in each slit. nreg = 0 # Initialise the sky region traces (this contains *all* sky regions, # regardless of which slit the sky regions falls in) left_edg, righ_edg = np.zeros((slits.nspec, 0)), np.zeros((slits.nspec, 0)) spec_min, spec_max = np.array([]), np.array([]) for sl in range(slits.nslits): # Calculate the slit width diff = slits_right[:, sl] - slits_left[:, sl] # Break up the slit into `resolution` subpixels tmp = np.zeros(resolution+2) tmp[1:-1] = skyreg[sl] # Find all the left and right sky region traces in this slit wl = np.where(tmp[1:] > tmp[:-1])[0] wr = np.where(tmp[1:] < tmp[:-1])[0] # Construct the left/right traces, and store them in the left_edg, right_edg arrays. for rr in range(wl.size): left = slits_left[:, sl] + wl[rr]*diff/(resolution-1.0) righ = slits_left[:, sl] + wr[rr]*diff/(resolution-1.0) left_edg = np.append(left_edg, left[:, np.newaxis], axis=1) righ_edg = np.append(righ_edg, righ[:, np.newaxis], axis=1) nreg += 1 spec_min = np.append(spec_min, slits.specmin[sl]) spec_max = np.append(spec_max, slits.specmax[sl]) # Check if no regions were added if left_edg.shape[1] == 0: return np.zeros((slits.nspec, slits.nspat), dtype=bool) # Now that we have sky region traces, utilise the SlitTraceSet to define the regions. # We will then use the slit_img task to create a mask of the sky regions. slitreg = slittrace.SlitTraceSet(left_edg, righ_edg, pypeline, nspec=slits.nspec, nspat=slits.nspat, specmin=spec_min, specmax=spec_max, binspec=slits.binspec, binspat=slits.binspat, pad=0) # Generate the mask, and return return (slitreg.slit_img(use_spatial=False, flexure=spat_flexure) >= 0).astype(bool)